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John J Foerch (John J Foerch <mebijohn@...>) on November 17, 2007


I just started studying glosa, and I have one comment and one question.

The comment is that I started a ##glosa irc channel on freenode, and I would welcome anyone to come and talk about and/or in glosa there to learn with me.

The question is about the pronunciation of “O”. The tutorial I read contained two conflicting pieces of information–that glosa’s vowels sound like the vowels of Spanish, and that “O” is pronounced like English “AW”. Pronouncing “O” like “AW” seems awkward an unnatural to me. “O”, as in “bone”, is perhaps the simplest vowel sound for humans to make. Does glossa truly lack this sound? Why?

Thank you, John Foerch

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Ave - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.