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Re: Sti

myaleee n ("myaleee n" <myaleee@...>) on February 14, 2011

Karo Sr.Miller Mi senti fo mega penite pro tu plu tristi-ra.:-( Teo sio bon= i-dice tu famili.

We must solve differences by referring to grammar of Wen= dy(18steps) which defines “sti” with examples and to core dict.: sti = switch on; cause; put into gear ; set going ; in= duce; initiate; make (cause); set in motion ; prod; pro= mpt; provoke; quick; reason (n); start (process); stimu= late; turn on

sti kredi convince; persuade sti memo remin= d sti more accustom sti pato infect sti pote enab= le sti ski announce sti vigi arouse; rouse; wake up

Na = nece sti logi u demo u gravi de Glosa. We must make people understand the= importance of Glosa. Tu nece sti vora an. You have to make him eat. Fe p= a sti gresi mi. She made me walk. —- “sti” clearly changes (make,cause)= intran. to trans. verb see mi vigi=3D I wake up, mi sti vigi mi ami=3D I r= ouse my friend. “cerka”=3D search , transitive : mi cerka biblo. “Mu pa sti= kine.” sti + kine=3D cause to move, better expressed : Mu pa sti kine u va= gona=3D they made, caused the car to go; u vagona pa kine(intran.)=3Dthe c= ar ran, moved If we use “sti” otherwise(not in grammar) it’d cause confusio= n. sti is like -igi suffix of espranto.

me pa lekto tu kali translati de n= esia de tesoro e u hetreo-ra; sed place mi ma-amo si tu sio translati plu p= usi nara, alo poema, komo Sr. Niles Aesop nara. Ko amo e penite, myaleee –=

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Re: Sti - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.