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Glosa-English Dictionary

Vocabularies: ++ “Core”, + “Basic”, “1” Glosa-1000 list.
Origin: “G” Greek origin, “*” primary lexicon extension, “1*” deviatiion from “1”, “X” to avoid, prefer the lexeme in brackets (=…).
adj adjective, n noun, v verb.
History of modification. Contributors: Wendy Ashby, Paul Bartlett, Ron Clark, Charles Ganson, Robin Gaskell, Nick Hempshall, Gary Miller, William Patterson, Kevin Smith, Marcel Springer. Date: 2013-04-30.
Glosa-English Reti Diktionaria. Ki ad English-Glosa.

a (before consonants without h, else prefer ad) 1++at (location); till; to; towards; up to
a boreo 1northwards
a fini 1++at last; eventually; finally
a kron (=a-kron) 1Xpunctual; till (until); until
a latu 1++aside
a plus info 1+*until further notice
a pluso info (=a plus info) 1Xuntil further notice
a qo-lo? 1+whither?
a- (prefer ne-) G(prefix:) not; not (prefix)
a-kron 1++punctual; till (until); until
a-la 1+thither
a-nu 1++hitherto; yet
ab 1++away; absent; from; missing (not there); off
ab ovofrom start
ab- 1+(prefix:) from; from (prefix); (prefix:) apart; apart (prefix)
ab-flu (or "flu ab") 1+flow down
abandona 1abandon (go away); abandon (give up); abjure; desert (v); leave alone
abandoni (=abandona) Xabandon (give up); abandon (go away); desert (v)
abdomina 1abdomen; belly
abe 1+abbey
Abies 1+fir; fir tree
abili 1++able; ability
abisodeep sea
abjektimean (paltry); mean (not nice)
ablutiwash away
abscisicut off
absenta se 1truant
absoluti 1absolute
absolveabsolve; absolve (from sin or guilt)
absorba (=sorbe) Xsuck in
abstrakti +abstract
academi (=akademi) 1Xacademy
acedesay yes
acendeset alight
acepta (prefer cepti) Xaccept
acepti (prefer cepti)accept
acermaple tree
acerbibitter; sour
acesi +access (right or opportunity); access (entry); access (get)
acide 1++happen; event; circumstance; incident; occur; pass (happen)
aciera 1steel
acikulaneedle; prickle; prickly
ad (before vowels and h, else prefer a) 1++at (location); till; to; towards; up to
ad an 1him
ad e versi 1+to and fro
ad hokad hoc
ad libead lib
ad remto the point
ad- 1+(prefix:) towards; towards (prefix)
ad-in 1++into; inward
adagiograceful; slow
adamanta 1++Gdiamond; very hard
adamanti (=adamanta) Xdiamond; very hard
adapta 1+adapt; fit
adelfa Gsister
adelfo Gbrother
adelo Gunclear
adendaadded things
adeno 1acorn; gland
adeofarewell; goodbye
adhesi +adhere; adhesive; stick to
adi 1++add
adinamifeeble; weak
adipoanimal fat
adjacelie near; local
adjusta +adjust; adjustment
administraadministrate; manage
admira 1admiration; admire; praise
adokulafix eyes on
adoleskegrow up
adopta 1adopt
adora 1++adore; worship
adorsaput back
adresa 1+address
adresi (=adresa) 1Xaddress
adusti (=busti, prefer piro) Xburn (v); scorch
adveni (prefer acide)happen
adverba +adverb
adverbi (=adverba) Xadverb
advertiadvertise; advertisement; refer to
advokacall (v)
advokatoadvocate (n); advocate (v); supporter
aegi (=egi, prefer kapri) GXgoat
aegialo Gshore
aegroto (=egroto, prefer pato) Xill; sick
aeolo Gvaried
aepio (=epio, prefer alti) GXtall
aero 1++Gair; atmosphere
aerodroma 1aerodrome
aeroplana 1++aeroplane; airplane
aeroplano (=aeroplana) Xaeroplane; airplane
aeroporto (=aeroportu) Xairport
aeroportu +airport
aeska Gfood
aeskio Gbe ashamed
aeskulushorse chestnut
aestu (=estu, prefer termo) GXfervor; fervour; heat; passion
aetrio (=etrio) GXbright
afaire (=afera, French) Xbusiness
afekta (=afekti) Xaffect; pretend
afekti 1+affect; affection; be fond of ; loving; pretend
afektio (=afekti) Xbe fond of
afektuoso (=afekti) Xloving
afera (French) 1business
afia Gtouching
afidi Gaphid; greenfly
afinirelated by marriage
aflucrowd (v)
afno Gwealth
afro 1+Gfoam; froth; scum; suds
agalmo Gornament
agamo Gunmarried
agano Ggentle
Agarikus 1mushroom
agata Ggood
agati Gagate
age (=ago, prefer duce) Xdrive; lead
agenda 1Gagenda; program
agenti 1++Gagent
agita 1+agitate; stir; stir up
aglao Gbeautiful
aglutinastick together
agmo Gfracture
agno 1lamb
ago (prefer duce) 1+drive; lead
agoge Gtraining
agoni 1+Gagony; contest
agora Gmarket place; square (public)
-agra Gsudden pain
agravaworsen; make worse
agregamass together
agresi 1attack; violate
agri 1++field; countryside; meadowland
agri-do 1farm-house
agri-lo 1++farm
agri-pe 1++farmer; agricultural labourer
plu agri-zoa 1++cattle
agrikultura 1++agriculture
agrio 1++wild; savage
agronomi Gagronomy
agrosti (=grasti, prefer gra) GXgrass
agueriinure to war
ailuro Gcat
aito Gburnt brown
akademi *1+Gacademy
akalifa Gnettle
akanta 1Gthorn; spine
akaris Gmite
akazio Gsharp
akidi 1++acid; sour; acute
akiniberry; grape
akme Gpoint
ako Gremedy
akomodaadapt; adjust
akorda 1++according to; agree; accord; acknowledge; consent; harmonize; league; match (v); treaty; unanimous; undertake; uphold
akro 1++Gtop (highest point); climax; end; peak; point (sharp); summit; tip (top)
akro-digi 1+tiptoe
akrobata (=akrobati) Xacrobat
akrobati 1+Gacrobat
akti 1++act; do; behave; accomplish; action; active; commit; deed; does (form of to do); doing (participle of to do); perform; performance; take action; transact
plu akti 1+manners
akti ma boni de 1++excel
akti mali 1++insult; offence; offend; offense
akti rapidi 1hurry; make haste
akti-verba 1+verb
akti-verbi (=akti-verba) Xverb
aktivi 1++active; busy; brisk
aktivi pro 1enthusiastic
aku 1++nail; needle; pin; prick (v); splinter; tack
aku lito 1+crag
akuleasting; thorn
akusa +accuse
akusti 1Ghear; acoustic; acoustical; acoustics; listen; hark
akuto 1++sharp; sharpen; shrill; acid ("sharp" taste); sour ("sharp" taste)
ala 1wing
ala-ana 1soar
alago Gexchange
alakribrisk; crisp; eager; keen
alanto Gsausage
alba (=albi, prefer leuko) 1Xwhite
albi (prefer leuko) 1white
album 1+album
alegro 1++cheerful; jolly; merry
alektrio Gcock
aleli (=alelo) 1XGeach other
alelo 1++Geach other; mutual
aleto Gtrue
aleuro Gflour
alexi 1++Gdefence; defend; defense; guard; look after; protect; protective; safeguard; watch over
alexi grega 1patrol
alexi ki ko 1escort
alexi-baci 1bumper
alexi-digi 1thimble
alexi-grega 1garrison
alexi-kefa-ve 1+helmet
alexi-pe 1Gsentry
alexi-ve 1Gapron; overalls; protective clothing
alfa Galpha
alfa-beta +Galphabet
alfabeti (=alfa-beta) 1XGalphabet
alfito Gbarley flour
alga Galga
algesia Gfeeling
(-)algia Gpain
algido Gcold
algo 1++Gpain; ache; -algia; grief; hurt; painful; sore; suffering
algo soni 1+groan; moan
algo-voci 1+whine
ali 1++any (whatever); whatever (any)
ali kron 1++ever (at any time); any time
ali-kron 1++whenever
ali-lo 1++anywhere; wherever (adverb)
ali-mode 1++anyhow (anyway); anyway (anyhow); however (adverb, =in whatever way)
ali-pe 1++anyone (whoever); whoever (anyone)
ali-ra 1++anything (of every item you care to choose); whatever; whichever
aliaother things
aliena 1alien; foreign; strange
aligatora 1alligator
alimenta 1feed; food; nourish
Alium 1Ggarlic
alkoholi 1++alcohol; spirit (alcohol)
alkovaalcove; recess (alcove)
almo Galms
alnusalder tree
alo 1++or; alternative; either
alo ... alo 1++either ... or
plu alo di 1every other day
alo-medika 1complimentary medicine
Aloda 1lark
alopecia (prefer vulpes) Gfox
alora 1+in that case ; therefore
alotropi Gallotrope
Alt klaviAlt key (computer)
alteo Gcure
alterka 1quarrel; argue; discuss; dispute
alterna 1++alternate; although; else
alti 1++altitude; high; aloft; height; lofty; tall
alti an-voka 1tenor
alti landa 1moor; upland
alti-lo 1+pulpit
alti-sonihigh sound
altitudi (take alti) Xaltitude
altruismo Galtruism
alvepit; trough
alveolacavity (small)
amari 1bitter; harsh
amasa (=kumu, masi) Xamass
amaso (=kumu, masi) Xcrowd; mass
ambasadora 1++ambassador
ambi (alternative: pan or bi) 1+both
ambi- 1+(prefix:) both; both (prefix)
ambienta 1+environment; atmosphere; setting (environment)
ambitiaction rage; moving around perimeter
amblio Gblunt (not sharp); dull (not sharp); dull (not strong)
ambra Gamber
ambrosia Gambrosia
ambroto Gimmortal
ambula 1++amble; stroll; walk; walking
amen 1amen
amfi (prefer ambi, or pan, bi) Gboth
amfi- G(prefix:) both sides; both sides (prefix)
amfibio Gamphibious
amfiteatra Gamphitheatre
amfora Gjar
ami 1++friend; amiable; comrade; friendly; kind (friendly); lovable; warm (friendly)
amigda 1+Galmond
amika (prefer ami) Xfriendly
amila 1+Gstarch; meal
amnesi Gforget
amnistream (n)
amnio 1sheep; ewe
amo 1++love; like (love); affection; approve; approval; kindness; mercy; warm (friendly)
amo (=sili) GXsand
amo-pe 1+amateur
amoebo Gchanging
amorfo 1++Gclod; lump; shapeless
ampelo Gvine (plant)
amplexi 1+embrace; clasp (v); comprise
ampula 1bottle; flask
amusa 1++amuse; amusement; entertain; funny
amusa-ra 1++entertainment
an 1++Ghe; him; his; male; masculine
an- 1++G(prefix:) male; male (prefix)
an- (prefer ne-) 1G(prefix:) not; not (prefix); un-
an-anseri 1gander
an-bovi 1bull (ox); ox
an-Cervus 1+buck (n); stag
an-duka 1duke
an-elefa 1bull (elephant)
an-fili 1++son
an-galina 1++cockerel; rooster
an-iso Gunequal
an-kani 1dog (male)
an-maestro 1master (artist)
an-ovi 1ram
an-princa (=an-prince) 1Xprince
an-prince 1+prince
an-regi 1++king
an-sibi 1++brother
an-sponsa 1++husband
an-vidua 1widower
ana 1++Gupwards; rise (go up); up
ana e kata de mari 1+tide
ana kata 1upside down
ana- 1+G(prefix:) upwards; upwards (prefix)
anaerobi Ganaerobe
anagrama Ganagram
anakrono Ganachronous
analfabeti Gilliterate
analgesia Ganalgesia
analisi Ganalyse
analogi Ganalogy; analog; analogue; analogous
Ananas 1+pineapple
anarki Ganarchy
anas 1++duck (animal)
anas-ki 1waddle
anastasia Gresurrection
anatema Ganathema
anatola Geast
anatomi Ganatomy
ancestra 1ancestor
andanterather slow
andro 1++Gman; gentleman; husband
plu andro 1men
andro patri 1father-in-law
androgina Ghermaphrodite
aneimo Gnaked
anekdota Ganecdote
anemo 1Gwind (air)
anestesia Gnot feeling
angeli 1++Gangel; messenger
angio Gbox; vessel
Anglo (=English) 1XEnglish
angula 1angle; corner; vertex
angusti 1narrow
anhelogasp; pant
anhidro Gwithout water
anigo Gopen (adj); open (v); opened
anima 1+soul; spirit (soul); mind (n)
animala (prefer zoa) 1animal; beast
animali (=animala, prefer zoa) 1Xanimal; beast
aniversari +anniversary
ankilo Gcrooked
ankira Ganchor
ankistro Ghook; fish-hook; fishing-hook
anko Gchoke
ankora 1++still (yet); yet
ankora (=ankira) 1XGanchor
anomalo Ganomalous
anonimo Ganonymous
ansera (=Anseri) Xgoose
Anseri 1+goose
antagoni Gantagonize
antarktika 1antarctic
ante 1++ahead; before (place); fore; front; in front
ante meso-di (=pre meso-di) 1Xa. m.; AM; am (time); ante meridiem; before noon
ante- 1+(prefix:) before (place); before (place)(prefix); (prefix:) front; front (prefix)
ante-kamerawaiting room
antemeridia (prefer pre meso-di)a. m.; AM; am (time); ante meridiem; before noon
antena 1+antenna; feeler
anterofront; in front
anti 1++Gagainst; although; despite; hinder; hostile; in spite of; oppose; though; versus
anti- 1+G(prefix:) against; against (prefix)
anti-aqa 1waterproof
anti-aqa-te 1tarpaulin
anti-co 1++although; but; however (=although it was so); nevertheless; though
anti-ergo 1++lazy
anti-fobo 1brave; courage; valiant
anti-grega 1opposition party
anti-krati 1++rebel; revolt; treason
anti-lega 1++illegal; crime; criminal (adj)
anti-lega-pe 1criminal (n)
anti-pe 1++enemy; foe; opponent
antiqa 1old-fashioned
antiqi 1ancient
anto (prefer flori) 1Gbloom; flower
antologi Ganthology
antonima Gantonym
antraki 1Gcoal
antro (prefer kaverno or kavita) Gcave; cavity
antropo 1+Ghuman being; human race; mankind
antropoida Ganthropoid
anua 1++year; annual; yearly
anula 1circle; circular; ring (circular band)
anunci (=nunci) 1Xannounce; publish
anuncia (=nunci) 1Xannounce
anxio 1++anxiety; anxious; fret; fuss; haggard; uneasiness; uneasy
aorta Gaorta
aparata (prefer ru/instrumenta)apparatus; tackle (n)
aparatu (=aparatu, prefer ru/instrumenta) Xapparatus; tackle (n)
apare 1appear
apartamenta +apartment; flat (apartment)
apendici 1appendix
aperi 1++open (adj); open (v)
aperi u fenestraopen a window (also computer)
aperi unio 1open a meeting
apeti 1appetite; desire
apetiti 1+appetite
api (=apis) 1Xbee
Api soni (=apis soni) 1Xhum
api-do (=apis-do) 1Xhive
apika (prefer akro)apex; top (highest point)
apis 1++bee
apis soni 1*hum
apis-do 1hive
Apium 1celery
aplane Gfixed
aplaude (prefer lauda)applaud
aplika 1+apply
apo 1++Gapart; away; remove; delete (computer); erase; pull out; skim; snatch away; subtract; take away; tear out; un-; whisk
apo algo 1relief (lessening of pain)
apo trika-pe 1barber
apo- 1+G(prefix:) away; away (prefix); (prefix:) remove; remove (prefix)
Apodida 1+swift (bird)
apologi 1+Gapologize
apoplexi 1Gstroke
apostasi Gapostate
apostola 1Gapostle
apostrofi Gapostrophize
apreci 1+appreciate
apri (=aperi) Xopen (adj); open (v)
apri u fenestra (=aperi u fenestra) Xopen a window (also computer)
Aprili (prefer meno tetra) 1April
aprobaapproval; approve
apsi Gknot; node
aqa 1++water (n); irrigate; liquid; soak; water (v); wet
aqa (prefer liqi) 1liquid
aqa botilia 1water-bottle
aqa tera 1marsh
aqa-kade 1+cataract; waterfall
aqa-landa 1swamp
aqa-va 1+cistern; pitcher; tank; watering-can
aqarelaaquarelle; water-color; water-colour
aqila 1+eagle
ara 1+plough; plow; arable
Arakis 1+peanut
arakna (=arakni) GXspider
arakni 1+Gspider
arakni-reti 1+spider-web
arane (=arakni-reti) 1Xspider-web
aranea-reti (=arakni-reti) 1Xspider-web
arbitrajudge (v)
arbori 1tree
arca 1++arch (archway); archway
arde 1burn (v); burning
arde minus flama (=piro minus flama) 1Xsmoulder
ardenta 1keen
ardi (=arde) 1Xburn (v)
arduovery difficult
area 1++area; domain; pitch; plot (ground); region
area de landa 1tract
arena 1++sand; arena
areo Gthin
argenti 1++silver
argila 1clay; mud
argili (=argila) 1Xclay; mud
argiro Gsilver
argu 1argue; discuss; dispute
argumenta +argument
arguto (prefer akuto)shrill
aridry (v)
aridi 1arid; dry
aridi-lo (prefer sika-lo)desert (waterless land)
aristabeard of corn
aristo Gbest
aristo-pearistocrat; nobleman
ariteno Gladle-shaped
aritme 1Gnumber; figure (numeral); count
aritmetika 1Garithmetic
arivaarrival; arrive
arka 1ark
arka 1+arc (of circle, maths); bow (n)
arkeo (prefer paleo) 1ancient
arkeo- (prefer paleo-) G(prefix:) ancient; ancient (prefix)
arki 1++Gchief; official (adj); authority; govern; rule (authority)
arki episkopa 1Garchbishop
arki tekti (=arkitekto) 1GXarchitect
arki- 1+G(prefix:) rule (authority); rule (authority)(prefix)
arkio Gnet; toils
arkitekto *Garchitect
arko (=arki) 1GXofficial (adj)
arkti Gbear (animal)
arktika 1Garctic
arma 1++arm (v); weapon; armor; armour; arms
arme 1++army
aroga 1++arrogant; arrogance; haughty; haughtiness; vain
aroganta (=aroga) Xarrogant
aroma 1+Garoma; odor; odour; smell
arteri Gartery
arti 1++art; ability; capable; skill
arti-pe 1+artist; expert (n)
artikla 1++article
artikulaarticulate; speak clearly
artikula (prefer artri) 1joint; juncture
artisti (=arti-pe) 1Xartist
arto 1Gbread
artri 1++Gjoint; juncture
asbolo Gsoot
aserti +assert; assertive
Asia venti 1monsoon
asila (=asilu) 1XGasylum; harbor; harbour; haven; refuge; safe place; shelter
asilu 1++Gasylum; harbor; harbour; haven; port (harbour); refuge; safe place; shelter
asimetri Gasymmetry
asini (=asinus) 1Xass (animal); donkey
asinu (=asinus) Xass (animal); donkey
asinus 1+ass (animal); donkey
aska 1Gbag; purse; sack
aski (=aska) GXbag
asko (=aska) 1GXbag; purse; sack
askolta (Italian, take audi) Xlisten
asocia 1++associate; ally (v); ally (state); ally (person); association; partner
aspekti (=aspekto) Xaspect
aspekto 1+aspect; semblance
asperi 1+rough; coarse; gross; harsh; rugged
aspi 1shield (n); folding screen
aspro Gwhite
astakus Gcrayfish
Astarte GAstarte (Phoenician goddess of love)
asteni Gweak
astibo Guntrodden
astma 1+Gasthma; pant; panting
astorgo Gcruel
astrape Glightning
astringedraw together
astro 1++Gstar
asulachip; splinter
asume 1+assume
asura (=sura) 1Xassure; certain; confidence; confident
ataxia Gdisorder
ateisti Gatheist
atekno Gunskillful
atele Gdefect
atenda (=atende) 1Xawait; delay; wait; waiting
atende 1++wait; await; delay; expect; hope; waiting
atende kon entusibe looking forward to
atende-ka 1+waiting room
atentio 1care; careful
atentoattend; attendance; attention
atenuamake thinner
atero Gear of corn
atifo Gmodest
atikto Gundone
atimo Gfaint-hearted
atitude 1+attitude; character (nature); disposition; mood; nature (characteristics); temper; temperament
atitudi (=atitude) 1Xattitude; character (nature); disposition; mood; nature (characteristics); temper; temperament
atizelo Gfrightful
atlas 1atlas
atle Gcontest
atleti 1+Gathlete
atmeto Guncut
atmo 1Gvapor; air
atmosferi 1+Gatmosphere
atomi +Gatom
atoni Gslack
atopia Gabsurdity
atrakti +attract; attractive
atramentablack fluid; ink
atrapo Groad; way (road)
atresto Gbold; fearless
atri 1++court; hall; courtyard; classroom; entrance (hall); hallway; lecture room; yard
atri (prefer kavita) 1cavity
atributi +attribute; ascribe
atrio (=atri) 1Xcourt; hall; courtyard; classroom; entrance (hall); hallway; lecture room; yard
atriu (=atri) 1Xcourt; hall
atro 1+black
atro-rubi 1dark-red
atrofi Gstarved
audaci 1++dare; daring; venture
audacio (=audaci) Xdaring
audi 1++hear; listen; hark
audi-abili 1+aloud; audible; audibly
audi-mespeaker (loud-speaker); loud-speaker
plu audi-pe 1audience
auge 1increase; grow; rise
auge (take lampa, lumi or radia) GXshine
auguri Gaugur; soothsay
Augusta (prefer meno okto) 1August
augusto (=Augusta, prefer meno okto) XAugust
aulichannel; pipe
aureo 1gold; golden
auri 1ear
auro (=aureo, prefer kriso) 1Xgold; golden
aurora 1+dawn
auskulta (Italian, take audi) Xlisten
auspicidivine (v)
austeriaustere; harsh
austra 1+Gsouth; southern
austro (=austra) 1GXsouth
autarki Gself-rule
auto 1++Gown (self); self; herself; himself; itself; myself; ourselves; themselves; yourself
auto lauda (=auto-lauda) 1Xhaughty; pride; proud; vanity
auto strata (=auto-strata) Xhighway
auto- 1+G(prefix:) self; self (prefix); (prefix:) own; own (prefix)
auto-didakti Gself-taught
auto-etio 1shame; guilt
auto-kritici 1++conscience
auto-kritiki (=auto-kritici) Xconscience
auto-kura 1self-interested
auto-lauda 1++haughty; pride; proud; vanity
auto-veto 1shy
autokrati Gbossy
automati 1++Gautomatic; self-acting
autonomi Gautonomous; autonomy; self-rule
autori +Gauthor
autoriti Gauthority
autorizi Gauthorize
autumna 1autumn; fall (autumn)
auxi 1++help; advantage; aid; assist; grow (something); helpful
auxi-demo 1Gally (state)
auxi-pe 1ally (person)
auximo (=auxi) Xhelp; grow (something)
avalanca 1avalanche
avanti 1++forward; advance; ahead; forth; move forward ; forwards; onwards; pro
avari 1+greedy; avid; covetous; eager; stingy
ave 1+hail; hello; hullo
Avena 1+oat; oats; porridge
Avena farina 1oat-meal
aventura 1+adventure
averasay something is true
avergoniaput to shame
averteturn away from
avi 1++bird
avidi 1avid; covetous; eager; greedy
axi 1+axis; axle
axioma Gaxiom
azale Gdry; parched
azigo Gunpaired
azimo (take minus zima) GXwithout yeast
azo Gnitrogen (N)
azur 1blue
babax Gchatterer
babi 1++baby
babi bovi (=babi-bovi) 1Xcalf
babi-bovi 1calf
babi-gresi 1toddle
babi-kli 1+cot; cradle
babi-vago (=babi-vagona) 1Xpram
babi-vagona 1*pram
baburo Gsilly
baci 1++Gbar; baton; rod; staff (rod); stick (baton)
bacilus 1+bacillus; germ
badisti Ggoer; walker
baeno Ggo; walk
baeo (prefer pusi) Glittle; scanty; small; tiny
baetigo Gleech
bagage (French)baggage
bagatelabagatelle; trifle
bagoa Geunuch
baia 1++bay; creek
baka 1+berry
bakteria +bacteria
baktrocane (stick); stick (cane)
bakulastaff (rod); stick (cane)
balano Gacorn
bale (=balet) 1Xballet
balena Gwhale
bali 1++Gthrow; accelerate; cast (throw); dash (throw); fling; hurl; launch; post (send); send; toss
bali ab 1++dismiss; dispose
bali e-postasend e-mail
bali ex 1++banish; expel
bali ex landa 1++exile
bali peri 1+broadcast; sprinkle
bali plu grama 1dispatch
bali se 1dash (go violently)
bali se a(d) 1pounce (up)on; fly at; rush at
bali-arma 1sling
balio Gdappled
balkoni 1+balcony
balno +Gbath; bathe
balotatoss about
balucigold dust
baluna 1++balloon
bambu 1bamboo
banalibanal; trite
banana 1++banana
banda 1++band; band (strip); bandage; ribbon; strip (band); tape
banda-te 1sash
bandage 1bandage; dressing (bandage)
bang 1bang
banka 1++bank (money)
banka-bileta 1+bank note
bapti 1++Gbaptize; dip
baptiza (=bapti) GXbaptize
bara +bar (tavern)
barage (French) 1++barrage; dam (barrier)
baratro Gabyss; gulf
barba 1++beard; whisker
barbaro 1+barbarous
bari 1+Gheavy; important; grave (serious); impressive; massive
barila 1barrel
bario (=bari) 1GXheavy; massive
barira 1+barrier; handicap
barkaboat (small)
baro 1+Gpress (v); lean on; pressure; weigh
baroni 1baron
basaltibasalt; igneous rock
basanista Ginvestigator
basano Gtouchstone
basi 1++Ggrounds; reason (n); base; basis; found (v); proof
basi-ka 1+basement
basidium Gpedestal
basili Gking
basilika Gpalace
baskulaweigh; swing
baso 1bottom; ground; on the ground ; base; basis; foundation; low; lower (v); soil
basta (prefer sati)enough; stop! (enough!)
bastante (=basta, prefer sati) Xenough; stop! (enough!)
bastonastaff (rod); stick (cane)
batabat (n, bat and ball)
batalo Ganus; hind part
bate 1++bat; batter; beat; beating; hit; knock; smite; strike (hit); thrash (beat)
bate manu 1+clap hands
bate-tem 1innings
bateri 1+battery; utensils
bati Gwalk; walking
bati (=bato) 1GXdeep (distance)
batimentobeating; throb
batmo Gstep
bato 1++Gdeep (distance); depth (distance); batho-
bato Gray (fish); ray-fish; skate (fish)
bauko Gaffected; prude
baxi Grumor; rumour; saying
bazar 1+bazaar
bdela Gleech
bdelikto Gabominable
bdolo Gstench
beativery happy
bebro Gstupid
bek (=beka) Xbeak; peck; spout
beka 1++beak; peck; spout
beko (=beka) Xbeak; peck; spout
belemno Gdart
ben ge-ski 1++familiar
ben! 1+well!
ben-venite (=bene-veni) Xwelcome
benca 1++bench; bank (long seat); long seat
bene 1+good; well (good)
bene dice (=bene-dice) 1Xbless
bene- 1(prefix:) good; good (prefix); (prefix:) well (good); well (good)(prefix)
bene-dice +bless
bene-facedo good
bene-veni 1++welcome
bento 1+Gbottom (sea); depth; ground; foot (lowest part); sea bottom
benzina 1++benzine; gasoline; petrol
beqadronatural (music)
besbola 1baseball
Beta 1+beet
betona 1++concrete
betona-armatoreinforced concrete
betoni (=betona) Xconcrete
Betula 1+birch; birch tree
bi 1++two; both; double
bi (after noun) 1++second (ordinal)
u bi 1++pair
bi bibli 1the 2 books
bi kron 1++twice
bi sekti 1divide into two
bi setimana 1+fortnight
bi- 1+(prefix:) two; two (prefix)
bi-bi 1twenty-two
bi-ci bibli 1++these two books; both books
bi-ciklo 1++bicycle
bi-divide 1even (number)
bi-gamebigamy; two-marriages
bi-gami (=bi-game) Xbigamy; two-marriages
bi-kolora *two-colored
bi-koloro (=bi-kolora) Xtwo-colored
bi-la bibli 1++those two books
u bi-numera 1even number
bi-partatwo-party (having two parts)
bi-parti (=bi-parta) Xtwo-party (having two parts)
bi-rota 1bicycle
bi-ze 1+twenty
bibe 1++drink (v)
bibe-do 1tavern
bibe-ma 1+drink (n); beverage
bibe-va 1+beaker; mug (beaker); tumbler
biberobaby bottle
bibli 1++Gbook
bibli-do 1++library
bibliolatri Gbibliolatry
biblioteka Glibrary
bibulogiven to drinking
bicikla (=bi-ciklo) Xbicycle
biciklo (=bi-ciklo) Xbicycle
bielaconnecting rod
bikoloro (=bi-kolora) Xtwo-colored
bikrobillionth part
bikto Gbluster; swell (v)
bilbill in law
bileta 1++ticket
bilibile; anger; angry
bin- (prefer bi-)(prefix:) two; two (prefix)
binapair (two)
bio 1++Glife; living; vital
bio-genesi Gbio-genesis
bio-grafo Gbiography
bio-logi Gbiology
bio-ra 1being (n); creature; organism
biologisti Gbiologist
bira 1++ale; beer
birota (=bi-rota, prefer bi-ciklo) 1Xbicycle
bisencore; twice
bis-kokta (=biskokta) Xbiscuit; wafer
biskokta 1+biscuit; cookie; cracker (biscuit); wafer
bisma Gplug
biso Gthread
Bisona 1+buffalo
bito Gsea-depths
bitumino 1++tar
blada 1++blade; knife; dagger
blanci (=blanka, prefer leuko) 1Xbleach; whiten
blandibland; soft
blanka 1white
blasfema Gblaspheme
blasma Gblame (v)
blasto 1+Gbud; cocoon; germinate; outbreak
blasto-tem 1++spring (season); springtime
Blatus 1+cockroach
blefaro Geyelid
blema Gcoverlet; glance; look
bleno Gmucus
blepo Glook; see (look)
bleps Geyesight
blesa Glisp; stammer
bloka 1++block; obstruct; writing pad
blonda 1++blond; fair
blu 1+blue
blu-rubi 1+purple
blusa 1+blouse
-bo (short affix form of boteka) 1shop
bobina +reel; spool; wind on
boiabuoy; keep afloat
bola 1++ball; sphere; throw (n); stroke (n)
bola se 1crouch
boleta (=buleta) Xbullet
bolu (=bola) 1GXball
bomba 1++bomb; shell (bomb)
bombasti 1++boast
bombobuzz; boom
bonbon +bonbon; candy; sweet (n)
bonetabonnet; cap
boni 1++good; bonny; fine (good); respectable; well (good)
boni di 1good afternoon
boni fortuna 1++luck
boni mana 1good morning
boni merka 1bargain
boni vespera 1good evening
boni-fortuna 1++fortunate; fortunately; lucky
boni-sani 1welfare
bonifortuna (=boni fortuna) Xluck; lucky
borbora Gdirty
borborigma Gstomach rumble
borda (prefer margina)border
boreo 1+Gnorth; northern
boreo pola 1north pole
boreo-me 1compass; magnetic needle
boskobush; wood (bushes)
bostriko Gcurl
bota +boot; bootee
botani Gherb; plant (n)
botaniza Gbotanize
boteka 1++boutique; shop
boteka-saka 1shopping bag
botilia 1++bottle; flask
botina (=bota) Xboot; bootee
botrio Gbunch of grapes
botro Gpit (of fruit); sucker
botuli Gsausage
boulion (French)bouillon
bovi 1++beef; cow; bovine; ox
bovi-sperma 1*semen (ox)
boxa +box (v)
bradi 1Gslow; sluggish
bragadoci 1boast
braki 1++Garm
braki (take brevi) GXshort
braki hedra (=braki-hedra) 1GXarm chair; easy chair
braki-artri 1+Gelbow
braki-gono 1elbow
braki-hedra 1Garm chair; easy chair
braki-ve 1+sleeve
branki 1+Ggills
brasalive coals
brasika 1+cabbage
bravabrave (v)
bravo 1+bravo; gallant
bravuradaring brilliance
bregma Gfront of head
breka Gmoisten
brev iti 1errand
brevetainvention; patent
brevi 1++short; abbreviate; abbreviation; brief
brevi digi 1++thumb
brevi grafo 1essay
brevi somni 1+nap
brevi sopo 1nap
brevi tem 1++temporary
brevi-kika 1dribble
brida 1bridle
brikaroar; bellow
brika 1++brick
brilianta +brilliant
brimomake angry sounds
brio 1Gmoss (plant)
brio 1+Gswell (v); bulge; swollen; noise (loud); abound; teem
brizo Gnod
brocura +brochure; pamphlet
broda 1+embroider
brokabrocade (v)
broko Gnoose; snare
broma Gfood
bromo Gstink
bronki (=bronko) GXwind-pipe
bronko Gwind-pipe
bronto 1++Gthunder; explode
bronzabronze (v)
brosa 1++brush; broom; scrub; sweep
(longi) brosa 1+broom
broto Ggnawed
brumawinter; wintry
bruno 1++brown; scorch; tan
bruska (French, prefer krudi)blunt (rude); rude
bruta 1+brute; bully; gruff; rough; stupid
bruti (=bruta) Xbrute; bully; gruff; rough; stupid
bu 1Gox; bull
bu- Ghuge; monstrous
bu-tiri (=butiri) 1Xbutter
Bubo 1+owl
bucinahorn (music); trumpet
budget +budget
budo 1sulk
Bufo 1+toad
bufona 1+buffoon; clown
buka 1++cheek; cheeks; mouth
buklacurl (of hair)
bulbo 1++bulb
buleta 1++bullet
buletin (=buletina) Xbulletin
buletina 1+bulletin
buli 1++boil; bubble
buli-va 1++cooking-pot; kettle; saucepan
bulima Ghunger
bumasta Gbig breasts
bumpa 1bump
buna (=buno) 1GXhill; mound; mountain
bungalo 1bungalow
buno 1++Ghill; mound; mountain
buranonsense; trifle
burgesa (=burgeso) Xbourgeois
burgeso 1+bourgeois; citizen
burgo 1borough
burlajest; joke
burleskacomical; droll
buro 1++bureau; office; desk
buro-pe 1++clerk; office worker
bursa 1++purse; exchange (stock); wallet (for money)
bus 1++bus; omnibus
bus sto-lo 1+bus stop
busa (=bus) 1Xbus
busti 1+burn (v); ablaze; alight
buta 1++aim; purpose; butt; goal; intention; object (purpose); score; target; task
buta-lo 1destination
butalis Gnightingale
butiri 1++Gbutter
butiro (=butiri) GXbutter
butona 1++button; knob (button); pimple
buz 1+buzz
cakali 1jackal
cako 1chess
campiona 1++champion
carma 1++charm; charming
carta 1++chart; map; diagram; graph
casa 1++chase (hunt); hunt; hunting; pursue
casa gresi 1+prowl
casa-kani 1hound
casa-pe 1hunter
cecidi Ggall
cecilo (=ceko, prefer no-vide) Xblind
cede 1++cede; yield (give way); yield (cease opposition); abandon (give up); cease opposition; give up; give way; go (cede); retire; surrender; withdraw; do without
cef (=cefa) 1Xchief; main; major; master; principal
cefa 1++chief; employer; main; major; master; patron; principal
cefa servi-pe 1butler
cefa vora 1++dinner
cek (=ceka) Xcheque
ceka 1++cheque
ceko 1blind; choked up
cela 1conceal; hide
cele 1+conceal; heaven; sky
celebra 1++celebrate; acclaim; party (celebrate)
celera 1quick; hurry; swift (quick); speed
celofana 1cellophane
celu 1++cell (living); cell (prison)
cementa 1++cement
cenadinner; supper
cense Gtake census
cent anua (=hekto anua) 1Xcentury
centi 1++cent; hundredth; hundred (prefer hekto, take centi for hundredth!)
centi (=hekto) 1Xhundred
centimetra +centimeter; centimetre
centipedi (=hektopedi) Xcentipede
centra 1++Gcenter; central; centre; centric; centrical; hub
Cepa 1++onion
cepti 1++receive; accept; adopt; pick up; take in; take up
cera (=ceru) Xbeeswax
cerami (=kerami) Xceramic; clay; earthenware
cerasuscherry tree
cerauno Gthunder and lightning
cere (=cereali) 1Xcereal
cereali 1+cereal; cereals; corn (cereal)
cerebra 1+brain; mental; mind (n)
ceremoni 1ceremony; rite
ceresi 1+cherry
cerka 1++search; grope; quest; look for; seek
cerka e vicefind and replace (computer function)
cerka panto-ra 1ransack
cerne (=discerni) Xdiscern; sift (discern)
cernudroop; nod
cero (=ceru) 1Xwax
certa 1++certain; a certain ; sure
certifi 1+certificate; certify
certifika (=certifi) 1Xcertificate; certify
ceru 1++wax; beeswax
cerule 1sky blue; blue; celestial; heavenly
cerulea (=cerule) 1Xblue; heavenly; celestial
ceruminaear wax
cervika 1+neck; throat
Cervus 1+deer; hart; stag
Ceta 1+whale
ceteraothers (the other); the others
ci 1++here
ci e la 1about (as in 'jump about')
ciano 1++Gblue; cyanic (blue); sky blue; celestial; heavenly
ciela 1sky; atmosphere; heaven
cide 1++kill; murder; slay
cieko 1dazzle
cigara 1+cigar
cigareta 1++cigarette
cigareti (=cigareta) Xcigarette
cigni 1+swan; cygnet
cikatrika (=cikatri) Xscar
cikla (=ciklo) 1XGcircle; circular; cycle; wheel
ciklo 1++Gcycle; wheel; circle; circular
ciklo-viagia 1tour
cikloni 1+Ghurricane
cikoni (=Cikonia) Xstork
Cikonia 1+stork
cilia 1+eyelash
cilindri (=kilindra) 1Xcylinder
cimibedbug; bed-bug; bug (bedbug)
cina navi 1junk
cinema (=kinema) Xcinema; motion picture theater; movie theater
cinera 1++ash; ashes; cinder; gray; grey
cinktura (prefer zona)belt; girdle; zone
cinqe (=penta) Xfive
cip 1microchip
ciri (=ciru) Xcurl
cirka 1++circa; about; about (location); around
cirku (=cirka) 1Xaround
cirku-sta (=cirkumsta) 1Xcircumstance
cirkuito 1circuit; network; walk around
cirkula (prefer ciklo)circle; circular
cirkulati 1++traffic
cirkulatio (=cirkulati) Xtraffic
cirkum- (prefer peri-)(prefix:) around; around (prefix)
cirkumferago around
cirkumferentia 1circumference
cirkumjacecircumjacent; lie around
cirkumskribecircumscribe; limit (v); restrict
cirkumspektcaution; wary
cirkumsta 1+circumstance
cirkumvalaenclose in rampart
cirkus 1circus
ciru 1++curl; ringlet
cis- +(prefix:) on this side; on this side (prefix); (prefix:) this side; this side (prefix); (prefix:) here; here (prefix)
cisela 1+chisel; engrave
cisora (=cisori) 1Xscissors
cisori 1++scissors; shear
cistachest (storage); box
cita 1+quote; urge
citiswift (quick)
citro 1+citrus; lemon
citronada 1+lemonade
citru (=citro) Xcitrus; lemon
civi 1++citizen
civili 1++civil; polite; courteous; courtesy; meek; mercy
civili-an 1gentleman
civili-fe 1lady
civiliza 1++civilization; civilize
civismogood citizenship
civita 1++city; town
-co (Italian. Only in compounds!) 1++the just said
cokolat (=cokolata) Xchocolate
cokolata 1++chocolate
conversa (=konversa) 1Xconverse; talk
d-d-dice 1+stammer
D3 1tuesday
D4 1Wednesday
D5 1thursday
D6 1Friday
dado Gtorch
daga 1++dagger; stab
dakno 1Gbite
dakrio Gtear (eye)
dakti (=didakti) 1GXteach
daktiladate (fruit)
daktili 1Gfinger; toe
dalero Gburning heat
dama 1lady
dama 1++Gsubdue; tame
damaskadamask (v)
damna (prefer noku)damage; harm; hurt; injure
damni (=damna, prefer noku) 1Xhurt; injure
dapedo Glevel floor
dapi Gfeast
dapido Gcarpet; rug
dapsili Gabundant
dapto Ggnaw
darda 1+dart
dasi Ghairy; dasy
data 1+data; detail; information
data basidata base
datu 1++date (day)
Daukus 1+carrot
de 1++about; belong; concerning; from; in relation to; of; of (concerning); with regard to ; relating to; 's (genitive marker); than
ma ... de 1more ... than ; -er (comparative) ... than
de Deo 1divine
de faktode facto
de qi 1whose; of whom ; of which
de- 1+(prefix:) in relation to; in relation to (prefix)
debate 1+debate; discuss
debati (=debate) 1Xdebate; discus
debi 1++ought to; should; debt; duty; obligation; ought; owe
debili 1++feeble; weak
debito 1+debt; owe
debutedebut; make debut
decide 1++decide; decision; determine; determination; judge (v); resolve; settle
decimali 1++decimal
decipulasnare; trap
deduce +deduce; infer; inference
defekti 1++defect; fault; deficiency; flaw; lack; be lacking ; be missing
defendedefence; defend; defense
defi 1++challenge; defy
defici (=defekti) Xlack; deficiency
defini 1+define; definite
deflu (prefer ab-flu)flow down
degma Gbite; sting
deiko 1Gindicate; show (v); signal (v)
deikto (=deiko) 1GXindicate; show (v)
deino 1++terrible; frightful; shock; terror
dejektideject; dispirited
dek-anua +decade
deka 1++ten
deka horo 1ten o'clock
dekade 1+decay
Dekembra (prefer meno mo-bi)December
deklara 1++declare; announce; declaration; deem
deklivislope down
deko 1++decent; seemly; adequate; appropriate; apt; fitting (adj); proper
dekomposi 1+decompose; rot
dekora 1+decorate; beautiful
delega (=delegati) Xdelegate
delegati 1+delegate
delekta 1++delight
delfi Gwomb
delfini Gdolphin
delibera 1ponder; weigh (in mind)
delicio 1delicious
delika (=delikate) 1Xdelicate
delikate 1++delicate; dainty
delikati (=delikate) Xdainty; delicate
delikato (=delikate) Xdainty; delicate
delinqedelinquency; delinquent; break law
deliriocrazy; mad
delo Gclear (evident); evident
deltariver delta
deluvi (=diluvi) Xdeluge; flood
dema Gliving body
demanda 1++demand; ask for; charge; order (demand)
demande (=demanda) 1Xdemand
dementiademented; insanity
Demeter GDemeter (goddess of agriculture)
demi (=semi) Xhalf
demo 1++Gpeople; folk; population
demo doxo 1+Greputation
demolidemolish; wreck
demoni Gdemon; evil spirit
demonstra 1+demonstrate; prove
demoraremain; stay
dendro 1++Gtree
dendro (take xilo) GXwood (substance)
dendro grupa 1+grove
dendro-via 1avenue
denioraremain; stay
densi 1++condense; dense; thick (dense)
densi-lo 1++bush (thicket); thicket
denti 1++tooth; grin
plu denti 1teeth
denti-rota-fa 1gear
denti-ru 1rake
dentili 1pad-saw
dentisti 1+dentist
denudadenude; lay bare
denunci +denounce
deo (prefer teo)god
Deo (prefer Teo) 1God
departimenta 1department
depilaremove hair
deplora +deplore
depositideposit; put in safe place
depravamake evil
deprekadisapprove of
depresidepress (make sad); make sad
deputa 1+depute; deputy
dereliktaderelict; abandoned
deridederide; laugh at
deriva 1derive; come from; be obtained
derma 1++Gskin; hide (skin); leather; peel
derma-fi 1+strap
dero Gtear (pull apart)
describe (=deskribe) 1Xdescribe
deserta 1desert (waterless land); wilderness
designa 1++design
desira 1++desire; wish
deska 1+desk
deskribe 1++describe; description
deskribe-verba 1+adjective
deskribe-verbi (=deskribe-verba) Xadjective
desmo 1+bind; bond; join (connection)
desola 1+desolate; devastate
destina 1+destine for; doom
destru 1++destroy; destruction
detailadetail; retail
detekti 1++detect; find; discover; discovery; expose; scout
deterioraget worse
determinafix exactly
detraktilessen value
detritu 1bits rubbed off; rubbish; rubble
deutero 1+Gsecond (ordinal)
Deutsch (pronounce "doytch") 1German
devaludevalue; devaluation; lessen value
devastadevastate; devastation; destroy utterly
developo 1+develop
deveni 1become; come to be; turn (into)
devolvedevolve; pass to
devoraeat rapidly
devotidevote; give wholly
dextro 1++Gright (hand); right hand; right-hand
dextro mus butonaright mouse button
di 1++day; daily
di bi 1+Monday; on Monday
Di bi (=di bi) 1Xon Monday
di hexa (prefer di sixa)Friday
di kli 1++couch
di mo 1+Sunday; on Sunday
di penta 1+Thursday; on Thursday
di septi (=di seti) XSaturday
di seti 1+Saturday; on Saturday
di six (=di sixa) 1XFriday
di sixa 1+Friday; on Friday
di tetra 1+Wednesday; on Wednesday
di tri 1+Tuesday; on Tuesday
di-bibli 1diary
dia 1++Gthrough; thru; across; via
dia- 1+G(prefix:) through; through (prefix)
dia-via 1thouroughfare
diabola (=diaboli) 1Xdevil
diaboli 1++Gdevil; diabolical
diabolo (=diaboli) GXdevil
diafano 1Gtranslucent; transparent
diafragma Gdiaphragm
diagnosi Gdiagnose
diagona Gdiagonal
diagrama 1+Gdiagram
diala (=diali) 1Xdial
dialekta 1+Gdialect
dialekti (=dialekta) GXdialect
diali 1+dial; face (of watch); indicator; pointer
dialisi Gdialysis
dialoga Gdialogue
diametri Gdiameter
diarea Gdiarrhea
diari 1diary
dic u stori 1recount; relate
dice 1++say; speak; tell; assert; declare; narrate; remark; speach; speech; talk; utter (speak)
dice de 1++describe; discuss; mention
dice klari 1express
dice mali 1++insult
dice penite 1++apologize
dice pusi 1+gossip
dice veri 1be right
dice-pe 1+speaker
dice-ra 1++speech; statement
didakti 1Gteach; education; instruction; teaching
didimo Gtesticle; twin
difere 1++differ; difference; different
diferentia (take difere) Xdifference
dificile +difficult; difficulty; hardship
difidediffident; distrustful
difusi 1++broadcast; diffuse; scatter; spread
difusi-me 1broadcasting station ; transmitter (radio)
digesti 1+digest (collection); digest (digestion)
digi 1++finger; toe; digital
digi ungu 1toenail
digi-juga 1+knuckle
digita (prefer digi)finger; toe
digni 1++dignity; worthy
dikta 1+dictate
diktio 1Gnet; mesh; network; web
dilatedilate; widen
diluti 1+dilute
diluvi 1+deluge; flood
diluvia (=diluvi) Xdeluge; flood
dimensio 1+dimension; measurement; size (measurements)
diminu (prefer minu)diminish; decrease; lessen
dina 1++Gforce; compel; might (power); oblige; power; power (engine or computer); powerful; strength; vigor; vigour
dina (take meso-di vora) Xdine
dina-me 1+engine; motor
dinami (=dina) GXpowerful
dinamo (prefer dina) Gcompel; force; might (power); oblige; power; powerful
diorama Gdiorama
diplo 1++Gdouble
diplomati +Gdiplomat
dipso 1++Gthirst
diptera 1++Gfly (insect)
direkti 1++direct; direction; guide
dirigi (=direkti) Xdirect; guide
dis Gbad; ill
dis- (prefer kako-) G(prefix:) bad; bad (prefix); (prefix:) dys-; dys- (prefix)
dis- (take ab-) X(prefix:) apart; apart (prefix)
disapunktadisappoint; disappointment
discernidiscern; sift (discern)
disci 1++learn; study
disci-pe 1++pupil (learner)
disciplina 1+discipline
diside +dissident
disipa 1++waste (use without good purpose); squander
diski (=disci) 1Xlearn; study
disko 1++Gdisc; dish (plate); disk; plate; record (disc)
formati u diskoformat a disk
disko alexi-radisk guard (by computer disk)
disko-me 1disc drive
diskonto 1discount; diminution; rebate; reduction
diskursi 1+discourse; formal speech
diskusi 1++conference; discussion; discuss; talk
diskusio (=diskusi) 1Xdiscussion
dislexia Gdyslexia
dispepsia Gindigestion
disperge (=dispersa, prefer difusi) Xscatter
dispersa (prefer difusi or spora)scatter
disposi 1dispose; arrange; adjust
dispositi (=disposi) Xdispose
disputa 1++dispute; quarrel; argue; conflict; quarrelsome; row (dispute); squabble; strife
dista 1+distant; far; be distant ; distance; distant; far away; remote
distiladistil; distill; distillation; give drops
distribu 1++distribute; deal (cards); distribution
disturba (=turba) Xdisturb
diti 1dive; sink; submerge
divi 1++bet; wager
divi-pe 1better (n, betting person)
divid a bi 1halve
divide 1++divide; division; fissure; schism; separate (v); share (v); split
divina 1++guess; prophesy
divina (take divi) 1Xbet
divorci 1+divorce
dizel 1diesel
-do 1house; building
doci 1++teach; instruct; profess (teach); train (v)
doci-pe 1++teacher; tutor
doci-programatutorial (computer)
docilidocile; teachable
dogma Gdogma
doktrina (prefer doci)teaching; doctrine
dokumenta +document; file (document); file (computer)
doliko (prefer longi) 1Glong (adj)
dolo (prefer algo) 1ache; pain
dolora (prefer algo)grief
doma (=domi) 1Xhome; house
domi 1++house; building; domestic; home
domi e peri-lo 1premises
domi pedi-ve 1slipper
domi penta 1fifth house
domi tet 1fourth house
domi-carta 1house-plan
domi-te 1bed linen; tablecloth; table-cover
domi-zoa 1+pet (animal)
domina 1+dominate; subdue
dominio 1+domain; field (one's); territory
dona 1++give; award; deliver (give); extra; furnish; grant; render (give); spare; supply
dona ergo 1engage
dona hedo 1please (give pleasure)
dona medika-ma 1+dispense
dona nati 1hatch
dona sati 1satisfy
dona se 1devote
dona semani 1+Ginterpret
dona sito a 1++feed
dona sko 1teach
dona termo 1heat (v); warm (v)
dona versi 1give back; return (give back)
dora (=doro) GXgift
dormi 1sleep
doro 1++Ggift; present; present (gift)
doro a pove-pe 1+alms
dorsa 1++back (n); dorsal; ass (buttocks); bottom; buttock; buttocks; hind (back); rump; rear (n)
dorsa denti 1molar
dovacask stave
doxo 1++Gopinion; be of the opinion
dra 1act
drakini (=drako) GXdragon
drako 1+Gdragon
drama 1extricate; redeem (from pawn)
drama 1+Gact (theatre); drama; play (drama)
drama-an 1++actor (male)
drama-do 1+theatre
drama-fe 1++actress
drama-pe 1++actor
drepani Gsickle
dri Goak
dromo 1++Grun; race (competition); gallop; scamper
droso Gdew
du 1++continue (-ing); -ing (continuous tense)
du- (take bi-) X(prefix:) two; two (prefix)
dubi 1++doubt; hesitate
dubita (=dubito, prefer dubi) 1Xdoubt; hesitate
dubito (prefer dubi)doubt
duca (French, =dusca) Xshower (bath)
duce 1++lead; priority; conduct; drive; guidance; guide
duce ab 1take along
duce versi 1bring back; take back
duce-do 1town hall; city hall
duce-fe 1mistress
duce-paginahomepage (internet)
duce-pe 1++leader; director; manager; pilot
duela 1duel
dulc-odoro-ma 1incense
dulce 1+sweet; agreeable; gentle; gentleness; nice; soft; softness; sweetness; tender; tenderness
dulo 1++Gslave; servant
dupli (=diplo, or take bi) 1Xdouble
dura 1++continue; still (continue); abiding; constant; continuous; durable; endure; hard (lasting); last (v); lasting; lasting (hard); permanent; persist; tough
dura algo 1ache
dura derma 1rind
dura disko 1hard disc
dura disko-mehard drive (computer)
dura feru 1++steel
dura fonta 1resource
dura kine 1fidget
dura muta 1variable
dura skope 1gaze
dura tenta 1+persevere
dura turba 1pester
dura vive 1++survive
durante (=duranto, prefer tem) Xduring; for (during); in (during); while (temporal)
duranto (prefer tem) 1during; for (during); in (during); while (temporal)
dusca (French) 1++shower (bath)
e 1++and
e- (short form of elektro or elektroni)(prefix:) e- (electric, electronic); e- (electric, electronic)
e- (take ex-) X(prefix:) out from; out from (prefix)
e-posta 1+e-mail; email
ebria 1drunk; drunkard
ebrio (=ebria) 1Xdrunk; drunkard
ebuliebulient; ebulition; bubble out
edaceedacious; voracious
edafi (=edafo) GXsoil
edafo 1Gsoil
edi (=edo) Xeat
editora 1++editor
edo 1eat; dine; devour
eduka 1++educate; education; educational; learning
efekti 1++effect (n); effect (v)
efektuaeffectuate; effectual; bring about
efemera Gshort-lived
eficie 1+efficient
efusieffuse; effusion; pour out
egi (prefer kapri) Ggoat
egialo Gshore
egilo Ggoat-herb
ego (prefer mi)I
egoismoselfish; selfishness
egotisti 1++selfish
egroto (prefer pato)ill; sick
eido Gshape
eikon Gimage
ejektieject; throw out
ek- (take ex-) GX(prefix:) out from; out from (prefix)
eke !behold !
ekiguoscanty; small
ekino Gbristly
eklekti Geclectic
eklesia 1+Gchurch
eklesia-pe 1vicar
eklipsa 1+Geclipse
eko 1++Gdwell; live (dwell); address; dwelling; household; inhabit; reside
eko (take resoni) 1GXecho
eko-do 1home; hostel
eko-fe 1housewife; housekeeper
eko-lo 1++Ghome; address; lodging; lodgings; tenement
eko-pe 1Gtenant
eko-preci 1++rent (n)
ekoiki (take resoni) GXechoic
ekonomi 1++Geconomy; economic; thrift
ekstasi Gecstasy
ekto Goutside
ekto- (prefer extra-) G(prefix:) outside; outside (prefix)
ekumenika Gworld-wide
elaeo Goil
elasti 1++Gcoil (spring); elastic; spring (coil)
elefa 1++Gelephant
elefa-denti 1ivory
elefanta (=elefa) GXelephant
eleganta (=eleganti) Xelegant; trim (adj)
eleganti 1+elegant; trim (adj)
elekti 1++elect; choose; appoint; ballot; choice; election; pick (chose); select; selection
elekti ali-ra 1random
elektro 1++Gelectric; electricity
elektroni +Gelectron; electronic; electronics
elementa 1++element; elementary; primary; simple
eleutero 1Gfree
elipsi Gellipse
elite (French)elite
elitro Gcover; sheath
elixir Gelixir
elo Gmarsh
eludeavoid; dodge
emaciamake thin
email 1enamel
emanacome from
emancipaset free ; emancipate
embio Glong-lived
embolo Gthrow in; wedge
embrio Gembryo
emfasi 1+Gaccent; emphasize
emisisend out
emotio 1++emotion; expression
en- (take in-) X(prefix:) in; in (prefix)
enalio Gsea-
enantio 1Gopposite
endo (prefer intra) Ginside
endo- (prefer intra-) G(prefix:) inside; inside (prefix)
enea (prefer nona) Gnine
energi 1++Genergy
English 1+English
enigma 1++Genigma; puzzle; riddle; problem
enkefa 1Gbrain
enkefali (=enkefa, prefer cerebra) GXbrain
enkima Gtissue (botanic)
enkontra (=inkontra) Xmeet (by chance); meeting (by chance)
enormo 1enormous
ensemble (French) +ensemble; set (n); totality
entero 1+Ggut; intestine
enti 1being (n)
entomo (take insekti) GXinsect
entreprise 1enterprise; task
entusi +Genthuse; enthusiastic
enunciaset forth
enzima Genzyme
eo 1Gdawn; morning
eolo Gvarying
eosino Grosy dawn
epeiro Gmainland
epi 1++Gon; onto; upon
epi landa 1+ashore
epi navi 1aboard
epi tabla 1on the table
epi- 1+(prefix:) on; on (prefix); epi-
epi-navi 1embark
epidemi Gepidemic
epilogi Gepilogue
epio Gtall
episkopa 1+Gbishop; overseer
episkopi (=episkopa) GXbishop; overseer
episodi Gepisode
epistemo Gknowledge
epistola 1Gletter (mail)
epoka Gepoch
eqa 1++equal; equality; be (equal); is (equals)
eqanimaequanimity; even-tempered
eqatora 1equator
eqilibra (=eqilibri, prefer libra) Xbalance
eqilibri (prefer libra) 1balance
eqilibrio (=eqilibri, prefer libra) Xbalance
eqipa +equip
Equs 1++horse
Equs-do 1+stable (n)
equs-sedi 1+saddle
equs-voci 1neigh
erektierect; set up
eremita 1+Ghermit
eremo +Glonely
ergo 1++Gwork (n); work (v); business; job; labor; labour; occupation; on watch (ship)
ergo-gania +earn; wages
ergo-lo 1workroom; workshop; repair shop; studio (workroom)
ergo-ma 1++fuel
ergo-mensa 1++desk
ergo-mowork station (desk)
ergo-pe 1worker
plu ergo-pe 1++staff (workers)
ericiabristle (v)
Erika 1+Gheather
Erinaca 1hedgehog
Erinaceus (=Erinaca) Xhedgehog
erio Gwool
eritro 1Gred
ero 1++error; mistake; blunder; err; mis-; wrongdoing
eroti Gerotic; eroticism; physical love; love (physical)
eruptierupt; burst out
es 1++be; am; are; is; there is/are; 's (short for is); 're (short for are); 'm (short for am); being (participle of to be); find oneself (in a place)
es de 1belong to
es la 1++attend; be present; presence; exist
es sati 1be enough
esce 1+become; get (become)
eskato Gultimate
eskulentoesculent; edible
eso (prefer intra) Ginside; within
eso- (prefer intra-) G(prefix:) within; within (prefix)
esofago Gesophagus; oesophagus; gullet
esoterik Ginner
espio 1++spy
esqadra 1squadron
est 1++east
establi 1++establish
este 1++Gfeel; conscious; consciousness; esthetic; perceive; sense
este de akti uno-ra 1+feel like doing something
este etio 1+Gashamed
este fobo 1++Gafraid
estiva 1summer
estra Gfrenzy; gadfly
estu (prefer termo) Gfervor; fervour; heat; passion
estua (=estuari, take golfo) 1Xestuary
estuari 1estuary
estufasimmer; stew
et cetera 1+etc.
etagefloor; storey
eteri Gether
etiko Gcustoms (ethical); ethical
etimo 1Gtrue; truth
etimologi Getymology
etio 1++Gblame; accusation; cause; guilt; guilty
etno 1Gnation; nationality; race (tribe); tribe
eto 1Gyear
etos +Gbehavior; behaviour; ethos
etrio Gbright
eu 1+Ggood; goodness; well (good)
eu- (prefer boni- or bene-) G(prefix:) good; good (prefix); (prefix:) well (good); well (good)(prefix)
eu-famo 1glorious
eudio Gfine; pure
eufemi Geuphemize
eufoni Geuphony
eukaristi 1Gthanks
eureka 1+Ginvent
euri Gwide
euti Gstraight
eva 1++age; lifetime; period
evanesce (=vanesce) Xvanish
evangeli 1gospel
evapora (take vapo) Xevaporate
eveni (prefer acide)event; happen
evide 1+evident; clear (evident); evidence; obvious
evidenta 1unmistakeable
evita 1++avoid; dodge; shirk; shun
evolexout from
evolve 1++evolve; develop; development
ex 1++out from; by (marker of doer by passive voice); from; out; since
ex Deo 1divine
ex la 1thence
ex ligni 1wooden
ex nu 1from now; hence (from now)
ex qo-lo 1whence
ex- 1+(prefix:) out from; out from (prefix); ex-
ex-ki (=ki ex)leave
ex-kurva 1convex
ex-lo 1+exit
exakti 1++accurate; exact; exactly; precise
examina 1++examine; consider; examination; inspect; interview; investigate; probe; survey; test
exantema Geruption
exasperamake worse
excele 1++excel; excellent
excepti 1+except
excesi 1++excess; excessive; too (in a too high degree); very ((almost) too much)
excita (=excite) Xexcite; exciting; thrill
excite 1++excite; exciting; thrill
excite viagia 1++adventure
exempla 1++example; instance; pattern; sample; specimen
exercise 1++exercise; drill (training); practice; train (practice)
exiguosmall; scanty
existe 1++available; exist; existence; extant
exklama 1exclaim
exklude 1++exclude; exclusive; except
exkogitaexcogitate; think out
exkoriascrape skin off; graze; bark; excoriate
exkresceexcrescence; excrescent; grow out of
exkreti 1+excrete
exkursioexcursion; pleasure trip
exorbitaexorbitant; exorbitance; exorbitancy; be excessive
expande 1++expand; expansion
expande-lo 1++expanse
expedisend away
expekta 1++expect
experi 1++experience (n); experience (v)
experimenta 1++experiment
explika 1++explain; explanation; explicate
explode 1++explode; burst; explosion
explode-ma 1+explosive (material)
explora 1+explore; exploration; travel (for discovery)
expo (short form of expositi)display; exhibit; expo; exposition; fair (exposition)
exporta 1++export
expositidisplay; exhibit; exposition; fair (exposition)
expresi 1++express; expression; utter (speak)
extende 1++extend; spread
extende se 1sprawl
exterminaexterminate; get rid of
extinktiextinct; died out
extra 1++external; beside; out of; outdoor; outdoors; outer; outside; outward; outwardly; outwards
extra domi 1open-air
extra landa 1++abroad
extra piro 1bonfire
extra porta 1outer door
extra- 1+(prefix:) outside; outside (prefix)
extra-fiska 1customs (taxes on goods imported)
extra-lo 1+exterior
extra-ve 1++coat
extraktiextract; pull out
extraordinari 1+extraordinary
extravagaextravagant; behave extravagantly
extremi 1extreme
exuberabe abundant
exuviaskin; slough
(-)fa 1++set (n); bundle; group; bunch; cluster; sheaf
faba 1++bean
fabrika 1fabric; structure
fabulafable; myth; tale
face 1++make; build; commit; construct; execute; forge (v); making; manufacture; produce (make)
face u neo ra 1+invent
face-do 1++factory
faceti 1+funny; witty
-faci (=face) Xmaking
facia 1++face; features; surface
facili 1++easy
facili dromo 1trot
facili kine 1mobile
faeo 1Gbrown
fago 1Geat; devour; partake
fago-ma 1food
Fagus 1+beech; beech tree
faktora 1+factor
faktu 1++fact; factual
fakultafaculty; ability
fali 1++fail; failure
falkofalcon; hawk
falkona (=falko) Xfalcon; hawk
fals akti 1++fraud
falsa (=falsi) Xfalse
falsi 1++false; wrong; cheat; deceit; deceive; dummy; fraud; lie (untruth); mistake; sham; treacherous; untruth
falsi feno 1+disguise
falsi lauda 1+flatter; flattery
falsi-ra 1+deceit
fam (=fami) 1Xhunger
fami 1++hunger; hungry
famili 1++family; familiar
famili nima 1surname
famina 1++famine; hunger; starve
famo 1++fame; famous; noted; prominent (famous); renown; reputation; well-known
fanero 1Gclear (evident); clear (bright); obvious; evident
fantasi 1Gfantasy; phantasy; imagine
fantasma 1+Gghost; phantasm
farcifarce; stuff
farina 1++dust; flour; powder
faringi 1Gpharynx; throat
farmacisti 1Gchemist
farmako Gdrug; medicine
farmako-pe 1pharmacist; chemist (pharmacist); druggist (pharmacist)
faro Glight-house
Fasanus 1+pheasant
fasci (=faski) Xset (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf
fascia (=faski) Xset (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf
fascina 1+fascinate; charm; enchant; tempt
fasi Gphase; aspect
faski (prefer short form fa) 1set (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf
faskia (=faski) Xset (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf
faskina (prefer fascina)fascinate; tempt
fastidio 1+affected; finical; finicking; finicky; finikin
fastigiagive point to
fastopomp; display
fata 1++fate; destiny; lot (destiny)
fatiga 1++bore (tire); fatigue; haggard; tire (v); tired; weary
fatna Gmanger; socket
fatuo 1++absurd; dull (stupid); foolish; silly
fatuo akti 1folly
favo 1++favor; favour; favorable; favourable; on behalf of ; for (in favour of); partial (favoring); privilege
favori (prefer favo)favorable; favourable; favor; favour
favuhoney comb
gene u faxreceive a fax
fe 1++she; her; hers; female; woman
plu fe (take mu though without gender) 1Xthey (female)
fe-bovi 1++cow
fe-bu 1cow
fe-Cervus 1hind (deer)
fe-duka 1duchess
fe-equs 1mare
fe-fili 1++daughter
fe-filia (=fe-fili) 1Xdaughter
fe-galina 1++hen
fe-kani 1dog (female); female dog
fe-Leo 1+lioness
fe-maestro 1mistress
fe-magi 1Gwitch
fe-princa 1+princess
fe-regi 1++queen
fe-sibi 1++sister
fe-sponsa 1++wife
fe-sposa 1bride
fe-sui 1pig (female); sow
fe-vidua 1widow
febri 1++fever
Februari (prefer meno bi) 1February
feci 1faeces; feces; excrement
federa 1federation
feki (=feci) 1Xfaeces; feces; excrement
feli 1++cat; feline
feli-voci 1mew
felici 1+happy; content; pleased
felis (=feli) Xcat; feline
felo 1cork
femispeak; talk
femina 1++female; woman
femora 1+leg (upper); thigh
fenako Gcheat; lie (untruth)
fenestra 1++window; window (computer)
duce fenestramain window (computer)
fengo Glight (n); splendor; splendour
feno 1++Gseem; apparent; appear; appearance; look like (seem)
fenu 1+hay
ferali 1+feral; wild; savage
feri 1++fairy
feria 1++fair (bazaar); holiday; vacation
ferma Gload
fermenta 1+ferment; leaven; yeast
fero 1++carry; bear (carry); convey; transfer; transport
fero ana 1bring up
fero ci 1++bring
fero versi 1fetch
fero-kli 1stretcher
fero-pe 1++carrier; porter
fero-pla 1tray
feroci 1+fierce; savage
fertili 1++fertile; dung (v); fertilize; manure (v); productive
fertili-ma 1fertilizer; dung (n); manure (n)
feru 1++ferrous; iron
feru oxida 1rust
feru-pe 1smith
feru-via 1++railway
feru-via statio 1+railway station
feruvia statio (=feru-via statio) 1Xrailway station
fervebe hot ; fervor; fervour
festa 1++feast; festival; festive; festivity; fete; holiday; party
festi (=festa) 1Xfestival
fetabear young
feti 1stench
(-)fi 1++thread; wire; filament; fiber; fibre; strand; string; strip (of something); yarn
fi-ciklo 1lasso
fi-fa 1+tassel (n); tuft; wick
fi-gira-baci 1spindle
fi-margina 1+fringe
fi-ru 1+string instrument
fi-zo 1+loop; noose; sling
fiance 1fiance
fibri 1++fibre
fide 1++confide; confidence; confident; entrust; faith; fidelity; loyal; loyalty; trust (confide)
fidera (take fide) Xentrust
fido Gstingy
figo Gavoid
figura 1++figure
fik (=face) 1Xmake
fiko Gseaweed
fikti 1++fiction; fictional; form (v); pretend; shape (v)
Fikus 1+fig
fila (take folia) 1GXleaf
filako Gguard
filamenta (prefer short form fi)filament; thread; wire
filemon Gfriendly; loving
fili 1++offspring; daughter (or son); son (or daughter); child (son or daughter)
filia (=fili) 1Xoffspring
filici 1fern
filma 1film
filo 1+Glove; affection; philo-
filo (take folia) GXleaf
filosofi Gphilosophy
filosofo (=filosofi) GXphilosophy
filtra 1++filter
fimbri 1fringe; border
fimbria (=fimbri) Xfringe
financi 1+financial; finance
fini 1++finish; end; abort; aim; complete; conclude; deadline; final; finally; goal; terminate
fini a 1border on
fini-statio 1terminus
fio Gproduce (nature)
fisa 1Gbellows
fisa (prefer buli) 1Gbubble
fisa (prefer fla) 1Gblow (air)
fisalo (=fisa, prefer buli) GXbubble
fisika 1++Gnature; physics
fisio 1+Gcondition (especially physical); physical; physio; nature; state (condition)
fiska 1++fiscal; tax
fiska-pe 1tax-collector
fisu 1++crack (split); fissure; schism; split
fito 1+Gplant (n); phyto-
fixa 1++fix; firm; clasp; record (v); solidify; splint; tight
fixa-baci 1+peg
fixa-ma 1putty
fixa-ra 1buckle (n); paper-clip
fizio (=fisio) 1GXnature; physical
fla 1++blow (air); draught; inflate; puff
fla nasa 1+blow your nose
flabelafan (thing for fresh air)
flaci 1++flaccid; floppy; weak; droop; lax; limp; slack
flagela 1++whip; lash
flagraflagrant; outrageous
flakosmall bottle
flama 1++flame; flare
flama-fero 1+*match (fire); matchstick
flami-fero (=flama-fero) 1Xmatch (fire); matchstick
flapa 1flap
flasc 1++flash; lightning
flavora (=flavoro) 1Xflavor; flavour
flavoro 1++flavor; flavour
flebi Gvein
flegma Gphlegmatic; sluggish
flego Gburn (v)
flexi 1++bend; bend (v); curve (v); flex
flexi disko (=flexi-disko) 1Xfloppy disc
flexi disko-me (=flexi-disko-me) Xfloppy drive (computer)
flexi-disko 1floppy disc; diskette
flexi-disko-mefloppy drive (computer)
fliaka Gfathead
fliro Gnonsense; senseless
flo 1float
flo lento 1+drift
flo-stru 1raft
floeo Gphloem; bark
floka 1+flake; scale (body cover); scale (lose or remove scales)
flori 1++flower; bloom; flourish
flori-fa 1+bouquet; bunch of flowers
flori-va 1flower pot
floxi Gflame
flu 1++flow; current; flood; fluent; fluid; flux; running; stream (v)
'flu 1influenza
flu dice 1speak fluently
flu lento 1ooze
fluidi 1+fluid
fluktu (prefer flu)flood; flow
fluministream (n)
fluvi 1++river
fluvia (=fluvi) Xriver
flux (prefer flu)current; flow
fo(-) (short form of forti) 1++intense; strong; tight (strong); very; vivid
fo ami 1intimate
fo fobo 1terror
fo ge-amo 1popolar
fo mega (or fo-mega) 1vast
fo rubi 1+scarlet
fo tekno 1++brilliant (intelligent)
fo tenta 1try hard; make an effort
fo-amo 1++adoration; enjoy; fond
fo-aqa 1drench
fo-busti 1blaze
fo-filo 1Gadoration
fo-fla 1blast
fo-flu 1+torrent
fo-fortuna 1probable
fo-foto 1+Gbrilliant (light); glare; shine
fo-gravi 1vital
fo-gusta 1+spice
fo-hedo 1radiant
fo-klina 1++steep
fo-kloro 1+Gemerald (colour)
fo-klude 1seal
fo-leva 1heave
fo-mega 1++huge; immense; monster; vast
fo-miso 1loathe
fo-pote 1+talent
fo-puta 1intent
fo-religio 1devout
fo-rubi 1crimson
fo-soni 1++bang (sound); blare; loud
fo-spira 1+gasp
fo-tenta 1++effort; exert
fo-valu 1++precious
fo-venti 1gale
fo-voci 1++scream
fo-volu 1++desire; ambition; appetite; long (v) for; yearn
fobo 1++Gfear; phobia; alarm; dismay; dread; fright; horror
fobo retro 1Gquail
fobo-mira 1startle
fobo-pe 1++Gcoward
fodinamine (coal etc.); pit
fodo Gblister; burn (n)
foebe GPhoebe (moon goddess)
foedifilthy; foul
foka Gseal (zoo)
Fokaena (=fokena) GXphocaena; porpoise
fokalifocal; focus
fokena Gphocaena; porpoise
foku 1+focus; centre; fire
foleo (prefer fora, kaverno or kavita) Gden; cave; hole (den)
foli 1+Gbellows; scale (body cover)
foli-pe 1+fool
folia 1++foliage; leaf
foliage (French, take folia) Xfoliage; leaf
fomentagive heat
fonako Gblood-thirsty
fonda 1++background
fono 1++G-phone; sound (acoustic); aloud; voice
fonta 1++fountain; source; spring (source); well (water)
plu fonta 1human resources
fora 1++hole; bore (hole); drill (v, make holes); leak; perforate; pierce; puncture
mega fora 1abyss
fora-me 1drill (machine)
fora-ru 1++borer; drill (tool)
forado Gfertile
force 1force
foresta 1forest
forita Gsweepings
forma 1++form; shape; forge; mold; mould; sculpture
formali 1++formal
formika 1++ant
formula 1++formula; prescription; recipe
foro (=fero) GXcarry
forta 1+fort
forti (or short form fo) 1++intense; strong; tight (strong); very; vivid
fortuna 1++chance; casual; destiny; fate; fortune; likelihood; luck; probability; random
forum 1market place; square (public)
fosa (=fosi) 1Xcavity; hole; pit
foseta 1dimple
fosi 1++dig; cavity; ditch; hole; moat; pit
fosi (=fusi) 1Xpour
foto 1++Glight (n); light (v); bright; illuminate; photo- (light)
foto detekti-melight detector
foto-grafi (=fotografi) Xphotograph
foto-grafi-me (=fotografi-me) Xcamera (apparatus)
fotografi 1++Gphotograph
fotografi-me 1+camera (apparatus)
fovepit (n)
fragaria 1+strawberry
fragili 1+breaking easily; brittle
fragma 1++Gbarrier; hedge; enclosure (fences); fence; partition
fragma-porta 1stile
fragmentafragment; bit; piece
fragmo (=fragma) 1Xhedge
frakasocrash; smash
frakti 1++break; fracture; interrupt
Français (pronounce "frongsay") 1French
frase 1++Gsentence; phrase; speak
frasi (=frase) GXsentence; phrase; speak
fratri 1+brother
fraudi 1fraud
fraudu (=fraudi) 1Xfraud
fraxinusash tree
frea Gwell (water)
freme (=tremulo) Xtremble
freni (=freno) 1GXmind (n)
freno Gmind (n)
frenu 1brake (v); rein (v)
freqe 1++frequent; often; frequency
frescita (=fresko) Xfreshen
fresko 1++fresh; freshen; ventilation
fria 1++crumble; smash
friabilipowder (v)
frig e no-gluko 1bleak
frigi 1++cold; chill
frigi-me 1refrigerator
frigi-tem 1++winter
frika 1++friction; rub (friction); wipe; graze; scrape
frika Gripple
frika-ru 1*file (tool)
frina Gtoad
frondoleafy branch
fronimosensible; wise
fronta 1++brow (forehead); forehead; front
frontira 1frontier
fru 1+enjoy; enjoyment; have a good time
frukti 1++fruit
frukti horti 1orchard
frumentucorn; grain
frustra 1++frustrate; disappoint; disappointment; disillusion; frustration
frustu 1bit; piece
fu 1++will (future tense); adjourn; future; postpone; shall (future tense); 'll (future tense); be going to (future tense)
fu(-) 1+future (tense)
fu debi 1shall have to
fu ki 1will go
mi fu ki 1I shall go
fu nece 1will have to
fu setimana 1next week
fu-di 1++tomorrow
fu-di noktu 1tomorrow night
fu-noktu 1tomorrow night
fu-tem 1future
fugi 1++flee; escape; run away
fugi ab 1desert (v)
fugi-pe 1fugitive
fulge 1flash; lightning
fulgu (=fulge) 1Xflash; lightning
fulkru 1axle; axis; central point; pivot
fulmina 1thunder
fumi 1++fume; smoke
fumi tubi (=fumi-tubi) 1Xchimney; smokestack
fumi-ma 1+soot
fumi-tubi 1++chimney; smokestack
funda 1++bottom; found (v); base; depth; foot (lowest part); foundation; ground
fune +burial; bury; funeral; funereal
funebriburial; bury; funeral; funereal
fungi (=fungu) 1fungus; mushroom
fungu 1+fungus; mushroom
fungus (prefer fungu)fungus
funktio 1++function; useful; operate; operation; work (have the desired function)
furi 1+fury; furious; anger; wrath
furka 1++fork; branch off; pitchfork
furna 1++oven; bake; furnace; heater; stove
furunkuloboil (medical)
fuselage (French)fuselage
fusi 1++pour; fuse; melt; shed (liquid); smelt (melt); spill
fusi (=(fi-)gira-baci) Xspindle
fusi-va 1jug
fusili 1++gun; shoot; discharge (fire); fire (shoot); rifle
fusili-me 1pistol
fusio 1+fusion
fusta (=fusti) Xshaft; cudgel; club (stick)
fustishaft; cudgel; club (stick)
futilifutile (without meaning); insignificant
futuri 1future
Gadus 1cod
gaia 1+Gearth; earth (living)
gala (take lakti) GXmilk
galakti (take lakti) 1GXmilk
galantecourt; woo
galeno Gcalm
galeri 1+gallery
galina 1++chicken; fowl
plu galina 1poultry
game 1++Gmarry; marriage; wed
game-pe 1spouse
game-ritu 1++wedding
ganglioknot; node
gania +gain; win (gain)
gano Gbright
garage (French)garage
garanti 1+guarantee
garulo 1+chat; chatter
Garulus 1jay
gasi 1++gas; air
gastri (=gastro) Xstomach
gastro 1++Gstomach
gazeta 1newspaper; periodical
gazon (French)lawn
ge Ggot
ge- 1+got (-ed) (participle)
ge-akti 1done (participle of to do)
ge-amo 1loved; popular
ge-audi 1heard (participle of to hear)
ge-bali 1sent (participle of to send)
ge-debito 1due (owed); duly; owed
ge-dona 1given
ge-duce 1led (participle of to lead)
ge-elekti 1chosen
ge-face 1++artificial; made (participle of to make)
u ge-face 1++produce (n)
ge-face ex 1++consist
ge-favo 1++favorite; favourite
ge-fixa tem 1++term
ge-flexi 1++bent; curved
ge-frakti 1++broken
ge-fuma harenga 1kipper
ge-geli pluvi 1hail
ge-grafo 1written
ge-grafo akorda 1++contract
ge-kapti 1caught
ge-klavi 1++closed (locked); shut (closed); locked
ge-klude 1+closed; close (closed)
ge-klude diskolocked disk (computer)
ge-konfesi 1admittedly
ge-kope pedi 1webbed feet
ge-kriso 1gilded
ge-kulti 1cultivated
ge-kura 1ward of court
ge-linqi 1left behind; abandoned
ge-linqi infanta 1waif
ge-lisi 1Gapart
ge-lose 1lost
ge-merka 1bought (participle of to buy)
ge-mixa 1++mixed
ge-monstra 1shown
ge-nati 1++born
ge-noku diskocorrupt disk (computer)
ge-noku infanti 1spoilt child
ge-paga 1paid (participle of to pay)
ge-place 1++content
ge-prende 1taken
ge-produce-ra 1+product
ge-proto 1begun
ge-publika-ra 1++publication
ge-seka dendro 1lumber
ge-ski 1known
ge-spende 1spent (participle of to spend)
ge-sto 1clogged
ge-strepto 1sprained
ge-stru 1build (participle of to build)
ge-stupe 1dazed
ge-tena 1held (participle of to hold); kept (participle of to keep)
ge-tigra 1tabby
ge-tortu genu 1twisted knee
ge-trakto 1drawn (participle, pulled)
ge-turba 1agitated; anxious
ge-uni (=ge-unio) 1Xunited
ge-unio 1united
ge-uti 1+second hand; used (2nd hand)
ge-vendo 1sold (participle of to sell)
ge-vide 1seen
gefira 1Gbridge
gelato 1+ice-cream
gele 1++jelly
geli 1++freeze; ice (v)
gelo (=geli) 1Xfreeze
gelo Glaugh
gema 1++bud; gem; jewel
gema-bo 1+jeweller's shop
gemini 1+twin; twins
gene 1++Gbecome; get (obtain); receive; get (become); get (passive); gets (tense); getting; access (get); accomplish; acquire; come to be; gain; obtain; procure; turn into
gene epi 1Gmount
gene lose 1+stray
gene ma-boni 1++reform
gene nati 1be born ; be hatched
gene ski 1+learn
gene sko 1+learn
gene torti 1buckle (v)
gene versi 1recover
gene vista 1appear
genera 1+Ggenerate
generali 1++Ggeneral; generalize; universal
generali ski 1+general knowledge
generatio 1+Ggeneration
generoso Ggenerous
genesis Ggenesis
geneti 1++Ggenetic; inherit; hereditary
genetla Gbirthday
geniali Gdelightful
genikulatobent (like knee)
genistabroom plant
genita Ggenital
genius 1+Ggenius
geno-cide Ggenocide
gentili 1++gentle; kind; kindly; mild
genu 1++knee; knee-joint
genuflekti +kneel
genuine (prefer veri) Ggenuine
geo 1++Gearth
geo-ma 1ore; mineral
geo-turba 1earth-quake
geografi 1Ggeography
georgi Gfarmer
gerani Ggeranium
geri Gsound (acoustic); voice
gero (=gesta, prefer fero) Xcarry
gero 1Gold age
geronto Gold man
gestabear (carry); bear (behave); carry
geusi 1Gtaste (test)
gialo (take kavita) Ghollow
giga 1+Gmillion million; tremendous
giganti 1+Gbillion (UK); giant; gigantic
gilotina (French)guillotine
gimnasia 1Ggymnasium
gimno 1+Gbare; naked; nude
gina 1++Gwoman; female; gyna-; lady; wife
plu gina 1women
gina patri 1father-in-law
ginglimo Ghinge-joint
ginglismo Gtickle
gingrito Gcackle (geese)
gipso 1++Gchalk; plaster
gira 1++Ggyrate; rotate; whirl; revolve; spin; turn; twirl
gira ludi-ra 1top (spinning toy)
gira-baci 1spindle
gira-venti 1+whirlwind
girafa 1+giraffe
giso (prefer margina) Gborder; hem
gitara 1+guitar
glabro 1++glabrous; smooth
glabro-line 1+*streamline
glaci-buna (=glacia-buna) 1Xiceberg
glacia 1++glacial; ice; icy
glacia-buna 1*iceberg
gladia 1++sword
gladio (=gladia) Xsword
glafiro (take kavita) GXhollow
glamiro Gblear-eyed
glandi 1+gland; acorn
glandu (=glandi) Xacorn; gland
glarea 1+gravel
glauko Gblue-green
glaux Gowl
glebaclod; lump
glena 1+socket; grave
glia (prefer glu) Gglue
glifo Gcarve; engrave
glipto 1Gsculpture
glisdormouse; mouse (especially dormouse)
glisa 1++glide; slip; slide; lapse; skate (on ice); skid; skim
glisa-vagona 1sledge
gliskro Gsticky
globa 1+ball; globe
globo (=globa) Xball; globe
globula 1++bead
glocicluck (hen)
gloea (prefer glu)glue
gloki 1Garrow
glokino Garrow-point
glomeracompact (v); ball (v)
glori 1++glory
glosa 1++Gtongue; lick; language
gloxbeard of wheat
glu 1++glue; lime; stick (glue); size (glue)
gluk odoro (=gluko odoro) 1Xperfume
gluko 1++Gsweet; nice; comfortable; gentle; gentleness; lovely; pleasant; soft; softness; sweetness; tender; tenderness
gluko odoro 1*perfume
gluko xeno 1quaint
gluko-ra 1convenience; comfort (convenience); ease; prosperity
gluma 1+chaff; husk; bract; bran
glutea 1+buttocks; rump
gluti (=gluto) Xgulp; swallow
glutino (prefer glu)glue
gluto 1++gulp; swallow; greedy
glutona 1+glutton
gnata (=gnato, prefer mandibula) 1GXjaw
gnato (prefer mandibula) Gjaw
gnesi (prefer veri) Ggenuine; true
gnifa Gcavity; pit
gno (prefer ski) Gknow
gnofo Gdark (gloomy); gloomy
gnomo Ggnome
gnomono Gindex; judge (person)
gnosia Gwisdom
goeto Ghowl; wail
goleo (prefer fora) Ghole
golf 1golf
golfo 1gulf; estuary
goma (=gumi) 1Xgum
gomfi Gmolar tooth
gomfo Gbolt; nail; peg
gonad Gsex-gland
gonato (prefer genu) Gknee; knee-joint; node
gong 1gong
gongilo Gball; round
gongro Gknot; swelling
gonidio Gasexual spore
gonimo Gfertile; fruitful
gono 1++Gangle; corner; vertex
gorgira Gdrain; sewer
gorgo Gabyss; whirlpool
Gorila 1gorilla
gosipa (prefer kotona) 1Gcotton
gosipi (=gosipa, prefer kotona) GXcotton
gourmand (French)gourmand
gourmet (French)gourmet
governa 1govern; control; manage; rule (authority)
governa-ra 1rudder
gra 1++grass; fodder; lawn; turf
gra landa 1veld
gra-agri 1meadow
gra-lo 1+pasture
graci 1grace
gracili 1+slender; slim
gradu 1++degree; step; at the same time as; grade; pace; stride
graduali +gradual
grafi (=grafo) GXdraw (sketch); sketch (draw); write
grafo 1++Gwrite; draw (sketch); design; script; sketch (draw); writing
grafo de 1describe
grafo-me 1typewriter
grafo-pe 1+author; writer
plu grafo-ra 1stationery
grafo-ru 1++Gpen; pencil
gram-ami 1+pen-friend; pen pal
grama 1++Gletter (mail); missive
plu grama 1correspondence
grama bileta 1+stamp (postage); postage stamp
grama-teka 1Gletter-box
grama-ve 1++envelope
gramatika 1++Ggrammar
gramini (prefer gra) 1grass; lawn; turf
grana 1++grain; corn; seed
grandi 1++grand; magnificent; noble; stately
grandiosograndiose; imposing
granita 1+granite
grasifat (grease); grease; fatty
grasti (prefer gra) Ggrass; fodder
gratascrape; scratch
grati 1++grateful
gratia 1++grace; thank; thanks
gratia de 1thank you for
gratia-ple 1+grateful; thankful
gratia-ra 1+reward
gratioso +graceful
gratis 1+gratis; for nothing; free (of charge); without payment
gratula 1++congratulate
gravi 1++grave (serious); heavy; serious; especially; important; considerable; impressive; massive; solid
gravi mero 1*features
gravi persona 1personage
gravi pro 1++*concern
gravi-ma 1matter
gravi-soni 1thud
gravita 1+gravity; seriousness
grega 1++group; herd; party (team); party (political); crew; flock; gang; swarm; team
grega-volu 1sociable
grego (=grega) 1Xparty (political)
gremibosom; lap (bosom)
gresi 1++walk
gresi baci 1walking stick
gresi in aqa 1+paddle; wade
gresi lento 1trudge
grigray; grey
grilagril; grille; grating (n)
griluscricket (animal)
gripo Gcurved; hooked
grismo Ggrumble
grosi (=grosu) Xbulky; fat; greasy
grosu 1bulky; fat; greasy
Grosula 1+gooseberry
gru 1++fit; adapt; agree; convenient; fitting; fitting (adj); install; mount; proper; property; relevant; set up; suit (v); suitable
grumoclot; lump
gruni 1+grunt
grupa 1batch; group
guarda 1++guard
guastaspoil; waste (ravage)
guisamanner; way (manner)
gulfa (=golfo) 1Xgulf; estuary
guma (=gumi) Xrubber
guma (prefer palato)palate
gumi 1++rubber; caoutchouc; gum; resin
gumi-botina 1*wellington
gumi-buti (=gumi-botina) 1Xwellington
guno Gfertile land
gurgitasurge; boil; abyss; whirlpool
gurguliogurgle; throat
gurgustiohovel; hut (poor's house); shanty
gusta 1++taste; taste (test)
guta 1+drop (n); drip; drop (v); dripping; leak (v)
habe 1++have (own); have the quality of; has (form of to have, own); has the quality of; 've (short for have, own); own (possess); possess; property (possessions)
habe epi se 1++wear
habe sati tem 1++afford
habe sati valuta 1++afford
habe-pe 1++proprietor; owner
habilifit; suitable
habita 1dwell; inhabit; live in; occupy; settle
habitu 1++habit; custom
habitudo (=habitu) Xcustom
habrinta Gfop
habro Gattractive; pretty
hades Ghell
hadrino Gmature; ripen
hafe Gcontact; touch (n)
hagio 1+Gholy; sacred
hagio-pe 1saint (n)
hagno Gpure; innocent
Halcion 1Gkingfisher
hali 1Gsalt
halisi Gchain
halucinahallucination; mind wander
haluxbig toe
hama (prefer ko(n)) Gtogether with
hama (take fi-zo (loop) or nodi (node)) GXloop; node; sling
hama- (prefer ko-)(prefix:) together; together (prefix)
hamato (=hami) Xhooked
hamaxa Gwagon
hapalo Ggentle
haplo 1Gsimple
hapto Gcatch hold
haptra Gwick
hardibe bold
harengu 1+herring
haringa (=harengu) Xherring
harmoni 1++Gharmony; agreement; have an agreement ; harmonize
harnesa 1+harness
harpa 1+harp
harpon (=harpona) Xharpoon
haustoexhaust; suck out
hebdoma Gseven; week
hebe 1Gyouth; breeding
Hedera 1+ivy
hedi Gnice; sweet
hedo 1++Gfun (feeling); pleasure; gay (happy); glad; glee; good-humoured; happiness; happy; joy; like to; merry; pleasant; pleased; rejoice
hedo itinera 1excursion
hedo nati-di 1+happy birthday
hedo-soni 1purr
hedra Gbase; seat (n)
hegemoni Gleading
hekasto Geach; every
hekisto Gleast
hektiko +Ghabitual
hekto +hundred
hekto anua +century
HeleniG Greek
Helenia GGreece
heli 1++Gsun; solar
heli-foto 1sunlight
heli-radia 1sunshine; sun-ray
helika 1++Ghelix; coil; propeller; spiral
helika-baci 1+bolt
helikopter 1++helicopter
heliku 1++helix; screw
helio (=heli) 1GXsun
helio-di (take "di mo") XSunday
helminti (=helminto, prefer vermi) 1GXworm
helminto (prefer vermi) Gworm
helo Gmarsh; meadow
helota Gslave
helvo Gpale yellow
hema 1++Gblood
hema-sugo *blood-sucker
hema-tubi 1blood vessel
hemato Gblood red ; red
hemato (=hema) GXblood
hemera 1Gday
hemi (=semi) 1GXhalf
hemi- (=semi-) GX(prefix:) half; half (prefix); hemi-; semi-
Hemiptera 1+Gbedbug; bed-bug; bug (bedbug)
hemo (=hema) 1GXblood
hepa 1+Gliver
hepati (=hepa) GXliver
hepta Gseven
herba 1++herb; grass; plant (n)
herborizagather herbs
heredi 1+heir; inherit
heredi-pe 1heir
herko Gbarrier; wall
herma Gprop; stay
hermoso (Spanish)beautiful
hernia Grupture
hero 1++Ghero
herpe Gcreep; glide
herpeto Greptile
hesi 1++adhesive; stick (join); sticky; adhere; cling; glue (v)
hesiko Gquiet; still (quiet)
hesita 1+hesitate; doubt; sticky
hesmo Gflock; swarm
hespero Gevening; west
hestia Gfireside; hearth
hestiko Gagreeable
hesto Gglad
hetero 1++Gdifferent; other; another; differ; difference; else; otherwise
hetero-co 1+Gotherwise
hetero-lo 1Gelsewhere
heuresi Gdetect; discover; discovery
hexa Gsix
hexis Gcondition (especially physical); state (condition)
hialo 1Gglass
hiao 1+Gyawn
hiatu Ggap; abyss; opening
hiberna 1+Gwinter; wintry
hibiskus Gmallow
hibrida Ghybrid
hidra-tubi 1Ghydrant
hidrargiro Gmercury (Hg)
hidro 1+Gwater (n); liquid; wet
hiemi Gwinter
hiera 1Gpriest
hierarki 1+hierarchy
hierax Ghawk
hieri (=hiera) 1GXpriest
hiero Gsacred
hieto 1Grain
hifa Gweb
hifen 1Ghyphen
higie 1+Ghealth
higro 1Gwet; moisture; wet (v)
hikano Gable; fit
hilariocheer; cheerful
hilo (prefer xilo (wood) or materia (matter)) 1Gmatter; substance; wood (substance)
hilutrifle; scar
himanto Gleather strap
himen Gmarriage
himeno Gmembrane
himna (=himno) GXhymn; song of praise
himno Ghymn; song of praise
hiper 1+Gabove; over
hiper- 1G(prefix:) above; above (prefix); (prefix:) excessive; excessive (prefix)
hipidio Gpony
Hipo (=Equs) 1GXhorse
hipo 1Gbelow; beneath; under
hipo- 1G(prefix:) below; below (prefix); (prefix:) under; under (prefix)
Hipopotamus 1hippopotamus
hipotesi Ghypothesis
hipso 1Ghigh; altitude
hirax Gshrew
hirkus (prefer kapri) Ggoat
hirpika Gharrow
hirundoswallow (bird)
hiscegape; open (v)
histera 1Gwomb
histeri (=histera) 1GXwomb
histero Gafter; later
histo 1Gtexture; tissue; weave; web
histori 1++Ghistory; story; historical; narrative; report
histrio Gacting
histrix Gporcupine
hobi 1+hobby
hodo Gjourney; way (road)
hoi-poloi Gthe masses
hoki 1hockey
holko Gfurrow
holo 1++Gwhole; complete; absolute; completely; entire; quite; total; utter (whole); wholly
un holo 1on the whole ; generally
holo aperi 1wide open
holo di 1whole day
holo grana 1wholemeal
holo munda 1+world-wide
holo tem 1++ever (at all times); forever
holo-temever (at all times); forever
homalo Geven; level
Homarus 1+lobster
homeli Gcompanion
homeo (=homo) GXlike (similar); rather like
homi 1++human; human race; man; mortal; mankind; person
homi-vora 1cannibal
homikla (prefer nebu) Gfog; mist (fog)
homilo Gcrowd (n)
homo 1++Gsame; like (similar); alike; equal (nearly); likeness; rather like; resemble; similar; similarity; very like
homo-co 1+similarly
honesti 1++honest; honesty; sincere; upright (honest)
honora 1++honor; honour; honesty; respect
honora-abili 1++honorable; honourable
honori (=honora) 1Xhonor; honour; honesty; respect
hopli (=hoplo) 1GXarmor; weapon
hoplo 1Garmor; weapon
hora (=horo) Xhour; o'clock; time ((clock) time)
Hordea 1+barley
horibili 1++horrible
horizo 1++Ghorizon; horizontal; across; boundary; lie (down); limit (n); lying down
horizon (=horizo) GXboundary; horizon; limit (n); lying down
horizona (=horizo) 1GXhorizon
horizonta (=horizo) 1GXhorizontal; lying down
horizontali (=horizo) GXhorizontal; across
hormo 1Grouse; stir up; urge
horo 1++hour; o'clock; time ((clock) time)
horo-me 1++clock; watch
horo-tabla 1++*timetable
horo-tabula (=horo-tabla) 1Xtimetable
horologi Gclock; watch
hortaarouse; urge
horti 1++garden; park (n)
horti-pe 1gardner
hosio (prefer sankti) Gholy
hospi 1++guest
hospita 1++entertain; hospitable; hospitality; lodge (v)
hosta +host
hoteli 1++hotel
humani +humane; kind
humerusupper arm bone
humidi 1++humid; humidity; damp; dampness; moist; moisture; wet (v)
humili 1+humble; humility; lowly
humori (=humoro) 1GXhumor
humoro 1++Ghumor; humour; disposition
humus +earth
iati Gheal; medicine
iatri 1+Gdoctor (medical); healer; heal
id 1++it; its
id es 1+it is; i.e.
idaeus 1+Graspberry
idea 1++Gidea; thought; mental image; notion
idemsame; the same
idilirustic poem
idio 1++Gunique; private; especial; identity; individual; own (adj); of his/her/its own (particular); particular; peculiar; separate (adj); special
idio dice 1+accent
idio sito 1+Gdiet
idio-ergo 1task
idio-stori 1++version
idioma Gstrange language
idioti 1Gidiot
idmo Gexpert (adj)
idolatri Gidolize
idoli 1+Gidol; image
idolo (=idoli) GXidol; image
iglu 1igloo
ignavo +cowardly
ignavo-pe +coward
igni 1fire; ignite; kindle; light (make fire)
ignora 1ignore; not know
igresienter; entrance
ikneumo Gtracker
ikno 1++Gtrack; footprint; Ichno-; track (v); trail
ikono 1+icon; idol; image
ikti 1Gfish (n)
il es 1there is; there's; there are
Ilex 1+holly; holm-oak
ili 1mud
ilotodirty; unwashed
ilusio 1+deception; illusion
imagi 1++image; picture (v)
imagina 1++imagine; fancy; grasp (can imagine); imaginary; imagination; picture; image
imagine (=imagina) 1Ximagine
imaneimmanent; be within
imbri 1shower (rain)
imbrika 1+overlap
imbuwet; inspire
imedia 1++immediate; as soon as; at once (immediately); immediately; instantly; straight away; right away
imergedip; plunge
imita 1+imitate
impa 1imp
impakti 1++impact; blow (n); push; shock; stroke
impareodd; uneven
impatiemake impatient
impedi 1+impede; hinder; inhibit
impera 1emperor
imperi 1++command; imperial; rule (authority); empire
imperio (=imperi) 1Xcommand; imperial; rule (authority); empire
impetuosoimpetuous; impulse (emotional)
impetusimpetus; impulse (physical)
impingestrike (hit); hit
impiri (=imperi) Xcommand; imperial; rule (authority); empire
imploraimplore; beseech
importa 1+import
importa 1++important; considerable; great; importance; be important
importa mero (=gravi mero) 1Xfeatures
importa pro (=gravi pro) 1Xconcern
impostoduty (tax); tax
impresi 1impress; impression
impude 1++cheeky; disgusting
impulsi 1+impulse (emotional); impulse (physical)
imuni 1++immune; safe; protected; protect; safety
in 1++in; in (local); indoors; inside of; into
in loka de 1vice-
in mari 1+overboard
in qi 1wherein
in- 1+(prefix:) in; in (prefix)
in-fiska 1excise (fiscal)
in-ge-gono 1dove-tailed
in-kurva 1concave
in-lo 1entry; access (entry); intake; threshold
in-milita 1revolt; mutiny; civil war
in-pe 1inhabitant
in-ra 1++contents
in-tera 1+bury
in-valuta 1++income
in-via 1entry; access (entry)
inaniuseless; vain
incende 1burn (v)
incestu +incestuous; lewd
index (=indexi) Xindex; pointer; sign
indexi 1+index; pointer; sign
indi- (prefer intra-)(prefix:) within; within (prefix)
indigniindignant; full of anger
indika 1++indicate; point to; hint; clue; designate; point (indicate); signal; trace
indika-racursor (computer)
individu 1+individual (n); individual (adj)
individu-pe 1individual (n)
individua (=individu) 1Xindividual (adj)
indulce 1indulge; pamper
indulge 1favor; pleasure; give pleasure
industri 1++industry; industrial
industria (=industri) Xindustrial; industry
inerti 1inertia; inactive; off; quiescence
inertia (=inerti) Xquiescence
infanteri 1infantry
infanti 1++child; infant; kid (child)
plu infanti 1children
infanti-tem 1++childhood
inferi (=infra) Xbelow; beneath; inferior; under
infiniti 1infinite; infinity
infla 1inflate; swell (v)
inflexi 1inflect
influ 1++influence; affect
info 1++inform; information; announce; data; message; reveal
info-bileta 1++label
informa (=info) 1Xannounce
infra 1++below; beneath; inferior; under
infra geo 1underground
infra toga 1++skirt
infra tunika 1skirt
infra- 1+(prefix:) below; below (prefix); (prefix:) under; under (prefix)
infra-ka 1+cellar
infra-skeleto 1undercarriage
infra-tasa 1saucer
ingrana 1put into gear
ingratia seingratiate oneself
inhibiti 1inhibit
inigma (=enigma) 1GXproblem
injektiinject; throw in
injuriinjure; wrong (v)
inklude 1++include; enclose; lock up; shut in
inklude-ra 1+*enclosure (letter)
inkolaresident (n)
inkontra +meet (by chance); meeting (by chance)
inkoragi (=inkoragio) Xencourage; encouragement
inkoragio +encourage; encouragement
inku 1anvil
inocenti +innocence; innocent
inoku 1inoculate
inoskulajoin by mouths; inosculate
inscenaput on stage
insekti 1++insect
insigni 1++flag; badge; emblem; ensign; banner
insignia (=insigni) 1Xbadge; emblem; ensign; banner; flag
inspira 1inspire
inspisainspisate; thicken
instapress (urge); urge
instanta 1instantaneous
instinkti 1instinct
instruinstruct; instruction; lesson
instrumenta (long form of ru) 1++instrument; implement; tool; utensil; apparatus; tackle (n)
insula 1+island; insulate
insura 1++insurance; insure
insura polisa 1insurance policy
insuriinjure; wrong (v)
integra 1+integrate; complete; entire
intelige 1++intelligent; cunning; shrewd
inteligenta 1wit
inter 1++between; among
inter tem (=inter-tem) 1Xinterval
inter-reti 1++internet
inter-reti eko-lowebsite
inter-tem 1interval
inter-vali 1interval; distance
intera (=in-tera) 1Xbury
interese 1++interest; interesting
interesti (=interese) Xinterest
internatio 1++international
interupti 1interrupt; interruption
intestina 1++intestine; bowels; gut
intimaintimate; inmost
intra 1++inside; below; in (indoors); indoor; indoors; inland; interior; internal; intimate; inward; inwards; under; within
intra metri 1as far as
intra tubi 1inner tube
intra via 1corridor
intra- 1+(prefix:) inside; inside (prefix); (prefix:) within; within (prefix)
intra-duce 1++introduce; introduction
intra-tegu 1+lining
intra-ve 1++shirt; underwear; vest
intra-via 1lobby
intriga 1+intrigue; plot (intrigue); plot (plan); plot together; scheme
intrika 1+entangle; tangle
intro-(prefix:) inwards; inwards (prefix)
introduce (=intra-duce) Xintroduce; introduction
intrude 1+intrude; interfere; meddle; trespass
intuiti 1intuit; intuition
inunda 1deluge; flood
invadeinvade; rush into
inventi 1++invent
investi 1++invest
invidi (=invidio) 1Xenvious; envy; jealous jealousy
invidio 1++envious; envy; jealous; jealousy
invita 1+invitation; invite
involve 1++involve; wrap; wrap in; wrap up
iodeo 1Gpurple; violet
iodina 1iodine
ioni Gion; charged particle
iota 1jot
ipsesame; self
ipsisame; self
irene 1Gpeace
iride (=iridi) GXiris; rainbow
iridi 1+Giris; rainbow
irido (=iridi) GXiris; rainbow
iriga (=riga, prefer aqa) Xirrigate
iris (prefer iridi) Giris; rainbow
iritairritate; vex; make angry
ironi Girony
isa 1hiss
iski 1Ghip; thigh
iskio (=iski) 1GXhip; thigh
isko Gcheck (prevent); hold back
iso 1++Gidentical; exactly like; as (equal); equal
iso ... de 1++as ... as
iso rubi de 1as red as
iso-tem 1++contemporary (event); simultaneous
iso-tem-peidentical (person)
isolatoisolated; separated
Isoptera 1+termite
istmu 1+isthmus; neck of land
istmus (=istmu) XGisthmus; neck of land
itera 1++again; insist; iterate; new (again); re; repeat; repetition; return
iti 1++go
iti (prefer long form itinera) 1itinerary; journey; travel
iti per ... 1+ride
iti-pe 1pilgrim
itinera 1+itinerary; journey; travel
ja 1++yes; agreed!; yeah
jace 1+lie down; lie (down)
jaketa 1+jacket
jakulacast; throw
jam +already
janu 1++door; doorway; entrance
janua (=janu) Xdoor; doorway; entrance
Januari (prefer meno mo) 1January
jaz 1jazz
jejuno +fast (v)
jekti 1throw; launch; send
jentabreakfast (v)
jeti 1cast (throw); fling; jet; throw; toss
jingla 1jingle
jinz 1jeans
jip 1jeep
joki 1jockey
joko 1++jest; joke; play a joke ; play (joke)
joko-nima 1+nickname
jovia 1jolly; jovial
joviali (=jovia) Xjovial
ju- (short prefix form of juve) 1++young
ju-an 1++boy; lad; youngster (male)
ju-bovi 1calf
ju-dendro 1Gsapling
ju-equs 1+colt (foal); filly (foal); foal
ju-fe 1++girl; lass; miss (young woman); youngster (female)
ju-feli 1kitten
ju-kani 1puppy
ju-kapra 1kid (goat)
ju-ovis 1+lamb
ju-pe skola 1junior school
ju-zoa 1cub
jubila 1+jubilation; joy-shout; be merry ; rejoice
judici 1trial (court)
judika 1++judge (v); criticize; decide; umpire; verdict
judika anti 1condemn
judika-decide 1+judgement; judgment
judika-pe 1++judge (person); magistrate; referee
judika-ra 1++justice
juga 1join (connection); junction; weld; yoke
jugla-pe 1+juggler
Juglans 1walnut
Juli (prefer meno seti) 1July
jumper 1jumper
jungla 1++jungle
Juni (prefer meno sixa) 1June
junkusrush (plant)
jura 1++oath; swear oath; swear (oath); take an oath; curse
juri (=jura) 1Xoath; swear (oath); curse
juri 1+jury
juri-lo 1jury box
jurnali 1++journal; magazine; newspaper
justi 1++equitable; fair (equitable); fair (just); impartial; just; just (equitable); just (fair); justice; right (just)
justifi 1justify
juve 1++young; youth; youthful
juve-fa 1brood
juve-hipo 1colt (foal); filly (foal); foal
juve-tem 1youth; childhood
juveni (=juve) 1Xyoung; youth
juxtanext to; close to
juxta-(prefix:) close to; close to (prefix)
ka 1++because; as (because); for (because)
-ka (short affix form of kamera) 1++room; -room
ka-co 1++hence (therefore); so (therefore); therefore
kabinacabin (small room)
kabineta 1cabinet; adjoining room
kadaverocadaver; dead body
kade 1++fall; cascade; drop (fall); lie down; topple; trip (fall); tumble
kade-gresi 1totter
kaeno Ggape; gaping
kaeta 1Gbristle; bristly
kaeto (=kaeta) GXbristle
kafa 1++coffee
kafe 1++café
kafe (=kafa) 1Xcoffee
kaino Gnew; recent
kakafoni (=kako-fono) 1XGcacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult
kakao 1+cocoa
kakexi Gbad health
kakina 1Gloud laugh ; laugh; laughter
kakisto Gworst
kako 1++Gbad; evil; nasty; undesirable; very bad ; vicious; vile; wicked
kako foni (=kako-fono) 1Gcacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult
kako sonia 1+nightmare
kako zelo (kako-zelo) 1Xenvy
kako- 1+G(prefix:) bad; bad (prefix); (prefix:) very bad; very bad (prefix)
kako-akti 1vice (evil conduct)
kako-eto Gbad habit
kako-fono 1++Gcacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult
kako-grafo Gbad writing
kako-munda 1underworld
kako-pe 1+Gdevil; villain
kako-zelo 1++jealous; jealousy; envy; zeal
kakofoni (=kako-fono) 1Gcacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult
kakofono (=kako-fono) 1Gcacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult
kakuminiextreme end
kalamusreed (plant)
kalaza Gsleet
kalca 1shoe
kalca-pe 1shoemaker
kalci 1kick
kalci (take glu) 1Xlime
kaleidoskope Gkaleidoscope; lovely visions ; look at lovely visions
kali 1++Gbeautiful; decorate; handsome; pretty
kalia 1Gnest; bird's nest
kaliba Ghut; steel; iron
kalici 1+Gcalyx; cup
kalidohot; warm (temperature)
kalima Ghood
kalipti 1Gcover; hide
kalipto (=kalipti) GXcover; hide
kalisto (prefer maxi kali) Gmost beautiful
kalka (=kalko, prefer kupra) 1GXcopper
kalki 1++heel
kalkis Gparasitic wasp
kalko 1Gcopper
kalku (=kalki) 1Xheel
kalkula 1+calculate; pebble
kalma 1++Gcalm; soothe
kalo-tipa Gwoodpecker
kalori 1+heat; hot
kaltamarsh marigold
kalu 1+corn (hard skin); hard skin; callus
kalus (=kalu) Xcorn (hard skin); hard skin; callus
kamae (=kame) GXon ground; ground (earth)
kambio 1++exchange
kame Gon ground; ground (earth)
Kamelus 1++camel
kamera 1++room; accomodate; apartment; camera (apparatus); camera (room); chamber; hall
kamera-fa 1++apartment; flat (apartment)
kamerada 1+comrade; companion; fellow; mate (fellow)
kameradi (=kamerada) Xcomrade; fellow; mate (fellow)
kamina +fireplace; chimney
kamiona 1van
kamisa +chemise; shirt
kampa Gcaterpillar
kampa (=kampu) 1Xcamp
kampani 1+bell
kampania 1+campaign
kampestriabout fields ; of fields
kampilo (prefer kurva) 1Gbend (n); bend (v); curve (n)
kampo (=kampu) 1Xcamp; field
kampto (prefer kurva) Gbend (n); curve (n)
kampu 1++camp; field
kana 1+cane (stick); reed; stick (cane)
kanabino Glean (thin); slender
kanako Gclang; ring (sound)
kanali 1++canal; channel; ditch; drain; groove; gutter; furrow
Kanari 1canary
kanava 1++canvas (cloth)
kancela 1++cancel; grating (n); gril; grille; lattice
kanceli (=kancela) Xcancel; lattice
kancera 1++cancer; crab; lattice
kanceri (=kancera) Xcancer; crab; lattice
kancero (=kancera) Xcancer; crab; lattice
kandeshine white
kandela 1++candle; candle (sparking plug); sparking plug (candle)
kandi 1++glow
kandi-cinera 1+*embers
kandida +candid; shining; frank (adj)
kandidato +candidate
kanescegray; grey; hoary; becoming gray
Kangaru 1kangaroo
kani 1++canine; dog
kani grega 1pack of hounds
kani-do 1kennel
kanis (=kani) 1Xcanine; dog
kanoe 1+canoe
kanona 1++cannon
kanonirule (standard); standard
kanta 1++cantata; sing; song
kanta a Teo 1Gpsalm
plu kanta-pe 1choir
kanutoashy; hoary; gray; grey
kaos Gchaos
kapacita 1capacity; capability
kapela 1chapel
kapila 1++hair
kapila-pe 1hairdresser; barber
kapiro Gdry
kapitacape (garment)
kapita (take kefa) 1Xhead
kapitala 1++capital (city)
kapitali 1++capital (money)
kapitana 1++captain; skipper
kapitano (=kapitana) 1Xcaptain; skipper
kapitula 1++chapter; capitulate
kapno 1Gsmoke
kapo 1++cape (land)
kapota 1+bonnet; hood
kapra (=kapri) 1Xgoat
kapri 1++goat
kaprimulgusgoat milker; goatherd; goat sucker
kapsa (=kapsu) Xbox; capsule; parcel
kapsu 1++capsule; parcel; box
kapsulabox (small)
kapti 1++catch; capture; grasp; seize; seizure; snare
kapti piski 1++angle (v)
kapti sito 1bait
kapti-me 1trap
kara (=karo) Xdear
karakteri 1++Gcharacter; temperament; trait
karamela 1+caramel; toffee
karavana 1caravan
karbo 1++coal
karbo ligni 1charcoal
karboni 1+carbon (C)
karce (=karcera) 1Xcage; imprison; incarcerate; jail; prison
karcera 1++prison; cage; imprison; incarcerate; jail
karcera-pe 1+prisoner
karcino Gcrab; cancer
karcinomacarcinoma; cancerous ulcer
karda (=karta) Xcard
kardia 1++Gheart; core; hearty; warm (emotional)
kardina 1++hinge
Kardueli 1+linnet
Karduus (=kardus) Xthistle
karesa 1++caress; massage; stroke (caress); rub (caress); pet (caress)
kareta 1++cart
kargo 1++load; burden; cargo; charge; charge (load); duty; job; load (charge); pack (charge); task
kargo vagona (=kargo-vagona) 1Xlorry; truck
kargo-lo 1wharf
kargo-va (=kargo-vagona) 1Xlorry; truck
kargo-vagona 1++lorry; truck
kari 1curry
kariera +career
karina 1+boat keel; keel
kario 1Gkernel; nut
karis Gloveliness
Karis 1shrimp
karisimo 1darling
karisma Gcharisma
karita 1+Gcharity
karitohigh price
karkaro Gjagged
karni 1++flesh; meat
karni-lipo 1+fat (suet); suet
karni-liqi 1gravy
karni-pe 1butcher
karo 1++dear
karops Gglad-eyed
karpe 1++harvest; crop; pluck (harvest); reap
u karpe 1++crop
karpentocarriage; coach (car)
karpo Gfruit
karpu 1++wrist; carpus
karpu-horo-me 1+wrist watch
karpu-zo 1+bracelet
karpus (=karpu) Xwrist
karta 1++card
kartilago 1cartilage; gristle
kartilagino (=kartilago) Xgristle
kartona 1++cardboard; carton
kasa 1cash-box; cash-register; till (cash)
kasacottage; house
kasea 1++cheese
kaserola 1+saucepan
kasikulinet (small); web
kasma (=kasmo) GXchasm
kasmo 1+Gchasm; yawn
kaso 1++case (example, at court, condition, event); in the case of
kastanea 1+chestnut
kastela 1++castle; fort
kastelum (=kastela) Xcastle; fort
kastor (=kastora) Xbeaver
kastora 1+beaver
kata 1++Gdown (adverb); downwards; sink; swoop
kata- 1+G(prefix:) downwards; downwards (prefix)
katagmaflock of wool
kataklismo Gflood
katalepsi Gfit (seizure); seizure; seizure (medical)
katalisi 1+Gcatalysis; advantage; aid; help
katalizi (=katalisi) 1Xadvantage
kataloga 1+Gcatalogue; list
katalogo (=kataloga) GXcatalogue
kataplasma Gpoultice
katapulta 1Gcatapult
katar Gcatarrh
katarakta Gcataract
katari 1Gclean (adj); clean (v); pure
katastrofi Gcatastrophe
katedra (=katedrali) GXcathedral
katedrali 1+Gcathedral
kategori Gcategory
katekiza Gcatechize
katena 1++chain
katilo Gglutton
katodo Gcathode
katolika 1Gcatholic
katoptro Gmirror
kaucu 1rubber
kauda 1++queue; tail (n)
kauli 1++stalk; stem
kauli-flora 1cauliflower
kauma (better: piro-termo) Gburning heat
kausa 1++because; because of; as (because); cause; owing (v); since (because)
a kausa de 1owing to; due to
kausti (=busti, prefer piro) GXburn (v)
kavaleri 1+cavalry
kavalero 1knight; cavalier (n)
kavalo (=kavaleri) Xcavalry
kavalo (prefer Equs)horse
kaverna (=kaverno) 1Xcave; cavern
kaverno 1++cave; cavern
kavilajeer; scoff
kavita 1++cavity; abyss; empty; hollow; hollowness; pit; vacant
kavito (=kavita) 1Xcavity; hollow; pit
kavo (take kaverno or kavita) Xcave; hollow
ke (original Glosa uses only semicolon) +*that (conjunction)
kefa 1++Ghead
kefa kosina 1bolster; pillow
kefa-kosina 1bolster; pillow
kefa-sema 1nod
kefa-ve 1++cap (hat); hat; hat (cap); hood
keilo (prefer labia) 1Glip
keiro 1hand
kela Gclaw
kelido Gswallow (bird)
kelo Gtortoise
kemi +Gchemistry; chemical
kemiko (take kemi) Xchemical
keno (take Anseri) GXgoose
keno (take vaku) GXempty
kenta 1spur
kepo 1Ggarden
kera Gwidow
kerado Gdetritus; silt
kerami 1++Gceramic; clay; earthenware; pottery
kerati 1++Ghorn
kerko 1Gtail
kero (=kerati) 1GXhorn
kerosena 1Gkerosene; paraffin
kerosina (=kerosena) 1GXkerosene; paraffin
kerso Gdry land
kersonesi Gpeninsula
kespasod; turf
kesurabreak; pause
ki 1++Ggo; move; goes (form of to go); going (participle of to go)
ki ab 1++leave; abandon (go away); depart; desert (v); go away; quit; retire; retreat
ki ana 1ascend
ki ante 1precede; proceed
ki ex 1++emerge; go out; issue; leave
ki in 1++enter; get in; invade; penetrate
ki kata 1++Gdescend; sink
ki ko 1+accompany
ki lento 1lag
ki poste 1follow
ki trans 1cross (v)
ki ultra 1+exceed
ki versi 1retreat; return (go back)
ki-ex (=ex-ki) 1Xleave
kiano (=ciano) GXblue
kiasto Gcrossed
kiato Gcup; ladle
kiberneta Gpilot
kifo Ghumped
kigno (prefer cigni) Gswan; cygnet
kik 1kick
kiklo Gcircle
kili 1Groll
kilindra 1+Gcylinder
kilindra skana-medrum scanner
kilo 1++Gkilo; thousand
kilo (=keilo, prefer labia for lip or margina for rim) GXlip; rim
kilogram +kilogram
kilograma (=kilogram) Xkilogram
kilometrakilometer; kilometre
kilometri (=kilometra) Xkilometer; kilometre
kilta 1kilt
kima 1Gwave
kimato Gwinter cold
kimba (take kavita) Ghollow
kimera Gchimera
kimo Gwave
kine 1++Gmove; motion; move oneself; movement; whisk
kine no-tekno 1+stagger
kinema 1++Gcinema; motion picture theater; movie theater
kinesi Gmotion; moving
kinesi-pe 1traffic warden
kineti Gmotion; moving
kini Gdog
kinika Gcynic; dog-like
Kinosterno 1turtle
kio (=kiono, take nivi) GXsnow; snowy
kio 1+Gpregnant; bulge; swell (v)
kiono 1Gsnow; snowy
kiosk 1kiosk
kipseli Gear wax
kipselo Gbeehive; box
kipto Gstoop
kiriako Gchurch
kirio GLord; Master
kiro (=keiro, prefer manu) GXhand
kironomi Gpantomime
kirso Gvaricose vein
kirurgi +Gsurgery; surgical
kisti 1+Gbladder; blister; bubble; cyst
kito 1+Gcell (living); cyte; living cell
kiton Gtunic
kitoplasma Gcytoplasm
kla 1++call (telephone)
klado Gcutting (plant); sprout
klalidilame; limp
klamido Gcloak
klamorosoloud; noisy
klangringing (loud)
klari 1++clear (distinct); clear (easy to see through); clear (evident); clear (bright); clear up; distinct; evident; explain; light (pale); obvious; pale
klari rubi 1light red
klasc 1++clash
klasi 1++class; classify; arrange; order (arrangement); rank
klasma Gfragment
klasteri Gpruning knife
klasti 1Gsmash; crush
klasto (=klasti) 1GXsmash
klatra Glattice
klaudi 1++cripple; lame; limp
klaustro (prefer ge-klude) 1closed; shut (closed)
klaustro (take klude) 1Xclose (v)
klausuro (prefer inklude)enclose
klavi 1++key (lock); lock (v); close (with key); key (keyboard); plug (electric)
klavi inkey in
klavi-me 1++lock (n)
klavi-taba 1+keyboard
klavi-verba 1verb
klavikulacollar; collar bone
kleda Genclosure (fences)
kledo +Gdirt; muck; mud
klei (prefer klu) 1Ginclusive
kleido (prefer klavi) Gkey
kleisto (prefer inklude) Genclose
klema Gshoot (plant); twig
klementiclement; mild
klepsidra Gwater-clock
klepto 1++Gsteal; plunder; rob; thieve
klepto-pe 1++bandit; burglar; thief
klerika Gpriest
klerika-pe 1clergyman
klero Gchance
kleto Gcalled; invited
kletro Galder tree
kli 1++Gbed; lie down; pass the night ; sleep
kli tegu 1quilt
kli-te 1++blanket
klidona Gbracelet
klidono Gwave
klienti +client
klikclick; click (press key)
klima 1+Gclimate; weather
klimax Gladder; stairs
klina 1++incline; bend over; bow (bend over); inclined; lean (rest against); list (of ship); pending; slant; slope; tilt
klina se 1+stoop
klinika 1+Gclinic
klipeo Gshield (n)
klise (=klisi) GXwash
klisi 1Gtake a bath ; wash
kloaka Gsewer
kloe 1+Glawn
klogma Gcluck (hen)
klomako Gheap; heap (of stones); pile
klono Gclone; twig
klopa Gthief
kloro 1++Ggreen; chloro-; verdant; verdure
kloro-li 1jade
kloro-lo 1oasis
kloro-zo 1green belt
kloseta 1+water-closet; WC; toilet
kloto Gspin; twist
klu 1++even; even (including); even (still); including; inclusive; still (even)
klu-co 1+even so
kluba 1++club (society)
klude 1++close (v); fasten (v); shut (v)
klude (take ge-klude) 1Xclosed
klude u fenestraclosa a window (also computer)
klude-ra 1+latch
knema Gshin
knida Gnettle
knipo Gstinging; stingy
ko (before consonants without h, else prefer kon) 1++with; together with; with (=together with); meet (by appointment)
ko- 1+(prefix:) with; with (prefix)
ko-co 1+also
ko-flu (or "flu ko(n)") 1+confluence; conflux; flow together
ko-habitalive together
ko-hesiocohesion; stick together
ko-incide 1coincide
ko-labora 1+collaborate; cooperate
ko-lekti (=kolekti) 1Xcollect; gather; pick (collect)
ko-opera 1+co-operate; work together
ko-ordina 1+co-ordinate
ko-proletarico-worker; colleague
koalescecoalesce; coalescence; grow together
koaxa 1+Gcroak
koci 1coach (car)
kodi 1+code
kodoni (=kodono) 1GXbell
kodono 1Gbell
koelo (take kavita) 1GXhollow; empty; hollowness; vacant
koeno 1Gcommon; in common
kogita 1+think hard
kogni 1know
kognati (=kognato) 1Xrelated
kognato 1++cognate; related
kognoske +know by sight; become acquainted with ; get to know ; realize (understand); detect; perceive
koito (=koitus) 1Xconnect; join; mate (v, animals)
koitu (=koitus) 1Xconnect; join
koitus 1+coition; coitus; connect; copulation; join; mate (v, animals)
kokix Gcoccyx; cuckoo
koklea 1+snail
koko 1coconut
koku 1++Gberry
kokus (=koku) Xberry
koldwell; inhabit
kola 1++Gneck; gorge; gullet; isthmus; throat
kola-te 1scarf
kola-ve 1++collar
kola-zo 1+necklace
kolapsi (=kolapse) Xcollapse
kolapto Gchisel; strike
kole 1+bile
kolea 1Gsheath
kolegi 1+college; institute (n); school
kolegia (=kolegi) 1Xcollege; institute; school
kolekti 1++collect; gather; pick (collect)
koleo (=kolea) GXsheath
Koleoptera 1+Gbeetle; bug (beetle)
koleri 1++Ganger; angry; annoyance; choleric; furious; indignant; irritable; rage; temper
koleri anti 1Gresent
koleri soni 1snarl
kolide 1bump; collide
kolimbo Gdive
kolisio +collision
kolo 1adhere; adhesive; stick (glue); glue
kolobo Gclip; shorten
kolofono Gsummit; top (highest point)
kolonelo 1colonel
koloni 1+colony
kolora 1+color; colour; tinge
kolori (=kolora) Xcolor; colour; tinge
koloro (=kolora) Xcolor; colour; tinge
kolosa Gcolossal
kolpa 1+blow (hit); hit; impact; strike (hit)
Kolumbadove; pigeon
kolumbi (=Kolumba) Xdove; pigeon
kolumna (=kolumni) Xcolumn
kolumni 1++column; pole; post (pole)
koma 1++Gclause; comma; piece (literary)
komanda 1++command; order (command)
komando 1commando
komatu Gshaggy
kombina 1++combination; combine
kombusti (=busti, prefer piro) Xburn (v)
kome (=kapila) GXhair
kome (take viki) 1GXvillage
komedi 1+Gcomedy
komence 1+commence; begin; beginning; start
komenta +comment
komerci 1++commercial; commerce; trade
komercia (=komerci) Xcommerce; trade
kometa Glong hair
kometa 1Gcomet
komforta 1+comfort (convenience); comfortable; comfort (console)
komika 1++Gcomic; comical; funny; humorous; humourous
komikohumor; humour
komisio +commission
komiti 1++committee; council
komito Gbundle; sheath
komo (take orna) GXdecoration
komo tu? 1+how are you?
komo 1+how ...?; ..., how
kompakti diskocompact disc
kompani 1++company
kompanio 1companion
kompara 1++compare; comparison
kompari (=kompara) 1Xcompare
kompasado carefully
kompasio 1+compassion; feel compassion ; mercy; pity
kompele (also kompulsi, prefer dina)compel
kompensa 1+compensate
kompeti 1++compete; competition; contest; race (competition)
komplanuflush with
kompleti +complete; thorough
komplexi 1++complex; complicated; elaborate
kompli 1+comply; accomplish; achieve; carry out; reach
komplika 1+complicate; complicated
komplimentacompliment (admiration); compliment (greetings)
kompo Gboasting
komposi 1++compose; arrange
komposi-pe 1composer
kompositi 1++composite; composition; compound
kompositio (=kompositi) Xcomposition
komposito (=kompositi) Xcomposite; compound
komprende 1understand
kompromisi (=kompromise) 1Xcompromise
kompromise 1++compromise
kompso Gelegant; pretty
kompulsi (also kompele, prefer dina)compel
kompungecompunction; feel (v) remorse ; move to remorse
komuni 1++common; in common ; together; sharing
komuni akordasolidarity; solidary
komuni aktisolidarity; solidary
komuni dice 1+slang
komuni fidesolidarity; solidary
komunika 1++communicate; communication
komunita 1community
kon (before vowels and h, else prefer ko) 1++with; together with; with (=together with); meet (by appointment)
kon alelo 1together; with each other
kon ergosolidarity; solidary
kon- (if following letter consonant, else take ko-) 1(prefix:) with; with (prefix)
kon-akti 1participate
koncede +concede
koncentra +concentrate
koncerne +concern
koncerto 1++concert
koncesi 1lease; rent (v)
koncesio (=koncesi) 1Xlease; rent (n); rent (v)
koncili 1+council; assembly
koncilia 1+conciliate; recommend; advise
koncinoput together beautifully
kondemna +condemn
kondilo Gknob; knuckle
konditio 1+condition; on condition that ; situation
kondro 1cartilage
konekti (prefer nexu) 1connect
konfedera 1+commonwealth; confederate
konfektiput together
konfekturajam (preserves); preserve (fruit, etc.)
konfesi 1++confess; admit; profess (declare belief)
konfirmaconfirm; confirmation
konflagraset afire
konflu (prefer ko-flu) 1confluence; flow together
konformi 1+comform; adjust; comply
konfusi 1++confuse; mix; muddle
kongesti 1+congest; jammed; traffic jam
kongratula (prefer gratula)congratulate
kongresicongress; assemble
kongru (prefer gru) 1fit; adapt; agree; suitable
koni 1+cone; funnel
koni-stego 1Gspire; steeple
konidio Gdust
konifero 1+conifer
konio 1Gdust; dusty; powder
konjuga +join together; join (connection); put together
konjunkti (=konjuga) Xjoin (connection)
konjuraplot together
konka 1Gshell (animal); snail
konkavi (=konkavo) 1Xconcave; dent
konkavo 1+concave; dent
konko (=konka) 1Xshell
konsensusconsensus; general opinion
konsentiagree; consent
konserva 1+conservation; conserve; jam; pickle
konsidera 1+consider
konsili 1++advice; advise; counsel; recommend
konsilia (=konsili) Xcounsel
konsiste 1+consist; stand firm
konski 1++conscious
konsola 1++console (comfort); comfort (console)
konsona (take harmoni) Xharmonize
konsoni +*consonant
konsono (=konsoni) Xconsonant
konspikuo +conspicuous; seen easily
konstanta 1constant
konstanto (=konstanta) Xconstant
konstata +confirm; confirmation; establish as fact
konstipaconstipate; press together
konstitu 1+constitute
konstriktidraw together
konstru (take stru) Xconstruct
konstrukti 1construction
konsume 1+consume
kontarecount; tell
kontenta (=kontento) Xcontent; constituent
kontento 1++content; constituent
kontextu 1+context; interweave
kontiboat pole
kontinenta 1++continent
kontinu 1+continue; continuous
kontinuo (=kontinu) Xcontinuous
konto 1++account; bank account
kontorticontortion; twist
kontra 1++contrary; opposite; against; backside backwards
kontra- 1+(prefix:) opposite; opposite (prefix)
kontra-aktireact; reaction
kontra-co 1contrary; conversely; whereas; while (whereas)
kontra-dice 1+contradict
kontrabanda 1+smuggle
kontrakti +contract (v); get smaller
kontrarioppose; thwart
kontrasti +contrast
kontribu 1+contribute
kontrola 1+control; govern; manage
Kontrola klaviControl key (computer)
kontroverte +controversial; dispute
kontusi 1+bruise
konvalesceget better ; convalesce
konveniconvenient; suit (v)
konversa 1++conversation; converse; talk
konvexi 1+convex
konviviafeast (v)
konvokaconvocation; call together
konvoluti 1convolution; wind around
konvolve (=konvoluti) Xwind around
konvulsishake; spasm
koopera (=ko-opera) Xco-operate; work together
koordina (=ko-ordina) Xco-ordinate
kopa (=kope) 1GXoar; row (a boat)
kopano Gpestle
kope 1++Goar; row (a boat)
kopertotable things
kopi 1++copy; imitate
face sekuri kopimake backup (computer)
sekuri kopibackup (computer)
kopi bibackup (computer)
face kopi bimake backup (computer)
kopido Gknife (kitchen)
kopio 1Gfatigue
kopro 1+Gdung; excrement; shit
kopto Gcut; kill
kopula 1++couple; connect; join; link (connect(ion)); mate (v, animals)
koragi 1++brave; courage; courageous
koragio (=koragi) Xbrave; courage; courageous
korako (=Korax, prefer korvo) Xcrow; raven
korali 1+coral
Koran 1Koran
Korax (prefer korvo) 1crow; raven
korba (=korbi) Xbasket
korbe (=korbi) Xbasket
korbi 1++basket
korda 1++cord; rope; string; twine
kordi (prefer kardia) 1core; heart
kordiali (prefer kardia)hearty; warm (emotional)
kordila Gswelling; club
kore 1++Gdance
korekti 1++correct; proper; right (correct)
korema (prefer (longi) brosa) Gbroom
koretra (=korema, prefer (longi) brosa) GXbroom
koribanti Ggo crazy
koridalis Gcrested lark
korido 1corridor
korifa Ghead; top (highest point)
korimbo Gbunch of flowers
korina 1++Gclub (stick); bat (n); cudgel; mace; truncheon
koris Gbedbug; bed-bug; bug (bedbug)
koristo Ghelmetted
koriza 1++Gcoryza; cold (illness)
korka 1+cork
kormotrunk (tree)
kornix (prefer korvo)crow
kornu 1+horn (animal)
koro 1Gspace; place
korode +corrode
korolacorolla; petals
korona 1++crown; corona; garland; wreath; wreathe
korta 1++court; courtyard; yard
kortextree bark
korti Gheap; pile
kortika 1+cortex; bark (tree); rind; tree bark
koruga 1+corrugate; wrinkle
korupti 1+corrupt; spoil
korus 1Gchorus
korvo 1+crow; raven
korvus (=korvo) Xcrow; raven
kosa 1thing; object
kosimba (prefer margina) Gborder; edge
kosina 1+cushion; pillow
kosina (=kusina) 1Xcousin
kosmeti 1Gcosmetic; beautifying
kosmetika (=kosmeti) GXcosmetic; beautifying
kosmetiko (=kosmeti) GXcosmetic; beautifying
kosmo 1+Gcosmos; ordered universe; universe; world
kosmo-nauti 1space man
kosta 1++coast (shore); rib; shore; side (shore)
kotali Gpestle
kotilo Gbabble; twitter
kotinusolive (wild)
koto Ghate
kotona 1++cotton
kovabrood on eggs; hatching
koveri 1cover
koxa 1+hip; thigh
Krabro 1+Ghornet
krada Gbranch; twig
kradalo Gquivering
krageta Gscream
krak 1++crack; crack (noise)
kraktiko Gnoisy
krambe Gcabbage
krampa 1+clamp; clip; paper-clip; staple (join)
kranao Grocky; rugged
krania 1+cranium; skull
kraniu (=krania) Xcranium; skull
krasc 1++crash
krasifat (thick); thick (stout)
kraspedo (prefer margina) Gborder; hem
krategus Ghawthorn
kratera 1++Gbasin; bowl; wash bowl ; vessel
krati 1++Gbe in force ; govern; government; manage; regime; rule (authority); steer
krati in-valuta 1revenue
krati-fi 1++rein
krati-grega 1++government
krati-pe 1++Gminister
plu krati-pe 1++cabinet (ministers)
kratii 1wield
krauga Gwoodpecker
kravatacravat; neckwear; neck-tie; tie (neck-tie)
krazo Gscream
krea 1++create; make; produce (make)
krebro Gpressed together
kredi 1++belief; believe; confide; creed; entrust; rely; suspect; trust
kredita (=kredito) Xcredit
kredito 1++credit; lend
kredito bileta 1voucher
krema 1++cream
kremasto 1Ghang
kremno 1++Gcliff
krena 1+notch; groove
kreno Gspring (source)
krepita 1crackle; snap (crackle)
krepno Gswift (quick)
krepuskula 1crepuscular; twilight
kresce 1++crescent; grow; growth; increase; rise (grow)
krescenta (=kresce) Xcrescent
kresta 1+crest; comb (of cock); ridge; summit; top (highest point)
kreta 1+chalk; creataceous; gypsum; plaster (gypsum)
kri (=krita) 1Xcry (scream)
kri (prefer separa)separate (v)
kribri 1+sieve; sift
kribro (=kribri) Xsieve; sift
kriket 1++cricket (sport)
kriko Gcircle; ring (circular band)
krimi 1++crime
krimi-pe 1+criminal (n)
krinum Glily
krio 1+Gvery cold ; freeze; ice (v)
kripti 1++Ghide; conceal; cryptic; hidden; mask (v); mystery; secret; stealthy
kripti-ra 1+mask (n)
kripto (=kripti) 1GXhide; conceal; cryptic; hidden; mask (v); mystery; stealthy
kripto-ra (=kripti-ra) 1Xmask (n)
krisi 1++Gcrisis; critical (crisis)
krisis (=krisi) 1GXcrisis; critical (crisis)
kriso 1++Ggold; golden
krista 1+Gfrost; frosty
kristali 1Gice; glacial; icy
Kristi Bibli (=Kristo-Bibli) 1Xthe Bible
Kristo-Bibli 1*the Bible
Kristo-nati 1Christmas
kristo-pe 1Christian
Kristo nati (=Kristo-nati) 1Christmas
krita 1+cry out; cry (scream); scream; shriek
kriti-pe (=kritici-pe) 1Xcritic
kritici 1++Gcriticize; critical (criticizing); rebuke; review; scold
kritici tristo 1reproach
kritici-pe 1+*critic
kritici-ra 1+criticism
kritika (=kritici) Xcriticize
kritiki (=kritici) Xcriticize
kritiki-ra (=kritici-ra) Xcriticism
krito 1squeal
krokala Gsea-shore; shore (sea)
krokida Gwool fibres
kroko 1+Gshingle
kroko Gsaffron yellow
krokodilo (=krokodilus) GXcrocodile
krokodilus 1+Gcrocodile
kroma 1++Gcolor; colour; dye; hue (colour); paint; tinge
kromako Gheap of stones
kron 1++Gtime (instant); chron-; instant; moment; occasion; when
kropi Gscythe
kroso Gfringe; tassel
krotafo Gside of head
krotalo 1+Grattle
krote Gbeat
kruci 1++cross (n); cross (v); breed; crossing; crossroads; interbreed; intersect; traverse
kruci verba 1crossword
kruci-lo 1+ford
krude (=krudi) 1Xtasteless; uncultured; uncouth; vulgar
krudi 1++raw; blunt (rude); rough; rude; tasteless; uncouth; uncultured; vulgar
krueli 1+cruel; grim; sadistic
krurilower leg ; leg; shank; thigh
krusi Gstrike
krusta 1+crust; scab
ktena (prefer pektina) 1Gcomb
ktesi Gproperty
kton Gmurder
kubalie down
kubi 1++Gcube; cubic
kubilabed; couch
kubita 1++elbow; nudge
kubito (=kubita) Xelbow
kufo Geasy; light (not heavy)
kuko 1++cook; bake; stew
kuko-ka 1++kitchen
kuko-me 1++stove
kuko-va 1pan
kuku (=kukulus) Xcuckoo
kukulocap; hood
kukurbi (=kukurbita) 1Xgourd; cucumber
kulina (=kuko) 1Xcook
kulmistalk; stem
kulpa 1guilt; accuse; blame
kultela 1+knife; dagger
kulti 1++cultivate; care for; raise (agriculture); tend (care for); till (cultivate)
kultiva (prefer kulti)cultivate; till (cultivate)
kultura 1+culture; cultural; education (culture); taste (culture)
kumbe 1++lie down; lie (down)
kumu 1++heap; accumulate; amass; crowd (n); hoard; lump; mass; pile
kune 1++wedge
kunea (=kune) Xwedge
kuni 1++cuniculus; rabbit
kupa 1++barrel; tub
kupla 1clutch (car)
kupona 1coupon
kupra 1+copper
kupra-fi 1copper wire
kupra-stana 1bronze
kupra-zinka 1++brass
kupucup (small)
kura 1++care; concern; accurate; administer; attend; attendance; attention; care for; careful; caution; mind (take care); regard (care); take care; tend (care for); tender; therapy; thorough; treat (therapy); ward (care); wary
kura de 1+beware
kura kumu 1stack
kura pro 1care for; bring up (care for); guard
kura puta de 1++consider
kura-an 1male nurse
kura-fe 1nurse
kura-gina 1matron
kura-ka 1hospital ward; nursery
kura-pe 1++nurse (male or female); warden; warder; watchman
kura-zoa-pe 1gamekeeper
kurero 1mail; post (mail)
kurikulu +curriculum
kuriosocurious; inquisitive
kursi 1run
kurta (=kurte) Xshorten
kurte 1short; shorten; brief
kurva 1++curve (n); curve (v); bend (n); bend (v)
kusina 1+cousin
kuspi 1+point (sharp)
kuti 1skin
la 1++there; over there
labe Ghandle (n); tool
labiforceps; tongs
labi ridi 1smile
labi-toka 1kiss
labia 1++lip
labirinto Glabyrinth
labora 1+labor; labour; work (n); work (v)
laboratori 1++laboratory
labori (=labora, prefer ergo) 1Xlabor; labour; work (n); work (v)
laboro (=labora, prefer ergo) 1Xlabor; labour; work
lacera 1+lacerate; mangle (tear); rip; tear (to pieces)
lacicharm; entice
laevo 1++left (hand); left-hand
laevo mus butonaleft mouse button
lafigmo Ggreed; greedy
lakano Gpotherb
lakesi Gdestiny; lot (destiny)
lakna Gwoolly hair
lakri (short form of lakrima) 1tear (eye); cry (weep); weep (cry)
lakrima 1++tear (eye); cry (weep); weep (cry)
lakti 1++milk
lakti-lo 1dairy
Laktuka 1+lettuce
laku 1++lake; loch; pool
lakuna 1++lacuna; gap; abyss
lakustrigrowing in lakes
lali 1Gchatter
lalia (=lali) GXchatter
lama +bog; fen
lambelick; wash
lamelaplate (thin)
lamenta 1lament; moan
lami 1slice; plate; film; layer; laminate; pane; sheet
lami-li (prefer lamina-li) 1slate
lamina 1++slice; plate; film; layer; laminate; pane; sheet
lamina-li 1slate
lamiro Ggreedy
lampa 1++Glamp; glow; light (n); shine
lampro Gbrilliant (light)
lana 1++wool
lana-te 1woolen cloth ; wool blanket
lana-ve 1cardigan; jersey
lance 1+lance; spear
lancinatear (to pieces)
landa 1++land; country (land)
landa habe-pe 1squire
lanterna 1+lantern
lanugasoft down ; down (feather)
laparaflank; loin
lapida 1stone (v)
lapse 1slide; slip (slide)
lapso (=lapse) 1Xslide; slip (slide)
laqenoose; snare
lardobacon; lard
lareshousehold gods
laringi Ggullet
laro Gpheasant
larva 1+larva; caterpillar
larva-fi 1++silk
las in 1admit
lascivilascivious; lustful; wanton
lase 1++let; allow; permit
lase ki 1let go; release; set free
lasitired; weary
lasu 1lasso
lat a latu 1abreast
latelie hidden
latex (=latici) GXlatex; gum; juice; liquid extract ; rubber
lati 1++wide; ample; breadth; broad; extensive; spacious; width
latici 1+Glatex; gum; juice; liquid extract ; rubber
Latino 1Latin
latitudi +latitude
latri 1+Gworship; adore; praise
latu 1++side; lateral; flank; swerve
lauda 1++praise; esteem; applaud; approval; approve; compliment (admiration); pay tribute to
lauda-grafo 1testimonial
laura Galley; lane
Laurus 1+bay tree; laurel
lautu +neat; tidy; washed
lava 1++wash; bath; take a bath ; bathe
lava-ka 1wash room; toilet
lava-me 1washing-machine
Lavandula 1lavender
laxa 1++lax; loose; release; slack; unfasten
laxi (=laxa) 1Xlax; loose; slack
lazaro Gcorpse
lega 1++law; legal
plu lega 1++constitution
lega akordasolidarity; solidary
lega cide 1++execute
lega promise 1legal contract
lega-do 1court of law
lega-face 1legislation
lega-face-pe 1legislator
lega-konsili-pe 1legal adviser
lega-korta 1tribunal
lega-pe 1+lawyer; advocate (n); solicitor
legi 1law; right (n); standard
legio 1legion
legislatilegislate; make laws
leguma (=legumi) 1Xgreens; pot-herb; vegetable
legumi 1+vegetable; bean; greens; legume; pea; pot-herb
leio Gsmooth
lekita Gegg yolk; yolk
leko Gbed; couch
lekto 1++read; reading
lekto-pe 1reader
plu lekto-pe 1readers; readership
lenigentle; mild
lenti 1++lens
plu lenti 1++glasses; spectacles
lenti-pe 1optician
lentila 1lentil
lento 1++slow; delay; slowly; tardy
Leo 1+lion
leoni (=Leo) 1Xlion
Leopardo 1leopard
lepi (=lepido) 1GXscale (body cover)
lepido 1++Gscale (body cover); scale (lose or remove scales)
Lepidoptera 1+Gbutterfly
lepro-pe 1leper
lepsi Gseizure (medical)
lepto 1+Gslender; delicate; fine; slim; thin
lepu (=Lepus) Xhare
Lepus 1+hare
lero Gfoolish
lesio 1lesion; injury; wound
lesko Ggossip
lesmo Gforgetful
lesta Grobber
letali Glethal
leuko 1++Gwhite; bleach; whiten
leuro Geven; smooth
leva 1++lift; raise; hoist; shrug
leva-me 1jack
leva-rota 1+pulley
leva-ru 1++lever
levia 1++light (not heavy); fickle; light weight
levo (=laevo) 1Xleft (hand); left-hand
lexi (prefer verba) 1Gword
lexiko 1+Glexicon; dictionary
lexikon (=lexiko) Xlexicon; dictionary
-li 1 (short affix form of lito)stone
liabili 1++responsible
libe 1++free; set free ; freedom; absolve; independent; liberal; liberate; liberty; release; rid
libe se 1++escape
libe tem (=libe-tem) 1Xvacation
libe-di 1holiday
libe-tem 1++holiday; leisure; spare time; vacation
libela 1++even (level); level
liberafree (v); set free
liberali 1++liberal; generous; broadminded; kind (friendly); tolerant
libido 1+desire (violent); lust; appetite; wish
libra 1++balance; scales (weighing)
libra (=libri) 1Xbook
libri 1book
lice 1++be allowed ; admissible; lawful; legal; legitimate; licence; license
lice papira 1charter
lice-cerka 1search-warrant
lice-papira 1warrant
licentialicence; license
licio Gweb-thread
liga 1++ligature; tie; bind; attach; connect; join; knot together; tether; union; unite
ligna (=ligni) 1Xwood (substance)
ligni 1++wood (substance); timber
ligni-bloka 1++beam (wooden); log
ligni-pe 1+carpenter
ligro Gbaneful
liken Glichen
likiritia 1liquorice
likma Gwinnowing fan
likni Glamplight
likno Ggreedy
liko 1Glick
liko (=Lupus) Xwolf
Lilia 1+lily
lima 1lime fruit
limaci (=Limax) Xslug; snail
Limax 1slug (snail); snail
limbi (prefer margina)border; hem
limfa 1clear water
limi (=limo) Xmud; slime
limina 1+threshold
limita 1++limit (n); limit (v); bound; rather (somewhat); boundary; confine; frontier; modify; qualify; restrict
limno 1Glake; marsh; pool
limo 1++mud; slime
line 1+line; row; order (series); stripe; stroke (pen); streak
lingua 1++language; tongue
linoleu 1linoleum
linqi 1++leave behind; abandon (go away); abjure; forsake
linqi ergo 1++resign
linu (=Linum) 1Xlinen; flax
Linum 1+linen; flax
lipo 1++Gfat (fatty); fat (substance); fatty; fried; fry; grease; greasy
lipro Gpoor; wretched
liqi 1++liquid; fuse; juice; liquefy; liquify; melt; thaw
liqi glu 1gum
liqifiliquify; melt
liqui (=liqi) 1Xjuice
liraridge of earth
lisi 1++Gloosen; separate (v); analysis; isolate
lisi (=liso, prefer glabro) GXsmooth
lisi-ru 1spanner
lisimakia Gloosestrife
liso Gcrazy; mad
liso (prefer glabro) 1Gsmooth
liso-line (prefer glabro-line)streamline
liso-ru (=frika-ru) Xfile (tool)
lista 1++Glist; catalogue; register (n); register (v); schedule
litani Glitany
litargo (but letargi - lethargy) GXswift (quick)
litera 1+letter (abc); spell (abc)
literari +literary
literatura 1++literature
lito 1++Gstone
lito-lo 1Gquarry
litora 1++littoral; shore; beach; coast
litra 1++liter; litre
lividilivid; jealous
livra 1++deliver
livre (=livra) 1Xdeliver
-lo (short affix form of loka) 1+place (extended); area; location (extended); position; region; site; territory
lofi (prefer kresta) 1Gcomb (of cock); crest; summit; top (highest point)
lofo (=lofi, prefer kresta) 1GXcomb (of cock); crest; summit; top (highest point)
logelodge (n); box
logi 1++Gunderstand; understanding; grasp (understand); know; see (understand)
logi ex 1conclude from
logi-pote 1intelligence
logika 1++Glogic; logical; reason (n); reason (v); reasonable
logos Glogos
loka 1++place (extended); location (extended); area; deposit; local; position; region; site; situation; territory; put; install; lay; place (v)
loka u papira inload the paper (computer printer)
loka versi 1+restore
lokali 1++local
loki (=loka) 1Xput
lokio Gchildbirth
lokma Gbush; thicket
loko (=loka) Xplace (extended); location (extended); area; position; region; site; situation; territory
lokotenenta 1lieutenant
Lokusta 1locust
loma (prefer margina) Gfringe (border); hem
long (=longi) Xlength; long (adj)
longi 1++long (adj); along; length
longi gresi 1hike
longi kapila 1+mane
longi kavita 1++trench
longi kumu 1bank (long heap); long heap
longi sito-va 1trough
longi-tem 1(for a) long (time)
lonka (prefer lance) Glance; spear
lopaplate (flat)
loqi 1++speak; speech; talk
lordo Gbent backward
lorustrap; thong
lose 1++lose; squander; waste (use without good purpose)
lose bio 1+die
lose brilia 1+tarnish
lose este 1++Gfaint (v)
lose foto 1+Gfade
lose hemo 1++bleed
lose kroma 1+Gfade
lose vista 1disappear
lose-pedistumble; trip (stumble)
lubri +slippery
lubrika 1+lubricate; lubricant; lubrication; oil (v)
luci 1++clear (easy to see through); translucent; transparent
lucifera (=lucifero) Xmatchstick
lucifero 1matchstick; match (stick)
ludi 1++play (game); gamble; game; fun (play); sport
ludi-ra 1toy
ludo (=ludi) Xplay (game); game; fun (play)
ludo-ra (=ludi-ra) 1Xtoy
lue 1rent (v)
lue (French, prefer lauda) 1Xpraise
lukta 1++fight; struggle; make an effort ; exert oneself; strive; wrestle
lukto (=lukta) 1Xfight
lukusacred grove
lukubrawork by lamp light
lumi 1++light (n); illuminate; light (v); light up; luminous; shine
lumi-ra 1+torch
luna 1++moon; lunar
luna lumi 1moonlight
lunulabase of finger-nail
Lupus 1+wolf
Luscinia 1nightingale
lustra 1++lustre; polish (n); polish (v)
lutea 1yellow; brownish
luteo (=lutea) Xyellow; brownish
lutumire; mud
luvi 1take a bath
luxa (=disloka) Xdislocate
luxu 1+luxury; luxurious
M1 (abbreviation for "meno mo") 1January
M10 (abbreviation for "meno deka") 1October
M11 (abbreviation for "meno mo-mo") 1November
M12 (abbreviation for "meno mo-bi") 1December; twelfth month
M2 (abbreviation for "meno bi") 1February
M3 (abbreviation for "meno tri") 1March
M4 (abbreviation for "meno tetra") 1April
M5 (abbreviation for "meno penta") 1May
M6 (abbreviation for "meno sixa") 1June
M7 (abbreviation for "meno seti") 1July
M8 (abbreviation for "meno okto") 1August
M9 (abbreviation for "meno nona") 1September
ma 1++more; -er (comparative marker)
-ma (short affix form of materia) 1++material; stuff; matter; substance
ma boni 1better (comparative of "good")
ma boni (=ma-boni) 1Xadjust
ma de 1more than; over (more than)
ma de sati 1excess
ma kako 1worse
ma longi 1+extend; lengthen
ma mali 1worse
ma mega 1bigger; greater; larger
ma mega (or ma-mega) 1extend
ma paleo 1elder
ma volu 1+rather (more willingly)
ma-amo 1++prefer
ma-boni 1++adjust; better (n, something better); better (v); improve; improvement; revise
ma-dina u sistemaupgrade the system
ma-dista 1further
ma-forti 1reinforce
ma-ju 1junior
ma-mali 1++aggravate; make worse ; worsen
ma-mali (=ma mali) 1Xworse
ma-mega 1++enlarge; extend; grow; increase
ma-tele 1further
ma ... de 1++more ... than
macelabutcher (v)
macerasoak (soften); soften
maciagaunt; lean (thin); skinny; thin
madidosodden; moist
maestromaster (artist)
magazina 1+magazine; shop (large)
magika 1++Gmagic; charm; enchant; magic spell
magika-pe 1++magician; wizard
magika-verba 1magic spell
magma Gkneaded mass
magneti 1++Gmagnet; magnetic; magnetism
magnetofono 1tape-recorder
magni 1big; great; huge; large; much
magnifi 1+exhalt; extol; magnify
magnifika 1gorgeous
magrimeager; meagre; become thin
Mai (prefer meno penta) 1May
major 1++bigger; greater; main; more
majorita +majority
majuskulacapital letter; capital (letter)
makabremacabre; gruesome
makario Ghappy
Makerelo 1mackerel
maki 1Gbattle; fight; wrestle
makina 1++Gmachine; engine; machinery; motor
makro (prefer longi) Glong (adj)
makula 1++mark; spot (mark, stain); stain; blot; blotch; smear
mal acide (=mal-acide) 1Xaccident; disaster
mal- 1+(prefix:) bad; bad (prefix)
mal-acide 1++accident; mishap; disaster; fail
mal-aero 1stuffy
mal-fusi 1++spill
mal-odoro 1+stink; stinking
mal-uti 1+abuse; persecute
maladaill; sick
malako Gsoft
malaria 1malaria
malea 1++mallet; hammer (n)
mali 1++bad; amiss; coarse; horrid; ill; illness; infirm; infirmity; malady; nasty; naughty; offend; shabby; sick; vicious
mali akti (prefer akti mali) 1insult; offence; offend; offense
mali dice (=mali-dice) 1Xcurse; slander; swear (curse)
mali fortuna 1++bad luck ; misfortune; unfortunate; unfortunately
mali gresi 1++limp (v); reel (v)
mali-dice 1++curse; slander; swear (curse)
mali-fortuna (=mali fortuna) 1Xunfortunate; unfortunately
mali-kredi 1++superstition
mali-pe 1+culprit; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; wretch
mali-skribe 1scribble
mali-termo 1swelter
mali-uti 1ill-treat
maliamesh (of net)
malificeevil act
malo Gmore
malu 1+apple
malva 1mauve
mama 1++breast (female); nipple (breast)
mamuta 1mammoth
mana 1+morning
manda (prefer komanda)command
mandibula 1++jaw; mandible
mane 1be left over ; stay
manea (prefer manu)handle (v); manage
mania 1+crazy; frenzy; furious; madness
manifesta 1clear (evident); obvious
mankobe lacking
mano 1+Gdilute; rare; rarefied; thin
mansuetatame; gentle
mantela 1+coat; mantle
manti Gdivination; soothsayer
mantispraying mantis
manu 1++hand; hand over; handle (v); manage; pass (hand over); smack
manu skripta 1+manuscript
manu spata 1trowel
manu-pe 1++administrator; manager
manu-ra 1+handle (n)
manu-va 1++bucket; pail
manu-vagona 1trolley
manu-ve 1++glove
manubrihandle (n)
mapa 1+map; graph
mapamunda (=munda-carta) Xmap of the world
marca +march
marcewilt; wither
marcidoweak; withered
margari 1++Gpearl
margari-zo 1+string of pearls
margarina 1+margarine
margarita 1daisy; marguerite
margarita (=margari) GXpearl
margina 1++margin; border; brim; curb; edge; fringe (border); hem (border); kerb; rim; verge (border)
mari 1++sea; marine
mari viagia 1cruise
mari-laku 1+lagoon
mari-pe 1sailor
mariskobog; marsh
marita 1marry; wed
marka 1++brand; mark; scratch; trace
marketa 1++market
marmelada (=marmelade) Xjam; marmalade
marmelade 1+jam; marmalade
marmora 1+Gmarble (material)
marona 1+chestnut; maroon
maroni (=marona) Xchestnut; maroon
Mars (prefer meno tri) 1March
marsu 1++Gpocket
marsu kultela 1penknife
martela +hammer (v); pound (v)
martira 1+Gmartyr
martiro (=martira) GXmartyr
masage (French) 1+massage; fondle
masi 1+heavy; amass; mass; massive; lump; heap
mastigo Gwhip
mastika 1+chew; masticate
masto 1Gbreast
matema 1Glearn; learning; lesson
matematika 1+Gmath; mathematics; maths
materi (=materia) 1Xmaterial; matter; stuff; substance
materia 1++material; stuff; matter; substance
mati (=matema, prefer gene sko) GXlearn
mati (=matematika) GXmaths
matina 1++morning
matri 1++mother; dam (mother); mum (mother)
matri-matri 1+grandmother (mother of mother)
matri-patri 1+grandfather (father of mother)
matrikulamatriculate; register (v)
matrixmatrix; embedding stuff
matronawoman (married)
matura 1++mature; ripe; ripen
matura-pe 1++adult
maxi 1++-est (superlative); most (superlative); maxi-; maximum; supreme; utmost
maxi boni 1++best
maxi dista 1++extreme
maxi importa 1+main; major
maxi kako 1worst
maxi kali 1most beautiful
maxi neo 1latest (newest); newest; up-to-date
maxi paleo 1eldest
maxi tardi 1latest (contrary to earliest)
maxi tele 1++Gextreme
maxilamaxilla; jaw
-me (short affix form of mekani) 1++mechanism; appliance; device; apparatus; machine
meago; pass (move forward)
meandro 1Gwander; wind along
meatopassage (surgery)
medali 1medal
medi (=medio) 1Xmiddle
media 1+media; mediate
medievamiddle ages
medika 1++medical; medicate; treat (therapy)
medika-ma 1++medicine; drug; lotion
medika-ma-do 1dispensary
medika-pe 1++doctor (medical)
medio 1+middle; average; amid; centre; medial; medium (middle); mid; moderate; mean (middle); normal
mediu 1+medium (spiritualism); medium (communication); medium (substance)
medulainmost part
medusa Gjellyfish
mega 1++Gbig; abundant; great; hearty; huge; large; lot (n); lot (many); a lot of ; lump; magnify; many; mass (many); mega-; much; pile; plenty
mega anemo 1storm
mega bari 1massive
mega denti 1tusk
mega ergo 1+Gtoil
mega fobo 1Ghorror
mega gra-landa 1prairie
mega gradu 1stride
mega grupa 1regiment
mega info-ra 1poster
mega kampanula 1toll
mega lauda 1admire; eulogy
mega litera 1capital (letter); capital letter
mega lito 1Gboulder
mega preci (=mega-preci) 1Xexpensive; costly; precious; valuable
mega respekti 1reverence
mega spatula 1+ladle
mega teka 1Gbin
mega turba 1upheaval
mega va 1barrel
mega valu 1++valuable
mega vendo 1wholesale
mega vora 1++feast
mega-do 1mansion
mega-kogita 1thoughtful
mega-preci 1++expensive; costly; precious; valuable
mei 1++Gless; lessen; decrease; diminish; dwindle; minor; reduce; wane
mei ... de 1less ... than
meio (=mei) 1GXless; lessen; reduce
meiosi 1+Gdiminish; reduce; shrink
meka-pe (mekani-pe) 1Xmechanic
mekani 1++Gmechanism; appliance; device; apparatus; machine; hardware (computer); mechanic; mechanical
mekani-pe 1mechanic; engineer
meko Gpoppy
mela (=melano) GXblack
melankoli 1Gmelancholy; joyless; misery; sad; sadness; unhappiness
melano 1++Gblack; dark
Meleagri 1Gturkey
Meles 1badger
meli 1+Ghoney
melia Glimb-condition
meliko Gmelodious; melody; tune
meliora 1+ameliorate; get better ; better (v); improve; improvement
melisa 1Gbee; bee (honey); honey-bee
melito Ghoney-sweet
melo (=melosi, take mei) GXdwindle
melodi 1++Gmelody; melodious; sing; song; tune
meloni 1+melon
melosi (prefer mei) Gdwindle
membra 1++member
membra-status 1+membership
memo 1++remember; memory; recollect; retrospect
memo dice 1+recite
memo valu 1notable
memo-mememory (computer)
memo-ra 1+monument
menaguide; lead
menace 1++menace; threat; threaten
mendadefect; fault
mendacimendacious; mendacity; lie (untruth)
mene Gmoon
meninge Gbrain membrane
menio +Gbetray
meniske Gmoon (crescent)
meno 1++Gmonth; monthly
meno 10 (speak "meno deka") 1October
meno 4 (speak "meno tetra") 1April
meno 6 (speak "meno sixa") 1June
meno 7 (speak "meno seti") 1July
meno 8 (speak "meno okto") 1August
meno bi 1+February
meno deka 1+October
meno hexa (=meno sixa) XJune
meno mo 1+January
meno mo-bi 1+December; twelfth month
meno mo-mo 1+November
meno nona 1+September
meno ok (=meno okto) 1XAugust
meno okto 1+August
meno pen (=meno penta) 1XMay
meno penta 1+May
meno septi (=meno seti) 1XJuly
meno seti 1+July
meno six (=meno sixa) 1XJune
meno sixa 1+June
meno tet (=meno tetra) 1XApril
meno tetra 1+April
meno tri 1+March
mensa 1++counter (table); table (furniture)
mensemenses; menstruation; month
mensi (take meno) 1Xmonth; monthly
mensura (prefer metri)measure
menta 1++mind (n); mental
menta-sani 1+sane
mentilie (untruth)
mentu +chin
menu 1+bill of fare; menu
merca (=merka) Xpurchase
merdadung; excrement; shit
merge 1++dive; immerse; plunge; sink (plunge); submerge
meridienoon; meridean
merikoruminating animal
merita (=merito) Xdeserve; earn; merit
merito 1++deserve; earn; merit; worthy
merka 1++buy; bribe; buy (v); purchase; ransom (v)
merka-lomarket; market-place
merka-pe 1++buyer; customer
plu merka-ra 1++goods
merka-vendo-pe 1*merchant
merkato 1market
merko-vendo-pe (=merka-vendo-pe) Xmerchant
merkuri 1mercury (Hg); quicksilver
merkuri 1mercury (messenger); messenger
mero 1++Gpart; bit; piece; abstract; department; district; quarter (district); ward (division); division (part); fragment; instalment; morsel; part (rôle); rôle; partial (partly); partly; portion; section; share; slice (n)
mero agri 1allotment
mero butiri 1pat of butter
mero landa 1+county; estate; province
mero pani 1some bread
mero preci 1deposit
mero stori 1serial
mero-pe 1member
mero-te 1rag (cloth)
mesage (French) 1message
mesati Gmidmost
meskino Gmean (paltry); paltry
mesmesame; self
meso 1++Gmiddle; amid; average; between; centre; centric; centrical; mean (middle); medial; medium (middle); mid; moderate; normal
meso frigi 1++cool
meso noktu 1midnight
meso termo 1++warm (temperature)
meso-di 1+midday; noon
meso-di vora 1*dine
meso-foto 1dim; twilight
meso-soma 1++waist
meso-vora 1+lunch
meso-zo 1belt
mesoro Gboundary stone
mesto Gfrilled
mestra Gmonth
meta Galter; change
meta- G(prefix:) alter; alter (prefix); (prefix:) change; change (prefix)
metabolismo Gmetabolism
metali 1++Gmetal; metallic
metali-fi 1+wire
metaxi Gbetween
meteo 1++Gweather; climate
meteori Gmeteor
meter (take matri for mother, uteri for womb) GXmother; womb
meti (prefer vini) Gwine; methy-
metodi 1+Gmethod; approach; manner; way (manner); way (method)
metra 1++meter (metre); metre; metric
metra-sistemametric system
metri 1++Gmeasure; dimension; gauge; mete (v); meter (v); size (measurements)
plu metri 1+size (measurements)
metri-banda 1tape-measure
metri-co 1+to that extent
metri-me 1gauge
metri-ru 1+meter (measuring device)
metro (=metri) GXmeasure
metro (prefer matri for mother, uteri for womb) 1Gmother; womb
metro-polis Gmetropolis; mother city
mi 1++I; me; my
mi auto 1++myself
mi auto bibli 1my own book
mi bibli 1my book
mi pa vide 1I saw
mi vide 1I see
miasma Gbad vapor
migas Gpromiscuous
migma +Gmixture
mika 1+Gchip; chip (electronic); crumb; mince; morsel; shatter; speck (crumb)
miko 1+Gfungus; myco-
mikro 1++Glittle; tiny; minute (tiny); small; petty; trickle
mikro-preci 1cheap
mikrofoni 1Gmicrophone
mikrometramillionth/metre; one millionth of a metre
mikron (prefer mikrometra) Gmillionth/metre; one millionth of a metre
mikroskope 1++Gmicroscope
mila 1+Gmill
mili +thousandth
milieu (French)environment
miliko Ggentle; kind (friendly)
milimetramillimeter; millimetre
miliona 1++million
miliona-pe 1millionaire
milita 1++war; fight; battle; military; riot; strife
milita navi 1cruiser
milita-do 1+barracks
milita-pe 1++soldier; warrior
mime (=mimi) 1GXimitate
mimi 1+Gcopy; imitate; mimic
mina 1+Gmine (coal etc.); undermine
minerali 1+mineral
mini 1++least; minimum; smallest
mini-ra 1++detail
minimo +at least
ministra 1ministry; useful; serve; serviceable
ministra-pe 1minister
minorita +minority
minu 1diminish; minor; decrease; junior; less; lessen; reduce
minus 1++without; lack; -less; minus; missing (not there); subtract
minus fiska 1tax-free
minus kapila 1+bald
minus monito 1without notice
minus uti 1useless
minus zima 1*without yeast
minuta 1++minute (n)
mio 1Gmouse (animal)
mio (take muskula) 1GXmuscle
Mios (=mio, prefer Mus) GXmouse (animal)
miosotis Gforget-me-not
mira 1++wonder; admiration; admire; amaze; amazement; astonish; astound; marvel; surprise
mira-ple 1+wonderful
mira-ra 1++miracle
mirako Ggirl
mirakulomiracle; miraculous
miriamyriad; lots; many
mirismo Ganointing
miristika Gnutmeg
mirmeko 1+Gant
miro Gointment
mirso Gbasket
mis-(prefix:) badly; badly (prefix); (prefix:) wrongly; wrongly (prefix)
mis-kron 1mistimed; inopportune; inconvenient
misamass (religious)
misaro Gloathsome
misceblend; mix
misili 1+missile; projectile; shrapnel
misio 1+mission
miso 1++Ghate; hostile; aversion; detest; distaste; loathe; spite; venomous
miso Gdirt
miso ridi 1sneer
mistako Gmoustache
misteri 1++Gmystery; mystic; mysterious; problem; unexplained; weird
misticihybrid; mongrel
mistika 1+Gmystic
mite 1++send; envoy (v); ship (v); transmit
mite longi 1transmit
mitigentle; mild
miti Gmyth
mitigamitigate; make milder
mitilus Gmussel
mito 1Gfiber; fibre; thread
mitraliamachine gun
mix e presa 1+knead
mixa 1++mix; blend; mess; mingle; muddle; whisk
mixa ova 1scramble (egg)
mixa vendo 1jumble sale
mixo Gmucus; myxo
mizo Gsuck
mnemo 1Gremember
mo 1++Gone; single
mo (after noun) 1++Gfirst
-mo (short affix form of mobili) 1+furniture; piece of furniture
mo bi ze (=mo-bi-ze) 1Xa hundred and twenty; a/one hundred and twenty ; one hundred and twenty
mo kron 1++once
mo mo (=mo-mo) 1Xeleven
mo nona (=mo-nona) 1Xnineteen
mo nova 1item
mo pedi-ve 1odd shoe
mo sixa (=mo-sixa) 1Xsixteen
mo-bi 1++dozen; twelve
mo-bi-ze 1a hundred and twenty; a/one hundred and twenty ; one hundred and twenty
mo-mo 1++eleven
mo-nona 1nineteen
mo-pen (prefer mo-penta) 1fifteen
mo-penta 1fifteen
mo-penta-ze 1a hundred and fifty
mo-ra 1item
mo-seti 1seventeen
mo-sixa 1sixteen
mobi 1car
mobila (=mobili) Xfurnish; furniture; piece of furniture
mobili 1++furnish; furniture; piece of furniture
mode 1++mode; way (manner); way (method); fashion; approach; attitude; manner; method; style
modela 1++model; pattern
moderni 1modern
modesti 1+modest; chaste
mogi Gdifficult
moklo Gcrowbar; lever
mola 1+grindstone; jetty
mole 1accumulate; heap; huddle; pile
molekula 1+molecule
moli 1++soft; bland; mushy
moli kanta 1+lullaby
moli ridi 1chuckle
moli-intra 1pith
moli-ma 1pulp
molibdo Glead (Pb)
molinamill (v)
molobro Ggreedy
molpa Gsong
momenta 1moment
momento (=momenta) 1Xmoment
momi (=mumi) Xmommy
momiomummy (wrapped body)
momo Gblame
monaka (=monako) GXmonk; monastic
monako 1+Gmonk; monastic
monako-do 1monastery
moneta 1++coin; coined money
monito 1++advice; advise; admonish; warn; prevent (by advising)
monito anti 1dissuade
monito de 1warn of; warn against
monito-memonitor (device)
monito-pe 1monitor (person)
monito-ra 1monitor (device)
mono (prefer short form mo) Gone; single
monotono 1Gmonotonous; boring; humdrum; tedious
monstra 1++show (v); display; exhibit; expose; produce (show); reveal; show (n)
monstra se 1+appear
monstra u via a 1+direct
monsuna 1monsoon
monti 1++mountain
monti-latu 1precipice
monti-line 1++range
monti-via 1mountain road; pass (mountain road)
montikulahill (small)
mora 1delay; linger
moral (=morali) 1Xchaste
morali 1++moral; chaste; ethical; ethics; morale
morda 1++bite; nibble; snap (bite)
more 1++custom; customs (ethical); habit; usual
morfo 1+Gform; shape
mori 1+die; dying; expire; perish; wilt
mormo Gbugbear
moro (=moroni) GXmoron; stupid
moroni 1Gmoron; stupid
Morsa kodi 1Morse code
morta 1++dead; death; die
morta agri 1+cemetery
morta ritu 1funeral
morta soma 1+corpse
morta-lo 1++cemetery; churchyard; grave (tomb); tomb
morta-pe 1+dead man; dead woman; dead body; body (dead); corpse
morta-va 1+coffin
morto-lo (=morta-lo) 1Xcemetery
moskito 1+gnat; mosquito
moti 1++move; put; go; lay; move something; place (v); shift; transfer
moti ab 1move aside; remove
moti-me 1motor
motiva 1+motivate; motive
motori 1++motor; engine
move 1move; go
movimenta (=movimento, prefer cirkulati or kine) Xmovement; traffic
movimento (prefer cirkulati or kine)movement; traffic
mu 1++they; their; theirs; them; they (female); they (male)
muce (=muci) Xbe mouldy
muci 1+mucus; slime; mouldy; be mouldy ; silt; slimy
mucido (=muci) Xmouldy; be mouldy
mucilagino (=muci) Xslimy
mugi 1+bellow; howl; moan; roar
mukropoint (sharp)
muku (=muci) 1Xmucus; silt; slime
mula (=muli) Xmule
mulcecaress; stroke
mulgemilk (v)
mulktafine (v)
mulo (=muli) Xmule
multi 1++many; abundant; much; multiply; numerous; plenty
multi cide (=multi-cide, prefer poli-cide) 1Xslaughter
multi-cide (prefer poli-cide) 1massacre; slaughter
u multi-pe (prefer poli-pe) 1multitude
multipli 1+multiply
mumimummy (mother); mommy
munda 1++world
munda-carta 1+*map of the world
mungeblow nose
mura 1++wall
muri (prefer Mus) 1Xmouse (animal)
murmura (=murmuro) Xmurmur
murmuro 1+grumble; mumble; murmur; mutter
Mus 1++mouse (animal); mouse (computer)
mus butonamouse button (computer)
mus tapemouse mat (computer)
musea (=museu) GXmuseum
museu +Gmuseum
musi 1whisper
musika 1++Gmusic
musika-pe 1+musician
musika-ru 1music instrument
muska 1fly (insect)
Muskata 1+nutmeg
muski 1+moss (plant)
musko (=muski) Xmoss (plant)
musku (=muski) Xmoss (plant)
muskula 1++muscle
muskulo (=muskula) Xmuscle
mustawine (new)
Mustela 1+weasel
muta 1++change; affect; alter; inflect; transform; vary
mute 1mute; dumb
mutua 1+mutual; reciprocal
na 1++we; our; ours; us
na domi 1our house
nagma Gheap; pile
nano 1+Gdwarf; teeny; very small
napo 1valley
nara 1++narrate; tell; narrative; report
nari 1+nostril
narko 1++Gnarcotized; drunk; drunken
nasa 1++nose; flair; nasal; smell (v); sniff
nasa-te 1++handkerchief; hankie; hanky
naskebe born
nasma Gspring (source); stream (n)
nastipress (urge); urge
nati 1++birth
nati-di 1++birthday
nati-lo 1native country; one's country
nati-pe 1native
natio 1++nation; national; nationality
natrix Gwater-snake
natura 1++nature; natural
nau 1Gship (n); boat
nauplius Gcrustacean larva
nausea Gseasick
nauti Gseaman
navi 1++ship (n); boat; barge; vessel (ship)
navi frakti 1++wreck
navi-fa 1+fleet
u navi-fa 1++navy
navi-funda 1keel
navi-kli 1berth
navi-lo 1+dock; quay
navi-pali 1mast
naviga 1+navigate
ne 1++not; omit
ne ... 1miss (do not)
ne a nu (=ne a-nu) 1Xnot yet
ne a-nu 1not yet
ne akti 1++refrain
ne cepti 1reject
ne ci 1absenti
ne foto 1++dull (not clear/bright)
ne holo 1partial (partly); partly
ne importa 1++never mind
ne la 1absenti
ne lase 1+prohibit
ne ma de 1mere
ne mo 1neither
ne pa 1didn't
ne pote 1cannot
ne pote dice 1mute; dumb
ne ridi 1serious
ne ski 1ignore
ne ski perilo 1reckless
ne veri? 1+isn't it?
ne- 1+(prefix:) not; not (prefix); dis-
ne-ami 1acquaintance
ne-bate 1+miss (failure to hit)
ne-noce (prefer inocenti)innocent
ne-ski 1++ignorant
nebu 1++fog; haze; mist (fog)
nebula (prefer nebu) 1fog; mist (fog)
nece 1++necessary; have to; must; duty; essential; necessity; need; urgent
mi nece ki 1I must go
nece-fa 1++equipment
plu nece-ra 1necessities
nedimo Gdelightful
nefo 1++Gcloud; nepho-
nefro 1+Gkidney; nephro-
nega 1++deny; abstain; answer negatively; behave negatively; decline; negative (v); refuse; turn down
negativi 1+negative
negoti 1++business; negotiate; deal (business); do business ; negotiation; negotiations
negotia (=negoti) 1Xbusiness; negotiate; deal (business); do business ; negotiation; negotiations
neka 1++drown
nekro 1Gdeath
nektari Gnectar
nekto 1++Gswim (active); swimming
nekto-ve 1Gswimsuit
neleo Gpitiless
nelipo Gbarefoot
nema (prefer fi) 1Gthread; fiber; fibre
nemato (=nema, prefer fi) GXthread
nemertes Gcertain; sure
Nemesis GNemesis (goddess of retributive justice)
nemo Gthread
neo 1++Gnew; fresh; novel (new)
neo pe 1recruit
plu neo-ra 1novelty
neon 1neon
nepotinephew (or niece); niece (or nephew)
nereidi Gsea-maid
nervo 1++nerve
nervosi (=nervoso) 1Xnervous; anxious
nervoso 1++nervous; anxious; eager; jittery; timid
nesia 1++Gisland
nesti Gfast (v)
nestor Gwise counsellor
net 1neat
neta 1Gduck
neuro 1Gnerve
neutra 1++neutral; neuter
neutro (=neutra) 1Xneutral; neuter
neutron Gneutron
nexi (=nexu) 1Xconnect; attach; connection; connexion; interconnection; join (connection); junction; linkage; mating; merge; network; union; unite
nexu 1++connect; attach; connection; connexion; interconnection; join (connection); junction; linkage; mating; merge; network; nexus; tie; union; unite
ni 1++neither; nor
ni ... ni 1++neither ... nor; neither ...nor
nidi 1++nest
nido (=nidi) 1Xnest
nidorcooking smell
nifa (prefer nivi)snow
nigri (=nigra, prefer melano) Xblack
nigro 1Negro
nigro (=nigra, prefer melano) 1Xblack
nike Gvictory
nikel 1nickel
nikotini +nicotine; tobacco
nikti 1+blink; wink; twinkle
nikti (=nivi) 1Xsnow
nikti (=noktu) GXnight
nikto (=noktu) 1Xnight
nilon (=niloni) Xnylon
niloni 1++nylon
nima 1+Gname; appoint; title
nima-bibli 1+directory
nima-verba 1noun
nimburain cloud
nimfa Gnymph; young woman
nipto Gbathe; wash
nistagmo Gdrowsy; sleepy
nitineat; bright
nitrogen 1nitrogen
niva (=nivi) 1Xsnow
nive (prefer nikti)wink
nivi 1++snow; snowy
nixi Gprick (n); prick (v); stab
no 1++no
no ge expecta (=no-ge-expekta) 1Xunexpected
no ge ski (=no-ge-ski) 1Xunknown
no! 1no!
no- (also non-) 1+dis-; (opposite formed); un- (form opposite); (prefix:) opposite; opposite (prefix)
no-bato 1shallow
no-bi-divide 1+odd (not even); not even ; uneven (number)
no-bi nume (take no-bi-divide) 1Xodd (not even); not even ; uneven (number)
no-cede 1++resolute
no-civili 1impertinent; rude; surly
no-dama 1+wild
no-defekti 1perfect; all right
no-dice 1dumb; mute
no-dina 1++Gfeeble; frail
no-duce 1secondary
no-face 1++demolish; destroy; havoc; undo
no-facili 1++difficult; obstacle; rude
no-famo 1insignificant
no-fatiga 1fresh (awake)
no-felici 1unhappy
no-feno 1++*disappear
no-ferali 1domesticated
no-fertili 1barren
no-fini 1+eternal; infinite
no-flavoro 1tasteless; insipid
no-fobo 1+bold
no-forti 1++faint
no-forti foto 1gleam
no-foto 1+dark; darkness; obscure; shadowy
no-freqe 1now and then; occasionally; scarce
no-fresko 1stale
no-functio (=no-funktio) 1Xout of order; useless
no-funktio 1++out of order; useless; vain
no-game gina 1spinster
no-game-an 1bachelor
no-ge-arma 1unarmed
no-ge-expekta 1unexpected
no-ge-frakti 1unbroken
no-ge-game 1unmarried
no-ge-ski 1+unknown
no-gluko 1unpleasant
no-gravi 1++light (not heavy); petty; trifling; trivial; unimportant; whatever (no matter what)
no-hedo 1misery
no-justi 1unreasonable
no-kali 1++ugly; unsightly
no-kargo 1++discharge
no-kine 1++Gmotionless; not moving; stationary; still (not moving)
no-klari 1+obscure; vague
no-klu-co 1+apart from that
no-kompara 1++contrast
no-komuni 1uncommon
no-Kristi (=no-Kristo) 1Xheathen
no-Kristo 1*heathen
no-kritici 1undiscriminating
no-kura 1+careless; indifferent; neglect
no-lauda 1disapproval; disapprove
no-lega 1illegal
no-libe 1dependent
no-liberali 1mean-minded
no-luci 1+blurred; opaque
no-memo 1++forget
no-mira 1ordinary
no-muta 1invariably; obstinate; steady
no-narko 1+sober
no-neo 1old
no-noku 1harmless
no-norma 1unorthodox
no-pende 1independent
no-place 1+displease; offend
no-plika 1unfold
no-poli 1++few
no-posi 1impossible
no-pote 1unable
no-probabili 1unlikely
no-profito 1++disadvantage; vain
no-profunda 1++shallow
no-puri 1++dirt; dirty; filthy; foul; shabby
no-puri-do 1hovel
no-puri-ma 1+dirt; litter (dirt)
no-puta akti 1+rash
no-regula 1irregular
no-rekti 1+crooked
no-resista 1++weak
no-rugo 1mild
no-sani 1unwell
no-sati 1++scanty
no-semani 1++Gnonsense; senseless
no-sistema 1untidy
no-skope 1Gunobservant
no-sofi 1unwise; foolish
no-soni 1++quiet; noiseless; silence; silent; soundless
no-spe 1+despair; desperate
no-spende-pe 1miser
no-stimula 1++dull (boring); boring (adj)
no-sura 1++uncertain; waver
no-take 1slow
no-tegu 1expose
no-tekno 1++Gawkward; clumsy
no-turba 1calm
no-valu 1+despise; disgrace; valueless
no-vari 1invariably
no-vesti 1undress; strip (undress)
no-vide 1++blind
no-vista 1invisible
no-volu 1unwilling; disallow; reject; reluctant; repel
nobili 1noble
noce (prefer noku)damage; harm; hurt
nodi 1++knot; node
noema Gunderstanding (n)
nokti (=noktu) Xnight
noktu 1++night; nocturnal
noktu-papilio 1+moth
noku 1++damage; harm; harmful; hurt; inflict; injure; mischief; noxious; spoil (damage); torment; wear out
noku-zoa 1vermin
nola Gbell (small)
nomadi Gnomadic; wandering
nomi 1++Glaw; -nomy (suffix law) ; right (n); rule (standard); theory
nomina 1++name; nominate
nomina-verba 1+noun
non- (if following letter consonant, else take no-) 1+dis-; (opposite formed); un- (form opposite); (prefix:) opposite; opposite (prefix)
non-acide 1non-existence; unreal
non-akorda 1objection
non-aktivi 1idle; inert
non-akuto 1++blunt (not sharp); dull (not sharp)
non-aliena 1familiar
non-alti 1low
non-ami 1++enemy; foe; hostile; ill-feeling
non-amo 1++disgust; mean (not nice)
non-arki 1unofficial
non-atende 1prompt
non-audi 1++deaf
non-equ (=non-iso) 1Xunequal
non-ergo 1recreation
non-etio 1innocent
non-hedo 1++unhappy; grief; sad; sorrow
non-homo 1unlike
non-iso 1+unequal
non-ofere 1+withold
non-ofero (=non-ofere) Xwithold
nona 1++Gnine
nona-ze 1ninety
noo Gintellect; mind (n)
nord 1++north
nordi (=nord) 1Xnorth
nordo-me 1+compass
norma 1++normal; standard; conventional
nosfidi Gstealthy
noske (prefer ski)know
noso Gdisease
nospira 1snort
nosto Greturn home
nota 1++note; notice; bill; observe; record; remark
nota bibli 1notebook
nota-ka 1wallet (for money); pocket-book (wallet)
noti (=nota) 1Xnotice
noti-taba 1notice-board
notice (=nota) 1Xnotice; note; remark; observe
noto 1Gback (n)
noto Gspurious
nova 1++news; news-item; piece of news
plu nova 1tidings
nova papira (=nova-papira) 1Xnewspaper
nova-papira 1++newspaper
novela 1novel (story)
noveli (=novela) Xnovel (story)
Novembra (prefer meno mo-mo) 1November
novembro (=Novembra, prefer meno mo-mo) XNovember
nu 1++now; present (now); present (time); present time; up-to-date
nu nece akti 1urgent
nu-di 1++today; modern; nowadays
nu-fu 1++just going to; just (time); presently (soon); soon
nu-noktu 1++tonight
nu-pa 1just (time); recent
nu-tem 1+present time; present (time); modern
nubi 1cloud
nucaback of neck
nudi 1++nude; bare; naked
nuki 1++nut; kernel; nuclear; nucleus
nuki energi 1+nuclear energy
nuklea (prefer nuki) 1kernel; nucleus
nul-ergo 1unemployment
nul-ergo-pe 1unemployed person
nuli 1++null; nullify; nothing; abolish; abort; cancel; eliminate; naught; nil; no; repeal; zero
nuli bibli 1no books
nuli kron (=nuli-kron) 1Xnever
nuli-kron 1++never
nuli-lo 1++nowhere
nuli-mo 1none
nuli-pe 1+no one; nobody
nuli-ra 1nothing
nume (=numera) 1Xcount; number
numera 1++number; count; digit
numera mo 1first
numera panto-pe 1++altogether
numera panto-ra 1++altogether
numi 1coin
nuna 1nun
nuna-do 1+convent
nunci 1+announce; publish
nupti 1marriage ceremony; wedding
nuptia (=nupti) Xwedding
nuta 1+nod; agree
nutra (=neutra) 1Xneutral
nutri 1+feed (v); give to eat ; nourish
ob-(prefix:) in-the-way; in-the-way (prefix)
obe 1++obey; execute; obedience; obedient
obesi 1obese; fat (thick); thick
obitdeath; downfall
objekti 1+object; being (n)
obliga 1compel
obliqi 1+oblique
oblongi 1+oblong
obrimo Gmighty; strong
obseqioobsequious; servile
obskuri 1dark
obstina 1++obstinate; stubborn
obtunde (=obtusi, prefer non-akuto) Xblunt (not sharp)
obtusi (prefer non-akuto)blunt (not sharp); dull (not sharp)
obvioobvious; conspicuous; clear (evident)
oceani 1++Gocean
ocelieye (little)
ocide 1++west; western; occidental
ocidenta (prefer ocide)west
ociputaback of head
ode Gsong
odino Gchildbirth pains
odi (=odio) 1Xhate
odio 1++odious; hate; detest; disgust; distaste; hatred; loathe
odio-pe 1pest (nasty person); nasty fellow
odisi Ganger
Odobenus 1walrus
odonto 1Gtooth
odori (=odoro) Xodor; odour; smell
odoro 1++odor; odour; smell; aroma; scent
oeno (prefer vini) Gwine
oestro Ggad-fly; sex-heat
ofendooffence; offend; offense; offensive
ofere 1++offer
ofere se 1++be a candidate ; run (for office)
ofero (=ofere) 1Xoffer
ofero se (=ofere se) Xbe a candidate ; run (for office)
ofice 1++office; official (adj); clearance (customs)
ofice-pe 1++officer; official (n)
ofici (=ofice) 1Xofficial (adj); office; clearance (customs)
oficia (=ofice) Xoffice; official (adj)
oficia-pe (=ofice-pe) Xofficer; official (n)
oficiali (=ofice) 1Xofficial (adj)
ogro 1ogre
ok (short form of okto)eight
okasio 1++occasion; chance; opportunity
oklo 1Gcrowd (n)
okno Ghesitate; slow
oko (=oku) GXeye
okrealegging; sheath
okto 1++eight
okto-ze 1eighty
Oktobra (prefer meno deka) 1October
oktobro (=Oktobra, prefer meno deka) XOctober
Oktopus 1Goctopus
oku 1++eye; notice (with eyes); optical; peep; perceive (with eyes); see (look)
oku-sema 1wink
oku-tegu 1++eyelid
okuli (prefer oku)eye
okupa +occupy
olajar; pot
ole (=olea) 1Xlubrication; lubricant
olea 1++Goil; lubricant; lubrication; anoint
olei (=olea) GXoil
oleske (prefer kresce)grow
olface 1+smell (v); flair; nose; sniff
oligo 1++Gfew; several
oliva (=Olivi) Xolive
Olivi 1+olive
oma Geye
oma Gtumor
ombro Grainstorm
omfalo Gnavel
omite 1+omit
omiti (=omite) Xomit
omni 1all; every; apiece
omnibus (prefer short form bus) 1bus; omnibus
omo Graw; unripe
onagro Gass (wild)
oneiro Gdream
oneroburden; load
oniko 1hoof; claw; talon; nail
onko Gtumor
onomato (prefer nomina) Gname
onto 1+Gbe; being (n); exist
opaci Gopaque
opera 1opera
opera (prefer operatio) 1operate; operation; handle; manage; manufacture; work
operatio 1operate; operation; handle; manage; manufacture; work
operkulacover; lid
opini 1+opinion; be of the opinion ; opine
opinio (=opini) 1Xopinion
opisto- G(prefix:) behind; behind (prefix)
opo 1eye
opositi +opposite; opposition
opresi 1++oppress
opsi- G(prefix:) late; late (prefix)
optalmo (prefer oku) Geye
optieye; vision
opti 1choose; elect; opt
optimisti 1optimist
opuswork (n)
ora 1mouth; oral
orakulaoracle; prophecy
orali 1oral
orama Gview
orange (French)orange (colour)
orange (French) 1++orange (fruit)
oratora 1orator
orbi (=orbita) Xcircle; world
orbi-ra (take satelita) Xsatellite
orbis (=orbita) Xcycle
orbita 1+orbit; circle; cycle; world
ordina 1++order (arrangement); order (series); ordain (priest); grade (v); rank
ordinari 1ordinary
orfana 1+Gorphan
orfano (=orfana) GXorphan
organi 1++Gorgan
organismo 1++Gorganism; being (n); organisation
organiza 1+organize; arrange
orgasmo Gorgasm
orgi Gorgy
ori 1rise (go up)
orienta 1+Geast; orient; oriental
orientati 1attitude
origi 1++Gorigin; source
origina (prefer origi)origin; source
orikto Gdug; quarried
Oriza 1++Grice
oriza-agri 1rice paddy
orkestra 1++Gorchestra
Orkidi 1+Gorchid; testicle
orna 1++ornament; decorate; decoration; adorn; fancy
orna aku 1brooch
orna-li 1jewel
orna-ra 1+jewelry
orna-zo 1++bangle
orni 1Gbird; fowl
oro 1mount; mountain
orto 1++Gupright; erect; straight; upright (direction); vertical
orto-lo 1Gcliff
os 1+mouth; face
os (=osteo) 1Xbone
osci (=oscila) Xswing; oscillate; see-saw; shake; sway; wag (oscillate)
oscila 1++oscillate; swing; see-saw; shake; sway; vibrate; wag (oscillate)
oscili (=oscila) Xswing; oscillate; see-saw; sway; wag (oscillate)
oski (=oscila) Xswing; oscillate; see-saw; sway; wag (oscillate)
osku (prefer oskula) 1kiss
oskula 1++kiss
osme Gsmell
osmo Gpush (n)
osteo 1++Gbone
ostraciza Gostracize
ostraka 1+Gshell (animal)
ostrako (=ostraka) GXshell (animal)
Ostre 1+Goyster
ostre ostraka 1Goyster shell
ostrea (=Ostre) GXoyster
oti 1++Gear; bug (v); spy
oti-orna 1earring
otio 1idle; be idle
otrero Gnimble; quick
ousia Greality; substance
ova 1++egg
ovali 1+oval
ovi (=Ovis) 1Xsheep
ovi lana (=ovis lana) 1Xfleece
Ovis 1+sheep; mutton
ovis lana 1*fleece
ovis voci 1bleat
ovis-pe 1shepherd
oxi 1+Gacid; sharp (sour); sour
oxidi 1++Goxidize; corrode; rust
oxigen (=oxigena) Xoxygen
oxigena 1++oxygen
ozo (prefer odoro) Gsmell
pa 1++-ed (past tense marker); did (past tense marker); had (tense marker); have (past tense marker); 've (past tense marker); has (tense marker); last (previous); past
pa(-) 1++past
pa akti 1did
pa audi 1heard (preterit of to hear)
pa bali 1sent (preterit of to send)
pa bibe 1drank
pa debi 1ought to have; should have
pa detekti 1found (preterit of to find)
pa dice 1spoke (preterit of to speak); said (preterit of to say); told (preterit of to tell)
pa dona 1gave
pa dromo 1ran
pa duce 1led (preterit of to lead); drove (preterit of to drive)
pa elekti 1chose
pa es 1was; were; been
pa este 1felt (preterit of to feel)
pa face 1made (preterit of to make)
pa fero ci 1brought (preterit of to bring)
pa frakti 1broke (preterit of to break)
pa gene 1became; got
pa grafo 1wrote
pa habe 1had (preterit of to have, own); had the quality of
pa kade 1fell (preterit of to fall)
pa kapti 1caught
pa ki 1went; gone (past of to go)
pa klepto 1stole (preterit of to steal)
pa kresce 1grew
pa meno 1last month
pa merka 1bought (preterit of to buy)
pa more 1used to
pa morta 1died (preterit of to die)
pa nece 1had to
pa paga 1paid (preterit of to pay)
pa pote 1++could
pa prende 1took
pa proto 1began
pa reakti 1replied (preterit of to reply)
pa sedi 1sat (preterit of to sit)
pa seiso 1shook
pa ski 1knew
pa spende 1spent (preterit of to spend)
pa sta 1stood (past of to stand)
pa stru 1built (preterit of to build)
pa tena 1held (preterit of to hold); kept (preterit of to keep)
pa tenta 1tried (preterit of to try)
pa trakto 1drew
pa unio 1met (preterit of to meet)
pa vendo 1sold (preterit of to sell)
pa veni 1came
pa-di 1++yesterday
pa-noktu 1last night
pa-tem 1past
pabowheel barrow
paci 1++peace; pacify; peaceful
paedi 1Gchild; infant
paga 1++pay; payment; wage
paga paketa 1pay packet
pagina 1++page
pagiofirm; fixed
pagofixing (n)
paisage (French)landscape
paka 1bale; charge; pack (charge)
paketa 1++package; packet; parcel
paki 1++Gthick (stout); fat (thick); coarse; stout (adj)
paki-fi 1+cable; cord
paki-karni 1steak
palati 1++palace
palatopalate; roof of mouth
palea 1bran; chaff; straw
paleo 1++Gold; aged; ancient; palaeo
paleo soldata 1+old soldier; veteran
paleo stori 1+Glegend
pali 1++palisade; pillar; pole; post (pole); stake (n)
pali (take itera (again) or retro (backwards)) GXagain; back again; backwards
palia 1cloak; overcoat; topcoat
palida (=palidi) 1Xpale (in colour); pallid; wan
palidi 1++pale (in colour); pallid; wan
palin- (take retro-) GX(prefix:) back again; back again (prefix)
palino Gscatter
palma 1+slap; palm (hand); palm (tree)
palpa 1++examine (by touch); touch
palpitabeat; throb
paluda 1+marsh; bog; moss (bog)
paludi (=paluda) Xbog; marsh
palumbuwood pigeon
pan (short form of panto) 1+Gall; both (if two); every
pan tem (prefer panto-tem) 1eternal
pan-lo (prefer panto-lo)everyplace; everywhere; widespread
pan-tem (prefer panto-tem) 1+always
panacea Gall-heal
Panda 1panda
Pandalus 1prawn
pande 1spread; stretch
panela 1+(piece of) cloth ; panel
pani 1++bread; loaf
pani-bo 1baker's (shop); baker's shop
pani-pe 1baker
panika 1Gpanic
Paniku 1+millet
panorama 1Gpanorama; all-views; outlook; view
Pantera 1panther
panto (or short form pan) 1++Gall; every; both (if two)
panto faktu 1particulars
panto kron (prefer panto-kron) 1Galways; everytime
panto-di 1everyday
panto-kron 1Galways; everytime
panto-lo 1++everyplace; everywhere; widespread
panto-pe 1++Geverybody; everyone
panto-ra 1++Geverything
panto-tem 1++*eternal; always
pantomima 1+Gpantomime
papa 1+dad; papa; pope
Papaver 1+poppy
papilong seed hairs
papilanipple; teat
papilio 1+butterfly
papira 1++Gpaper; roll of paper; strip (paper); strap (paper)
papira saka 1paper-bag
para 1++Gbeside; at side; by (beside); close to; next to
u para 1++Gneighborhood; neighbourhood; vicinity
para dice 1by the way
para- 1+G(prefix:) beside; beside (prefix)
para-do 1next door
para-mari via 1promenade
para-pe 1+neighbor; neighbour
parabola 1+Gallegory; parable
parada 1++parade
paradisi (=paradiso) 1GXheaven (paradise); paradise
paradiso 1+Gheaven (paradise); paradise
paradoxi Gparadox
paragrafo 1Gparagraph
parakade 1parachute
parakade soldata 1paratrooper
paraleli 1++Gparallel
paralisi 1+Gparalyse; lame
paranoia Gmad
parasiti (=parasito) GXparasite
parasito 1+Gparasite
parcelapackage; packet; portion (small)
parcifew; sparing; scanty; thrifty; penurious; frugal
pardo 1++pardon; forgive; excuse; absolve (from sin or guilt); condone
pardona 1forgive; pardon
pare 1give birth
parenta 1++parent; mother (or father); father (or mother)
parenta-fratri 1++uncle
parenta-sorori 1++aunt
parentesi Gparenthesis; bracket (printing)
parieta 1wall
parka 1++park (n); park (v)
parka-puni 1parking fine
parla 1speak
parlamenta 1++parliament
parle (=parla) 1Xspeak
paroki 1Gparish
parokia Gneighborhood; neighbourhood
parokia-pe Gneighbor; neighbour
parola Gword
parotiditis 1mumps
paroxisma Gfit (epileptic); spasms
partapart; divide; partial (partly); partly; share
parteno Gvirgin
parti 1party (celebrate)
participa 1++participate
participla +participle
partikula 1++particle
partikularidetail (v)
parturigive birth
Parus 1tit
parvi (prefer pusi)little
pasa 1+pass (leave behind); passage; surpass
pasa tem 1pastime
pasage (French)passage
pasala Gpeg
pasaporta 1++passport
paseri 1+sparrow
pasi Gfor all
pasio 1+passion
pasivi 1passive
paska 1+Easter
pasta 1++dough; paste; pastry
pastata 1+pie; tart
pastelo 1crayon
pasteuriza (French)pasteurize
Pastinaca 1parsnip
pastora 1+parson; pastor; shepherd
patelie (v) open
patela 1++knee-cap; pan
patenta 1+patent
patina (prefer glisa (epi geli))skate (on ice)
pato 1++Gsick; ill; suffer; disease; illness; infirmity; invalid; malady; plague; septic; sickness; sufferance; suffering
pato-do 1++hospital
u pato-pe 1++patient (n)
pato-vagona 1ambulance
patri 1++father
patrioti 1patriot
patronamodel; pattern
pauci (prefer oligo)few
paulu (prefer pusi)little
pausa 1++Gpause; rest; stop
pausi (=pausa) Xpause; rest
pavepave (v)
pavi 1paving-stone
pavilio 1+pavilion; pavillion
Pavnao 1peacock
paxilipeg; stake (small)
pe (short form of persona) 1++one (person); one's; person
-pe (short affix form of persona) 1++person
pe-fiska 1income tax
pe-klepti 1++kidnap
pe-pikto 1portrait
peci 1+piece; bit; part; patch; portion
peci ergo 1patchwork
peci tera 1terrain
peda (=paedi, take infanti) GXchild
pedali 1pedal
pedi 1++foot (end of leg); kick; paw; tread
pedi (=pedo, prefer baso) 1GXsoil
plu pedi 1feet
pedi su kefa 1somersault
pedi-artri 1++ankle
pedi-bola 1++football
pedi-digi 1++toe
pedi-lo 1++floor; ground; storey
pedi-lo tegu 1+rug
pedi-marka 1+footprint
pedi-pe 1pedestrian
pedi-ra 1+rung; stirrup; treadle
pedi-te 1++sock
pedi-ve 1++shoe; footwear
pedi-ve-pe 1cobbler
pedi-via 1++footpath; pavement
pedio (=paedi, take infanti) 1GXchild; infant
pedo 1Gground; sod; soil
pego Gfountain
peira Gattempt; try
peka 1+sin
pektina 1++comb
pektora 1breast; bosom; chest (body part)
pekulasteal; peculate
pela 1peel; skin
pelagi (=pelago, prefer mari) GXsea
pelago 1Gsea
pelargo Ggeranium; stork
peleka (=peleki) 1Xax; axe; hatchet
peleki 1+Gax; axe; chopper; hatchet
peli 1++fur; fell (skin); skin
pelika 1hatchet
pelikobasin; bowl
pelma Gsole (foot)
pelo Gclay; mud
pelta Gsmall shield
pelvi 1pelvis; basin; vessel
pemfigo Gbubble
pemka Gpastry
pen (short form of penta) 1five
pen-ze 1fifty
pena (=pina) Xpen; feather
pencila 1++pencil
pende 1++hang; hang up; dangle; sag; suspend
pende ex 1++depend
pende kleido 1padlock
pende kli 1hammock
pende-te 1++curtain; sling
peniadearth; poverty
penicili 1brush
penicilin 1penicillin
penikro Gneedy; poor
penis 1penis; tail; brush
penite 1++sorry; condolences; regret; repent
pensi 1think; cogitate
pensio 1+pension
penta 1++Gfive
penta (after noun) 1++Gfifth
penta-ze 1fifty
pentekosta 1whitsun
penuriin need
pepiro Gripe
pepo Ggourd; melon
pepsi 1++Gdigest (digestion); digestion
per 1++by means of; per; with (=by means of)
per dina 1by force
per fortuna 1by chance
per qi 1whereby
per- 1(prefix:) through; through (prefix); (prefix:) thorough; thorough (prefix)
per-co 1+in this way
percipeperceive; perception
perdi 1lose
Perdix 1partridge
pereio Gtransport
perfekti 1++perfect; outstanding
perfidifalse; perfidy
perfuma 1+perfume; scent
pergulabooth; stall
peri 1++Garound; ambient; siege; surround
peri- 1+G(prefix:) around; around (prefix)
peri-braki 1+Gembrace; hug
peri-ergo Gbusy-body (v)
peri-lo 1++environment; neighbourhood; surroundings
peridi Genvelope (outer)
perilo 1+peril; danger; dangerous; perilous
perimetri Gperimeter
perimetro (=perimetri) GXperimeter
periodi 1Gperiod
periskope 1Gperiscope
periso Godd number
perkusi 1shake
permane +permanent; durable; endure; enduring; last (v)
permito 1++permit; admission; admit; admittance; allow; let; permission
pernaharmed; misfortune
perona Gfibula; pin
perplexi 1perplex; baffle; confound; confuse; dumfound
persekuti 1persecute; oppress
Persika 1peach; peach tree
persona 1++person; personal; somebody
perspektosee through
perspikuoclear (evident); evident
pertena 1pertain; belong
pertikalong pole
pertinebelong to
perto Gdestroy; kill
peruka 1wig
perulabud-scale; pouch
pesimisti 1pessimist
pesko Ghide; skin
pesti 1++pest
petali 1+Gpetal
petalo (=petali) GXpetal
petasma Gcarpet; rug
peti 1++Gfly (v); haste; hurry; rush; fall
petiolaleaf stalk
petita (prefer domi-zoa) 1pet (animal)
petitio 1++petition; appeal; ask; beg; implore; invitation; invite; request; requisition; try to get
petitio konsili 1+consult
petro 1++Grock; stone
petro-pe 1mason
petrole (=petroleum) 1Xpetroleum
petroleum 1+Gpetroleum
petrosili Gparsley
pexi (prefer fixa) Gfix; solidify
pextorachest (body part)
pi Gpi (Greek letter)
piano 1++piano
pidako Gfountain; spring (source)
pieli Gsocket
pielo Gpelvis; trough
piezo 1Gpress (v); click (press key); tighten
piga (=pigi) 1GXbuttock; buttocks; pygal
piga-ve 1Gknickers
pigefeel annoyed
pigi 1Gbuttock; buttocks; pygal; rump
pigmentapigment; color; colour
pigmi 1Gdwarf; teeny
pigmo (prefer pugna) Gfist
pignopledge; security (pledge); pawn (pledge)
pika 1pierce; prick; sting; smart (sharp)
Pika 1magpie
pikantipiquant; stinging
piknik 1+picnic
pikno Gdense
pikro 1++Gbitter
pikto 1++picture; illustrate; image; paint; painting
pilacolumn; battery
pile Ggate
pileo Gcap
pili (=kapila) Xhair
pilo 1ball
pilo Gpylon
pilu (=pilula) Xpill
pilulapill; tablet (medicament)
pina 1++pen; feather; plume
pina (=puni) 1Xpenalty
pinca 1+pinch
pincelapaint brush
pinceta 1+tweezers
pineapine cone
pinguifat (blubber); blubber
pinito Gwise
pintadaguinea fowl
Pinus 1+pine (tree)
piogentle; tender
pio Gpus
pipa 1++chirp; pipe; tube
piperi 1++pepper
pipi 1squeak
pipto (prefer kade) Gfall
pirami 1+Gpyramid
piramidi (=pirami) GXpyramid
pirata 1++pirate
pireno Gseed (hard)
pireto Gburning heat
pirexi (=pirexia) GXfever
pirexia Gfever
pirgo Gtower
piro 1++Gfire; ablaze; alight; burn (v); combust; ignite; kindle; pyre
piro minus flama 1*smoulder
piro-lo 1+Ghearth
pirso Gbeacon; torch
piru (=Pirus) GXpear; pear tree
Pirus 1+Gpear; pear tree
pisci (=piski) Xfish (n); fish (v)
piscina (=piskina) Xfish pond; swimming pool
piski 1++fish (n); fish (v)
piski grega 1shoal (fishes)
piski-do 1aquarium
piski-pe 1fisherman
piskina +fish pond; swimming pool; pool (pond)
pista 1+track (trail); track (race); scent (trail); trail
pistio Gfaithful
pisto Glearned
pistola 1+pistol
pisu (=Pisum) Xpea
Pisum 1+pea
pita 1patter
pitano Gpersuasive
piteka 1ape; monkey
pitekus (=piteka, prefer simia) GXape
piton 1Gpython
pixi Gbox
pixidi Gbox (small)
pla 1++ledge; shelf
place 1++please; pleasure; give pleasure
placia +place (square); square (place)
placidi +quiet; still (quiet)
plage 1+beach
plagio Goblique
plagostrike; wound (v)
plaka 1++Gcake; block; flat-iron; pad (n); slab; tablet (slab)
plako (=plaka) GXcake; slab; tablet (slab)
plamkto (=plankto) GXfloat
plana 1+glide; glider; hover; plane (glide)
'plana-do 1hangar
planet (=planeta) 1GXplanet
planeta 1++Gplanet
plangecomplain; complaint
plani (=plano, prefer plati) Xflat (plane); plane (flat)
planka 1+plank
plankto 1++Gfloat; swim (float)
plano 1+flat (plane); plane (flat)
plano (take skema) Xplan
plano (take vaga) 1GXwander
planta 1++plant (n); plant (v); vegetable
planta (take solea) Xsole (foot)
plasmaplasma; can be shaped
plasti 1+Gform; mold; mould; shape
plasti-ma 1Gplastic
plastici (=plastika) GXplastic
plastika 1++*Gplastic
plastika-teguplastic case
plastra Gplaster
plata 1squash
plata-landa (=plati-lo) 1Xplain (n)
plataforma 1++platform
platanusplane tree
platesa 1plaice
plati 1++Gflat (plane); wide; ample; broad; even (level); extensive; plane (flat)
plati skana-meflatbed scanner
plati-landa 1*plain (n)
plati-lo 1+*plain (n); flat land; flat (n)
plati-taba 1ironing board
platika (=plastika) 1GXplastic
platinumplatinum (Pt)
plato 1plateau
plato-lo (=plati-lo) 1Xplain (n); flat land; flat (n)
plaude (=aplaude, prefer lauda) Xapplaud
plax Gplate; tablet (slab)
ple 1++fill; full; fully; hearty
plebicommon people
plegi Gstroke (hit)
plei (=pleio) 1GXmore (number)
pleio 1++Gmore (number)
pleisto 1++Gmost (number)
pleko Gtwine (twist); twist
plekto 1+Gbraid
plemna Gnave (of wheel)
plero Gfull
plesio 1Gclose (near); near
pleto (=pletora) 1GXcrowd (n); abundance
pletora Gcrowd (n); abound; abundance; abundant
pleura 1Gcoast; lateral; rib; seashore; side; sidelong
plexi 1intertwine; intertwist; interweaving; net
plexu (=plexi) 1Xintertwine; interweaving; net
plika 1++fold; dart (pleat); pleat; tuck (fold)
plintaplinth; brick
pliso Gwash
plora 1weep
ploto (prefer plankto)float; swim (float)
plu 1++-s (plural sign); more than one; plural; some
plu bibli 1books; some books
plu fe (take mu though without gender) 1Xthey (female)
plu femora 1lap
plu kron 1++sometimes
plu mega literaupper case (typing)
plu pusi literalower case (typing)
plu-ci 1++these
plu-la 1++those
plu-la bibli 1those books
plu-tu 1++yours (single)
plu-vi 1++yours (plural)
pluma 1+plume; feather; pen
plumba 1+lead (Pb)
plumpa 1++plump
plura 1+several
plurali 1plural
plus 1++plus; additional; also; and; another; as well as; extra; spare; too (also); with
u plus mo 1*another one
plus-co 1++also; besides; furthermore; moreover
pluso (=plus) 1Xadditional; also; and; another; as well as; extra; plus; spare; too (also)
u pluso mo (=u plus mo) 1Xanother one
pluteashed (n)
pluto 1++Grich; resources; wealth
pluto vora 1+banquet
pluvi 1++rain; shower (rain)
pluvi skuta 1++umbrella
pluvi-nivi 1+sleet
pluvi-venti 1squall
pneu Gtire (tyre); tyre
pneumati 1Glung; lungs
pneumi (=pneumati) 1GXlung
pneumo Gbreath; breathe; wind (air)
pneumoni (=pneumati) GXlung
po 1++after; since
po kron 1late; lateness; delay; retard; retardation
po meso-di 1++after noon; afternoon; P.M.; pm; post meridiem
po- 1+G(prefix:) after; after (prefix); post-
po-co 1++afterwards; then
po-di 1the next day
po-kron 1++late; delay; lateness; retard; retardation; tardy
pocilicup (small)
poda 1++Gleg; limb (leg); paw
poda-fa 1trestle
poda-genu 1knee
poda-gono 1knee
poda-te 1++stocking
poda-ve 1++trousers
podagra Ggout
podex Gbottom
podio Gplatform
podistra Gfoot-trap (n)
poeia 1Gcreate; produce
poeio (=poeia) GXcreate
poekilo Gvarying
poema 1poem
poesi 1++Gpoem; poetry; verse
poeta 1++poet
poeti (=poeta) Xpoet
poga 1Gbeard
pogo (=poga) GXbeard
poi (old Glosa word)then
poko (Italian) 1+a little ; a bit
pola 1+Gpolar; pole (Earth)
polariza Gpolarize
pole (prefer vendo)sell
polemi 1+Gfight; war; dispute; quarrel
poli 1++Gmany; abundant; lot (many); lump; mass (many); numerous; pile; poly-
poli kavita 1spongy; porous
poli-aku 1+jagged
poli-cide 1+*massacre; slaughter
poli-pe 1++crowd (n); multitude; troop (crowd); throng
poli-pika 1tingle
poli-voci 1uproar
polica 1++Gpolice
polica-an 1++policeman; constable (male)
polica-fe 1+constable (female)
poligonum Gknot weed
polina 1+pollen
polini (=polina) Xpollen
polio 1++Ggrey; gray
poliripolish (v)
polis (=polita, prefer civita) 1GXcity; town
polisa (=polisi) GXpolicy
polisi 1++Gpolicy
polita Gcity
politena 1polythene
politika 1++Gpolitical; politics
politika-pe 1+politician
poluti +pollute
pomegranata 1+pomegranate
pomfo Gblister
pome (=pomi) 1Xapple
pomi 1++apple
pomo (=pomi) Xapple
pompo 1+pomp; splendor; splendour
ponda 1pound
ponda nota 1pound note
ponde 1++ponder; weigh; weight; consider
ponderosoheavy; ponderous
poni 1+pony
ponti 1++bridge
pop 1pop
poplesback of knee
popula 1++people; popular; popularity; population
populari (prefer popula) 1popular
Populus 1poplar; poplar tree
porcelana 1China ware
porfiro Gpurple
porifera Gsponge
porka (=porku, prefer sui(-karni)) 1Xpig; hog; pork
porki (=porku, prefer sui(-karni)) Xpork; pig
porku (prefer sui(-karni)) 1pork; pig; hog
porkuspina 1+porcupine
porno Gprostitute
pornografi Gpornography
poro 1+Gpore; hole; passage
porta 1++door; gate; port (opening in ship)
porta (=portu, prefer asilu) 1Xharbor; harbour; haven; port (harbour)
porta (prefer fero) 1carry
porta tina 1door bell
porta-nota 1pocket-book (wallet); wallet (for money)
porta-valuta 1purse
porte Gdestroy
portende (take portento) Xportend
portentoportent; omen; sign; portend
portika 1+porch
portikula (=portika) Xporch
portio (prefer mero)part; portion
portu 1+harbor; harbour; haven; port (harbour)
Poru 1+leek
posi 1++perhaps; may; maybe; might (possibility); might (possibly); possible; possibly; probable; probably
posi-ra 1++possibility
positiplace (v); put
positivi 1+positive
post (prefer po) 1after; since
post- (prefer po-) 1(prefix:) after; after (prefix); post-
posta 1++mail; post (mail); post (send)
posta-an 1postman
posta-karta 1+post card; postal card
posta-pe 1postman; mailman
posta-teka 1post-box
poste 1++behind; astern; back (n); posterior; rear
posterioriposterior; rear
postula 1++postulate; assume; suppose; if
pota 1Gdrink
potami 1Griver
potamo (=potami, prefer fluvi) 1GXriver
potasiumpotassium (K)
potato 1++potato
pote 1++able; can (be able); ability; capable; may; power
poto Gfond desire
pourboire (French)tip
pove 1++poor; miserable; pauper
pove agri-pe 1peasant
pra (old Glosa word)had (tense marker)
prae (=pre) Xago; before (time); former; formerly; previous; prior
praeter (=preter, prefer ultra) Xbeyond
pragma 1++Gaffair; deal
praktika +practical; practise
prandi 1dinner; supper
prandia (=prandi) Xdinner; supper
prate 1+meadow; prairie
pravicrooked (evil); evil
praxi 1++practice; practise; able; act; acting; actuate; busy; do; doing; effect (v); effective; experience (v, resulting from practice); make; shrewd (resulting from practice); sensible (resulting from practice)
pre 1++before (time); ago; a little while ago ; earlier; former; formerly; previous; prior
pre dice 1+prophet
pre kron (=pre-kron) 1Xearly
pre kura (=pre-kura) 1Xprecaution
pre meso-di 1++*a. m.; AM; am (time); ante meridiem; before noon
pre nu (=pre-nu) 1Xformer; formerly; once
pre plu di 1the other day
pre vide (=pre-vide) 1Xforesee; anticipate
pre- 1+(prefix:) before (time); before (time)(prefix); pre-
pre-di 1the day before
pre-kron 1++early
pre-kura 1precaution
pre-noktu 1evening
pre-nu 1++already; former; formerly; once
pre-parenta 1+ancestor; forbear (n); forefather
pre-pe 1predecessor
pre-vide 1*foresee; anticipate
preci 1++price; cost; fare; ransom
preci-lista 1+tariff
precise 1+precise; exact; strict
precisi (=precise) Xexact; precise
preda 1+prey
predice 1+predict
predika 1+preach; proclaim
prefa (=preface) 1Xpreface
prefekta (=prefekto) 1Xprefect
prefere 1++prefer; rather (more willingly)
prefero (=prefere) Xprefer
pregnapregnant; make pregnant
prehendi (=prende) Xseize
prejudika 1+prejudice
preka 1++pray; plea; prayer
preka-pe 1++priest
premi 1++premium; prize; profit; reward
premiu (=premi) Xprize; profit; reward
premo Gtree-stump
prende 1++take; gather; occupy; pick (take); pick up; pluck (pick); seize
prepara 1++prepare; alert; preparation; prepared; provide; ready
prepto Gdistinguished
presa 1++press (v); crowd (v); crush; lean on; press (periodicals); pressure; print; squeeze; throng
presa-me 1*press (machine)
presagipresage; forebode
presbi Gold
presenti +now; presence; present
preserva +preserve (keep)
presi (=presa) 1Xpress (v)
preside 1preside
presidenta (=presidenti) 1Xpresident
presidenti 1++president
presteagile; nimble
presti-digitaquick-fingered; prestidigitate
presu (=presa) 1Xpress (v); lean on; squeeze; throng
pretende 1++pretend; claim; make claim ; lay claim to
preter 1past; beyond
preterite (prefer pa)past
pretexta (=pretextu) Xpretext
pretextu 1+pretext; pretence; pretense
preveniprevent; forestall
previo (prefer pre)ago; before (time); former; formerly; previous
prima (prefer proto) 1primary; prime; first; at first ; initial; premier
prima kopi (prefer proto kopi) 1draft copy
prima nima (prefer proto nima) 1Christian name
prima-vera (=blasto-tem) Xspring (season)
primataprimate animal
primitive 1++primitive
primna Gstern (of ship)
principi 1principle
prio Gsaw (cutting)
priori (prefer pre)former; before (time); previous
prisma Gprism
priva +deprive
privilegi 1++privilege; right (n)
pro 1++for; behalf; on behalf of ; for the sake of; in favor of; in favour of ; forward; forward towards
pro anti-pe 1traitor
pro ju-pe 1juvenile
pro qo? (prefer qo-te) 1why? (intention)
pro sani 1wholesome
pro- 1+(prefix:) forward; forward (prefix); (prefix:) favor; favor (prefix)
proba 1++test; demonstrate; prove; rehearse; trial (try)
probabili 1++likely; probable; probably
problema 1++Gproblem
proboski Gproboscis; trunk (elephant)
procede +proceed; go forward ; procedure
procesa +process
procesio 1+procession
prodigalavish; spend
produce 1+produce (make); produce (nature); produce (show); bring out; generate; make; manufacture; production; yield (bring out)
profaniprofane; debase
profesiprofess (declare belief); profess (teach)
profesi (=profesio) Xprofession; profess (work)
profesio 1++profession; profess (work)
profeta Gprophet
proficiemake progress
profilakti +Gprevent
profito 1++profit; advantage; benefit; dividend; fruitful; prosper; succeed; success
profligatoprofligate; corrupt
profunda 1++profound; deep (profound); depth (profound)
profundi (=profunda) Xprofound; deep (profound); depth (profound)
prognosi 1++Gforecast; weather forecast
programa 1++Gprogram; program (computer); programme; application (computer); software (computer)
progresi 1++progress
prohibitiprohibit; prohibition
projekti 1++project (n); project (v); jut; stand out
projeti 1pier
proklama 1herald
prokto Ganus
prokura 1+acquire; obtain
proliferaprolific; be fruitful
prolixprolix; long-winded
prolonga (=prolongi) Xprolong
prolongi 1+prolong
promena (=promenade) Xwalk (v)
promenade 1+promenade; walk (v)
promineproject (v)
promise 1++promise; commit oneself; guarantee; pledge; undertake
promoti 1+promote
pronoprone; leaning forward
pronunci 1pronounce
pronuncia (=pronunci) Xpronounce
propaga 1propagate; spread
propilea Ggateway
propolis Gbee-glue
proposi 1++propose; proposal; nominate; suggest
proprie 1++property (possessions); possess; one's own (possession); own (possess)
proprie-pe 1+proprietor; owner
proprie-ra 1+possession
proprie-signi *signature
proprio (=proprie) Xones own; own (v)
proprio-pe (=proprie-pe) Xowner
proprio-ra (proprie-ra) Xpossession
proprio-signi (=proprie-signi) Xsignature
prora Gprow
prosa 1+prose
proskeni 1+Gstage (act); scaffold
prosopo 1Gface; visage
prospekti 1prospect; perspective; sight; vista
prospikuoseen from afar
prostataprostate gland
prostesi Gprosthesis
protekti 1protect; defend
protesta 1++protest; complain; complaint; grumble
proto 1++Gbegin; beginning; commence; first; at first ; found; go (begin); initial; institute (v); premier; primary; start
proto kopi 1*draft copy
proto nima 1*Christian name
proto-pe 1pioneer
protokola Gprotocol
protuberaswell (v)
provide +provide; foresee; provision; provisional
provinci 1province
provincia (=provinci) Xprovince
provisio 1provision
proxi 1++near; about; adjoin; almost; alongside; approach; approximate; approximately; beside; by (near); close (near); close to; nearly
proxi kade 1++stumble
proxi ne 1++hardly
Prunus 1+plum; plum tree
pruri 1+itch
psalo Gpluck (music)
psama 1Gsand; arena
psamo (=psama, prefer arena) GXsand
psefo Gpebble
psefo Gvote
psesto Grubbed; scraped
pseudo 1+Gfalse; deceive; untrue
psikiko 1Gpsychic; psychical
psiko 1++Gpsyche; mind (n); psychic; psychical; psycho; soul
psiko-idea 1Gabstract
psiko-pato 1+Glunatic
psikro Gcold
psila (=pulex) GXflea
psilo Gbare; smooth
Psitako (=psitakus) 1GXparrot
psitakus Gparrot
psokus Gbook louse
psori Gitch
pteridi Gfern
pterido (=pteridi) 1GXfern
pterigi 1+Gfin
ptero 1++Gwing
ptialospit; spittle
ptilo Gfeather; down (feather); wing
pto (=pipto, prefer kade) 1GXfall
ptoko Gbeggar
ptoma Gcorpse; falling
pubepubic hair
publika 1++publish; advertise; advertisement; announce; public; publication; publicize
publiko (=publika) Xpublic
pude 1++shame; loss of honour ; disgrace; disgust; displeasure
puerichild; boy
puerperawoman in child-bed
pugilifist fight
pugna 1++fist; punch; fight
pugna-bate 1thump
pulmo (=pulmona) 1Xlung
pulmona 1++lung
pulpa 1+pulp
pulsa 1++pulse; push; jab; poke; pulsate; shove; throb; thrust
puluyoung animal
pululasprout; swarm
pulve 1++powder; crush; dust; dusty; flour; grind; powder (v); powdery; shatter
pulvina 1++pillow; cushion
pumpa 1++pump
punge 1++sting; itch; prick (v); puncture
puni 1++punish; castigate; chasten; chastise; hurt; penalize; penalty; punishment; revenge; vengeance
puni-do 1+prison
puni-rapenalty; punishment
punicepurplish red
punkta 1++dot; full stop; period (dot); point (dot); punctual
punktu (=punkta) 1Xdot; full stop; point; point (dot)
punkturapierce; prick (v)
pupa 1+doll; pupa
pupeta 1puppet
pupipoop (n); stern (of ship)
pupilapupil (learner)
pupulapupil (eye)
puri 1++pure; clean (adj); clean (v); purify; refine; sheer; spotless
puri-brosa 1mop
puri-ka 1lavatory
puri-lo 1+Glatrine
puri-navi 1dredger
puri-te 1duster
pusi 1++small; little; insignificant; petty; slight; tiny; trickle; trifling
pusi algo 1smart (pain)
pusi bibe 1sip
pusi bibli 1+pamphlet
pusi dendro 1++bush; laurel
pusi dice 1chat
pusi do (=pusi-do) 1Xhut (small house); cabin (small house); shed (n)
pusi ergo 1odd job
pusi fla 1puff
pusi foto 1+dusk; glimmer
pusi ka 1+cabin (small room)
pusi kli 1bunk
pusi kroma 1tint
pusi lumi 1dim
pusi mero 1scrap; shred
pusi milita 1+skirmish
pusi pani 1bun (bread)
pusi plati-lo 1terrace
pusi preci 1++cheap
pusi ridi 1titter
pusi saka 1+pouch
pusi soni 1+twitter
pusi space (=pusi spaci) 1Xrecess (niche)
pusi spaci 1+*recess (niche); niche
pusi speci kani 1terrier
pusi spira 1whiff
pusi stagna 1puddle
pusi tape 1+mat
pusi vendo 1retail
pusi venti 1+breeze
pusi viki 1hamlet (village)
pusi-do 1++hut (small house); cabin (small house); shed (n)
pusi-fluvi 1++brook; creek (small river); rivulet; stream (n)
pusi-pe 1+dwarf
pusi-valu 1++scorn
pusi-vendo-bo 1kiosk
pusila (=pusi) Xsmall; insignificant; little; petty
pustula 1+pimple; pustule
puta 1++compute; think; calculate; idea; reckon; thought; trim (v)
puta pote 1+intellect
puta-me 1++computer
puta-me sporta 1computer game
pute 1+well (n)
putresce (=putri) Xrot
putri 1+putrefy; decay; decline; rot
qa 1+qua; in capacity of ; in character of
qadra 1++frame; square; square (frame)
qadrangula 1quadrangle
qadruped 1quadruped
qali? +what kind?; what sort?
qalifi 1qualify
qalita 1++quality; property (quality)
qantita 1++quantity; amount; dose
qanto? 1++how many?; how much?
qarto 1++quarter
qasi +as if
qatro (prefer tetra)four
qe ...? 1++...? (question start)
Qerkus 1+oak
qerolook for; seek
qestio 1++question; ask; curious; enquire; inquire; inquiry; inquisitive; query
qi 1++which (relative pronoun); who (relative pronoun)
qieskebecome quiet
qieta (=qieti) Xquiet
qieti 1quiet; soothe; stillness; tranquillity; tranquilness
qieti koleri 1*sullen
qieto koleri (=qieti koleri) 1Xsullen
qietu (=qieti) 1Xsoothe
qilia 1skittles
qinina 1quinine
qinqa (=penta) Xfive
qita 1+fire (release from duty); receipt; release from duty; sack (release from duty)
qiz 1quiz
qo? 1what sort of?
qo dista? 1how far?
qo horo? 1what's the time?
qo-di? 1+when?
qo-horo? 1+when?
qo-ka? 1+why? (cause)
qo-lo? 1++where?; whereabouts?
qo-mode? 1++how ...?
qo-modo? (=qo-mode) Xhow?
qo-pe bibli? 1whose book?
qo-pe? 1++what person?; which?; who?; whom?
qo-ra? 1which?
qo-te? 1+why? (intention)
qo-tem? 1++when?
qo? 1++what?; which?
qod 1+what (that which)
qotidiaquotidian; everyday
qu 1whether
(-)ra 1++thing; affair; object (thing)
rabdi (=rabdo, prefer baci) 1Xbar; pole
rabdo Gbar; baton; cane; pole; rod; stick (baton); stick (rod); stick (cane)
rabi 1++rabid; crazy; mad; crazed; foolish; furious; raging
rabi dice 1rave
rabi multi-pe 1++mob
rabi-pe 1+fool
rabie 1folly
racemobunch; cluster
racia 1+race (biological); breed
radar 1++radar
radi 1++root; source
radi-mero 1stump
radia 1++radiate; beam; bright; brilliant (light); radiating; radiation; radius; shine; splendid
radika (=radi) Xroot; source
radio 1++radio; radio station; ray (spoke); spoke (ray)
radiu 1+spoke (of wheel)
radium 1radium
radius 1radius
rafanu (=rafanus) 1GXradish
rafanus Gradish
rafi 1Gneedle; nail; seam; sew; sewing; spike; stitch
rafia 1raffia
ragadi Gfissure
rage (=ragi) GXburst forth
ragi Gburst forth
rai 1ray
rail (=raila) Xrail (horizontal or sloping bar); rail (for trains)
raila 1++rail (horizontal or sloping bar); rail (for trains)
raketa 1++rocket
raki Gbackbone; spine
rako Gragged garment
ramentuchaffy scales
rami 1++branch; bough; perch; ramify; stick (branch)
ramno Gprickly shrub
ramula 1+twig
Rana 1+frog
rana-larva 1tadpole
ranco 1ranch
rangiarrange in rows
rangifer 1+reindeer
rapa 1+turnip
rape (=rapi) 1Xseize; arrest; catch; grab; grapple; grasp; grip; snatch
rapi 1++seize; arrest; catch; grab; grapple; grasp; grip; snatch
rapidi 1++rapid; fast; hurry; in a hurry ; quick; rapidity; speed; speedy; snappy; suddenness; swift (quick)
rapinarapine; pillage; robbery
rapsodi Grhapsody
rari 1++rare; exotic; scarce; seldom; uncommon
rastrarake (garden)
rati 1+raft; rate
ratio 1+rate; ratio; fraction; proportion; ration
rationa 1+reason (v)
ratu (=ratus) 1Xrat
ratus +rat
rauco (=rauku) Xhoarse; raucous
rauku 1+hoarse; raucous
razia 1++raid
razo 1++shave; scrape; graze; rasp (v); scratch
razo-me 1razor (instrument)
re 1++again; afresh; re; recurrence; recursion; repetition; return to beginning; back to beginning
re komence 1start again
re vide 1see again
re- 1+(prefix:) back to beginning; back to beginning (prefix); re-
re-akti (=reakti) Xanswer; react; reaction; reply; respond; retort
re-ami 1+reconcile
re-aqa 1rinse
re-ciklo 1+recycle
re-mite 1relay
re-neo 1renew
re-paga 1repay
re-proto 1resume (go on after stopping)
re-uni 1rally
re-uti 1++recycle
reakti 1++react; answer; feed-back; heed; reaction; reply; respond; retort
reali 1++real; accomplish; actual; carry out; execute; fulfil; fulfill; reality; realize (convert into a fact); really
rebeli 1+rebel; uprising
recederecede; go back
recenserecension; revise book
recento +lately; recent; recently
recepta +receipt
recerka 1++research; investigate; investigation
recipro 1conversely; mutually
reduce 1++reduce; reduction
reflekti 1+reflect; meditate
refresko 1+refresh
refugi 1+refuge; flee back; safe place
refulgiflash back
refusa 1++refusal; refuse; turn down
regala (=regalo) Xfeast (v); treat
regalo 1+feast (v); treat
regi 1++regent; ruler; regal; royal; sovereign
u regi 1monarch
regi dina 1majesty
regi landa 1realm
regi-sedi-mo 1throne
regi-tem 1+reign
regio 1+region
registra 1+register (v); record (v); note down; record (on tape)
regresigo back
regreta +regret; miss (regret)
regula 1++control; organise; principle; regulate; rule (standard); ruler
regulari (prefer uniforma) 1regular; homogeneous
regurgitaregurgitate; throw back up
rejekta (=rejekti) Xthrow back
rejekti 1reject; repel; throw back
rejuvenskemake young again
rekogni 1++acknowledge; recognition; recognize
rekolta (prefer karpe)harvest
rekorda 1++record; record (sport)
rektangula 1++rectangle; rectangular
rekti 1++directly; straight
relati 1++relate; relation; relationship; connection (relation)
relatio (=relati) 1Xrelation; connection (relation)
relative (=relativi) 1Xrelative
relativi 1++relative
relaxa 1+relax; lounge; repose; rest (repose)
relentaslow down
releva 1+relieve
relievorelief (sculpture)
religio 1++religion; religious
religio dice 1++sermon
religio vendo-pe 1missionary
religio-do 1++temple; church; abbey
relinqi +relinquish
reluktareluctance; reluctant; not want to
remarkadeclare; remark
remi 1+oar; row (a boat)
remisiput back
rena 1+kidney
renaskebe born again
renegadeny; repudiate
renovarenovate; renovation; make new
renta +rent (n); rent (v); unearned income
rentiera 1+rentier; shareholder; stockholder
reo 1Gflow; current; flux; running
reoalafeast (v); treat (v)
repara 1++repair; cure; make good ; heal; mend; remedy; restore
repli (prefer reakti)reply; answer; feed-back; react
reporta 1+report; apprise; article; inform; narrate
reposa 1repose; tranquillity; tranquilness
representa 1++represent; representative
reproduce 1+reproduce
repti 1++crawl; creep; scramble
repti-fito 1creeper
repti-pe 1sneak
Reptili 1+reptile
republika 1++republic
resenti 1+feel (strongly); grudge
reservareservation; reserve
residu 1+residue; remain; remaining; residual
residua (=residu) Xremain; residual
resigna +resign; resignation
resista 1++resist; oppose; resistance; strength; strong; tough
resista se 1resist oneself
resoluti +determined; resolute
resolvedetermination; resolve
resoniecho; echoic; resound
respekta (=respekto) Xrespect; heed; regard (respect)
respekti (=respekto) 1Xrespect; heed; regard (respect)
respekto 1++respect; heed; regard (respect)
respira (prefer spira)respire; breath; breathe
responderespond; answer; feed-back; react; reply
resta 1++rest (stay); remain; stay; stay behind; be left over ; linger; stay behind; surplus
resta-ra 1remnant
resulta 1result; outcome
resumeresume (summarize); résumé; summarize; abstract
resurgerise again
retalia 1retaliation; revenge; make revenge on ; vengeance
reti 1++net; connection (net); mesh; network; web (network)
reti-navi 1trawler
reti-te 1+lace
retikulureticulate; reticulated; net structure
retiraretire; withdraw
retokaretouch work
retraktiretract; draw back
retro 1++backwards; ago; back again; backward; behind; go back; repel; set back
retro- 1+(prefix:) backwards; backwards (prefix); (prefix:) back again; back again (prefix); retro-
retrospektiretrospection; retrospective; look back
Reum 1Grhubarb
reuma Grheum; cold (illness)
reuniogather together
revenicome again
revere 1+revere; reverence
reversioverturn; reverse
revive 1+revive
revokacall back
revoltarevolt (v)
revolutio 1+revolution; revolutionize
Ribes 1currant
ricinus Gcastor oil plant
rico 1rich
ridi 1++laugh; laughter; mirth; ridicule
ridi anti 1+jeer; mock; tease
ridi-hedo 1+jolly
riga 1+irrigate; moisten; water (v)
rigi 1++rigid; stiff (rigid); obstinate
rigidi (=rigi) 1Xrigid; stiff (rigid); obstinate
rima 1+Grhyme
rinko 1Gbeak; muzzle; snout; spout
rino 1++Gnose; muzzle; rhino-; snout
Rinokeros 1Grhinoceros
ripa 1+bank (river); river bank
risko 1++risk; danger; dangerous; dare; hazard; peril; random; venture
ritmi (=ritmo) XGrhythm
ritmo 1++Grhythm
ritu 1++rite; ritual; ceremony
riva (=rivula) Xbrook; stream (n)
rivali 1++rival
rivu (=rivula) Xbrook; creek (small river); rivulet; stream (n)
rivularivulet; brook; creek (small river); stream (n)
rizo 1+Groot; rhizo-
roba 1+frock; gown; robe
robot (=roboti) Xrobot
roboti 1+robot
robusta 1+robust; sturdy
robuste (=robusta) Xrobust; sturdy
rode 1+gnaw
rodo 1Grose; rose color; pink
roga 1ask; beg; inquire; interrogate
rola 1++roll; rotate
rolo (=rola) 1Xroll
romance 1romance
romanti 1romantic
romantici (=romanti) Xromantic
rondo 1++round; circular
rondo-ra 1reel (n)
rosa 1++rose; pink
rosi (prefer droso)dew
rosti 1+roast
rostra 1+beak; mouth; muzzle; snout; spout
rostri (=rostra) 1Xbeak; mouth; muzzle; snout; spout
rostru (=rostra) 1Xbeak; spout
rota 1++rotate; wheel; gyrate; helm; revolve; go round ; spin
rota-va 1+wheel barrow
rota-zo 1++tire (tyre); tyre
(-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 1++instrument; tool; utensil; implement; apparatus; tackle (n)
ru-tekatool box
rubeola 1measles
rubesce 1+redden; becoming red ; blush
rubi 1++red; blush; ruby; ruddy
rubi-flavo (prefer rubi-xanto)orange (colour)
rubi-xanto 1++orange (colour)
Rubikola 1robin
Rubus 1+bramble
rude 1+rubbish; garbage; junk; litter; rubble
rude (prefer krudi) 1rough
rudi (=rude) 1Xrubbish; garbage; junk; litter; rubble
rug u fronta 1frown
ruga 1rough; wrinkle
rugo 1+rough; coarse; rugged
rugo fronta 1scowl
ruina 1++ruin; undermine
ruino (=ruina) Xruin
ruitarumor; rumour
ruminachew cud
rumora 1++gossip; rumor; rumour
runcinaplane (tool)
rupinarocky chasm
rupti 1++interrupt; interruption; break
ruptu 1break
rura 1++country (rural); rural
rura vaga 1ramble
rura-do 1cottage
rura-pe 1peasant
ruskumbutchers broom
rustikalive in country ; oldfashioned; rural
ruta 1+route
rutelushovel; spade
rutina 1+routine
sabato 1+sabbath; Saturday
sabota +sabotage
sabulogravel; sand (coarse)
sadi (French) 1++sadistic; cruel
sadisti 1+hunter
sadisti (prefer sadi) 1sadistic
saeno Gwagtail
saevifierce; wild
safe +manifest
sagita 1+arrow; dart
saison (French) +season
saka 1++sack; bag; pouch; purse
sakri 1sacred
sakri bibli 1testament
Sakri Skriptura 1scripture
sakri-lo 1shrine
sakri-verbi (=sakri-verba) Xoath
sakrifice 1++sacrifice
sakro (=sakri, prefer sankti) 1Xsaint (adj); holy
saktocrammed; stuffed
salari 1salary
salata 1+salad
salcicia 1+sausage
sali 1++salt
salici (=Salix) Xwillow
Salika 1wicker
Salix 1+willow
Salma 1salmon
salmo 1+salmon
salpingo Gtrumpet
salta 1++jump; bounce; hop; leap; prance; skip
salta epi 1waylay
salti (=salta) 1Xjump
saluta 1++greet; salute; compliment (greetings); greeting; regard (greeting); yours truly
salva 1++save; rescue; reserve; reservation; save (computer file)
salva se 1get away ; escape; flee
salva-navi 1life-boat
salva-zo 1life-belt
salviasage (plant)
samaraseed (winged)
sandali 1+sandal
sandwic 1sandwich
sangui (prefer hema)blood
sangui-suga (=hema-sugo) Xblood-sucker
sanguina (=sangui, prefer hema) 1Xblood
sani 1++health; healthy; well (healthy)
sankti 1++holy; sacred; saint (adj); saint (v)
sankti-pe 1saint (n)
santa (=sankti) 1Xsaint
sapidi 1+flavor; flavour; savor; savory; taste; tasty
sapie (=sapi, prefer ski for to know or sofi for wise) 1Xknow; wise
sapo 1++soap
sapro 1++Grot; decay; decline; foul; putrid
sarcimend; repair
sardina 1+sardine
sarkasmo Gsarcasm
sarko Gflesh
sarkofago Gcoffin
sarma Gearth chasm
sarmentobranch; twig; twiggy
sasi 1+grasp
satani 1Satan
sate Gpenis
satelita 1+satellite
sati 1++enough; adequate; ample; fulfil; fulfill; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfy; suffice; sufficient
sati- 1+(prefix:) enough; enough (prefix)
satina 1satin
satira Glascivious
satisfi 1satisfy
satrax Glouse
saturafull; rich
sauce (French, =sosa) Xsauce
sauro (=saurus) GXlizard
sauru (=saurus) 1GXlizard
saurus 1+Glizard
saxa-katena 1+reef
saxi 1rock
scal 1shawl
scampu 1shampoo
scena (=skeni) 1Xscene; stage
scinti 1++sparkle; twinkle
scunt 1+shunt
se 1++self; itself; itself (reflexive); oneself (reflexive); self (reflexive)
se- 1+(prefix:) self (reflexive); self (reflexive)(prefix)
sebagrease; suet; wax
sebasto Gvenerable
sed 1++but; however (=although it was so)
sedati +tranquil
sedi 1++sit; seat (v)
sedi-ka 1parlour; sitting room
sedi-mo 1++chair; seat (n); stool
seismo +Gearthquake
seiso 1++Gshake; quake
seka 1++cut; carve; chop; cleave (cut); excise; mow (v); slice (v); slit
seka-iatri 1surgeon
seka-ru 1++knife; razor (knife)
sekretari 1++secretary
sekreti 1+secrecy; secret; undercover
sekti (prefer seka)carve; chop; cut; mow (v); slit
sekularisecular; worldly
sekunda 1+second (ordinal); second (time)
u sekunda 1latter
sekuri 1++secure; security; safe; immune; sure
sekuri-do 1+shelter
sekuri-lo 1+asylum; refuge; safe place; shelter
selasaddle; seat (n)
selaki Gshark
selekti (prefer elekti)choose; choice; pick (chose); select; selection
selene 1Gmoon; lunar
seleni (=selene, prefer luna) GXmoon
seli (=selido, prefer pagina) GXpage
selido (prefer pagina) Gpage; leaf of papyrus
Selinum 1+Gparsley
sema 1++Gsign; beckon; gesture; mark; signal
sema vale 1wave good-bye
semani 1++Gmean (signify); meaning; signify
semblaseem; look like (seem)
semestrisix months
semi 1++half
semi- 1+(prefix:) half; half (prefix); hemi-; semi-
semi-sopo 1doze
semina 1seed; sow
semno (prefer sankti or solemni)holy; solemn
semper 1always
sempre (=semper, prefer panto-tem) Xalways
senato 1++senate
seni (=senili, prefer paleo) Xold (human)
senili (prefer paleo)senile; old (human)
senior 1+Mister; Mr; Mr.; sir
seniora 1+madam; Miss (title); mistress; Mistress; Mrs; Ms
senioreta (=seniorita) 1XMiss (title)
seniorita 1*Miss (title)
sensatio +sensation
sensi 1++sense; feel; attitude; conscious; perceive; sensible
sensi etio 1shame
sensi fobo 1Gafraid
sensi mali 1suffer
sensitivi 1++sensitive; responsive; susceptible; tender; touchy
sensua (=sensuali) Xsensual
sensuali +sensual
senti (=sensi) 1Xsense; feel; attitude; conscious; perceive
senti etio (=sensi etio) 1Xshame
senti fobo (=sensi fobo) 1GXafraid
senti mali (=sensi mali) 1Xsuffer
sentimenta 1sentiment
separa 1++separate (v); distinguish; part (v); separate (adj); separation
septa 1fence; hedge; wall
Septembra (prefer meno nona) *September
septembro (=Septembra, prefer meno nona) XSeptember
septi (prefer seti)seven
sepulkro Gbury
seqe 1++follow; consequence; effect (n); following; next; outcome; result; sequence; sequential; subsequent
u seqe 1following; next
seqe-co 1+so (therefore); consequently
seqestrasequestrate; take into custody
sera 1+saw (tool)
serenibright; clear (bright)
seri 1++series; course; list; order (series); row (n)
seria (=seri) 1Xcourse; order (series); row (n); series
seriko (=serici) 1Xsilk
serio (=serioso, prefer gravi) 1Xserious; earnest
serpenta (=serpenti) Xserpent; snake; twist (wind); wind along; wind (twist); wriggle
serpenti 1++serpent; snake; twist (wind); twisting; wind along; wind (twist); wriggle
serpula (prefer pusi serpenti)snake (little)
serumserum; whey
servi 1++serve; service; be useful
servi-meserver (computer)
servi-pe 1++steward; waiter
service +service
servieta 1napkin
sesio 1session
sestro Gsieve
seta 1+bristle; bristly
seti 1++seven
seti-mana (=setimana) 1Xweek; weekly
seti-ze 1seventy
setimana 1++week; weekly
setimana-fini 1++week-end
severi 1++severe; rigorous; stern; strict; stringent
sex (=sexu) Xsex
sexu 1++sex; sexual; sexy
sfagnumsphagnum moss
sfena (=sfeno, prefer kune) 1GXwedge
Sfeniskida (=sfenisko) GXpenguin (Jakass penguin with wedge-shaped wing)
sfenisko Gpenguin (Jakass penguin with wedge-shaped wing)
sfeno 1Gwedge
sferi 1+Gsphere; ball; marble (ball)
sfex Gwasp
sfigmo Gpulse
sfingi Gbind tightly
sfinktera Gmuscular tap
sfira Gmallet
si 1++if; whether
si ne ... 1++unless
sib (=sibi) 1Xbrother (or sister); sister (or brother)
sibi 1++brother (or sister); sister (or brother)
sibi an-fili 1nephew
sibi fe-fili 1niece
sibila 1++whistle; soothsay
side 1chair; seat (n); bank (long seat)
sifo 1suck; suck up; siphon
sifoni (=sifo, prefer sugo) Xsiphon; suck up
sigila 1+seal; mark
sigilo (=sigila) Xseal
signatura 1++signature
signi 1++sign; mark; signal; token
signifi 1++signify; mean (signify); significance; significant
sik 1so; thus
sik uva 1raisin
sika 1++dry; arid; dried
sika via 1causeway
sika-lo 1+desert (waterless land)
sika-te 1+towel (n)
sika-tem 1drought
sikaminus Gmulberry
sikamorus Gsycamore
sikne Gthicket
sikno Gfrequent; many
siko 1Gfig
sikofanti Gflatter
silabi 1+Gsyllable
silabus Gsyllabus
silento 1++silence; silent; hush; noiseless; soundless
silfa Gair spirit
sili 1sand
silikasilicon (Si)
silika-li 1quartz
siliqihusk; pod
silosatire (poetic)
silva 1++forest; (growing) wild ; wood (woodland); woodland
silvestri (=silva) Xwoodland
silvi (=silva) Xforest; wood (woodland)
sim (=sin, but sine=without so take ko(n)) GXwith; and
sim- (take ko-) 1X(prefix:) with; with (prefix)
simbola (=simboli) GXsymbol
simboli Gsymbol
simetri G*symmetry; symmetrical
simfio Ggrow together
simfoni Gsymphony
simfora Gchance; event
simi 1similar; alike; equal; resemblance; similarity
simia 1++ape; monkey
simila (=simi, prefer homo) Xsimilar; alike; similarity
simpati 1++Gsympathy; compassion; mercy; pity; suffer with; sympathetic; sympathise
simpli 1++simple; simply; plain (simple)
simpto 1++symptom; clue; hint; indication
simptoma 1+Gsymptom
simul 1++at the same time; together
simula 1+simulate
sin (=sim, but sine=without so take ko(n)) 1GXwith; and
sin- (take ko-) 1X(prefix:) with; with (prefix)
sinagoga Gsynagogue; meeting place
Sinapis 1+mustard
sinapsi Gsynapse
sinceriearnest; sincere
sindesmo Gligament
sindika Gorganize
sindikata Gsyndicate; Trade Union
sine (but sin=with! Prefer "minus") 1without
sine- 1(prefix:) without; without (prefix)
singu 1++each
singultahiccup; sob
sinior (=senior) 1XMister; Mr; Mr.; sir
siniora (=seniora) 1Xmadam; Miss (title); mistress; Mistress; Mrs; Ms
siniorina 1Miss; young lady
siniorita (=seniorita) 1XMiss (title)
sinistrosinister; left (hand)
sinkope Gfaint
sinkroni +Gsynchronize; synchronous
sinod Gassembly
sinonimo Gsynonym
sinopsi Gsynopsis; general view
sintaxi Gsyntax
sintesi Gput together
sinu 1curve (n); bay; breast
sio 1++would (conditional tense); 'd (short for would)
sipa (=disipa) 1Xwaste (use without good purpose)
sirena 1+sea nymph; siren
siriscorcher (the)
siringa Glilac
Siringo (=siringa) GXlilac
sirinx Gpipe (n)
sirma Gsweepings
sirmaeo Gpurge
siropa 1syrup
sirto Galluvia
siru Gbroom
sis-zigo (=siszigo) Xunited; yoked
sispasto Gcontracted
sistelo +Gattraction; draw together
sistema 1++Gsystem; tidy; arrange; organize; systematic
sistoli Gcontract (narrow); systole
sistremo Ganything twisted together ; twist together
siszigo Gunited; yoked
sito 1++Gfood; feed; nourish; meal; repast
sito-avi 1+*fowl
sito-bo 1food shop
sito-bo-pe 1+grocer
sito-fito 1+vegetable
sito-ka 1+pantry
sito-va 1+hamper
situasituate; situated
six (short form of sixa)six
sixa 1++six
sixa bi 1sixty-two
sixa-ze 1sixty
skabi 1rasp; scrape; scratch
skabroscabby; rough
skafo Gboat; trough
skala 1++stairs; ladder; staircase; stairway
skala fragma 1+banister
skalda 1scald
skaleno Gunequal
skali-ru 1+Ghoe
skaliascale (body cover)
skalpa 1+scalp
skalpelscalpel; surgical knife
skambo Gbowlegged
skana 1+scan; scrutinze
skana-mescanner (device)
skandali 1scandal
skano (=skana) Xscan
skapa 1++shoulder
skapishaft; stem
skarpaescarpment; hill-scarp
skato Gdung; filth
skatu Ggush out
skaturigabubbling spring
skeda 1roll of paper; strip (paper); strap (paper)
skedane Gscatter
skele (=skelo) GXleg
skeleto 1++Gskeleton; framework; rack; scaffolding
skeli Grib; side
skelo 1Glimb; member; leg
skema 1++Gscheme; plan; design; draft; layout
skena (=skeni) 1GXscene; stage
skende 1++climb
skeni 1++Gscene; stage
skeno (=skeni) XGscene; stage
skepti Gdoubt
skeptika Gsceptical
skeptro Gstaff (rod); sceptre; scepter
skeu Gtool; vessel
ski 1++know; knowledge
gene ski 1+learn
plu ski 1skis
ski de 1++aware
skia Gshade (shadow); shadow
skibalo (prefer kopro) Gdung
skience 1++science; scientific; knowledge
skilisquill (herb)
skilo Gbooty
skinde (prefer seka)cut; cleave (cut)
skindularoof shingle
skinkiskink; lizard
skionbranch; shoot (plant)
skiro (prefer sklero) Ghard (not soft)
skirpusrush (plant)
skirtojump; leap
skiso (=skizo) Xcut; fissure; schism; split; tear (separate)
skito Ghide (skin); leather; skin
skituloelegant; pretty
Skiurus 1squirrel
skizo 1++Gcut; division; fissure; schism; split; tear (separate)
sklero 1++Ghard (not soft)
sknipo Gstingy
sko 1++Ginstruct; education; instruction; lecture; lesson; schooling; teaching; training; tuition
dona sko 1teach
gene sko 1+learn
sko-do 1++Gschool; schoolhouse
sko-pe 1scholar; instructor; teacher
sko-pe (take disci-pe) 1Xpupil (learner)
skobina (=skabi, prefer razo) Xrasp (v)
skola 1school
skoleki (prefer vermi) Gworm
skolex (=skoleki, prefer vermi) GXworm
skolio Gbent; curved
skopa Gbroom
skope 1++Glook; aspect; look at; observe; observation; regard (look); search; view (v); watch
skope Grange
skopto Gjest; mock
skopulo Gprojecting rock
skoria Gdross; refuse (dross)
Skorpio 1+Gscorpion
skoto 1++Gdark; darkness; gloom; shade
skreatohacking cough
skribe 1+write
skrutiexamine closely; examine fully; examine thoroughly
skulpe (=skulptu) 1Xsculpture
skulptu 1sculp; sculpture
skuma (take afro) Xfoam; scum
skuner 1schooner
skuta 1++screen (general); screen (TV, video); folding screen ; shield (n); shield (v)
skutela +bowl (small); dish
skuter 1scooter
sledosled; sleigh
sloganslogan; war cry
smaragdo Gemerald
smi 1smile
sminto Gmouse (especially field-mouse); field-mouse
snaza 1++sneeze
snora 1+snore
so 1++so; like this; thus; in this way ; in that way
socia 1++companion; fellow; partner
sociali 1++social
societa 1++Gsociety; association; company; organization; partnership
soda 1soda
sofa 1sofa
sofi 1++Gwise; -sophy; prudent; sage; wisdom; wise
sofi dice 1proverb
sojurna +sojourn; stay (sojourn)
sokoshoe (light)
sola 1+solar; sun
soldata 1soldier
soldata-line 1rank
solebe accustomed
soleasole (foot)
solecispeak incorrectly
solemni 1++solemn; earnest
solenochannel; pipe
solidi 1++solid; firm
soliloqispeak alone
solita (prefer solo)alone; lone; solitary; solitude
solitu (=solita, prefer solo) Xalone; solitary; solitude
solo 1++only; alone; lone; lonely; on one's own (alone); solely; solo; solitary; solitude
solo mo 1++single; singular
soloxbristly; rough
solu 1++ground; soil
solve 1++solve; dissolution; dissolve; solution
solve-ma 1solvent
soma 1++Gbody; somatic
soma kosina 1++mattress
soma-va 1bath
somato (=soma) GXbody; somatic
somni 1++sleep; asleep; slumber
somni-ka 1+bedroom
son spira 1+sob
sonda 1+sound (test); probe; examine; tempt
soni 1++sound (acoustic); aloud; chime; play (music); pronounce; pronunciation; ring (sound)
soni kine 1racket
soni klude 1slam
soni lauda 1+applaud
soni verba 1+pronounce
soni-kartasound card (computer)
soni-me 1hooter
sonia 1++dream
sono (=soni) Xpronounce; pronunciation
sopo 1sleep; asleep; slumber
sopo-ka 1dormitory
sopo-mo 1bed
sopo-ve 1pyjamas
soprano 1treble
sorbeabsorb; suck in
soredi Gheap (n); pile
sorexmouse (especially shrew); shrew-mouse
sorora (=sorori) 1Xsister
sorori 1+sister
sorori andro 1+brother-in-law
sorta +sort (n); sort (v); species
sorti (French)go out
soru 1accumulate
sosa (French) 1+sauce
sosidouble (of a person)
soze Gkeep; save
space (=spaci) 1Xspace
spaci 1++space
spaci-navi 1space ship
spacia (=spaci) Xspace
spada (=spata) Xspade
spadixfleshy spike
spakelo Ggangrene
spani Gscarce
spank 1spank
sparakto Gtearer
sparaso Gtear (to pieces); lacerate; mangle (tear)
sparniaspare (be merciful); show mercy
sparsescatter; sprinkle
spasm (=spasmo) Xjerk; jolt; spasm
spasmo 1++Gspasm; jerk; jolt; jounce
spata 1++spade; shovel; scoop
spatilo Gexcrement
spatu (=spata) 1Xshovel; spade; scoop
spatula 1++spoon
spatula-ple 1spoonful
spe 1++hope; expectancy; wish (hope)
speci 1++species; brand; class; genus; for example; kind (sort, species); sort (n)
speci krati 1regime
speciali +especially; special
speka (=speku) 1Xglance
spekta 1look; aspect; look at
spekta-pe 1spectator
spektakula 1+pageant; show (n); sight (n)
spektra 1spectrum; rainbow
spektru (=spektra) Xspectrum; rainbow
speku 1+glance; look
spekula 1++mirror; speculate
speleo (prefer kaverno) 1Gcave; cavern
spend u tem 1pass the time
spende 1++spend; exhaust; expend
sperge 1strew; scatter; intersperse
sperma 1++Gseed; pip
sperma-tem 1++autumn; autumnal; fall (autumn)
sperma-va 1+pod; seed case
spika 1+ear (grain); spike (grain)
spikulagrain (n)
spilo Gspot (n)
spina 1++spine; pin; thorn
spinaci 1spinach
spinta 1+Gspark
spira 1++breath; breathe; respire
spira-ra 1lung
spirali 1spiral
spiri Gcoil
spiritis (=spiritu) Xspirit
spiritu 1++spirit; soul
splankno Gentrails
splasc 1splash
splendi 1++splendid; glitter; gloss (shine); luster; lustre; shine; splendor; splendour
spodo Gash; ashes; embers
spondilo Gvertebra
spongi 1++Gsponge
sponsa 1++spouse; bind; engage; promise
sponso (=sponsa) 1Xpromise; bind; engage
sponta 1+free; unbidden; weed; willingly
spora 1+Gspore; intersperse; scatter; seed; spread; strew
sporonaspur on
sporta 1++sport; game (especially sport); play (especially sport); play (game)
sporta jaketa 1blazer
sporta-area 1pitch
sporta-do 1sports centre
sporta-pe 1player
sporta-ra 1++play-thing; toy
sposa-matri 1mother-in-law
spre (English) 1spray
spu 1+spit
spude Gexertion; zeal
spuma 1foam; froth; suds
spuriospurious; false
spurko Gfilthy; foul
sputa (=spu) Xspit
sqalo 1+shark
sqama 1scale (body cover); scale (lose or remove scales)
sta 1++stand
sta bomba 1mine (bomb)
stabili 1++stable; firm; stability; steady
stabulastable (n)
stadio 1stadium
staeto Gdough
stafilo Gbunch of grapes
stagmo Gdrop (n)
stagna 1++pond; pool
staki Gspike (grain)
stakto Goozing drops
stakulavine (n)
stalagma (prefer guta) Gdripping
stalakti (=stalagma, prefer guta) GXdripping
staliko Gstake (n)
stalo 1+stall
stamini Gstamen; thread
stampa 1++stamp (v)
-stan (Ind.)-stan (Ind. country)
stani 1++tin (Sn)
stani-va 1can (tin); tin can; tin box; tin (box)
stara (=stare) Xpeer (look); stare
starestare; peer (look)
staro (=stare) Xpeer (look); stare
stasi (=sta) 1Xstand; find oneself (in a place)
statika (=statiko) 1GXfind oneself (in a place); stand
statiko 1Gstatic; statically; stand; find oneself (in a place); stationary; stationed; not moving
statio 1++station; park (v); stationed; stop (station)
statisti (=statistika) Xstatistics
statistika 1statistics; statistic
stato 1+state (political community or its territory); nation
stato 1++state (condition); condition; circumstance; situation; status
stato service 1civil service
stato-pe 1statesman
statu (=stato) 1Xcondition
statu (=statua) 1Xstatue
statua 1++statue
statura 1++stature; height (body)
status 1++status; rank
statutaordain (command)
stauro 1cross (n); cross (v); crossing; interbreed
stauroma Gpalisade; stockade
staxi Gdropping (anim.)
steato Gfat (suet); suet
stefano 1Gwreath; corona; crown; garland
stegno Gclosed (tight); constricted
stego 1++Groof; ceiling
stego-ka 1loft
stego-traba 1rafter
steiligma Gprop; support
stela (=stele) 1GXcolumn; pillar
stela (prefer astro) 1Xstar
stele 1+Gcolumn; pillar; stake (n); stanchion
stelo (=stela, take astro) Xstar
stemono Gpenis
steno 1++Gnarrow; strait
steno Gstrong
steno vali 1+ravine
steno via (=steno-via) 1Xalley; corridor; gangway; lane; passage
steno-fluvi 1+brook; creek (small river); rivulet; stream (n)
steno-via 1++alley; corridor; gangway; lane; passage
stento Gshout loudly
stentora Gloud person
stereo 1Gsolid
sterigma Gprop; support
steringo (=sterigma) GXsupport
sterko (prefer kopro) Gdung
sternu Gchest (body part); sternum
steto Gchest (body part)
sti 1++Gswitch on; cause; put into gear ; set going ; induce; initiate; make (cause); set in motion ; prod; prompt; provoke; quick; reason (n); start (process); stimulate; turn on
sti akorda 1+match (v)
sti ergo 1drill (training)
sti fatiga 1+tedious
sti flo 1++launch
sti fobo 1Gawful; scare; terrible
sti hedo 1++cheer
sti kade 1fell (cause to fall); tip over; upset (tip over)
sti koleri 1+Gannoy; irritate; provoke
sti kredi 1++convince; persuade
sti mei 1reduce
sti memo 1++remind
sti mira 1amaze
sti more 1++accustom
sti morta 1fatal
sti muta 1affect
sti obe 1subdue; subjugate
sti pato 1++Ginfect; infection
sti pote 1++enable
sti puta 1+impress
sti retro 1push back; turn back
sti simpati 1Gpathetic
sti ski 1++announce
sti sopo 1fall asleep; lull to sleep
sti torti 1buckle (v)
sti tristi 1depress (make sad)
sti tropi 1+divert
sti turba 1+disturb
sti u lampa 1switch on the lamp
sti veni 1summon
sti versi 1call back
sti vigi 1++arouse; rouse; wake up
sti-fobo 1horrible
sti-me 1Gtrigger
u sti-me 1switch
sti-sudo 1sweater
stibado Gbed; mattress
stibium Gantimony (Sb)
stibo Gpath; way (road)
stigma 1mark; stain
stiko Gline; row (n)
stikto Gdappled; dotted
stila 1drop (n); drop (v); leak (v)
stilbo Gglitter; shine
stilo 1++Gpen; ball-point pen ; style
stimula 1++Gstimulate; excite; goad; inspire; interesting; tempt; urge on
stipacram; stuff (v)
stipestem; trunk (tree)
stipto Gcrammed; packed
stipulastipulate; stipule
stirpistem; stock
stixi Gpuncture
sto 1++stop; abandon (give up); abolish; abort; abstain; cease; end; put an end to ; extinguish; finish; halt; interfere; obstruct; prevent; quell; strike (extinguish); suppress; switch off; terminate; turn off; upset (stop)
sto dipso 1quench
sto ergo 1++strike (labor)
sto ki ab 1detain
sto piro 1Gquench
sto spira 1choke; suffocate; stifle (breathing); throttle
sto-dic 1gag (in mouth)
sto-hema 1tourniquet
sto-me 1++brake (n)
sto-ra 1+plug (stopper); stopper
sto-spira (=sto spira) 1Xstifle (breathing); throttle
stoa Gporch
stoiko Gstoical
stokasma Gtarget
stoko +Gaim; shot
stolastole (n); garment (long)
stolidistupid; dull (stupid)
stolo Gbranch; runner (branch)
stoma 1++Gmouth; oral
stomako 1stomach
stono Ggroan; sigh
stop (=sto) Xstop; strike (extinguish)
stop aero 1smother
stora 1++store; car-boot; supply
stora-do 1++storehouse; barn; warehouse
stora-lo 1depot
stori 1+story; account; rapport; tale
stra 1+straw; litter (straw)
stra-tegu 1thatch
strabo Gcross-eyed
stragulu Gblanket
strama (=stra) GXstraw; litter (straw)
stramini (=stra) Xstraw
strangali (take nodi) GXknot
strango (take no-rekti, ge-flexi or ge-strepto) Xcrooked; twisted
strangula Gstrangle; choke
stranxsomething squeezed out
strata 1+street; road; highway
strategi 1++Gstrategy; trick; cleverness; cunning; foxiness; shrewd; shrewdness; trap (trick)
stratucovering; layer
strema (take ge-strepto) GXsprained; twisted
stremato (prefer strepto (twist) or presa (stress)) Gtwist; wrench; stress (caused by torsion)
strepto 1++Gtwist; coil (v); plait; sprain; twisting; wind (twist)
stresa 1+strain; stress
stria 1++furrow; groove; line; stripe
stridecreaking; cry (shrill); grating (sound); harsh (sound); screech; shrill; squeek
strido (=stride) 1Xscreech
strigosolean (thin); thin
striktudrawn together
stringizo (prefer stride) Gscreech
stringos Gscreech owl
strix (=stringos) GXscreech owl
strobili Gpine cone
strobo (prefer strombi) Gcone; top (spinning toy); whirl
strofi Gturn; turning (n); twisted
strofo (=strofi) GXturning (n); twisted
stroma Gmattress
strombi Gcone; spiral shell; top (spinning toy); whirl
strongilo 1Ground; circular; rounded
stropi Gcripple; maim
stropo Gstrap; thong
stru 1++build; construct; pile up
struktura 1++structure; conformation
strumigoitre swelling
Strutio 1+Gostrich
stude 1++study; explore
stude viagia 1expedition
stude-pe 1++student; pupil (academic)
studenta (=studenti, prefer stude-pe) 1Xscholar
studenti 1student; pupil (academic); scholar
stulta (=stulti) Xfool; foolish
stulti +fool; foolish
stupe 1+astound; amaze; amazement; astonish; extraordinary; stun
stupidi 1++stupid; absurd; dull (stupid); ridiculous; ruffian; silly
su (=supra, don't mix with sub) 1Xover (local); upstairs; above; over; overhead; senior; superior; top (above); upper
su facia (=su-facia) 1Xsurface; top
su toto 1above all; especially
su-facia 1+surface
su-tunika 1shirt; chemise
sub (don't mix with su) 1++below; under; beneath; lower; rather (somewhat); somewhat
sub aqa 1under water
sub- 1+(prefix:) under; under (prefix)
sub-ge-signi 1undersigned
sub-ridi 1++smile
sub-tera karcera 1dungeon
sub-urba 1suburb
suberi 1cork
subexbasal layer
subito 1++sudden; suddenly; abrupt; surprise
subito venti 1gust
subito volu 1impulse
subjekti 1+subject
sublime 1+sublime; exalted; uplifted
sublimi (=sublime) Xsublime; exalted; uplifted
submarina 1++submarine
submerge 1submerge
subo (=sub, or take proxi) Xapproximately; rather; somewhat
subskribe 1+subscribe
subter-(prefix:) beneath; beneath (prefix)
subtera-ka 1vault
sucede 1++success; accomplish; pass an examination; profit; succeed; successful
sucerdaswine dung
sud 1++south; southern
sudistake (n)
sudo 1+sweat; perspiration; perspire
sue 1++sew; sewing; stitch
sue-me 1+sewing machine
sue-pe 1taylor
suela 1ground; floor
sufacia (=su-facia) 1Xsurface
sufere (=sufero) Xendure; suffer; undergo
suferi (=sufero) 1Xendure; suffer; undergo
sufero 1+suffer; endure; sufferance; suffering; undergo
sufici 1++sufficient; enough; plenty; suffice
sufla (=fla) Xblow
sufoka 1+suffocate; choke; stifle
suge (=sugo) 1Xsuck
sugesti 1++suggest; suggestion; nominate; propose
sugo 1++suck; suck up
sui 1++swine; pig; hog; pork
sui lipo 1+lard
sui poda 1ham
sui-cide (=suicide) 1Xsuicide
sui-do 1sty
sui-karni 1+bacon; pork
sukro 1++sweet
sukro krema 1custard
sukro-bo 1tuck (shop)
sukro-gelatino +jelly
sukro-ma 1++sugar; treacle
sukro-sito 1pudding
suku 1++succulent; juice; juicy; sap
sukursabranch office
sulfuri 1+sulphur
sulka (=sulko, prefer kanali) Xfurrow
sulko 1furrow
sulko (try to express somehow with vigi) 1ship's wake
suma 1++sum; add; calculate; score; summing; total
suma-me +calculator
sumari 1+summarize; summary; abstract
sumariza (=sumari) Xsummarize
sume 1+take
sumita 1summit; peak; apogee
sumuhighest (on top); highest place; summit
supa 1++soup
super (prefer supra)over (local)
superbasuperb; excellent; very good ; splendid
superbo (=superba) Xsuperb
supercilia (=supra-cilia) Xeyebrow
superlativisuperlative; highest (in the upmost degree)
supinesupine; lying on back
suportasupport; help
supra 1++above; over; over (local); overhead; senior; superior; top; upper; upstairs
supra cilia (=supra-cilia) Xeyebrow
supra toto 1above all; especially
supra- 1+(prefix:) above; above (prefix)
supra-cilia 1+brow (hair); eyebrow
supra-soni 1supersonic
supra-tunika 1+chemise; shirt
u supra-ve 1waistcoat
supra-visi 1++supervise
supra-visi-pe 1superintendent
supracilia (=supra-cilia) Xeyebrow
supraflu 1overflow; superfluous
supuraform pus
sura 1++sure; assure; certain; confidence; confident; confirm; of course; positive; undoubtedly
surfaci (=su-facia) 1Xsurface
surfacia (=su-facia) Xsurface; top
surge 1++rise (go up); appear; arise; get up; loom (rise); show up
surko 1channel; canal
surprise 1surprise
suscitaarouse; stir
suspekta (prefer suspici or kredi)suspect
suspici 1+suspect; suspicious; believe
suspira 1+sigh
susura 1++whisper; rustle
sutura 1+seam
ta 1+so much; so very
taba 1++board; plank; slab
tabewaste away
taberna 1inn; tavern
tabla 1+table (furniture)
tabla (=tabula) 1Xtable (figures)
tabla publika 1+desk top publishing; DTP (desk top publishing)
tabla-te 1table cloth
tableta 1+tablet (slab); tablet (medicament)
tabula 1+table (figures)
tace (=taci) Xsilent; be silent
taci 1+be quiet ; silent; be silent
taci puta 1muse
taedapine torch
taeni 1tape
taero Gdoor-hinge
tafo 1++G-taph; tomb
tafro Gtrench
tagma(something) arranged ; ordered (in order)
tagochief; ruler
takema Gchair; seat (n)
tako 1++Gfast; quick; brisk; haste; hasty; hurry; nimble; prompt; rapid; rapidity; rate; speed; speedy; sprint; swift (quick); velocity
tako gluto 1gulp
tako grafi 1Gsketch
tako speka 1glimpse
tako tekno 1Gclever; smart (clever)
tako-kine 1Gnimble
taktiki Gtactics
takto 1+tact; contact
talamo Gbedroom
talano Gsad; wretched
talasi Gsea
taleastick (baton); stick (branch)
tali 1++such; such a
tali (take kalku for heel, pedi-artri for ankle) Xheel; ankle
taliacut to shape; waist
talo (=tali) Xsuch
talo (take klema or others) GXshoot (plant)
Talpa 1+mole
talpo Gheat; warmth
talu (take kalku) Xheel
tambo Gastonishment
tambura (prefer timpani)drum
tamno Gbush; shrub
tampo 1pad
tanatan skins
tanasi Gdeath; die
tanato (=tanasi, prefer morta) GXdeath; die
tange 1+touch; contact
tani Goutstretched
tanka 1+tank
tanto 1+so much; so many
tapaplug (stop up); stop up
tape 1++Gcarpet; mat; rug
tapeta (=tape) Xcarpet; mat; rug
tapi (=tape) 1Xcarpet
tapioka 1tapioca
tapiseri 1tapestry
tarako Gdisturb
tardi 1++late; delay; slow
tarqinihaughty; pride; proud
tarsu 1+ankle
tarsus (=tarsu, prefer pedi-artri) Xankle
tasa 1++cup
tasistretching (n)
taso Gsit idle
tatira (prefer Fasanus) Gpheasant
tauma 1Gmarvel; wonder
taurusbull (ox)
tauto Gsame; the same
taverna 1+inn; tavern
taxi 1++taxi; cab
taxilus (prefer pedi-artri)ankle
taxlis (=Taxus) Xyew
taxo 1++Garrange; arrangement; classify; put in order ; order (arrangement); ordain (arrangement)
Taxus 1yew
te (short form of tende) 1+aim; deliberate; for (purpose); in order that; in order to; intend; intended for; intention; intentional; object (purpose); purpose; so that; that (final conjunction); tend (intention); tendency; to (in order to)
-te (short affix form of textili) 1+textile; cloth; duster; fabric; rag
te-do 1++tent
tea 1++tea
tea-va 1tea pot; teapot
teatra 1++Gtheater; theatre; theatrical
tefra Gashes
tego Gsharpen
tegu 1++cover; casing; ceiling; deck; eclipse; lid (cover); shelter; shutter
tegula 1++tile
teka 1++Gbox; bin; case (container); chest (box); sheath; teak
plu teka 1+baggage; boxes; luggage
tekni (=tekno) 1GXskilful
teknika +Gtechnique
tekno 1++Gclever; craft; expert (adj); expertness; know-how; skilful; skill; skilled; skillful; smart (clever); technical; techno-
tekno Gchild
tekno akti 1feat
tekno mali (=tekno-mali) 1GXcunning; wily
tekno-mali 1++Gcunning; sly; wily
tekno-pe 1++engineer; expert (n)
teknologi +Gtechnology
tekti (prefer stego)roof
tekto 1+Gbuild; construct
tekto ligni 1timber
tela 1canvas; cloth; cobweb; fabric; linen
tele 1++Gfar; afar; distance; distant; farther; further; remote
tele bronto 1Grumble
telefona (=telefono) GXtelephone
telefono 1++Gtelephone
telegrama 1telegram
telema Gwill (legal)
teleo 1Gperfect; outstanding
teleskope 1++Gtelescope
telesona (take radio) Xradio
televida (=televisio) Xtelevision
televide (prefer televisio)television
televisio 1++television; TV
telgo Gcharm; enchantment
teli Gnipple; teat
telis Gfemale
telma 1Gwater (standing); mire
telo 1Gend; finish; purpose
telotero Gfurther away
telson Gboundary; end
teluri Gearthen; of earth
teluto Gcompletion
tem 1++time (period); as (while); at (time); during; for (during); in (during); period; season; while (temporal)
tem dona (=tem-dona) 1Xlend
tem gene (=tem-gene) 1Xborrow; hire
tem habe (=tem-habe) 1borrow
tem-co 1+meanwhile; at that time
tem-didate (day)
tem-don u domi 1let a house
tem-dona 1++lease; lend; loan
tem-eko 1lodge (v); occupy
tem-gene 1++borrow; hire
tem-habe 1borrow; loan (n)
tem-uti 1++hire; lease; rent (v)
tema 1++Gtheme; subject; thesis; topic
temako (take mero) GXmorsel; slice (n)
temno (prefer seka) Gslice (v); cut; divide
temperatura 1++temperature
tempestu 1++tempest; storm
temporaliof this world
temporotemple (head)
tena 1++hold; keep; carry (support); clutch; conservation; contain; grip; have (hold); hold together; maintain; preserve; restrain; retain; stock (store); support; sustain; uphold
tena in boteka 1stock (store)
tena poli 1abound
tena se 1restrain oneself
tena se ab 1abstain
tena solita 1quarantine
plu tena-fi 1braces
tena-mo 1++cabinet (cupboard); cupboard
tena-ru 1+pliers; tongs; vice (tool)
tenari Gpalm (hand)
tende 1++intention; aim; deliberate; goal; for (purpose); in order to; in order that; intend; intended for; intentional; object (purpose); purpose; so that; tend (intention); tendency; that (final conjunction); to (in order to)
tenebridark (gloomy)
tenerasoft; tender
tenis 1+tennis
tensi (=tensio) 1Xtension; span; stretch
tensi a (=tensio a) 1Xreach
tensio 1++tension; stretch; span; strain; stretching (n); stress; tense
tensio a 1++reach
tensio-sto 1suspense
tenta 1++try; attempt; endeavor; endeavour; trial (try); tries (form of to try)
tenu 1++fine (thin); lean (thin); taper; thin
tenuotenuous; thin
teo 1++Ggod; theo-
Teo 1GGod
Teo tabla 1altar
teo-pe 1pious
teori 1++Gtheory; theoretical; rule (standard)
tepidotepid; lukewarm
tera 1++earth (the); soil; terrain
terapi 1++Gtherapy; cure; treat (therapy); treatment
terato 1+Gmonster
terebore (hole); rub away
tereno Gsoft; tender
teretro (prefer fora-ru) Gborer; drill (tool)
tergeclean (v)
terguback (n)
teri +terrify; frighten; frightening; frightful; terror
teri Ganimal
teribilo 1terrible; dreadful
teritori 1++territorial; territory
terizo Gharvest; mow (v); reap
termo 1++Ghot; heat; fervor; fervour; warm (temperature); warmth
termo-tem 1++summer
termometri 1Gthermometer
tero Gsummer
terori 1fear
terpsi Ggladden
tertia 1third
tesara (prefer tetra)four
tesauru Gthesaurus
teselasmall square stone
tesi Gthesis
teskuwaste place
testafragment; potsherd
testa 1+test; trial (try)
testi 1++witness (v)
testi-pe 1++witness (n)
testi-ra 1+*testimony
testifi 1+testify; witness
testimonibear witness
Testudo 1+tortoise
tet (short form of tetra for quick counting) 1+four
tetano Grigid; stiff
tetaro (prefer Fasanus) Gpheasant
tetiga Gcicada
tetra 1++Gfour; tetra-
tetra (after noun) 1++Gfourth
tetra bibli 1the 4 books
tetra-gono 1+*Gquadrangle; quadrate; square
tetra-ze 1forty
tetragona (=tetra-gono) 1Xsquare
tetragono (=tetra-gono) 1Xquadrate; square
teuko Gequipment
texi 1++Gdissolution; weave (textile)
texi-me 1loom
texo 1weave
textili 1++textile; cloth; duster; fabric; rag
textu 1+text
textu-qadratext frame
textura 1texture; fabric
tiaso Gstreet band
tibiaflute; shin-bone
tifis Gnightmare
tiflo Gblind
tifo Gmarsh
tifoida 1typhoid
tifona 1typhoon
tigibeam (wooden); log
tigmo Gtouch
tigri 1++tiger
tiktwitch (medical)
tika 1tick
tiketa 1ticket; tag
tiko 1Gchance; destiny; fate; fortune; luck
tiko Gwall (round city)
tilialime tree
tilma Gplucked (thing)
tilo 1Gknob; knot; tie
tilo Gpluck (pull); tear (v)
tima Gblow (n)
timbo Gburial ground
timbrastamp (postage); postage stamp
timi (take timidi (fearful) or fobo (fear)) Xfearful; fear; timid
timiditimid; fearful
timo Ghonor; honour
timpa (=timpani) 1GXdrum
timpani 1++Gdrum
tinagma Gquake; shake
tineamoth larva
tinge (=tinktu, prefer kroma) Xcolor; dye; hue (colour); paint; tinge
tiniring (sound); ringing; tinkle
tinktu (prefer kroma)color; colour; dye; hue (colour); tinge; tint
tino Gsand (shore); shore
tino Gstretch
tinta 1++ink; hue (colour); shade (hue); tint
tintina 1++ring (sound); tinkle
tintlo Gmud
tio Gsulphur; thio-
tipa 1pat
tipani (=timpani) 1GXdrum
tipido Ghammer (n)
tipika 1++Gtypical
tipikali (=tipika) GXtypical
tipo 1++Gtype (example); type (class); type (letter); type (write); blow (hit); clash; hit; knock; mark; print; rap; smack; strike; stroke (hit)
tipo-meprinter (device)
tipo-sema 1punctuation mark
tira (French) 1++drag; pull; tug (pull)
tira (take janu or porta) 1GXdoor
tira in 1absorb
tira-navi 1tug (boat)
tira-teka 1++drawer
tirani 1+Gdespot; tyrant
tirbasta Gagitator
tiro Gbeginner
tiro (take kasea) 1GXcheese
tisu 1++tissue; cloth; fabric
titaso Gtame
titila 1+tickle
titiro Gshepherd's pipe
tito Gbarn-owl
tito Gsmall; young
titula 1++title
tixi Gtouch
tlaspi Gcress
tlasto Gbruised; crushed
tlemo (take tolera) GXpatient (adj)
tlesi (take tolera) GXpatient (adj)
tlipsi Gpressure
tmema Gcutting (plant)
tneto Gmortal
to (short form of topo) +at (punctiform location); in (in a punctiform place); location (punctiform); place (punctiform); spot; where (relative, =at which punctiform place)
toaliatowel (n)
toast (=toasta) Xtoast
toasta 1+toast
toeko Ghouse-wall; ship side (wall); wall
toeno Gbanquet; meal
toga 1+cape (garment); cloak; overcoat; robe (n)
toko 1Gbirth; childbirth; offspring
tolenoswing beam
tolera 1++tolerate; patient (adj); abide (endure); bear (endure); endure; patience; be patient ; tolerance; tolerant
tolma Gcourage
tolo Gdirt; mud
toma (=tomi, prefer seka) GXcut
tomato 1tomato
tomi Gtome; volume (tome)
tomi (prefer seka) Gcut
-tomi Gcutting out
tominx Gcord; string
tomo Gheap; pile
tone 1ton
toni 1+tone; accent; pitch; sound (acoustic)
toniko (=tono, take tensio) GXstretching (n)
tono 1Gtension; stretching (n)
tonsili 1tonsil
tonsuclip (shear); shear
topika 1++Gtheme; topic
topo (or short form to) 1++Gplace (punctiform); at (punctiform location); in (in a punctiform place); local; locale; location (punctiform); position; spot; where (relative, =at which punctiform place)
topografi Gtopography
toraci 1++Gbreast; chest (anat)
toreu Gemboss
toreuma Gembossed work
tori Gparch
toribo Gapplause; crowd (n)
torididry; hot (very)
torina Gstir (v)
tormentatorment; torture
tormo Ghole; socket
torna 1+turn; turn (on lathe); your turn
tornado 1tornado
torneo 1tournament
torno (=torna) 1Xturn
toro (=taurus, prefer an-bovi) 1Xbull (ox)
toro (take zoa-sperma or bovi-sperma) Xsemen
torpedo 1torpedo
torpibe stiff
torsi 1sprain
torta 1pie
torti (take strepto) Xtwist
torti-tira 1wrench (v)
tortu 1++torment; torture; twist (especially if causing pain); wring
tortuoso (take serpenti or strepto) Xtwisting; winding
tortura (=tortu) Xtorment; torture
torvigrim; wild
tosto 1++early; soon
totali 1total
toto 1whole; entire; quite
toxi 1++Gpoison; poisonous; toxin; venom
toxi serpenti 1viper
toxi-tumo 1abscess
toxiko (=toxi) GXpoison; poisonous; toxin; venom
toxo Gbow
toxo (=toxi) 1GXpoison; poisonous; venom
traba 1++beam (n); girder; rafter
trabi (=traba) Xbeam (n); girder; rafter
trabikulabeam (small)
trace 1trace; footprint; aftertaste
traci (=trace) Xtrace
tracia (=trace) 1Xtrace; footprint; aftertaste
traditio 1++tradition
traduce 1translate
trafikacommerce; trade
tragedi 1+Gtragedy
tragema Gsweetmeat
trago Ghe-goat
trakea Gtrachea; wind-pipe
trakelo Gneck
traki Grough
trakta +treat
trakto 1++attract; pull; drag (v); drag (with computer mouse); draw (pull); tow; tug (pull)
trakto in 1++absorb
trakto-me 1+tractor
tramawarp (weave); weft (weave)
trama 1+tram
trance 1+trance
trano Gbench; stool
trano Gclear (distinct); distinct
trans 1++across; traverse; horizontal
trans fusi 1transfusion
trans navi 1ferry
trans- 1+(prefix:) across; across (prefix)
transistora 1transistor
transititransit; go across
translati 1++translate
transtrucross beam
transversatraverse; cross-wise
trapa 1++snare; trap
trapezi Gtrapezium; table (furniture)
traulo Glisp
trauma 1++Gshock; wound
trausto Gbrittle
trava (=traba) Xbeam (n); girder; rafter
travalialabor; labour; toil
trefo Gfeed; nourish
treko Grun
trema Gnursling
trema (take fora) GXhole
treme (=tremulo) Xtremble
tremendo 1+tremendous
tremu-foto 1+glitter
tremula (=tremulo) Xtremble
tremulo 1++flicker; flutter; quiver; shake; shiver; shudder; tremble
trena 1++train (railway)
trena-motori 1locomotive
trenca +cut (trench); ditch; trench
treno Gdirge
treo Gsugar
trepida (=tremulo) Xshake; tremble
trepo Gturn
trepsi Gnourishment
tresabraid; plait
tresia Gperforation
treski Greligion; worship
tresora 1++treasure
tresoria 1treasury
tri 1++three
tri (after noun) 1++third
tri centi 1three hundred
tri- 1+(prefix:) three; three (prefix)
tri-baci 1wicket
tri-partidivided in three
tri-ze 1thirty
triba (=tribu) Xtribe
triblio Gbowl; cup
tribo 1friction; rub (friction)
tribu 1++tribe
tribuna 1++court of law; tribunal; platform
tributi 1+tax; tribute; payment
triciklo 1+tricycle
trigeto (prefer (vini-)karpe) GXharvest; crop; vintage
trigo (prefer zima)winelees; lees; yeast; dregs
trigono 1+Gthree-cornered; triangle; triangular
trikatrifle (n)
trika (=triko, prefer kapila) GXhair
trikila Gbower (summer house); summer house (bower)
triko Gworn garment
triko 1Ghair
trikota 1+knit; thights (shirt)
trima (take fora) GXhole
trinko Geaves
trio 1trio
trio Grub (friction); wear out
tripano Gbore (hole); pierce
tripoda 1+Gtripod
tripsi Grubbing; breaking (small)
trismo Ggrind
trismo Gmurmur
tristi 1++sad; alas; dismal; grief; lament; melancholy; mourn; sadness; sorrow
tristo (=tristi) Xgrief; melancholy
tritetrite; worn
tritiku (=Tritikum) Xwheat
Tritikum 1++wheat
trito Gthird
triumfa 1+Gtriumph
trivia 1+trivial
triviali (=trivia or no-gravi) Xtrivial
tro (French) 1++too (in a too high degree); excessive; undue
tro uti 1wear out
trofi (=trefo, prefer dona sito a) Xfeed; nourish
troge Ggnaw
troglo (prefer fora, kaverno or kavita) Gcave; hole
Troglodite 1wren
trokada Gshoe (running)
troki (=troko, prefer ciklo or rota) Gwheel; anything round
troklea Gpulley
troko 1Gwheel; anything round
tromo (=tremulo) GXquiver; tremble
trompa 1++trunk (animal)
trompeta 1+bugle; trumpet
tropi 1++Gturn; revolve; rotate; go round ; spin
tropi a 1+refer
tropi-ru 1screwdriver
tropika 1++Gtropical; tropics; excessive
trosulu Gcockscomb; fop
troto Gwounded
trova 1+find; locate
trovi (=trova, prefer detekti) Xfind; locate
troxalis Ggrasshopper
trua (=trula) Xdipper; ladle; skimmer
trucidobutcher (v)
truka 1+lorry; truck
trukucruel; savage
truladipper; ladle; skimmer; stirring spoon
trunka +trunk (tree); truncate; maim
trunko (=trunka) 1Xtrunk (tree)
trusttrust (business); cartel
truta 1+trout
trutinabalance; scales (weighing)
Tsigano 1+gipsy; gypsy
tu 1++you (singular); your (singular); yours (single); thou
tualeta 1toilet
tuberkulosis 1tuberculosis
tuberobulb; swelling
tubi 1++tube; pipe; conduit; hose; pipeline; the tube (underground)
tubi-fini 1+nozzle
tubi-pe 1+plumber
tuguriohut (rural house); cottage
tuid 1tweed
tulipa 1+tulip
tumbagrave (tomb); tomb
tumo 1++swell (v); bulge; lump (on body); swelling; swollen; tumor; tumour
tumo (take muski) 1Xmoss
tumultu 1+tumult; uproar
tunela (=tuneli) 1Xburrow; tunnel
tuneli 1+tunnel; burrow
tunika 1++dress; tunic
tura (take viagia) Xtour
tura-pe (take viagia-pe) Xtourist
turba 1++disturb; bother; disorder; distress; disturbance; embarass; irritate; trouble; upset (trouble); vex; worry
turba-ra 1nuisance
turbana 1turban
turbina 1+turbine
turbulentoturbulent; stormy
Turdus 1+thrush
turfa 1turf
turgiswell (v)
turi 1++tower; turret
turioshoot (plant); sprout
tusi 1++cough
tusilagocolts foot
tutodefence; defend; defense; guard
u (before all consonants but h, else =un) 1++a; an; the; one; any (=a(n))
u bibli 1a book
u-ci ('the here') 1++this
u-la ('the there') 1++that (pronoun); yonder
u-la kron 1++then
u-la-tem 1+then
u-mi 1++mine
id es u-mi 1it is mine
is es u-na 1it is ours
u-tu 1++yours (single)
u-vi 1++yours (plural)
uberaudder; teat
udae Gon the earth
udamino Ggood for nothing
udoshoe (sock); sock (shoe)
uest 1+west; occidental; western
uesta (=uest) 1Xwestern; occidental
ueste (=uest) 1Xwest
ulceraulcer; sore
uliginosomarshy; sodden
ulio Gbaneful; deadly
Ulmus 1+elm
ulo Ggums
ultima 1++last (ultimate); ultimate; farthest; final; latest (last); utmost
ultra 1++beyond; ultra
ultra- 1+(prefix:) beyond; beyond (prefix); ultra-
ulula 1+growl; howl; screech; wail; whine
um 1hum
umbra 1++shade; shadow
un (before vowels and h, else =u) 1++a; an; the; one; any (=a(n))
un idio andro 1the very man
unci (=unki) Xhook
uncinatobarbed; hooked
unda 1++wave; undulate; billow
mega unda 1billow
pusi unda 1ripple
unda longi 1wavelength
undu (=unda) 1Xwave; billow; undulate
undula (prefer pusi unda)ripple
undulata (take unda (longi)) Xwave along; undulate
ungu 1++nail (finger); hoof; claw; fingernail; talon; ungula
ungu (=face unktu, or take olea) Xanoint
ungua (=ungu) 1Xnail (finger); fingernail; hoof
ungui (=ungu) Xfingernail
ungula (=ungu) Xnail (finger); claw; fingernail; hoof
uni (=unio) 1Xunite
uni (=unita) 1Xunit; unity
uni (prefer mo)one; the whole
uni-ra 1hyphen
uniforma 1++regular; uniform (regular); homogeneous
uniforma-ve 1uniform (clothes)
uniformi (=uniforma) 1Xregular; uniform (regular); homogeneous
unika 1+unique
unio 1++meet (by appointment); assemblage; assembly; meeting (by appointment); rendezvous; union; unite
unio se ko 1+join (meet)
unita 1++unit; unity
universa 1++universe; universal
universita 1++university
unka (=unki) Xhook
unki 1++hook
unktu-ma 1+ointment
uno(-) 1++any (any/some); any- (any/some); some; some-
uno-lo 1++somewhere
uno-mode 1++somehow; someway
uno-pe 1++somebody; anybody (somebody); anyone (someone); someone
uno-ra 1++something; anything (=something, a thing, act or quality undefined or unspecified)
unus (=uni, prefer mo) Xone; the whole
ur(-) 1++original
ura 1Gtail (n)
urani 1++Gheaven; sky
urani flasc 1lightning
urani-veli 1kite
urba 1+town; urban; municipal
urba aqa-va 1reservoir
urba via 1street
urba-cefa 1++mayor
urceijar; urn
ure (=busti, prefer piro) Xburn (v)
uredoblast (botanic); blight (botanic)
urens (prefer piro)burning; stinging
uretraurinary canal
urge 1++urge; emergency; press for; press (urge)
urigo Glustful heat
urina 1+urinate
urnaurn; ballot box (urn)
ursu 1++bear (animal)
Ursusbear (animal)
Urtika 1+nettle; sting-nettle; stinging-nettle
usawear out
usti (=busti, prefer piro) Xburn (v); combust
usticiscorched color
ustilagosmut disease
usto (=busti, prefer piro) Xburn (v); combust
usucustom; use
usuali 1+usual; usually; everyday; regular
usufruusufruct; enjoy the use of
usurapractice usury
utereither one or other
uteri 1+uterus; womb
utero (=uteri) 1Xwomb
uteru (=uteri) Xuterus; womb
uterus (=uteri) Xuterus; womb
uti 1++use; have at one's disposal ; employ; treatment; useful; using; utilize
uti holo 1+exhaust
uti u programarun a programme
uti-pe 1+user; end user
uti-ple 1useful
utili (=uti) 1Xuseful; use
utrileather bag
uva 1+grape
uvidodamp; moist; wet
V-sek (pronounce like "vay-sek") 1notch
-va (short affix form of vasa) 1container; jar; pot (vase); receptacle; vase; vessel (container)
va-bovi 1corned beef
vada (=vade) 1Xwade
vademove; wade; rush
vade (=vadu) Xford
vadoso (prefer a description like ple de plu vadu)full of shoals (shallow places)
vadu 1+ford; shallow place; shoal (shallow place)
vafro +artful; clever; cunning
vaga 1++wander; ramble; roam; rove
vaga-pe 1nomad; tramp (vagabond); vagabond
vagabundavagabond; stroll about
vagicry; whimper
vagina 1+vagina; sheath; case (container); pod; scabbard
vagona 1++car; auto; automobile; carriage; vehicle; wagon
vagona-do 1++garage
vagona-parka 1car-park
vakina 1vaccinate
vaku 1++empty; blank; vacancy; vacant; vacuous; vacuum
vakuo (=vaku) 1Xempty; vacuous; vacuum
vale 1++farewell; good-bye; goodbye; healthy; be healthy ; well (adj); be well
valea (=vali) Xvalley
valetudinobe infirm
vali 1++valley; vale
validi +valid; sound (well); strong
valoresstocks and shares
valu 1++value; deserve; esteem; estimate; merit; reckon (estimate); worth; be worth
valuta 1++money; cash; fee; fund
valuta puni 1fine (punishment)
valuta sporta 1gamble
valva 1++valve; tap (valve); faucet; leaf (of door)
valvula (=valva) Xtap (valve); valve; leaf (of door)
valza 1waltz
vanesce 1+vanish
vaneske (=vanesce) Xvanish
vani 1++vain; arrogant; empty (vain); futile (action without result); pointless; useless; in vain ; vanity; worthless
vanila 1+vanilla
vaniti (prefer vani)vanity
vano (=vani) 1Xfutile (action without result); in vain
vantavaunt; boast
vanufan (thing for fresh air)
vapopoach egg
vapo 1++steam; vapor; vapour; evaporate
vapo-rota 1steam-turbine
vapo-va 1+kettle
vapori (=vapo) Xsteam; vapor; vapour
vari 1++vary; change; variance; variation; variety; various; varying
varia (=vari) 1Xvary; change; variance; variation; variety; various; varying
varixvaricose vein
(-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 1++container; jar; pot (vase); receptacle; tank; vase; vessel (container)
vaskuluvascular; vessel (anatomical)
vaso (=vasa) 1Xcontainer; vase; vessel (container)
vastuwaste (desert); empty (waste)
-ve (short affix form of vesti) 1++clothe; clothing; dress; garment
ve-lava-lo 1+laundry
ve-tena-mo 1+wardrobe
vegeta 1++vegetable
vei (=vekto) Xcarry (move)
vekti 1bar; lever
vekto 1carry (move)
vektorvector; carrier
vela 1+veil
vela (=veli) Xsail
veli 1++sail; vane (of windmill)
veli (=vela) Xveil
veli-navi 1yacht
veliastay awake
veloci 1+fast; velocity; rapid; speed; swift (quick)
veluta 1+velvet
vend a non-ami 1++betray
vendo 1++sell; sale
vendo-lo 1+market; market-place
vendo-pe 1+dealer; merchant; salesman; salesperson; saleswoman; seller; trader
vendo-ra 1wares
venenipoison; venom
venera 1reverence
venge 1revenge; take revenge on ; vengeance
veni 1++come; arrival; arrive
veni a 1++arrive at; come to; catch up with; overtake; reach
veno 1+vein
venomo 1venom; poison
venti 1++wind (air); ventilate
venti moli 1windmill
ventila 1fan (ventilate); ventilate; ventilation
ventrikulo (=ventra) Xbelly
veranda 1verandah
verba 1++word
verba-bibli 1++dictionary
verba-lista 1++vocabulary; dictionary
verbi (=verba) Xword
verbi-bibli (=verba-bibli) Xdictionary
verdi 1green; verdant; verdure
verdua (=verdi, prefer kloro) Xgreen; verdant; verdure
vergeverge (rod); rod
vergi (=verge) Xverge (rod); rod
veri 1++true; truth; correct; genuine; indeed; sincere; truly
dice veri 1be right
verifi 1++check; check (verify); proof; verify; verify (check)
vermi 1++worm; vermin
verna 1spring (season)
vernisa 1varnish
versatiliversatile; easily changing
versi 1++return; go back; back to begin; back to start; back (reverse); draw back; replace; restore; reversal; reverse; revert; turn; turn around; withdraw
versikoloravarious colors
versutocrafty; sly
verte 1+invert; upside down; inside out; invert; overturn; revert; turn upside down
vertexpeak; top
vertigo 1+vertigo; dizzy; giddiness
vertika 1vertical; erect; upright
vertiko (=vertika) Xvertical
vertiko-verteinside-out; upside-down
verveanimation; zest
vervexstupid fellow
vesa +insane; mad
vesiko (=vesikula) Xbladder; blister
vesikula 1+bladder; blister
veskuweak; poor; thin
vespa 1+wasp
vespera 1++evening
vespera-vora 1++supper
vespertiliobat (animal)
vesti 1++clothe; clothing; dress; garment
plu vesti 1raiment
vesti-fa 1++suit (clothes); costume; kit (clothes)
vesti-ka 1vestry
vesti-pe 1+tailor
vestibula (=vestibulo) 1Xentrance hall; vestibule
vestibulo 1+entrance hall; hall; vestibule
vestigia 1trace; aftertaste; footprint; track
veteranoold soldier; veteran
veto 1++forbid; prohibit; prohibition; veto
vex (=vexa) Xworry; annoy; vex
vexa 1++worry; annoy; bother; disturb; molest; nettle (annoy); rile; vex
vexa-ra 1++nuisance
vexilaflag; standard (flag)
vi 1++you (plural); your (plural); yours (plural)
vi-ci 1here is; here are
vi-la 1here is; here are; there is; there are
via 1++way (road); path; road; street; track
via milita 1street brawl
via-ra 1+buoy
viagia 1++voyage; journey; travel; tour; trip (journey)
viagia-pe 1++passenger; tourist
vibexmark; weal
vibiboard; plank
vibra 1++vibrate; shake; swing; vibration
vibrisawhisker (tactile)
vice 1++vice (in place of); instead; instead of; behalf; replace; substitute; your turn
vice regi 1regent
vice-pe 1+substitute person
vice-presidenta 1+vice-president
vice-principali 1vice-principal
vice-ra 1+substitute
vice-verba 1+pronoun
vicinaneighborhood; vicinity
vicisi +on the other hand
vid (=vide) Xsee (look)
vide 1++see (look); look; view; vision
vide-lo 1+point of view
vide-valuworth seeing; remarkable (worth seeing)
vide-valu-raobject of interest; curiosity (worth seeing object); sights (worth seeing object)
vidua 1+widow
vietoshrunken; wrinkled
vigi 1++awake; wake; alert; wake up; waken
vigilavigilant; awake; watching
vigo 1+vigour; flourish; grow; prosper; thrive
viki 1++village; -wick (village)
viktima (=viktimi) 1Xvictim
viktimi 1++victim
vikto 1++victory; win (victory); conquer; defeat; prevail; vanquish
vikto-ra 1trophy
viktualia +provisions
vilage (French)village
vili +cheap; worthless
vilofur; hair (shaggy); shaggy; tuft (hair)
viloso (=vilo) Xshaggy
viluta (=veluta) Xvelvet
viminapliant twig
vina (=vini) Xwine
vinagra 1+vinegar
vindemiaharvest grapes
vindikaavenge; justify
vini 1++wine
vini-karpe 1*vintage
vinia (prefer viti-lo)vineyard
vinko (=vikto) Xconquer; defeat; prevail; vanquish; victory; win
vinkulobinding stuff
vino (=vini) 1Xwine
Viola Trikolor 1pansy
viole 1++violate; violent; violence; assault; attack; rape
violeta 1violet
violina 1++violin
viperaviper; adder; snake
virga 1+rod; stick (baton); stick (branch); stick (rod); wand
virgo 1+virgin
viri 1+man; virile; husband; male
viridi (prefer kloro)green; verdant; verdure
virili (=viri) Xvirile; male
virtu 1+virtue
virudanger; poison
virus +virus
visforce; strength
visabili 1visible
viscerainternal organs
visio 1+vision
visit-pe 1visitor
visita 1++visit
viski +sticky; viscous
vista 1++vista; view; visible; outlook; perspective; prospect; scene; scenery; seeing; seen (the); sight; spectacle; view (n)
vit 1vital
vita 1+life; lifetime; living
vitamina 1vitamin
viteliegg yolk; yolk
viti 1+vine; grape-vine
viti-lo 1+vineyard
vitri 1++glass
vitri lami 1pane
vitri lamina 1pane
vitrinashop window
vituperablame; scold
vive 1++live; alive; conscious; lively
vive-ra 1++being (n); creature
vivi 1vivid; alive; lively; living
vivido (=vivi) Xvivid
viviparobear living young
vix +hardly; scarcely; with difficulty
vowant; wish
voci 1++shout; bark (dog); bawl; bellow; call; call (shout); exclaim; proclaim; roar; scream; screech; yell
voci tristi 1+wail
voga +fashion
voka 1++voice; vocal
vokali 1++vowel
vola 1++fly (v); flight; make haste ; hurry; be quick ; rush
volatilivolatile; evaporating
voltvolt (electricity)
voltajump over; vault (jump)
volta (=volt) Xvolt (electricity)
voltage 1voltage
volu 1++will; want; desire; be going to ; impulse; intend; need; require; voluntary; willing; willingness; wish
volu akti 1++mean (intend to do)
volu dice 1++mean (intend to say)
volu dona auxi (Only "volu auxi" would be ambiguous! Also possible: "volu un auxi")want help
volu gene auxi (Only "volu auxi" would be ambiguous!)want to help
volu-pe 1volunteer
volumi 1++volume (space); capacity; room; space; volume (amount)
volve 1+roll (turn); rotate; go round ; revolve; turn (roll)
vomi (=vomita) Xvomit; throw out
vomita 1+vomit; throw out
vora 1++eat; devour; meal
vora gra 1graze
vora mo 1++breakfast
vora-baci 1chopstick
vora-do 1++restaurant
vora-ka 1dining room
vora-kron 1mealtime
vora-te 1napkin
voraciovoracious; gluttonous
voragoabyss; chasm; whirlpool
vortex (=vortika) Xwhirlpool
vota (=voti) Xvote
voti 1++vote
vulga 1++common; ordinary; vulgar
vulga lingua 1vernacular
vulkani 1+volcano
vulne 1++wound; injure; injury; lesion
vulne-te 1lint
Vulpes 1+fox
vulpi (=Vulpes) 1Xfox
vulsipluck (pick)
vultuexpression; look
vultura 1+vulture
vulturi (=vultura) Xvulture
vulvasheath; wrapper
wiski 1whisky
x-radia 1x-ray
xanto 1++Gyellow; blond; yolk
xeno 1++Gforeign; strange; alien; bizarre; novel (strange); odd (unusual); queer; unusual
xeno-pe 1++G*foreigner
xero 1Gdry
xesto Gplaned; smooth
xifo Gsword
xilo 1Gwood (substance); lumber; timber; wooden
xino Gcommon
xisto Gcovered colonnade
ze (prefer long form zero) 1zero; nil; null
-ze 1+G-ty (X ten); zero
ze-ra 1nothing
Zea 1++Gcob; maize
zea frukti 1Gcob
zebra 1zebra
zefiro Gwest wind
zelo 1++Gzeal; zealous; enthusiastic; ardor; eager; enthusiasm; keen
zelo atende 1+be looking forward to
zeloso (take kako-zelo) GXjealous; jealousy
zema Gdecoction
zemia Gdamage; loss
zenit Gzenith
zeo Gboil
zero 1++zero; naught; nil; no; none; nothing; nought; null
zete 1Gsearch; seek
zeteta Gsearcher; seeker
zeugo Gteam
Zeus GZeus (chief Greek god)
zigazaga 1+zigzag
zigo 1++Gjoin (connection); connect; yoke
zigoma Gbar (belt); belt
zigzaga (=zigazaga) Xzigzag
zil Gmustard plant
zima 1+Gyeast; dregs; ferment; leaven; lees; winelees
zimo (=zima) 1Xferment; leaven; yeast
zingiber (=zingibera) GXginger
zingibera 1+ginger
zink 1+Gzinc
zinzinulo Gchirp
-zo (short affix form of zona) 1+Gring (circular band); belt; girdle; hoop; zone
zoa 1++Ganimal; beast
zoa-eko 1++den
zoa-iatri 1+veterinary
zoa-lo 1+lair
zoa-parka 1+menagerie; zoo
zoa-sperma 1*semen
zoe Glife
zofo Gdusk; gloom
zomo Gbroth; soup
zona 1++Gzone; belt; ring (circular band); circumference; girdle; hoop
zostero (prefer zona) Gbelt; girdle

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Glosa-English Dictionary - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.