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"Fo-Mega Trigono Ptero" - U excite viagia de vola pro Glosa

Localhosed (Localhosed <localhosed@...>) on May 26, 2012

Skope id ci : (“movie” : ge-kine lamina, kinema, skuta?)

Mi pa face u-ci .. ra. Id habe plu ge-translati verba de Glosa (plu ge-anota verba). Id ne es ge-fini. Qe ali-pe habe plu puta de id? Plus, ali-pe pote tipo sugesti in u ‘youtube’ reti-pagina.


Watch it here : (“movie” : ge-kine lamina, kinema, skuta?)

I made this..thing. It has translated words in Glosa (annotations). It isn’t finished. Does anyone have thoughts about it? Also, anyone can type suggestions in the ‘youtube’ webpage.


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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

"Fo-Mega Trigono Ptero" - U excite viagia de vola pro Glosa - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.