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Wini-u-Puh mero 2

Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on August 29, 2003

PUH KI TE VISITA ex A. A. Milne (c) Dutton’s Children’s Books

MONITO: Plu /Wini-u-Puh/ bibli habe kopi-privilegi in USA. In USA, translati u PUSI mero pro EDUKA e NE pro valuta ne es anti lega. U lekto-pe debi akti verifi de kopi-privilegi lega de auto natio pre tipo.

Tem ultima semi de ultima hekto-anua, /Wini-u-Puh/ pa gene translati a Latina e ad Esperanto.

[WARNING: The /Winnie-the-Pooh/ books are copyrighted in the USA. In the USA, translating a SMALL part for EDUCATION and NOT for profit is not against the law. The reader should check his own country’s copyright laws before printing it.

During the last half of the last century, /Winnie-the-Pooh/ was translated into Latin and Esperanto.]

Mero 2 de 2

…Kristofer Robin dona kefa sema. “Po-co es solo mo ra pro akti.”–an dice. “Na nece tena atende, a kron tu itera gene tenu.” “Gene tenu nece qo tem?”–Puh dice qestio kon anxio. “Proxi mo setimana–mi fu doxo.” “Anti-co mi ne posi resta ci mo setimana!” “Tu posi resta ci ko sura, fatuo karo Ursus. No-facili es moti tu ex ci.” “Na fu dice lekto a tu.”–Kuni dice kon hedo. “Ko-co mi tena spe; ne fu es nivi.”–an plus dice. “Plus-co mi dice, karo-pe; tu tena mega spaci in mi domi. Qe tu fu este turba, si mi sti uti de tu poste pedi homo seka-te pende-ra? Ex-co mi dice; mu es la tem akti nuli-ra, ko-co pende plu seka-te epi mu fu sio habe fo gru.” “Mo setimana!”–Puh dice ko skoto. “Plus-co qo vora?” “Mi doxo ko simpati: nuli vora”–Kristofer Robin dice–“kausa gene tenu ko ma tako. Anti-co mu fu dice lekto a tu.” Ursus sti u mega spira. Po-co an detekti; an ne posi akti so, ka an es so fo sto-moti. Ko-co u lakrima ki kata oku, tem an dice: “Ko-co qe vi fu dice lekto ex sti-auxi bibli; qi fu dona auxi e konsola a ge-fixa Ursus in mega sto-moti?” Ka-co Kristofer Robin dice lekto ex talo bibli proxi Puh nord mero e Kuni pende lava-ra epi sud mero. Tem-co Ursus este; an gene ma e ma tenu. Kron setimana fini, Kristofer Robin dice:


Ko-co an tena Puh ante pedi e Kuni tena Kristofer Robin e panto Kuni ami e relatio-pe tena Kuni. Panto mu simul trakto… Longi tem Puh simpli dice: “Algo!”…e: “O!”… Po-co, subito, an dice: “Pap!” homo pe apo korka ex botilia. Kristofer Robin e Kuni e panto relatio-pe ki retro, pedi supra kefa…ko-co ge-libe Wini-u-Puh ki epi mu. Ka-co, ko gratia kefa sema ad ami, an dura gresi dia silva tem apis-soni a se. Anti-co Kristofer Robin tena kura pro an kon amo e dice a se: “Fatuo karo Ursus!”

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Wini-u-Puh mero 2 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.