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Re: Cisco Kid 33

localhosed ("localhosed" <localhosed@...>) on August 13, 2012

Tu pa tipo - ‘“I knew you were braver than that small slayer of men who ne= ver smiles.

“Mi pa ski; tu habe ma koragi de u-la cide-pe; qi zero-kron= monstra u labia-ridi.

Qe semani ‘small’? Posi ‘debili spiritu’, ‘algo spi= ritu’ alo vice ‘non-alti statura’ ?

Saluta, vale, et cetera, et cetera, ad= infiniti

(Ko ridi)

— In, Gary Miller <gmille= rnd@…> wrote:

"How can I know when he comes?" asked Sandridge. > S= andridge qestio: "Mi fu ski; an veni, per qo mode?"

"When he comes," = said Tonia, "he remains two days, sometimes three. > Tonia dice: "Kron an=  fu veni, an du resta bi di, uno-kron tri.

“Gregorio, the small son of= old Luisa, the /lavendera/, has a swift pony.

“Gregorio, u mikro fili = de no-juve Luisa, u lava-fe, habe u tako, mikro equs.

“I will write a = letter to thee and send it by him, saying how it will be best to come upo= n him.

“Mi fu grafo a tu u grama, e bali id per an; qi deskribe u maxi = boni mode de kine anti an.

“By Gregorio will the letter come.

“Per= Gregorio, u grama fu veni.

“And bring many men with thee, and have mu= ch care, oh, dear red one, for the rattlesnake is not quicker to strike t= han is ‘/El Chivato/,’ as they call him, to send a ball from his /pistola= /.”

“Plus-co fu duce poli polica-an ko tu, e mega kura, O karo rubi-pe,= kausa u serpenti ne es ma tako de morda, de ‘U Kripti-an’– iso mu nomina = an– es de bali u buleta ex manu pafili-me.”

"The Kid's handy with hi= s gun, sure enough," admitted Sandridge, "but when I come for him I shall=  come alone. > Sandridge akorda dice: "U Juve-an es tekno de fusili-me, s= ura.  Anti-co, kron mi fu kine anti an, mi kine solo.

“I’ll get him by= myself or not at all.

“Solo mi fu viole anti an, alo ne fu viole.

= “The Cap wrote one or two things to me that make me want to do the trick= without any help.

“U kapitana pa grafo a mi mono alo bi ra; qi sti; mi= volu akti u-ci ergo minus auxi.

“You let me know when Mr. Kid arrives= , and I’ll do the rest.”

“Tu sti bali info, kron sr. Juve-an kine a ci.= Po-co mi fu akti u resta.”

"I will send you the message by the boy = Gregorio," said the girl. > U gina dice: "Mi fu bali a tu u grama per ju-= an Gregorio.

“I knew you were braver than that small slayer of men who= never smiles.

“Mi pa ski; tu habe ma koragi de u-la cide-pe; qi zero-k= ron monstra u labia-ridi.

“How could I ever have thought I cared for h= im?”

Mi pa doxo per qo mode; mi filo an?”

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Re: Cisco Kid 33 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.