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Cisco Kid 17

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on March 18, 2012

In his camp by the water hole Lieutenant Sandridge announced and reiterated his intention of either causing the Cisco Kid to nibble the black loam of the Frio country prairies or of haling him before a judge and jury.

Topo an noktu-lo topo hidro-lo, sub-kapitana Sandridge deklara e re-dice an buta de moti u Cisco Juve-an ad-in melano tera de Frio area, alo de bali an a judika-pe e judika grega.

That sounded business-like.

U-la habe u severi fono.

Twice a week he rode over to the Lone Wolf Crossing of the Frio, and directed Tonia’s slim, slightly lemon-tinted fingers among the intricacies of the slowly growing lariata.

Bi kron singu setimana, an viagia a trans-lo Solo Lupus de fluvi Frio, e doci a plu lepto digi ko mikro citrona kroma de Tonia plu mikro-ra de u-la lento kresce fi.

A six-strand plait is hard to learn and easy to teach.

U sixa-fi plekto es no-facili de gene sko, e facili de dona sko.

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Cisco Kid 17 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.