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Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on September 5, 2012

Panto karo Glosa-pe-

Here is the explanation from Hogben’s book INTERGLOSSA with several examples of his idea on how to use the verboid HABE. (Note that the verboid EQUE has been replaced with ES in modern Glosa.):

Interglossa has 20 verboids of which one, ge, is an operative particle based on gene (473), and one eque (469) stands for the so-called verb be when be links what follows with the subject and an identity or a specification of the class to which it belongs (Roosevelt is the right man ; Victoria was then Queen of England ; elephants are mammals). Otherwise habe (have) does the work of be ; and is the universal copula connecting subject (i.e. topic) and its attribute (he has strength = he is strong).

U domi ; su pre gene gravito ; habe mega palaeo = The house that fell down was very old

Un anthropi ; su pre dicte re ; non habe bio = The man who said so is dead

re habe thermo = it is hot, or literally it has heat

habe sclero = be hard

non habe sclero = be soft

U facte u satio eu inter-natio glossa non habe facilo = It is not easy to construct a satisfactory international language

mu habe eu = those (they) are good

Mu habe iso recipro = They are equal each to each

re habe satio thermo = it is hot enough

Que re habe thermo = Is it hot?

Re habe quo metro de alto = How high is it? (what height has it?) Re habe quo masso = How heavy is it? (what weight has it?)

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HABE vs. ES - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.