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Re: Mi ne pote divina :)

nick_hempshall ("nick_hempshall" <nick_hempshall@...>) on January 24, 2009

Glosa’s more about expressing your meaning clearly than following some rul= es of correctness.

Good to see a post in Glosa. How I might write it:

Mi= habe tet-tri anua e mi eko in Atlanta, Georgia, USA ex mo-ok anua retro. =

Es un Ohio Fluvi en mi nati urba in Indiana sed u-la fluvi ne habe iso ka= li de plu boreo Georgia monti.

Mi ne este volu de kambio mo Georgia ami pr= o hekto Indiana ami.

— In, “shearzar” < herer@…> wrote:

Please, let me know if I have translated any of the fol= lowing incorrectly.

U pa mo ok de mi tet tri anua pa du in Atlanta = Georgia USA. (The past 18 of my 43 years have been in Atlanta Georgia US= A.)

Mi domi urba in Indiana have un Ohio Fluvi, (My home town in = Indiana has the Ohio River,)

sed id ne kali ka u nord Georgia plu mont= i! (but it’s not as pretty as the north Georgia mountains.)

Mi ne= kormeci mo Georgia ami gene mo centi Indiana ami! :-) (I wouldn’t trade = one Georgia friend for 100 Indiana friends! :-)

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Re: Mi ne pote divina :) - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.