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Re: [glosalist] Re: Glosa vs IDO etc. (sydpidd@...) on November 18, 2008

………………..the talk of chomski made me think about seagulls - that is a large group of them circling quickly around. the birds are
shreaking loudly. are they warning everybody of danger?

my sentence might be analysised:- that+indic+sing is+info+pres large+mod+info(+sing) group+info+sing them+mod+info+plur(indic+plur) circling(+info+pres) quickly(+mod+info+pres) around(+mod+info+pres). bird+indic+plur shreak+info+pres loud+mod+info. they+indic+plur warn+info+pres+cont everybody+info+plur danger+info+sing =question

in some languages such as slavic ones my additions are replaced by suffixes
but glosa uses word order:- the indic group (indicated) is usually first next is info/pres etc and then the rest of the info

so:- 1)indic= that, 2)info+pres=is, 3) info+simple modifier (large)+ info/sing head indic, info+sing, info

that is th large group of ths bird they d above quick circle .
u-la es u mega grega de plu avi , mu du alti tako ciklo

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] Re: Glosa vs IDO etc. - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.