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Glosa-English Dictionary
Vocabularies: ++
“Core”, +
“Basic”, “1
” Glosa-1000 list.
Origin: “G
” Greek origin, “*
” primary lexicon extension, “1*
” deviatiion from “1
”, “X
” to avoid, prefer the lexeme in brackets (=…).adj
adjective, n
noun, v
History of modification. Contributors: Wendy Ashby, Paul Bartlett, Ron Clark, Charles Ganson, Robin Gaskell, Nick Hempshall, Gary Miller, William Patterson, Kevin Smith, Marcel Springer. Date: 2013-04-30. Glosa-English Reti Diktionaria. Ki ad English-Glosa.
Glosa | English |
a (before consonants without h, else prefer ad) 1++ | at (location); till; to; towards; up to |
a boreo 1 | northwards |
a fini 1++ | at last; eventually; finally |
a kron (=a-kron) 1X | punctual; till (until); until |
a latu 1++ | aside |
a plus info 1+* | until further notice |
a pluso info (=a plus info) 1X | until further notice |
a qo-lo? 1+ | whither? |
a- (prefer ne-) G | (prefix:) not; not (prefix) |
a-kron 1++ | punctual; till (until); until |
a-la 1+ | thither |
a-nu 1++ | hitherto; yet |
ab 1++ | away; absent; from; missing (not there); off |
ab ovo | from start |
ab- 1+ | (prefix:) from; from (prefix); (prefix:) apart; apart (prefix) |
ab-flu (or "flu ab") 1+ | flow down |
abandona 1 | abandon (go away); abandon (give up); abjure; desert (v); leave alone |
abandoni (=abandona) X | abandon (give up); abandon (go away); desert (v) |
abdomina 1 | abdomen; belly |
abe 1+ | abbey |
Abies 1+ | fir; fir tree |
abili 1++ | able; ability |
abiso | deep sea |
abjekti | mean (paltry); mean (not nice) |
abjura | abjure |
ablati | remove |
ablepsia | blindness |
abluti | wash away |
aboli | abolish |
abomina | detest |
abona | subscribe |
aborti | abort |
abrazi | scrape |
abrupti | abrupt |
abscisi | cut off |
absenta se 1 | truant |
absenti | absent |
abskonde | hide |
absoluti 1 | absolute |
absolve | absolve; absolve (from sin or guilt) |
absorba (=sorbe) X | suck in |
abstine | abstain |
abstrakti + | abstract |
absurdi | absurd |
abuka | interconnect |
abunda | abound |
abusi | abuse |
academi (=akademi) 1X | academy |
acede | say yes |
acelera | accelerate |
acende | set alight |
acenta | accent |
acepta (prefer cepti) X | accept |
acepti (prefer cepti) | accept |
acer | maple tree |
acerbi | bitter; sour |
acesi + | access (right or opportunity); access (entry); access (get) |
acetabula | socket |
aceti | vinegar |
acide 1++ | happen; event; circumstance; incident; occur; pass (happen) |
aciera 1 | steel |
acikula | needle; prickle; prickly |
ad (before vowels and h, else prefer a) 1++ | at (location); till; to; towards; up to |
ad an 1 | him |
ad e versi 1+ | to and fro |
ad hok | ad hoc |
ad libe | ad lib |
ad rem | to the point |
ad- 1+ | (prefix:) towards; towards (prefix) |
ad-in 1++ | into; inward |
adagio | graceful; slow |
adamanta 1++G | diamond; very hard |
adamanti (=adamanta) X | diamond; very hard |
adapta 1+ | adapt; fit |
adelfa G | sister |
adelfo G | brother |
adelo G | unclear |
adenda | added things |
adeno 1 | acorn; gland |
adeo | farewell; goodbye |
adepto | adept |
adeqa | suffice |
adhesi + | adhere; adhesive; stick to |
adhesi-ma | paste |
adi 1++ | add |
adinami | feeble; weak |
adipo | animal fat |
adito | entrance |
adjace | lie near; local |
adjudika | award |
adjura | adjure |
adjusta + | adjust; adjustment |
adjuta | help |
administra | administrate; manage |
administra-pe | administrator |
admira 1 | admiration; admire; praise |
admoni | admonish |
adokula | fix eyes on |
adoleske | grow up |
adonis | dandy |
adopta 1 | adopt |
adora 1++ | adore; worship |
adorna | adorn |
adorsa | put back |
adresa 1+ | address |
adresi (=adresa) 1X | address |
adula | adulate |
adultera | adulterate |
adumbra | adumbrate |
adusti (=busti, prefer piro) X | burn (v); scorch |
adveni (prefer acide) | happen |
adverba + | adverb |
adverbi (=adverba) X | adverb |
adversa | oppose |
adversa-pe | opponent |
adverti | advertise; advertisement; refer to |
advoka | call (v) |
advokato | advocate (n); advocate (v); supporter |
aegi (=egi, prefer kapri) GX | goat |
aegialo G | shore |
aegis | protection |
aegroto (=egroto, prefer pato) X | ill; sick |
aeolo G | varied |
aepio (=epio, prefer alti) GX | tall |
aero 1++G | air; atmosphere |
aero-bio | aerobe |
aero-naut | airman |
aero-navi | airship |
aerodroma 1 | aerodrome |
aeroplana 1++ | aeroplane; airplane |
aeroplano (=aeroplana) X | aeroplane; airplane |
aeroporto (=aeroportu) X | airport |
aeroportu + | airport |
aeska G | food |
aeskio G | be ashamed |
aeskulus | horse chestnut |
aestu (=estu, prefer termo) GX | fervor; fervour; heat; passion |
aetrio (=etrio) GX | bright |
afabili | affable |
afaire (=afera, French) X | business |
afama | famish |
afekta (=afekti) X | affect; pretend |
afekti 1+ | affect; affection; be fond of ; loving; pretend |
afektio (=afekti) X | be fond of |
afektuoso (=afekti) X | loving |
afera (French) 1 | business |
afia G | touching |
afidavi | affidavit |
afidi G | aphid; greenfly |
afila | sharpen |
afilia | affiliate |
afini | related by marriage |
afirma | assert |
aflikti | afflict |
aflora | outcrop |
aflu | crowd (v) |
afno G | wealth |
afola | madden |
afro 1+G | foam; froth; scum; suds |
afronta | defy |
agalmato | sculpt |
agalmo G | ornament |
agamo G | unmarried |
agano G | gentle |
Agarikus 1 | mushroom |
agata G | good |
agati G | agate |
age (=ago, prefer duce) X | drive; lead |
agenda 1G | agenda; program |
agenti 1++G | agent |
agera | mound |
agili | agile |
agio | exchange |
agiota | speculate |
agita 1+ | agitate; stir; stir up |
aglao G | beautiful |
aglomer | gather |
aglutina | stick together |
agmo G | fracture |
agno 1 | lamb |
agnosti | agnostic |
ago (prefer duce) 1+ | drive; lead |
agoge G | training |
agoni 1+G | agony; contest |
agonisti | competitor |
agora G | market place; square (public) |
-agra G | sudden pain |
agrandi | aggrandize |
agraria | agrarian |
agrava | worsen; make worse |
agrega | mass together |
agresi 1 | attack; violate |
agresti | rustic |
agri 1++ | field; countryside; meadowland |
agri-do 1 | farm-house |
agri-lo 1++ | farm |
agri-pe 1++ | farmer; agricultural labourer |
agri-vegeta | crop |
plu agri-zoa 1++ | cattle |
agrikultura 1++ | agriculture |
agrio 1++ | wild; savage |
agronomi G | agronomy |
agrosti (=grasti, prefer gra) GX | grass |
agueri | inure to war |
agulia | needle |
ailuro G | cat |
aito G | burnt brown |
akademi *1+G | academy |
akalifa G | nettle |
akanta 1G | thorn; spine |
akaris G | mite |
akazio G | sharp |
akidi 1++ | acid; sour; acute |
akini | berry; grape |
aklama | acclaim |
akme G | point |
ako G | remedy |
akomoda | adapt; adjust |
akompani | accompany |
akorda 1++ | according to; agree; accord; acknowledge; consent; harmonize; league; match (v); treaty; unanimous; undertake; uphold |
akorda-co | accordingly |
akosta | accost |
akostuma | accustom |
akrido | grasshopper |
akrimoni | acrimony |
akro 1++G | top (highest point); climax; end; peak; point (sharp); summit; tip (top) |
akro-digi 1+ | tiptoe |
akrobata (=akrobati) X | acrobat |
akrobati 1+G | acrobat |
akti 1++ | act; do; behave; accomplish; action; active; commit; deed; does (form of to do); doing (participle of to do); perform; performance; take action; transact |
plu akti 1+ | manners |
akti ma boni de 1++ | excel |
akti mali 1++ | insult; offence; offend; offense |
akti rapidi 1 | hurry; make haste |
akti-seqe | procedure |
akti-verba 1+ | verb |
akti-verbi (=akti-verba) X | verb |
aktivi 1++ | active; busy; brisk |
aktivi pro 1 | enthusiastic |
aktua | actuate |
aktuali | actual |
aku 1++ | nail; needle; pin; prick (v); splinter; tack |
aku lito 1+ | crag |
akulea | sting; thorn |
akumina | sharpen |
akumula | accumulate |
akusa + | accuse |
akusti 1G | hear; acoustic; acoustical; acoustics; listen; hark |
akuto 1++ | sharp; sharpen; shrill; acid ("sharp" taste); sour ("sharp" taste) |
ala 1 | wing |
ala-ana 1 | soar |
alago G | exchange |
alakri | brisk; crisp; eager; keen |
alanto G | sausage |
alarma | alarm |
alba | dawn |
alba (=albi, prefer leuko) 1X | white |
albi (prefer leuko) 1 | white |
albino | albino |
album 1+ | album |
albumini | albumen |
alega | allege |
alegro 1++ | cheerful; jolly; merry |
alektrio G | cock |
aleli (=alelo) 1XG | each other |
alelo 1++G | each other; mutual |
alerta | alert |
aleto G | true |
aleuro G | flour |
alevia | alleviate |
alexi 1++G | defence; defend; defense; guard; look after; protect; protective; safeguard; watch over |
alexi grega 1 | patrol |
alexi ki ko 1 | escort |
alexi-baci 1 | bumper |
alexi-digi 1 | thimble |
alexi-grega 1 | garrison |
alexi-kefa-ve 1+ | helmet |
alexi-pe 1G | sentry |
alexi-ve 1G | apron; overalls; protective clothing |
alfa G | alpha |
alfa-beta +G | alphabet |
alfabeti (=alfa-beta) 1XG | alphabet |
alfito G | barley flour |
alga G | alga |
algesia G | feeling |
(-)algia G | pain |
algido G | cold |
algo 1++G | pain; ache; -algia; grief; hurt; painful; sore; suffering |
algo soni 1+ | groan; moan |
algo-voci 1+ | whine |
ali 1++ | any (whatever); whatever (any) |
ali kron 1++ | ever (at any time); any time |
ali-kron 1++ | whenever |
ali-lo 1++ | anywhere; wherever (adverb) |
ali-mode 1++ | anyhow (anyway); anyway (anyhow); however (adverb, =in whatever way) |
ali-pe 1++ | anyone (whoever); whoever (anyone) |
ali-ra 1++ | anything (of every item you care to choose); whatever; whichever |
alia | other things |
alias | otherwise |
alibi | elsewhere |
aliena 1 | alien; foreign; strange |
aliena-pe | foreigner |
aliga | attach |
aligato | alloy |
aligatora 1 | alligator |
alimenta 1 | feed; food; nourish |
alimenta-avi | fowl |
alinea | align |
alitera | alliterate |
Alium 1G | garlic |
alkoholi 1++ | alcohol; spirit (alcohol) |
alkova | alcove; recess (alcove) |
almanak | almanac |
almo G | alms |
alnus | alder tree |
alo 1++ | or; alternative; either |
alo ... alo 1++ | either ... or |
plu alo di 1 | every other day |
alo-medika 1 | complimentary medicine |
Aloda 1 | lark |
alopecia (prefer vulpes) G | fox |
alora 1+ | in that case ; therefore |
alotropi G | allotrope |
Alpi | Alps |
Alsacia | Alsace |
Alt klavi | Alt key (computer) |
alteo G | cure |
altera | change |
alterka 1 | quarrel; argue; discuss; dispute |
alterna 1++ | alternate; although; else |
altero | other |
altes | Highness |
alti 1++ | altitude; high; aloft; height; lofty; tall |
alti an-voka 1 | tenor |
alti landa 1 | moor; upland |
alti-lo 1+ | pulpit |
alti-soni | high sound |
altitudi (take alti) X | altitude |
altruismo G | altruism |
alude | allude |
aluminium | aluminium |
aluvia | clay |
alve | pit; trough |
alveola | cavity (small) |
amalgama | amalgam |
amari 1 | bitter; harsh |
amasa (=kumu, masi) X | amass |
amaso (=kumu, masi) X | crowd; mass |
amateuri | amateur |
ambasadora 1++ | ambassador |
ambi (alternative: pan or bi) 1+ | both |
ambi- 1+ | (prefix:) both; both (prefix) |
ambienta 1+ | environment; atmosphere; setting (environment) |
ambiguo | ambiguous |
ambiti | action rage; moving around perimeter |
ambitio | ambitious |
amblio G | blunt (not sharp); dull (not sharp); dull (not strong) |
ambra G | amber |
ambrosia G | ambrosia |
ambroto G | immortal |
ambula 1++ | amble; stroll; walk; walking |
amen 1 | amen |
amenti | strap |
amfi (prefer ambi, or pan, bi) G | both |
amfi- G | (prefix:) both sides; both sides (prefix) |
amfibio G | amphibious |
amfiteatra G | amphitheatre |
amfora G | jar |
ami 1++ | friend; amiable; comrade; friendly; kind (friendly); lovable; warm (friendly) |
amigda 1+G | almond |
amika (prefer ami) X | friendly |
amika-ra | friendliness |
amikto | frilled |
amila 1+G | starch; meal |
amita | aunt |
amnesi G | forget |
amni | stream (n) |
amnio 1 | sheep; ewe |
amo 1++ | love; like (love); affection; approve; approval; kindness; mercy; warm (friendly) |
amo (=sili) GX | sand |
amo-pe 1+ | amateur |
amoebo G | changing |
amonta | amount |
amoreta | flirtation |
amorfo 1++G | clod; lump; shapeless |
amoro | love |
amorti | deaden |
ampelo G | vine (plant) |
Ampere | Ampere |
amplexi 1+ | embrace; clasp (v); comprise |
ampli | ample |
amplifi | amplify |
amplituda | amplitude |
ampula 1 | bottle; flask |
amputa | amputate |
amusa 1++ | amuse; amusement; entertain; funny |
amusa-ra 1++ | entertainment |
an 1++G | he; him; his; male; masculine |
an- 1++G | (prefix:) male; male (prefix) |
an- (prefer ne-) 1G | (prefix:) not; not (prefix); un- |
an-anseri 1 | gander |
an-bovi 1 | bull (ox); ox |
an-Cervus 1+ | buck (n); stag |
an-duka 1 | duke |
an-elefa 1 | bull (elephant) |
an-fili 1++ | son |
an-galina 1++ | cockerel; rooster |
an-iso G | unequal |
an-kani 1 | dog (male) |
an-maestro 1 | master (artist) |
an-ovi 1 | ram |
an-princa (=an-prince) 1X | prince |
an-prince 1+ | prince |
an-regi 1++ | king |
an-sibi 1++ | brother |
an-sponsa 1++ | husband |
an-vidua 1 | widower |
ana 1++G | upwards; rise (go up); up |
ana e kata de mari 1+ | tide |
ana kata 1 | upside down |
ana- 1+G | (prefix:) upwards; upwards (prefix) |
anaerobi G | anaerobe |
anagrama G | anagram |
anakrono G | anachronous |
analfabeti G | illiterate |
analgesia G | analgesia |
analisi G | analyse |
analogi G | analogy; analog; analogue; analogous |
Ananas 1+ | pineapple |
anarki G | anarchy |
anas 1++ | duck (animal) |
anas-ki 1 | waddle |
anastasia G | resurrection |
anatema G | anathema |
anatola G | east |
anatomi G | anatomy |
ancestra 1 | ancestor |
ancila | slave |
andante | rather slow |
andro 1++G | man; gentleman; husband |
plu andro 1 | men |
andro patri 1 | father-in-law |
androgina G | hermaphrodite |
aneimo G | naked |
anekdota G | anecdote |
anemo 1G | wind (air) |
anestesia G | not feeling |
anexa | annex |
anfraktuo | winding |
angeli 1++G | angel; messenger |
angio G | box; vessel |
Anglo (=English) 1X | English |
angui | snake |
anguila | eel |
angula 1 | angle; corner; vertex |
angusti 1 | narrow |
angustia | anguish |
anhelo | gasp; pant |
anhidro G | without water |
anigo G | open (adj); open (v); opened |
anihila | annihilate |
anima 1+ | soul; spirit (soul); mind (n) |
animadversi | animadvert |
animala (prefer zoa) 1 | animal; beast |
animali (=animala, prefer zoa) 1X | animal; beast |
animaliza | brutalize |
aniversari + | anniversary |
ankilo G | crooked |
ankira G | anchor |
ankistro G | hook; fish-hook; fishing-hook |
anko G | choke |
ankora 1++ | still (yet); yet |
ankora (=ankira) 1XG | anchor |
anomalo G | anomalous |
anonimo G | anonymous |
anota | annotate |
ansa | cup-handle |
ansato | akimbo |
ansera (=Anseri) X | goose |
Anseri 1+ | goose |
antagoni G | antagonize |
antarktika 1 | antarctic |
ante 1++ | ahead; before (place); fore; front; in front |
ante meso-di (=pre meso-di) 1X | a. m.; AM; am (time); ante meridiem; before noon |
ante- 1+ | (prefix:) before (place); before (place)(prefix); (prefix:) front; front (prefix) |
ante-kamera | waiting room |
antedata | antedate |
antemeridia (prefer pre meso-di) | a. m.; AM; am (time); ante meridiem; before noon |
antena 1+ | antenna; feeler |
antero | front; in front |
anti 1++G | against; although; despite; hinder; hostile; in spite of; oppose; though; versus |
anti- 1+G | (prefix:) against; against (prefix) |
anti-aqa 1 | waterproof |
anti-aqa-te 1 | tarpaulin |
anti-co 1++ | although; but; however (=although it was so); nevertheless; though |
anti-ergo 1++ | lazy |
anti-fobo 1 | brave; courage; valiant |
anti-grega 1 | opposition party |
anti-krati 1++ | rebel; revolt; treason |
anti-lega 1++ | illegal; crime; criminal (adj) |
anti-lega-pe 1 | criminal (n) |
anti-pe 1++ | enemy; foe; opponent |
antikoncepti | contraception |
antiqa 1 | old-fashioned |
antiqi 1 | ancient |
anto (prefer flori) 1G | bloom; flower |
antologi G | anthology |
antonima G | antonym |
antraki 1G | coal |
antro (prefer kaverno or kavita) G | cave; cavity |
antropo 1+G | human being; human race; mankind |
antropoida G | anthropoid |
anua 1++ | year; annual; yearly |
anula 1 | circle; circular; ring (circular band) |
anunci (=nunci) 1X | announce; publish |
anuncia (=nunci) 1X | announce |
anxio 1++ | anxiety; anxious; fret; fuss; haggard; uneasiness; uneasy |
aorta G | aorta |
apaci | appease |
aparata (prefer ru/instrumenta) | apparatus; tackle (n) |
aparatu (=aparatu, prefer ru/instrumenta) X | apparatus; tackle (n) |
apare 1 | appear |
apartamenta + | apartment; flat (apartment) |
apendici 1 | appendix |
aperi 1++ | open (adj); open (v) |
aperi u fenestra | open a window (also computer) |
aperi unio 1 | open a meeting |
apeti 1 | appetite; desire |
apetiti 1+ | appetite |
api (=apis) 1X | bee |
Api soni (=apis soni) 1X | hum |
api-do (=apis-do) 1X | hive |
apika (prefer akro) | apex; top (highest point) |
apis 1++ | bee |
apis soni 1* | hum |
apis-do 1 | hive |
Apium 1 | celery |
aplane G | fixed |
aplaude (prefer lauda) | applaud |
aplika 1+ | apply |
apo 1++G | apart; away; remove; delete (computer); erase; pull out; skim; snatch away; subtract; take away; tear out; un-; whisk |
apo algo 1 | relief (lessening of pain) |
apo trika-pe 1 | barber |
apo- 1+G | (prefix:) away; away (prefix); (prefix:) remove; remove (prefix) |
apo-landa | abroad |
Apodida 1+ | swift (bird) |
apologi 1+G | apologize |
apoplexi 1G | stroke |
aporta | bring |
apostasi G | apostate |
apostola 1G | apostle |
apostrofi G | apostrophize |
apreci 1+ | appreciate |
aprehende | grasp |
aprende | learn |
apri (=aperi) X | open (adj); open (v) |
apri u fenestra (=aperi u fenestra) X | open a window (also computer) |
Aprili (prefer meno tetra) 1 | April |
aproba | approval; approve |
aproca | approach |
aprovisio | supply |
apsi G | knot; node |
apti | suitable |
apunkta | appoint |
aqa 1++ | water (n); irrigate; liquid; soak; water (v); wet |
aqa (prefer liqi) 1 | liquid |
aqa botilia 1 | water-bottle |
aqa tera 1 | marsh |
aqa-kade 1+ | cataract; waterfall |
aqa-landa 1 | swamp |
aqa-va 1+ | cistern; pitcher; tank; watering-can |
aqarela | aquarelle; water-color; water-colour |
aqieske | acquiesce |
aqila 1+ | eagle |
aqire | acquire |
ara 1+ | plough; plow; arable |
Arakis 1+ | peanut |
arakna (=arakni) GX | spider |
arakni 1+G | spider |
arakni-reti 1+ | spider-web |
arane (=arakni-reti) 1X | spider-web |
aranea | spider |
aranea-reti (=arakni-reti) 1X | spider-web |
arange | arrange |
arbitra | judge (v) |
arbori 1 | tree |
arbusta | shrub |
arca 1++ | arch (archway); archway |
arde 1 | burn (v); burning |
arde minus flama (=piro minus flama) 1X | smoulder |
Ardea | heron |
ardenta 1 | keen |
ardi (=arde) 1X | burn (v) |
arduo | very difficult |
area 1++ | area; domain; pitch; plot (ground); region |
area de landa 1 | tract |
arena 1++ | sand; arena |
areo G | thin |
aresta | arrest |
areto | virtue |
argenti 1++ | silver |
argila 1 | clay; mud |
argili (=argila) 1X | clay; mud |
argiro G | silver |
argot | slang |
argu 1 | argue; discuss; dispute |
argumenta + | argument |
arguto (prefer akuto) | shrill |
ari | dry (v) |
aria | aria |
aridi 1 | arid; dry |
aridi-lo (prefer sika-lo) | desert (waterless land) |
arista | beard of corn |
aristo G | best |
aristo-pe | aristocrat; nobleman |
ariteno G | ladle-shaped |
aritme 1G | number; figure (numeral); count |
aritmetika 1G | arithmetic |
ariva | arrival; arrive |
arka 1 | ark |
arka 1+ | arc (of circle, maths); bow (n) |
arkeo (prefer paleo) 1 | ancient |
arkeo- (prefer paleo-) G | (prefix:) ancient; ancient (prefix) |
arki 1++G | chief; official (adj); authority; govern; rule (authority) |
arki episkopa 1G | archbishop |
arki tekti (=arkitekto) 1GX | architect |
arki- 1+G | (prefix:) rule (authority); rule (authority)(prefix) |
arkio G | net; toils |
arkitekto *G | architect |
arko (=arki) 1GX | official (adj) |
arkti G | bear (animal) |
arktika 1G | arctic |
arkto | compress |
arma 1++ | arm (v); weapon; armor; armour; arms |
armatura | armour |
arme 1++ | army |
aroga 1++ | arrogant; arrogance; haughty; haughtiness; vain |
aroganta (=aroga) X | arrogant |
aroma 1+G | aroma; odor; odour; smell |
arteri G | artery |
arti 1++ | art; ability; capable; skill |
arti-pe 1+ | artist; expert (n) |
artificia | artificial |
artikla 1++ | article |
artikula | articulate; speak clearly |
artikula (prefer artri) 1 | joint; juncture |
artisana | artisan |
artisti (=arti-pe) 1X | artist |
arto 1G | bread |
artri 1++G | joint; juncture |
arundus | reed |
arvensis | cultivated |
asalta | attack |
asasina | assassinate |
asbolo G | soot |
ase | ace |
asembli | assembly |
asenti | assent |
aserti + | assert; assertive |
aseso | assess |
asevera | aserti |
Asia venti 1 | monsoon |
asiduo | assiduous |
asigna | assign |
asila (=asilu) 1XG | asylum; harbor; harbour; haven; refuge; safe place; shelter |
asilu 1++G | asylum; harbor; harbour; haven; port (harbour); refuge; safe place; shelter |
asimetri G | asymmetry |
asimila | assimilate |
asini (=asinus) 1X | ass (animal); donkey |
asinu (=asinus) X | ass (animal); donkey |
asinus 1+ | ass (animal); donkey |
asista | help |
aska 1G | bag; purse; sack |
askende | ascend |
asketi | ascetic |
aski (=aska) GX | bag |
asko (=aska) 1GX | bag; purse; sack |
askolta (Italian, take audi) X | listen |
askribe | ascribe |
asocia 1++ | associate; ally (v); ally (state); ally (person); association; partner |
asorti | assort |
aspekti (=aspekto) X | aspect |
aspekto 1+ | aspect; semblance |
asperge | sprinkle |
asperi 1+ | rough; coarse; gross; harsh; rugged |
aspi 1 | shield (n); folding screen |
aspira | aspire |
aspro G | white |
astakus G | crayfish |
Astarte G | Astarte (Phoenician goddess of love) |
asteni G | weak |
astibo G | untrodden |
astma 1+G | asthma; pant; panting |
astorgo G | cruel |
astrape G | lightning |
astringe | draw together |
astro 1++G | star |
asula | chip; splinter |
asume 1+ | assume |
asura (=sura) 1X | assure; certain; confidence; confident |
atako | attack |
atavismo | atavism |
ataxia G | disorder |
ateisti G | atheist |
atekno G | unskillful |
atele G | defect |
atenda (=atende) 1X | await; delay; wait; waiting |
atende 1++ | wait; await; delay; expect; hope; waiting |
atende kon entusi | be looking forward to |
atende-ka 1+ | waiting room |
atentio 1 | care; careful |
atento | attend; attendance; attention |
atenua | make thinner |
atero G | ear of corn |
atesta | testify |
atesta-ra | testimony |
ateta | suckle |
atifo G | modest |
atikto G | undone |
atimo G | faint-hearted |
atinge | attain |
atitude 1+ | attitude; character (nature); disposition; mood; nature (characteristics); temper; temperament |
atitudi (=atitude) 1X | attitude; character (nature); disposition; mood; nature (characteristics); temper; temperament |
atizelo G | frightful |
atlas 1 | atlas |
atle G | contest |
atleti 1+G | athlete |
atmeto G | uncut |
atmo 1G | vapor; air |
atmosferi 1+G | atmosphere |
atomi +G | atom |
atoni G | slack |
atopia G | absurdity |
atrakti + | attract; attractive |
atramenta | black fluid; ink |
atrapo G | road; way (road) |
atresto G | bold; fearless |
atri 1++ | court; hall; courtyard; classroom; entrance (hall); hallway; lecture room; yard |
atri (prefer kavita) 1 | cavity |
atributi + | attribute; ascribe |
atrio (=atri) 1X | court; hall; courtyard; classroom; entrance (hall); hallway; lecture room; yard |
atriu (=atri) 1X | court; hall |
atro 1+ | black |
atro-rubi 1 | dark-red |
atrocio | dreadful |
atrofi G | starved |
audaci 1++ | dare; daring; venture |
audacio (=audaci) X | daring |
audi 1++ | hear; listen; hark |
audi-abili 1+ | aloud; audible; audibly |
audi-me | speaker (loud-speaker); loud-speaker |
plu audi-pe 1 | audience |
auge 1 | increase; grow; rise |
auge (take lampa, lumi or radia) GX | shine |
auguri G | augur; soothsay |
Augusta (prefer meno okto) 1 | August |
augusti | venerable |
augusto (=Augusta, prefer meno okto) X | August |
auli | channel; pipe |
aureo 1 | gold; golden |
auri 1 | ear |
auro (=aureo, prefer kriso) 1X | gold; golden |
aurora 1+ | dawn |
auskulta (Italian, take audi) X | listen |
auspici | divine (v) |
austeri | austere; harsh |
austra 1+G | south; southern |
austro (=austra) 1GX | south |
autarki G | self-rule |
auto 1++G | own (self); self; herself; himself; itself; myself; ourselves; themselves; yourself |
auto lauda (=auto-lauda) 1X | haughty; pride; proud; vanity |
auto strata (=auto-strata) X | highway |
auto- 1+G | (prefix:) self; self (prefix); (prefix:) own; own (prefix) |
auto-didakti G | self-taught |
auto-etio 1 | shame; guilt |
auto-kritici 1++ | conscience |
auto-kritiki (=auto-kritici) X | conscience |
auto-kura 1 | self-interested |
auto-lauda 1++ | haughty; pride; proud; vanity |
auto-strata | highway |
auto-veto 1 | shy |
autokrati G | bossy |
automati 1++G | automatic; self-acting |
autonomi G | autonomous; autonomy; self-rule |
autori +G | author |
autoriti G | authority |
autorizi G | authorize |
autumna 1 | autumn; fall (autumn) |
auxi 1++ | help; advantage; aid; assist; grow (something); helpful |
auxi-demo 1G | ally (state) |
auxi-pe 1 | ally (person) |
auximo (=auxi) X | help; grow (something) |
avalanca 1 | avalanche |
avantage | advantage |
avanti 1++ | forward; advance; ahead; forth; move forward ; forwards; onwards; pro |
avari 1+ | greedy; avid; covetous; eager; stingy |
ave 1+ | hail; hello; hullo |
avelana | hazelnut |
Avena 1+ | oat; oats; porridge |
Avena farina 1 | oat-meal |
aventura 1+ | adventure |
avera | say something is true |
avergonia | put to shame |
aversio | dislike |
averte | turn away from |
avi 1++ | bird |
avidi 1 | avid; covetous; eager; greedy |
avunkulus | uncle |
axi 1+ | axis; axle |
axila | armpit |
axioma G | axiom |
azale G | dry; parched |
azigo G | unpaired |
azimo (take minus zima) GX | without yeast |
azo G | nitrogen (N) |
azur 1 | blue |
babax G | chatterer |
babi 1++ | baby |
babi bovi (=babi-bovi) 1X | calf |
babi-bovi 1 | calf |
babi-gresi 1 | toddle |
babi-kli 1+ | cot; cradle |
babi-vago (=babi-vagona) 1X | pram |
babi-vagona 1* | pram |
babili | chatter |
baburo G | silly |
baci 1++G | bar; baton; rod; staff (rod); stick (baton) |
bacilus 1+ | bacillus; germ |
badi | brown |
badisti G | goer; walker |
baeno G | go; walk |
baeo (prefer pusi) G | little; scanty; small; tiny |
baetigo G | leech |
bagage (French) | baggage |
bagatela | bagatelle; trifle |
bagoa G | eunuch |
baia 1++ | bay; creek |
baka 1+ | berry |
bakanali | orgy |
bakrio | ladle |
bakteria + | bacteria |
baktro | cane (stick); stick (cane) |
bakula | staff (rod); stick (cane) |
balada | ballad |
balanci | balance |
balano G | acorn |
balbu | stammer |
bale (=balet) 1X | ballet |
balena G | whale |
balet | ballet |
bali 1++G | throw; accelerate; cast (throw); dash (throw); fling; hurl; launch; post (send); send; toss |
bali ab 1++ | dismiss; dispose |
bali e-posta | send e-mail |
bali ex 1++ | banish; expel |
bali ex landa 1++ | exile |
bali peri 1+ | broadcast; sprinkle |
bali plu grama 1 | dispatch |
bali se 1 | dash (go violently) |
bali se a(d) 1 | pounce (up)on; fly at; rush at |
bali-arma 1 | sling |
balio G | dappled |
balkoni 1+ | balcony |
balno +G | bath; bathe |
balota | ballot |
balota | toss about |
baluci | gold dust |
baluna 1++ | balloon |
balustra | banister |
bambu 1 | bamboo |
banali | banal; trite |
banana 1++ | banana |
banda 1++ | band; band (strip); bandage; ribbon; strip (band); tape |
banda-te 1 | sash |
bandage 1 | bandage; dressing (bandage) |
bandira | flag |
bandita | bandit |
bang 1 | bang |
bani | bannish |
banka 1++ | bank (money) |
banka-bileta 1+ | bank note |
banka-rupta | bankrupt |
banketa | banquet |
bapti 1++G | baptize; dip |
baptiza (=bapti) GX | baptize |
bara + | bar (tavern) |
barage (French) 1++ | barrage; dam (barrier) |
baratro G | abyss; gulf |
barba 1++ | beard; whisker |
barbaro 1+ | barbarous |
bari 1+G | heavy; important; grave (serious); impressive; massive |
barikada | barricade |
barila 1 | barrel |
bario (=bari) 1GX | heavy; massive |
barira 1+ | barrier; handicap |
barka | boat (small) |
baro 1+G | press (v); lean on; pressure; weigh |
baroni 1 | baron |
basalti | basalt; igneous rock |
basamento | basement |
basanista G | investigator |
basano G | touchstone |
basi 1++G | grounds; reason (n); base; basis; found (v); proof |
basi-ka 1+ | basement |
basidium G | pedestal |
basili G | king |
basilika G | palace |
basilisa | queen |
basina | basin |
basio | kiss |
baskula | weigh; swing |
baso 1 | bottom; ground; on the ground ; base; basis; foundation; low; lower (v); soil |
basta (prefer sati) | enough; stop! (enough!) |
bastante (=basta, prefer sati) X | enough; stop! (enough!) |
bastona | staff (rod); stick (cane) |
bata | bat (n, bat and ball) |
batalia | battle |
batalo G | anus; hind part |
bate 1++ | bat; batter; beat; beating; hit; knock; smite; strike (hit); thrash (beat) |
bate manu 1+ | clap hands |
bate-tem 1 | innings |
bateri 1+ | battery; utensils |
bati G | walk; walking |
bati (=bato) 1GX | deep (distance) |
batimento | beating; throb |
batmo G | step |
bato 1++G | deep (distance); depth (distance); batho- |
bato G | ray (fish); ray-fish; skate (fish) |
batraki | frog |
bauko G | affected; prude |
baxi G | rumor; rumour; saying |
bazar 1+ | bazaar |
bdela G | leech |
bdelikto G | abominable |
bdolo G | stench |
beati | very happy |
bebro G | stupid |
bek (=beka) X | beak; peck; spout |
beka 1++ | beak; peck; spout |
beko (=beka) X | beak; peck; spout |
belemno G | dart |
beli | beautiful |
belis | daisy |
ben ge-ski 1++ | familiar |
ben! 1+ | well! |
ben-ese | well-being |
ben-venite (=bene-veni) X | welcome |
benca 1++ | bench; bank (long seat); long seat |
bene 1+ | good; well (good) |
bene dice (=bene-dice) 1X | bless |
bene- 1 | (prefix:) good; good (prefix); (prefix:) well (good); well (good)(prefix) |
bene-dice + | bless |
bene-face | do good |
bene-veni 1++ | welcome |
bene-volu | benevolent |
beneficia | benefit |
benigna | benign |
bento 1+G | bottom (sea); depth; ground; foot (lowest part); sea bottom |
benzina 1++ | benzine; gasoline; petrol |
beqadro | natural (music) |
berilo | spectacles |
besbola 1 | baseball |
bestia | beast |
Beta 1+ | beet |
betona 1++ | concrete |
betona-armato | reinforced concrete |
betoni (=betona) X | concrete |
Betula 1+ | birch; birch tree |
bi 1++ | two; both; double |
bi (after noun) 1++ | second (ordinal) |
u bi 1++ | pair |
bi bibli 1 | the 2 books |
bi kron 1++ | twice |
bi sekti 1 | divide into two |
bi setimana 1+ | fortnight |
bi- 1+ | (prefix:) two; two (prefix) |
bi-bi 1 | twenty-two |
bi-ci bibli 1++ | these two books; both books |
bi-ciklo 1++ | bicycle |
bi-denti | two-pronged |
bi-divide 1 | even (number) |
bi-foka | two-foci |
bi-game | bigamy; two-marriages |
bi-gami (=bi-game) X | bigamy; two-marriages |
bi-kolora * | two-colored |
bi-koloro (=bi-kolora) X | two-colored |
bi-kornu | two-horned |
bi-kuspi | two-cusped |
bi-la bibli 1++ | those two books |
bi-labia | two-lips |
bi-loba | two-lobed |
u bi-numera 1 | even number |
bi-parta | two-party (having two parts) |
bi-parti (=bi-parta) X | two-party (having two parts) |
bi-pedi | bipedal |
bi-remi | two-oared |
bi-rota 1 | bicycle |
bi-sexu | bisexual |
bi-valva | bivalvate |
bi-ze 1+ | twenty |
bi-zona | bizonal |
bibe 1++ | drink (v) |
bibe-do 1 | tavern |
bibe-ma 1+ | drink (n); beverage |
bibe-va 1+ | beaker; mug (beaker); tumbler |
biberage | beverage |
bibero | baby bottle |
bibli 1++G | book |
bibli-do 1++ | library |
bibliolatri G | bibliolatry |
biblioteka G | library |
bibulo | given to drinking |
bicikla (=bi-ciklo) X | bicycle |
biciklo (=bi-ciklo) X | bicycle |
biela | connecting rod |
bifurka | bifurcate |
bikari | beaker |
bikoloro (=bi-kolora) X | two-colored |
bikro | billionth part |
bikto G | bluster; swell (v) |
bil | bill in law |
bileta 1++ | ticket |
bili | bile; anger; angry |
bin- (prefer bi-) | (prefix:) two; two (prefix) |
bina | pair (two) |
binari | binary |
binokula | binoculars |
bio 1++G | life; living; vital |
bio-genesi G | bio-genesis |
bio-grafo G | biography |
bio-logi G | biology |
bio-ra 1 | being (n); creature; organism |
biologisti G | biologist |
bira 1++ | ale; beer |
birota (=bi-rota, prefer bi-ciklo) 1X | bicycle |
bis | encore; twice |
bis-kokta (=biskokta) X | biscuit; wafer |
biskokta 1+ | biscuit; cookie; cracker (biscuit); wafer |
bisma G | plug |
biso G | thread |
Bisona 1+ | buffalo |
bito G | sea-depths |
bitumina | bituminate |
bitumino 1++ | tar |
bizari | bizarre |
blada 1++ | blade; knife; dagger |
blanci (=blanka, prefer leuko) 1X | bleach; whiten |
blandi | bland; soft |
blanka 1 | white |
blasfema G | blaspheme |
blasma G | blame (v) |
blasto 1+G | bud; cocoon; germinate; outbreak |
blasto-tem 1++ | spring (season); springtime |
blata | cockroach |
Blatus 1+ | cockroach |
blefaro G | eyelid |
blema G | coverlet; glance; look |
bleno G | mucus |
blepo G | look; see (look) |
bleps G | eyesight |
blesa G | lisp; stammer |
bloka 1++ | block; obstruct; writing pad |
blond | blond |
blonda 1++ | blond; fair |
blu 1+ | blue |
blu-rubi 1+ | purple |
blufa | bluff |
blusa 1+ | blouse |
-bo (short affix form of boteka) 1 | shop |
bobina + | reel; spool; wind on |
boia | buoy; keep afloat |
boikota | boycott |
bola 1++ | ball; sphere; throw (n); stroke (n) |
bola se 1 | crouch |
boleta (=buleta) X | bullet |
bolu (=bola) 1GX | ball |
bomba 1++ | bomb; shell (bomb) |
bombarda | bombard |
bombasti 1++ | boast |
bombo | buzz; boom |
bombus | bumblebee |
bonbon + | bonbon; candy; sweet (n) |
boneta | bonnet; cap |
bonhomi | good-nature |
boni 1++ | good; bonny; fine (good); respectable; well (good) |
boni di 1 | good afternoon |
boni fortuna 1++ | luck |
boni mana 1 | good morning |
boni merka 1 | bargain |
boni vespera 1 | good evening |
boni-fortuna 1++ | fortunate; fortunately; lucky |
boni-sani 1 | welfare |
bonifika | ameliorate |
bonifortuna (=boni fortuna) X | luck; lucky |
bonita | goodness |
bonus | bonus |
bora | stuffing |
borbora G | dirty |
borborigma G | stomach rumble |
borda (prefer margina) | border |
boreo 1+G | north; northern |
boreo pola 1 | north pole |
boreo-me 1 | compass; magnetic needle |
bosa | knob |
boskage | thicket |
bosketo | grove |
bosko | bush; wood (bushes) |
bostriko G | curl |
bota + | boot; bootee |
botani G | herb; plant (n) |
botaniza G | botanize |
boteka 1++ | boutique; shop |
boteka-saka 1 | shopping bag |
botilia 1++ | bottle; flask |
botina (=bota) X | boot; bootee |
botrio G | bunch of grapes |
botro G | pit (of fruit); sucker |
botuli G | sausage |
boulion (French) | bouillon |
bovi 1++ | beef; cow; bovine; ox |
bovi-sperma 1* | semen (ox) |
boxa + | box (v) |
braca | breeches |
bracialeta | bracelet |
bradi 1G | slow; sluggish |
bragadoci 1 | boast |
braki 1++G | arm |
braki (take brevi) GX | short |
braki hedra (=braki-hedra) 1GX | arm chair; easy chair |
braki-artri 1+G | elbow |
braki-gono 1 | elbow |
braki-hedra 1G | arm chair; easy chair |
braki-ve 1+ | sleeve |
brakisto | shortest |
brakte | bract |
branca | branch |
brandi | brandish |
branki 1+G | gills |
brasa | live coals |
brasika 1+ | cabbage |
brava | brave (v) |
bravado | bravado |
bravo 1+ | bravo; gallant |
bravura | daring brilliance |
breca | breach |
bregma G | front of head |
breka G | moisten |
brev iti 1 | errand |
breveta | invention; patent |
brevi 1++ | short; abbreviate; abbreviation; brief |
brevi digi 1++ | thumb |
brevi grafo 1 | essay |
brevi somni 1+ | nap |
brevi sopo 1 | nap |
brevi tem 1++ | temporary |
brevi-kika 1 | dribble |
brida 1 | bridle |
brigada | brigade |
brika | roar; bellow |
brika 1++ | brick |
brila | shine |
brila-karboni | diamond |
brilianta + | brilliant |
brimo | make angry sounds |
brio 1G | moss (plant) |
brio 1+G | swell (v); bulge; swollen; noise (loud); abound; teem |
brisa | breeze |
brizo G | nod |
brocura + | brochure; pamphlet |
broda 1+ | embroider |
broka | brocade (v) |
broko G | noose; snare |
broma G | food |
bromo G | stink |
bronki (=bronko) GX | wind-pipe |
bronko G | wind-pipe |
bronto 1++G | thunder; explode |
bronto-di | Thursday |
bronza | bronze (v) |
brosa 1++ | brush; broom; scrub; sweep |
(longi) brosa 1+ | broom |
broto G | gnawed |
bruma | winter; wintry |
bruneta | brunette |
bruno 1++ | brown; scorch; tan |
bruska (French, prefer krudi) | blunt (rude); rude |
bruta 1+ | brute; bully; gruff; rough; stupid |
bruti (=bruta) X | brute; bully; gruff; rough; stupid |
bu 1G | ox; bull |
bu- G | huge; monstrous |
bu-tiri (=butiri) 1X | butter |
Bubo 1+ | owl |
bucina | horn (music); trumpet |
budget + | budget |
budo 1 | sulk |
bufalo | buffalo |
bufet | sideboard |
Bufo 1+ | toad |
bufona 1+ | buffoon; clown |
buka 1++ | cheek; cheeks; mouth |
buke | bouquet |
bukla | curl (of hair) |
bulbo 1++ | bulb |
buleta 1++ | bullet |
buletin (=buletina) X | bulletin |
buletina 1+ | bulletin |
buli | pucker |
buli 1++ | boil; bubble |
buli-va 1++ | cooking-pot; kettle; saucepan |
bulima G | hunger |
bumasta G | big breasts |
bumpa 1 | bump |
buna (=buno) 1GX | hill; mound; mountain |
bungalo 1 | bungalow |
buno 1++G | hill; mound; mountain |
bura | nonsense; trifle |
burgesa (=burgeso) X | bourgeois |
burgeso 1+ | bourgeois; citizen |
burgo 1 | borough |
burla | jest; joke |
burleska | comical; droll |
buro 1++ | bureau; office; desk |
buro-pe 1++ | clerk; office worker |
bursa 1++ | purse; exchange (stock); wallet (for money) |
bus 1++ | bus; omnibus |
bus sto-lo 1+ | bus stop |
busa (=bus) 1X | bus |
busola | compass |
busti 1+ | burn (v); ablaze; alight |
busto | bust |
buta 1++ | aim; purpose; butt; goal; intention; object (purpose); score; target; task |
buta-lo 1 | destination |
butalis G | nightingale |
butina | booty |
butiri 1++G | butter |
butiro (=butiri) GX | butter |
butona 1++ | button; knob (button); pimple |
buxus | box-wood |
buz 1+ | buzz |
cakali 1 | jackal |
cako 1 | chess |
campiona 1++ | champion |
carma 1++ | charm; charming |
carta 1++ | chart; map; diagram; graph |
casa 1++ | chase (hunt); hunt; hunting; pursue |
casa gresi 1+ | prowl |
casa-kani 1 | hound |
casa-pe 1 | hunter |
cecidi G | gall |
cecilo (=ceko, prefer no-vide) X | blind |
cede 1++ | cede; yield (give way); yield (cease opposition); abandon (give up); cease opposition; give up; give way; go (cede); retire; surrender; withdraw; do without |
cedro | cedar |
cef (=cefa) 1X | chief; main; major; master; principal |
cefa 1++ | chief; employer; main; major; master; patron; principal |
cefa servi-pe 1 | butler |
cefa vora 1++ | dinner |
cek (=ceka) X | cheque |
ceka 1++ | cheque |
ceko 1 | blind; choked up |
cela 1 | conceal; hide |
celari | cellar |
cele 1+ | conceal; heaven; sky |
celebra 1++ | celebrate; acclaim; party (celebrate) |
celera 1 | quick; hurry; swift (quick); speed |
celestia | celestial |
celibato | celibate |
celofana 1 | cellophane |
celsi | high |
celu 1++ | cell (living); cell (prison) |
celulosa | cellulose |
cementa 1++ | cement |
cemeteri | cemetery |
cena | dinner; supper |
ceno-bio | cenoby |
cense G | take census |
censura | censure |
cent anua (=hekto anua) 1X | century |
centi 1++ | cent; hundredth; hundred (prefer hekto, take centi for hundredth!) |
centi (=hekto) 1X | hundred |
centimetra + | centimeter; centimetre |
centipedi (=hektopedi) X | centipede |
centra 1++G | center; central; centre; centric; centrical; hub |
centrifugi | centrifuge |
centripeta | centripetal |
Cepa 1++ | onion |
cepti 1++ | receive; accept; adopt; pick up; take in; take up |
cera (=ceru) X | beeswax |
cerami (=kerami) X | ceramic; clay; earthenware |
cerasus | cherry tree |
cerauno G | thunder and lightning |
cere (=cereali) 1X | cereal |
cereali 1+ | cereal; cereals; corn (cereal) |
cerebra 1+ | brain; mental; mind (n) |
ceremoni 1 | ceremony; rite |
ceresi 1+ | cherry |
cerka 1++ | search; grope; quest; look for; seek |
cerka e vice | find and replace (computer function) |
cerka panto-ra 1 | ransack |
cerne (=discerni) X | discern; sift (discern) |
cernu | droop; nod |
cero (=ceru) 1X | wax |
certa 1++ | certain; a certain ; sure |
certifi 1+ | certificate; certify |
certifika (=certifi) 1X | certificate; certify |
ceru 1++ | wax; beeswax |
cerule 1 | sky blue; blue; celestial; heavenly |
cerulea (=cerule) 1X | blue; heavenly; celestial |
cerumina | ear wax |
cervika 1+ | neck; throat |
Cervus 1+ | deer; hart; stag |
cesa | cease |
cespa | turf |
Ceta 1+ | whale |
cetera | others (the other); the others |
ci 1++ | here |
ci e la 1 | about (as in 'jump about') |
ciano 1++G | blue; cyanic (blue); sky blue; celestial; heavenly |
ciela 1 | sky; atmosphere; heaven |
cibo | food |
cide 1++ | kill; murder; slay |
cieko 1 | dazzle |
cifra | number |
cigara 1+ | cigar |
cigareta 1++ | cigarette |
cigareti (=cigareta) X | cigarette |
cigaro | cigar |
cigni 1+ | swan; cygnet |
cikada | cicada |
cikatri | scar |
cikatrika (=cikatri) X | scar |
cikla (=ciklo) 1XG | circle; circular; cycle; wheel |
ciklo 1++G | cycle; wheel; circle; circular |
ciklo-viagia 1 | tour |
cikloni 1+G | hurricane |
cikoni (=Cikonia) X | stork |
Cikonia 1+ | stork |
cikuri | tame |
cilia 1+ | eyelash |
cilindri (=kilindra) 1X | cylinder |
cimi | bedbug; bed-bug; bug (bedbug) |
cina navi 1 | junk |
cincino | curl |
cinema (=kinema) X | cinema; motion picture theater; movie theater |
cinera 1++ | ash; ashes; cinder; gray; grey |
cinktura (prefer zona) | belt; girdle; zone |
cinqe (=penta) X | five |
cip 1 | microchip |
ciri (=ciru) X | curl |
cirka 1++ | circa; about; about (location); around |
cirku (=cirka) 1X | around |
cirku-sta (=cirkumsta) 1X | circumstance |
cirkuito 1 | circuit; network; walk around |
cirkula (prefer ciklo) | circle; circular |
cirkulati 1++ | traffic |
cirkulatio (=cirkulati) X | traffic |
cirkum- (prefer peri-) | (prefix:) around; around (prefix) |
cirkumfera | go around |
cirkumferentia 1 | circumference |
cirkumjace | circumjacent; lie around |
cirkumskribe | circumscribe; limit (v); restrict |
cirkumspekt | caution; wary |
cirkumsta 1+ | circumstance |
cirkumvala | enclose in rampart |
cirkumveni | circumvent |
cirkumvicina | surround |
cirkus 1 | circus |
ciru 1++ | curl; ringlet |
cis- + | (prefix:) on this side; on this side (prefix); (prefix:) this side; this side (prefix); (prefix:) here; here (prefix) |
cisela 1+ | chisel; engrave |
cisora (=cisori) 1X | scissors |
cisori 1++ | scissors; shear |
cista | chest (storage); box |
cisterna | cistern |
cita 1+ | quote; urge |
citate | city |
citi | swift (quick) |
citro 1+ | citrus; lemon |
citronada 1+ | lemonade |
citru (=citro) X | citrus; lemon |
civi 1++ | citizen |
civili 1++ | civil; polite; courteous; courtesy; meek; mercy |
civili-an 1 | gentleman |
civili-fe 1 | lady |
civiliza 1++ | civilization; civilize |
civismo | good citizenship |
civita 1++ | city; town |
-co (Italian. Only in compounds!) 1++ | the just said |
cokolat (=cokolata) X | chocolate |
cokolata 1++ | chocolate |
conversa (=konversa) 1X | converse; talk |
d-d-dice 1+ | stammer |
D3 1 | tuesday |
D4 1 | Wednesday |
D5 1 | thursday |
D6 1 | Friday |
dado G | torch |
daga 1++ | dagger; stab |
dakno 1G | bite |
dakrio G | tear (eye) |
dakti (=didakti) 1GX | teach |
daktila | date (fruit) |
daktili 1G | finger; toe |
dalero G | burning heat |
dama 1 | lady |
dama 1++G | subdue; tame |
damaska | damask (v) |
damna (prefer noku) | damage; harm; hurt; injure |
damni (=damna, prefer noku) 1X | hurt; injure |
dapedo G | level floor |
dapi G | feast |
dapido G | carpet; rug |
dapsili G | abundant |
dapto G | gnaw |
darda 1+ | dart |
dasi G | hairy; dasy |
data 1+ | data; detail; information |
data basi | data base |
datu 1++ | date (day) |
Daukus 1+ | carrot |
de 1++ | about; belong; concerning; from; in relation to; of; of (concerning); with regard to ; relating to; 's (genitive marker); than |
ma ... de 1 | more ... than ; -er (comparative) ... than |
de Deo 1 | divine |
de fakto | de facto |
de qi 1 | whose; of whom ; of which |
de- 1+ | (prefix:) in relation to; in relation to (prefix) |
debate 1+ | debate; discuss |
debati (=debate) 1X | debate; discus |
debi 1++ | ought to; should; debt; duty; obligation; ought; owe |
debi-paga | debt |
debili 1++ | feeble; weak |
debito 1+ | debt; owe |
debute | debut; make debut |
decenti | decent |
decerne | decree |
decide 1++ | decide; decision; determine; determination; judge (v); resolve; settle |
deciduo | deciduous |
decifra | decipher |
decimali 1++ | decimal |
decipula | snare; trap |
dedika | dedicate |
deduce + | deduce; infer; inference |
defeka | defecate |
defekti 1++ | defect; fault; deficiency; flaw; lack; be lacking ; be missing |
defende | defence; defend; defense |
defi 1++ | challenge; defy |
defici (=defekti) X | lack; deficiency |
defini 1+ | define; definite |
deflora | deflower |
deflu (prefer ab-flu) | flow down |
deforma | deform |
degenera | degenerate |
degma G | bite; sting |
degrada | degrade |
dehisce | dehisce |
deiko 1G | indicate; show (v); signal (v) |
deikto (=deiko) 1GX | indicate; show (v) |
deino 1++ | terrible; frightful; shock; terror |
dejekti | deject; dispirited |
dek-anua + | decade |
deka 1++ | ten |
deka horo 1 | ten o'clock |
deka-numera | decimal |
dekade 1+ | decay |
Dekembra (prefer meno mo-bi) | December |
deklara 1++ | declare; announce; declaration; deem |
deklina | decline |
deklivi | slope down |
deko 1++ | decent; seemly; adequate; appropriate; apt; fitting (adj); proper |
dekomposi 1+ | decompose; rot |
dekora 1+ | decorate; beautiful |
dekusa | X-shaped |
delega (=delegati) X | delegate |
delegati 1+ | delegate |
delekta 1++ | delight |
deleti | delete |
delfi G | womb |
delfini G | dolphin |
delibera 1 | ponder; weigh (in mind) |
delicio 1 | delicious |
delika (=delikate) 1X | delicate |
delikate 1++ | delicate; dainty |
delikati (=delikate) X | dainty; delicate |
delikato (=delikate) X | dainty; delicate |
delinqe | delinquency; delinquent; break law |
delirio | crazy; mad |
delo G | clear (evident); evident |
delta | river delta |
delude | deceive |
deluvi (=diluvi) X | deluge; flood |
dema G | living body |
demanda 1++ | demand; ask for; charge; order (demand) |
demande (=demanda) 1X | demand |
dementia | demented; insanity |
Demeter G | Demeter (goddess of agriculture) |
demi (=semi) X | half |
demo 1++G | people; folk; population |
demo doxo 1+G | reputation |
demoli | demolish; wreck |
demoni G | demon; evil spirit |
demonstra 1+ | demonstrate; prove |
demora | remain; stay |
dendro 1++G | tree |
dendro (take xilo) GX | wood (substance) |
dendro grupa 1+ | grove |
dendro-via 1 | avenue |
denigra | defame |
deniora | remain; stay |
densi 1++ | condense; dense; thick (dense) |
densi-lo 1++ | bush (thicket); thicket |
dentela | lace |
denti 1++ | tooth; grin |
plu denti 1 | teeth |
denti-rota-fa 1 | gear |
denti-ru 1 | rake |
dentili 1 | pad-saw |
dentisti 1+ | dentist |
denuda | denude; lay bare |
denunci + | denounce |
deo (prefer teo) | god |
Deo (prefer Teo) 1 | God |
departimenta 1 | department |
depende | depend |
depila | remove hair |
deplora + | deplore |
depositi | deposit; put in safe place |
deprava | make evil |
depreka | disapprove of |
depresi | depress (make sad); make sad |
deputa 1+ | depute; deputy |
deraila | derail |
derelikta | derelict; abandoned |
deride | deride; laugh at |
deriva 1 | derive; come from; be obtained |
derma 1++G | skin; hide (skin); leather; peel |
derma-fi 1+ | strap |
dero G | tear (pull apart) |
describe (=deskribe) 1X | describe |
deserta 1 | desert (waterless land); wilderness |
designa 1++ | design |
desira 1++ | desire; wish |
deska 1+ | desk |
deskende | descend |
deskribe 1++ | describe; description |
deskribe-verba 1+ | adjective |
deskribe-verbi (=deskribe-verba) X | adjective |
desmo 1+ | bind; bond; join (connection) |
desola 1+ | desolate; devastate |
despera | despair |
despolia | despoil |
destina 1+ | destine for; doom |
destru 1++ | destroy; destruction |
detaila | detail; retail |
detekti 1++ | detect; find; discover; discovery; expose; scout |
deteriora | get worse |
determina | fix exactly |
detesta | hate |
detona | explode |
detrakti | lessen value |
detritu 1 | bits rubbed off; rubbish; rubble |
deutero 1+G | second (ordinal) |
Deutsch (pronounce "doytch") 1 | German |
Deutschland | Germany |
devalu | devalue; devaluation; lessen value |
devasta | devastate; devastation; destroy utterly |
developo 1+ | develop |
deveni 1 | become; come to be; turn (into) |
devia | deviate |
devolve | devolve; pass to |
devora | eat rapidly |
devoti | devote; give wholly |
dextro 1++G | right (hand); right hand; right-hand |
dextro mus butona | right mouse button |
di 1++ | day; daily |
di bi 1+ | Monday; on Monday |
Di bi (=di bi) 1X | on Monday |
di hexa (prefer di sixa) | Friday |
di kli 1++ | couch |
di mo 1+ | Sunday; on Sunday |
di penta 1+ | Thursday; on Thursday |
di septi (=di seti) X | Saturday |
di seti 1+ | Saturday; on Saturday |
di six (=di sixa) 1X | Friday |
di sixa 1+ | Friday; on Friday |
di tetra 1+ | Wednesday; on Wednesday |
di tri 1+ | Tuesday; on Tuesday |
di-bibli 1 | diary |
dia 1++G | through; thru; across; via |
dia- 1+G | (prefix:) through; through (prefix) |
dia-via 1 | thouroughfare |
diabola (=diaboli) 1X | devil |
diaboli 1++G | devil; diabolical |
diabolo (=diaboli) GX | devil |
diafano 1G | translucent; transparent |
diafragma G | diaphragm |
diagnosi G | diagnose |
diagona G | diagonal |
diagrama 1+G | diagram |
diala (=diali) 1X | dial |
dialekta 1+G | dialect |
dialekti (=dialekta) GX | dialect |
diali 1+ | dial; face (of watch); indicator; pointer |
dialisi G | dialysis |
dialoga G | dialogue |
diametri G | diameter |
diarea G | diarrhea |
diari 1 | diary |
dic u stori 1 | recount; relate |
dice 1++ | say; speak; tell; assert; declare; narrate; remark; speach; speech; talk; utter (speak) |
dice de 1++ | describe; discuss; mention |
dice klari 1 | express |
dice mali 1++ | insult |
dice penite 1++ | apologize |
dice pusi 1+ | gossip |
dice veri 1 | be right |
dice-pe 1+ | speaker |
dice-ra 1++ | speech; statement |
didakti 1G | teach; education; instruction; teaching |
didimo G | testicle; twin |
dieti | diet |
difere 1++ | differ; difference; different |
diferentia (take difere) X | difference |
dificile + | difficult; difficulty; hardship |
difide | diffident; distrustful |
difrakti | diffract |
difusi 1++ | broadcast; diffuse; scatter; spread |
difusi-me 1 | broadcasting station ; transmitter (radio) |
digesti 1+ | digest (collection); digest (digestion) |
digi 1++ | finger; toe; digital |
digi ungu 1 | toenail |
digi-juga 1+ | knuckle |
digita (prefer digi) | finger; toe |
digitalis | foxglove |
digni 1++ | dignity; worthy |
dikta 1+ | dictate |
diktio 1G | net; mesh; network; web |
diktionaria | dictionary |
dilate | dilate; widen |
diluti 1+ | dilute |
diluvi 1+ | deluge; flood |
diluvia (=diluvi) X | deluge; flood |
dimensio 1+ | dimension; measurement; size (measurements) |
diminu (prefer minu) | diminish; decrease; lessen |
dina 1++G | force; compel; might (power); oblige; power; power (engine or computer); powerful; strength; vigor; vigour |
dina (take meso-di vora) X | dine |
dina-me 1+ | engine; motor |
dinami (=dina) GX | powerful |
dinamo (prefer dina) G | compel; force; might (power); oblige; power; powerful |
diorama G | diorama |
diplo 1++G | double |
diplomati +G | diplomat |
dipso 1++G | thirst |
diptera 1++G | fly (insect) |
direkti 1++ | direct; direction; guide |
dirigi (=direkti) X | direct; guide |
dis G | bad; ill |
dis- (prefer kako-) G | (prefix:) bad; bad (prefix); (prefix:) dys-; dys- (prefix) |
dis- (take ab-) X | (prefix:) apart; apart (prefix) |
disapunkta | disappoint; disappointment |
discerni | discern; sift (discern) |
disci 1++ | learn; study |
disci-pe 1++ | pupil (learner) |
disciplina 1+ | discipline |
disekti | dissect |
disemina | disseminate |
disenti | dissent |
disgiza | disguise |
disgratia | disgrace |
disgusta | disgust |
diside + | dissident |
disimula | dissimulate |
disipa 1++ | waste (use without good purpose); squander |
diski (=disci) 1X | learn; study |
disko 1++G | disc; dish (plate); disk; plate; record (disc) |
formati u disko | format a disk |
disko alexi-ra | disk guard (by computer disk) |
disko-me 1 | disc drive |
diskonto 1 | discount; diminution; rebate; reduction |
diskrimina | discriminate |
diskursi 1+ | discourse; formal speech |
diskusi 1++ | conference; discussion; discuss; talk |
diskusio (=diskusi) 1X | discussion |
dislexia G | dyslexia |
disloka | dislocate |
disocia | dissociate |
disolve | dissolve |
disordina | disorder |
dispare | disappear |
dispepsia G | indigestion |
disperge (=dispersa, prefer difusi) X | scatter |
dispersa (prefer difusi or spora) | scatter |
disposi 1 | dispose; arrange; adjust |
dispositi (=disposi) X | dispose |
disputa 1++ | dispute; quarrel; argue; conflict; quarrelsome; row (dispute); squabble; strife |
dista 1+ | distant; far; be distant ; distance; distant; far away; remote |
distende | distend |
distila | distil; distill; distillation; give drops |
distingui | distinguish |
distribu 1++ | distribute; deal (cards); distribution |
disturba (=turba) X | disturb |
disuade | dissuade |
diti 1 | dive; sink; submerge |
diverti | divert |
divertikulu | by-path |
divi 1++ | bet; wager |
divi-pe 1 | better (n, betting person) |
divid a bi 1 | halve |
divide 1++ | divide; division; fissure; schism; separate (v); share (v); split |
divina 1++ | guess; prophesy |
divina (take divi) 1X | bet |
divorci 1+ | divorce |
divu | fairy |
divulga | divulge |
dizel 1 | diesel |
-do 1 | house; building |
doci 1++ | teach; instruct; profess (teach); train (v) |
doci-pe 1++ | teacher; tutor |
doci-programa | tutorial (computer) |
docili | docile; teachable |
dogma G | dogma |
dokto | teach |
doktrina (prefer doci) | teaching; doctrine |
dokumenta + | document; file (document); file (computer) |
dolara | dollar |
doliko (prefer longi) 1G | long (adj) |
dolo (prefer algo) 1 | ache; pain |
dolora (prefer algo) | grief |
doma (=domi) 1X | home; house |
domestika | tame |
domi 1++ | house; building; domestic; home |
domi e peri-lo 1 | premises |
domi pedi-ve 1 | slipper |
domi penta 1 | fifth house |
domi tet 1 | fourth house |
domi-carta 1 | house-plan |
domi-te 1 | bed linen; tablecloth; table-cover |
domi-zoa 1+ | pet (animal) |
domina 1+ | dominate; subdue |
dominio 1+ | domain; field (one's); territory |
dona 1++ | give; award; deliver (give); extra; furnish; grant; render (give); spare; supply |
dona ergo 1 | engage |
dona hedo 1 | please (give pleasure) |
dona medika-ma 1+ | dispense |
dona nati 1 | hatch |
dona sati 1 | satisfy |
dona se 1 | devote |
dona semani 1+G | interpret |
dona sito a 1++ | feed |
dona sko 1 | teach |
dona termo 1 | heat (v); warm (v) |
dona versi 1 | give back; return (give back) |
dora (=doro) GX | gift |
dormi 1 | sleep |
doro 1++G | gift; present; present (gift) |
doro a pove-pe 1+ | alms |
dorsa 1++ | back (n); dorsal; ass (buttocks); bottom; buttock; buttocks; hind (back); rump; rear (n) |
dorsa denti 1 | molar |
dosa | dose |
dova | cask stave |
doxo 1++G | opinion; be of the opinion |
dra 1 | act |
drakini (=drako) GX | dragon |
drako 1+G | dragon |
drama 1 | extricate; redeem (from pawn) |
drama 1+G | act (theatre); drama; play (drama) |
drama-an 1++ | actor (male) |
drama-do 1+ | theatre |
drama-fe 1++ | actress |
drama-pe 1++ | actor |
drepani G | sickle |
dri G | oak |
droga | drug |
dromo 1++G | run; race (competition); gallop; scamper |
droso G | dew |
du 1++ | continue (-ing); -ing (continuous tense) |
du- (take bi-) X | (prefix:) two; two (prefix) |
dubi 1++ | doubt; hesitate |
dubita (=dubito, prefer dubi) 1X | doubt; hesitate |
dubito (prefer dubi) | doubt |
duca (French, =dusca) X | shower (bath) |
duce 1++ | lead; priority; conduct; drive; guidance; guide |
duce ab 1 | take along |
duce versi 1 | bring back; take back |
duce-do 1 | town hall; city hall |
duce-fe 1 | mistress |
duce-pagina | homepage (internet) |
duce-pe 1++ | leader; director; manager; pilot |
duela 1 | duel |
dulc-odoro-ma 1 | incense |
dulce 1+ | sweet; agreeable; gentle; gentleness; nice; soft; softness; sweetness; tender; tenderness |
dulo 1++G | slave; servant |
dumo | thicket |
duna | dune |
duo | two |
dupa | deceive |
dupli (=diplo, or take bi) 1X | double |
dura 1++ | continue; still (continue); abiding; constant; continuous; durable; endure; hard (lasting); last (v); lasting; lasting (hard); permanent; persist; tough |
dura algo 1 | ache |
dura derma 1 | rind |
dura disko 1 | hard disc |
dura disko-me | hard drive (computer) |
dura feru 1++ | steel |
dura fonta 1 | resource |
dura kine 1 | fidget |
dura muta 1 | variable |
dura skope 1 | gaze |
dura tenta 1+ | persevere |
dura turba 1 | pester |
dura vive 1++ | survive |
durante (=duranto, prefer tem) X | during; for (during); in (during); while (temporal) |
duranto (prefer tem) 1 | during; for (during); in (during); while (temporal) |
dusca (French) 1++ | shower (bath) |
e 1++ | and |
e- (short form of elektro or elektroni) | (prefix:) e- (electric, electronic); e- (electric, electronic) |
e- (take ex-) X | (prefix:) out from; out from (prefix) |
e-posta 1+ | e-mail; email |
ebria 1 | drunk; drunkard |
ebrio (=ebria) 1X | drunk; drunkard |
ebuli | ebulient; ebulition; bubble out |
edace | edacious; voracious |
edafi (=edafo) GX | soil |
edafo 1G | soil |
edi (=edo) X | eat |
edito | publish |
editora 1++ | editor |
edo 1 | eat; dine; devour |
eduka 1++ | educate; education; educational; learning |
efekti 1++ | effect (n); effect (v) |
efektua | effectuate; effectual; bring about |
efemera G | short-lived |
efervesce | effervesce |
eficie 1+ | efficient |
efigi | likeness |
efluvi | out-flow |
eforti | effort |
efusi | effuse; effusion; pour out |
egi (prefer kapri) G | goat |
egialo G | shore |
egilo G | goat-herb |
ego (prefer mi) | I |
egoismo | selfish; selfishness |
egotisti 1++ | selfish |
egresi | exit |
egroto (prefer pato) | ill; sick |
eido G | shape |
eikon G | image |
ejakula | ejaculate |
ejekti | eject; throw out |
ek- (take ex-) GX | (prefix:) out from; out from (prefix) |
eke ! | behold ! |
ekiguo | scanty; small |
ekino G | bristly |
eklekti G | eclectic |
eklesia 1+G | church |
eklesia-pe 1 | vicar |
eklipsa 1+G | eclipse |
eko 1++G | dwell; live (dwell); address; dwelling; household; inhabit; reside |
eko (take resoni) 1GX | echo |
eko-do 1 | home; hostel |
eko-fe 1 | housewife; housekeeper |
eko-lo 1++G | home; address; lodging; lodgings; tenement |
eko-pe 1G | tenant |
eko-preci 1++ | rent (n) |
ekoiki (take resoni) GX | echoic |
ekonomi 1++G | economy; economic; thrift |
ekstasi G | ecstasy |
ekto G | outside |
ekto- (prefer extra-) G | (prefix:) outside; outside (prefix) |
ekumenika G | world-wide |
elabora | elaborate |
elaeo G | oil |
elasti 1++G | coil (spring); elastic; spring (coil) |
elefa 1++G | elephant |
elefa-denti 1 | ivory |
elefanta (=elefa) GX | elephant |
eleganta (=eleganti) X | elegant; trim (adj) |
eleganti 1+ | elegant; trim (adj) |
elekti 1++ | elect; choose; appoint; ballot; choice; election; pick (chose); select; selection |
elekti ali-ra 1 | random |
elektro 1++G | electric; electricity |
elektroni +G | electron; electronic; electronics |
elementa 1++ | element; elementary; primary; simple |
eleutero 1G | free |
eleva | raise |
elimina | eliminate |
elipsi G | ellipse |
elite (French) | elite |
elitro G | cover; sheath |
elixir G | elixir |
elo G | marsh |
elucida | explain |
elude | avoid; dodge |
emacia | make thin |
email 1 | enamel |
emana | come from |
emancipa | set free ; emancipate |
embarasa | embarrass |
embio G | long-lived |
embolo G | throw in; wedge |
embrio G | embryo |
emfasi 1+G | accent; emphasize |
emigra | emigrate |
emisi | send out |
emotio 1++ | emotion; expression |
empio | suppurate |
en- (take in-) X | (prefix:) in; in (prefix) |
enalio G | sea- |
enantio 1G | opposite |
endo (prefer intra) G | inside |
endo- (prefer intra-) G | (prefix:) inside; inside (prefix) |
enea (prefer nona) G | nine |
energi 1++G | energy |
enerva | enervate |
England | England |
English 1+ | English |
enigma 1++G | enigma; puzzle; riddle; problem |
enkefa 1G | brain |
enkefali (=enkefa, prefer cerebra) GX | brain |
enkima G | tissue (botanic) |
enkontra (=inkontra) X | meet (by chance); meeting (by chance) |
enormo 1 | enormous |
ensemble (French) + | ensemble; set (n); totality |
ensi | sword |
entero 1+G | gut; intestine |
enti 1 | being (n) |
entomo (take insekti) GX | insect |
entreprise 1 | enterprise; task |
entusi +G | enthuse; enthusiastic |
enuncia | set forth |
enzima G | enzyme |
eo 1G | dawn; morning |
eolo G | varying |
eosino G | rosy dawn |
epeiro G | mainland |
epi 1++G | on; onto; upon |
epi landa 1+ | ashore |
epi navi 1 | aboard |
epi tabla 1 | on the table |
epi- 1+ | (prefix:) on; on (prefix); epi- |
epi-navi 1 | embark |
epidemi G | epidemic |
epilogi G | epilogue |
epio G | tall |
episkopa 1+G | bishop; overseer |
episkopi (=episkopa) GX | bishop; overseer |
episodi G | episode |
epistemo G | knowledge |
epistola 1G | letter (mail) |
epoka G | epoch |
eqa 1++ | equal; equality; be (equal); is (equals) |
eqanima | equanimity; even-tempered |
eqatora 1 | equator |
eqilibra (=eqilibri, prefer libra) X | balance |
eqilibri (prefer libra) 1 | balance |
eqilibrio (=eqilibri, prefer libra) X | balance |
eqipa + | equip |
eqivalu | equivalent |
eqivoka | equivocate |
Equs 1++ | horse |
Equs-do 1+ | stable (n) |
equs-sedi 1+ | saddle |
equs-voci 1 | neigh |
era | period |
era | wander |
eradika | eradicate |
erekti | erect; set up |
eremita 1+G | hermit |
eremo +G | lonely |
ergo 1++G | work (n); work (v); business; job; labor; labour; occupation; on watch (ship) |
ergo-do | factory |
ergo-gania + | earn; wages |
ergo-lo 1 | workroom; workshop; repair shop; studio (workroom) |
ergo-ma 1++ | fuel |
ergo-mensa 1++ | desk |
ergo-mo | work station (desk) |
ergo-pe 1 | worker |
plu ergo-pe 1++ | staff (workers) |
ericia | bristle (v) |
Erika 1+G | heather |
Erinaca 1 | hedgehog |
Erinaceus (=Erinaca) X | hedgehog |
erio G | wool |
eritro 1G | red |
ero 1++ | error; mistake; blunder; err; mis-; wrongdoing |
eroti G | erotic; eroticism; physical love; love (physical) |
erudi | teach |
eruka | caterpillar |
erupti | erupt; burst out |
es 1++ | be; am; are; is; there is/are; 's (short for is); 're (short for are); 'm (short for am); being (participle of to be); find oneself (in a place) |
es de 1 | belong to |
es la 1++ | attend; be present; presence; exist |
es sati 1 | be enough |
esama | swarm |
esce 1+ | become; get (become) |
esentia | essence |
eska | food |
eskapa | escape |
eskato G | ultimate |
eskulento | esculent; edible |
eskulus | chestnut |
eso (prefer intra) G | inside; within |
eso- (prefer intra-) G | (prefix:) within; within (prefix) |
esofago G | esophagus; oesophagus; gullet |
esoterik G | inner |
Espania | Spain |
espio 1++ | spy |
esplanada | esplanade |
esqadra 1 | squadron |
est 1++ | east |
establi 1++ | establish |
este 1++G | feel; conscious; consciousness; esthetic; perceive; sense |
este de akti uno-ra 1+ | feel like doing something |
este etio 1+G | ashamed |
este fobo 1++G | afraid |
estima | estimate |
estiva 1 | summer |
estra G | frenzy; gadfly |
estu (prefer termo) G | fervor; fervour; heat; passion |
estua (=estuari, take golfo) 1X | estuary |
estuari 1 | estuary |
estufa | simmer; stew |
et cetera 1+ | etc. |
et-cetera | etc. |
etage | floor; storey |
eteri G | ether |
eterna | immortalize |
etiko G | customs (ethical); ethical |
etimo 1G | true; truth |
etimologi G | etymology |
etio 1++G | blame; accusation; cause; guilt; guilty |
etno 1G | nation; nationality; race (tribe); tribe |
eto 1G | year |
etos +G | behavior; behaviour; ethos |
etrio G | bright |
eu 1+G | good; goodness; well (good) |
eu- (prefer boni- or bene-) G | (prefix:) good; good (prefix); (prefix:) well (good); well (good)(prefix) |
eu-famo 1 | glorious |
eudio G | fine; pure |
eufemi G | euphemize |
eufoni G | euphony |
eukaristi 1G | thanks |
eureka 1+G | invent |
euri G | wide |
euti G | straight |
eva 1++ | age; lifetime; period |
evade | evade |
evanesce (=vanesce) X | vanish |
evangeli 1 | gospel |
evapora (take vapo) X | evaporate |
eveni (prefer acide) | event; happen |
evide 1+ | evident; clear (evident); evidence; obvious |
evidenta 1 | unmistakeable |
evita 1++ | avoid; dodge; shirk; shun |
evoka | evoke |
evolex | out from |
evolve 1++ | evolve; develop; development |
ex 1++ | out from; by (marker of doer by passive voice); from; out; since |
ex Deo 1 | divine |
ex la 1 | thence |
ex ligni 1 | wooden |
ex nu 1 | from now; hence (from now) |
ex qo-lo 1 | whence |
ex- 1+ | (prefix:) out from; out from (prefix); ex- |
ex-ki (=ki ex) | leave |
ex-kurva 1 | convex |
ex-lo 1+ | exit |
ex-tem | since |
exagera | exaggerate |
exakti 1++ | accurate; exact; exactly; precise |
exalta | exalt |
examina 1++ | examine; consider; examination; inspect; interview; investigate; probe; survey; test |
exantema G | eruption |
exaspera | make worse |
excede | exceed |
excele 1++ | excel; excellent |
excepti 1+ | except |
excesi 1++ | excess; excessive; too (in a too high degree); very ((almost) too much) |
excita (=excite) X | excite; exciting; thrill |
excite 1++ | excite; exciting; thrill |
excite viagia 1++ | adventure |
exekuti | execute |
exempla 1++ | example; instance; pattern; sample; specimen |
exercise 1++ | exercise; drill (training); practice; train (practice) |
exhausti | exhaust |
exhibi | exhibit |
exhilara | exhilarate |
exhorta | exhort |
exiguo | small; scanty |
existe 1++ | available; exist; existence; extant |
exkava | excavate |
exklama 1 | exclaim |
exklude 1++ | exclude; exclusive; except |
exkogita | excogitate; think out |
exkomunika | excommunicate |
exkoria | scrape skin off; graze; bark; excoriate |
exkrementa | excrement |
exkresce | excrescence; excrescent; grow out of |
exkreti 1+ | excrete |
exkursio | excursion; pleasure trip |
exkusa | excuse |
exonera | exonerate |
exorbita | exorbitant; exorbitance; exorbitancy; be excessive |
exotiki | exotic |
expande 1++ | expand; expansion |
expande-lo 1++ | expanse |
expedi | send away |
expekta 1++ | expect |
expele | expel |
experi 1++ | experience (n); experience (v) |
experimenta 1++ | experiment |
expira | expire |
explika 1++ | explain; explanation; explicate |
explode 1++ | explode; burst; explosion |
explode-ma 1+ | explosive (material) |
exploita | exploit |
explora 1+ | explore; exploration; travel (for discovery) |
expo (short form of expositi) | display; exhibit; expo; exposition; fair (exposition) |
exporta 1++ | export |
expositi | display; exhibit; exposition; fair (exposition) |
expresi 1++ | express; expression; utter (speak) |
expropria | expropriate |
expurga | expurgate |
exqisite | exquisite |
extende 1++ | extend; spread |
extende se 1 | sprawl |
extenua | weaken |
extermina | exterminate; get rid of |
extinkti | extinct; died out |
extra 1++ | external; beside; out of; outdoor; outdoors; outer; outside; outward; outwardly; outwards |
extra domi 1 | open-air |
extra landa 1++ | abroad |
extra piro 1 | bonfire |
extra porta 1 | outer door |
extra- 1+ | (prefix:) outside; outside (prefix) |
extra-fiska 1 | customs (taxes on goods imported) |
extra-lo 1+ | exterior |
extra-ve 1++ | coat |
extrakti | extract; pull out |
extraordinari 1+ | extraordinary |
extravaga | extravagant; behave extravagantly |
extremi 1 | extreme |
exubera | be abundant |
exuvia | skin; slough |
(-)fa 1++ | set (n); bundle; group; bunch; cluster; sheaf |
faba 1++ | bean |
faber | artisan |
fabrika 1 | fabric; structure |
fabula | fable; myth; tale |
face 1++ | make; build; commit; construct; execute; forge (v); making; manufacture; produce (make) |
face u neo ra 1+ | invent |
face-do 1++ | factory |
faceta | facet |
faceti 1+ | funny; witty |
-faci (=face) X | making |
facia 1++ | face; features; surface |
facili 1++ | easy |
facili dromo 1 | trot |
facili kine 1 | mobile |
faeo 1G | brown |
fago 1G | eat; devour; partake |
fago-ma 1 | food |
Fagus 1+ | beech; beech tree |
faktora 1+ | factor |
faktu 1++ | fact; factual |
fakula | torch |
fakulta | faculty; ability |
fali 1++ | fail; failure |
falko | falcon; hawk |
falkona (=falko) X | falcon; hawk |
fals akti 1++ | fraud |
falsa (=falsi) X | false |
falsi 1++ | false; wrong; cheat; deceit; deceive; dummy; fraud; lie (untruth); mistake; sham; treacherous; untruth |
falsi feno 1+ | disguise |
falsi lauda 1+ | flatter; flattery |
falsi-ra 1+ | deceit |
falta | fault |
fam (=fami) 1X | hunger |
fami 1++ | hunger; hungry |
famili 1++ | family; familiar |
famili nima 1 | surname |
familiari | familiar |
famina 1++ | famine; hunger; starve |
famo 1++ | fame; famous; noted; prominent (famous); renown; reputation; well-known |
fanaticismo | fanaticism |
fanero 1G | clear (evident); clear (bright); obvious; evident |
fantasi 1G | fantasy; phantasy; imagine |
fantasma 1+G | ghost; phantasm |
farago | mixture |
farci | farce; stuff |
farda | make-up |
farina 1++ | dust; flour; powder |
faringi 1G | pharynx; throat |
farmacisti 1G | chemist |
farmako G | drug; medicine |
farmako-pe 1 | pharmacist; chemist (pharmacist); druggist (pharmacist) |
faro G | light-house |
Fasanus 1+ | pheasant |
fasci (=faski) X | set (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf |
fascia (=faski) X | set (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf |
fascina 1+ | fascinate; charm; enchant; tempt |
fasi G | phase; aspect |
faski (prefer short form fa) 1 | set (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf |
faskia (=faski) X | set (n); band (group); bunch; bundle; cluster; group; sheaf |
faskina (prefer fascina) | fascinate; tempt |
fastidio 1+ | affected; finical; finicking; finicky; finikin |
fastigia | give point to |
fasto | pomp; display |
fata 1++ | fate; destiny; lot (destiny) |
fatali | fatal |
fatalisti | fatalist |
fatiga 1++ | bore (tire); fatigue; haggard; tire (v); tired; weary |
fatna G | manger; socket |
fatuo 1++ | absurd; dull (stupid); foolish; silly |
fatuo akti 1 | folly |
fauna | fauna |
favo 1++ | favor; favour; favorable; favourable; on behalf of ; for (in favour of); partial (favoring); privilege |
favori (prefer favo) | favorable; favourable; favor; favour |
favorita | favorite |
favu | honey comb |
fax | fax |
gene u fax | receive a fax |
fe 1++ | she; her; hers; female; woman |
plu fe (take mu though without gender) 1X | they (female) |
fe-bovi 1++ | cow |
fe-bu 1 | cow |
fe-Cervus 1 | hind (deer) |
fe-duka 1 | duchess |
fe-equs 1 | mare |
fe-fili 1++ | daughter |
fe-filia (=fe-fili) 1X | daughter |
fe-galina 1++ | hen |
fe-kani 1 | dog (female); female dog |
fe-Leo 1+ | lioness |
fe-maestro 1 | mistress |
fe-magi 1G | witch |
fe-princa 1+ | princess |
fe-regi 1++ | queen |
fe-sibi 1++ | sister |
fe-sponsa 1++ | wife |
fe-sposa 1 | bride |
fe-sui 1 | pig (female); sow |
fe-vidua 1 | widow |
febri 1++ | fever |
Februari (prefer meno bi) 1 | February |
feci 1 | faeces; feces; excrement |
federa 1 | federation |
feki (=feci) 1X | faeces; feces; excrement |
fekula | starch |
fekunda | fertile |
feli 1++ | cat; feline |
feli-voci 1 | mew |
felici 1+ | happy; content; pleased |
felis (=feli) X | cat; feline |
felo 1 | cork |
femi | speak; talk |
femina 1++ | female; woman |
femora 1+ | leg (upper); thigh |
fenako G | cheat; lie (untruth) |
fenestra 1++ | window; window (computer) |
duce fenestra | main window (computer) |
fenestra-textili | curtain |
fengo G | light (n); splendor; splendour |
feno 1++G | seem; apparent; appear; appearance; look like (seem) |
fenu 1+ | hay |
ferali 1+ | feral; wild; savage |
feri 1++ | fairy |
feria 1++ | fair (bazaar); holiday; vacation |
ferma G | load |
fermenta 1+ | ferment; leaven; yeast |
fero 1++ | carry; bear (carry); convey; transfer; transport |
fero ana 1 | bring up |
fero ci 1++ | bring |
fero versi 1 | fetch |
fero-kli 1 | stretcher |
fero-pe 1++ | carrier; porter |
fero-pla 1 | tray |
feroci 1+ | fierce; savage |
fertili 1++ | fertile; dung (v); fertilize; manure (v); productive |
fertili-ma 1 | fertilizer; dung (n); manure (n) |
feru 1++ | ferrous; iron |
feru oxida 1 | rust |
feru-pe 1 | smith |
feru-via 1++ | railway |
feru-via statio 1+ | railway station |
ferugi | rust |
feruvia statio (=feru-via statio) 1X | railway station |
ferve | be hot ; fervor; fervour |
festa 1++ | feast; festival; festive; festivity; fete; holiday; party |
festi (=festa) 1X | festival |
festona | festoon |
festuka | straw |
feta | bear young |
feti 1 | stench |
fetidi | stinking |
fetu | fetus |
(-)fi 1++ | thread; wire; filament; fiber; fibre; strand; string; strip (of something); yarn |
fi-ciklo 1 | lasso |
fi-fa 1+ | tassel (n); tuft; wick |
fi-gira-baci 1 | spindle |
fi-margina 1+ | fringe |
fi-ru 1+ | string instrument |
fi-zo 1+ | loop; noose; sling |
fiance 1 | fiance |
fibri 1++ | fibre |
fide 1++ | confide; confidence; confident; entrust; faith; fidelity; loyal; loyalty; trust (confide) |
fidera (take fide) X | entrust |
fido G | stingy |
figo G | avoid |
figura 1++ | figure |
fik (=face) 1X | make |
fiko G | seaweed |
fikti 1++ | fiction; fictional; form (v); pretend; shape (v) |
fikti-grafo | fiction |
Fikus 1+ | fig |
fila (take folia) 1GX | leaf |
filako G | guard |
filamenta (prefer short form fi) | filament; thread; wire |
filemon G | friendly; loving |
fili 1++ | offspring; daughter (or son); son (or daughter); child (son or daughter) |
filia (=fili) 1X | offspring |
filici 1 | fern |
filma 1 | film |
filo 1+G | love; affection; philo- |
filo (take folia) GX | leaf |
filosofi G | philosophy |
filosofo (=filosofi) GX | philosophy |
filtra 1++ | filter |
fimbri 1 | fringe; border |
fimbria (=fimbri) X | fringe |
financi 1+ | financial; finance |
fini 1++ | finish; end; abort; aim; complete; conclude; deadline; final; finally; goal; terminate |
fini a 1 | border on |
fini-statio 1 | terminus |
fio G | produce (nature) |
firma | firm |
fisa 1G | bellows |
fisa (prefer buli) 1G | bubble |
fisa (prefer fla) 1G | blow (air) |
fisalo (=fisa, prefer buli) GX | bubble |
fisika 1++G | nature; physics |
fisio 1+G | condition (especially physical); physical; physio; nature; state (condition) |
fiska 1++ | fiscal; tax |
fiska-pe 1 | tax-collector |
fistula | pipe |
fisu 1++ | crack (split); fissure; schism; split |
fito 1+G | plant (n); phyto- |
fixa 1++ | fix; firm; clasp; record (v); solidify; splint; tight |
fixa-baci 1+ | peg |
fixa-ma 1 | putty |
fixa-ra 1 | buckle (n); paper-clip |
fizio (=fisio) 1GX | nature; physical |
fla 1++ | blow (air); draught; inflate; puff |
fla nasa 1+ | blow your nose |
flabela | fan (thing for fresh air) |
flaci 1++ | flaccid; floppy; weak; droop; lax; limp; slack |
flagela 1++ | whip; lash |
flagra | flagrant; outrageous |
flair | flair |
flako | small bottle |
flama 1++ | flame; flare |
flama-fero 1+* | match (fire); matchstick |
flami-fero (=flama-fero) 1X | match (fire); matchstick |
flanela | flannel |
flanka | flank |
flapa 1 | flap |
flasc 1++ | flash; lightning |
flata | flatter |
flauta | flute |
flavo | yellow |
flavora (=flavoro) 1X | flavor; flavour |
flavoro 1++ | flavor; flavour |
flebi G | vein |
flegma G | phlegmatic; sluggish |
flego G | burn (v) |
flexi 1++ | bend; bend (v); curve (v); flex |
flexi disko (=flexi-disko) 1X | floppy disc |
flexi disko-me (=flexi-disko-me) X | floppy drive (computer) |
flexi-disko 1 | floppy disc; diskette |
flexi-disko-me | floppy drive (computer) |
flexuoso | flexible |
fliaka G | fathead |
fliro G | nonsense; senseless |
flo 1 | float |
flo lento 1+ | drift |
flo-stru 1 | raft |
floeo G | phloem; bark |
floka 1+ | flake; scale (body cover); scale (lose or remove scales) |
floresce | flourish |
flori 1++ | flower; bloom; flourish |
flori-fa 1+ | bouquet; bunch of flowers |
flori-va 1 | flower pot |
floskula | floret |
flota | fleet |
floxi G | flame |
flu 1++ | flow; current; flood; fluent; fluid; flux; running; stream (v) |
'flu 1 | influenza |
flu dice 1 | speak fluently |
flu lento 1 | ooze |
fluidi 1+ | fluid |
fluktu (prefer flu) | flood; flow |
flumini | stream (n) |
fluoresce | fluoresce |
fluvi 1++ | river |
fluvia (=fluvi) X | river |
flux (prefer flu) | current; flow |
fo(-) (short form of forti) 1++ | intense; strong; tight (strong); very; vivid |
fo ami 1 | intimate |
fo fobo 1 | terror |
fo ge-amo 1 | popolar |
fo mega (or fo-mega) 1 | vast |
fo rubi 1+ | scarlet |
fo tekno 1++ | brilliant (intelligent) |
fo tenta 1 | try hard; make an effort |
fo-amo 1++ | adoration; enjoy; fond |
fo-aqa 1 | drench |
fo-busti 1 | blaze |
fo-filo 1G | adoration |
fo-fla 1 | blast |
fo-flu 1+ | torrent |
fo-fortuna 1 | probable |
fo-foto 1+G | brilliant (light); glare; shine |
fo-gravi 1 | vital |
fo-gusta 1+ | spice |
fo-hedo 1 | radiant |
fo-klina 1++ | steep |
fo-kloro 1+G | emerald (colour) |
fo-klude 1 | seal |
fo-leva 1 | heave |
fo-mega 1++ | huge; immense; monster; vast |
fo-miso 1 | loathe |
fo-pote 1+ | talent |
fo-puta 1 | intent |
fo-religio 1 | devout |
fo-rubi 1 | crimson |
fo-soni 1++ | bang (sound); blare; loud |
fo-spira 1+ | gasp |
fo-tenta 1++ | effort; exert |
fo-valu 1++ | precious |
fo-venti 1 | gale |
fo-voci 1++ | scream |
fo-volu 1++ | desire; ambition; appetite; long (v) for; yearn |
fobo 1++G | fear; phobia; alarm; dismay; dread; fright; horror |
fobo retro 1G | quail |
fobo-mira 1 | startle |
fobo-pe 1++G | coward |
fodero | lining |
fodina | mine (coal etc.); pit |
fodo G | blister; burn (n) |
foebe G | Phoebe (moon goddess) |
foedi | filthy; foul |
foka G | seal (zoo) |
Fokaena (=fokena) GX | phocaena; porpoise |
fokali | focal; focus |
fokena G | phocaena; porpoise |
foku 1+ | focus; centre; fire |
foleo (prefer fora, kaverno or kavita) G | den; cave; hole (den) |
foli | mad |
foli 1+G | bellows; scale (body cover) |
foli-pe 1+ | fool |
folia 1++ | foliage; leaf |
foliage (French, take folia) X | foliage; leaf |
fomenta | give heat |
fonako G | blood-thirsty |
fonda 1++ | background |
fono 1++G | -phone; sound (acoustic); aloud; voice |
fonta 1++ | fountain; source; spring (source); well (water) |
plu fonta 1 | human resources |
fora 1++ | hole; bore (hole); drill (v, make holes); leak; perforate; pierce; puncture |
mega fora 1 | abyss |
fora-me 1 | drill (machine) |
fora-ru 1++ | borer; drill (tool) |
forado G | fertile |
force 1 | force |
forcipi | forceps |
foresta 1 | forest |
forita G | sweepings |
forma 1++ | form; shape; forge; mold; mould; sculpture |
formali 1++ | formal |
formati | format |
formika 1++ | ant |
formoso | beautiful |
formula 1++ | formula; prescription; recipe |
foro (=fero) GX | carry |
forta 1+ | fort |
forti (or short form fo) 1++ | intense; strong; tight (strong); very; vivid |
fortuna 1++ | chance; casual; destiny; fate; fortune; likelihood; luck; probability; random |
forum 1 | market place; square (public) |
fosa (=fosi) 1X | cavity; hole; pit |
foseta 1 | dimple |
fosi 1++ | dig; cavity; ditch; hole; moat; pit |
fosi (=fusi) 1X | pour |
fosili | fossil |
foto 1++G | light (n); light (v); bright; illuminate; photo- (light) |
foto detekti-me | light detector |
foto-grafi (=fotografi) X | photograph |
foto-grafi-me (=fotografi-me) X | camera (apparatus) |
fotografi 1++G | photograph |
fotografi-me 1+ | camera (apparatus) |
fove | pit (n) |
fragaria 1+ | strawberry |
fragili 1+ | breaking easily; brittle |
fragma 1++G | barrier; hedge; enclosure (fences); fence; partition |
fragma-porta 1 | stile |
fragmenta | fragment; bit; piece |
fragmo (=fragma) 1X | hedge |
fragra | fragrant |
frakaso | crash; smash |
frakti 1++ | break; fracture; interrupt |
fraktura | fracture |
frambesi | raspberry |
Français (pronounce "frongsay") 1 | French |
frase 1++G | sentence; phrase; speak |
frasi (=frase) GX | sentence; phrase; speak |
fratri 1+ | brother |
fraudi 1 | fraud |
fraudu (=fraudi) 1X | fraud |
fraxinus | ash tree |
frea G | well (water) |
freme (=tremulo) X | tremble |
freni (=freno) 1GX | mind (n) |
freno G | mind (n) |
frenu 1 | brake (v); rein (v) |
freqe 1++ | frequent; often; frequency |
frescita (=fresko) X | freshen |
fresko 1++ | fresh; freshen; ventilation |
freto | channel |
fri | fry |
fria 1++ | crumble; smash |
friabili | powder (v) |
frig e no-gluko 1 | bleak |
frigi 1++ | cold; chill |
frigi-me 1 | refrigerator |
frigi-tem 1++ | winter |
frika 1++ | friction; rub (friction); wipe; graze; scrape |
frika G | ripple |
frika-ru 1* | file (tool) |
frina G | toad |
fringila | chaffinch |
fritila | dice-box |
frivolo | frivolous |
frondo | leafy branch |
fronimo | sensible; wise |
fronta 1++ | brow (forehead); forehead; front |
frontira 1 | frontier |
fru 1+ | enjoy; enjoyment; have a good time |
frukti 1++ | fruit |
frukti horti 1 | orchard |
frumentu | corn; grain |
frustra 1++ | frustrate; disappoint; disappointment; disillusion; frustration |
frustu 1 | bit; piece |
frutiko | shrub |
fu 1++ | will (future tense); adjourn; future; postpone; shall (future tense); 'll (future tense); be going to (future tense) |
fu(-) 1+ | future (tense) |
fu debi 1 | shall have to |
fu ki 1 | will go |
mi fu ki 1 | I shall go |
fu nece 1 | will have to |
fu setimana 1 | next week |
fu-di 1++ | tomorrow |
fu-di noktu 1 | tomorrow night |
fu-noktu 1 | tomorrow night |
fu-tem 1 | future |
fugaci | fleeting |
fugi 1++ | flee; escape; run away |
fugi ab 1 | desert (v) |
fugi-pe 1 | fugitive |
fuku | sea-weed |
fulge 1 | flash; lightning |
fulgu (=fulge) 1X | flash; lightning |
fuligo | soot |
fulkru 1 | axle; axis; central point; pivot |
fulmina 1 | thunder |
fulvo | tawny |
fumi 1++ | fume; smoke |
fumi tubi (=fumi-tubi) 1X | chimney; smokestack |
fumi-ma 1+ | soot |
fumi-tubi 1++ | chimney; smokestack |
funda 1++ | bottom; found (v); base; depth; foot (lowest part); foundation; ground |
fune + | burial; bury; funeral; funereal |
funebri | burial; bury; funeral; funereal |
fungi (=fungu) 1 | fungus; mushroom |
fungu 1+ | fungus; mushroom |
fungus (prefer fungu) | fungus |
funi | rope |
funktio 1++ | function; useful; operate; operation; work (have the desired function) |
furfura | bran |
furi 1+ | fury; furious; anger; wrath |
furka 1++ | fork; branch off; pitchfork |
furna 1++ | oven; bake; furnace; heater; stove |
furunkulo | boil (medical) |
fuselage (French) | fuselage |
fusi 1++ | pour; fuse; melt; shed (liquid); smelt (melt); spill |
fusi (=(fi-)gira-baci) X | spindle |
fusi-va 1 | jug |
fusili 1++ | gun; shoot; discharge (fire); fire (shoot); rifle |
fusili-me 1 | pistol |
fusio 1+ | fusion |
fusko | dark-colored |
fusta (=fusti) X | shaft; cudgel; club (stick) |
fusti | shaft; cudgel; club (stick) |
fustiga | thrash |
futili | futile (without meaning); insignificant |
futu | copulate |
futuri 1 | future |
Gadus 1 | cod |
gaia 1+G | earth; earth (living) |
gala (take lakti) GX | milk |
galakti (take lakti) 1GX | milk |
galante | court; woo |
galbino | yellow |
galeno G | calm |
galeri 1+ | gallery |
Gales | Wales |
galina 1++ | chicken; fowl |
plu galina 1 | poultry |
gamba | leg |
gambado | gambol |
game 1++G | marry; marriage; wed |
game-pe 1 | spouse |
game-ritu 1++ | wedding |
ganglio | knot; node |
gania + | gain; win (gain) |
gano G | bright |
garage (French) | garage |
garanti 1+ | guarantee |
garulo 1+ | chat; chatter |
Garulus 1 | jay |
gasi 1++ | gas; air |
gastri (=gastro) X | stomach |
gastro 1++G | stomach |
gaudi | joy |
gaze | gauze |
gazeta 1 | newspaper; periodical |
gazon (French) | lawn |
ge G | got |
ge- 1+ | got (-ed) (participle) |
ge-akti 1 | done (participle of to do) |
ge-amo 1 | loved; popular |
ge-audi 1 | heard (participle of to hear) |
ge-bali 1 | sent (participle of to send) |
ge-debito 1 | due (owed); duly; owed |
ge-dona 1 | given |
ge-duce 1 | led (participle of to lead) |
ge-elekti 1 | chosen |
ge-face 1++ | artificial; made (participle of to make) |
u ge-face 1++ | produce (n) |
ge-face ex 1++ | consist |
ge-favo 1++ | favorite; favourite |
ge-fixa tem 1++ | term |
ge-flexi 1++ | bent; curved |
ge-frakti 1++ | broken |
ge-fuma harenga 1 | kipper |
ge-geli pluvi 1 | hail |
ge-grafo 1 | written |
ge-grafo akorda 1++ | contract |
ge-kapti 1 | caught |
ge-klavi 1++ | closed (locked); shut (closed); locked |
ge-klude 1+ | closed; close (closed) |
ge-klude disko | locked disk (computer) |
ge-konfesi 1 | admittedly |
ge-kope pedi 1 | webbed feet |
ge-kriso 1 | gilded |
ge-kulti 1 | cultivated |
ge-kura 1 | ward of court |
ge-limita | exclusive |
ge-linqi 1 | left behind; abandoned |
ge-linqi infanta 1 | waif |
ge-lisi 1G | apart |
ge-lose 1 | lost |
ge-merka 1 | bought (participle of to buy) |
ge-mixa 1++ | mixed |
ge-monstra 1 | shown |
ge-nati 1++ | born |
ge-noku disko | corrupt disk (computer) |
ge-noku infanti 1 | spoilt child |
ge-paga 1 | paid (participle of to pay) |
ge-place 1++ | content |
ge-prende 1 | taken |
ge-produce-ra 1+ | product |
ge-promulga-ra | publication |
ge-proto 1 | begun |
ge-publika-ra 1++ | publication |
ge-seka dendro 1 | lumber |
ge-ski 1 | known |
ge-spende 1 | spent (participle of to spend) |
ge-sto 1 | clogged |
ge-strepto 1 | sprained |
ge-stru 1 | build (participle of to build) |
ge-stupe 1 | dazed |
ge-suporta-pe | dependent |
ge-tena 1 | held (participle of to hold); kept (participle of to keep) |
ge-tigra 1 | tabby |
ge-tortu genu 1 | twisted knee |
ge-trakto 1 | drawn (participle, pulled) |
ge-turba 1 | agitated; anxious |
ge-uni (=ge-unio) 1X | united |
ge-unio 1 | united |
ge-uti 1+ | second hand; used (2nd hand) |
ge-vendo 1 | sold (participle of to sell) |
ge-vide 1 | seen |
gefira 1G | bridge |
gelatino | gelatine |
gelato 1+ | ice-cream |
gele 1++ | jelly |
geli 1++ | freeze; ice (v) |
gelo (=geli) 1X | freeze |
gelo G | laugh |
gema 1++ | bud; gem; jewel |
gema-bo 1+ | jeweller's shop |
geme | groan |
gemini 1+ | twin; twins |
gena | cheek |
gene 1++G | become; get (obtain); receive; get (become); get (passive); gets (tense); getting; access (get); accomplish; acquire; come to be; gain; obtain; procure; turn into |
gene epi 1G | mount |
gene lose 1+ | stray |
gene ma-boni 1++ | reform |
gene nati 1 | be born ; be hatched |
gene ski 1+ | learn |
gene sko 1+ | learn |
gene torti 1 | buckle (v) |
gene versi 1 | recover |
gene vista 1 | appear |
genera 1+G | generate |
generali 1++G | general; generalize; universal |
generali ski 1+ | general knowledge |
generatio 1+G | generation |
generoso G | generous |
genesis G | genesis |
geneti 1++G | genetic; inherit; hereditary |
genetla G | birthday |
geniali G | delightful |
genikulato | bent (like knee) |
genista | broom plant |
genita G | genital |
genius 1+G | genius |
geno-cide G | genocide |
gentili 1++ | gentle; kind; kindly; mild |
genu 1++ | knee; knee-joint |
genuflekti + | kneel |
genuine (prefer veri) G | genuine |
geo 1++G | earth |
geo-ma 1 | ore; mineral |
geo-turba 1 | earth-quake |
geografi 1G | geography |
georgi G | farmer |
gerani G | geranium |
geri G | sound (acoustic); voice |
germina | germinate |
gero (=gesta, prefer fero) X | carry |
gero 1G | old age |
geronto G | old man |
gesta | bear (carry); bear (behave); carry |
gestikula | gesticulate |
geusi 1G | taste (test) |
gialo (take kavita) G | hollow |
gibo | hump |
giga 1+G | million million; tremendous |
giganti 1+G | billion (UK); giant; gigantic |
gilotina (French) | guillotine |
gimnasia 1G | gymnasium |
gimno 1+G | bare; naked; nude |
gina 1++G | woman; female; gyna-; lady; wife |
plu gina 1 | women |
gina patri 1 | father-in-law |
gingiva | gums |
ginglimo G | hinge-joint |
ginglismo G | tickle |
gingrito G | cackle (geese) |
gipso 1++G | chalk; plaster |
gira 1++G | gyrate; rotate; whirl; revolve; spin; turn; twirl |
gira ludi-ra 1 | top (spinning toy) |
gira-baci 1 | spindle |
gira-venti 1+ | whirlwind |
girafa 1+ | giraffe |
giso (prefer margina) G | border; hem |
gitara 1+ | guitar |
glabro 1++ | glabrous; smooth |
glabro-line 1+* | streamline |
glaci-buna (=glacia-buna) 1X | iceberg |
glacia 1++ | glacial; ice; icy |
glacia-buna 1* | iceberg |
gladia 1++ | sword |
gladio (=gladia) X | sword |
glafiro (take kavita) GX | hollow |
glamiro G | blear-eyed |
glandi 1+ | gland; acorn |
glandu (=glandi) X | acorn; gland |
glarea 1+ | gravel |
glauko G | blue-green |
glaux G | owl |
gleba | clod; lump |
glena 1+ | socket; grave |
glia (prefer glu) G | glue |
glifo G | carve; engrave |
glipto 1G | sculpture |
glis | dormouse; mouse (especially dormouse) |
glisa 1++ | glide; slip; slide; lapse; skate (on ice); skid; skim |
glisa-vagona 1 | sledge |
gliskro G | sticky |
globa 1+ | ball; globe |
globo (=globa) X | ball; globe |
globula 1++ | bead |
gloci | cluck (hen) |
gloea (prefer glu) | glue |
gloki 1G | arrow |
glokino G | arrow-point |
glomera | compact (v); ball (v) |
glori 1++ | glory |
glosa 1++G | tongue; lick; language |
glox | beard of wheat |
glu 1++ | glue; lime; stick (glue); size (glue) |
gluk odoro (=gluko odoro) 1X | perfume |
gluko 1++G | sweet; nice; comfortable; gentle; gentleness; lovely; pleasant; soft; softness; sweetness; tender; tenderness |
gluko odoro 1* | perfume |
gluko xeno 1 | quaint |
gluko-ra 1 | convenience; comfort (convenience); ease; prosperity |
gluma 1+ | chaff; husk; bract; bran |
glutea 1+ | buttocks; rump |
gluti (=gluto) X | gulp; swallow |
glutino (prefer glu) | glue |
gluto 1++ | gulp; swallow; greedy |
glutona 1+ | glutton |
gnata (=gnato, prefer mandibula) 1GX | jaw |
gnato (prefer mandibula) G | jaw |
gnesi (prefer veri) G | genuine; true |
gnifa G | cavity; pit |
gno (prefer ski) G | know |
gnofo G | dark (gloomy); gloomy |
gnomo G | gnome |
gnomono G | index; judge (person) |
gnosia G | wisdom |
goeto G | howl; wail |
goleo (prefer fora) G | hole |
golf 1 | golf |
golfo 1 | gulf; estuary |
goma (=gumi) 1X | gum |
gomfi G | molar tooth |
gomfo G | bolt; nail; peg |
gonad G | sex-gland |
gonato (prefer genu) G | knee; knee-joint; node |
gonela | skirt |
gong 1 | gong |
gongilo G | ball; round |
gongro G | knot; swelling |
gonidio G | asexual spore |
gonimo G | fertile; fruitful |
gono 1++G | angle; corner; vertex |
gorgira G | drain; sewer |
gorgo G | abyss; whirlpool |
Gorila 1 | gorilla |
gosipa (prefer kotona) 1G | cotton |
gosipi (=gosipa, prefer kotona) GX | cotton |
gourmand (French) | gourmand |
gourmet (French) | gourmet |
governa 1 | govern; control; manage; rule (authority) |
governa-ra 1 | rudder |
gra 1++ | grass; fodder; lawn; turf |
gra landa 1 | veld |
gra-agri 1 | meadow |
gra-lo 1+ | pasture |
graci 1 | grace |
gracili 1+ | slender; slim |
gradu 1++ | degree; step; at the same time as; grade; pace; stride |
graduali + | gradual |
grafi (=grafo) GX | draw (sketch); sketch (draw); write |
grafo 1++G | write; draw (sketch); design; script; sketch (draw); writing |
grafo de 1 | describe |
grafo-liqi | ink |
grafo-me 1 | typewriter |
grafo-mo | desktop |
grafo-pe 1+ | author; writer |
plu grafo-ra 1 | stationery |
grafo-ru 1++G | pen; pencil |
graft | graft |
grakulus | jackdaw |
grala | stilt |
gram | gram |
gram-ami 1+ | pen-friend; pen pal |
grama 1++G | letter (mail); missive |
plu grama 1 | correspondence |
grama bileta 1+ | stamp (postage); postage stamp |
grama-teka 1G | letter-box |
grama-ve 1++ | envelope |
gramatika 1++G | grammar |
gramini (prefer gra) 1 | grass; lawn; turf |
grana 1++ | grain; corn; seed |
granari | granary |
granata | pomegranate |
grandi 1++ | grand; magnificent; noble; stately |
grandina | hail |
grandioso | grandiose; imposing |
granita 1+ | granite |
granula | granule |
grasi | fat (grease); grease; fatty |
grasti (prefer gra) G | grass; fodder |
grata | scrape; scratch |
grati 1++ | grateful |
gratia 1++ | grace; thank; thanks |
gratia de 1 | thank you for |
gratia-ple 1+ | grateful; thankful |
gratia-ra 1+ | reward |
gratioso + | graceful |
gratis 1+ | gratis; for nothing; free (of charge); without payment |
gratula 1++ | congratulate |
gravi 1++ | grave (serious); heavy; serious; especially; important; considerable; impressive; massive; solid |
gravi mero 1* | features |
gravi persona 1 | personage |
gravi pro 1++* | concern |
gravi-ma 1 | matter |
gravi-soni 1 | thud |
gravido | pregnant |
gravita 1+ | gravity; seriousness |
Grecia | Greece |
grega 1++ | group; herd; party (team); party (political); crew; flock; gang; swarm; team |
grega-volu 1 | sociable |
grego (=grega) 1X | party (political) |
Greko | Greek |
gremi | bosom; lap (bosom) |
gresi 1++ | walk |
gresi baci 1 | walking stick |
gresi in aqa 1+ | paddle; wade |
gresi lento 1 | trudge |
gri | gray; grey |
grila | gril; grille; grating (n) |
grilus | cricket (animal) |
grimasa | grimace |
gripo G | curved; hooked |
grismo G | grumble |
grosi (=grosu) X | bulky; fat; greasy |
grosu 1 | bulky; fat; greasy |
Grosula 1+ | gooseberry |
grotesko | grotesque |
gru 1++ | fit; adapt; agree; convenient; fitting; fitting (adj); install; mount; proper; property; relevant; set up; suit (v); suitable |
grumo | clot; lump |
gruni 1+ | grunt |
grupa 1 | batch; group |
grus | crane |
guano | guano |
guanta | glove |
guarda 1++ | guard |
guarni | garnish |
guasta | spoil; waste (ravage) |
guera | war |
guerila | guerrilla |
guida | guide |
guisa | manner; way (manner) |
gule | gullet |
gulfa (=golfo) 1X | gulf; estuary |
guloso | greedy |
guma (=gumi) X | rubber |
guma (prefer palato) | palate |
gumi 1++ | rubber; caoutchouc; gum; resin |
gumi-botina 1* | wellington |
gumi-buti (=gumi-botina) 1X | wellington |
guno G | fertile land |
gurgita | surge; boil; abyss; whirlpool |
gurgulio | gurgle; throat |
gurgustio | hovel; hut (poor's house); shanty |
gusta 1++ | taste; taste (test) |
guta 1+ | drop (n); drip; drop (v); dripping; leak (v) |
gutura | throat |
habe 1++ | have (own); have the quality of; has (form of to have, own); has the quality of; 've (short for have, own); own (possess); possess; property (possessions) |
habe epi se 1++ | wear |
habe sati tem 1++ | afford |
habe sati valuta 1++ | afford |
habe-pe 1++ | proprietor; owner |
habena | strap |
habili | fit; suitable |
habita 1 | dwell; inhabit; live in; occupy; settle |
habitu 1++ | habit; custom |
habitua | accustom |
habitudo (=habitu) X | custom |
habrinta G | fop |
habro G | attractive; pretty |
haca | chop |
hades G | hell |
hadrino G | mature; ripen |
hafe G | contact; touch (n) |
hagio 1+G | holy; sacred |
hagio-pe 1 | saint (n) |
hagno G | pure; innocent |
halato | fragrance |
Halcion 1G | kingfisher |
hali 1G | salt |
halisi G | chain |
halucina | hallucination; mind wander |
halux | big toe |
hama (prefer ko(n)) G | together with |
hama (take fi-zo (loop) or nodi (node)) GX | loop; node; sling |
hama- (prefer ko-) | (prefix:) together; together (prefix) |
hamato (=hami) X | hooked |
hamaxa G | wagon |
hami | hooked |
hapalo G | gentle |
haplo 1G | simple |
hapto G | catch hold |
haptra G | wick |
hardi | be bold |
harengu 1+ | herring |
haringa (=harengu) X | herring |
harmoni 1++G | harmony; agreement; have an agreement ; harmonize |
harnesa 1+ | harness |
harpa 1+ | harp |
harpon (=harpona) X | harpoon |
harpona | harpoon |
hasta | spear |
hausto | exhaust; suck out |
hazardo | hazard |
hebdoma G | seven; week |
hebe 1G | youth; breeding |
hebetato | weakened |
Hebreo | Hebrew |
Hedera 1+ | ivy |
hedi G | nice; sweet |
hedo 1++G | fun (feeling); pleasure; gay (happy); glad; glee; good-humoured; happiness; happy; joy; like to; merry; pleasant; pleased; rejoice |
hedo itinera 1 | excursion |
hedo nati-di 1+ | happy birthday |
hedo-soni 1 | purr |
hedra G | base; seat (n) |
hegemoni G | leading |
hekasto G | each; every |
hekisto G | least |
hektiko +G | habitual |
hekto + | hundred |
hekto anua + | century |
hektopedi | centipede |
Heleni | G Greek |
Helenia G | Greece |
heli 1++G | sun; solar |
heli-foto 1 | sunlight |
heli-radia 1 | sunshine; sun-ray |
helika 1++G | helix; coil; propeller; spiral |
helika-baci 1+ | bolt |
helikopter 1++ | helicopter |
heliku 1++ | helix; screw |
helio (=heli) 1GX | sun |
helio-di (take "di mo") X | Sunday |
helminti (=helminto, prefer vermi) 1GX | worm |
helminto (prefer vermi) G | worm |
helo G | marsh; meadow |
helota G | slave |
Helvetia | Switzerland |
helvo G | pale yellow |
hema 1++G | blood |
hema-sugo * | blood-sucker |
hema-tubi 1 | blood vessel |
hemato G | blood red ; red |
hemato (=hema) GX | blood |
hemera 1G | day |
hemi (=semi) 1GX | half |
hemi- (=semi-) GX | (prefix:) half; half (prefix); hemi-; semi- |
Hemiptera 1+G | bedbug; bed-bug; bug (bedbug) |
hemo (=hema) 1GX | blood |
hepa 1+G | liver |
hepati (=hepa) GX | liver |
hepta G | seven |
herba 1++ | herb; grass; plant (n) |
herboriza | gather herbs |
heredi 1+ | heir; inherit |
heredi-pe 1 | heir |
heresi | heresy |
herko G | barrier; wall |
herma G | prop; stay |
hermoso (Spanish) | beautiful |
hernia G | rupture |
hero 1++G | hero |
herpe G | creep; glide |
herpeto G | reptile |
hesi 1++ | adhesive; stick (join); sticky; adhere; cling; glue (v) |
hesiko G | quiet; still (quiet) |
hesita 1+ | hesitate; doubt; sticky |
hesmo G | flock; swarm |
hespero G | evening; west |
hestia G | fireside; hearth |
hestiko G | agreeable |
hesto G | glad |
hetero 1++G | different; other; another; differ; difference; else; otherwise |
hetero-co 1+G | otherwise |
hetero-lo 1G | elsewhere |
heuresi G | detect; discover; discovery |
hexa G | six |
hexis G | condition (especially physical); state (condition) |
hialo 1G | glass |
hiao 1+G | yawn |
hiatu G | gap; abyss; opening |
hiberna 1+G | winter; wintry |
Hibernia | Ireland |
hibiskus G | mallow |
hibrida G | hybrid |
hidra-tubi 1G | hydrant |
hidrargiro G | mercury (Hg) |
hidro 1+G | water (n); liquid; wet |
hiemi G | winter |
hiera 1G | priest |
hierarki 1+ | hierarchy |
hierax G | hawk |
hieri (=hiera) 1GX | priest |
hiero G | sacred |
hieto 1G | rain |
hifa G | web |
hifen 1G | hyphen |
higie 1+G | health |
higro 1G | wet; moisture; wet (v) |
hikano G | able; fit |
hilario | cheer; cheerful |
hilo (prefer xilo (wood) or materia (matter)) 1G | matter; substance; wood (substance) |
hilu | trifle; scar |
himanto G | leather strap |
himen G | marriage |
himeno G | membrane |
himna (=himno) GX | hymn; song of praise |
himno G | hymn; song of praise |
hiper 1+G | above; over |
hiper- 1G | (prefix:) above; above (prefix); (prefix:) excessive; excessive (prefix) |
hipidio G | pony |
Hipo (=Equs) 1GX | horse |
hipo 1G | below; beneath; under |
hipo- 1G | (prefix:) below; below (prefix); (prefix:) under; under (prefix) |
Hipopotamus 1 | hippopotamus |
hipotesi G | hypothesis |
hipso 1G | high; altitude |
hirax G | shrew |
hirkus (prefer kapri) G | goat |
hirpika G | harrow |
hirsuto | hairy |
hirudo | leech |
hirundo | swallow (bird) |
hisce | gape; open (v) |
Hispano | Spanish |
histera 1G | womb |
histeri (=histera) 1GX | womb |
histero G | after; later |
histo 1G | texture; tissue; weave; web |
histori 1++G | history; story; historical; narrative; report |
histrio G | acting |
histrix G | porcupine |
hobi 1+ | hobby |
hodo G | journey; way (road) |
hoi-poloi G | the masses |
hoki 1 | hockey |
holko G | furrow |
holo 1++G | whole; complete; absolute; completely; entire; quite; total; utter (whole); wholly |
un holo 1 | on the whole ; generally |
holo aperi 1 | wide open |
holo di 1 | whole day |
holo grana 1 | wholemeal |
holo munda 1+ | world-wide |
holo tem 1++ | ever (at all times); forever |
holo-tem | ever (at all times); forever |
homalo G | even; level |
Homarus 1+ | lobster |
homeli G | companion |
homeo (=homo) GX | like (similar); rather like |
homi 1++ | human; human race; man; mortal; mankind; person |
homi-vora 1 | cannibal |
homikla (prefer nebu) G | fog; mist (fog) |
homilo G | crowd (n) |
homo 1++G | same; like (similar); alike; equal (nearly); likeness; rather like; resemble; similar; similarity; very like |
homo-co 1+ | similarly |
honesti 1++ | honest; honesty; sincere; upright (honest) |
honora 1++ | honor; honour; honesty; respect |
honora-abili 1++ | honorable; honourable |
honori (=honora) 1X | honor; honour; honesty; respect |
hopli (=hoplo) 1GX | armor; weapon |
hoplo 1G | armor; weapon |
hora (=horo) X | hour; o'clock; time ((clock) time) |
horario | timetable |
Hordea 1+ | barley |
horibili 1++ | horrible |
horido | bristling |
horizo 1++G | horizon; horizontal; across; boundary; lie (down); limit (n); lying down |
horizon (=horizo) GX | boundary; horizon; limit (n); lying down |
horizona (=horizo) 1GX | horizon |
horizonta (=horizo) 1GX | horizontal; lying down |
horizontali (=horizo) GX | horizontal; across |
hormo 1G | rouse; stir up; urge |
horo 1++ | hour; o'clock; time ((clock) time) |
horo-me 1++ | clock; watch |
horo-tabla 1++* | timetable |
horo-tabula (=horo-tabla) 1X | timetable |
horologi G | clock; watch |
horologi-me | clockwork |
horta | arouse; urge |
horti 1++ | garden; park (n) |
horti-pe 1 | gardner |
hosio (prefer sankti) G | holy |
hospi 1++ | guest |
hospita 1++ | entertain; hospitable; hospitality; lodge (v) |
hospitali | hospital |
hosta + | host |
hostili | hostile |
hoteli 1++ | hotel |
humani + | humane; kind |
humerus | upper arm bone |
humidi 1++ | humid; humidity; damp; dampness; moist; moisture; wet (v) |
humili 1+ | humble; humility; lowly |
humori (=humoro) 1GX | humor |
humoro 1++G | humor; humour; disposition |
humus + | earth |
hurakan | hurricane |
iati G | heal; medicine |
iatri 1+G | doctor (medical); healer; heal |
id 1++ | it; its |
id es 1+ | it is; i.e. |
idaeus 1+G | raspberry |
idea 1++G | idea; thought; mental image; notion |
idem | same; the same |
idili | rustic poem |
idio 1++G | unique; private; especial; identity; individual; own (adj); of his/her/its own (particular); particular; peculiar; separate (adj); special |
idio dice 1+ | accent |
idio sito 1+G | diet |
idio-ergo 1 | task |
idio-stori 1++ | version |
idioma G | strange language |
idioti 1G | idiot |
idmo G | expert (adj) |
idolatri G | idolize |
idoli 1+G | idol; image |
idolo (=idoli) GX | idol; image |
iglu 1 | igloo |
ignaro | ignorant |
ignavo + | cowardly |
ignavo-pe + | coward |
igni 1 | fire; ignite; kindle; light (make fire) |
ignora 1 | ignore; not know |
igresi | enter; entrance |
ikneumo G | tracker |
ikno 1++G | track; footprint; Ichno-; track (v); trail |
ikono 1+ | icon; idol; image |
ikti 1G | fish (n) |
il es 1 | there is; there's; there are |
Ilex 1+ | holly; holm-oak |
ili 1 | mud |
iloto | dirty; unwashed |
ilumina | illuminate |
ilusio 1+ | deception; illusion |
imagi 1++ | image; picture (v) |
imagina 1++ | imagine; fancy; grasp (can imagine); imaginary; imagination; picture; image |
imagine (=imagina) 1X | imagine |
imane | immanent; be within |
imbecili | weak-minded |
imboska | ambush |
imbracia | embrace |
imbri 1 | shower (rain) |
imbrika 1+ | overlap |
imbroli | entangle |
imbu | wet; inspire |
imedia 1++ | immediate; as soon as; at once (immediately); immediately; instantly; straight away; right away |
imerge | dip; plunge |
imita 1+ | imitate |
impa 1 | imp |
impakti 1++ | impact; blow (n); push; shock; stroke |
impare | odd; uneven |
impase | dead-end |
impatie | make impatient |
impedi 1+ | impede; hinder; inhibit |
impera 1 | emperor |
imperi 1++ | command; imperial; rule (authority); empire |
imperio (=imperi) 1X | command; imperial; rule (authority); empire |
impetuoso | impetuous; impulse (emotional) |
impetus | impetus; impulse (physical) |
impinge | strike (hit); hit |
impiri (=imperi) X | command; imperial; rule (authority); empire |
implika | involve |
implora | implore; beseech |
importa 1+ | import |
importa 1++ | important; considerable; great; importance; be important |
importa mero (=gravi mero) 1X | features |
importa pro (=gravi pro) 1X | concern |
importuna | worry |
imposto | duty (tax); tax |
impregna | impregnate |
impresi 1 | impress; impression |
impude 1++ | cheeky; disgusting |
impulsi 1+ | impulse (emotional); impulse (physical) |
imuni 1++ | immune; safe; protected; protect; safety |
in 1++ | in; in (local); indoors; inside of; into |
in loka de 1 | vice- |
in mari 1+ | overboard |
in qi 1 | wherein |
in- 1+ | (prefix:) in; in (prefix) |
in-fiska 1 | excise (fiscal) |
in-ge-gono 1 | dove-tailed |
in-kurva 1 | concave |
in-lo 1 | entry; access (entry); intake; threshold |
in-milita 1 | revolt; mutiny; civil war |
in-pe 1 | inhabitant |
in-ra 1++ | contents |
in-tera 1+ | bury |
in-valuta 1++ | income |
in-via 1 | entry; access (entry) |
inani | useless; vain |
inati | inborn |
incende 1 | burn (v) |
incestu + | incestuous; lewd |
incipi | begin |
index (=indexi) X | index; pointer; sign |
indexi 1+ | index; pointer; sign |
indi- (prefer intra-) | (prefix:) within; within (prefix) |
indigni | indignant; full of anger |
indika 1++ | indicate; point to; hint; clue; designate; point (indicate); signal; trace |
indika-ra | cursor (computer) |
individu 1+ | individual (n); individual (adj) |
individu-pe 1 | individual (n) |
individua (=individu) 1X | individual (adj) |
indole | lazy |
induce | induce |
indulce 1 | indulge; pamper |
indulge 1 | favor; pleasure; give pleasure |
industri 1++ | industry; industrial |
industria (=industri) X | industrial; industry |
inerti 1 | inertia; inactive; off; quiescence |
inertia (=inerti) X | quiescence |
infanteri 1 | infantry |
infanti 1++ | child; infant; kid (child) |
plu infanti 1 | children |
infanti-tem 1++ | childhood |
inferi (=infra) X | below; beneath; inferior; under |
infernali | infernal |
infiniti 1 | infinite; infinity |
infla 1 | inflate; swell (v) |
inflexi 1 | inflect |
influ 1++ | influence; affect |
info 1++ | inform; information; announce; data; message; reveal |
info-bileta 1++ | label |
informa (=info) 1X | announce |
infra 1++ | below; beneath; inferior; under |
infra geo 1 | underground |
infra toga 1++ | skirt |
infra tunika 1 | skirt |
infra- 1+ | (prefix:) below; below (prefix); (prefix:) under; under (prefix) |
infra-ka 1+ | cellar |
infra-skeleto 1 | undercarriage |
infra-tasa 1 | saucer |
infuria | infuriate |
infusi | infuse |
ingenio | ingenious |
ingrana 1 | put into gear |
ingratia se | ingratiate oneself |
inhibiti 1 | inhibit |
inigma (=enigma) 1GX | problem |
initia | introduce |
injekti | inject; throw in |
injuri | injure; wrong (v) |
inkanta | enchant |
inklude 1++ | include; enclose; lock up; shut in |
inklude-ra 1+* | enclosure (letter) |
inkognito | unknown |
inkola | resident (n) |
inkontra + | meet (by chance); meeting (by chance) |
inkoragi (=inkoragio) X | encourage; encouragement |
inkoragio + | encourage; encouragement |
inku 1 | anvil |
inkubus | nightmare |
inmalia | enmesh |
inocenti + | innocence; innocent |
inoku 1 | inoculate |
inokuo | innocuous |
inoskula | join by mouths; inosculate |
inqesta | inquiry |
inqire | inquire |
inscena | put on stage |
insekti 1++ | insect |
inserti | insert |
insidio | insidious |
insigni 1++ | flag; badge; emblem; ensign; banner |
insignia (=insigni) 1X | badge; emblem; ensign; banner; flag |
insinua | isinuate |
insipidi | tasteless |
insiste | urge |
inspekti | inspect |
inspira 1 | inspire |
inspisa | inspisate; thicken |
insta | press (urge); urge |
instala | install |
instanta 1 | instantaneous |
instinkti 1 | instinct |
instru | instruct; instruction; lesson |
instrumenta (long form of ru) 1++ | instrument; implement; tool; utensil; apparatus; tackle (n) |
insula 1+ | island; insulate |
insulta | insult |
insura 1++ | insurance; insure |
insura polisa 1 | insurance policy |
insurge | rebel |
insuri | injure; wrong (v) |
integra 1+ | integrate; complete; entire |
intelige 1++ | intelligent; cunning; shrewd |
inteligenta 1 | wit |
inter 1++ | between; among |
inter tem (=inter-tem) 1X | interval |
inter-reti 1++ | internet |
inter-reti eko-lo | website |
inter-tem 1 | interval |
inter-vali 1 | interval; distance |
intera (=in-tera) 1X | bury |
interese 1++ | interest; interesting |
interesti (=interese) X | interest |
internatio 1++ | international |
interpreta | interpret |
interupti 1 | interrupt; interruption |
intestina 1++ | intestine; bowels; gut |
intima | intimate; inmost |
intra 1++ | inside; below; in (indoors); indoor; indoors; inland; interior; internal; intimate; inward; inwards; under; within |
intra metri 1 | as far as |
intra tubi 1 | inner tube |
intra via 1 | corridor |
intra- 1+ | (prefix:) inside; inside (prefix); (prefix:) within; within (prefix) |
intra-duce 1++ | introduce; introduction |
intra-lo | interior |
intra-tegu 1+ | lining |
intra-ve 1++ | shirt; underwear; vest |
intra-via 1 | lobby |
intriga 1+ | intrigue; plot (intrigue); plot (plan); plot together; scheme |
intrika 1+ | entangle; tangle |
intro- | (prefix:) inwards; inwards (prefix) |
introduce (=intra-duce) X | introduce; introduction |
intrude 1+ | intrude; interfere; meddle; trespass |
intuiti 1 | intuit; intuition |
inunda 1 | deluge; flood |
invade | invade; rush into |
inventi 1++ | invent |
investi 1++ | invest |
investiga | investigate |
invidi (=invidio) 1X | envious; envy; jealous jealousy |
invidio 1++ | envious; envy; jealous; jealousy |
invita 1+ | invitation; invite |
involve 1++ | involve; wrap; wrap in; wrap up |
iodeo 1G | purple; violet |
iodina 1 | iodine |
ioni G | ion; charged particle |
iota 1 | jot |
ipse | same; self |
ipsi | same; self |
irene 1G | peace |
iride (=iridi) GX | iris; rainbow |
iridi 1+G | iris; rainbow |
irido (=iridi) GX | iris; rainbow |
iriga (=riga, prefer aqa) X | irrigate |
iris (prefer iridi) G | iris; rainbow |
irita | irritate; vex; make angry |
ironi G | irony |
isa 1 | hiss |
iski 1G | hip; thigh |
iskio (=iski) 1GX | hip; thigh |
isko G | check (prevent); hold back |
ismo | principle |
iso 1++G | identical; exactly like; as (equal); equal |
iso ... de 1++ | as ... as |
iso rubi de 1 | as red as |
iso-tem 1++ | contemporary (event); simultaneous |
iso-tem-pe | identical (person) |
isolato | isolated; separated |
Isoptera 1+ | termite |
isti | specialist |
istmu 1+ | isthmus; neck of land |
istmus (=istmu) XG | isthmus; neck of land |
itera 1++ | again; insist; iterate; new (again); re; repeat; repetition; return |
iti 1++ | go |
iti (prefer long form itinera) 1 | itinerary; journey; travel |
iti per ... 1+ | ride |
iti-pe 1 | pilgrim |
itinera 1+ | itinerary; journey; travel |
ja 1++ | yes; agreed!; yeah |
jace 1+ | lie down; lie (down) |
jaketa 1+ | jacket |
jakula | cast; throw |
jam + | already |
janu 1++ | door; doorway; entrance |
janua (=janu) X | door; doorway; entrance |
Januari (prefer meno mo) 1 | January |
jardina | garden |
jaz 1 | jazz |
jejuno + | fast (v) |
jekti 1 | throw; launch; send |
jenta | breakfast (v) |
jeti 1 | cast (throw); fling; jet; throw; toss |
jiga | jig |
jingla 1 | jingle |
jinz 1 | jeans |
jip 1 | jeep |
joiel | jewel |
joki 1 | jockey |
joko 1++ | jest; joke; play a joke ; play (joke) |
joko-nima 1+ | nickname |
jokula | juggle |
jovia 1 | jolly; jovial |
joviali (=jovia) X | jovial |
ju- (short prefix form of juve) 1++ | young |
ju-an 1++ | boy; lad; youngster (male) |
ju-bovi 1 | calf |
ju-dendro 1G | sapling |
ju-equs 1+ | colt (foal); filly (foal); foal |
ju-fe 1++ | girl; lass; miss (young woman); youngster (female) |
ju-feli 1 | kitten |
ju-kani 1 | puppy |
ju-kapra 1 | kid (goat) |
ju-ovis 1+ | lamb |
ju-pe skola 1 | junior school |
ju-zoa 1 | cub |
juba | mane |
jubila 1+ | jubilation; joy-shout; be merry ; rejoice |
judici 1 | trial (court) |
judika 1++ | judge (v); criticize; decide; umpire; verdict |
judika anti 1 | condemn |
judika-decide 1+ | judgement; judgment |
judika-pe 1++ | judge (person); magistrate; referee |
judika-ra 1++ | justice |
juga 1 | join (connection); junction; weld; yoke |
jugla-pe 1+ | juggler |
Juglans 1 | walnut |
Juli (prefer meno seti) 1 | July |
jumper 1 | jumper |
jungla 1++ | jungle |
Juni (prefer meno sixa) 1 | June |
junkti | joined |
junkus | rush (plant) |
jura 1++ | oath; swear oath; swear (oath); take an oath; curse |
jurga | quarrel |
juri (=jura) 1X | oath; swear (oath); curse |
juri 1+ | jury |
juri-lo 1 | jury box |
jurnali 1++ | journal; magazine; newspaper |
jurnalisti | journalist |
justi 1++ | equitable; fair (equitable); fair (just); impartial; just; just (equitable); just (fair); justice; right (just) |
justifi 1 | justify |
juve 1++ | young; youth; youthful |
juve-fa 1 | brood |
juve-hipo 1 | colt (foal); filly (foal); foal |
juve-tem 1 | youth; childhood |
juveni (=juve) 1X | young; youth |
juxta | next to; close to |
juxta- | (prefix:) close to; close to (prefix) |
ka 1++ | because; as (because); for (because) |
-ka (short affix form of kamera) 1++ | room; -room |
ka-co 1++ | hence (therefore); so (therefore); therefore |
kabina | cabin (small room) |
kabineta 1 | cabinet; adjoining room |
kabla | cable |
kadavero | cadaver; dead body |
kade 1++ | fall; cascade; drop (fall); lie down; topple; trip (fall); tumble |
kade-gresi 1 | totter |
kaduko | falling |
kaeno G | gape; gaping |
kaeta 1G | bristle; bristly |
kaeto (=kaeta) GX | bristle |
kafa 1++ | coffee |
kafe 1++ | café |
kafe (=kafa) 1X | coffee |
kaino G | new; recent |
kakafoni (=kako-fono) 1XG | cacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult |
kakao 1+ | cocoa |
kakexi G | bad health |
kakina 1G | loud laugh ; laugh; laughter |
kakisto G | worst |
kako 1++G | bad; evil; nasty; undesirable; very bad ; vicious; vile; wicked |
kako foni (=kako-fono) 1G | cacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult |
kako sonia 1+ | nightmare |
kako zelo (kako-zelo) 1X | envy |
kako- 1+G | (prefix:) bad; bad (prefix); (prefix:) very bad; very bad (prefix) |
kako-akti 1 | vice (evil conduct) |
kako-eto G | bad habit |
kako-fono 1++G | cacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult |
kako-grafo G | bad writing |
kako-munda 1 | underworld |
kako-pe 1+G | devil; villain |
kako-zelo 1++ | jealous; jealousy; envy; zeal |
kakofoni (=kako-fono) 1G | cacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult |
kakofono (=kako-fono) 1G | cacophony; clatter; din; noise; tumult |
kaktus | cactus |
kakumini | extreme end |
kalamita | calamity |
kalamus | reed (plant) |
kalaza G | sleet |
kalca 1 | shoe |
kalca-pe 1 | shoemaker |
kalci 1 | kick |
kalci (take glu) 1X | lime |
kalcina | calcine |
kaldiera | boiler |
kaleidoskope G | kaleidoscope; lovely visions ; look at lovely visions |
kalendari | calendar |
kali 1++G | beautiful; decorate; handsome; pretty |
kalia 1G | nest; bird's nest |
kaliba G | hut; steel; iron |
kalibra | calibrate |
kalici 1+G | calyx; cup |
kalido | hot; warm (temperature) |
kalima G | hood |
kalipti 1G | cover; hide |
kalipto (=kalipti) GX | cover; hide |
kalisto (prefer maxi kali) G | most beautiful |
kalka (=kalko, prefer kupra) 1GX | copper |
kalki 1++ | heel |
kalkis G | parasitic wasp |
kalko 1G | copper |
kalku (=kalki) 1X | heel |
kalkula 1+ | calculate; pebble |
kalma 1++G | calm; soothe |
kalo-tipa G | woodpecker |
kalori 1+ | heat; hot |
kalta | marsh marigold |
kalu 1+ | corn (hard skin); hard skin; callus |
kalumni | calumniate |
kaluna | heather |
kalus (=kalu) X | corn (hard skin); hard skin; callus |
kalva | bald |
kalvari | skull |
kamae (=kame) GX | on ground; ground (earth) |
kambio 1++ | exchange |
kame G | on ground; ground (earth) |
Kamelus 1++ | camel |
kamera 1++ | room; accomodate; apartment; camera (apparatus); camera (room); chamber; hall |
kamera-fa 1++ | apartment; flat (apartment) |
kamerada 1+ | comrade; companion; fellow; mate (fellow) |
kameradi (=kamerada) X | comrade; fellow; mate (fellow) |
kamina + | fireplace; chimney |
kamiona 1 | van |
kamisa + | chemise; shirt |
kampa G | caterpillar |
kampa (=kampu) 1X | camp |
kampani 1+ | bell |
kampania 1+ | campaign |
kampestri | about fields ; of fields |
kampilo (prefer kurva) 1G | bend (n); bend (v); curve (n) |
kampo (=kampu) 1X | camp; field |
kampto (prefer kurva) G | bend (n); curve (n) |
kampu 1++ | camp; field |
kamuflage | camouflage |
kana 1+ | cane (stick); reed; stick (cane) |
kanabino G | lean (thin); slender |
kanabis | hemp |
kanako G | clang; ring (sound) |
kanali 1++ | canal; channel; ditch; drain; groove; gutter; furrow |
Kanari 1 | canary |
kanava 1++ | canvas (cloth) |
kancela 1++ | cancel; grating (n); gril; grille; lattice |
kanceli (=kancela) X | cancel; lattice |
kancera 1++ | cancer; crab; lattice |
kanceri (=kancera) X | cancer; crab; lattice |
kancero (=kancera) X | cancer; crab; lattice |
kande | shine white |
kandela 1++ | candle; candle (sparking plug); sparking plug (candle) |
kandi 1++ | glow |
kandi-cinera 1+* | embers |
kandida + | candid; shining; frank (adj) |
kandidato + | candidate |
kanesce | gray; grey; hoary; becoming gray |
Kangaru 1 | kangaroo |
kani 1++ | canine; dog |
kani grega 1 | pack of hounds |
kani-do 1 | kennel |
kanis (=kani) 1X | canine; dog |
kanoe 1+ | canoe |
kanona 1++ | cannon |
kanoni | rule (standard); standard |
kanoro | singing |
kanta 1++ | cantata; sing; song |
kanta a Teo 1G | psalm |
plu kanta-pe 1 | choir |
kantina | canteen |
kanto | eye-corner |
kanuto | ashy; hoary; gray; grey |
kaos G | chaos |
kapacio | capacious |
kapacita 1 | capacity; capability |
kapela 1 | chapel |
kapila 1++ | hair |
kapila-pe 1 | hairdresser; barber |
kapiro G | dry |
kapita | cape (garment) |
kapita (take kefa) 1X | head |
kapitala 1++ | capital (city) |
kapitali 1++ | capital (money) |
kapitalismo | capitalism |
kapitana 1++ | captain; skipper |
kapitano (=kapitana) 1X | captain; skipper |
kapitula 1++ | chapter; capitulate |
kapno 1G | smoke |
kapo 1++ | cape (land) |
kapota 1+ | bonnet; hood |
kapra (=kapri) 1X | goat |
kapri 1++ | goat |
kaprimulgus | goat milker; goatherd; goat sucker |
kapsa (=kapsu) X | box; capsule; parcel |
kapsu 1++ | capsule; parcel; box |
kapsula | box (small) |
kapti 1++ | catch; capture; grasp; seize; seizure; snare |
kapti piski 1++ | angle (v) |
kapti sito 1 | bait |
kapti-me 1 | trap |
kaptiva | captivate |
kara (=karo) X | dear |
karakteri 1++G | character; temperament; trait |
karamela 1+ | caramel; toffee |
karavana 1 | caravan |
karbo 1++ | coal |
karbo ligni 1 | charcoal |
karboni 1+ | carbon (C) |
karce (=karcera) 1X | cage; imprison; incarcerate; jail; prison |
karcera 1++ | prison; cage; imprison; incarcerate; jail |
karcera-pe 1+ | prisoner |
karcino G | crab; cancer |
karcinoma | carcinoma; cancerous ulcer |
karda (=karta) X | card |
kardia 1++G | heart; core; hearty; warm (emotional) |
kardina 1++ | hinge |
Kardueli 1+ | linnet |
kardus | thistle |
Karduus (=kardus) X | thistle |
karesa 1++ | caress; massage; stroke (caress); rub (caress); pet (caress) |
kareta 1++ | cart |
karex | sedge |
kargo 1++ | load; burden; cargo; charge; charge (load); duty; job; load (charge); pack (charge); task |
kargo vagona (=kargo-vagona) 1X | lorry; truck |
kargo-lo 1 | wharf |
kargo-va (=kargo-vagona) 1X | lorry; truck |
kargo-vagona 1++ | lorry; truck |
kari 1 | curry |
karie | rot |
kariera + | career |
karikatura | caricature |
karilona | carillon |
karina 1+ | boat keel; keel |
kario 1G | kernel; nut |
karis G | loveliness |
Karis 1 | shrimp |
karisimo 1 | darling |
karisma G | charisma |
karita 1+G | charity |
karito | high price |
karkaro G | jagged |
karni 1++ | flesh; meat |
karni-lipo 1+ | fat (suet); suet |
karni-liqi 1 | gravy |
karni-pe 1 | butcher |
karo 1++ | dear |
karops G | glad-eyed |
karota | carrot |
karpe 1++ | harvest; crop; pluck (harvest); reap |
u karpe 1++ | crop |
karpento | carriage; coach (car) |
karpo G | fruit |
karpu 1++ | wrist; carpus |
karpu-horo-me 1+ | wrist watch |
karpu-zo 1+ | bracelet |
karpus (=karpu) X | wrist |
karta 1++ | card |
kartilago 1 | cartilage; gristle |
kartilagino (=kartilago) X | gristle |
kartona 1++ | cardboard; carton |
kasa 1 | cash-box; cash-register; till (cash) |
kasa | cottage; house |
kasea 1++ | cheese |
kaserna | barracks |
kaserola 1+ | saucepan |
kasida | helmet |
kasikuli | net (small); web |
kaskada | cascade |
kasko | old |
kasma (=kasmo) GX | chasm |
kasmo 1+G | chasm; yawn |
kaso 1++ | case (example, at court, condition, event); in the case of |
kastanea 1+ | chestnut |
kastela 1++ | castle; fort |
kastelum (=kastela) X | castle; fort |
kastiga | punish |
kasto | pure |
kastor (=kastora) X | beaver |
kastora 1+ | beaver |
kastra | castrate |
kasuali | casual |
kata 1++G | down (adverb); downwards; sink; swoop |
kata- 1+G | (prefix:) downwards; downwards (prefix) |
katagma | flock of wool |
kataklismo G | flood |
katalepsi G | fit (seizure); seizure; seizure (medical) |
katalisi 1+G | catalysis; advantage; aid; help |
katalizi (=katalisi) 1X | advantage |
kataloga 1+G | catalogue; list |
katalogo (=kataloga) GX | catalogue |
kataplasma G | poultice |
katapulta 1G | catapult |
katar G | catarrh |
katarakta G | cataract |
katari 1G | clean (adj); clean (v); pure |
katastrofi G | catastrophe |
katedra (=katedrali) GX | cathedral |
katedrali 1+G | cathedral |
kategori G | category |
katekiza G | catechize |
katena 1++ | chain |
katilo G | glutton |
katodo G | cathode |
katolika 1G | catholic |
katoptro G | mirror |
katus | cat |
kaucu 1 | rubber |
kauda 1++ | queue; tail (n) |
kauli 1++ | stalk; stem |
kauli-flora 1 | cauliflower |
kauma (better: piro-termo) G | burning heat |
kaupo | inn-keeper |
kausa 1++ | because; because of; as (because); cause; owing (v); since (because) |
a kausa de 1 | owing to; due to |
kausti (=busti, prefer piro) GX | burn (v) |
kautio | caution |
kavaleri 1+ | cavalry |
kavalero 1 | knight; cavalier (n) |
kavalo (=kavaleri) X | cavalry |
kavalo (prefer Equs) | horse |
kave | beware |
kaverna (=kaverno) 1X | cave; cavern |
kaverno 1++ | cave; cavern |
kavila | jeer; scoff |
kavita 1++ | cavity; abyss; empty; hollow; hollowness; pit; vacant |
kavito (=kavita) 1X | cavity; hollow; pit |
kavo (take kaverno or kavita) X | cave; hollow |
ke (original Glosa uses only semicolon) +* | that (conjunction) |
kefa 1++G | head |
kefa kosina 1 | bolster; pillow |
kefa-kosina 1 | bolster; pillow |
kefa-sema 1 | nod |
kefa-ve 1++ | cap (hat); hat; hat (cap); hood |
keilo (prefer labia) 1G | lip |
keiro 1 | hand |
kela G | claw |
kelido G | swallow (bird) |
kelo G | tortoise |
kemi +G | chemistry; chemical |
kemiko (take kemi) X | chemical |
keno (take Anseri) GX | goose |
keno (take vaku) GX | empty |
kenta 1 | spur |
kepo 1G | garden |
kera G | widow |
kerado G | detritus; silt |
kerami 1++G | ceramic; clay; earthenware; pottery |
kerati 1++G | horn |
kerko 1G | tail |
kero (=kerati) 1GX | horn |
kerosena 1G | kerosene; paraffin |
kerosina (=kerosena) 1GX | kerosene; paraffin |
kerso G | dry land |
kersonesi G | peninsula |
kespa | sod; turf |
kesura | break; pause |
ki 1++G | go; move; goes (form of to go); going (participle of to go) |
ki ab 1++ | leave; abandon (go away); depart; desert (v); go away; quit; retire; retreat |
ki ana 1 | ascend |
ki ante 1 | precede; proceed |
ki ex 1++ | emerge; go out; issue; leave |
ki in 1++ | enter; get in; invade; penetrate |
ki kata 1++G | descend; sink |
ki ko 1+ | accompany |
ki lento 1 | lag |
ki poste 1 | follow |
ki trans 1 | cross (v) |
ki ultra 1+ | exceed |
ki versi 1 | retreat; return (go back) |
ki-ex (=ex-ki) 1X | leave |
kiano (=ciano) GX | blue |
kiasto G | crossed |
kiato G | cup; ladle |
kiberneta G | pilot |
kifo G | humped |
kigno (prefer cigni) G | swan; cygnet |
kik 1 | kick |
kiklo G | circle |
kili 1G | roll |
kilindra 1+G | cylinder |
kilindra skana-me | drum scanner |
kilo 1++G | kilo; thousand |
kilo (=keilo, prefer labia for lip or margina for rim) GX | lip; rim |
kilogram + | kilogram |
kilograma (=kilogram) X | kilogram |
kilometra | kilometer; kilometre |
kilometri (=kilometra) X | kilometer; kilometre |
kilta 1 | kilt |
kima 1G | wave |
kimato G | winter cold |
kimba (take kavita) G | hollow |
kimera G | chimera |
kimo | juice |
kimo G | wave |
kine 1++G | move; motion; move oneself; movement; whisk |
kine no-tekno 1+ | stagger |
kinema 1++G | cinema; motion picture theater; movie theater |
kinesi G | motion; moving |
kinesi-pe 1 | traffic warden |
kineti G | motion; moving |
kini G | dog |
kinika G | cynic; dog-like |
Kinosterno 1 | turtle |
kio (=kiono, take nivi) GX | snow; snowy |
kio 1+G | pregnant; bulge; swell (v) |
kiono 1G | snow; snowy |
kiosk 1 | kiosk |
kipseli G | ear wax |
kipselo G | beehive; box |
kipto G | stoop |
kiriako G | church |
kirio G | Lord; Master |
kiro (=keiro, prefer manu) GX | hand |
kironomi G | pantomime |
kirso G | varicose vein |
kirurgi +G | surgery; surgical |
kisti 1+G | bladder; blister; bubble; cyst |
kito 1+G | cell (living); cyte; living cell |
kiton G | tunic |
kitoplasma G | cytoplasm |
kla 1++ | call (telephone) |
klado G | cutting (plant); sprout |
klage | scream |
klalidi | lame; limp |
klam | secretly |
klama | shout |
klambo | mutilate |
klamido G | cloak |
klamoro | noise |
klamoroso | loud; noisy |
klandestina | secretly |
klang | ringing (loud) |
klar-obskuro | clar-oskuro |
klari 1++ | clear (distinct); clear (easy to see through); clear (evident); clear (bright); clear up; distinct; evident; explain; light (pale); obvious; pale |
klari rubi 1 | light red |
klasc 1++ | clash |
klasi 1++ | class; classify; arrange; order (arrangement); rank |
klasma G | fragment |
klasteri G | pruning knife |
klasti 1G | smash; crush |
klasto (=klasti) 1GX | smash |
klatra G | lattice |
klaudi 1++ | cripple; lame; limp |
klausto | mournful |
klaustro (prefer ge-klude) 1 | closed; shut (closed) |
klaustro (take klude) 1X | close (v) |
klausuro (prefer inklude) | enclose |
klavi 1++ | key (lock); lock (v); close (with key); key (keyboard); plug (electric) |
klavi in | key in |
klavi-me 1++ | lock (n) |
klavi-taba 1+ | keyboard |
klavi-verba 1 | verb |
klavikula | collar; collar bone |
kleda G | enclosure (fences) |
kledo +G | dirt; muck; mud |
klei (prefer klu) 1G | inclusive |
kleido (prefer klavi) G | key |
kleisto (prefer inklude) G | enclose |
klema G | shoot (plant); twig |
klementi | clement; mild |
klepsidra G | water-clock |
klepto 1++G | steal; plunder; rob; thieve |
klepto-pe 1++ | bandit; burglar; thief |
klerika G | priest |
klerika-pe 1 | clergyman |
klero G | chance |
kleto G | called; invited |
kletro G | alder tree |
kli 1++G | bed; lie down; pass the night ; sleep |
kli tegu 1 | quilt |
kli-te 1++ | blanket |
klidona G | bracelet |
klidono G | wave |
klienti + | client |
klik | click; click (press key) |
klima 1+G | climate; weather |
klimax G | ladder; stairs |
klina 1++ | incline; bend over; bow (bend over); inclined; lean (rest against); list (of ship); pending; slant; slope; tilt |
klina se 1+ | stoop |
klinika 1+G | clinic |
klipeo G | shield (n) |
klise (=klisi) GX | wash |
klisi 1G | take a bath ; wash |
kloaka G | sewer |
kloe 1+G | lawn |
klogma G | cluck (hen) |
klomako G | heap; heap (of stones); pile |
kloniko | convulsive |
klono G | clone; twig |
klopa G | thief |
kloro 1++G | green; chloro-; verdant; verdure |
kloro-li 1 | jade |
kloro-lo 1 | oasis |
kloro-zo 1 | green belt |
kloseta 1+ | water-closet; WC; toilet |
kloto G | spin; twist |
klu 1++ | even; even (including); even (still); including; inclusive; still (even) |
klu-co 1+ | even so |
kluba 1++ | club (society) |
klude 1++ | close (v); fasten (v); shut (v) |
klude (take ge-klude) 1X | closed |
klude u fenestra | closa a window (also computer) |
klude-ra 1+ | latch |
knema G | shin |
knida G | nettle |
knipo G | stinging; stingy |
ko (before consonants without h, else prefer kon) 1++ | with; together with; with (=together with); meet (by appointment) |
ko- 1+ | (prefix:) with; with (prefix) |
ko-co 1+ | also |
ko-existe | co-exist |
ko-flu (or "flu ko(n)") 1+ | confluence; conflux; flow together |
ko-habita | live together |
ko-hesio | cohesion; stick together |
ko-incide 1 | coincide |
ko-labora 1+ | collaborate; cooperate |
ko-lekti (=kolekti) 1X | collect; gather; pick (collect) |
ko-opera 1+ | co-operate; work together |
ko-ordina 1+ | co-ordinate |
ko-proletari | co-worker; colleague |
koagula | coagulate |
koalesce | coalesce; coalescence; grow together |
koaxa 1+G | croak |
koci 1 | coach (car) |
kodi 1+ | code |
kodoni (=kodono) 1GX | bell |
kodono 1G | bell |
koelo (take kavita) 1GX | hollow; empty; hollowness; vacant |
koeno 1G | common; in common |
koerce | coerce |
kogita 1+ | think hard |
kogni 1 | know |
kognati (=kognato) 1X | related |
kognato 1++ | cognate; related |
kognoske + | know by sight; become acquainted with ; get to know ; realize (understand); detect; perceive |
koincide | coincide |
koito (=koitus) 1X | connect; join; mate (v, animals) |
koitu (=koitus) 1X | connect; join |
koitus 1+ | coition; coitus; connect; copulation; join; mate (v, animals) |
koketa | coquette |
kokix G | coccyx; cuckoo |
koklea 1+ | snail |
koklear | spoon |
koko 1 | coconut |
koku 1++G | berry |
kokus (=koku) X | berry |
kol | dwell; inhabit |
kola 1++G | neck; gorge; gullet; isthmus; throat |
kola-te 1 | scarf |
kola-ve 1++ | collar |
kola-zo 1+ | necklace |
kolapse | collapse |
kolapsi (=kolapse) X | collapse |
kolapto G | chisel; strike |
kole 1+ | bile |
kolea 1G | sheath |
kolegi 1+ | college; institute (n); school |
kolegia (=kolegi) 1X | college; institute; school |
kolekti 1++ | collect; gather; pick (collect) |
koleo (=kolea) GX | sheath |
Koleoptera 1+G | beetle; bug (beetle) |
koleri 1++G | anger; angry; annoyance; choleric; furious; indignant; irritable; rage; temper |
koleri anti 1G | resent |
koleri soni 1 | snarl |
kolide 1 | bump; collide |
kolimbo G | dive |
kolina | hill |
kolisio + | collision |
kolo 1 | adhere; adhesive; stick (glue); glue |
kolobo G | clip; shorten |
kolofono G | summit; top (highest point) |
kolonelo 1 | colonel |
koloni 1+ | colony |
koloniza | colonize |
koloqi | converse |
kolora 1+ | color; colour; tinge |
kolori (=kolora) X | color; colour; tinge |
koloro (=kolora) X | color; colour; tinge |
kolosa G | colossal |
kolpa 1+ | blow (hit); hit; impact; strike (hit) |
Kolumba | dove; pigeon |
kolumbi (=Kolumba) X | dove; pigeon |
kolumna (=kolumni) X | column |
kolumni 1++ | column; pole; post (pole) |
koma 1++G | clause; comma; piece (literary) |
komanda 1++ | command; order (command) |
komando 1 | commando |
komatu G | shaggy |
kombate | fight |
kombina 1++ | combination; combine |
kombusti (=busti, prefer piro) X | burn (v) |
kome (=kapila) GX | hair |
kome (take viki) 1GX | village |
komedi 1+G | comedy |
komence 1+ | commence; begin; beginning; start |
komenta + | comment |
komerci 1++ | commercial; commerce; trade |
komercia (=komerci) X | commerce; trade |
kometa G | long hair |
kometa 1G | comet |
komforta 1+ | comfort (convenience); comfortable; comfort (console) |
komika 1++G | comic; comical; funny; humorous; humourous |
komiko | humor; humour |
komisa | clerk |
komisio + | commission |
komiti 1++ | committee; council |
komito G | bundle; sheath |
komo (take orna) GX | decoration |
komo tu? 1+ | how are you? |
komo 1+ | how ...?; ..., how |
komodi | comfortable |
kompakti | dense |
kompakti disko | compact disc |
kompani 1++ | company |
kompanio 1 | companion |
kompara 1++ | compare; comparison |
kompari (=kompara) 1X | compare |
kompasa | do carefully |
kompasio 1+ | compassion; feel compassion ; mercy; pity |
kompele (also kompulsi, prefer dina) | compel |
kompensa 1+ | compensate |
kompeti 1++ | compete; competition; contest; race (competition) |
komplanu | flush with |
komplementa | complement |
kompleti + | complete; thorough |
komplexi 1++ | complex; complicated; elaborate |
kompli 1+ | comply; accomplish; achieve; carry out; reach |
komplika 1+ | complicate; complicated |
komplimenta | compliment (admiration); compliment (greetings) |
kompo G | boasting |
komposi 1++ | compose; arrange |
komposi-pe 1 | composer |
kompositi 1++ | composite; composition; compound |
kompositio (=kompositi) X | composition |
komposito (=kompositi) X | composite; compound |
komprende 1 | understand |
kompresi | compress |
kompromisi (=kompromise) 1X | compromise |
kompromise 1++ | compromise |
kompso G | elegant; pretty |
kompulsi (also kompele, prefer dina) | compel |
kompunge | compunction; feel (v) remorse ; move to remorse |
komputa | compute |
komuni 1++ | common; in common ; together; sharing |
komuni akorda | solidarity; solidary |
komuni akti | solidarity; solidary |
komuni dice 1+ | slang |
komuni fide | solidarity; solidary |
komunika 1++ | communicate; communication |
komunismo | communism |
komunita 1 | community |
komuta | commute |
kon (before vowels and h, else prefer ko) 1++ | with; together with; with (=together with); meet (by appointment) |
kon alelo 1 | together; with each other |
kon ergo | solidarity; solidary |
kon- (if following letter consonant, else take ko-) 1 | (prefix:) with; with (prefix) |
kon-akti 1 | participate |
koncede + | concede |
koncentra + | concentrate |
koncerne + | concern |
koncerto 1++ | concert |
koncesi 1 | lease; rent (v) |
koncesio (=koncesi) 1X | lease; rent (n); rent (v) |
koncili 1+ | council; assembly |
koncilia 1+ | conciliate; recommend; advise |
koncino | put together beautifully |
kondemna + | condemn |
kondensa | condense |
kondeskende | condescend |
kondi | hide |
kondilo G | knob; knuckle |
kondimenta | spice |
konditio 1+ | condition; on condition that ; situation |
kondole | condole |
kondro 1 | cartilage |
konduce | conduct |
konekti (prefer nexu) 1 | connect |
konfedera 1+ | commonwealth; confederate |
konfekti | put together |
konfektura | jam (preserves); preserve (fruit, etc.) |
konfere | confer |
konfesi 1++ | confess; admit; profess (declare belief) |
konfide | confide |
konfina | adjoin |
konfirma | confirm; confirmation |
konfiska | confiscate |
konflagra | set afire |
konflu (prefer ko-flu) 1 | confluence; flow together |
konformi 1+ | comform; adjust; comply |
konfronta | confront |
konfusi 1++ | confuse; mix; muddle |
kongela | harden |
kongesti 1+ | congest; jammed; traffic jam |
konglomera | conglomerate |
konglutina | conglutinate |
kongratula (prefer gratula) | congratulate |
kongrega | congregate |
kongresi | congress; assemble |
kongru (prefer gru) 1 | fit; adapt; agree; suitable |
koni 1+ | cone; funnel |
koni-stego 1G | spire; steeple |
konidio G | dust |
konifero 1+ | conifer |
konio 1G | dust; dusty; powder |
konive | connive |
konjektura | guess |
konjuga + | join together; join (connection); put together |
konjugali | marriage |
konjunkti (=konjuga) X | join (connection) |
konjura | plot together |
konka 1G | shell (animal); snail |
konkatena | concatenate |
konkavi (=konkavo) 1X | concave; dent |
konkavo 1+ | concave; dent |
konko (=konka) 1X | shell |
konsensus | consensus; general opinion |
konsenti | agree; consent |
konserva 1+ | conservation; conserve; jam; pickle |
konsidera 1+ | consider |
konsili 1++ | advice; advise; counsel; recommend |
konsilia (=konsili) X | counsel |
konsiste 1+ | consist; stand firm |
konski 1++ | conscious |
konsola 1++ | console (comfort); comfort (console) |
konsona (take harmoni) X | harmonize |
konsoni +* | consonant |
konsono (=konsoni) X | consonant |
konsortio | consortium |
konspikuo + | conspicuous; seen easily |
konspira | conspire |
konstanta 1 | constant |
konstanto (=konstanta) X | constant |
konstata + | confirm; confirmation; establish as fact |
konsterna | dismay |
konstipa | constipate; press together |
konstitu 1+ | constitute |
konstrikti | draw together |
konstru (take stru) X | construct |
konstrukti 1 | construction |
konsueto | usual |
konsula | consul |
konsulta | consult |
konsume 1+ | consume |
konta | recount; tell |
kontakt | contact |
kontamina | contaminate |
kontempla | contemplate |
kontende | struggle |
kontenta (=kontento) X | content; constituent |
kontento 1++ | content; constituent |
kontesta | contest |
kontextu 1+ | context; interweave |
konti | boat pole |
kontigu | adjoining |
kontinenta 1++ | continent |
kontinge | touch |
kontinu 1+ | continue; continuous |
kontinuo (=kontinu) X | continuous |
konto 1++ | account; bank account |
kontorna | outline |
kontorti | contortion; twist |
kontra 1++ | contrary; opposite; against; backside backwards |
kontra- 1+ | (prefix:) opposite; opposite (prefix) |
kontra-akti | react; reaction |
kontra-co 1 | contrary; conversely; whereas; while (whereas) |
kontra-dice 1+ | contradict |
kontrabanda 1+ | smuggle |
kontradice | contradict |
kontraface | counterfeit |
kontrakti + | contract (v); get smaller |
kontramanda | countermand |
kontrapunkti | counterpoint |
kontrari | oppose; thwart |
kontrari-pe | opponent |
kontrasigna | countersign |
kontrasti + | contrast |
kontraveni | contravene |
kontribu 1+ | contribute |
kontrola 1+ | control; govern; manage |
Kontrola klavi | Control key (computer) |
kontroverte + | controversial; dispute |
kontumacia | defy |
kontusi 1+ | bruise |
konvalesce | get better ; convalesce |
konveni | convenient; suit (v) |
konventi | convent |
konverge | converge |
konversa 1++ | conversation; converse; talk |
konverti | convert |
konvexi 1+ | convex |
konvio | convoy |
konvivia | feast (v) |
konvoka | convocation; call together |
konvoluti 1 | convolution; wind around |
konvolve (=konvoluti) X | wind around |
konvulsi | shake; spasm |
koopera (=ko-opera) X | co-operate; work together |
koordina (=ko-ordina) X | co-ordinate |
kopa (=kope) 1GX | oar; row (a boat) |
kopano G | pestle |
kope 1++G | oar; row (a boat) |
koperi | cover |
koperto | table things |
kopi 1++ | copy; imitate |
face sekuri kopi | make backup (computer) |
sekuri kopi | backup (computer) |
kopi bi | backup (computer) |
face kopi bi | make backup (computer) |
kopido G | knife (kitchen) |
kopio 1G | fatigue |
kopireit | copyright |
kopro 1+G | dung; excrement; shit |
kopto G | cut; kill |
kopula 1++ | couple; connect; join; link (connect(ion)); mate (v, animals) |
koragi 1++ | brave; courage; courageous |
koragio (=koragi) X | brave; courage; courageous |
korako (=Korax, prefer korvo) X | crow; raven |
korali 1+ | coral |
Koran 1 | Koran |
Korax (prefer korvo) 1 | crow; raven |
korba (=korbi) X | basket |
korbe (=korbi) X | basket |
korbi 1++ | basket |
korda 1++ | cord; rope; string; twine |
kordi (prefer kardia) 1 | core; heart |
kordiali (prefer kardia) | hearty; warm (emotional) |
kordila G | swelling; club |
kore 1++G | dance |
korekti 1++ | correct; proper; right (correct) |
korema (prefer (longi) brosa) G | broom |
koretra (=korema, prefer (longi) brosa) GX | broom |
koria | leather |
koribanti G | go crazy |
koridalis G | crested lark |
korido 1 | corridor |
korifa G | head; top (highest point) |
korilus | hazel |
korimbo G | bunch of flowers |
korina 1++G | club (stick); bat (n); cudgel; mace; truncheon |
koris G | bedbug; bed-bug; bug (bedbug) |
koristo G | helmetted |
koriza 1++G | coryza; cold (illness) |
korka 1+ | cork |
kormo | trunk (tree) |
kornea | cornea |
kornix (prefer korvo) | crow |
kornu 1+ | horn (animal) |
koro 1G | space; place |
korobora | corroborate |
korode + | corrode |
korola | corolla; petals |
korona 1++ | crown; corona; garland; wreath; wreathe |
korpu | body |
korpulenti | corpulent |
korpuskula | corpuscle |
korta 1++ | court; courtyard; yard |
korta-decide | verdict |
kortesi | courteous |
kortex | tree bark |
korti G | heap; pile |
kortika 1+ | cortex; bark (tree); rind; tree bark |
koruga 1+ | corrugate; wrinkle |
korupti 1+ | corrupt; spoil |
korus 1G | chorus |
koruska | flash |
korvo 1+ | crow; raven |
korvus (=korvo) X | crow; raven |
kosa 1 | thing; object |
kosimba (prefer margina) G | border; edge |
kosina 1+ | cushion; pillow |
kosina (=kusina) 1X | cousin |
koskino | sieve |
kosmeti 1G | cosmetic; beautifying |
kosmetika (=kosmeti) GX | cosmetic; beautifying |
kosmetiko (=kosmeti) GX | cosmetic; beautifying |
kosmo 1+G | cosmos; ordered universe; universe; world |
kosmo-nauti 1 | space man |
kosta 1++ | coast (shore); rib; shore; side (shore) |
kotali G | pestle |
kotilo G | babble; twitter |
kotinus | olive (wild) |
koto G | hate |
kotona 1++ | cotton |
kova | brood on eggs; hatching |
koveri 1 | cover |
koxa 1+ | hip; thigh |
Krabro 1+G | hornet |
krada G | branch; twig |
kradalo G | quivering |
krageta G | scream |
krak 1++ | crack; crack (noise) |
kraktiko G | noisy |
krambe G | cabbage |
krampa 1+ | clamp; clip; paper-clip; staple (join) |
kranao G | rocky; rugged |
krania 1+ | cranium; skull |
kraniu (=krania) X | cranium; skull |
krapulo | drunk |
krasc 1++ | crash |
krase | tomorrow |
krasi | fat (thick); thick (stout) |
kraspedo (prefer margina) G | border; hem |
krategus G | hawthorn |
kratera 1++G | basin; bowl; wash bowl ; vessel |
krati 1++G | be in force ; govern; government; manage; regime; rule (authority); steer |
krati in-valuta 1 | revenue |
krati-fi 1++ | rein |
krati-grega 1++ | government |
krati-pe 1++G | minister |
plu krati-pe 1++ | cabinet (ministers) |
kratii 1 | wield |
krauga G | woodpecker |
kravata | cravat; neckwear; neck-tie; tie (neck-tie) |
krazo G | scream |
krea 1++ | create; make; produce (make) |
krebro G | pressed together |
kredi 1++ | belief; believe; confide; creed; entrust; rely; suspect; trust |
kredita (=kredito) X | credit |
kredito 1++ | credit; lend |
kredito bileta 1 | voucher |
krema 1++ | cream |
kremasto 1G | hang |
kremata | cremate |
kremno 1++G | cliff |
krena 1+ | notch; groove |
kreno G | spring (source) |
kreolo | creole |
krepi | sandal |
krepita 1 | crackle; snap (crackle) |
krepno G | swift (quick) |
krepuskula 1 | crepuscular; twilight |
kresce 1++ | crescent; grow; growth; increase; rise (grow) |
krescenta (=kresce) X | crescent |
kresta 1+ | crest; comb (of cock); ridge; summit; top (highest point) |
kreta 1+ | chalk; creataceous; gypsum; plaster (gypsum) |
krevice | crevice |
kri (=krita) 1X | cry (scream) |
kri (prefer separa) | separate (v) |
kribri 1+ | sieve; sift |
kribro (=kribri) X | sieve; sift |
kriket 1++ | cricket (sport) |
kriko G | circle; ring (circular band) |
krimi 1++ | crime |
krimi-pe 1+ | criminal (n) |
krini | horsehair |
krinito | long-haired |
krinum G | lily |
krio 1+G | very cold ; freeze; ice (v) |
kripti 1++G | hide; conceal; cryptic; hidden; mask (v); mystery; secret; stealthy |
kripti-ra 1+ | mask (n) |
kripto (=kripti) 1GX | hide; conceal; cryptic; hidden; mask (v); mystery; stealthy |
kripto-nima | password |
kripto-ra (=kripti-ra) 1X | mask (n) |
krisantemum | chrysanthemum |
krisi 1++G | crisis; critical (crisis) |
krisis (=krisi) 1GX | crisis; critical (crisis) |
kriso 1++G | gold; golden |
krispa | contract |
krispi | curling |
krista 1+G | frost; frosty |
kristali 1G | ice; glacial; icy |
Kristi Bibli (=Kristo-Bibli) 1X | the Bible |
Kristo-Bibli 1* | the Bible |
Kristo-nati 1 | Christmas |
kristo-pe 1 | Christian |
Kristo nati (=Kristo-nati) 1 | Christmas |
krita 1+ | cry out; cry (scream); scream; shriek |
kriterio | criterion |
kriti-pe (=kritici-pe) 1X | critic |
kritici 1++G | criticize; critical (criticizing); rebuke; review; scold |
kritici tristo 1 | reproach |
kritici-pe 1+* | critic |
kritici-ra 1+ | criticism |
kritika (=kritici) X | criticize |
kritiki (=kritici) X | criticize |
kritiki-ra (=kritici-ra) X | criticism |
krito 1 | squeal |
krokala G | sea-shore; shore (sea) |
krokida G | wool fibres |
kroko 1+G | shingle |
kroko G | saffron yellow |
krokodilo (=krokodilus) GX | crocodile |
krokodilus 1+G | crocodile |
kroma 1++G | color; colour; dye; hue (colour); paint; tinge |
kromako G | heap of stones |
kron 1++G | time (instant); chron-; instant; moment; occasion; when |
kropi G | scythe |
kroso G | fringe; tassel |
krotafo G | side of head |
krotalo 1+G | rattle |
krote G | beat |
kruci 1++ | cross (n); cross (v); breed; crossing; crossroads; interbreed; intersect; traverse |
kruci verba 1 | crossword |
kruci-lo 1+ | ford |
krucibula | crucible |
krude (=krudi) 1X | tasteless; uncultured; uncouth; vulgar |
krudi 1++ | raw; blunt (rude); rough; rude; tasteless; uncouth; uncultured; vulgar |
krueli 1+ | cruel; grim; sadistic |
kruri | lower leg ; leg; shank; thigh |
krusi G | strike |
krusta 1+ | crust; scab |
ktena (prefer pektina) 1G | comb |
ktesi G | property |
kton G | murder |
kuba | lie down |
kubi 1++G | cube; cubic |
kubikula | bedroom |
kubila | bed; couch |
kubita 1++ | elbow; nudge |
kubito (=kubita) X | elbow |
kufo G | easy; light (not heavy) |
kuko 1++ | cook; bake; stew |
kuko-ka 1++ | kitchen |
kuko-me 1++ | stove |
kuko-va 1 | pan |
kuku (=kukulus) X | cuckoo |
kukulo | cap; hood |
kukulus | cuckoo |
kukurbi (=kukurbita) 1X | gourd; cucumber |
kukurbita | gourd |
kulex | mosquito |
kulina | kitchen |
kulina (=kuko) 1X | cook |
kulmi | stalk; stem |
kulpa 1 | guilt; accuse; blame |
kultela 1+ | knife; dagger |
kulti 1++ | cultivate; care for; raise (agriculture); tend (care for); till (cultivate) |
kultiva (prefer kulti) | cultivate; till (cultivate) |
kultura 1+ | culture; cultural; education (culture); taste (culture) |
kumbe 1++ | lie down; lie (down) |
kumu 1++ | heap; accumulate; amass; crowd (n); hoard; lump; mass; pile |
kuna | cradle |
kune 1++ | wedge |
kunea (=kune) X | wedge |
kuni 1++ | cuniculus; rabbit |
kupa 1++ | barrel; tub |
kupidi | desire |
kupla 1 | clutch (car) |
kupona 1 | coupon |
kupra 1+ | copper |
kupra-fi 1 | copper wire |
kupra-stana 1 | bronze |
kupra-zink | brass |
kupra-zinka 1++ | brass |
kupresus | cypress |
kupu | cup (small) |
kura 1++ | care; concern; accurate; administer; attend; attendance; attention; care for; careful; caution; mind (take care); regard (care); take care; tend (care for); tender; therapy; thorough; treat (therapy); ward (care); wary |
kura de 1+ | beware |
kura kumu 1 | stack |
kura pro 1 | care for; bring up (care for); guard |
kura puta de 1++ | consider |
kura-an 1 | male nurse |
kura-fe 1 | nurse |
kura-gina 1 | matron |
kura-ka 1 | hospital ward; nursery |
kura-pe 1++ | nurse (male or female); warden; warder; watchman |
kura-zoa-pe 1 | gamekeeper |
kuratora | curator |
kurero 1 | mail; post (mail) |
kurikulu + | curriculum |
kurioso | curious; inquisitive |
kurkulio | weevil |
kursi 1 | run |
kurta (=kurte) X | shorten |
kurte 1 | short; shorten; brief |
kurva 1++ | curve (n); curve (v); bend (n); bend (v) |
kusi | shake |
kusina 1+ | cousin |
kuskuta | dodder |
kuspi 1+ | point (sharp) |
kustodi | keeper |
kuti 1 | skin |
kutikula | cuticle |
la 1++ | there; over there |
labe G | handle (n); tool |
labesi | subsidence |
labi | forceps; tongs |
labi ridi 1 | smile |
labi-toka 1 | kiss |
labia 1++ | lip |
labili | slipping |
labirinto G | labyrinth |
labora 1+ | labor; labour; work (n); work (v) |
laboratori 1++ | laboratory |
labori (=labora, prefer ergo) 1X | labor; labour; work (n); work (v) |
laboro (=labora, prefer ergo) 1X | labor; labour; work |
labro | greedy |
lacera 1+ | lacerate; mangle (tear); rip; tear (to pieces) |
lacerta | lizard |
laci | charm; entice |
lacini | fringe |
laevo 1++ | left (hand); left-hand |
laevo mus butona | left mouse button |
lafigmo G | greed; greedy |
lagino | flask |
laguna | lagoon |
lagus | hare |
lakano G | potherb |
lakesi G | destiny; lot (destiny) |
lakna G | woolly hair |
lakri (short form of lakrima) 1 | tear (eye); cry (weep); weep (cry) |
lakrima 1++ | tear (eye); cry (weep); weep (cry) |
lakti 1++ | milk |
lakti-lo 1 | dairy |
Laktuka 1+ | lettuce |
laku 1++ | lake; loch; pool |
lakuna 1++ | lacuna; gap; abyss |
lakustri | growing in lakes |
lala | lullaby |
lali 1G | chatter |
lalia (=lali) GX | chatter |
lama + | bog; fen |
lambe | lick; wash |
lamela | plate (thin) |
lamenta 1 | lament; moan |
lami 1 | slice; plate; film; layer; laminate; pane; sheet |
lami-li (prefer lamina-li) 1 | slate |
lamina 1++ | slice; plate; film; layer; laminate; pane; sheet |
lamina-li 1 | slate |
lamiro G | greedy |
lamium | dead-nettle |
lampa 1++G | lamp; glow; light (n); shine |
lampro G | brilliant (light) |
lana 1++ | wool |
lana-te 1 | woolen cloth ; wool blanket |
lana-ve 1 | cardigan; jersey |
lance 1+ | lance; spear |
lancina | tear (to pieces) |
landa 1++ | land; country (land) |
landa habe-pe 1 | squire |
languidi | weak |
lanterna 1+ | lantern |
lanuga | soft down ; down (feather) |
lapa | burr |
lapara | flank; loin |
lapida 1 | stone (v) |
lapilus | bead |
lapse 1 | slide; slip (slide) |
lapso (=lapse) 1X | slide; slip (slide) |
lapsu | error |
laqe | noose; snare |
lardo | bacon; lard |
lares | household gods |
largi | generous |
laringi G | gullet |
larix | larch |
laro G | pheasant |
larva 1+ | larva; caterpillar |
larva-fi 1++ | silk |
las in 1 | admit |
lascivi | lascivious; lustful; wanton |
lase 1++ | let; allow; permit |
lase ki 1 | let go; release; set free |
lasi | tired; weary |
lasu 1 | lasso |
lat a latu 1 | abreast |
late | lie hidden |
latera | side |
latex (=latici) GX | latex; gum; juice; liquid extract ; rubber |
lati 1++ | wide; ample; breadth; broad; extensive; spacious; width |
latici 1+G | latex; gum; juice; liquid extract ; rubber |
latinizi | latinize |
Latino 1 | Latin |
latitudi + | latitude |
latri 1+G | worship; adore; praise |
latrina | latrine |
latu 1++ | side; lateral; flank; swerve |
lauda 1++ | praise; esteem; applaud; approval; approve; compliment (admiration); pay tribute to |
lauda-grafo 1 | testimonial |
laura G | alley; lane |
Laurus 1+ | bay tree; laurel |
lautu + | neat; tidy; washed |
lava 1++ | wash; bath; take a bath ; bathe |
lava-ka 1 | wash room; toilet |
lava-me 1 | washing-machine |
Lavandula 1 | lavender |
laxa 1++ | lax; loose; release; slack; unfasten |
laxi (=laxa) 1X | lax; loose; slack |
lazaro G | corpse |
lega 1++ | law; legal |
plu lega 1++ | constitution |
lega akorda | solidarity; solidary |
lega cide 1++ | execute |
lega promise 1 | legal contract |
lega-do 1 | court of law |
lega-face 1 | legislation |
lega-face-pe 1 | legislator |
lega-konsili-pe 1 | legal adviser |
lega-korta 1 | tribunal |
lega-pe 1+ | lawyer; advocate (n); solicitor |
legenda | legend |
legi 1 | law; right (n); standard |
legio 1 | legion |
legislati | legislate; make laws |
leguma (=legumi) 1X | greens; pot-herb; vegetable |
legumi 1+ | vegetable; bean; greens; legume; pea; pot-herb |
leio G | smooth |
lekita G | egg yolk; yolk |
leko G | bed; couch |
lekto 1++ | read; reading |
lekto-pe 1 | reader |
plu lekto-pe 1 | readers; readership |
leni | gentle; mild |
lenti 1++ | lens |
plu lenti 1++ | glasses; spectacles |
lenti-pe 1 | optician |
lentikula | freckle |
lentila 1 | lentil |
lento 1++ | slow; delay; slowly; tardy |
Leo 1+ | lion |
leoni (=Leo) 1X | lion |
Leopardo 1 | leopard |
lepas | limpet |
lepi (=lepido) 1GX | scale (body cover) |
lepido 1++G | scale (body cover); scale (lose or remove scales) |
Lepidoptera 1+G | butterfly |
lepro-pe 1 | leper |
lepsi G | seizure (medical) |
lepto 1+G | slender; delicate; fine; slim; thin |
lepu (=Lepus) X | hare |
Lepus 1+ | hare |
lero G | foolish |
lesio 1 | lesion; injury; wound |
lesko G | gossip |
lesmo G | forgetful |
lesta G | robber |
letali G | lethal |
letargi | lethargy |
leuko 1++G | white; bleach; whiten |
leuro G | even; smooth |
leva 1++ | lift; raise; hoist; shrug |
leva-me 1 | jack |
leva-rota 1+ | pulley |
leva-ru 1++ | lever |
levatora | lever |
levia 1++ | light (not heavy); fickle; light weight |
levita | levitate |
levo (=laevo) 1X | left (hand); left-hand |
lexi (prefer verba) 1G | word |
lexiko 1+G | lexicon; dictionary |
lexikon (=lexiko) X | lexicon; dictionary |
-li 1 (short affix form of lito) | stone |
liabili 1++ | responsible |
libe 1++ | free; set free ; freedom; absolve; independent; liberal; liberate; liberty; release; rid |
libe se 1++ | escape |
libe tem (=libe-tem) 1X | vacation |
libe-di 1 | holiday |
libe-tem 1++ | holiday; leisure; spare time; vacation |
libela 1++ | even (level); level |
libera | free (v); set free |
liberali 1++ | liberal; generous; broadminded; kind (friendly); tolerant |
libido 1+ | desire (violent); lust; appetite; wish |
libra 1++ | balance; scales (weighing) |
libra (=libri) 1X | book |
librari | library |
libri 1 | book |
lice 1++ | be allowed ; admissible; lawful; legal; legitimate; licence; license |
lice papira 1 | charter |
lice-cerka 1 | search-warrant |
lice-papira 1 | warrant |
licentia | licence; license |
licio G | web-thread |
liga 1++ | ligature; tie; bind; attach; connect; join; knot together; tether; union; unite |
ligatura | book-binding |
ligna (=ligni) 1X | wood (substance) |
ligni 1++ | wood (substance); timber |
ligni-bloka 1++ | beam (wooden); log |
ligni-pe 1+ | carpenter |
ligro G | baneful |
ligustru | privet |
liken G | lichen |
likiritia 1 | liquorice |
likma G | winnowing fan |
likni G | lamplight |
likno G | greedy |
liko 1G | lick |
liko (=Lupus) X | wolf |
lilak | lilac |
Lilia 1+ | lily |
lima 1 | lime fruit |
limaci (=Limax) X | slug; snail |
Limax 1 | slug (snail); snail |
limbi (prefer margina) | border; hem |
limfa 1 | clear water |
limi (=limo) X | mud; slime |
limina 1+ | threshold |
limita 1++ | limit (n); limit (v); bound; rather (somewhat); boundary; confine; frontier; modify; qualify; restrict |
limno 1G | lake; marsh; pool |
limo 1++ | mud; slime |
limonada | lemonade |
limpidi | transparent |
line 1+ | line; row; order (series); stripe; stroke (pen); streak |
lingua 1++ | language; tongue |
linoleu 1 | linoleum |
linqi 1++ | leave behind; abandon (go away); abjure; forsake |
linqi ergo 1++ | resign |
linteum | canvas |
linu (=Linum) 1X | linen; flax |
Linum 1+ | linen; flax |
lipo 1++G | fat (fatty); fat (substance); fatty; fried; fry; grease; greasy |
lipro G | poor; wretched |
liqi 1++ | liquid; fuse; juice; liquefy; liquify; melt; thaw |
liqi glu 1 | gum |
liqifi | liquify; melt |
liqui (=liqi) 1X | juice |
lira | ridge of earth |
lirio | lily |
lisi 1++G | loosen; separate (v); analysis; isolate |
lisi (=liso, prefer glabro) GX | smooth |
lisi-ru 1 | spanner |
lisimakia G | loosestrife |
liso G | crazy; mad |
liso (prefer glabro) 1G | smooth |
liso-line (prefer glabro-line) | streamline |
liso-ru (=frika-ru) X | file (tool) |
lista 1++G | list; catalogue; register (n); register (v); schedule |
litani G | litany |
litargo (but letargi - lethargy) GX | swift (quick) |
litera 1+ | letter (abc); spell (abc) |
literari + | literary |
literatura 1++ | literature |
litiga | quarrel |
lito 1++G | stone |
lito-lo 1G | quarry |
litora 1++ | littoral; shore; beach; coast |
litra 1++ | liter; litre |
lividi | livid; jealous |
livra 1++ | deliver |
livre (=livra) 1X | deliver |
-lo (short affix form of loka) 1+ | place (extended); area; location (extended); position; region; site; territory |
loba | lobe |
lobula | lobule |
lofi (prefer kresta) 1G | comb (of cock); crest; summit; top (highest point) |
lofo (=lofi, prefer kresta) 1GX | comb (of cock); crest; summit; top (highest point) |
loge | lodge (n); box |
logi 1++G | understand; understanding; grasp (understand); know; see (understand) |
logi ex 1 | conclude from |
logi-pote 1 | intelligence |
logika 1++G | logic; logical; reason (n); reason (v); reasonable |
logos G | logos |
loka 1++ | place (extended); location (extended); area; deposit; local; position; region; site; situation; territory; put; install; lay; place (v) |
loka u papira in | load the paper (computer printer) |
loka versi 1+ | restore |
lokali 1++ | local |
loki (=loka) 1X | put |
lokio G | childbirth |
lokma G | bush; thicket |
loko (=loka) X | place (extended); location (extended); area; position; region; site; situation; territory |
lokotenenta 1 | lieutenant |
Lokusta 1 | locust |
loligo | cuttlefish |
loma (prefer margina) G | fringe (border); hem |
long (=longi) X | length; long (adj) |
long-eva | long-lived |
longi 1++ | long (adj); along; length |
longi gresi 1 | hike |
longi kapila 1+ | mane |
longi kavita 1++ | trench |
longi kumu 1 | bank (long heap); long heap |
longi sito-va 1 | trough |
longi-qadra | rectangle |
longi-tem 1 | (for a) long (time) |
longitudi | longitude |
lonicera | honey-suckle |
lonka (prefer lance) G | lance; spear |
lopa | plate (flat) |
loqi 1++ | speak; speech; talk |
lordo G | bent backward |
loru | strap; thong |
lose 1++ | lose; squander; waste (use without good purpose) |
lose bio 1+ | die |
lose brilia 1+ | tarnish |
lose este 1++G | faint (v) |
lose foto 1+G | fade |
lose hemo 1++ | bleed |
lose kroma 1+G | fade |
lose vista 1 | disappear |
lose-pedi | stumble; trip (stumble) |
lotax | buffoon |
loxo | oblique |
lubri + | slippery |
lubrika 1+ | lubricate; lubricant; lubrication; oil (v) |
luci 1++ | clear (easy to see through); translucent; transparent |
luci-fugi | light-shunning |
lucifera (=lucifero) X | matchstick |
lucifero 1 | matchstick; match (stick) |
ludi 1++ | play (game); gamble; game; fun (play); sport |
ludi-ra 1 | toy |
ludo (=ludi) X | play (game); game; fun (play) |
ludo-ra (=ludi-ra) 1X | toy |
lue 1 | rent (v) |
lue (French, prefer lauda) 1X | praise |
lugubrio | mournful |
lukro | profit |
lukta 1++ | fight; struggle; make an effort ; exert oneself; strive; wrestle |
lukto (=lukta) 1X | fight |
luku | sacred grove |
lukubra | work by lamp light |
luma | thorn |
lumba | loin |
lumbrikus | earthworm |
lumi 1++ | light (n); illuminate; light (v); light up; luminous; shine |
lumi-ra 1+ | torch |
luna 1++ | moon; lunar |
luna lumi 1 | moonlight |
luna-di | Monday |
lunatika | lunatic |
lunca | lunch |
lunula | base of finger-nail |
Lupus 1+ | wolf |
luridi | ghastly |
lurko | glutton |
Luscinia 1 | nightingale |
lustra 1++ | lustre; polish (n); polish (v) |
lutea 1 | yellow; brownish |
luteo (=lutea) X | yellow; brownish |
lutra | otter |
lutu | mire; mud |
luvi 1 | take a bath |
luxa (=disloka) X | dislocate |
luxu 1+ | luxury; luxurious |
luxuria | luxuriate |
M1 (abbreviation for "meno mo") 1 | January |
M10 (abbreviation for "meno deka") 1 | October |
M11 (abbreviation for "meno mo-mo") 1 | November |
M12 (abbreviation for "meno mo-bi") 1 | December; twelfth month |
M2 (abbreviation for "meno bi") 1 | February |
M3 (abbreviation for "meno tri") 1 | March |
M4 (abbreviation for "meno tetra") 1 | April |
M5 (abbreviation for "meno penta") 1 | May |
M6 (abbreviation for "meno sixa") 1 | June |
M7 (abbreviation for "meno seti") 1 | July |
M8 (abbreviation for "meno okto") 1 | August |
M9 (abbreviation for "meno nona") 1 | September |
ma 1++ | more; -er (comparative marker) |
-ma (short affix form of materia) 1++ | material; stuff; matter; substance |
ma boni 1 | better (comparative of "good") |
ma boni (=ma-boni) 1X | adjust |
ma de 1 | more than; over (more than) |
ma de sati 1 | excess |
ma kako 1 | worse |
ma longi 1+ | extend; lengthen |
ma mali 1 | worse |
ma mega 1 | bigger; greater; larger |
ma mega (or ma-mega) 1 | extend |
ma paleo 1 | elder |
ma volu 1+ | rather (more willingly) |
ma-amo 1++ | prefer |
ma-boni 1++ | adjust; better (n, something better); better (v); improve; improvement; revise |
ma-dina u sistema | upgrade the system |
ma-dista 1 | further |
ma-forti 1 | reinforce |
ma-ju 1 | junior |
ma-mali 1++ | aggravate; make worse ; worsen |
ma-mali (=ma mali) 1X | worse |
ma-mega 1++ | enlarge; extend; grow; increase |
ma-tele 1 | further |
ma ... de 1++ | more ... than |
macela | butcher (v) |
macera | soak (soften); soften |
macia | gaunt; lean (thin); skinny; thin |
madido | sodden; moist |
maestro | master (artist) |
magazina 1+ | magazine; shop (large) |
magika 1++G | magic; charm; enchant; magic spell |
magika-pe 1++ | magician; wizard |
magika-verba 1 | magic spell |
magma G | kneaded mass |
magneti 1++G | magnet; magnetic; magnetism |
magnetofono 1 | tape-recorder |
magni 1 | big; great; huge; large; much |
magnifi 1+ | exhalt; extol; magnify |
magnifika 1 | gorgeous |
magnitude | greatness |
magri | meager; meagre; become thin |
Mai (prefer meno penta) 1 | May |
majo | May |
major 1++ | bigger; greater; main; more |
majorita + | majority |
majuskula | capital letter; capital (letter) |
makabre | macabre; gruesome |
makadamiza | macadamize |
makario G | happy |
Makerelo 1 | mackerel |
maki 1G | battle; fight; wrestle |
makina 1++G | machine; engine; machinery; motor |
makro (prefer longi) G | long (adj) |
Makropus | kangaroo |
makula 1++ | mark; spot (mark, stain); stain; blot; blotch; smear |
mal acide (=mal-acide) 1X | accident; disaster |
mal- 1+ | (prefix:) bad; bad (prefix) |
mal-acide 1++ | accident; mishap; disaster; fail |
mal-aero 1 | stuffy |
mal-fusi 1++ | spill |
mal-odoro 1+ | stink; stinking |
mal-uti 1+ | abuse; persecute |
mala | cheekbone |
malada | ill; sick |
malako G | soft |
malaria 1 | malaria |
male-vole | malevolent |
malea 1++ | mallet; hammer (n) |
mali 1++ | bad; amiss; coarse; horrid; ill; illness; infirm; infirmity; malady; nasty; naughty; offend; shabby; sick; vicious |
mali akti (prefer akti mali) 1 | insult; offence; offend; offense |
mali dice (=mali-dice) 1X | curse; slander; swear (curse) |
mali fortuna 1++ | bad luck ; misfortune; unfortunate; unfortunately |
mali gresi 1++ | limp (v); reel (v) |
mali-dice 1++ | curse; slander; swear (curse) |
mali-fortuna (=mali fortuna) 1X | unfortunate; unfortunately |
mali-kredi 1++ | superstition |
mali-pe 1+ | culprit; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; wretch |
mali-skribe 1 | scribble |
mali-termo 1 | swelter |
mali-uti 1 | ill-treat |
malia | mesh (of net) |
malifice | evil act |
maligna | malignant |
malo G | more |
malu 1+ | apple |
malva 1 | mauve |
mama 1++ | breast (female); nipple (breast) |
mamali | mammal |
mamuta 1 | mammoth |
mana 1+ | morning |
manda (prefer komanda) | command |
mandibula 1++ | jaw; mandible |
manduka | eat |
mane 1 | be left over ; stay |
manea (prefer manu) | handle (v); manage |
mangia | eat |
mangia-bo | restaurant |
mania 1+ | crazy; frenzy; furious; madness |
manifesta 1 | clear (evident); obvious |
manika | sleeve |
manipula | manipulate |
manko | be lacking |
mano 1+G | dilute; rare; rarefied; thin |
manovra | manoeuvre |
mansueta | tame; gentle |
mantela 1+ | coat; mantle |
mantena | maintain |
manti G | divination; soothsayer |
manti-pe | soothsayer |
mantis | praying mantis |
manu 1++ | hand; hand over; handle (v); manage; pass (hand over); smack |
manu skripta 1+ | manuscript |
manu spata 1 | trowel |
manu-pe 1++ | administrator; manager |
manu-ra 1+ | handle (n) |
manu-va 1++ | bucket; pail |
manu-vagona 1 | trolley |
manu-ve 1++ | glove |
manubri | handle (n) |
manufaktu | manufacture |
manuskripti | manuscript |
mapa 1+ | map; graph |
mapamunda (=munda-carta) X | map of the world |
marca + | march |
marce | wilt; wither |
marcido | weak; withered |
marea | tide |
margari 1++G | pearl |
margari-zo 1+ | string of pearls |
margarina 1+ | margarine |
margarita 1 | daisy; marguerite |
margarita (=margari) GX | pearl |
margina 1++ | margin; border; brim; curb; edge; fringe (border); hem (border); kerb; rim; verge (border) |
mari 1++ | sea; marine |
mari viagia 1 | cruise |
mari-laku 1+ | lagoon |
mari-pe 1 | sailor |
marisko | bog; marsh |
marita 1 | marry; wed |
mariti | husband |
marka 1++ | brand; mark; scratch; trace |
marketa 1++ | market |
marmelada (=marmelade) X | jam; marmalade |
marmelade 1+ | jam; marmalade |
marmora 1+G | marble (material) |
marona 1+ | chestnut; maroon |
maroni (=marona) X | chestnut; maroon |
Mars | Mars |
Mars (prefer meno tri) 1 | March |
mars-di | Tuesday |
marsu 1++G | |
marsu kultela 1 | penknife |
martela + | hammer (v); pound (v) |
martira 1+G | martyr |
martiro (=martira) GX | martyr |
masage (French) 1+ | massage; fondle |
masakra | massacre |
masi 1+ | heavy; amass; mass; massive; lump; heap |
maska | mask |
maskota | mascot |
maskulini | masculine |
mastigo G | whip |
mastika 1+ | chew; masticate |
masto 1G | breast |
matema 1G | learn; learning; lesson |
matematika 1+G | math; mathematics; maths |
materi (=materia) 1X | material; matter; stuff; substance |
materia 1++ | material; stuff; matter; substance |
materializa | materialize |
mati (=matema, prefer gene sko) GX | learn |
mati (=matematika) GX | maths |
matina 1++ | morning |
matri 1++ | mother; dam (mother); mum (mother) |
matri-matri 1+ | grandmother (mother of mother) |
matri-patri 1+ | grandfather (father of mother) |
matrikula | matriculate; register (v) |
matrix | matrix; embedding stuff |
matrona | woman (married) |
matura 1++ | mature; ripe; ripen |
matura-pe 1++ | adult |
maxi 1++ | -est (superlative); most (superlative); maxi-; maximum; supreme; utmost |
maxi boni 1++ | best |
maxi dista 1++ | extreme |
maxi importa 1+ | main; major |
maxi kako 1 | worst |
maxi kali 1 | most beautiful |
maxi neo 1 | latest (newest); newest; up-to-date |
maxi paleo 1 | eldest |
maxi tardi 1 | latest (contrary to earliest) |
maxi tele 1++G | extreme |
maxila | maxilla; jaw |
-me (short affix form of mekani) 1++ | mechanism; appliance; device; apparatus; machine |
mea | go; pass (move forward) |
meandro 1G | wander; wind along |
meato | passage (surgery) |
medali 1 | medal |
medi (=medio) 1X | middle |
media 1+ | media; mediate |
medicina | medicine |
medieva | middle ages |
medika 1++ | medical; medicate; treat (therapy) |
medika-ma 1++ | medicine; drug; lotion |
medika-ma-do 1 | dispensary |
medika-pe 1++ | doctor (medical) |
medio 1+ | middle; average; amid; centre; medial; medium (middle); mid; moderate; mean (middle); normal |
medita | meditate |
mediu 1+ | medium (spiritualism); medium (communication); medium (substance) |
medula | inmost part |
medusa G | jellyfish |
mega 1++G | big; abundant; great; hearty; huge; large; lot (n); lot (many); a lot of ; lump; magnify; many; mass (many); mega-; much; pile; plenty |
mega anemo 1 | storm |
mega bari 1 | massive |
mega denti 1 | tusk |
mega ergo 1+G | toil |
mega fobo 1G | horror |
mega gra-landa 1 | prairie |
mega gradu 1 | stride |
mega grupa 1 | regiment |
mega info-ra 1 | poster |
mega kampanula 1 | toll |
mega lauda 1 | admire; eulogy |
mega litera 1 | capital (letter); capital letter |
mega lito 1G | boulder |
mega preci (=mega-preci) 1X | expensive; costly; precious; valuable |
mega respekti 1 | reverence |
mega spatula 1+ | ladle |
mega teka 1G | bin |
mega turba 1 | upheaval |
mega va 1 | barrel |
mega valu 1++ | valuable |
mega vendo 1 | wholesale |
mega vora 1++ | feast |
mega-do 1 | mansion |
mega-kogita 1 | thoughtful |
mega-preci 1++ | expensive; costly; precious; valuable |
mei 1++G | less; lessen; decrease; diminish; dwindle; minor; reduce; wane |
mei ... de 1 | less ... than |
meio (=mei) 1GX | less; lessen; reduce |
meiosi 1+G | diminish; reduce; shrink |
meka-pe (mekani-pe) 1X | mechanic |
mekani 1++G | mechanism; appliance; device; apparatus; machine; hardware (computer); mechanic; mechanical |
mekani-pe 1 | mechanic; engineer |
mekino | lengthen |
meko G | poppy |
mela (=melano) GX | black |
melankoli 1G | melancholy; joyless; misery; sad; sadness; unhappiness |
melano 1++G | black; dark |
Meleagri 1G | turkey |
Meles 1 | badger |
meli 1+G | honey |
melia G | limb-condition |
meliko G | melodious; melody; tune |
meliora 1+ | ameliorate; get better ; better (v); improve; improvement |
melisa 1G | bee; bee (honey); honey-bee |
melito G | honey-sweet |
melo (=melosi, take mei) GX | dwindle |
melodi 1++G | melody; melodious; sing; song; tune |
meloni 1+ | melon |
melosi (prefer mei) G | dwindle |
membra 1++ | member |
membra-status 1+ | membership |
membrano | membrane |
memo 1++ | remember; memory; recollect; retrospect |
memo dice 1+ | recite |
memo valu 1 | notable |
memo-me | memory (computer) |
memo-ra 1+ | monument |
mena | guide; lead |
menace 1++ | menace; threat; threaten |
menda | defect; fault |
mendaci | mendacious; mendacity; lie (untruth) |
mendika | beg |
mene G | moon |
meninge G | brain membrane |
menio +G | betray |
meniske G | moon (crescent) |
meno 1++G | month; monthly |
meno 10 (speak "meno deka") 1 | October |
meno 4 (speak "meno tetra") 1 | April |
meno 6 (speak "meno sixa") 1 | June |
meno 7 (speak "meno seti") 1 | July |
meno 8 (speak "meno okto") 1 | August |
meno bi 1+ | February |
meno deka 1+ | October |
meno hexa (=meno sixa) X | June |
meno mo 1+ | January |
meno mo-bi 1+ | December; twelfth month |
meno mo-mo 1+ | November |
meno nona 1+ | September |
meno ok (=meno okto) 1X | August |
meno okto 1+ | August |
meno pen (=meno penta) 1X | May |
meno penta 1+ | May |
meno septi (=meno seti) 1X | July |
meno seti 1+ | July |
meno six (=meno sixa) 1X | June |
meno sixa 1+ | June |
meno tet (=meno tetra) 1X | April |
meno tetra 1+ | April |
meno tri 1+ | March |
mensa 1++ | counter (table); table (furniture) |
mense | menses; menstruation; month |
mensi (take meno) 1X | month; monthly |
mensura (prefer metri) | measure |
menta 1++ | mind (n); mental |
Menta | mint |
menta-sani 1+ | sane |
menti | lie (untruth) |
mentio | mention |
mentu + | chin |
menu 1+ | bill of fare; menu |
meravilia | marvel |
merca (=merka) X | purchase |
merda | dung; excrement; shit |
meretrici | prostitute |
merge 1++ | dive; immerse; plunge; sink (plunge); submerge |
meridie | noon; meridean |
meriko | ruminating animal |
merita (=merito) X | deserve; earn; merit |
merito 1++ | deserve; earn; merit; worthy |
merka 1++ | buy; bribe; buy (v); purchase; ransom (v) |
merka-lo | market; market-place |
merka-pe 1++ | buyer; customer |
plu merka-ra 1++ | goods |
merka-vendo-pe 1* | merchant |
merkato 1 | market |
merko-vendo-pe (=merka-vendo-pe) X | merchant |
merkuri 1 | mercury (Hg); quicksilver |
merkuri 1 | mercury (messenger); messenger |
merkuri-di | Wednesday |
mero 1++G | part; bit; piece; abstract; department; district; quarter (district); ward (division); division (part); fragment; instalment; morsel; part (rôle); rôle; partial (partly); partly; portion; section; share; slice (n) |
mero agri 1 | allotment |
mero butiri 1 | pat of butter |
mero landa 1+ | county; estate; province |
mero pani 1 | some bread |
mero preci 1 | deposit |
mero stori 1 | serial |
mero-pe 1 | member |
mero-te 1 | rag (cloth) |
merula | blackbird |
mesage (French) 1 | message |
mesati G | midmost |
meskino G | mean (paltry); paltry |
mesme | same; self |
meso 1++G | middle; amid; average; between; centre; centric; centrical; mean (middle); medial; medium (middle); mid; moderate; normal |
meso frigi 1++ | cool |
meso noktu 1 | midnight |
meso termo 1++ | warm (temperature) |
meso-di 1+ | midday; noon |
meso-di vora 1* | dine |
meso-foto 1 | dim; twilight |
meso-me | hub |
meso-soma 1++ | waist |
meso-vora 1+ | lunch |
meso-zo 1 | belt |
mesoro G | boundary stone |
mesto G | frilled |
mestra G | month |
meta G | alter; change |
meta- G | (prefix:) alter; alter (prefix); (prefix:) change; change (prefix) |
metabolismo G | metabolism |
metali 1++G | metal; metallic |
metali-fi 1+ | wire |
metaxi G | between |
meteo 1++G | weather; climate |
meteori G | meteor |
meter (take matri for mother, uteri for womb) GX | mother; womb |
meti (prefer vini) G | wine; methy- |
metikulo | meticulous |
metodi 1+G | method; approach; manner; way (manner); way (method) |
metopo | forehead |
metra 1++ | meter (metre); metre; metric |
metra-sistema | metric system |
metri 1++G | measure; dimension; gauge; mete (v); meter (v); size (measurements) |
plu metri 1+ | size (measurements) |
metri-banda 1 | tape-measure |
metri-co 1+ | to that extent |
metri-me 1 | gauge |
metri-ru 1+ | meter (measuring device) |
metro (=metri) GX | measure |
metro (prefer matri for mother, uteri for womb) 1G | mother; womb |
metro-polis G | metropolis; mother city |
mi 1++ | I; me; my |
mi auto 1++ | myself |
mi auto bibli 1 | my own book |
mi bibli 1 | my book |
mi pa vide 1 | I saw |
mi vide 1 | I see |
miasma G | bad vapor |
migas G | promiscuous |
migma +G | mixture |
migra | migrate |
mika 1+G | chip; chip (electronic); crumb; mince; morsel; shatter; speck (crumb) |
miko 1+G | fungus; myco- |
mikro 1++G | little; tiny; minute (tiny); small; petty; trickle |
mikro-preci 1 | cheap |
mikrofoni 1G | microphone |
mikrometra | millionth/metre; one millionth of a metre |
mikron (prefer mikrometra) G | millionth/metre; one millionth of a metre |
mikroskope 1++G | microscope |
mila 1+G | mill |
mile | thousand |
mili + | thousandth |
milieu (French) | environment |
miliko G | gentle; kind (friendly) |
milimetra | millimeter; millimetre |
miliona 1++ | million |
miliona-pe 1 | millionaire |
milita 1++ | war; fight; battle; military; riot; strife |
milita navi 1 | cruiser |
milita-do 1+ | barracks |
milita-pe 1++ | soldier; warrior |
miliu | millet |
mime (=mimi) 1GX | imitate |
mimi 1+G | copy; imitate; mimic |
mina 1+G | mine (coal etc.); undermine |
minerali 1+ | mineral |
minge | urinate |
mini 1++ | least; minimum; smallest |
mini-ra 1++ | detail |
miniatura | miniature |
minimo + | at least |
ministra 1 | ministry; useful; serve; serviceable |
ministra-pe 1 | minister |
minorita + | minority |
minu 1 | diminish; minor; decrease; junior; less; lessen; reduce |
minus 1++ | without; lack; -less; minus; missing (not there); subtract |
minus fiska 1 | tax-free |
minus kapila 1+ | bald |
minus monito 1 | without notice |
minus uti 1 | useless |
minus zima 1* | without yeast |
minuskula | minuscule |
minuta 1++ | minute (n) |
mio 1G | mouse (animal) |
mio (take muskula) 1GX | muscle |
Mios (=mio, prefer Mus) GX | mouse (animal) |
miosotis G | forget-me-not |
mira 1++ | wonder; admiration; admire; amaze; amazement; astonish; astound; marvel; surprise |
mira-ple 1+ | wonderful |
mira-ra 1++ | miracle |
mirako G | girl |
mirakulo | miracle; miraculous |
miranda | wonderful |
miria | myriad; lots; many |
mirismo G | anointing |
miristika G | nutmeg |
mirmeko 1+G | ant |
miro G | ointment |
mirso G | basket |
mis- | (prefix:) badly; badly (prefix); (prefix:) wrongly; wrongly (prefix) |
mis-kron 1 | mistimed; inopportune; inconvenient |
misa | mass (religious) |
misaro G | loathsome |
misce | blend; mix |
miseri | pity |
miserikordia | compassion |
misili 1+ | missile; projectile; shrapnel |
misio 1+ | mission |
miso 1++G | hate; hostile; aversion; detest; distaste; loathe; spite; venomous |
miso G | dirt |
miso ridi 1 | sneer |
mistako G | moustache |
misteri 1++G | mystery; mystic; mysterious; problem; unexplained; weird |
misteria | mysterious |
mistici | hybrid; mongrel |
mistika 1+G | mystic |
mite 1++ | send; envoy (v); ship (v); transmit |
mite longi 1 | transmit |
miti | gentle; mild |
miti G | myth |
mitiga | mitigate; make milder |
mitilus G | mussel |
mito 1G | fiber; fibre; thread |
mitralia | machine gun |
mix e presa 1+ | knead |
mixa 1++ | mix; blend; mess; mingle; muddle; whisk |
mixa ova 1 | scramble (egg) |
mixa vendo 1 | jumble sale |
mixo G | mucus; myxo |
mizo G | suck |
mnemo 1G | remember |
mo 1++G | one; single |
mo (after noun) 1++G | first |
-mo (short affix form of mobili) 1+ | furniture; piece of furniture |
mo bi ze (=mo-bi-ze) 1X | a hundred and twenty; a/one hundred and twenty ; one hundred and twenty |
mo kron 1++ | once |
mo mo (=mo-mo) 1X | eleven |
mo nona (=mo-nona) 1X | nineteen |
mo nova 1 | item |
mo pedi-ve 1 | odd shoe |
mo sixa (=mo-sixa) 1X | sixteen |
mo-bi 1++ | dozen; twelve |
mo-bi-ze 1 | a hundred and twenty; a/one hundred and twenty ; one hundred and twenty |
mo-mo 1++ | eleven |
mo-nona 1 | nineteen |
mo-pen (prefer mo-penta) 1 | fifteen |
mo-penta 1 | fifteen |
mo-penta-ze 1 | a hundred and fifty |
mo-ra 1 | item |
mo-seti 1 | seventeen |
mo-sixa 1 | sixteen |
mobi 1 | car |
mobila (=mobili) X | furnish; furniture; piece of furniture |
mobili 1++ | furnish; furniture; piece of furniture |
mode 1++ | mode; way (manner); way (method); fashion; approach; attitude; manner; method; style |
modela 1++ | model; pattern |
modem | modem |
modera | moderate |
moderni 1 | modern |
modesti 1+ | modest; chaste |
modifi | modify |
modula | modulate |
mogi G | difficult |
moklo G | crowbar; lever |
mola 1+ | grindstone; jetty |
mole 1 | accumulate; heap; huddle; pile |
molekula 1+ | molecule |
molesta | molest |
moli 1++ | soft; bland; mushy |
moli kanta 1+ | lullaby |
moli ridi 1 | chuckle |
moli-intra 1 | pith |
moli-ma 1 | pulp |
molibdo G | lead (Pb) |
molina | mill (v) |
molobro G | greedy |
molpa G | song |
moluska | mollusc |
momenta 1 | moment |
momento (=momenta) 1X | moment |
momi (=mumi) X | mommy |
momio | mummy (wrapped body) |
momo G | blame |
monaka (=monako) GX | monk; monastic |
monako 1+G | monk; monastic |
monako-do 1 | monastery |
moneta 1++ | coin; coined money |
monili | necklace |
monito 1++ | advice; advise; admonish; warn; prevent (by advising) |
monito anti 1 | dissuade |
monito de 1 | warn of; warn against |
monito-me | monitor (device) |
monito-pe 1 | monitor (person) |
monito-ra 1 | monitor (device) |
mono (prefer short form mo) G | one; single |
monotono 1G | monotonous; boring; humdrum; tedious |
mono-mode | singular |
mono-ra | unit |
monstra 1++ | show (v); display; exhibit; expose; produce (show); reveal; show (n) |
monstra se 1+ | appear |
monstra u via a 1+ | direct |
monsuna 1 | monsoon |
monti 1++ | mountain |
monti-latu 1 | precipice |
monti-line 1++ | range |
monti-via 1 | mountain road; pass (mountain road) |
montikula | hill (small) |
monumenta | monument |
mora 1 | delay; linger |
moral (=morali) 1X | chaste |
morali 1++ | moral; chaste; ethical; ethics; morale |
morbi | disease |
morda 1++ | bite; nibble; snap (bite) |
more 1++ | custom; customs (ethical); habit; usual |
morfo 1+G | form; shape |
mori 1+ | die; dying; expire; perish; wilt |
mormo G | bugbear |
moro (=moroni) GX | moron; stupid |
moroni 1G | moron; stupid |
Morsa kodi 1 | Morse code |
morta 1++ | dead; death; die |
morta agri 1+ | cemetery |
morta ritu 1 | funeral |
morta soma 1+ | corpse |
morta-lo 1++ | cemetery; churchyard; grave (tomb); tomb |
morta-pe 1+ | dead man; dead woman; dead body; body (dead); corpse |
morta-va 1+ | coffin |
morto-lo (=morta-lo) 1X | cemetery |
morus | mulberry |
moski | musk |
moskito 1+ | gnat; mosquito |
motacila | wagtail |
moti 1++ | move; put; go; lay; move something; place (v); shift; transfer |
moti ab 1 | move aside; remove |
moti-me 1 | motor |
motiva 1+ | motivate; motive |
motori 1++ | motor; engine |
move 1 | move; go |
movimenta (=movimento, prefer cirkulati or kine) X | movement; traffic |
movimento (prefer cirkulati or kine) | movement; traffic |
mu 1++ | they; their; theirs; them; they (female); they (male) |
muce (=muci) X | be mouldy |
muci 1+ | mucus; slime; mouldy; be mouldy ; silt; slimy |
mucido (=muci) X | mouldy; be mouldy |
mucilagino (=muci) X | slimy |
mugi 1+ | bellow; howl; moan; roar |
mukro | point (sharp) |
muku (=muci) 1X | mucus; silt; slime |
mula (=muli) X | mule |
mulce | caress; stroke |
mulge | milk (v) |
muli | mule |
mulkta | fine (v) |
mulo (=muli) X | mule |
multi 1++ | many; abundant; much; multiply; numerous; plenty |
multi cide (=multi-cide, prefer poli-cide) 1X | slaughter |
multi-cide (prefer poli-cide) 1 | massacre; slaughter |
u multi-pe (prefer poli-pe) 1 | multitude |
multipli 1+ | multiply |
mumi | mummy (mother); mommy |
munda 1++ | world |
munda-carta 1+* | map of the world |
munge | blow nose |
muni | fortify |
municipali | municipal |
mura 1++ | wall |
muri (prefer Mus) 1X | mouse (animal) |
murmura (=murmuro) X | murmur |
murmuro 1+ | grumble; mumble; murmur; mutter |
Mus 1++ | mouse (animal); mouse (computer) |
mus butona | mouse button (computer) |
mus tape | mouse mat (computer) |
musea (=museu) GX | museum |
museu +G | museum |
musi 1 | whisper |
musika 1++G | music |
musika-pe 1+ | musician |
musika-ru 1 | music instrument |
muska 1 | fly (insect) |
Muskata 1+ | nutmeg |
muski 1+ | moss (plant) |
musko (=muski) X | moss (plant) |
musku (=muski) X | moss (plant) |
muskula 1++ | muscle |
muskulo (=muskula) X | muscle |
musta | wine (new) |
Mustela 1+ | weasel |
muta 1++ | change; affect; alter; inflect; transform; vary |
mute 1 | mute; dumb |
mutila | mutilate |
mutua 1+ | mutual; reciprocal |
na 1++ | we; our; ours; us |
na domi 1 | our house |
nagma G | heap; pile |
nakra | mother-of-pearl |
nano 1+G | dwarf; teeny; very small |
napo 1 | valley |
napus | turnip |
nara 1++ | narrate; tell; narrative; report |
nari 1+ | nostril |
narko 1++G | narcotized; drunk; drunken |
nasa 1++ | nose; flair; nasal; smell (v); sniff |
nasa-te 1++ | handkerchief; hankie; hanky |
nasa-textili | handkerchief |
naske | be born |
nasma G | spring (source); stream (n) |
nasti | press (urge); urge |
nati 1++ | birth |
nati-di 1++ | birthday |
nati-lo 1 | native country; one's country |
nati-pe 1 | native |
natio 1++ | nation; national; nationality |
natio-ismo | nationalism |
natrix G | water-snake |
natura 1++ | nature; natural |
nau 1G | ship (n); boat |
nauplius G | crustacean larva |
nausea G | seasick |
nauti G | seaman |
navi 1++ | ship (n); boat; barge; vessel (ship) |
navi frakti 1++ | wreck |
navi-fa 1+ | fleet |
u navi-fa 1++ | navy |
navi-funda 1 | keel |
navi-kli 1 | berth |
navi-lo 1+ | dock; quay |
navi-milita | navy |
navi-nexu | port |
navi-pali 1 | mast |
naviga 1+ | navigate |
ne 1++ | not; omit |
ne ... 1 | miss (do not) |
ne a nu (=ne a-nu) 1X | not yet |
ne a-nu 1 | not yet |
ne akti 1++ | refrain |
ne cepti 1 | reject |
ne ci 1 | absenti |
ne foto 1++ | dull (not clear/bright) |
ne holo 1 | partial (partly); partly |
ne importa 1++ | never mind |
ne la 1 | absenti |
ne lase 1+ | prohibit |
ne ma de 1 | mere |
ne mo 1 | neither |
ne pa 1 | didn't |
ne pote 1 | cannot |
ne pote dice 1 | mute; dumb |
ne ridi 1 | serious |
ne ski 1 | ignore |
ne ski perilo 1 | reckless |
ne veri? 1+ | isn't it? |
ne- 1+ | (prefix:) not; not (prefix); dis- |
ne-ami 1 | acquaintance |
ne-bate 1+ | miss (failure to hit) |
ne-noce (prefer inocenti) | innocent |
ne-ski 1++ | ignorant |
nebu 1++ | fog; haze; mist (fog) |
nebula (prefer nebu) 1 | fog; mist (fog) |
nece 1++ | necessary; have to; must; duty; essential; necessity; need; urgent |
mi nece ki 1 | I must go |
nece-fa 1++ | equipment |
plu nece-ra 1 | necessities |
nedimo G | delightful |
nefo 1++G | cloud; nepho- |
nefro 1+G | kidney; nephro- |
nega 1++ | deny; abstain; answer negatively; behave negatively; decline; negative (v); refuse; turn down |
negativi 1+ | negative |
neglige | neglect |
negoti 1++ | business; negotiate; deal (business); do business ; negotiation; negotiations |
negotia (=negoti) 1X | business; negotiate; deal (business); do business ; negotiation; negotiations |
neka 1++ | drown |
nekro 1G | death |
nektari G | nectar |
nekto 1++G | swim (active); swimming |
nekto-ve 1G | swimsuit |
neleo G | pitiless |
nelipo G | barefoot |
nema (prefer fi) 1G | thread; fiber; fibre |
nemato (=nema, prefer fi) GX | thread |
nemertes G | certain; sure |
Nemesis G | Nemesis (goddess of retributive justice) |
nemo G | thread |
neo 1++G | new; fresh; novel (new) |
neo pe 1 | recruit |
plu neo-ra 1 | novelty |
neon 1 | neon |
nepoti | nephew (or niece); niece (or nephew) |
nereidi G | sea-maid |
nervo 1++ | nerve |
nervosi (=nervoso) 1X | nervous; anxious |
nervoso 1++ | nervous; anxious; eager; jittery; timid |
nesia 1++G | island |
neskie | ignorant |
nesti G | fast (v) |
nestor G | wise counsellor |
net 1 | neat |
neta 1G | duck |
neuro 1G | nerve |
neutra 1++ | neutral; neuter |
neutro (=neutra) 1X | neutral; neuter |
neutron G | neutron |
nevus | birthmark |
nexi (=nexu) 1X | connect; attach; connection; connexion; interconnection; join (connection); junction; linkage; mating; merge; network; union; unite |
nexu 1++ | connect; attach; connection; connexion; interconnection; join (connection); junction; linkage; mating; merge; network; nexus; tie; union; unite |
ni 1++ | neither; nor |
ni ... ni 1++ | neither ... nor; neither ...nor |
nic | niche |
nidi 1++ | nest |
nido (=nidi) 1X | nest |
nidor | cooking smell |
nifa (prefer nivi) | snow |
nigra | black |
nigri (=nigra, prefer melano) X | black |
nigro 1 | Negro |
nigro (=nigra, prefer melano) 1X | black |
nike G | victory |
nikel 1 | nickel |
nikotini + | nicotine; tobacco |
nikti 1+ | blink; wink; twinkle |
nikti (=nivi) 1X | snow |
nikti (=noktu) GX | night |
nikto (=noktu) 1X | night |
nilon (=niloni) X | nylon |
niloni 1++ | nylon |
nima 1+G | name; appoint; title |
nima-bibli 1+ | directory |
nima-bileta | label |
nima-verba 1 | noun |
nimbu | rain cloud |
nimfa G | nymph; young woman |
nipto G | bathe; wash |
Nirvana | Nirvana |
nistagmo G | drowsy; sleepy |
niti | neat; bright |
nitrogen 1 | nitrogen |
niva (=nivi) 1X | snow |
nive (prefer nikti) | wink |
nivi 1++ | snow; snowy |
nixi G | prick (n); prick (v); stab |
no 1++ | no |
no ge expecta (=no-ge-expekta) 1X | unexpected |
no ge ski (=no-ge-ski) 1X | unknown |
no! 1 | no! |
no- (also non-) 1+ | dis-; (opposite formed); un- (form opposite); (prefix:) opposite; opposite (prefix) |
no-bato 1 | shallow |
no-bi-divide 1+ | odd (not even); not even ; uneven (number) |
no-bi nume (take no-bi-divide) 1X | odd (not even); not even ; uneven (number) |
no-cede 1++ | resolute |
no-civili 1 | impertinent; rude; surly |
no-dama 1+ | wild |
no-defekti 1 | perfect; all right |
no-dice 1 | dumb; mute |
no-dina 1++G | feeble; frail |
no-duce 1 | secondary |
no-face 1++ | demolish; destroy; havoc; undo |
no-facili 1++ | difficult; obstacle; rude |
no-famo 1 | insignificant |
no-fatiga 1 | fresh (awake) |
no-felici 1 | unhappy |
no-feno 1++* | disappear |
no-ferali 1 | domesticated |
no-fertili 1 | barren |
no-fini 1+ | eternal; infinite |
no-flavoro 1 | tasteless; insipid |
no-fobo 1+ | bold |
no-forti 1++ | faint |
no-forti foto 1 | gleam |
no-foto 1+ | dark; darkness; obscure; shadowy |
no-freqe 1 | now and then; occasionally; scarce |
no-fresko 1 | stale |
no-functio (=no-funktio) 1X | out of order; useless |
no-funktio 1++ | out of order; useless; vain |
no-game gina 1 | spinster |
no-game-an 1 | bachelor |
no-ge-arma 1 | unarmed |
no-ge-expekta 1 | unexpected |
no-ge-frakti 1 | unbroken |
no-ge-game 1 | unmarried |
no-ge-ski 1+ | unknown |
no-gluko 1 | unpleasant |
no-gravi 1++ | light (not heavy); petty; trifling; trivial; unimportant; whatever (no matter what) |
no-hedo 1 | misery |
no-justi 1 | unreasonable |
no-kali 1++ | ugly; unsightly |
no-kargo 1++ | discharge |
no-kine 1++G | motionless; not moving; stationary; still (not moving) |
no-klari 1+ | obscure; vague |
no-klu-co 1+ | apart from that |
no-kompara 1++ | contrast |
no-komuni 1 | uncommon |
no-Kristi (=no-Kristo) 1X | heathen |
no-Kristo 1* | heathen |
no-kritici 1 | undiscriminating |
no-kura 1+ | careless; indifferent; neglect |
no-lauda 1 | disapproval; disapprove |
no-lega 1 | illegal |
no-libe 1 | dependent |
no-liberali 1 | mean-minded |
no-luci 1+ | blurred; opaque |
no-memo 1++ | forget |
no-mira 1 | ordinary |
no-muta 1 | invariably; obstinate; steady |
no-narko 1+ | sober |
no-neo 1 | old |
no-noku 1 | harmless |
no-norma 1 | unorthodox |
no-pende 1 | independent |
no-place 1+ | displease; offend |
no-plika 1 | unfold |
no-poli 1++ | few |
no-posi 1 | impossible |
no-pote 1 | unable |
no-probabili 1 | unlikely |
no-profito 1++ | disadvantage; vain |
no-profunda 1++ | shallow |
no-puri 1++ | dirt; dirty; filthy; foul; shabby |
no-puri-do 1 | hovel |
no-puri-ma 1+ | dirt; litter (dirt) |
no-puta akti 1+ | rash |
no-regula 1 | irregular |
no-rekti 1+ | crooked |
no-resista 1++ | weak |
no-rugo 1 | mild |
no-sani 1 | unwell |
no-sati 1++ | scanty |
no-semani 1++G | nonsense; senseless |
no-sistema 1 | untidy |
no-skope 1G | unobservant |
no-sofi 1 | unwise; foolish |
no-soni 1++ | quiet; noiseless; silence; silent; soundless |
no-spe 1+ | despair; desperate |
no-spende-pe 1 | miser |
no-stimula 1++ | dull (boring); boring (adj) |
no-sura 1++ | uncertain; waver |
no-take 1 | slow |
no-tegu 1 | expose |
no-tekno 1++G | awkward; clumsy |
no-turba 1 | calm |
no-valu 1+ | despise; disgrace; valueless |
no-vari 1 | invariably |
no-vesti 1 | undress; strip (undress) |
no-vide 1++ | blind |
no-vista 1 | invisible |
no-volu 1 | unwilling; disallow; reject; reluctant; repel |
nobili 1 | noble |
noce (prefer noku) | damage; harm; hurt |
nodi 1++ | knot; node |
noema G | understanding (n) |
nokti (=noktu) X | night |
noktu 1++ | night; nocturnal |
noktu-papilio 1+ | moth |
noku 1++ | damage; harm; harmful; hurt; inflict; injure; mischief; noxious; spoil (damage); torment; wear out |
noku-zoa 1 | vermin |
nola G | bell (small) |
nomadi G | nomadic; wandering |
nomi 1++G | law; -nomy (suffix law) ; right (n); rule (standard); theory |
nomina 1++ | name; nominate |
nomina-verba 1+ | noun |
non- (if following letter consonant, else take no-) 1+ | dis-; (opposite formed); un- (form opposite); (prefix:) opposite; opposite (prefix) |
non-acide 1 | non-existence; unreal |
non-akorda 1 | objection |
non-aktivi 1 | idle; inert |
non-akuto 1++ | blunt (not sharp); dull (not sharp) |
non-aliena 1 | familiar |
non-alti 1 | low |
non-ami 1++ | enemy; foe; hostile; ill-feeling |
non-amo 1++ | disgust; mean (not nice) |
non-arki 1 | unofficial |
non-atende 1 | prompt |
non-audi 1++ | deaf |
non-equ (=non-iso) 1X | unequal |
non-ergo 1 | recreation |
non-etio 1 | innocent |
non-hedo 1++ | unhappy; grief; sad; sorrow |
non-homo 1 | unlike |
non-iso 1+ | unequal |
non-ofere 1+ | withold |
non-ofero (=non-ofere) X | withold |
nona 1++G | nine |
nona-ze 1 | ninety |
noo G | intellect; mind (n) |
nord 1++ | north |
nordi (=nord) 1X | north |
nordo-me 1+ | compass |
norma 1++ | normal; standard; conventional |
nosfidi G | stealthy |
noske (prefer ski) | know |
noso G | disease |
nospira 1 | snort |
nosto G | return home |
nota 1++ | note; notice; bill; observe; record; remark |
nota bibli 1 | notebook |
nota-ka 1 | wallet (for money); pocket-book (wallet) |
noti (=nota) 1X | notice |
noti-taba 1 | notice-board |
notice (=nota) 1X | notice; note; remark; observe |
noto 1G | back (n) |
noto G | spurious |
nova 1++ | news; news-item; piece of news |
plu nova 1 | tidings |
nova papira (=nova-papira) 1X | newspaper |
nova-papira 1++ | newspaper |
novela 1 | novel (story) |
noveli (=novela) X | novel (story) |
Novembra (prefer meno mo-mo) 1 | November |
novembro (=Novembra, prefer meno mo-mo) X | November |
nu 1++ | now; present (now); present (time); present time; up-to-date |
nu nece akti 1 | urgent |
nu-di 1++ | today; modern; nowadays |
nu-fu 1++ | just going to; just (time); presently (soon); soon |
nu-noktu 1++ | tonight |
nu-pa 1 | just (time); recent |
nu-tem 1+ | present time; present (time); modern |
nuance | nuance |
nubi 1 | cloud |
nubili | marriageable |
nuca | back of neck |
nuci | nut |
nudi 1++ | nude; bare; naked |
nuki 1++ | nut; kernel; nuclear; nucleus |
nuki energi 1+ | nuclear energy |
nukle | nucleus |
nuklea (prefer nuki) 1 | kernel; nucleus |
nul-ergo 1 | unemployment |
nul-ergo-pe 1 | unemployed person |
nuli 1++ | null; nullify; nothing; abolish; abort; cancel; eliminate; naught; nil; no; repeal; zero |
nuli bibli 1 | no books |
nuli kron (=nuli-kron) 1X | never |
nuli-kron 1++ | never |
nuli-lo 1++ | nowhere |
nuli-mo 1 | none |
nuli-pe 1+ | no one; nobody |
nuli-ra 1 | nothing |
nuli-tem | never |
nume (=numera) 1X | count; number |
numera 1++ | number; count; digit |
numera mo 1 | first |
numera panto-pe 1++ | altogether |
numera panto-ra 1++ | altogether |
numi 1 | coin |
nuna 1 | nun |
nuna-do 1+ | convent |
nunci 1+ | announce; publish |
nupti 1 | marriage ceremony; wedding |
nuptia (=nupti) X | wedding |
nuta 1+ | nod; agree |
nutra (=neutra) 1X | neutral |
nutri 1+ | feed (v); give to eat ; nourish |
o! | oh! |
ob- | (prefix:) in-the-way; in-the-way (prefix) |
obe 1++ | obey; execute; obedience; obedient |
obesi 1 | obese; fat (thick); thick |
obit | death; downfall |
objekti 1+ | object; being (n) |
obliga 1 | compel |
obliqi 1+ | oblique |
oblivio | forget |
oblongi 1+ | oblong |
obnubila | overcloud |
obrimo G | mighty; strong |
obsceni | obscene |
obseqio | obsequious; servile |
observa | observe |
observa-ra | observation |
obskuri 1 | dark |
obsolesce | obsolescent |
obstakula | obstacle |
obstina 1++ | obstinate; stubborn |
obstrukti | obstruct |
obtena | obtain |
obtunde (=obtusi, prefer non-akuto) X | blunt (not sharp) |
obtusi (prefer non-akuto) | blunt (not sharp); dull (not sharp) |
obvia | obviate |
obvio | obvious; conspicuous; clear (evident) |
oceani 1++G | ocean |
oceli | eye (little) |
ocide 1++ | west; western; occidental |
ocidenta (prefer ocide) | west |
ociputa | back of head |
ode G | song |
odino G | childbirth pains |
odi (=odio) 1X | hate |
odio 1++ | odious; hate; detest; disgust; distaste; hatred; loathe |
odio-pe 1 | pest (nasty person); nasty fellow |
odisi G | anger |
Odobenus 1 | walrus |
odonto 1G | tooth |
odori (=odoro) X | odor; odour; smell |
odoro 1++ | odor; odour; smell; aroma; scent |
oeno (prefer vini) G | wine |
oestro G | gad-fly; sex-heat |
ofendo | offence; offend; offense; offensive |
ofere 1++ | offer |
ofere se 1++ | be a candidate ; run (for office) |
ofero (=ofere) 1X | offer |
ofero se (=ofere se) X | be a candidate ; run (for office) |
ofi | snake |
ofice 1++ | office; official (adj); clearance (customs) |
ofice-pe 1++ | officer; official (n) |
ofici (=ofice) 1X | official (adj); office; clearance (customs) |
oficia (=ofice) X | office; official (adj) |
oficia-pe (=ofice-pe) X | officer; official (n) |
oficiali (=ofice) 1X | official (adj) |
ogro 1 | ogre |
ok (short form of okto) | eight |
okasio 1++ | occasion; chance; opportunity |
oklo 1G | crowd (n) |
okno G | hesitate; slow |
oko (=oku) GX | eye |
okrea | legging; sheath |
okto 1++ | eight |
okto-ze 1 | eighty |
Oktobra (prefer meno deka) 1 | October |
oktobro (=Oktobra, prefer meno deka) X | October |
Oktopus 1G | octopus |
oku 1++ | eye; notice (with eyes); optical; peep; perceive (with eyes); see (look) |
oku-sema 1 | wink |
oku-tegu 1++ | eyelid |
okuli (prefer oku) | eye |
okulta | hidden |
okupa + | occupy |
ola | jar; pot |
ole (=olea) 1X | lubrication; lubricant |
olea 1++G | oil; lubricant; lubrication; anoint |
olei (=olea) GX | oil |
olera | vegetables |
oleske (prefer kresce) | grow |
olface 1+ | smell (v); flair; nose; sniff |
oligo 1++G | few; several |
oliva (=Olivi) X | olive |
Olivi 1+ | olive |
oma G | eye |
oma G | tumor |
ombro G | rainstorm |
omfalo G | navel |
omite 1+ | omit |
omiti (=omite) X | omit |
omni 1 | all; every; apiece |
omnibus (prefer short form bus) 1 | bus; omnibus |
omo G | raw; unripe |
onagro G | ass (wild) |
oneiro G | dream |
onero | burden; load |
oniko 1 | hoof; claw; talon; nail |
onko G | tumor |
onomato (prefer nomina) G | name |
onto 1+G | be; being (n); exist |
opaci G | opaque |
opera 1 | opera |
opera (prefer operatio) 1 | operate; operation; handle; manage; manufacture; work |
operatio 1 | operate; operation; handle; manage; manufacture; work |
operkula | cover; lid |
opida | town |
opini 1+ | opinion; be of the opinion ; opine |
opinio (=opini) 1X | opinion |
opisto- G | (prefix:) behind; behind (prefix) |
opo 1 | eye |
oportuni | suitable |
oportuni-tem | opportunity |
opositi + | opposite; opposition |
opresi 1++ | oppress |
opsi | sight |
opsi- G | (prefix:) late; late (prefix) |
optalmo (prefer oku) G | eye |
opti | eye; vision |
opti 1 | choose; elect; opt |
optimi | best |
optimisti 1 | optimist |
opulento | rich |
opus | work (n) |
ora 1 | mouth; oral |
orakula | oracle; prophecy |
orali 1 | oral |
orama G | view |
orange (French) | orange (colour) |
orange (French) 1++ | orange (fruit) |
oratora 1 | orator |
orbi (=orbita) X | circle; world |
orbi-ra (take satelita) X | satellite |
orbis (=orbita) X | cycle |
orbita 1+ | orbit; circle; cycle; world |
ordina 1++ | order (arrangement); order (series); ordain (priest); grade (v); rank |
ordinari 1 | ordinary |
orfana 1+G | orphan |
orfano (=orfana) GX | orphan |
organi 1++G | organ |
organismo 1++G | organism; being (n); organisation |
organiza 1+ | organize; arrange |
orgasmo G | orgasm |
orgi G | orgy |
ori 1 | rise (go up) |
orienta 1+G | east; orient; oriental |
orientati 1 | attitude |
origi 1++G | origin; source |
origina (prefer origi) | origin; source |
orikto G | dug; quarried |
Oriza 1++G | rice |
oriza-agri 1 | rice paddy |
orkestra 1++G | orchestra |
Orkidi 1+G | orchid; testicle |
orna 1++ | ornament; decorate; decoration; adorn; fancy |
orna aku 1 | brooch |
orna-li 1 | jewel |
orna-ra 1+ | jewelry |
orna-zo 1++ | bangle |
orni 1G | bird; fowl |
oro 1 | mount; mountain |
orto 1++G | upright; erect; straight; upright (direction); vertical |
orto-lo 1G | cliff |
os 1+ | mouth; face |
os (=osteo) 1X | bone |
osatura | skeleton |
osci (=oscila) X | swing; oscillate; see-saw; shake; sway; wag (oscillate) |
oscila 1++ | oscillate; swing; see-saw; shake; sway; vibrate; wag (oscillate) |
oscili (=oscila) X | swing; oscillate; see-saw; sway; wag (oscillate) |
oski (=oscila) X | swing; oscillate; see-saw; sway; wag (oscillate) |
osku (prefer oskula) 1 | kiss |
oskula 1++ | kiss |
osme G | smell |
osmo G | push (n) |
ostenta | display |
osteo 1++G | bone |
Österreich | Austria |
ostraciza G | ostracize |
ostraka 1+G | shell (animal) |
ostrako (=ostraka) GX | shell (animal) |
Ostre 1+G | oyster |
ostre ostraka 1G | oyster shell |
ostrea (=Ostre) GX | oyster |
oti 1++G | ear; bug (v); spy |
oti-orna 1 | earring |
otio 1 | idle; be idle |
otrero G | nimble; quick |
ousia G | reality; substance |
ova 1++ | egg |
ovali 1+ | oval |
ovari | ovary |
ovi (=Ovis) 1X | sheep |
ovi lana (=ovis lana) 1X | fleece |
oviparo | egg-laying |
Ovis 1+ | sheep; mutton |
ovis lana 1* | fleece |
ovis voci 1 | bleat |
ovis-pe 1 | shepherd |
oxi 1+G | acid; sharp (sour); sour |
oxidi 1++G | oxidize; corrode; rust |
oxigen (=oxigena) X | oxygen |
oxigena 1++ | oxygen |
ozo (prefer odoro) G | smell |
pa 1++ | -ed (past tense marker); did (past tense marker); had (tense marker); have (past tense marker); 've (past tense marker); has (tense marker); last (previous); past |
pa(-) 1++ | past |
pa akti 1 | did |
pa audi 1 | heard (preterit of to hear) |
pa bali 1 | sent (preterit of to send) |
pa bibe 1 | drank |
pa debi 1 | ought to have; should have |
pa detekti 1 | found (preterit of to find) |
pa dice 1 | spoke (preterit of to speak); said (preterit of to say); told (preterit of to tell) |
pa dona 1 | gave |
pa dromo 1 | ran |
pa duce 1 | led (preterit of to lead); drove (preterit of to drive) |
pa elekti 1 | chose |
pa es 1 | was; were; been |
pa este 1 | felt (preterit of to feel) |
pa face 1 | made (preterit of to make) |
pa fero ci 1 | brought (preterit of to bring) |
pa frakti 1 | broke (preterit of to break) |
pa gene 1 | became; got |
pa grafo 1 | wrote |
pa habe 1 | had (preterit of to have, own); had the quality of |
pa kade 1 | fell (preterit of to fall) |
pa kapti 1 | caught |
pa ki 1 | went; gone (past of to go) |
pa klepto 1 | stole (preterit of to steal) |
pa kresce 1 | grew |
pa meno 1 | last month |
pa merka 1 | bought (preterit of to buy) |
pa more 1 | used to |
pa morta 1 | died (preterit of to die) |
pa nece 1 | had to |
pa paga 1 | paid (preterit of to pay) |
pa pote 1++ | could |
pa prende 1 | took |
pa proto 1 | began |
pa reakti 1 | replied (preterit of to reply) |
pa sedi 1 | sat (preterit of to sit) |
pa seiso 1 | shook |
pa ski 1 | knew |
pa spende 1 | spent (preterit of to spend) |
pa sta 1 | stood (past of to stand) |
pa stru 1 | built (preterit of to build) |
pa tena 1 | held (preterit of to hold); kept (preterit of to keep) |
pa tenta 1 | tried (preterit of to try) |
pa trakto 1 | drew |
pa unio 1 | met (preterit of to meet) |
pa vendo 1 | sold (preterit of to sell) |
pa veni 1 | came |
pa-di 1++ | yesterday |
pa-noktu 1 | last night |
pa-tem 1 | past |
pabo | wheel barrow |
pabulu | food |
paci 1++ | peace; pacify; peaceful |
paedi 1G | child; infant |
paga 1++ | pay; payment; wage |
paga paketa 1 | pay packet |
pagina 1++ | page |
pagio | firm; fixed |
pago | fixing (n) |
paisage (French) | landscape |
paka 1 | bale; charge; pack (charge) |
paketa 1++ | package; packet; parcel |
paki 1++G | thick (stout); fat (thick); coarse; stout (adj) |
paki-fi 1+ | cable; cord |
paki-karni 1 | steak |
palaso | sprinkle |
palati 1++ | palace |
palato | palate; roof of mouth |
palea 1 | bran; chaff; straw |
paleo 1++G | old; aged; ancient; palaeo |
paleo soldata 1+ | old soldier; veteran |
paleo stori 1+G | legend |
pali 1++ | palisade; pillar; pole; post (pole); stake (n) |
pali (take itera (again) or retro (backwards)) GX | again; back again; backwards |
palia 1 | cloak; overcoat; topcoat |
palida (=palidi) 1X | pale (in colour); pallid; wan |
palidi 1++ | pale (in colour); pallid; wan |
palin- (take retro-) GX | (prefix:) back again; back again (prefix) |
palino G | scatter |
palio | mantle |
palma 1+ | slap; palm (hand); palm (tree) |
palpa 1++ | examine (by touch); touch |
palpebra | eyelid |
palpita | beat; throb |
paluda 1+ | marsh; bog; moss (bog) |
paludi (=paluda) X | bog; marsh |
palumbu | wood pigeon |
pan (short form of panto) 1+G | all; both (if two); every |
pan tem (prefer panto-tem) 1 | eternal |
pan-lo (prefer panto-lo) | everyplace; everywhere; widespread |
pan-tem (prefer panto-tem) 1+ | always |
panacea G | all-heal |
Panda 1 | panda |
Pandalus 1 | prawn |
pande 1 | spread; stretch |
panela 1+ | (piece of) cloth ; panel |
pani 1++ | bread; loaf |
pani-bo 1 | baker's (shop); baker's shop |
pani-pe 1 | baker |
panika 1G | panic |
Paniku 1+ | millet |
panorama 1G | panorama; all-views; outlook; view |
pantalona | trousers |
Pantera 1 | panther |
panto (or short form pan) 1++G | all; every; both (if two) |
panto faktu 1 | particulars |
panto kron (prefer panto-kron) 1G | always; everytime |
panto-di 1 | everyday |
panto-kron 1G | always; everytime |
panto-lo 1++ | everyplace; everywhere; widespread |
panto-pe 1++G | everybody; everyone |
panto-ra 1++G | everything |
panto-tem 1++* | eternal; always |
pantomima 1+G | pantomime |
papa 1+ | dad; papa; pope |
Papaver 1+ | poppy |
papi | long seed hairs |
papila | nipple; teat |
papilio 1+ | butterfly |
papira 1++G | paper; roll of paper; strip (paper); strap (paper) |
papira saka 1 | paper-bag |
paprika | pepper |
papula | pimple |
para 1++G | beside; at side; by (beside); close to; next to |
u para 1++G | neighborhood; neighbourhood; vicinity |
para dice 1 | by the way |
para- 1+G | (prefix:) beside; beside (prefix) |
para-do 1 | next door |
para-mari via 1 | promenade |
para-pe 1+ | neighbor; neighbour |
parabola 1+G | allegory; parable |
parada 1++ | parade |
paradisi (=paradiso) 1GX | heaven (paradise); paradise |
paradiso 1+G | heaven (paradise); paradise |
paradoxi G | paradox |
paragrafo 1G | paragraph |
parakade 1 | parachute |
parakade soldata 1 | paratrooper |
paraleli 1++G | parallel |
paralisi 1+G | paralyse; lame |
paranoia G | mad |
parasiti (=parasito) GX | parasite |
parasito 1+G | parasite |
parcela | package; packet; portion (small) |
parci | few; sparing; scanty; thrifty; penurious; frugal |
pardo 1++ | pardon; forgive; excuse; absolve (from sin or guilt); condone |
pardona 1 | forgive; pardon |
pare 1 | give birth |
parenta 1++ | parent; mother (or father); father (or mother) |
parenta-fratri 1++ | uncle |
parenta-sorori 1++ | aunt |
parentesi G | parenthesis; bracket (printing) |
pari | equal |
parieta 1 | wall |
parka 1++ | park (n); park (v) |
parka-puni 1 | parking fine |
parla 1 | speak |
parlamenta 1++ | parliament |
parle (=parla) 1X | speak |
parodi | parody |
paroki 1G | parish |
parokia G | neighborhood; neighbourhood |
parokia-pe G | neighbor; neighbour |
parola G | word |
parotiditis 1 | mumps |
paroxisma G | fit (epileptic); spasms |
parta | part; divide; partial (partly); partly; share |
parteno G | virgin |
parti 1 | party (celebrate) |
participa 1++ | participate |
participla + | participle |
partikula 1++ | particle |
partikulari | detail (v) |
parturi | give birth |
Parus 1 | tit |
parvi (prefer pusi) | little |
pasa 1+ | pass (leave behind); passage; surpass |
pasa tem 1 | pastime |
pasage (French) | passage |
pasala G | peg |
pasaporta 1++ | passport |
paseri 1+ | sparrow |
pasi G | for all |
pasio 1+ | passion |
pasivi 1 | passive |
paska 1+ | Easter |
paskuo | pasture |
pasta 1++ | dough; paste; pastry |
pastata 1+ | pie; tart |
pastelo 1 | crayon |
pasteuriza (French) | pasteurize |
Pastinaca 1 | parsnip |
pastora 1+ | parson; pastor; shepherd |
pastura | pasture |
patata | potato |
pate | lie (v) open |
patela 1++ | knee-cap; pan |
patenta 1+ | patent |
patina (prefer glisa (epi geli)) | skate (on ice) |
pato 1++G | sick; ill; suffer; disease; illness; infirmity; invalid; malady; plague; septic; sickness; sufferance; suffering |
pato-do 1++ | hospital |
u pato-pe 1++ | patient (n) |
pato-vagona 1 | ambulance |
patri 1++ | father |
patrioti 1 | patriot |
patrona | model; pattern |
patrus | uncle |
pauci (prefer oligo) | few |
paulu (prefer pusi) | little |
pauperi | poor |
pausa 1++G | pause; rest; stop |
pausi (=pausa) X | pause; rest |
pave | pave (v) |
pavi 1 | paving-stone |
pavilio 1+ | pavilion; pavillion |
pavimenta | pavement |
Pavnao 1 | peacock |
paxili | peg; stake (small) |
pe (short form of persona) 1++ | one (person); one's; person |
-pe (short affix form of persona) 1++ | person |
pe-fiska 1 | income tax |
pe-klepti 1++ | kidnap |
pe-pikto 1 | portrait |
peci 1+ | piece; bit; part; patch; portion |
peci ergo 1 | patchwork |
peci tera 1 | terrain |
peda (=paedi, take infanti) GX | child |
pedali 1 | pedal |
pedanti | pedant |
pedi 1++ | foot (end of leg); kick; paw; tread |
pedi (=pedo, prefer baso) 1GX | soil |
plu pedi 1 | feet |
pedi su kefa 1 | somersault |
pedi-artri 1++ | ankle |
pedi-bola 1++ | football |
pedi-digi 1++ | toe |
pedi-lo 1++ | floor; ground; storey |
pedi-lo tegu 1+ | rug |
pedi-marka 1+ | footprint |
pedi-pe 1 | pedestrian |
pedi-ra 1+ | rung; stirrup; treadle |
pedi-te 1++ | sock |
pedi-ve 1++ | shoe; footwear |
pedi-ve-pe 1 | cobbler |
pedi-via 1++ | footpath; pavement |
pedikulu | louse |
pedio (=paedi, take infanti) 1GX | child; infant |
pedo 1G | ground; sod; soil |
pego G | fountain |
peira G | attempt; try |
pejora | worse |
peka 1+ | sin |
pektina 1++ | comb |
pektora 1 | breast; bosom; chest (body part) |
pekula | steal; peculate |
pekuliari | peculiar |
pela 1 | peel; skin |
pelagi (=pelago, prefer mari) GX | sea |
pelago 1G | sea |
pelargo G | geranium; stork |
peleka (=peleki) 1X | ax; axe; hatchet |
peleki 1+G | ax; axe; chopper; hatchet |
peli 1++ | fur; fell (skin); skin |
pelika 1 | hatchet |
peliko | basin; bowl |
pelma G | sole (foot) |
pelo G | clay; mud |
pelta G | small shield |
pelvi 1 | pelvis; basin; vessel |
pemfigo G | bubble |
pemka G | pastry |
pen (short form of penta) 1 | five |
pen-ze 1 | fifty |
pena (=pina) X | pen; feather |
pencila 1++ | pencil |
pende 1++ | hang; hang up; dangle; sag; suspend |
pende ex 1++ | depend |
pende kleido 1 | padlock |
pende kli 1 | hammock |
pende-te 1++ | curtain; sling |
pendula | pendulum |
pene | almost |
penetra | penetrate |
penia | dearth; poverty |
penicili 1 | brush |
penicilin 1 | penicillin |
penikro G | needy; poor |
peninsula | peninsula |
penis 1 | penis; tail; brush |
penite 1++ | sorry; condolences; regret; repent |
pensi 1 | think; cogitate |
pensio 1+ | pension |
penta 1++G | five |
penta (after noun) 1++G | fifth |
penta-ze 1 | fifty |
pentekosta 1 | whitsun |
penuri | in need |
pepiro G | ripe |
pepo G | gourd; melon |
pepsi 1++G | digest (digestion); digestion |
per 1++ | by means of; per; with (=by means of) |
per dina 1 | by force |
per fortuna 1 | by chance |
per qi 1 | whereby |
per- 1 | (prefix:) through; through (prefix); (prefix:) thorough; thorough (prefix) |
per-co 1+ | in this way |
perca | perch |
percipe | perceive; perception |
perdi 1 | lose |
Perdix 1 | partridge |
peregrina | wander |
pereio G | transport |
pereni | perennial |
perfekti 1++ | perfect; outstanding |
perfidi | false; perfidy |
perfora | perforate |
perfuma 1+ | perfume; scent |
pergamenta | parchment |
pergula | booth; stall |
peri 1++G | around; ambient; siege; surround |
peri- 1+G | (prefix:) around; around (prefix) |
peri-braki 1+G | embrace; hug |
peri-ergo G | busy-body (v) |
peri-lo 1++ | environment; neighbourhood; surroundings |
peridi G | envelope (outer) |
perilo 1+ | peril; danger; dangerous; perilous |
perimetri G | perimeter |
perimetro (=perimetri) GX | perimeter |
periodi 1G | period |
periskope 1G | periscope |
periso G | odd number |
perjura | perjure |
perkno | dark-colored |
perkola | percolate |
perkusi 1 | shake |
perla | pearl |
permane + | permanent; durable; endure; enduring; last (v) |
permea | permeate |
permito 1++ | permit; admission; admit; admittance; allow; let; permission |
perna | harmed; misfortune |
perona G | fibula; pin |
perplexi 1 | perplex; baffle; confound; confuse; dumfound |
persekuti 1 | persecute; oppress |
persevere | persevere |
Persika 1 | peach; peach tree |
persona 1++ | person; personal; somebody |
perspekto | see through |
perspikuo | clear (evident); evident |
pertena 1 | pertain; belong |
pertika | long pole |
pertine | belong to |
perto G | destroy; kill |
peruka 1 | wig |
perula | bud-scale; pouch |
pervio | porous |
pesa | weigh |
pesanto | heavy |
pesimi | worst |
pesimisti 1 | pessimist |
pesko G | hide; skin |
pesti 1++ | pest |
petali 1+G | petal |
petalo (=petali) GX | petal |
petasma G | carpet; rug |
peti 1++G | fly (v); haste; hurry; rush; fall |
petiola | leaf stalk |
petita (prefer domi-zoa) 1 | pet (animal) |
petitio 1++ | petition; appeal; ask; beg; implore; invitation; invite; request; requisition; try to get |
petitio konsili 1+ | consult |
petro 1++G | rock; stone |
petro-pe 1 | mason |
petrole (=petroleum) 1X | petroleum |
petroleum 1+G | petroleum |
petrosili G | parsley |
petulanti | peevish |
pexi (prefer fixa) G | fix; solidify |
pextora | chest (body part) |
pi G | pi (Greek letter) |
piano 1++ | piano |
pica | tar |
picea | spruce |
pidako G | fountain; spring (source) |
pieli G | socket |
pielo G | pelvis; trough |
piezo 1G | press (v); click (press key); tighten |
piga (=pigi) 1GX | buttock; buttocks; pygal |
piga-ve 1G | knickers |
pige | feel annoyed |
pigi 1G | buttock; buttocks; pygal; rump |
pigmenta | pigment; color; colour |
pigmi 1G | dwarf; teeny |
pigmo (prefer pugna) G | fist |
pigno | pledge; security (pledge); pawn (pledge) |
pigro | lazy |
pika 1 | pierce; prick; sting; smart (sharp) |
Pika 1 | magpie |
pikanti | piquant; stinging |
piknik 1+ | picnic |
pikno G | dense |
pikro 1++G | bitter |
pikto 1++ | picture; illustrate; image; paint; painting |
pikus | woodpecker |
pila | column; battery |
pile G | gate |
pileo G | cap |
pili (=kapila) X | hair |
pilo 1 | ball |
pilo G | pylon |
pilu (=pilula) X | pill |
pilula | pill; tablet (medicament) |
pina 1++ | pen; feather; plume |
pina (=puni) 1X | penalty |
pinca 1+ | pinch |
pince | pinch |
pincela | paint brush |
pinceta 1+ | tweezers |
pinea | pine cone |
pingui | fat (blubber); blubber |
pinguina | penguin |
pinito G | wise |
pintada | guinea fowl |
Pinus 1+ | pine (tree) |
pio | gentle; tender |
pio G | pus |
pipa 1++ | chirp; pipe; tube |
piperi 1++ | pepper |
pipeta | pipette |
pipi 1 | squeak |
pipto (prefer kade) G | fall |
pirami 1+G | pyramid |
piramidi (=pirami) GX | pyramid |
pirata 1++ | pirate |
pireno G | seed (hard) |
pireto G | burning heat |
pirexi (=pirexia) GX | fever |
pirexia G | fever |
pirgo G | tower |
piro 1++G | fire; ablaze; alight; burn (v); combust; ignite; kindle; pyre |
piro minus flama 1* | smoulder |
piro-lo 1+G | hearth |
pirso G | beacon; torch |
piru (=Pirus) GX | pear; pear tree |
pirueta | pirouette |
Pirus 1+G | pear; pear tree |
pisci (=piski) X | fish (n); fish (v) |
piscina (=piskina) X | fish pond; swimming pool |
piski 1++ | fish (n); fish (v) |
piski grega 1 | shoal (fishes) |
piski-do 1 | aquarium |
piski-pe 1 | fisherman |
piskina + | fish pond; swimming pool; pool (pond) |
pista 1+ | track (trail); track (race); scent (trail); trail |
pistila | pistil |
pistio G | faithful |
pisto G | learned |
pistola 1+ | pistol |
pistona | piston |
pisu (=Pisum) X | pea |
Pisum 1+ | pea |
pita 1 | patter |
pitano G | persuasive |
piteka 1 | ape; monkey |
pitekus (=piteka, prefer simia) GX | ape |
pitiri | bran |
piton 1G | python |
pixi G | box |
pixidi G | box (small) |
pla 1++ | ledge; shelf |
place 1++ | please; pleasure; give pleasure |
placia + | place (square); square (place) |
placidi + | quiet; still (quiet) |
plaga | plague |
plage 1+ | beach |
plagia | plagiarize |
plagio G | oblique |
plago | strike; wound (v) |
plaka 1++G | cake; block; flat-iron; pad (n); slab; tablet (slab) |
plako (=plaka) GX | cake; slab; tablet (slab) |
plamkto (=plankto) GX | float |
plana 1+ | glide; glider; hover; plane (glide) |
'plana-do 1 | hangar |
planet (=planeta) 1GX | planet |
planeta 1++G | planet |
plange | complain; complaint |
plani (=plano, prefer plati) X | flat (plane); plane (flat) |
planka 1+ | plank |
plankto 1++G | float; swim (float) |
plano 1+ | flat (plane); plane (flat) |
plano (take skema) X | plan |
plano (take vaga) 1GX | wander |
planta 1++ | plant (n); plant (v); vegetable |
planta (take solea) X | sole (foot) |
plantago | plantain |
plasma | plasma; can be shaped |
plasti 1+G | form; mold; mould; shape |
plasti-ma 1G | plastic |
plastici (=plastika) GX | plastic |
plastika 1++*G | plastic |
plastika-tegu | plastic case |
plastra G | plaster |
plata 1 | squash |
plata-landa (=plati-lo) 1X | plain (n) |
plataforma 1++ | platform |
platanus | plane tree |
platesa 1 | plaice |
plati 1++G | flat (plane); wide; ample; broad; even (level); extensive; plane (flat) |
plati skana-me | flatbed scanner |
plati-landa 1* | plain (n) |
plati-lo 1+* | plain (n); flat land; flat (n) |
plati-taba 1 | ironing board |
platika (=plastika) 1GX | plastic |
platinum | platinum (Pt) |
plato 1 | plateau |
plato-lo (=plati-lo) 1X | plain (n); flat land; flat (n) |
plaude (=aplaude, prefer lauda) X | applaud |
plax G | plate; tablet (slab) |
ple 1++ | fill; full; fully; hearty |
plebi | common people |
plegi G | stroke (hit) |
plei (=pleio) 1GX | more (number) |
pleio 1++G | more (number) |
pleisto 1++G | most (number) |
pleko G | twine (twist); twist |
plekto 1+G | braid |
plemna G | nave (of wheel) |
plero G | full |
plesio 1G | close (near); near |
pleto (=pletora) 1GX | crowd (n); abundance |
pletora G | crowd (n); abound; abundance; abundant |
pleura 1G | coast; lateral; rib; seashore; side; sidelong |
plexi 1 | intertwine; intertwist; interweaving; net |
plexu (=plexi) 1X | intertwine; interweaving; net |
plika 1++ | fold; dart (pleat); pleat; tuck (fold) |
plinta | plinth; brick |
pliso G | wash |
plora 1 | weep |
ploto (prefer plankto) | float; swim (float) |
plu 1++ | -s (plural sign); more than one; plural; some |
plu bibli 1 | books; some books |
plu fe (take mu though without gender) 1X | they (female) |
plu femora 1 | lap |
plu kron 1++ | sometimes |
plu mega litera | upper case (typing) |
plu pusi litera | lower case (typing) |
plu-ci 1++ | these |
plu-la 1++ | those |
plu-la bibli 1 | those books |
plu-tu 1++ | yours (single) |
plu-vi 1++ | yours (plural) |
pluma 1+ | plume; feather; pen |
plumba 1+ | lead (Pb) |
plumpa 1++ | plump |
plura 1+ | several |
plurali 1 | plural |
plus 1++ | plus; additional; also; and; another; as well as; extra; spare; too (also); with |
u plus mo 1* | another one |
plus-co 1++ | also; besides; furthermore; moreover |
pluso (=plus) 1X | additional; also; and; another; as well as; extra; plus; spare; too (also) |
u pluso mo (=u plus mo) 1X | another one |
plutea | shed (n) |
pluto 1++G | rich; resources; wealth |
pluto vora 1+ | banquet |
pluvi 1++ | rain; shower (rain) |
pluvi skuta 1++ | umbrella |
pluvi-nivi 1+ | sleet |
pluvi-venti 1 | squall |
pneu G | tire (tyre); tyre |
pneumati 1G | lung; lungs |
pneumi (=pneumati) 1GX | lung |
pneumo G | breath; breathe; wind (air) |
pneumoni (=pneumati) GX | lung |
po 1++ | after; since |
po kron 1 | late; lateness; delay; retard; retardation |
po meso-di 1++ | after noon; afternoon; P.M.; pm; post meridiem |
po- 1+G | (prefix:) after; after (prefix); post- |
po-co 1++ | afterwards; then |
po-di 1 | the next day |
po-kron 1++ | late; delay; lateness; retard; retardation; tardy |
po-meso-di | noon |
pocili | cup (small) |
poda 1++G | leg; limb (leg); paw |
poda-fa 1 | trestle |
poda-genu 1 | knee |
poda-gono 1 | knee |
poda-te 1++ | stocking |
poda-ve 1++ | trousers |
podagra G | gout |
podex G | bottom |
podio G | platform |
podistra G | foot-trap (n) |
poeia 1G | create; produce |
poeio (=poeia) GX | create |
poekilo G | varying |
poema 1 | poem |
poesi 1++G | poem; poetry; verse |
poeta 1++ | poet |
poeti (=poeta) X | poet |
poga 1G | beard |
pogo (=poga) GX | beard |
poi (old Glosa word) | then |
poko (Italian) 1+ | a little ; a bit |
pola 1+G | polar; pole (Earth) |
polariza G | polarize |
pole | pulley |
pole (prefer vendo) | sell |
polemi 1+G | fight; war; dispute; quarrel |
polex | thumb |
poli 1++G | many; abundant; lot (many); lump; mass (many); numerous; pile; poly- |
poli kavita 1 | spongy; porous |
poli-aku 1+ | jagged |
poli-cide 1+* | massacre; slaughter |
poli-pe 1++ | crowd (n); multitude; troop (crowd); throng |
poli-pika 1 | tingle |
poli-voci 1 | uproar |
polica 1++G | police |
polica-an 1++ | policeman; constable (male) |
polica-fe 1+ | constable (female) |
poligonum G | knot weed |
polina 1+ | pollen |
polini (=polina) X | pollen |
polio 1++G | grey; gray |
poliri | polish (v) |
polis (=polita, prefer civita) 1GX | city; town |
polisa (=polisi) GX | policy |
polisi 1++G | policy |
polita G | city |
politena 1 | polythene |
politika 1++G | political; politics |
politika-pe 1+ | politician |
poluti + | pollute |
pomegranata 1+ | pomegranate |
pomfo G | blister |
pome (=pomi) 1X | apple |
pomi 1++ | apple |
pomo (=pomi) X | apple |
pompo 1+ | pomp; splendor; splendour |
ponda 1 | pound |
ponda nota 1 | pound note |
ponde 1++ | ponder; weigh; weight; consider |
pondero | ponder |
ponderoso | heavy; ponderous |
poni 1+ | pony |
ponti 1++ | bridge |
pop 1 | pop |
popa | pope |
popina | cook-shop |
poples | back of knee |
popula 1++ | people; popular; popularity; population |
populari (prefer popula) 1 | popular |
Populus 1 | poplar; poplar tree |
porcelana 1 | China ware |
porfiro G | purple |
porifera G | sponge |
porka (=porku, prefer sui(-karni)) 1X | pig; hog; pork |
porki (=porku, prefer sui(-karni)) X | pork; pig |
porku (prefer sui(-karni)) 1 | pork; pig; hog |
porkuspina 1+ | porcupine |
porno G | prostitute |
pornografi G | pornography |
poro 1+G | pore; hole; passage |
porta 1++ | door; gate; port (opening in ship) |
porta (=portu, prefer asilu) 1X | harbor; harbour; haven; port (harbour) |
porta (prefer fero) 1 | carry |
porta tina 1 | door bell |
porta-nota 1 | pocket-book (wallet); wallet (for money) |
porta-valuta 1 | purse |
porta-voka | megaphone |
portabili | portable |
porte G | destroy |
portende (take portento) X | portend |
portento | portent; omen; sign; portend |
portika 1+ | porch |
portikula (=portika) X | porch |
portio (prefer mero) | part; portion |
portu 1+ | harbor; harbour; haven; port (harbour) |
Poru 1+ | leek |
posesi | possess |
posi 1++ | perhaps; may; maybe; might (possibility); might (possibly); possible; possibly; probable; probably |
posi-ra 1++ | possibility |
positi | place (v); put |
positivi 1+ | positive |
post (prefer po) 1 | after; since |
post- (prefer po-) 1 | (prefix:) after; after (prefix); post- |
post-datu | post-date |
posta 1++ | mail; post (mail); post (send) |
posta-an 1 | postman |
posta-karta 1+ | post card; postal card |
posta-pe 1 | postman; mailman |
posta-teka 1 | post-box |
poste 1++ | behind; astern; back (n); posterior; rear |
posteriori | posterior; rear |
posterita | posterity |
postpone | postpone |
postula 1++ | postulate; assume; suppose; if |
postura | posture |
pota 1G | drink |
potabili | drinkable |
potami 1G | river |
potamo (=potami, prefer fluvi) 1GX | river |
potasium | potassium (K) |
potato 1++ | potato |
pote 1++ | able; can (be able); ability; capable; may; power |
potentia | powerful |
poto G | fond desire |
potpuri | potpourri |
pourboire (French) | tip |
pove 1++ | poor; miserable; pauper |
pove agri-pe 1 | peasant |
pra (old Glosa word) | had (tense marker) |
prae (=pre) X | ago; before (time); former; formerly; previous; prior |
praeter (=preter, prefer ultra) X | beyond |
pragma 1++G | affair; deal |
praktika + | practical; practise |
prandi 1 | dinner; supper |
prandia (=prandi) X | dinner; supper |
praso | leek-green |
prate 1+ | meadow; prairie |
pravi | crooked (evil); evil |
praxi 1++ | practice; practise; able; act; acting; actuate; busy; do; doing; effect (v); effective; experience (v, resulting from practice); make; shrewd (resulting from practice); sensible (resulting from practice) |
pre 1++ | before (time); ago; a little while ago ; earlier; former; formerly; previous; prior |
pre dice 1+ | prophet |
pre kron (=pre-kron) 1X | early |
pre kura (=pre-kura) 1X | precaution |
pre meso-di 1++* | a. m.; AM; am (time); ante meridiem; before noon |
pre nu (=pre-nu) 1X | former; formerly; once |
pre plu di 1 | the other day |
pre vide (=pre-vide) 1X | foresee; anticipate |
pre- 1+ | (prefix:) before (time); before (time)(prefix); pre- |
pre-di 1 | the day before |
pre-kron 1++ | early |
pre-kura 1 | precaution |
pre-noktu 1 | evening |
pre-nu 1++ | already; former; formerly; once |
pre-parenta 1+ | ancestor; forbear (n); forefather |
pre-pe 1 | predecessor |
pre-vide 1* | foresee; anticipate |
preci 1++ | price; cost; fare; ransom |
preci-lista 1+ | tariff |
precioso | precious |
precipita | precipitate |
precise 1+ | precise; exact; strict |
precisi (=precise) X | exact; precise |
preda 1+ | prey |
predice 1+ | predict |
predika 1+ | preach; proclaim |
predilektio | predilection |
predispositi | predispose |
prefa (=preface) 1X | preface |
preface | preface |
prefekta (=prefekto) 1X | prefect |
prefekto | prefect |
prefere 1++ | prefer; rather (more willingly) |
prefero (=prefere) X | prefer |
prefixa | prefix |
pregna | pregnant; make pregnant |
prehendi (=prende) X | seize |
prehistori | prehistory |
prejudika 1+ | prejudice |
preka 1++ | pray; plea; prayer |
preka-pe 1++ | priest |
prekario | precarious |
prekoci | precocious |
prelimina | preliminary |
premi 1++ | premium; prize; profit; reward |
premiu (=premi) X | prize; profit; reward |
premo G | tree-stump |
prende 1++ | take; gather; occupy; pick (take); pick up; pluck (pick); seize |
preokupa | preoccupy |
prepara 1++ | prepare; alert; preparation; prepared; provide; ready |
prepostero | preposterous |
prepto G | distinguished |
presa 1++ | press (v); crowd (v); crush; lean on; press (periodicals); pressure; print; squeeze; throng |
presa-me 1* | press (machine) |
presagi | presage; forebode |
presbi G | old |
presenti + | now; presence; present |
preserva + | preserve (keep) |
presi (=presa) 1X | press (v) |
preside 1 | preside |
presidenta (=presidenti) 1X | president |
presidenti 1++ | president |
preskribe | prescribe |
presta | lend |
preste | agile; nimble |
presti-digita | quick-fingered; prestidigitate |
prestigi | prestige |
presto | quickly |
prestra | priest |
presu (=presa) 1X | press (v); lean on; squeeze; throng |
presume | presume |
pretende 1++ | pretend; claim; make claim ; lay claim to |
preter 1 | past; beyond |
preterite (prefer pa) | past |
pretexta (=pretextu) X | pretext |
pretextu 1+ | pretext; pretence; pretense |
prevale | prevail |
prevarika | prevaricate |
preveni | prevent; forestall |
previo (prefer pre) | ago; before (time); former; formerly; previous |
prima (prefer proto) 1 | primary; prime; first; at first ; initial; premier |
prima kopi (prefer proto kopi) 1 | draft copy |
prima nima (prefer proto nima) 1 | Christian name |
prima-vera (=blasto-tem) X | spring (season) |
primata | primate animal |
primitive 1++ | primitive |
primna G | stern (of ship) |
primordia | primordial |
primula | primrose |
prince | prince |
principali | principal |
principi 1 | principle |
printa | |
prio G | saw (cutting) |
priori (prefer pre) | former; before (time); previous |
prisma G | prism |
prisona | prison |
pristine | original |
priva + | deprive |
private | private |
privilegi 1++ | privilege; right (n) |
pro 1++ | for; behalf; on behalf of ; for the sake of; in favor of; in favour of ; forward; forward towards |
pro anti-pe 1 | traitor |
pro ju-pe 1 | juvenile |
pro qo? (prefer qo-te) 1 | why? (intention) |
pro sani 1 | wholesome |
pro- 1+ | (prefix:) forward; forward (prefix); (prefix:) favor; favor (prefix) |
proba 1++ | test; demonstrate; prove; rehearse; trial (try) |
probabili 1++ | likely; probable; probably |
problema 1++G | problem |
proboski G | proboscis; trunk (elephant) |
procede + | proceed; go forward ; procedure |
procela | storm |
procesa + | process |
procesio 1+ | procession |
prodiga | lavish; spend |
prodigio | wonderful |
produce 1+ | produce (make); produce (nature); produce (show); bring out; generate; make; manufacture; production; yield (bring out) |
profani | profane; debase |
profesi | profess (declare belief); profess (teach) |
profesi (=profesio) X | profession; profess (work) |
profesio 1++ | profession; profess (work) |
profeta G | prophet |
proficie | make progress |
profila | profile |
profilakti +G | prevent |
profito 1++ | profit; advantage; benefit; dividend; fruitful; prosper; succeed; success |
profligato | profligate; corrupt |
profunda 1++ | profound; deep (profound); depth (profound) |
profundi (=profunda) X | profound; deep (profound); depth (profound) |
profusi | profuse |
progeni | progeny |
prognosi 1++G | forecast; weather forecast |
programa 1++G | program; program (computer); programme; application (computer); software (computer) |
progresi 1++ | progress |
prohibiti | prohibit; prohibition |
projekti 1++ | project (n); project (v); jut; stand out |
projeti 1 | pier |
proklama 1 | herald |
prokto G | anus |
prokura 1+ | acquire; obtain |
proletari | worker |
proli | offspring |
prolifera | prolific; be fruitful |
prolifika | breed |
prolix | prolix; long-winded |
prologa | prologue |
prolonga (=prolongi) X | prolong |
prolongi 1+ | prolong |
promena (=promenade) X | walk (v) |
promenade 1+ | promenade; walk (v) |
promine | project (v) |
promise 1++ | promise; commit oneself; guarantee; pledge; undertake |
promiskuo | mixed |
promoti 1+ | promote |
prompti | prompt |
promulga | publish |
prono | prone; leaning forward |
pronunci 1 | pronounce |
pronuncia (=pronunci) X | pronounce |
propaga 1 | propagate; spread |
prope | near |
propelo | propel |
propilea G | gateway |
propinqi | near |
propitia | propitiate |
propolis G | bee-glue |
proportio | proportion |
proposi 1++ | propose; proposal; nominate; suggest |
proprie 1++ | property (possessions); possess; one's own (possession); own (possess) |
proprie-pe 1+ | proprietor; owner |
proprie-ra 1+ | possession |
proprie-signi * | signature |
proprio (=proprie) X | ones own; own (v) |
proprio-pe (=proprie-pe) X | owner |
proprio-ra (proprie-ra) X | possession |
proprio-signi (=proprie-signi) X | signature |
prora G | prow |
prosa 1+ | prose |
prosekuti | prosecute |
proselita | convert |
proskeni 1+G | stage (act); scaffold |
prosopo 1G | face; visage |
prospekti 1 | prospect; perspective; sight; vista |
prosperi | prosper |
prospikuo | seen from afar |
prostata | prostate gland |
prostesi G | prosthesis |
prostra | prostrate |
protekti 1 | protect; defend |
protesta 1++ | protest; complain; complaint; grumble |
proto 1++G | begin; beginning; commence; first; at first ; found; go (begin); initial; institute (v); premier; primary; start |
proto kopi 1* | draft copy |
proto nima 1* | Christian name |
proto-pe 1 | pioneer |
protokola G | protocol |
protubera | swell (v) |
provide + | provide; foresee; provision; provisional |
provinci 1 | province |
provincia (=provinci) X | province |
provisio 1 | provision |
provoka | provoke |
proxi 1++ | near; about; adjoin; almost; alongside; approach; approximate; approximately; beside; by (near); close (near); close to; nearly |
proxi kade 1++ | stumble |
proxi ne 1++ | hardly |
proximi | nearest |
prudi | prudish |
pruina | frost |
Prunus 1+ | plum; plum tree |
pruri 1+ | itch |
psalo G | pluck (music) |
psama 1G | sand; arena |
psamo (=psama, prefer arena) GX | sand |
psefo G | pebble |
psefo G | vote |
psesto G | rubbed; scraped |
pseudo 1+G | false; deceive; untrue |
psikiko 1G | psychic; psychical |
psiko 1++G | psyche; mind (n); psychic; psychical; psycho; soul |
psiko-idea 1G | abstract |
psiko-pato 1+G | lunatic |
psikro G | cold |
psila (=pulex) GX | flea |
psilo G | bare; smooth |
Psitako (=psitakus) 1GX | parrot |
psitakus G | parrot |
psokus G | book louse |
psori G | itch |
pteridi G | fern |
pterido (=pteridi) 1GX | fern |
pterigi 1+G | fin |
ptero 1++G | wing |
ptialo | spit; spittle |
ptilo G | feather; down (feather); wing |
pto (=pipto, prefer kade) 1GX | fall |
ptoko G | beggar |
ptoma G | corpse; falling |
pube | pubic hair |
puberta | puberty |
publika 1++ | publish; advertise; advertisement; announce; public; publication; publicize |
publiko (=publika) X | public |
pude 1++ | shame; loss of honour ; disgrace; disgust; displeasure |
puela | girl |
pueri | child; boy |
puerpera | woman in child-bed |
pugili | fist fight |
pugio | dagger |
pugna 1++ | fist; punch; fight |
pugna-bate 1 | thump |
pulex | flea |
pulkri | beautiful |
pulmo (=pulmona) 1X | lung |
pulmona 1++ | lung |
pulpa 1+ | pulp |
pulpitu | pulpit |
pulsa 1++ | pulse; push; jab; poke; pulsate; shove; throb; thrust |
-pulsi | compel |
pulu | young animal |
pulula | sprout; swarm |
pulve 1++ | powder; crush; dust; dusty; flour; grind; powder (v); powdery; shatter |
pulvina 1++ | pillow; cushion |
pumpa 1++ | pump |
punge 1++ | sting; itch; prick (v); puncture |
puni 1++ | punish; castigate; chasten; chastise; hurt; penalize; penalty; punishment; revenge; vengeance |
puni-do 1+ | prison |
puni-paga | penalty |
puni-ra | penalty; punishment |
punice | purplish red |
punkta 1++ | dot; full stop; period (dot); point (dot); punctual |
punktu (=punkta) 1X | dot; full stop; point; point (dot) |
punktura | pierce; prick (v) |
pupa 1+ | doll; pupa |
pupeta 1 | puppet |
pupi | poop (n); stern (of ship) |
pupila | pupil (learner) |
pupula | pupil (eye) |
purga | purge |
puri 1++ | pure; clean (adj); clean (v); purify; refine; sheer; spotless |
puri-brosa 1 | mop |
puri-ka 1 | lavatory |
puri-lo 1+G | latrine |
puri-navi 1 | dredger |
puri-te 1 | duster |
purpura | purple |
purulente | purulent |
pus | pus |
pusi 1++ | small; little; insignificant; petty; slight; tiny; trickle; trifling |
pusi algo 1 | smart (pain) |
pusi bibe 1 | sip |
pusi bibli 1+ | pamphlet |
pusi dendro 1++ | bush; laurel |
pusi dice 1 | chat |
pusi do (=pusi-do) 1X | hut (small house); cabin (small house); shed (n) |
pusi ergo 1 | odd job |
pusi fla 1 | puff |
pusi foto 1+ | dusk; glimmer |
pusi ka 1+ | cabin (small room) |
pusi kli 1 | bunk |
pusi kroma 1 | tint |
pusi lumi 1 | dim |
pusi mero 1 | scrap; shred |
pusi milita 1+ | skirmish |
pusi pani 1 | bun (bread) |
pusi plati-lo 1 | terrace |
pusi preci 1++ | cheap |
pusi ridi 1 | titter |
pusi saka 1+ | pouch |
pusi soni 1+ | |
pusi space (=pusi spaci) 1X | recess (niche) |
pusi spaci 1+* | recess (niche); niche |
pusi speci kani 1 | terrier |
pusi spira 1 | whiff |
pusi stagna 1 | puddle |
pusi tape 1+ | mat |
pusi vendo 1 | retail |
pusi venti 1+ | breeze |
pusi viki 1 | hamlet (village) |
pusi-do 1++ | hut (small house); cabin (small house); shed (n) |
pusi-fluvi 1++ | brook; creek (small river); rivulet; stream (n) |
pusi-pe 1+ | dwarf |
pusi-valu 1++ | scorn |
pusi-vendo-bo 1 | kiosk |
pusila (=pusi) X | small; insignificant; little; petty |
pustula 1+ | pimple; pustule |
puta 1++ | compute; think; calculate; idea; reckon; thought; trim (v) |
puta pote 1+ | intellect |
puta-me 1++ | computer |
puta-me sporta 1 | computer game |
pute 1+ | well (n) |
putresce (=putri) X | rot |
putri 1+ | putrefy; decay; decline; rot |
qa 1+ | qua; in capacity of ; in character of |
qadra 1++ | frame; square; square (frame) |
qadrangula 1 | quadrangle |
qadruped 1 | quadruped |
qai | quay |
qali? + | what kind?; what sort? |
qalifi 1 | qualify |
qalita 1++ | quality; property (quality) |
qando? | when? |
qantita 1++ | quantity; amount; dose |
qanto? 1++ | how many?; how much? |
qarto 1++ | quarter |
qasi + | as if |
qatro (prefer tetra) | four |
qe ...? 1++ | ...? (question start) |
qerela | complain |
Qerkus 1+ | oak |
qero | look for; seek |
qestio 1++ | question; ask; curious; enquire; inquire; inquiry; inquisitive; query |
qi 1++ | which (relative pronoun); who (relative pronoun) |
qieske | become quiet |
qieta (=qieti) X | quiet |
qieti 1 | quiet; soothe; stillness; tranquillity; tranquilness |
qieti koleri 1* | sullen |
qieto koleri (=qieti koleri) 1X | sullen |
qietu (=qieti) 1X | soothe |
qilia 1 | skittles |
qinina 1 | quinine |
qinqa (=penta) X | five |
qirito | shriek |
qita 1+ | fire (release from duty); receipt; release from duty; sack (release from duty) |
qixotiko | quixotic |
qiz 1 | quiz |
qo? 1 | what sort of? |
qo dista? 1 | how far? |
qo horo? 1 | what's the time? |
qo-di? 1+ | when? |
qo-horo? 1+ | when? |
qo-ka? 1+ | why? (cause) |
qo-lo? 1++ | where?; whereabouts? |
qo-mode? 1++ | how ...? |
qo-modo? (=qo-mode) X | how? |
qo-pe bibli? 1 | whose book? |
qo-pe? 1++ | what person?; which?; who?; whom? |
qo-ra? 1 | which? |
qo-te? 1+ | why? (intention) |
qo-tem? 1++ | when? |
qo? 1++ | what?; which? |
qod 1+ | what (that which) |
qota | quote |
qotidia | quotidian; everyday |
qu 1 | whether |
(-)ra 1++ | thing; affair; object (thing) |
rabdi (=rabdo, prefer baci) 1X | bar; pole |
rabdo G | bar; baton; cane; pole; rod; stick (baton); stick (rod); stick (cane) |
rabi | rabbi |
rabi 1++ | rabid; crazy; mad; crazed; foolish; furious; raging |
rabi dice 1 | rave |
rabi multi-pe 1++ | mob |
rabi-pe 1+ | fool |
rabie 1 | folly |
racemo | bunch; cluster |
racia 1+ | race (biological); breed |
radar 1++ | radar |
radi 1++ | root; source |
radi-mero 1 | stump |
radia 1++ | radiate; beam; bright; brilliant (light); radiating; radiation; radius; shine; splendid |
radika (=radi) X | root; source |
radio 1++ | radio; radio station; ray (spoke); spoke (ray) |
radiu 1+ | spoke (of wheel) |
radium 1 | radium |
radius 1 | radius |
radula | scraper |
rafanu (=rafanus) 1GX | radish |
rafanus G | radish |
rafi 1G | needle; nail; seam; sew; sewing; spike; stitch |
rafia 1 | raffia |
rafine | refine |
ragadi G | fissure |
rage | rage |
rage (=ragi) GX | burst forth |
ragi G | burst forth |
rai 1 | ray |
raid | raid |
rail (=raila) X | rail (horizontal or sloping bar); rail (for trains) |
raila 1++ | rail (horizontal or sloping bar); rail (for trains) |
raketa 1++ | rocket |
raki G | backbone; spine |
rako G | ragged garment |
ramentu | chaffy scales |
rami 1++ | branch; bough; perch; ramify; stick (branch) |
ramno G | prickly shrub |
ramula 1+ | twig |
Rana 1+ | frog |
rana-larva 1 | tadpole |
rancidi | stinking |
ranco 1 | ranch |
rangi | arrange in rows |
rangifer 1+ | reindeer |
ranunkulus | buttercup |
rapa 1+ | turnip |
rapaci | greedy |
rape (=rapi) 1X | seize; arrest; catch; grab; grapple; grasp; grip; snatch |
rapi 1++ | seize; arrest; catch; grab; grapple; grasp; grip; snatch |
rapidi 1++ | rapid; fast; hurry; in a hurry ; quick; rapidity; speed; speedy; snappy; suddenness; swift (quick) |
rapina | rapine; pillage; robbery |
rapsodi G | rhapsody |
rari 1++ | rare; exotic; scarce; seldom; uncommon |
raspa | scrape |
rastra | rake (garden) |
rati 1+ | raft; rate |
ratio 1+ | rate; ratio; fraction; proportion; ration |
rationa 1+ | reason (v) |
ratu (=ratus) 1X | rat |
ratus + | rat |
rauco (=rauku) X | hoarse; raucous |
rauku 1+ | hoarse; raucous |
ravina | ravine |
razia 1++ | raid |
razo 1++ | shave; scrape; graze; rasp (v); scratch |
razo-me 1 | razor (instrument) |
re 1++ | again; afresh; re; recurrence; recursion; repetition; return to beginning; back to beginning |
re komence 1 | start again |
re vide 1 | see again |
re- 1+ | (prefix:) back to beginning; back to beginning (prefix); re- |
re-akti (=reakti) X | answer; react; reaction; reply; respond; retort |
re-ami 1+ | reconcile |
re-aqa 1 | rinse |
re-ciklo 1+ | recycle |
re-mite 1 | relay |
re-neo 1 | renew |
re-paga 1 | repay |
re-proto 1 | resume (go on after stopping) |
re-uni 1 | rally |
re-uti 1++ | recycle |
reakti 1++ | react; answer; feed-back; heed; reaction; reply; respond; retort |
reali 1++ | real; accomplish; actual; carry out; execute; fulfil; fulfill; reality; realize (convert into a fact); really |
realismo | realism |
realisti | realist |
rebeli 1+ | rebel; uprising |
recede | recede; go back |
recense | recension; revise book |
recento + | lately; recent; recently |
recepta + | receipt |
recerka 1++ | research; investigate; investigation |
recesi | recess |
recipro 1 | conversely; mutually |
reciproka | reciprocate |
recita | recite |
redakti | edit |
redakto | editor |
reduce 1++ | reduce; reduction |
refere | refer |
reflekti 1+ | reflect; meditate |
reforma | reform |
refrakti | refract |
refreska | refresh |
refresko 1+ | refresh |
refrige | refrigerate |
refugi 1+ | refuge; flee back; safe place |
refulgi | flash back |
refusa 1++ | refusal; refuse; turn down |
refuta | refute |
regala (=regalo) X | feast (v); treat |
regalo 1+ | feast (v); treat |
regi 1++ | regent; ruler; regal; royal; sovereign |
u regi 1 | monarch |
regi dina 1 | majesty |
regi landa 1 | realm |
regi-sedi-mo 1 | throne |
regi-tem 1+ | reign |
regio 1+ | region |
registra 1+ | register (v); record (v); note down; record (on tape) |
regna | reign |
regresi | go back |
regreta + | regret; miss (regret) |
regula 1++ | control; organise; principle; regulate; rule (standard); ruler |
regulari (prefer uniforma) 1 | regular; homogeneous |
regurgita | regurgitate; throw back up |
reinkarna | reincarnate |
reitera | reiterate |
rejekta (=rejekti) X | throw back |
rejekti 1 | reject; repel; throw back |
rejuvenske | make young again |
reklama | claim |
rekogni 1++ | acknowledge; recognition; recognize |
rekolta (prefer karpe) | harvest |
rekomenda | recommend |
rekompensa | recompense |
rekoncilia | reconcile |
rekorda 1++ | record; record (sport) |
rektangula 1++ | rectangle; rectangular |
rekti 1++ | directly; straight |
rekula | recoil |
rekupera | recuperate |
relati 1++ | relate; relation; relationship; connection (relation) |
relatio (=relati) 1X | relation; connection (relation) |
relative (=relativi) 1X | relative |
relativi 1++ | relative |
relaxa 1+ | relax; lounge; repose; rest (repose) |
relega | relegate |
relenta | slow down |
releva 1+ | relieve |
relievo | relief (sculpture) |
religio 1++ | religion; religious |
religio dice 1++ | sermon |
religio vendo-pe 1 | missionary |
religio-do 1++ | temple; church; abbey |
relika | relic |
relinqi + | relinquish |
relukta | reluctance; reluctant; not want to |
remane | remain |
remarka | declare; remark |
remedi | remedy |
rememora | remind |
remi 1+ | oar; row (a boat) |
remisi | put back |
remonstra | protest |
remove | remove |
remunera | remunerate |
rena 1+ | kidney |
renaske | be born again |
renega | deny; repudiate |
renova | renovate; renovation; make new |
renta + | rent (n); rent (v); unearned income |
rentiera 1+ | rentier; shareholder; stockholder |
renuncia | renounce |
reo 1G | flow; current; flux; running |
reoala | feast (v); treat (v) |
repara 1++ | repair; cure; make good ; heal; mend; remedy; restore |
repeti | repeat |
repli (prefer reakti) | reply; answer; feed-back; react |
reporta 1+ | report; apprise; article; inform; narrate |
reposa 1 | repose; tranquillity; tranquilness |
representa 1++ | represent; representative |
reproduce 1+ | reproduce |
repti 1++ | crawl; creep; scramble |
repti-fito 1 | creeper |
repti-pe 1 | sneak |
Reptili 1+ | reptile |
republika 1++ | republic |
repudia | repudiate |
repugna | disgust |
repulsi | repel |
resenti 1+ | feel (strongly); grudge |
reserva | reservation; reserve |
residu 1+ | residue; remain; remaining; residual |
residua (=residu) X | remain; residual |
resigna + | resign; resignation |
resina | resin |
resista 1++ | resist; oppose; resistance; strength; strong; tough |
resista se 1 | resist oneself |
resoluti + | determined; resolute |
resolve | determination; resolve |
resoni | echo; echoic; resound |
resorta | spring |
respekta (=respekto) X | respect; heed; regard (respect) |
respekti (=respekto) 1X | respect; heed; regard (respect) |
respekto 1++ | respect; heed; regard (respect) |
respira (prefer spira) | respire; breath; breathe |
resplende | shine |
responde | respond; answer; feed-back; react; reply |
resta 1++ | rest (stay); remain; stay; stay behind; be left over ; linger; stay behind; surplus |
resta-ra 1 | remnant |
restaura | restore |
resti | rope |
restrikti | restrict |
resulta 1 | result; outcome |
resume | resume (summarize); résumé; summarize; abstract |
resurge | rise again |
resuscita | revive |
retalia 1 | retaliation; revenge; make revenge on ; vengeance |
retarda | delay |
retena | retain |
reti 1++ | net; connection (net); mesh; network; web (network) |
reti-navi 1 | trawler |
reti-te 1+ | lace |
reticentia | reticence |
retikulu | reticulate; reticulated; net structure |
retina | retina |
retira | retire; withdraw |
retoka | retouch work |
retrakti | retract; draw back |
retro 1++ | backwards; ago; back again; backward; behind; go back; repel; set back |
retro- 1+ | (prefix:) backwards; backwards (prefix); (prefix:) back again; back again (prefix); retro- |
retrospekti | retrospection; retrospective; look back |
Reum 1G | rhubarb |
reuma G | rheum; cold (illness) |
reunio | gather together |
revela | reveal |
reveni | come again |
reverbera | reflect |
revere 1+ | revere; reverence |
reversi | overturn; reverse |
revista | review |
revive 1+ | revive |
revoka | call back |
revolta | revolt (v) |
revolutio 1+ | revolution; revolutionize |
revolve | revolve |
Ribes 1 | currant |
ricinus G | castor oil plant |
rico 1 | rich |
ridi 1++ | laugh; laughter; mirth; ridicule |
ridi anti 1+ | jeer; mock; tease |
ridi-hedo 1+ | jolly |
riga 1+ | irrigate; moisten; water (v) |
rigi 1++ | rigid; stiff (rigid); obstinate |
rigidi (=rigi) 1X | rigid; stiff (rigid); obstinate |
rigori | stiffness |
rima 1+G | rhyme |
rinko 1G | beak; muzzle; snout; spout |
rino 1++G | nose; muzzle; rhino-; snout |
Rinokeros 1G | rhinoceros |
ripa 1+ | bank (river); river bank |
risko 1++ | risk; danger; dangerous; dare; hazard; peril; random; venture |
ritmi (=ritmo) XG | rhythm |
ritmo 1++G | rhythm |
ritu 1++ | rite; ritual; ceremony |
riva (=rivula) X | brook; stream (n) |
rivali 1++ | rival |
riveta | rivet |
rivu (=rivula) X | brook; creek (small river); rivulet; stream (n) |
rivula | rivulet; brook; creek (small river); stream (n) |
rizo 1+G | root; rhizo- |
roba 1+ | frock; gown; robe |
robora | strengthen |
robot (=roboti) X | robot |
roboti 1+ | robot |
robusta 1+ | robust; sturdy |
robuste (=robusta) X | robust; sturdy |
rode 1+ | gnaw |
rodo 1G | rose; rose color; pink |
roga 1 | ask; beg; inquire; interrogate |
roiali | royal |
roka | rock |
rokoko | rococo |
rola 1++ | roll; rotate |
rolo (=rola) 1X | roll |
romance 1 | romance |
romanti 1 | romantic |
romantici (=romanti) X | romantic |
rombo | rhombus |
rondo 1++ | round; circular |
rondo-ra 1 | reel (n) |
ronka | snore |
rosa 1++ | rose; pink |
roseta | rosette |
rosi (prefer droso) | dew |
rosti 1+ | roast |
rostra 1+ | beak; mouth; muzzle; snout; spout |
rostri (=rostra) 1X | beak; mouth; muzzle; snout; spout |
rostru (=rostra) 1X | beak; spout |
rota 1++ | rotate; wheel; gyrate; helm; revolve; go round ; spin |
rota-va 1+ | wheel barrow |
rota-zo 1++ | tire (tyre); tyre |
rotifera | rotifera |
rotundi | round |
(-)ru (short form of instrumenta) 1++ | instrument; tool; utensil; implement; apparatus; tackle (n) |
ru-teka | tool box |
rubeola 1 | measles |
rubesce 1+ | redden; becoming red ; blush |
rubi 1++ | red; blush; ruby; ruddy |
rubi-flavo (prefer rubi-xanto) | orange (colour) |
rubi-xanto 1++ | orange (colour) |
Rubikola 1 | robin |
rubri | red |
Rubus 1+ | bramble |
rude 1+ | rubbish; garbage; junk; litter; rubble |
rude (prefer krudi) 1 | rough |
rudi (=rude) 1X | rubbish; garbage; junk; litter; rubble |
rudimenta | beginnings |
rufi | red |
rug u fronta 1 | frown |
ruga 1 | rough; wrinkle |
rugi | roar |
rugo 1+ | rough; coarse; rugged |
rugo fronta 1 | scowl |
ruina 1++ | ruin; undermine |
ruino (=ruina) X | ruin |
ruita | rumor; rumour |
rumina | chew cud |
rumora 1++ | gossip; rumor; rumour |
runcina | plane (tool) |
runi | rune |
rupe | rock |
rupina | rocky chasm |
rupti 1++ | interrupt; interruption; break |
ruptu 1 | break |
rura 1++ | country (rural); rural |
rura vaga 1 | ramble |
rura-do 1 | cottage |
rura-pe 1 | peasant |
ruskum | butchers broom |
Ruso | Russian |
rustika | live in country ; oldfashioned; rural |
rusu | red-clad |
ruta 1+ | route |
rutelu | shovel; spade |
ruti | wrinkle |
rutilo | red |
rutina 1+ | routine |
sabato 1+ | sabbath; Saturday |
sabota + | sabotage |
sabulo | gravel; sand (coarse) |
sadi (French) 1++ | sadistic; cruel |
sadisti 1+ | hunter |
sadisti (prefer sadi) 1 | sadistic |
saeno G | wagtail |
saevi | fierce; wild |
safe + | manifest |
safro | yellow |
sagaci | wise |
sagita 1+ | arrow; dart |
saison (French) + | season |
saka 1++ | sack; bag; pouch; purse |
sakri 1 | sacred |
sakri bibli 1 | testament |
Sakri Skriptura 1 | scripture |
sakri-lo 1 | shrine |
sakri-verba | oath |
sakri-verbi (=sakri-verba) X | oath |
sakrifice 1++ | sacrifice |
sakro (=sakri, prefer sankti) 1X | saint (adj); holy |
sakto | crammed; stuffed |
sala | hall |
salari 1 | salary |
salata 1+ | salad |
salcicia 1+ | sausage |
sali 1++ | salt |
salici (=Salix) X | willow |
Salika 1 | wicker |
Salix 1+ | willow |
Salma 1 | salmon |
salmo 1+ | salmon |
salon | salon |
salpingo G | trumpet |
salsici | sausage |
salta 1++ | jump; bounce; hop; leap; prance; skip |
salta epi 1 | waylay |
salti (=salta) 1X | jump |
salubri | healthy |
saluta 1++ | greet; salute; compliment (greetings); greeting; regard (greeting); yours truly |
salva 1++ | save; rescue; reserve; reservation; save (computer file) |
salva se 1 | get away ; escape; flee |
salva-navi 1 | life-boat |
salva-zo 1 | life-belt |
salvia | sage (plant) |
samara | seed (winged) |
sambukus | elderberry |
sandali 1+ | sandal |
sandwic 1 | sandwich |
sangui (prefer hema) | blood |
sangui-suga (=hema-sugo) X | blood-sucker |
sanguina (=sangui, prefer hema) 1X | blood |
sani 1++ | health; healthy; well (healthy) |
sankti 1++ | holy; sacred; saint (adj); saint (v) |
sankti-pe 1 | saint (n) |
sanktio | sanction |
santa (=sankti) 1X | saint |
sapa | sap |
sapi | wise |
sapidi 1+ | flavor; flavour; savor; savory; taste; tasty |
sapie (=sapi, prefer ski for to know or sofi for wise) 1X | know; wise |
sapo 1++ | soap |
sapora | taste |
sapro 1++G | rot; decay; decline; foul; putrid |
sarci | mend; repair |
sardina 1+ | sardine |
sarkasmo G | sarcasm |
sarko G | flesh |
sarkofago G | coffin |
sarkulu | hoe |
sarma G | earth chasm |
sarmento | branch; twig; twiggy |
sartori | tailor |
sasi 1+ | grasp |
satani 1 | Satan |
sate G | penis |
satelita 1+ | satellite |
sati 1++ | enough; adequate; ample; fulfil; fulfill; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfy; suffice; sufficient |
sati- 1+ | (prefix:) enough; enough (prefix) |
satina 1 | satin |
satira G | lascivious |
satira-pe | satyr |
satiri | satire |
satisfi 1 | satisfy |
sativu | cultivated |
satrax G | louse |
satura | full; rich |
satura-di | Saturday |
sauce (French, =sosa) X | sauce |
sauro (=saurus) GX | lizard |
sauru (=saurus) 1GX | lizard |
saurus 1+G | lizard |
savana | savanna |
saxa-katena 1+ | reef |
saxi 1 | rock |
scal 1 | shawl |
scampu 1 | shampoo |
scena (=skeni) 1X | scene; stage |
scinti 1++ | sparkle; twinkle |
scunt 1+ | shunt |
se 1++ | self; itself; itself (reflexive); oneself (reflexive); self (reflexive) |
se- 1+ | (prefix:) self (reflexive); self (reflexive)(prefix) |
seba | grease; suet; wax |
sebasto G | venerable |
sed 1++ | but; however (=although it was so) |
sedati + | tranquil |
sedi 1++ | sit; seat (v) |
sedi-ka 1 | parlour; sitting room |
sedi-mo 1++ | chair; seat (n); stool |
sedimenta | sediment |
seduce | seduce |
sedulo | busy |
segrega | segregate |
seismo +G | earthquake |
seiso 1++G | shake; quake |
seka 1++ | cut; carve; chop; cleave (cut); excise; mow (v); slice (v); slit |
seka-iatri 1 | surgeon |
seka-ru 1++ | knife; razor (knife) |
sekale | rye |
sekretari 1++ | secretary |
sekreti 1+ | secrecy; secret; undercover |
sekta | sect |
sekti (prefer seka) | carve; chop; cut; mow (v); slit |
sekula | sickle |
sekulari | secular; worldly |
sekunda 1+ | second (ordinal); second (time) |
u sekunda 1 | latter |
sekuri 1++ | secure; security; safe; immune; sure |
sekuri-do 1+ | shelter |
sekuri-lo 1+ | asylum; refuge; safe place; shelter |
sela | saddle; seat (n) |
selaki G | shark |
selekti (prefer elekti) | choose; choice; pick (chose); select; selection |
selene 1G | moon; lunar |
seleni (=selene, prefer luna) GX | moon |
seli (=selido, prefer pagina) GX | page |
selido (prefer pagina) G | page; leaf of papyrus |
Selinum 1+G | parsley |
sema 1++G | sign; beckon; gesture; mark; signal |
sema vale 1 | wave good-bye |
semani 1++G | mean (signify); meaning; signify |
sembla | seem; look like (seem) |
semel | once |
semestri | six months |
semi 1++ | half |
semi- 1+ | (prefix:) half; half (prefix); hemi-; semi- |
semi-sopo 1 | doze |
semina 1 | seed; sow |
semita | footpath |
semno (prefer sankti or solemni) | holy; solemn |
semper 1 | always |
sempre (=semper, prefer panto-tem) X | always |
senate | senate |
senato 1++ | senate |
senecio | groundsel |
seni (=senili, prefer paleo) X | old (human) |
senili (prefer paleo) | senile; old (human) |
senior 1+ | Mister; Mr; Mr.; sir |
seniora 1+ | madam; Miss (title); mistress; Mistress; Mrs; Ms |
senioreta (=seniorita) 1X | Miss (title) |
seniorita 1* | Miss (title) |
sensatio + | sensation |
sensi 1++ | sense; feel; attitude; conscious; perceive; sensible |
sensi etio 1 | shame |
sensi fobo 1G | afraid |
sensi mali 1 | suffer |
sensitivi 1++ | sensitive; responsive; susceptible; tender; touchy |
sensua (=sensuali) X | sensual |
sensuali + | sensual |
senti (=sensi) 1X | sense; feel; attitude; conscious; perceive |
senti etio (=sensi etio) 1X | shame |
senti fobo (=sensi fobo) 1GX | afraid |
senti mali (=sensi mali) 1X | suffer |
sentimenta 1 | sentiment |
sepa | hedge |
sepala | sepal |
separa 1++ | separate (v); distinguish; part (v); separate (adj); separation |
septa 1 | fence; hedge; wall |
Septembra (prefer meno nona) * | September |
septembro (=Septembra, prefer meno nona) X | September |
septi (prefer seti) | seven |
septi-di | week |
sepulkro G | bury |
seqe 1++ | follow; consequence; effect (n); following; next; outcome; result; sequence; sequential; subsequent |
u seqe 1 | following; next |
seqe-co 1+ | so (therefore); consequently |
seqestra | sequestrate; take into custody |
sera 1+ | saw (tool) |
sereni | bright; clear (bright) |
seri 1++ | series; course; list; order (series); row (n) |
seria (=seri) 1X | course; order (series); row (n); series |
serici | silk |
seriko (=serici) 1X | silk |
serio (=serioso, prefer gravi) 1X | serious; earnest |
serioso | serious |
sermoni | sermon |
serpenta (=serpenti) X | serpent; snake; twist (wind); wind along; wind (twist); wriggle |
serpenti 1++ | serpent; snake; twist (wind); twisting; wind along; wind (twist); wriggle |
serpilum | thyme |
serpula (prefer pusi serpenti) | snake (little) |
serum | serum; whey |
servi 1++ | serve; service; be useful |
servi-me | server (computer) |
servi-pe 1++ | steward; waiter |
service + | service |
servieta 1 | napkin |
sesili | sitting |
sesio 1 | session |
sesqi | one-and-a-half |
sestro G | sieve |
seta 1+ | bristle; bristly |
seti 1++ | seven |
seti-mana (=setimana) 1X | week; weekly |
seti-ze 1 | seventy |
setimana 1++ | week; weekly |
setimana-fini 1++ | week-end |
severi 1++ | severe; rigorous; stern; strict; stringent |
sex (=sexu) X | sex |
sexu 1++ | sex; sexual; sexy |
sfagnum | sphagnum moss |
sfena (=sfeno, prefer kune) 1GX | wedge |
Sfeniskida (=sfenisko) GX | penguin (Jakass penguin with wedge-shaped wing) |
sfenisko G | penguin (Jakass penguin with wedge-shaped wing) |
sfeno 1G | wedge |
sferi 1+G | sphere; ball; marble (ball) |
sfex G | wasp |
sfigmo G | pulse |
sfingi G | bind tightly |
sfinktera G | muscular tap |
sfira G | mallet |
si 1++ | if; whether |
si ne ... 1++ | unless |
siala | saliva |
sib (=sibi) 1X | brother (or sister); sister (or brother) |
sibi 1++ | brother (or sister); sister (or brother) |
sibi an-fili 1 | nephew |
sibi fe-fili 1 | niece |
sibila 1++ | whistle; soothsay |
side 1 | chair; seat (n); bank (long seat) |
sideri | iron |
sidero | star |
sifo 1 | suck; suck up; siphon |
sifoni (=sifo, prefer sugo) X | siphon; suck up |
sigila 1+ | seal; mark |
sigilo (=sigila) X | seal |
signala | signal |
signatura 1++ | signature |
signi 1++ | sign; mark; signal; token |
signifi 1++ | signify; mean (signify); significance; significant |
sik 1 | so; thus |
sik uva 1 | raisin |
sika 1++ | dry; arid; dried |
sika via 1 | causeway |
sika-lo 1+ | desert (waterless land) |
sika-te 1+ | towel (n) |
sika-tem 1 | drought |
sikaminus G | mulberry |
sikamorus G | sycamore |
sikne G | thicket |
sikno G | frequent; many |
siko 1G | fig |
sikofanti G | flatter |
silabi 1+G | syllable |
silabus G | syllabus |
silento 1++ | silence; silent; hush; noiseless; soundless |
silfa G | air spirit |
sili 1 | sand |
silici | flint |
silika | silicon (Si) |
silika-li 1 | quartz |
siliqi | husk; pod |
silo | satire (poetic) |
silueta | silhouette |
silva 1++ | forest; (growing) wild ; wood (woodland); woodland |
silvestri (=silva) X | woodland |
silvi (=silva) X | forest; wood (woodland) |
sim (=sin, but sine=without so take ko(n)) GX | with; and |
sim- (take ko-) 1X | (prefix:) with; with (prefix) |
simbola (=simboli) GX | symbol |
simboli G | symbol |
simetri G* | symmetry; symmetrical |
simfio G | grow together |
simfoni G | symphony |
simfora G | chance; event |
simi 1 | similar; alike; equal; resemblance; similarity |
simia 1++ | ape; monkey |
simila (=simi, prefer homo) X | similar; alike; similarity |
simo | snub-nosed |
simpati 1++G | sympathy; compassion; mercy; pity; suffer with; sympathetic; sympathise |
simpli 1++ | simple; simply; plain (simple) |
simpto 1++ | symptom; clue; hint; indication |
simptoma 1+G | symptom |
simul 1++ | at the same time; together |
simula 1+ | simulate |
sin (=sim, but sine=without so take ko(n)) 1GX | with; and |
sin- (take ko-) 1X | (prefix:) with; with (prefix) |
sinagoga G | synagogue; meeting place |
Sinapis 1+ | mustard |
sinapsi G | synapse |
sinceri | earnest; sincere |
sindesmo G | ligament |
sindika G | organize |
sindikata G | syndicate; Trade Union |
sine (but sin=with! Prefer "minus") 1 | without |
sine- 1 | (prefix:) without; without (prefix) |
singu 1++ | each |
singulta | hiccup; sob |
sinior (=senior) 1X | Mister; Mr; Mr.; sir |
siniora (=seniora) 1X | madam; Miss (title); mistress; Mistress; Mrs; Ms |
siniorina 1 | Miss; young lady |
siniorita (=seniorita) 1X | Miss (title) |
sinistro | sinister; left (hand) |
sinkope G | faint |
sinkroni +G | synchronize; synchronous |
sinod G | assembly |
sinonimo G | synonym |
sinopsi G | synopsis; general view |
sintaxi G | syntax |
sintesi G | put together |
sinu 1 | curve (n); bay; breast |
sinuoso | sinuous |
sio 1++ | would (conditional tense); 'd (short for would) |
sipa (=disipa) 1X | waste (use without good purpose) |
sirena 1+ | sea nymph; siren |
siri | scorcher (the) |
siriasis | sunstroke |
siringa G | lilac |
Siringo (=siringa) GX | lilac |
sirinx G | pipe (n) |
sirma G | sweepings |
sirmaeo G | purge |
siropa 1 | syrup |
sirto G | alluvia |
siru G | broom |
sis-zigo (=siszigo) X | united; yoked |
sispasto G | contracted |
sistelo +G | attraction; draw together |
sistema 1++G | system; tidy; arrange; organize; systematic |
sisto | stopper |
sistoli G | contract (narrow); systole |
sistremo G | anything twisted together ; twist together |
siszigo G | united; yoked |
sito 1++G | food; feed; nourish; meal; repast |
sito-avi 1+* | fowl |
sito-bo 1 | food shop |
sito-bo-pe 1+ | grocer |
sito-fito 1+ | vegetable |
sito-ka 1+ | pantry |
sito-va 1+ | hamper |
situa | situate; situated |
situla | bucket |
six (short form of sixa) | six |
sixa 1++ | six |
sixa bi 1 | sixty-two |
sixa-ze 1 | sixty |
skabelo | footstool |
skabi 1 | rasp; scrape; scratch |
skabro | scabby; rough |
skafo G | boat; trough |
skala 1++ | stairs; ladder; staircase; stairway |
skala fragma 1+ | banister |
skalda 1 | scald |
skaleno G | unequal |
skali | hoe |
skali-ru 1+G | hoe |
skalia | scale (body cover) |
skalpa 1+ | scalp |
skalpel | scalpel; surgical knife |
skambo G | bowlegged |
skana 1+ | scan; scrutinze |
skana-me | scanner (device) |
skandali 1 | scandal |
skandaliza | scandalize |
skano (=skana) X | scan |
skapa 1++ | shoulder |
skapi | shaft; stem |
skaramuci | skirmish |
skarioso | thin-scaly |
skarleto | scarlet |
skarpa | escarpment; hill-scarp |
skato G | dung; filth |
skatu G | gush out |
skaturiga | bubbling spring |
skeda 1 | roll of paper; strip (paper); strap (paper) |
skedane G | scatter |
skele (=skelo) GX | leg |
skelerato | scoundrel |
skeleto 1++G | skeleton; framework; rack; scaffolding |
skeli G | rib; side |
skelo 1G | limb; member; leg |
skema 1++G | scheme; plan; design; draft; layout |
skena (=skeni) 1GX | scene; stage |
skende 1++ | climb |
skeni 1++G | scene; stage |
skeno (=skeni) XG | scene; stage |
skepti G | doubt |
skeptika G | sceptical |
skeptro G | staff (rod); sceptre; scepter |
skeu G | tool; vessel |
ski 1++ | know; knowledge |
gene ski 1+ | learn |
plu ski 1 | skis |
ski de 1++ | aware |
skia G | shade (shadow); shadow |
skibalo (prefer kopro) G | dung |
skience 1++ | science; scientific; knowledge |
skili | squill (herb) |
skilo G | booty |
skinde (prefer seka) | cut; cleave (cut) |
skindula | roof shingle |
skinki | skink; lizard |
skintila | spark |
skion | branch; shoot (plant) |
skiro (prefer sklero) G | hard (not soft) |
skirpus | rush (plant) |
skirto | jump; leap |
skiso (=skizo) X | cut; fissure; schism; split; tear (separate) |
skisora | scissors |
skito G | hide (skin); leather; skin |
skitu | informed |
skitulo | elegant; pretty |
Skiurus 1 | squirrel |
skizo 1++G | cut; division; fissure; schism; split; tear (separate) |
sklero 1++G | hard (not soft) |
sknipo G | stingy |
sko 1++G | instruct; education; instruction; lecture; lesson; schooling; teaching; training; tuition |
dona sko 1 | teach |
gene sko 1+ | learn |
sko-do 1++G | school; schoolhouse |
sko-pe 1 | scholar; instructor; teacher |
sko-pe (take disci-pe) 1X | pupil (learner) |
skobi | scrapings |
skobina (=skabi, prefer razo) X | rasp (v) |
skola 1 | school |
skoleki (prefer vermi) G | worm |
skolex (=skoleki, prefer vermi) GX | worm |
skoli | reef |
skolio G | bent; curved |
skopa G | broom |
skope 1++G | look; aspect; look at; observe; observation; regard (look); search; view (v); watch |
skope G | range |
skopto G | jest; mock |
skopulo G | projecting rock |
skoria G | dross; refuse (dross) |
Skorpio 1+G | scorpion |
skoto 1++G | dark; darkness; gloom; shade |
skreato | hacking cough |
skri | skree |
skribe 1+ | write |
skrotum | scrotum |
skrupulo | scruple |
skruti | examine closely; examine fully; examine thoroughly |
skulpe (=skulptu) 1X | sculpture |
skulptu 1 | sculp; sculpture |
skuma (take afro) X | foam; scum |
skuner 1 | schooner |
skuta 1++ | screen (general); screen (TV, video); folding screen ; shield (n); shield (v) |
skutela + | bowl (small); dish |
skuter 1 | scooter |
sledo | sled; sleigh |
slogan | slogan; war cry |
smaragdo G | emerald |
smi 1 | smile |
sminto G | mouse (especially field-mouse); field-mouse |
snaza 1++ | sneeze |
snora 1+ | snore |
so 1++ | so; like this; thus; in this way ; in that way |
sobri | sober |
sobrike | nickname |
socia 1++ | companion; fellow; partner |
sociali 1++ | social |
socialismo | socialism |
societa 1++G | society; association; company; organization; partnership |
soda 1 | soda |
sofa 1 | sofa |
sofi 1++G | wise; -sophy; prudent; sage; wisdom; wise |
sofi dice 1 | proverb |
sojurna + | sojourn; stay (sojourn) |
soka | stocking |
soko | shoe (light) |
sola 1+ | solar; sun |
solanum | nightshade |
soldata 1 | soldier |
soldata-line 1 | rank |
sole | be accustomed |
solea | sole (foot) |
soleci | speak incorrectly |
solemni 1++ | solemn; earnest |
soleno | channel; pipe |
solicita | entreat |
solidi 1++ | solid; firm |
soliloqi | speak alone |
solita (prefer solo) | alone; lone; solitary; solitude |
solitu (=solita, prefer solo) X | alone; solitary; solitude |
solo 1++ | only; alone; lone; lonely; on one's own (alone); solely; solo; solitary; solitude |
solo mo 1++ | single; singular |
solox | bristly; rough |
solu 1++ | ground; soil |
solubili | soluble |
solutio | solution |
solve 1++ | solve; dissolution; dissolve; solution |
solve-ma 1 | solvent |
soma 1++G | body; somatic |
soma kosina 1++ | mattress |
soma-va 1 | bath |
somato (=soma) GX | body; somatic |
somni 1++ | sleep; asleep; slumber |
somni-ka 1+ | bedroom |
son spira 1+ | sob |
sonda 1+ | sound (test); probe; examine; tempt |
soni 1++ | sound (acoustic); aloud; chime; play (music); pronounce; pronunciation; ring (sound) |
soni kine 1 | racket |
soni klude 1 | slam |
soni lauda 1+ | applaud |
soni verba 1+ | pronounce |
soni-karta | sound card (computer) |
soni-me 1 | hooter |
sonia 1++ | dream |
sono (=soni) X | pronounce; pronunciation |
sopo 1 | sleep; asleep; slumber |
sopo-ka 1 | dormitory |
sopo-mo 1 | bed |
sopo-ve 1 | pyjamas |
soprano 1 | treble |
sorbe | absorb; suck in |
sordi | dirty |
soredi G | heap (n); pile |
sorex | mouse (especially shrew); shrew-mouse |
sorora (=sorori) 1X | sister |
sorori 1+ | sister |
sorori andro 1+ | brother-in-law |
sorta + | sort (n); sort (v); species |
sorti | divination |
sorti (French) | go out |
soru 1 | accumulate |
sosa (French) 1+ | sauce |
sosi | double (of a person) |
soverani | sovereign |
soze G | keep; save |
space (=spaci) 1X | space |
spaci 1++ | space |
spaci-navi 1 | space ship |
spacia (=spaci) X | space |
spada (=spata) X | spade |
spadix | fleshy spike |
spakelo G | gangrene |
spalier | trellis |
spani G | scarce |
spank 1 | spank |
sparakto G | tearer |
sparaso G | tear (to pieces); lacerate; mangle (tear) |
sparge | sprinkle |
sparnia | spare (be merciful); show mercy |
sparse | scatter; sprinkle |
spasm (=spasmo) X | jerk; jolt; spasm |
spasmo 1++G | spasm; jerk; jolt; jounce |
spata 1++ | spade; shovel; scoop |
spatilo G | excrement |
spatu (=spata) 1X | shovel; spade; scoop |
spatula 1++ | spoon |
spatula-ple 1 | spoonful |
spe 1++ | hope; expectancy; wish (hope) |
speci 1++ | species; brand; class; genus; for example; kind (sort, species); sort (n) |
speci krati 1 | regime |
speciali + | especially; special |
speciali-pe | specialist |
specializa | specialize |
specifi | specify |
specioso | showy |
speka (=speku) 1X | glance |
spekta 1 | look; aspect; look at |
spekta-pe 1 | spectator |
spektakula 1+ | pageant; show (n); sight (n) |
spektra | ghost |
spektra 1 | spectrum; rainbow |
spektru (=spektra) X | spectrum; rainbow |
speku 1+ | glance; look |
spekula 1++ | mirror; speculate |
speleo (prefer kaverno) 1G | cave; cavern |
spend u tem 1 | pass the time |
spende 1++ | spend; exhaust; expend |
sperge 1 | strew; scatter; intersperse |
sperma 1++G | seed; pip |
sperma-tem 1++ | autumn; autumnal; fall (autumn) |
sperma-va 1+ | pod; seed case |
spika 1+ | ear (grain); spike (grain) |
spikula | grain (n) |
spilo G | spot (n) |
spina 1++ | spine; pin; thorn |
spinaci 1 | spinach |
spinta 1+G | spark |
spinula | pin |
spio | spy |
spira 1++ | breath; breathe; respire |
spira-ra 1 | lung |
spirali 1 | spiral |
spiri G | coil |
spiritis (=spiritu) X | spirit |
spiritu 1++ | spirit; soul |
spisa | thicken |
splankno G | entrails |
splasc 1 | splash |
splendi 1++ | splendid; glitter; gloss (shine); luster; lustre; shine; splendor; splendour |
spleno | spleen |
spodo G | ash; ashes; embers |
spolia | booty |
sponde | promise |
spondilo G | vertebra |
spongi 1++G | sponge |
sponsa 1++ | spouse; bind; engage; promise |
sponso (=sponsa) 1X | promise; bind; engage |
sponta 1+ | free; unbidden; weed; willingly |
spontane | spontaneous |
spora 1+G | spore; intersperse; scatter; seed; spread; strew |
sporona | spur on |
sporta 1++ | sport; game (especially sport); play (especially sport); play (game) |
sporta jaketa 1 | blazer |
sporta-area 1 | pitch |
sporta-do 1 | sports centre |
sporta-pe 1 | player |
sporta-ra 1++ | play-thing; toy |
sposa-matri 1 | mother-in-law |
spre (English) 1 | spray |
spu 1+ | spit |
spude G | exertion; zeal |
spuma 1 | foam; froth; suds |
spurio | spurious; false |
spurko G | filthy; foul |
sputa (=spu) X | spit |
sqalidi | dirty |
sqalo 1+ | shark |
sqalus | dogfish |
sqama 1 | scale (body cover); scale (lose or remove scales) |
sta 1++ | stand |
sta bomba 1 | mine (bomb) |
stabili 1++ | stable; firm; stability; steady |
stabula | stable (n) |
stadio 1 | stadium |
staeto G | dough |
stafilo G | bunch of grapes |
stagmo G | drop (n) |
stagna 1++ | pond; pool |
staki G | spike (grain) |
stakto G | oozing drops |
stakula | vine (n) |
stalagma (prefer guta) G | dripping |
stalakti (=stalagma, prefer guta) GX | dripping |
staliko G | stake (n) |
stalo 1+ | stall |
stamini G | stamen; thread |
stampa 1++ | stamp (v) |
-stan (Ind.) | -stan (Ind. country) |
stani 1++ | tin (Sn) |
stani-va 1 | can (tin); tin can; tin box; tin (box) |
stape | stirrup |
stara (=stare) X | peer (look); stare |
stare | stare; peer (look) |
staro (=stare) X | peer (look); stare |
stasi (=sta) 1X | stand; find oneself (in a place) |
statika (=statiko) 1GX | find oneself (in a place); stand |
statiko 1G | static; statically; stand; find oneself (in a place); stationary; stationed; not moving |
statio 1++ | station; park (v); stationed; stop (station) |
statisti (=statistika) X | statistics |
statistika 1 | statistics; statistic |
stato 1+ | state (political community or its territory); nation |
stato 1++ | state (condition); condition; circumstance; situation; status |
stato service 1 | civil service |
stato-pe 1 | statesman |
statu (=stato) 1X | condition |
statu (=statua) 1X | statue |
statua 1++ | statue |
statura 1++ | stature; height (body) |
status 1++ | status; rank |
statuta | ordain (command) |
stauro 1 | cross (n); cross (v); crossing; interbreed |
stauroma G | palisade; stockade |
staxi G | dropping (anim.) |
steato G | fat (suet); suet |
stefano 1G | wreath; corona; crown; garland |
stegno G | closed (tight); constricted |
stego 1++G | roof; ceiling |
stego-ka 1 | loft |
stego-traba 1 | rafter |
steiligma G | prop; support |
stela (=stele) 1GX | column; pillar |
stela (prefer astro) 1X | star |
stelaria | chickweed |
stele 1+G | column; pillar; stake (n); stanchion |
stelo (=stela, take astro) X | star |
stemono G | penis |
stencila | stencil |
steno 1++G | narrow; strait |
steno G | strong |
steno vali 1+ | ravine |
steno via (=steno-via) 1X | alley; corridor; gangway; lane; passage |
steno-fluvi 1+ | brook; creek (small river); rivulet; stream (n) |
steno-via 1++ | alley; corridor; gangway; lane; passage |
stento G | shout loudly |
stentora G | loud person |
stepe | steppe |
stereo 1G | solid |
sterigma G | prop; support |
sterili | sterile |
steringo (=sterigma) GX | support |
sterko (prefer kopro) G | dung |
sternu G | chest (body part); sternum |
sternuta | sneeze |
steto G | chest (body part) |
steward | steward |
sti 1++G | switch on; cause; put into gear ; set going ; induce; initiate; make (cause); set in motion ; prod; prompt; provoke; quick; reason (n); start (process); stimulate; turn on |
sti akorda 1+ | match (v) |
sti ergo 1 | drill (training) |
sti fatiga 1+ | tedious |
sti flo 1++ | launch |
sti fobo 1G | awful; scare; terrible |
sti hedo 1++ | cheer |
sti kade 1 | fell (cause to fall); tip over; upset (tip over) |
sti koleri 1+G | annoy; irritate; provoke |
sti kredi 1++ | convince; persuade |
sti mei 1 | reduce |
sti memo 1++ | remind |
sti mira 1 | amaze |
sti more 1++ | accustom |
sti morta 1 | fatal |
sti muta 1 | affect |
sti obe 1 | subdue; subjugate |
sti pato 1++G | infect; infection |
sti pote 1++ | enable |
sti puta 1+ | impress |
sti retro 1 | push back; turn back |
sti simpati 1G | pathetic |
sti ski 1++ | announce |
sti sopo 1 | fall asleep; lull to sleep |
sti torti 1 | buckle (v) |
sti tristi 1 | depress (make sad) |
sti tropi 1+ | divert |
sti turba 1+ | disturb |
sti u lampa 1 | switch on the lamp |
sti veni 1 | summon |
sti versi 1 | call back |
sti vigi 1++ | arouse; rouse; wake up |
sti-fobo 1 | horrible |
sti-me 1G | trigger |
u sti-me 1 | switch |
sti-sudo 1 | sweater |
stibado G | bed; mattress |
stibium G | antimony (Sb) |
stibo G | path; way (road) |
stigma 1 | mark; stain |
stiko G | line; row (n) |
stikto G | dappled; dotted |
stila 1 | drop (n); drop (v); leak (v) |
stilbo G | glitter; shine |
stilo 1++G | pen; ball-point pen ; style |
stimula 1++G | stimulate; excite; goad; inspire; interesting; tempt; urge on |
stipa | cram; stuff (v) |
stipe | stem; trunk (tree) |
stipendium | pay |
stipto G | crammed; packed |
stipula | stipulate; stipule |
stirpi | stem; stock |
stixi G | puncture |
sto 1++ | stop; abandon (give up); abolish; abort; abstain; cease; end; put an end to ; extinguish; finish; halt; interfere; obstruct; prevent; quell; strike (extinguish); suppress; switch off; terminate; turn off; upset (stop) |
sto dipso 1 | quench |
sto ergo 1++ | strike (labor) |
sto ki ab 1 | detain |
sto piro 1G | quench |
sto spira 1 | choke; suffocate; stifle (breathing); throttle |
sto-dic 1 | gag (in mouth) |
sto-hema 1 | tourniquet |
sto-me 1++ | brake (n) |
sto-ra 1+ | plug (stopper); stopper |
sto-spira (=sto spira) 1X | stifle (breathing); throttle |
stoa G | porch |
stoiko G | stoical |
stokasma G | target |
stoko +G | aim; shot |
stola | stole (n); garment (long) |
stolidi | stupid; dull (stupid) |
stolo G | branch; runner (branch) |
stoma 1++G | mouth; oral |
stomako 1 | stomach |
stono G | groan; sigh |
stop (=sto) X | stop; strike (extinguish) |
stop aero 1 | smother |
stora 1++ | store; car-boot; supply |
stora-do 1++ | storehouse; barn; warehouse |
stora-lo 1 | depot |
stori 1+ | story; account; rapport; tale |
stra 1+ | straw; litter (straw) |
stra-tegu 1 | thatch |
strabo G | cross-eyed |
stragulu G | blanket |
strama (=stra) GX | straw; litter (straw) |
stramini (=stra) X | straw |
strangali (take nodi) GX | knot |
strango (take no-rekti, ge-flexi or ge-strepto) X | crooked; twisted |
strangula G | strangle; choke |
stranx | something squeezed out |
strata 1+ | street; road; highway |
strategi 1++G | strategy; trick; cleverness; cunning; foxiness; shrewd; shrewdness; trap (trick) |
stratu | covering; layer |
strema (take ge-strepto) GX | sprained; twisted |
stremato (prefer strepto (twist) or presa (stress)) G | twist; wrench; stress (caused by torsion) |
strepto 1++G | twist; coil (v); plait; sprain; twisting; wind (twist) |
stresa 1+ | strain; stress |
stria 1++ | furrow; groove; line; stripe |
stride | creaking; cry (shrill); grating (sound); harsh (sound); screech; shrill; squeek |
strido (=stride) 1X | screech |
strigoso | lean (thin); thin |
striktu | drawn together |
stringizo (prefer stride) G | screech |
stringos G | screech owl |
strix (=stringos) GX | screech owl |
strobili G | pine cone |
strobo (prefer strombi) G | cone; top (spinning toy); whirl |
strofi G | turn; turning (n); twisted |
strofo (=strofi) GX | turning (n); twisted |
stroma G | mattress |
strombi G | cone; spiral shell; top (spinning toy); whirl |
strongilo 1G | round; circular; rounded |
stropi G | cripple; maim |
stropo G | strap; thong |
stru 1++ | build; construct; pile up |
struktura 1++ | structure; conformation |
strumi | goitre swelling |
Strutio 1+G | ostrich |
stude 1++ | study; explore |
stude viagia 1 | expedition |
stude-pe 1++ | student; pupil (academic) |
studenta (=studenti, prefer stude-pe) 1X | scholar |
studenti 1 | student; pupil (academic); scholar |
stulta (=stulti) X | fool; foolish |
stulti + | fool; foolish |
stupe 1+ | astound; amaze; amazement; astonish; extraordinary; stun |
stupendo | wonderful |
stupidi 1++ | stupid; absurd; dull (stupid); ridiculous; ruffian; silly |
stupra | ravish |
stupula | stubble |
sturnus | starling |
su (=supra, don't mix with sub) 1X | over (local); upstairs; above; over; overhead; senior; superior; top (above); upper |
su facia (=su-facia) 1X | surface; top |
su toto 1 | above all; especially |
su-facia 1+ | surface |
su-tunika 1 | shirt; chemise |
suade | persuade |
suavi | sweet |
sub (don't mix with su) 1++ | below; under; beneath; lower; rather (somewhat); somewhat |
sub aqa 1 | under water |
sub- 1+ | (prefix:) under; under (prefix) |
sub-ge-signi 1 | undersigned |
sub-ridi 1++ | smile |
sub-tera karcera 1 | dungeon |
sub-urba 1 | suburb |
suberi 1 | cork |
subex | basal layer |
subito 1++ | sudden; suddenly; abrupt; surprise |
subito venti 1 | gust |
subito volu 1 | impulse |
subjekti 1+ | subject |
subjuga | subjugate |
sublime 1+ | sublime; exalted; uplifted |
sublimi (=sublime) X | sublime; exalted; uplifted |
submarina 1++ | submarine |
submerge 1 | submerge |
subo (=sub, or take proxi) X | approximately; rather; somewhat |
subsesa | ambush |
subskribe 1+ | subscribe |
substantia | substance |
subter- | (prefix:) beneath; beneath (prefix) |
subtera-ka 1 | vault |
subtili | subtle |
subula | awl |
sucede 1++ | success; accomplish; pass an examination; profit; succeed; successful |
sucerda | swine dung |
sud 1++ | south; southern |
sudi | stake (n) |
sudo 1+ | sweat; perspiration; perspire |
sue 1++ | sew; sewing; stitch |
sue-me 1+ | sewing machine |
sue-pe 1 | taylor |
suela 1 | ground; floor |
suetu | accustomed |
sufacia (=su-facia) 1X | surface |
sufere (=sufero) X | endure; suffer; undergo |
suferi (=sufero) 1X | endure; suffer; undergo |
sufero 1+ | suffer; endure; sufferance; suffering; undergo |
sufici 1++ | sufficient; enough; plenty; suffice |
sufla (=fla) X | blow |
sufoka 1+ | suffocate; choke; stifle |
suge (=sugo) 1X | suck |
sugesti 1++ | suggest; suggestion; nominate; propose |
sugo 1++ | suck; suck up |
sui 1++ | swine; pig; hog; pork |
sui lipo 1+ | lard |
sui poda 1 | ham |
sui-cide (=suicide) 1X | suicide |
sui-do 1 | sty |
sui-karni 1+ | bacon; pork |
suicide | suicide |
sukro 1++ | sweet |
sukro krema 1 | custard |
sukro-bo 1 | tuck (shop) |
sukro-gelatino + | jelly |
sukro-ma 1++ | sugar; treacle |
sukro-sito 1 | pudding |
suku 1++ | succulent; juice; juicy; sap |
sukursa | branch office |
sulfuri 1+ | sulphur |
sulka (=sulko, prefer kanali) X | furrow |
sulko 1 | furrow |
sulko (try to express somehow with vigi) 1 | ship's wake |
suma 1++ | sum; add; calculate; score; summing; total |
suma-me + | calculator |
sumari 1+ | summarize; summary; abstract |
sumariza (=sumari) X | summarize |
sume 1+ | take |
sumita 1 | summit; peak; apogee |
sumptu | costly |
sumu | highest (on top); highest place; summit |
supa 1++ | soup |
super (prefer supra) | over (local) |
superba | superb; excellent; very good ; splendid |
superbo (=superba) X | superb |
supercilia (=supra-cilia) X | eyebrow |
superficia | surface |
superi | overcome |
superio | higher |
superlativi | superlative; highest (in the upmost degree) |
superna | celestial |
superstitio | superstition |
supine | supine; lying on back |
supli | supply |
suplika | beseech |
suporta | support; help |
suporta-pe | supporter |
suposi | suppose |
supra 1++ | above; over; over (local); overhead; senior; superior; top; upper; upstairs |
supra cilia (=supra-cilia) X | eyebrow |
supra toto 1 | above all; especially |
supra- 1+ | (prefix:) above; above (prefix) |
supra-cilia 1+ | brow (hair); eyebrow |
supra-soni 1 | supersonic |
supra-tunika 1+ | chemise; shirt |
u supra-ve 1 | waistcoat |
supra-visi 1++ | supervise |
supra-visi-pe 1 | superintendent |
supracilia (=supra-cilia) X | eyebrow |
supraflu 1 | overflow; superfluous |
supreme | supreme |
supura | form pus |
sura 1++ | sure; assure; certain; confidence; confident; confirm; of course; positive; undoubtedly |
surdi | deaf |
surfaci (=su-facia) 1X | surface |
surfacia (=su-facia) X | surface; top |
surge 1++ | rise (go up); appear; arise; get up; loom (rise); show up |
surko 1 | channel; canal |
surkuli | sucker |
surmonta | overcome |
surprise 1 | surprise |
suscita | arouse; stir |
suspekta (prefer suspici or kredi) | suspect |
suspici 1+ | suspect; suspicious; believe |
suspira 1+ | sigh |
susura 1++ | whisper; rustle |
sutura 1+ | seam |
svelte | slender |
ta 1+ | so much; so very |
taba 1++ | board; plank; slab |
tabanus | gadfly |
tabe | waste away |
taberna 1 | inn; tavern |
tabla 1+ | table (furniture) |
tabla (=tabula) 1X | table (figures) |
tabla publika 1+ | desk top publishing; DTP (desk top publishing) |
tabla-te 1 | table cloth |
tableta 1+ | tablet (slab); tablet (medicament) |
tabula 1+ | table (figures) |
tace (=taci) X | silent; be silent |
taci 1+ | be quiet ; silent; be silent |
taci puta 1 | muse |
taeda | pine torch |
taeni 1 | tape |
taenia | tapeworm |
taero G | door-hinge |
tafo 1++G | -taph; tomb |
tafro G | trench |
tagax | thievish |
tagma | (something) arranged ; ordered (in order) |
tago | chief; ruler |
takema G | chair; seat (n) |
tako 1++G | fast; quick; brisk; haste; hasty; hurry; nimble; prompt; rapid; rapidity; rate; speed; speedy; sprint; swift (quick); velocity |
tako gluto 1 | gulp |
tako grafi 1G | sketch |
tako speka 1 | glimpse |
tako tekno 1G | clever; smart (clever) |
tako-kine 1G | nimble |
taktiki G | tactics |
taktile | tactile |
takto 1+ | tact; contact |
talamo G | bedroom |
talano G | sad; wretched |
talasi G | sea |
talea | stick (baton); stick (branch) |
talento | talent |
tali 1++ | such; such a |
tali (take kalku for heel, pedi-artri for ankle) X | heel; ankle |
talia | cut to shape; waist |
talo (=tali) X | such |
talo (take klema or others) GX | shoot (plant) |
Talpa 1+ | mole |
talpo G | heat; warmth |
talu (take kalku) X | heel |
tambo G | astonishment |
tambura (prefer timpani) | drum |
tamburina | tambourine |
tamno G | bush; shrub |
tampo 1 | pad |
tamponi | tampon |
tana | tan skins |
tanasi G | death; die |
tanato (=tanasi, prefer morta) GX | death; die |
tange 1+ | touch; contact |
tani G | outstretched |
tanka 1+ | tank |
tantaliza | torment |
tanto 1+ | so much; so many |
tapa | plug (stop up); stop up |
tape 1++G | carpet; mat; rug |
taperi | taper |
tapeta (=tape) X | carpet; mat; rug |
tapi (=tape) 1X | carpet |
tapioka 1 | tapioca |
tapiseri 1 | tapestry |
tarako G | disturb |
taraxakum | dandelion |
taraxi | confusion |
tardi 1++ | late; delay; slow |
tarifa | tariff |
tarqini | haughty; pride; proud |
tarsu 1+ | ankle |
tarsus (=tarsu, prefer pedi-artri) X | ankle |
tasa 1++ | cup |
tasi | stretching (n) |
taso G | sit idle |
tata | daddy |
tatira (prefer Fasanus) G | pheasant |
tauma 1G | marvel; wonder |
taurus | bull (ox) |
tauto G | same; the same |
taverna 1+ | inn; tavern |
taxi 1++ | taxi; cab |
taxilus (prefer pedi-artri) | ankle |
taxlis (=Taxus) X | yew |
taxo 1++G | arrange; arrangement; classify; put in order ; order (arrangement); ordain (arrangement) |
Taxus 1 | yew |
te (short form of tende) 1+ | aim; deliberate; for (purpose); in order that; in order to; intend; intended for; intention; intentional; object (purpose); purpose; so that; that (final conjunction); tend (intention); tendency; to (in order to) |
-te (short affix form of textili) 1+ | textile; cloth; duster; fabric; rag |
te-do 1++ | tent |
tea 1++ | tea |
tea-va 1 | tea pot; teapot |
teatra 1++G | theater; theatre; theatrical |
tedio | tedium |
tefra G | ashes |
tego G | sharpen |
tegu 1++ | cover; casing; ceiling; deck; eclipse; lid (cover); shelter; shutter |
tegula 1++ | tile |
teka 1++G | box; bin; case (container); chest (box); sheath; teak |
plu teka 1+ | baggage; boxes; luggage |
tekni (=tekno) 1GX | skilful |
teknika +G | technique |
tekno 1++G | clever; craft; expert (adj); expertness; know-how; skilful; skill; skilled; skillful; smart (clever); technical; techno- |
tekno G | child |
tekno akti 1 | feat |
tekno mali (=tekno-mali) 1GX | cunning; wily |
tekno-mali 1++G | cunning; sly; wily |
tekno-pe 1++ | engineer; expert (n) |
teknologi +G | technology |
tekti (prefer stego) | roof |
tekto 1+G | build; construct |
tekto ligni 1 | timber |
tela 1 | canvas; cloth; cobweb; fabric; linen |
tele 1++G | far; afar; distance; distant; farther; further; remote |
tele bronto 1G | rumble |
telefona (=telefono) GX | telephone |
telefono 1++G | telephone |
telegrama 1 | telegram |
telema G | will (legal) |
teleo 1G | perfect; outstanding |
teleskope 1++G | telescope |
telesona (take radio) X | radio |
televida (=televisio) X | television |
televide (prefer televisio) | television |
televisio 1++ | television; TV |
telgo G | charm; enchantment |
teli G | nipple; teat |
telis G | female |
telma 1G | water (standing); mire |
telo 1G | end; finish; purpose |
telotero G | further away |
telson G | boundary; end |
teluri G | earthen; of earth |
teluto G | completion |
tem 1++ | time (period); as (while); at (time); during; for (during); in (during); period; season; while (temporal) |
tem dona (=tem-dona) 1X | lend |
tem gene (=tem-gene) 1X | borrow; hire |
tem habe (=tem-habe) 1 | borrow |
tem-co 1+ | meanwhile; at that time |
tem-di | date (day) |
tem-don u domi 1 | let a house |
tem-dona 1++ | lease; lend; loan |
tem-eko 1 | lodge (v); occupy |
tem-gene 1++ | borrow; hire |
tem-habe 1 | borrow; loan (n) |
tem-uti 1++ | hire; lease; rent (v) |
tema 1++G | theme; subject; thesis; topic |
temako (take mero) GX | morsel; slice (n) |
temeriti | rash |
temno (prefer seka) G | slice (v); cut; divide |
tempera | moderate |
temperatura 1++ | temperature |
tempestu 1++ | tempest; storm |
templa | temple |
temporali | of this world |
temporo | temple (head) |
tena 1++ | hold; keep; carry (support); clutch; conservation; contain; grip; have (hold); hold together; maintain; preserve; restrain; retain; stock (store); support; sustain; uphold |
tena in boteka 1 | stock (store) |
tena poli 1 | abound |
tena se 1 | restrain oneself |
tena se ab 1 | abstain |
tena solita 1 | quarantine |
plu tena-fi 1 | braces |
tena-mo 1++ | cabinet (cupboard); cupboard |
tena-ru 1+ | pliers; tongs; vice (tool) |
tenacio | persistent |
tenalia | pincers |
tenari G | palm (hand) |
tende 1++ | intention; aim; deliberate; goal; for (purpose); in order to; in order that; intend; intended for; intentional; object (purpose); purpose; so that; tend (intention); tendency; that (final conjunction); to (in order to) |
tenebri | dark (gloomy) |
tenera | soft; tender |
tenis 1+ | tennis |
tensi (=tensio) 1X | tension; span; stretch |
tensi a (=tensio a) 1X | reach |
tensio 1++ | tension; stretch; span; strain; stretching (n); stress; tense |
tensio a 1++ | reach |
tensio-sto 1 | suspense |
tenta 1++ | try; attempt; endeavor; endeavour; trial (try); tries (form of to try) |
tentakuli | tentacle |
tento | tendon |
tenu 1++ | fine (thin); lean (thin); taper; thin |
tenuo | tenuous; thin |
teo 1++G | god; theo- |
Teo 1G | God |
Teo tabla 1 | altar |
teo-pe 1 | pious |
teori 1++G | theory; theoretical; rule (standard) |
tepido | tepid; lukewarm |
tera 1++ | earth (the); soil; terrain |
terapi 1++G | therapy; cure; treat (therapy); treatment |
terato 1+G | monster |
tere | bore (hole); rub away |
terebra | perforate |
teredo | woodworm |
tereno G | soft; tender |
terestri | earthly |
teretro (prefer fora-ru) G | borer; drill (tool) |
terge | clean (v) |
tergu | back (n) |
teri + | terrify; frighten; frightening; frightful; terror |
teri G | animal |
teribilo 1 | terrible; dreadful |
teritori 1++ | territorial; territory |
terizo G | harvest; mow (v); reap |
termina | boundary |
termite | termite |
termo 1++G | hot; heat; fervor; fervour; warm (temperature); warmth |
termo-tem 1++ | summer |
termometri 1G | thermometer |
tero G | summer |
terori 1 | fear |
terpsi G | gladden |
tertia 1 | third |
tesara (prefer tetra) | four |
tesauru G | thesaurus |
tesela | small square stone |
tesi G | thesis |
tesku | waste place |
testa | fragment; potsherd |
testa 1+ | test; trial (try) |
testi 1++ | witness (v) |
testi-pe 1++ | witness (n) |
testi-ra 1+* | testimony |
testifi 1+ | testify; witness |
testikula | testicle |
testimoni | bear witness |
Testudo 1+ | tortoise |
tet (short form of tetra for quick counting) 1+ | four |
tetano G | rigid; stiff |
tetaro (prefer Fasanus) G | pheasant |
tetiga G | cicada |
tetra 1++G | four; tetra- |
tetra (after noun) 1++G | fourth |
tetra bibli 1 | the 4 books |
tetra-gono 1+*G | quadrangle; quadrate; square |
tetra-ze 1 | forty |
tetragona (=tetra-gono) 1X | square |
tetragono (=tetra-gono) 1X | quadrate; square |
teuko G | equipment |
texi 1++G | dissolution; weave (textile) |
texi-me 1 | loom |
texo 1 | weave |
textili 1++ | textile; cloth; duster; fabric; rag |
textili-domi | tent |
textu 1+ | text |
textu-qadra | text frame |
textura 1 | texture; fabric |
tiaso G | street band |
tibia | flute; shin-bone |
tibiale | sock |
tifis G | nightmare |
tiflo G | blind |
tifo G | marsh |
tifoida 1 | typhoid |
tifona 1 | typhoon |
tifun | whirlwind |
tigi | beam (wooden); log |
tigmo G | touch |
tignari | carpenter |
tigri 1++ | tiger |
tik | twitch (medical) |
tika 1 | tick |
tiketa 1 | ticket; tag |
tiko 1G | chance; destiny; fate; fortune; luck |
tiko G | wall (round city) |
tilia | lime tree |
tilma G | plucked (thing) |
tilo 1G | knob; knot; tie |
tilo G | pluck (pull); tear (v) |
tima G | blow (n) |
timbo G | burial ground |
timbra | stamp (postage); postage stamp |
timi (take timidi (fearful) or fobo (fear)) X | fearful; fear; timid |
timidi | timid; fearful |
timo G | honor; honour |
timpa (=timpani) 1GX | drum |
timpani 1++G | drum |
tinagma G | quake; shake |
tinea | moth larva |
tinge (=tinktu, prefer kroma) X | color; dye; hue (colour); paint; tinge |
tini | ring (sound); ringing; tinkle |
tini-ru | bell |
tinktu (prefer kroma) | color; colour; dye; hue (colour); tinge; tint |
tino G | sand (shore); shore |
tino G | stretch |
tinta 1++ | ink; hue (colour); shade (hue); tint |
tintina 1++ | ring (sound); tinkle |
tintinabulu | bell |
tintlo G | mud |
tio G | sulphur; thio- |
tipa 1 | pat |
tipani (=timpani) 1GX | drum |
tipido G | hammer (n) |
tipika 1++G | typical |
tipikali (=tipika) GX | typical |
tipo 1++G | type (example); type (class); type (letter); type (write); blow (hit); clash; hit; knock; mark; print; rap; smack; strike; stroke (hit) |
tipo-me | printer (device) |
tipo-sema 1 | punctuation mark |
tipula | cranefly |
tira (French) 1++ | drag; pull; tug (pull) |
tira (take janu or porta) 1GX | door |
tira in 1 | absorb |
tira-navi 1 | tug (boat) |
tira-teka 1++ | drawer |
tirani 1+G | despot; tyrant |
tirbasta G | agitator |
tiro G | beginner |
tiro (take kasea) 1GX | cheese |
tisu 1++ | tissue; cloth; fabric |
titaso G | tame |
titila 1+ | tickle |
titiro G | shepherd's pipe |
tito G | barn-owl |
tito G | small; young |
titra | titrate |
tituba | stagger |
titula 1++ | title |
tixi G | touch |
tlaspi G | cress |
tlasto G | bruised; crushed |
tlemo (take tolera) GX | patient (adj) |
tlesi (take tolera) GX | patient (adj) |
tlipsi G | pressure |
tmema G | cutting (plant) |
tneto G | mortal |
to (short form of topo) + | at (punctiform location); in (in a punctiform place); location (punctiform); place (punctiform); spot; where (relative, =at which punctiform place) |
toalia | towel (n) |
toast (=toasta) X | toast |
toasta 1+ | toast |
toeko G | house-wall; ship side (wall); wall |
toeno G | banquet; meal |
toga 1+ | cape (garment); cloak; overcoat; robe (n) |
toka | touch |
toko 1G | birth; childbirth; offspring |
toleno | swing beam |
tolera 1++ | tolerate; patient (adj); abide (endure); bear (endure); endure; patience; be patient ; tolerance; tolerant |
tolma G | courage |
tolo G | dirt; mud |
toma (=tomi, prefer seka) GX | cut |
tomato 1 | tomato |
tomi G | tome; volume (tome) |
tomi (prefer seka) G | cut |
-tomi G | cutting out |
tominx G | cord; string |
tomo G | heap; pile |
tone 1 | ton |
toni 1+ | tone; accent; pitch; sound (acoustic) |
toniko (=tono, take tensio) GX | stretching (n) |
tonitro | thunder |
tono 1G | tension; stretching (n) |
tonsa | oar |
tonsili 1 | tonsil |
tonsu | clip (shear); shear |
topika 1++G | theme; topic |
topo (or short form to) 1++G | place (punctiform); at (punctiform location); in (in a punctiform place); local; locale; location (punctiform); position; spot; where (relative, =at which punctiform place) |
topografi G | topography |
toraci 1++G | breast; chest (anat) |
torca | torch |
torenti | torrent |
toreu G | emboss |
toreuma G | embossed work |
tori G | parch |
toribo G | applause; crowd (n) |
toridi | dry; hot (very) |
torina G | stir (v) |
tormenta | torment; torture |
tormo G | hole; socket |
torna 1+ | turn; turn (on lathe); your turn |
tornado 1 | tornado |
torneo 1 | tournament |
torno (=torna) 1X | turn |
toro (=taurus, prefer an-bovi) 1X | bull (ox) |
toro (take zoa-sperma or bovi-sperma) X | semen |
torpedo 1 | torpedo |
torpi | be stiff |
torsi 1 | sprain |
torso | torso |
torta 1 | pie |
torti (take strepto) X | twist |
torti-tira 1 | wrench (v) |
tortu 1++ | torment; torture; twist (especially if causing pain); wring |
tortuoso (take serpenti or strepto) X | twisting; winding |
tortura (=tortu) X | torment; torture |
toru | bulge |
torvi | grim; wild |
tosto 1++ | early; soon |
totali 1 | total |
toto 1 | whole; entire; quite |
toxi 1++G | poison; poisonous; toxin; venom |
toxi serpenti 1 | viper |
toxi-tumo 1 | abscess |
toxiko (=toxi) GX | poison; poisonous; toxin; venom |
toxo G | bow |
toxo (=toxi) 1GX | poison; poisonous; venom |
traba 1++ | beam (n); girder; rafter |
trabi (=traba) X | beam (n); girder; rafter |
trabikula | beam (small) |
trace 1 | trace; footprint; aftertaste |
traci (=trace) X | trace |
tracia (=trace) 1X | trace; footprint; aftertaste |
traditio 1++ | tradition |
traduce 1 | translate |
trafika | commerce; trade |
tragedi 1+G | tragedy |
tragema G | sweetmeat |
trago G | he-goat |
trajektori | trajectory |
trakea G | trachea; wind-pipe |
trakelo G | neck |
traki G | rough |
trakta + | treat |
trakto 1++ | attract; pull; drag (v); drag (with computer mouse); draw (pull); tow; tug (pull) |
trakto in 1++ | absorb |
trakto-me 1+ | tractor |
trama | warp (weave); weft (weave) |
trama 1+ | tram |
trance 1+ | trance |
trano G | bench; stool |
trano G | clear (distinct); distinct |
tranqili | quiet |
trans 1++ | across; traverse; horizontal |
trans fusi 1 | transfusion |
trans navi 1 | ferry |
trans- 1+ | (prefix:) across; across (prefix) |
transistora 1 | transistor |
transiti | transit; go across |
transitori | transitory |
translati 1++ | translate |
transtru | cross beam |
transversa | traverse; cross-wise |
trapa 1++ | snare; trap |
trapezi G | trapezium; table (furniture) |
trasi | bragging |
traulo G | lisp |
trauma 1++G | shock; wound |
trausto G | brittle |
trava (=traba) X | beam (n); girder; rafter |
travalia | labor; labour; toil |
travesti | disguise |
trefo G | feed; nourish |
treko G | run |
trema G | nursling |
trema (take fora) GX | hole |
treme (=tremulo) X | tremble |
tremendo 1+ | tremendous |
tremu-foto 1+ | glitter |
tremula (=tremulo) X | tremble |
tremulo 1++ | flicker; flutter; quiver; shake; shiver; shudder; tremble |
trena 1++ | train (railway) |
trena-motori 1 | locomotive |
trenca + | cut (trench); ditch; trench |
treno G | dirge |
treo G | sugar |
trepida (=tremulo) X | shake; tremble |
trepo G | turn |
trepsi G | nourishment |
tresa | braid; plait |
tresia G | perforation |
treski G | religion; worship |
tresora 1++ | treasure |
tresoria 1 | treasury |
tri 1++ | three |
tri (after noun) 1++ | third |
tri centi 1 | three hundred |
tri- 1+ | (prefix:) three; three (prefix) |
tri-baci 1 | wicket |
tri-parti | divided in three |
tri-ze 1 | thirty |
triangula | triangle |
triba (=tribu) X | tribe |
triblio G | bowl; cup |
tribo 1 | friction; rub (friction) |
tribu 1++ | tribe |
tribula | thresh |
tribuna 1++ | court of law; tribunal; platform |
tributi 1+ | tax; tribute; payment |
triciklo 1+ | tricycle |
trife | delicate |
trifidi | three-cleft |
trifolium | clover |
trigeto (prefer (vini-)karpe) GX | harvest; crop; vintage |
trigma | shriek |
trigo (prefer zima) | winelees; lees; yeast; dregs |
trigono 1+G | three-cornered; triangle; triangular |
trika | trifle (n) |
trika (=triko, prefer kapila) GX | hair |
trikila G | bower (summer house); summer house (bower) |
triko G | worn garment |
triko 1G | hair |
trikota 1+ | knit; thights (shirt) |
trima (take fora) GX | hole |
triniti | trinity |
trinko G | eaves |
trio 1 | trio |
trio G | rub (friction); wear out |
tripano G | bore (hole); pierce |
tripli | triple |
triplica | triplicate |
tripoda 1+G | tripod |
tripsi G | rubbing; breaking (small) |
triqetro | three-cornered |
trismo G | grind |
trismo G | murmur |
tristi 1++ | sad; alas; dismal; grief; lament; melancholy; mourn; sadness; sorrow |
tristo (=tristi) X | grief; melancholy |
trite | trite; worn |
tritiku (=Tritikum) X | wheat |
Tritikum 1++ | wheat |
trito G | third |
triumfa 1+G | triumph |
trivia 1+ | trivial |
triviali (=trivia or no-gravi) X | trivial |
tro (French) 1++ | too (in a too high degree); excessive; undue |
tro uti 1 | wear out |
trofi (=trefo, prefer dona sito a) X | feed; nourish |
troge G | gnaw |
troglo (prefer fora, kaverno or kavita) G | cave; hole |
Troglodite 1 | wren |
trokada G | shoe (running) |
troki (=troko, prefer ciklo or rota) G | wheel; anything round |
troklea G | pulley |
troko 1G | wheel; anything round |
tromo (=tremulo) GX | quiver; tremble |
trompa 1++ | trunk (animal) |
trompeta 1+ | bugle; trumpet |
tropi 1++G | turn; revolve; rotate; go round ; spin |
tropi a 1+ | refer |
tropi-ru 1 | screwdriver |
tropika 1++G | tropical; tropics; excessive |
trosulu G | cockscomb; fop |
troto G | wounded |
trova 1+ | find; locate |
trovi (=trova, prefer detekti) X | find; locate |
troxalis G | grasshopper |
trua (=trula) X | dipper; ladle; skimmer |
trucido | butcher (v) |
trude | thrust |
truka 1+ | lorry; truck |
truku | cruel; savage |
trula | dipper; ladle; skimmer; stirring spoon |
trunka + | trunk (tree); truncate; maim |
trunko (=trunka) 1X | trunk (tree) |
trupa | troup |
trust | trust (business); cartel |
truta 1+ | trout |
trutina | balance; scales (weighing) |
Tsigano 1+ | gipsy; gypsy |
tu 1++ | you (singular); your (singular); yours (single); thou |
tualeta 1 | toilet |
tuberkula | tubercle |
tuberkulosis 1 | tuberculosis |
tubero | bulb; swelling |
tubi 1++ | tube; pipe; conduit; hose; pipeline; the tube (underground) |
tubi-fini 1+ | nozzle |
tubi-pe 1+ | plumber |
tugurio | hut (rural house); cottage |
tuid 1 | tweed |
tulipa 1+ | tulip |
tum | then |
tumba | grave (tomb); tomb |
tumo 1++ | swell (v); bulge; lump (on body); swelling; swollen; tumor; tumour |
tumo (take muski) 1X | moss |
tumultu 1+ | tumult; uproar |
tumulu | tumulus |
tunela (=tuneli) 1X | burrow; tunnel |
tuneli 1+ | tunnel; burrow |
tunika 1++ | dress; tunic |
tura (take viagia) X | tour |
tura-pe (take viagia-pe) X | tourist |
turba 1++ | disturb; bother; disorder; distress; disturbance; embarass; irritate; trouble; upset (trouble); vex; worry |
turba-ra 1 | nuisance |
turbana 1 | turban |
turbidi | turbid |
turbina 1+ | turbine |
turbinato | top-shaped |
turbulento | turbulent; stormy |
Turdus 1+ | thrush |
turfa 1 | turf |
turgi | swell (v) |
turi 1++ | tower; turret |
turio | shoot (plant); sprout |
tusi 1++ | cough |
tusilago | colts foot |
tuto | defence; defend; defense; guard |
u (before all consonants but h, else =un) 1++ | a; an; the; one; any (=a(n)) |
u bibli 1 | a book |
u-ci ('the here') 1++ | this |
u-la ('the there') 1++ | that (pronoun); yonder |
u-la kron 1++ | then |
u-la-tem 1+ | then |
u-mi 1++ | mine |
id es u-mi 1 | it is mine |
is es u-na 1 | it is ours |
u-tu 1++ | yours (single) |
u-vi 1++ | yours (plural) |
ubera | udder; teat |
ubi | where? |
udae G | on the earth |
udamino G | good for nothing |
udo | shoe (sock); sock (shoe) |
uest 1+ | west; occidental; western |
uesta (=uest) 1X | western; occidental |
ueste (=uest) 1X | west |
ulcera | ulcer; sore |
uliginoso | marshy; sodden |
ulio G | baneful; deadly |
Ulmus 1+ | elm |
ulo G | gums |
ultima 1++ | last (ultimate); ultimate; farthest; final; latest (last); utmost |
ultra 1++ | beyond; ultra |
ultra- 1+ | (prefix:) beyond; beyond (prefix); ultra- |
ulula 1+ | growl; howl; screech; wail; whine |
ulva | sedge |
um 1 | hum |
umbela | sunshade |
umbilikus | navel |
umbo | knob |
umbra 1++ | shade; shadow |
umbrela | umbrella |
un (before vowels and h, else =u) 1++ | a; an; the; one; any (=a(n)) |
un idio andro 1 | the very man |
unci (=unki) X | hook |
uncinato | barbed; hooked |
unda 1++ | wave; undulate; billow |
mega unda 1 | billow |
pusi unda 1 | ripple |
unda longi 1 | wavelength |
undu (=unda) 1X | wave; billow; undulate |
undula (prefer pusi unda) | ripple |
undulata (take unda (longi)) X | wave along; undulate |
ungu 1++ | nail (finger); hoof; claw; fingernail; talon; ungula |
ungu (=face unktu, or take olea) X | anoint |
ungua (=ungu) 1X | nail (finger); fingernail; hoof |
ungui (=ungu) X | fingernail |
ungula (=ungu) X | nail (finger); claw; fingernail; hoof |
uni (=unio) 1X | unite |
uni (=unita) 1X | unit; unity |
uni (prefer mo) | one; the whole |
uni-ra 1 | hyphen |
uniforma 1++ | regular; uniform (regular); homogeneous |
uniforma-ve 1 | uniform (clothes) |
uniformi (=uniforma) 1X | regular; uniform (regular); homogeneous |
unika 1+ | unique |
unio 1++ | meet (by appointment); assemblage; assembly; meeting (by appointment); rendezvous; union; unite |
unio se ko 1+ | join (meet) |
unita 1++ | unit; unity |
universa 1++ | universe; universal |
universita 1++ | university |
unka (=unki) X | hook |
unki 1++ | hook |
unktu | anointed |
unktu-ma 1+ | ointment |
uno(-) 1++ | any (any/some); any- (any/some); some; some- |
uno-lo 1++ | somewhere |
uno-mode 1++ | somehow; someway |
uno-pe 1++ | somebody; anybody (somebody); anyone (someone); someone |
uno-ra 1++ | something; anything (=something, a thing, act or quality undefined or unspecified) |
unus (=uni, prefer mo) X | one; the whole |
upupa | hoope |
ur(-) 1++ | original |
ura 1G | tail (n) |
urani 1++G | heaven; sky |
urani flasc 1 | lightning |
urani-veli 1 | kite |
urba 1+ | town; urban; municipal |
urba aqa-va 1 | reservoir |
urba via 1 | street |
urba-cefa 1++ | mayor |
urcei | jar; urn |
ure (=busti, prefer piro) X | burn (v) |
uredo | blast (botanic); blight (botanic) |
urens (prefer piro) | burning; stinging |
uretra | urinary canal |
urge 1++ | urge; emergency; press for; press (urge) |
urigo G | lustful heat |
urina 1+ | urinate |
urna | urn; ballot box (urn) |
ursu 1++ | bear (animal) |
Ursus | bear (animal) |
Urtika 1+ | nettle; sting-nettle; stinging-nettle |
usa | wear out |
usti (=busti, prefer piro) X | burn (v); combust |
ustici | scorched color |
ustilago | smut disease |
usto (=busti, prefer piro) X | burn (v); combust |
usu | custom; use |
usuali 1+ | usual; usually; everyday; regular |
usufru | usufruct; enjoy the use of |
usura | practice usury |
usurpa | usurp |
uter | either one or other |
uteri 1+ | uterus; womb |
utero (=uteri) 1X | womb |
uteru (=uteri) X | uterus; womb |
uterus (=uteri) X | uterus; womb |
uti 1++ | use; have at one's disposal ; employ; treatment; useful; using; utilize |
uti holo 1+ | exhaust |
uti u programa | run a programme |
uti-pe 1+ | user; end user |
uti-ple 1 | useful |
utili (=uti) 1X | useful; use |
utri | leather bag |
uva 1+ | grape |
uvido | damp; moist; wet |
uvula | uvula |
uxori | wife |
V-sek (pronounce like "vay-sek") 1 | notch |
-va (short affix form of vasa) 1 | container; jar; pot (vase); receptacle; vase; vessel (container) |
va-bovi 1 | corned beef |
vacila | vacillate |
vacini | vaccine |
vada (=vade) 1X | wade |
vade | move; wade; rush |
vade (=vadu) X | ford |
vadoso (prefer a description like ple de plu vadu) | full of shoals (shallow places) |
vadu 1+ | ford; shallow place; shoal (shallow place) |
vafro + | artful; clever; cunning |
vaga 1++ | wander; ramble; roam; rove |
vaga-pe 1 | nomad; tramp (vagabond); vagabond |
vagabunda | vagabond; stroll about |
vagi | cry; whimper |
vagina 1+ | vagina; sheath; case (container); pod; scabbard |
vagona 1++ | car; auto; automobile; carriage; vehicle; wagon |
vagona-do 1++ | garage |
vagona-parka 1 | car-park |
vaka | cow |
vakina 1 | vaccinate |
vaku 1++ | empty; blank; vacancy; vacant; vacuous; vacuum |
vakuo (=vaku) 1X | empty; vacuous; vacuum |
vale 1++ | farewell; good-bye; goodbye; healthy; be healthy ; well (adj); be well |
valea (=vali) X | valley |
valetudino | be infirm |
valgo | bowlegged |
vali 1++ | valley; vale |
validi + | valid; sound (well); strong |
valisa | travel-bag |
valores | stocks and shares |
valu 1++ | value; deserve; esteem; estimate; merit; reckon (estimate); worth; be worth |
valuta 1++ | money; cash; fee; fund |
valuta puni 1 | fine (punishment) |
valuta sporta 1 | gamble |
valva 1++ | valve; tap (valve); faucet; leaf (of door) |
valvula (=valva) X | tap (valve); valve; leaf (of door) |
valza 1 | waltz |
vampira | vampire |
vana | winnow |
vandali | vandal |
vanesce 1+ | vanish |
vaneske (=vanesce) X | vanish |
vangloria | bragging |
vani 1++ | vain; arrogant; empty (vain); futile (action without result); pointless; useless; in vain ; vanity; worthless |
vanidiku | liar |
vanila 1+ | vanilla |
vaniti (prefer vani) | vanity |
vano (=vani) 1X | futile (action without result); in vain |
vanta | vaunt; boast |
vanu | fan (thing for fresh air) |
vapo | poach egg |
vapo 1++ | steam; vapor; vapour; evaporate |
vapo-rota 1 | steam-turbine |
vapo-va 1+ | kettle |
vapori (=vapo) X | steam; vapor; vapour |
vapula | flog |
vari 1++ | vary; change; variance; variation; variety; various; varying |
varia (=vari) 1X | vary; change; variance; variation; variety; various; varying |
variegata | varigated |
variola | smallpox |
varix | varicose vein |
(-)vasa (in compounds also -va) 1++ | container; jar; pot (vase); receptacle; tank; vase; vessel (container) |
vaskulu | vascular; vessel (anatomical) |
vaso (=vasa) 1X | container; vase; vessel (container) |
vastu | waste (desert); empty (waste) |
vasu | servant |
vati | soothsayer |
vaticina | prophesy |
-ve (short affix form of vesti) 1++ | clothe; clothing; dress; garment |
ve-lava-lo 1+ | laundry |
ve-tena-mo 1+ | wardrobe |
vegeta 1++ | vegetable |
vei (=vekto) X | carry (move) |
veikula | vehicle |
vekti 1 | bar; lever |
vekto 1 | carry (move) |
vektor | vector; carrier |
vela 1+ | veil |
vela (=veli) X | sail |
veli 1++ | sail; vane (of windmill) |
veli (=vela) X | veil |
veli-navi 1 | yacht |
velia | stay awake |
veloci 1+ | fast; velocity; rapid; speed; swift (quick) |
veluta 1+ | velvet |
vend a non-ami 1++ | betray |
vendo 1++ | sell; sale |
vendo-lo 1+ | market; market-place |
vendo-pe 1+ | dealer; merchant; salesman; salesperson; saleswoman; seller; trader |
vendo-ra 1 | wares |
vendo-tem | sale |
veneni | poison; venom |
venera 1 | reverence |
veneri | Venus |
veneri-di | Friday |
venge 1 | revenge; take revenge on ; vengeance |
veni 1++ | come; arrival; arrive |
veni a 1++ | arrive at; come to; catch up with; overtake; reach |
veno 1+ | vein |
venomo 1 | venom; poison |
venti 1++ | wind (air); ventilate |
venti moli 1 | windmill |
ventila 1 | fan (ventilate); ventilate; ventilation |
ventra | belly |
ventrikulo (=ventra) X | belly |
veranda 1 | verandah |
verba 1++ | word |
verba-bibli 1++ | dictionary |
verba-lista 1++ | vocabulary; dictionary |
verbi (=verba) X | word |
verbi-bibli (=verba-bibli) X | dictionary |
verdi 1 | green; verdant; verdure |
verdua (=verdi, prefer kloro) X | green; verdant; verdure |
verge | verge (rod); rod |
vergi (=verge) X | verge (rod); rod |
veri 1++ | true; truth; correct; genuine; indeed; sincere; truly |
dice veri 1 | be right |
verifi 1++ | check; check (verify); proof; verify; verify (check) |
vermi 1++ | worm; vermin |
verna 1 | spring (season) |
vernisa 1 | varnish |
versatili | versatile; easily changing |
versi 1++ | return; go back; back to begin; back to start; back (reverse); draw back; replace; restore; reversal; reverse; revert; turn; turn around; withdraw |
versikolora | various colors |
versio | version |
versuto | crafty; sly |
verte 1+ | invert; upside down; inside out; invert; overturn; revert; turn upside down |
vertebra | backbone |
vertex | peak; top |
vertigo 1+ | vertigo; dizzy; giddiness |
vertika 1 | vertical; erect; upright |
vertiko (=vertika) X | vertical |
vertiko-verte | inside-out; upside-down |
veruka | wart |
verve | animation; zest |
vervex | stupid fellow |
vesa + | insane; mad |
vesiko (=vesikula) X | bladder; blister |
vesikula 1+ | bladder; blister |
vesko | eat |
vesku | weak; poor; thin |
vespa 1+ | wasp |
vespera 1++ | evening |
vespera-vora 1++ | supper |
vespertilio | bat (animal) |
vesti 1++ | clothe; clothing; dress; garment |
plu vesti 1 | raiment |
vesti-fa 1++ | suit (clothes); costume; kit (clothes) |
vesti-ka 1 | vestry |
vesti-pe 1+ | tailor |
vestibula (=vestibulo) 1X | entrance hall; vestibule |
vestibulo 1+ | entrance hall; hall; vestibule |
vestigia 1 | trace; aftertaste; footprint; track |
veterano | old soldier; veteran |
veto 1++ | forbid; prohibit; prohibition; veto |
vetu | old |
vex (=vexa) X | worry; annoy; vex |
vexa 1++ | worry; annoy; bother; disturb; molest; nettle (annoy); rile; vex |
vexa-ra 1++ | nuisance |
vexila | flag; standard (flag) |
vi 1++ | you (plural); your (plural); yours (plural) |
vi-ci 1 | here is; here are |
vi-la 1 | here is; here are; there is; there are |
via 1++ | way (road); path; road; street; track |
via milita 1 | street brawl |
via-ra 1+ | buoy |
viagia 1++ | voyage; journey; travel; tour; trip (journey) |
viagia-pe 1++ | passenger; tourist |
vibex | mark; weal |
vibi | board; plank |
vibra 1++ | vibrate; shake; swing; vibration |
vibrisa | whisker (tactile) |
vice 1++ | vice (in place of); instead; instead of; behalf; replace; substitute; your turn |
vice regi 1 | regent |
vice-pe 1+ | substitute person |
vice-presidenta 1+ | vice-president |
vice-principali 1 | vice-principal |
vice-ra 1+ | substitute |
vice-verba 1+ | pronoun |
vicina | neighborhood; vicinity |
vicisi + | on the other hand |
vid (=vide) X | see (look) |
vid-abili | visible |
vide 1++ | see (look); look; view; vision |
vide-lo 1+ | point of view |
vide-valu | worth seeing; remarkable (worth seeing) |
vide-valu-ra | object of interest; curiosity (worth seeing object); sights (worth seeing object) |
vidua 1+ | widow |
vieto | shrunken; wrinkled |
vigi 1++ | awake; wake; alert; wake up; waken |
vigila | vigilant; awake; watching |
viginti | twenty |
vigo 1+ | vigour; flourish; grow; prosper; thrive |
viki 1++ | village; -wick (village) |
viktima (=viktimi) 1X | victim |
viktimi 1++ | victim |
vikto 1++ | victory; win (victory); conquer; defeat; prevail; vanquish |
vikto-ra 1 | trophy |
viktualia + | provisions |
vila | villa |
vilage (French) | village |
vili + | cheap; worthless |
vilo | fur; hair (shaggy); shaggy; tuft (hair) |
viloso (=vilo) X | shaggy |
viluta (=veluta) X | velvet |
vimina | pliant twig |
vina (=vini) X | wine |
vinagra 1+ | vinegar |
vindemia | harvest grapes |
vindika | avenge; justify |
vini 1++ | wine |
vini-karpe 1* | vintage |
vinia (prefer viti-lo) | vineyard |
vinki | bind |
vinko (=vikto) X | conquer; defeat; prevail; vanquish; victory; win |
vinkulo | binding stuff |
vino (=vini) 1X | wine |
Viola Trikolor 1 | pansy |
viole 1++ | violate; violent; violence; assault; attack; rape |
violeta 1 | violet |
violina 1++ | violin |
vipera | viper; adder; snake |
virga 1+ | rod; stick (baton); stick (branch); stick (rod); wand |
virgo 1+ | virgin |
viri 1+ | man; virile; husband; male |
viridi (prefer kloro) | green; verdant; verdure |
virili (=viri) X | virile; male |
virtu 1+ | virtue |
viru | danger; poison |
virus + | virus |
vis | force; strength |
visabili 1 | visible |
viscera | internal organs |
visio 1+ | vision |
visit-pe 1 | visitor |
visita 1++ | visit |
viski + | sticky; viscous |
vista 1++ | vista; view; visible; outlook; perspective; prospect; scene; scenery; seeing; seen (the); sight; spectacle; view (n) |
vit 1 | vital |
vita 1+ | life; lifetime; living |
vitamina 1 | vitamin |
viteli | egg yolk; yolk |
viti 1+ | vine; grape-vine |
viti-lo 1+ | vineyard |
vitia | corrupt |
vitri 1++ | glass |
vitri lami 1 | pane |
vitri lamina 1 | pane |
vitrina | shop window |
vitula | heifer |
vitupera | blame; scold |
vivaci | lively |
vive 1++ | live; alive; conscious; lively |
vive-ra 1++ | being (n); creature |
vivera | ferret |
vivi 1 | vivid; alive; lively; living |
vivido (=vivi) X | vivid |
viviparo | bear living young |
vix + | hardly; scarcely; with difficulty |
vo | want; wish |
voci 1++ | shout; bark (dog); bawl; bellow; call; call (shout); exclaim; proclaim; roar; scream; screech; yell |
voci tristi 1+ | wail |
vocifera | shout |
voga + | fashion |
voka 1++ | voice; vocal |
vokabulari | vocabulary |
vokali 1++ | vowel |
vola 1++ | fly (v); flight; make haste ; hurry; be quick ; rush |
volatili | volatile; evaporating |
volt | volt (electricity) |
volta | jump over; vault (jump) |
volta (=volt) X | volt (electricity) |
voltage 1 | voltage |
volu 1++ | will; want; desire; be going to ; impulse; intend; need; require; voluntary; willing; willingness; wish |
volu akti 1++ | mean (intend to do) |
volu dice 1++ | mean (intend to say) |
volu dona auxi (Only "volu auxi" would be ambiguous! Also possible: "volu un auxi") | want help |
volu gene auxi (Only "volu auxi" would be ambiguous!) | want to help |
volu-pe 1 | volunteer |
volubili | flowing |
volumi 1++ | volume (space); capacity; room; space; volume (amount) |
volunta | will |
voluptuo | delight |
voluta | spiral |
volva | cup-shaped |
volve 1+ | roll (turn); rotate; go round ; revolve; turn (roll) |
vomeri | plough-share |
vomi (=vomita) X | vomit; throw out |
vomita 1+ | vomit; throw out |
vora 1++ | eat; devour; meal |
vora gra 1 | graze |
vora mo 1++ | breakfast |
vora-baci 1 | chopstick |
vora-do 1++ | restaurant |
vora-ka 1 | dining room |
vora-kron 1 | mealtime |
vora-te 1 | napkin |
voracio | voracious; gluttonous |
vorago | abyss; chasm; whirlpool |
vortex (=vortika) X | whirlpool |
vortika | whirlpool |
vota (=voti) X | vote |
voti 1++ | vote |
vulga 1++ | common; ordinary; vulgar |
vulga lingua 1 | vernacular |
vulkani 1+ | volcano |
vulne 1++ | wound; injure; injury; lesion |
vulne-te 1 | lint |
Vulpes 1+ | fox |
vulpi (=Vulpes) 1X | fox |
vulsi | pluck (pick) |
vultu | expression; look |
vultura 1+ | vulture |
vulturi (=vultura) X | vulture |
vulva | sheath; wrapper |
wiski 1 | whisky |
x-radia 1 | x-ray |
xanto 1++G | yellow; blond; yolk |
xeno 1++G | foreign; strange; alien; bizarre; novel (strange); odd (unusual); queer; unusual |
xeno-pe 1++G* | foreigner |
xero 1G | dry |
xesto G | planed; smooth |
xifo G | sword |
xilo 1G | wood (substance); lumber; timber; wooden |
xino G | common |
xisto G | covered colonnade |
ze (prefer long form zero) 1 | zero; nil; null |
-ze 1+G | -ty (X ten); zero |
ze-ra 1 | nothing |
Zea 1++G | cob; maize |
zea frukti 1G | cob |
zebra 1 | zebra |
zefiro G | west wind |
zelo 1++G | zeal; zealous; enthusiastic; ardor; eager; enthusiasm; keen |
zelo atende 1+ | be looking forward to |
zeloso (take kako-zelo) GX | jealous; jealousy |
zema G | decoction |
zemia G | damage; loss |
zenit G | zenith |
zeo G | boil |
zero 1++ | zero; naught; nil; no; none; nothing; nought; null |
zete 1G | search; seek |
zeteta G | searcher; seeker |
zeugo G | team |
Zeus G | Zeus (chief Greek god) |
zigazaga 1+ | zigzag |
zigo 1++G | join (connection); connect; yoke |
zigoma G | bar (belt); belt |
zigzaga (=zigazaga) X | zigzag |
zil G | mustard plant |
zima 1+G | yeast; dregs; ferment; leaven; lees; winelees |
zimo (=zima) 1X | ferment; leaven; yeast |
zingiber (=zingibera) GX | ginger |
zingibera 1+ | ginger |
zink 1+G | zinc |
zinzinulo G | chirp |
-zo (short affix form of zona) 1+G | ring (circular band); belt; girdle; hoop; zone |
zoa 1++G | animal; beast |
zoa-eko 1++ | den |
zoa-iatri 1+ | veterinary |
zoa-lo 1+ | lair |
zoa-parka 1+ | menagerie; zoo |
zoa-sperma 1* | semen |
zoe G | life |
zofo G | dusk; gloom |
zomo G | broth; soup |
zona 1++G | zone; belt; ring (circular band); circumference; girdle; hoop |
zostero (prefer zona) G | belt; girdle |
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