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Cisco Kid 13

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on February 19, 2012

He seemed to illuminate the shadow of the pear when he smiled, as though the sun were rising again.

An feno dona foto ad umbra de kaktus, kron an labia ridi, homo un heli sio itera kine ad ana.

The men she had known had been small and dark.

Plu andro; de qi fe pa gene ski, es mikro e skoto-derma.

Even the Kid, in spite of his achievements, was a stripling no larger than herself, with black, straight hair and a cold, marble face that chilled the noonday.

Klu u Juve-an, anti panto profito, es u mikro homi, ne ma mega de fe, ko melano, rekti kapila e minus-este, feno-lito facia; qi feno sti frigi u meso-di.

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Cisco Kid 13 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.