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Cisco Kid 28

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on June 30, 2012

The Kid crept noiselessly to the very edge of the pear thicket and reconnoitred between the leaves of a clump of cactus. > U Juve-an kine minus fono a margina de kaktus densi-lo, e skope dia plu kaktus "folia."

Ten yards from his hiding-place, in the shade of the /jacal/, sat his Tonia calmly plaiting a rawhide lariat. > Deka metra ab kripti-lo in umbra de domi, an Tonia sedi, tem paci plekto u bovi-derma fi-fa.

So far she might surely escape condemnation; women have been known, from time to time, to engage in more mischievous occupations.

A-kron fe sura ne habe etio. Plu gina kron a kron akti plu ma kako ra.

But if all must be told, there is to be added that her head reposed against the broad and comfortable chest of a tall red-and-yellow man, and that his arm was about her, guiding her nimble fingers that required so many lessons at the intricate six-strand plait.

Anti-co, si panto-ra gene deskribe, pe nece dice plus; fe kefa es ge-klina epi u lati e facili-este toraci de alti rubi-e-xanto andro, plus; an braki es peri fe, tem duce fe tekno digi; qi nece tali poli sko de no-facili sixa-fi-fa.

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Cisco Kid 28 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.