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Re: [glosalist] chomsky universal grammar (sydpidd@...) on August 1, 2003

PLU PUTA SEQE CHOMSKY. (universal grammar etc)

Plu avis face plu kako-foni e es ge-agitati. Mo avis face ma kako-foni de plu hetero. U felis pa kapti id! Na habe ci plu koncepti de fobo sed pluso, de tem - “nu fobo” e “fu fobo”.

Mi pa kresce plu brasika. Mo di, mo de plu brasika pa esce ge-tegu ko plu leuko afidi. Sura, pe sio expekti panto de plu hetera fito te es ge-viole e sio es plu victim de plu insekti pluso. Sed no! Nuli de plu hetero fito pa es ge-muta.

Mo di, mi pa lekto ke tem u fito pa ge-viole, id face u kemi materia in plu id celu. U-ci materia du face u fito te repulsa plu viole insekti, pluso, plu de materia libe se ad-in u aero e ge-trakto in per plu hetero fito. U-ci sti singu fito te kresce u eficio de plu-id alexi.

Na habe info qi es pleni de uti a plu cepti-ra, pa mite ab ad u certe tem, “fu fobo”, “nu fobo” and “pa viole”. U tem pa mite es ge-relati ko u tem pa ge-mite. Id es homo na voka “mi fu fobo si …. “, “mi fobo nu”, “ mi pa gene ge-viole” ===== The birds make noises and are agitated’ One bird makes more noise than the others. A cat has captured it. We have here the concepts of fear and also of time - now and future I grew some cabbages. One day, one of the cabbages was covered with white aphids. Surely, one would expect all the others to be attacked and be victims of the insects also. But no! None of the other plants was affected. One day, I read that when a plant is attacked by insects, it makes a chemical in its cells. This chemical makes the plant repel insect attack, also, the chemical is liberated into the air and absorbed by other plants. This stimulates each plant to increase the efficiency of its defences

we have info given out, the info includes time clues, the info is accepted, interpreted and acted upon

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Re: [glosalist] chomsky universal grammar - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.