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Cisco Kid 19

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on April 1, 2012

While the sunny-haired ornithologist was pursuing his studies the Cisco Kid was also attending to his professional duties.

Tem un heli-kapila avi skience-pe du stude, plus u Cisco Juve-an du kura de auto ergo.

He moodily shot up a saloon in a small cow village on Quintana Creek, killed the town marshal (plugging him neatly in the centre of his tin badge), and then rode away, morose and unsatisfied.

An ko mali atitudi pa destru u bibe-do topo mikro bovi viki topo mikro fluvi Quintana, cide u polica-pe de viki (per tako fusili an dia centra de an insigni ex stani). Po-co an kine ab la, tristi e no-sati.

No true artist is uplifted by shooting an aged man carrying an old-style .38 bulldog.

Zero veri arti-pe gene hedo per fusili u no-juve-pe; qi habe u paleo .38 fusili-me.

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Cisco Kid 19 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.