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Ge-nexu verba

Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on December 24, 2009

Karo Zhenyu–

Nice to hear from you again. I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to write after your computers changed at work.

-> Gluko te itera gene u grama ex tu. Mi pa fobo; tu ne fu posi grafo, po tu plu puta-me topo ergo-lo pa gene muta.

In English, Germanic, and other languages when words are combined, the stress is on the FIRST word. This is, therefore, what one should do in Glosa.

-> In England, plu Germani e plu hetero lingua, kron plu verba gene u nexu, plu forti-soni es de u PROTO verba. Ka-co u-ci es u ra, pe debi akti per Glosa.

Her cow = fe (u) bovi = soni: fe BO-vi. MA KLARI: U bovi de fe… U bovi, fe habe (qi) (Female) cow = u fe-bovi = soni: FE-bo-vi. MA KLARI: U fe-speci bovi Help her = auxi fe = soni: a-U-xi FE (Female) helper = auxi-fe = soni: a-U-xi-fe

The comma shows a pause in this case:

-> U koma-sema monstra u pausa u-ci kaso:

Our students = na plu stude-pe We, the students = na, (PAUSA) plu stude-pe. MA KLARI: Na, qi es plu stude-pe

Yes, these differences are very small. 99% of the time, the context will make the differences clear. Even without the hyphens or word stress, Glosa will usually be understandable.

-> Ja, panto-ci difere es veri mikro. Nona-nona pro-centi de tem, u kontextu (plu proxi verba) fu sti; plu difere es klari. Klu minus plu hifen (mikro-line) e forti verba, Glosa fo-freqe es ge-logi.

_ _ /. /\ Gary


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Ge-nexu verba - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.