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Localhosed (Localhosed <localhosed@...>) on May 7, 2012

I don’t know what to say other than that you or other people could make suggestions and start discussion of that and maybe keep a document of the proposals in this lists’s files area, since I don’t know who, if anyone, has authority over the GID.

I’ll try to link some of the words you gave with meanings that may be able to include these words, at least english meanings. As to keeping other language dictionaries more or less meaning-matched with any additions to english Centra, that is another important thing to consider, but as for me, I don’t know languages other than english and parts of a few constructed languages.

I’m using Centra only for my comparison here since it seems to be more consistent than Mega GID overall. It’s easier to manage because it is shorter also and seems to have no or few self contradictions, which I also could call excessive ambiguity. I have no great confidence in my criticism at the moment because I can tell that the people who worked on Centra knew more about dictionary making and language than I do right now. So I make tentative suggestions. Though Mega has some conveniences and more greek roots, so it has its uses. I don’t know if Mega has a different ratio of greek to latin roots, after the questionable or old words are not taken into account (x marked words) . I don’t know what the maybe optimal balance of greek to latin roots could be given the composition of target speakers.

I just give these for discussion since I haven’t thought about them for long lengths of time.

physician : add to definition of medika-pe - ( doctor (medical ) )

absence : maybe add to definition of defekti - defect; fault; deficiency; flaw; lack; be lacking ; be missing

activity : maybe add to definition of akti - act; do; behave; accomplish; action; active; commit; deed; does (form of to do); doing (participle of to do); perform; performance; take action; transact

dictator : similar to arki - chief; official (adj); authority; govern; rule (authority)

riches : similar to pluto - rich; resources; wealth

thirsty : in Centra, fami - hunger; hungry and dipso - thirst so, dipso might include thirsty also. Unless other sources contradict for a good reason, or anyone else has thoughts.

simplicity : similar to elementa - element; elementary; primary; simple

simplify : phrase can be made from elementa… maybe face elementa (to make simple) , for passive “simplified” maybe - gene elementa (becomes simple, becomes elementary) . I don’t know Glosa well, I may not be using all accepted rules.

desirable : maybe use mega valu, or some other phrase with valu -

I haven’t read davies and garner’s book. So I’m willing to think the words below might be common, but they don’t seem common to me : amusing, disciple, guardian, oversee, cristal (is it supposed to be crystal, or cristal?) But I may as well consider them anyway. Oversee may be mostly synonymous with ‘manage’ and similar words in GID.

Wikipedia says that a greek root of crystal has to do with ice, I have no idea about latin roots of it. I would like to see this word in the GID, even if only in Mega GID, depending on how often used it could be, and if there are other ways to say it using Centra that aren’t too long. If not, Bill Nye might disapprove of it!

18 step guide lists grandmother, etc. I haven’t found grandparent, but grandmother or grandfather are more accurate. Grandparent might be parenta-parenta, or something less funny.

helper : I wouldn’t add it to auxi, because helper in english can mean help, a helping person, a helping tool, a helping method, it’s a very general and dissolved word, and to me auxi allows for phrases or compound words that include all of those meanings. But the GId could possibly have standard meanings for some helping things, but I hesistate to choose because of the many helping things that there are possible to name. It may be that GID makers deliberately did not include some words in order to keep dictionary size relatively small, which may make it easier to sort through the dictionary if you are new to the language…

However, as to why Centra GID doesn’t include things like ordinal numbers (other than first) or names of numbers like fourteen, or numerals themselves under definitions of numbers like eight, I don’t know. Maybe it was a low priority , or maybe they want to include those separately in the 18 step guide. I admit that I have read the shortened HTML 18 step guide less than the dictionary. But maybe a guide outside the dictionary is necessary to teach the language well.

Some words (like activity) as used in english can be difficult for me to sort out. When english words have uses in adjective, noun, adverb or verb form, a decision needs to be made of which form to use, or mix with others based on popularity or some other reason. As to what reason is the best, I chose before common use “intuitively” and by checking thesaurus and dictionaries. But if a word (like activity) has been so dissolved into multiple meanings, this had made me want to avoid adopting such words into a dictionary at all. A famous example might be english ‘set’ . I like what Centra GID did with this word. If the intention of Glosa is to be a simple language, a larger dictionary may not be more useful, but I can see the usefulness of maybe adding more translations to existing definitions if the definitions of the english words aren’t very loaded with varying meanings.

But the Glosa as it became seems to allow more ambiguous seeming definitions at a first glance, when the parts of speech were partly made undefined and instead were made part of syntax. So that makes it even more diffcult for me to try to adopt new words into the dictionary. It is because I don’t have explicit information about what the maker’s thoughts were in making it as it is now, and no explicit information about the methods they used.

Please let me know what anyone thinks about this. Pusi piro tu u faba de kafa. Po-co, bibe id. Saluta, Vale, Ultima Koku de Bovi

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: GID - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.