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Re: [glosalist] Fur Traders of North Dakota

Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on July 20, 2003

At 02:23 AM 7/14/03 -0700, you wrote:


Thanks Gary for the story on Fur Traders. I enjoyed it and look forward to another. I am hoping to write something in Glosa soon.

How can I purchase “18 Steps to Fluency in Euro-Glosa, by Wendy Ashby and Ronald Clark” without going through the internet. And how can you purchase this book in US dollars.


John Braddock

Ko apologi a holo-pe, Mi pa lose u fi de u-ci diskursi, sed nece don un inffo; qi mi habe.

Si tu ne habe u-ci bibli a-nu, bali US$20 a Wendy Ashby to Glosa PO box 18 Richmond Surry TW9 2AU England

U-ci adrese veni ex u kopi de GLOSA 6000; qi mi, plus, sugere pro tu progresi ko Glosa - tem tu reqesta _18 Steps … _. US$20 posi pago pro bi bibli, sed tu pote bali mo reqesta e atend u responde ex Wendy. Ko plu varia de u valu de valuta, mi divina de u preci es eqa de vi.


Robin Gaskell

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] Fur Traders of North Dakota - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.