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Cisco Kid 11

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on February 6, 2012

The old Mexican lay upon a blanket on the grass, already in a stupor from his mescal, and dreaming, perhaps, of the nights when he and Pizarro touched glasses to their New World fortunes– so old his wrinkled face seemed to proclaim him to be.

U no-juve Mexico-pe kumbe epi tegu-te epi gramini, pre narko kausa MESCAL, e sonia posi de plu noktu, kron an e Pizarro dice plu desira de fu-tem okazio topo Neo Munda tem bibe– an ruga facia feno deklara tali an.

And in the door of the /jacal/ stood Tonia.

Ko-co topo porta de domi Tonia sta.

And Lieutenant Sandridge sat in his saddle staring at her like a gannet agape at a sailorman.

Ko-co sub-kapitana Sandridge sedi epi sedi-ru, tem skope fe, homo un avi Morus skope u mari-pe.

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Cisco Kid 11 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.