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Cisco Kid 27

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on June 9, 2012

As though he were in a circus ring the speckled roan wheeled and danced through the labyrinth of pear until at length his rider knew by certain landmarks that the Lone Wolf Crossing was close at hand. > Homo an sio es topo zoa drama, u rubi-makula equs tropi e kore dia u-la kripti-lo es kaktus, a-kron un equs-pe ski per plu certa boni ge-ski-ra; trans-lo Solo Lupus es proxi.

Then, where the pear was thinner, he caught sight of the grass roof of the /jacal/ and the hackberry tree on the edge of the arroyo.

Po-co, topo plu kaktus es mei densi, an vide u gramini stego de domi e koku dendro topo margina de fluvi-lo.

A few yards farther the Kid stopped the roan and gazed intently through the prickly openings.

Po oligo plus metra, u Juve-an sto; un equs kine; e kura skope dia plu aperi-lo de kaktus.

Then he dismounted, dropped the roan’s reins, and proceeded on foot, stooping and silent, like an Indian.

Po-co an kata, lase plu krati-fi de equs, e kine ad ante per pedi, basi e silento.

The roan, knowing his part, stood still, making no sound.

Un equs; qi ski auto mero, minus-moti sta, tem akti zero fono.

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Cisco Kid 27 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.