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Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on February 9, 2010


Boni! Tu nu es in u Glosa-Aku Kompeti.

Tu es koragi kausa translati Shakespeare. Mi este; u-ci es no-facili.

*it is called– es ge-nima ? nima as verb ?

U-ci feno boni. NIMA pote es alo nima-verba alo akti-verba (alo deskribe-verba alo mode-verba…).

*orange(French)–pronounced as in french(oranj) ? What is meaning of reference (frech), is it origin ? *garage (French) –(garaaj) or (garage, hard “g”) ?

Akorda gramatika lega, Glosa habe zero “moli” G iso France lingua. Plu hetero homi pre pa sugesti, u-ci es posi in tali neo-tem verba, u-ci es, plu verba, qi ne origi ex Latino alo Helena lingua.

*po or de po = since

Bi-ci feno es logika. Mi akorda more dice simpli PO. Anti-co fu es ma boni grafo “de-po.”

Saluta, _ _ /. /\ Gary


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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Shakespeare - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.