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Mondlango is not better than Glosa

shearzar ("shearzar" <ken.scherer@...>) on November 27, 2008

I am still waiting on my 18 steps Glos book. It’s on back order.

Somethin= g funny to share: Out of curiosity, I checked out Mondlango, a revision of= Esperanto.

A few Esperanto articles (one of which calls Mondlango an “an= tecesor del globish”), caused me to think Mondlango is an Adjuvilo-like E= speranto joke.
I spent hours looking in vain for info about He Yafu. Sure= ly, the creator of a language that purportedly has tens of thousands of s= peakers since its creation in 2002 would have his picture Online. Is He Ya= fu an Esperanto pun for “Hey, you fool”?

On, FAQ #20 says= , “Mondlango has realized the dream of ‘one symbol one sound’ both theoret= ically and practically.” Yet, we find on the Alphabet page the comment, “s= emivowels: w y. Semivowels can be combined with vowels to form diphthongs,= such as ay [ai], ey[ei], oy[oi], aw[au], ow[ou].”

Websters New World Col= lege Dictionary 4th Edition says a diphthong is, “a complex vowel sound ma= de by gliding continuously from the position for one vowel to that for ano= ther within the same syllable, as (ou) in down.”

Page two of the Alphab= et on says, “The number of syllables in a word is given by t= he number of vowels.”

Before we even get to Online lesson one, we see tha= t Mondlango comments about one symbol one sound, diphthongs, and one vowel= per syllable are contradictory!

I still haven’t found an auxlang that I= like better than Glosa!! :-)

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Mondlango is not better than Glosa - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.