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English, England-lingua

Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on April 9, 2011


It is, in fact, more easy to use ENGLAND LINGUA than ENGLISH. -> Faktu, es ma facili uti ENGLAND LINGUA than ENGLISH.

The rule in Glosa is as much as possible to use the names of countries and languages just as they are spelled in their own countries- or to simply use the name of the country with LINGUA. -> U regula de Glosa es, akorda posi, uti plu nomina de landa e lingua, iso mu es ge-grafo topo auto landa- alo simpli uti u nomina de landa ko LINGUA.

If you say ENGLISH, then you must also say: -> Si pe dice ENGLISH, pe debi plus dice:


Czeska Respublika | Czesky Deutschland | Deutsch Danmark | Dansk Espana | Espanol France | Francais Italia | Italiano Nederland | Nederlands Portugal | Portuges Rosija | Ruskij Suomi | Sumoalainen Sverige | Svensk

…and many more. -> … e poli plus.

Saluta, _ _ /. /\ Gary #

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

English, England-lingua - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.