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Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on November 6, 2010
By giving Glosa a grammar similar to Lojban, you have made it very similar to a language called LOGLAN.
Per dona a Glosa u gramatika homo Lojban, tu face id forti homo u lingua, ge-nomina LOGLAN.
Furthermore, another language called CEQLI uses a similar grammar.
Plus-co un hetero lingua, ge-nomina CEQLI, uti un homo gramatika.
Why should Glosa, Lojban, Loglan, and Ceqli all have the same grammar? Different people like different types of grammar.
Kausa qo Glosa, Lojban, Loglan e Ceqli habe un iso gramatika? Plu difere homi ami plu difere speci de gramatika.
Why can’t ONE language have a grammar like Glosa?
Kausa qo MONO lingua habe u gramatika homo Glosa?
As for the UFO’s, this is a lie.
De plu ne-ge-ski peti ra, u-ci es u falsi.
The Bible says (Matthew 24) that no one– not even Jesus– knows when the world will end.
U Kristo-Bible dice; zero-pe– klu Jesu– ski; kron u geo fu gene fini.
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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »