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Corrections/Changes to "Español — Glosa 1000"

by Marcel Springer

"abandonar	abandona; linqi" removed "abandona" (not G1k). 
"abeja	apis; melisa" removed "melisa" ("apis" should be prefered.). 
"able[-]	abili[-]" changed to "abili[(-)]". 
"abrigo	palia; toga" removed "palia" (not G1k). 
"aburrido	monotono" removed item (not G1k). 
"aceite	olea; elaeo" removed "elaeo" (not G1k). 
"acelerar	acelera" removed "acelera" (not G1k), added Glosa words
	"bali" and "ma-tako". 
"ácido	akidi; akuto; oxi" removed "oxi" (not G1k). 
"acoplar	kopula; koito" changed "koito" to "koitus". 
"acordarse	memo; mnemo" removed "mnemo" (not G1k, harder to speak
	than memo). 
"actuar	akti; praxi; dra" removed "dra" (not G1k). 
"acumular	kumu; soru; mole" removed "soru" and "mole" (not G1k). 
"adherir	hesi; kolo" removed "kolo" (not G1k). 
"adhesivo	hesi; kolo" removed "kolo" (not G1k). 
"adicionar	adi" item added. 
"afectar	influ; afekti" removed "afekti" (not G1k). 
"agarrar	rape; kapti" changed to "rapi". 
"agrio	akidi; akuto; oxi" removed "oxi" (not G1k). 
"agua	aqa; limfa; hidro" removed "limfa" (not G1k). 
"agudo	akidi; akuto; oxi" removed "oxi" (not G1k). 
"aguja	aku; rafi" removed "rafi" (not G1k). 
"aire	aero; gasi; atmo" removed "atmo" (not G1k) and "gasi" (prefered
	for gas, not for air). 
"aislar	lisi" item added (aislar=isolate). 
"ajeno	aliena; xeno" removed "aliena" (not G1k). 
"alabar	lauda; admira" removed "admira" (not G1k). 
"albo	albi; leuko" removed "albi" (not G1k). 
"aldea	viki; kome" removed "kome" (kome is not G1k and homonym
"algodón	kotona; gosipa" removed "gosipa" (not G1k). 
"aliento	respira" changed to "spira". 
"alimentar	alimenta; sito" removed "alimenta" (not G1k). 
"alrededor de	cirku; peri" changed to "cirka". 
"altitud	alti; hipso" removed "hipso" (not G1k). 
"alto	alti; hipso" removed "hipso" (not G1k). 
"amargo	amari; pikro" removed "amari" (not G1k). 
"amarillo	lutea; xanto" removed "lutea" (not G1k). 
"ángulo	angula; gono" removed "angula" (not G1k). 
"anillo	anula; zona; zo[-]" removed "anula" (not G1k). 
"animal	animali; zoa" changed "animali" to "animala". 
"año	anua; eto" removed "eto" (not G1k). 
"ansioso	anxio; nervosi" changed to "nervoso". 
"antepasado	parenta; ancestra" removed "ancestra" (not G1k). 
"antiguo	antiqi; paleo" removed "antiqi" (not G1k). 
"anual	anua; eto" removed "eto" (not G1k). 
"anudar	liga; desmo" removed "desmo" (not G1k). 
"anunciar	anuncia; publika" changed "anuncia" to "nunci". 
"apretar	presu; baro; piezo" changed "presu" to "presa". 
"alquilar	lue" exchanged "lue" (not G1k) with "tem-uti". 
"alquiler	lue" exchanged "lue" with "eko-preci". 
"árbol	arbori; dendro" removed "arbori" (not G1k). 
"arcilla	argili; kerami" removed "argila" (not G1k). 
"arcoíris	spektra; iris" corrected to "arco íris",
	changed "iris" to "iridi", removed "spektra" (not G1k). 
"arder	ardi; kandi" removed "ardi" (not G1k). 
"arena	arena; sili; psama" removed "psama" (not G1k). 
"argüir	argu; alterka" removed "alterka" and "argu" (both not
	G1k),	added Glosa words "disputa; diskusi". 
"árido	aridi; sika; xero" removed "xero" and "aridi" (not
"arma	arma; hopli" removed "hopli" (not G1k). 
"arreglar	disposi; ordina; klasi; taxo" removed "disposi" (not G1k). 
"arrendar	koncesio" changed "koncesio" to "koncesi". 
"arriba [(hacia) ]	ana; a supra" changed to "a-supra" (see also p. 29
	"hacia arriba".	Hyphem analogous "ad-in"). 
"arriba [hacia ]	ana; a-supra" item removed ("hacia arriba" and
	"arriba [(hacia) ]" stay). 
"asiento {silla}	side; benca" removed "side" (not G1k). 
"atacar	viole; agresi" removed "agresi" (not G1k). 
"atar	liga; desmo" removed "desmo" (not G1k). 
"aula	korta; atrio" changed "atrio" to "atri", removed "korta" (aula
	is classroom, lecture room; korta is court). 
"ave {pájaro}	avi; orni" removed "orni" (not G1k).	
"ávido	avari; avidi" removed "avidi" (not G1k). 
"ayudar	auxi; katalisi" removed "katalisi" (not G1k). 
"azul	cerulea; azur" removed "azur" and cerulea (not G1k), added
	Glosa word "ciano". 

"bahía	sinu; baia" removed "sinu" (not G1k). 
"bajo	baso; kamae" changed to "kame". 
"bañarse	lava; luvi; klisi" removed "klisi" and "luvi" (not
"banco {asiento}	side; benca" removed "side" (not G1k). 
"bandera	insignia" changed to "insigni". 
"barca	navi; nau" removed "nau" (not G1k). 
"barco	navi; nau" removed "nau" (not G1k). 
"barra {cilindro}	baci; rabdi" removed "rabdi" (not G1k). 
"barro	argili; kerami" removed "argili" (not G1k). 
"base {fondo, pie}	funda; bento" removed "bento" (not G1k).	
"basura	rudi; detritu" changed "rudi" to "rude", removed "detritu"
	(not G1k). 
"beber	bibe; pota" removed "pota" (not G1k). 
"bellota	glandi; adeno" removed "adeno" (not G1k). 
"billete	bileti; tiketa" changed "bileti" to "bileta". 
"biombo	aspi; skuta" removed "aspi" (not G1k). 
"blanco	albi; leuko" removed "albi" (not G1k). 
"blanquear	blanci" exchanged "blanci" (not G1k) with "leuko". 
"bolsa	saka; asko" removed "asko" (not G1k). 
"bolso	saka; asko" removed "asko" (not G1k). 
"borde	margina; fimbri" removed "fimbri" (not G1k). 
"borracho	ebrio; narko" removed "ebrio" (not G1k).	
"botella	botilia; ampula" removed "ampula" (not G1k). 
"breva	fikus; siko" removed "siko" (not G1k). 
"breve	brevi; kurte" removed "kurte" (not G1k). 
"brocha	brosa; penicili" removed "penicili" (not G1k). 
"bruma	nebula" changed to "nebu". 
"buey	bovi; bu" removed "bu" (not G1k). 
"buscar	cerka; zete" removed "zete" (not G1k). 

"caballo	equs; hipo" removed "hipo" (is homonym hipo=horse/under, see
	also debajo). 
"cabello	kapila; triko" removed "triko" (not G1k). 
"cabeza	kapita; kefa" removed "kapita" (not G1k). 
"cada uno	omni; pan; panto" removed "pan" (long form "panto"
"cadera	koxa; iskio" changed "iskio" to "iski". 
"caer	kade; pto" removed "pto" (not G1k). 
"caerse	kade; pto" removed "pto" (not G1k). 
"caja	kasa; teka" made to two items: 
	"caja {dinero}	kasa" and 
	"caja {recipiente}	teka". 
"cala	sinu; baia" removed "sinu" (not G1k). 
"calmo	glabro; liso" removed item (calmo=uncultivated, glabro=smooth,
	liso is not G1k): 
"calza	kune; sfena" removed "sfena" (not G1k). 
"cambiar	muta; kambio" made to two items: 
	"cambiar {modificar}	muta" and 
	"cambiar {trocar}	kambio". 
"caminar	gresi; ambula" added Glosa word "vaga". 
"campamento	kampa" changed Glosa word to "kampu". 
"campana	kampani" corrected to "campaña", changed "kampani" to
	"kampania" and added item "campana	tini-ru". 
"canal	kanali; surko" removed "surko" (not G1k). 
"cansar	fatiga; kopio" removed "kopio" (not G1k). 
"capa	palia; toga" removed "palia" (not G1k). 
"capacidad	kapacita; volumi" removed "kapacita" (not G1k). 
"capucha	vagina; kolea" changed to "capucha	kapota". 
"cara	facia; prosopo" removed "prosopo" (not G1k). 
"carbón {leña}	karbo; antraki" removed "antraki" (not
"carta	grama; epistola" removed "epistola" (not G1k). 
"cartílago	kartilago; kondro" removed item ("kartilago" and
	"kondro" not G1k). 
"casar	marita; game" removed "marita" (not G1k). 
"casarse	marita; game" removed "marita" (not G1k). 
"cáscara	ostraka; konka" removed "konka" (not G1k). 
"casilla	qadra; tetragona" changed "tetragona" to "tetra-gono". 
"castigar	puni; noku" removed "noku", added "korekti" (castigar =
	punish, correct; noku = hurt). 
"casto	moral" changed to "morali". 
"caverna	kaverno; speleo" removed "speleo" (not G1k). 
"ceja	supercilia" changed to "supra-cilia". 
"celeste	cerulea; ciano" removed item ("cerulea" is not G1k,
	celeste=celestial and ciano=blue). 
"cera	cero" corrected Glosa word "cero" to "ceru". 
"cerca {tapia}	septa; fragma" removed "septa" (not G1k). 
"cerca de	proxi; plesio" removed "plesio" (not G1k). 
"cerdo	porka; sui" changed to "porku". 
"cerebro	cerebra; enkefa" removed "enkefa" (not G1k). 
"cerrado	klude; klaustro" removed "klaustro", changed "klude" to
"cerrar	klude; klaustro" removed "klaustro". 
"césped	gra; gramini" removed "gramini" (not G1k). 
"charca	stagna; laku; limno" removed "laku" (=lake) and "limno"
	(=lake) (stagna=pool). 
"chiquitito	mikro; nano; pigmi" removed "pigmi" (not G1k). 
"chupar	suge; sifo" removed "sifo" (not G1k), changed "suge" to
"cielo	ciela; urani" removed "ciela" (not G1k). 
"cieno	muku; muci" removed "muku". 
"cierto {seguro}	asura" changed "asura" to "sura" (asura not G1k).	
"cifra	numera; aritme" removed "aritme" (not G1k). 
"cilindro	cilindri" removed item (not G1k). 
"cima	kresta; lofo" removed "lofo" (not G1k). 
"circuito	cirkuito" removed item (cirkuito not G1k). 
"circunferencia	anula; zona; cirkumferentia" removed "anula" and
	"cirkumferentia" (not G1k). 
"circunvolución	konvoluti" removed item (not G1k). 
"ciudad	urba; polis" removed "polis" (not G1k), added "civita". 
"claro {no oscuro}	klari; luci; fanero" removed "fanero" (not G1k). 
"claro {obvio}	klari; manifesta" removed "manifesta" (not G1k). 
"clavo	aku; rafi" removed "rafi" (not G1k). 
"cocinar	kuko; kulina" made to two items: 
	"cocinar	kuko" and "cocina	kuko-ka"
	(kulina=kitchen, but it is Mega Glosa). 
"cobre {metal}	kupra; kalka" removed "kalka" (not G1k, better would
	be "kalko" because of Greek
"coche	koci" removed item (not G1k). 
"cola {rabo}	kauda; ura; kerko" removed "kerko" and "ura" (not G1k). 
"comer	vora; edo; fago" removed "edo" (not G1k). 
"compasión	kompasio; simpati" removed "kompasio" (not G1k). 
"comprender	komprende" exchanged "komprende" (not G1k) with "logi". 
"concha	konka; ostraka" removed "konka" (not G1k). 
"consistir	konsiste" removed item (not G1k). 
"constante	konstanta" removed "konstanta" (not G1k), added Glosa word
"contacto	takto; tange" removed "tange" (not G1k). 
"contra	kontra; enantio" removed "enantio" (not G1k). 
"contrario	kontra; enantio" removed "enantio" (not G1k). 
"corto	kurte; brevi" removed "kurte" (not G1k). 
"cadera	koxa; iski" removed "iski" (not G1k). 
"codicioso	avari; avidi" removed "avidi" (not G1k). 
"coger	kapti; rape" changed to "rapi". 
"coleccionar	kolekti" item added. 
"colegir	kolekti" removed item (could not find "colegir" in my
	dictionary, perhaps better "coleccionar"). 
"colgar	pende; kremasto" removed "kremasto" (not G1k). 
"color	koloro; kroma" changed "koloro" to "kolora". 
"comercio	komercia" changed "komercia" to "komerci". 
"comida	alimenta; sito" removed "alimenta" (not G1k). 
"comprometer	kompromisi" changed "kompromisi" to "kompromise". 
"comprometerse	promise; sponso" changed to "sponsa". 
"común [(en) ]	komuni; koeno" removed "koeno" (not G1k). 
"con	ko; plus; sin" removed "sin" (could be mixed up with
"conectar	konekti; nexi" removed "konekti", changed "nexi" to
"conexión	relatio; reti" changed "relatio" to "relati", added
"congelar	geli; krio" removed "krio" (not G1k). 
"conocer	kogni" exchanged "kogni" (not G1k) with "ski". 
"consciente	senti; konski; este" changed "senti" to "sensi". 
"contar	numera; aritme" removed "aritme" (not G1k). 
"convenir	gru; kongru" removed "kongru". 
"corazón	kordi; kardia" removed "kordi". 
"corcho	suberi; felo" changed to "corcho	korka". 
"corona	korona; stefano" removed "stefano" (not G1k). 
"corral	korta; atrio" changed "atrio" to "atri". 
"correo	kurero; posta" removed "kurero" (not G1k). 
"correos	kurero; posta" removed "kurero" (not G1k). 
"corriente	flu; reo" removed "reo" (not G1k). 
"cortar	seka; tomi" removed "tomi" (not G1k, avoiding homonym
"cosa	kosa; ra[-]" removed "kosa" (not G1k), changed "ra[-]" to
"coser	rafi; sue" removed "rafi" (not G1k). 
"costa	kosta; pleura" removed "pleura" (not G1k). 
"costilla	kosta; pleura" removed "pleura" (not G1k). 
"costura	rafi; sue" removed "rafi" (not G1k). 
"crecer	kresce; auge" removed "auge" (not G1k). 
"crepúsculo	krepuskula" removed item (not G1k). 
"cresta	kresta; lofo" removed "lofo" (not G1k). 
"cría	juveni; filia; hebe" removed "juveni" and "hebe" (not
	G1k), changed "filia" to "fili". 
"crisis	krisis" changed Glosa word to "krisi". 
"criticar	judika; kritika" changed "kritika" to "kritici". 
"crítico	krisis" changed Glosa word to "krisi". 
"cruce	kruci; stauro" removed "stauro" (not G1k). 
"cruz	kruci; stauro" removed "stauro" (not G1k). 
"cruzar	kruci; stauro" removed "stauro" (not G1k). 
"cuadrado	qadra; tetragono" changed "tetragono" to "tetra-gono". 
"cubrir	koveri" exchanged "koveri" (not G1k) with "tegu". 
"cuchichear	musi; susura" removed "musi" (not G1k). 
"cueva	kaverno; speleo" removed "speleo" (not G1k). 
"cuidado	atentio; kura" removed "atentio" (not G1k). 
"cuidadoso	atentio; kura" removed "atentio" (not G1k). 
"culo	dorsa; noto" removed "noto" (not G1k). 
"cumbre	kresta; lofo" removed "lofo" (not G1k). 
"cuña	kune; sfena" removed "sfena" (not G1k). 
"cursi	krude" changed Glosa word to "krudi". 
"cutis	kuti; peli; derma" removed "kuti" (not G1k). 

"dañar	damni; noku; puni" removed "damni" (not G1k). 
"dar placer	indulge; place" removed "indulge" (not G1k). 
"dar vueltas	torna; rota; volve; gira" removed "volve" (not G1k). 
"debajo (de)	infra; hipo" removed "hipo" (homonym hipo=horse/below,
	see also caballo). 
"dedo	digi; digita; daktili" removed "digita" ("digi" prefered.) and
	"daktili" (not G1k). 
"defender	protekti; alexi" removed "protekti" (not G1k). 
"dejar	linqi; abandona" removed "abandona" (not G1k). 
"dejo	tracia; vestigia" changed to "trace". 
"demora	mora; tardi" removed "mora" (not G1k). 
"demorar	mora; tardi" removed "mora" (not G1k). 
"dentro	intra; endo" removed "endo" (not G1k). 
"dentro de	in; eso" removed "eso" (not G1k). 
"departamento	departimenta" removed item (not G1k). 
"deprisa	celera; rapidi; veloci; tako" corrected to "de prisa",
	removed "celera" (not G1k). 
"derecho {ley}	legi; nomi" removed "legi" (not G1k). 
"derivar	deriva" removed item (not G1k). 
"describir	describe" corrected to "deskribe". 
"deslizar	lapse; glisa" changed "lapse" to "lapso". 
"despacho	buro; ofici" changed to "ofice". 
"despacio	lento; bradi" removed "bradi" (not G1k). 
"devorar	vora; edo; fago" removed "edo" (not G1k). 
"digerir	digesti; pepsi" removed "digesti" (not G1k). 
"día	di; hemera" removed "hemera" (not G1k). 
"dibujar	designa; grafi" changed to "grafo". 
"diente	denti; odonto" removed "odonto" (not G1k). 
"diluir	diluti; mano" removed "mano" (not G1k). 
"discutir	argu; alterka" removed "alterka" and "argu" (not G1k),
	added Glosa word "diskusi". 
"disminuir	minu; mei; meiosi" removed "minu" (not G1k). 
"doblar	kurva; flexi; kampilo" removed "kampilo". 
"doler	dolo; algo" removed "dolo" (not G1k). 
"dolor	dolo; algo" removed "dolo" (not G1k). 
"dominio	dominio" item added. 
"doble	dupli; diplo" removed "dupli" (not G1k). 
"dorado	auro; kriso" removed "auro" (not G1k). 
"dormir	somni; dormi; sopo" removed "dormi" (not G1k). 
"dudar	hesita; dubita" changed "dubita" to "dubi". 
"duradero	dura; sklero" removed "sklero" ("dura" is better for "hard
	(lasting)", "sklero" better for "hard (not soft)", see duro). 
"durar	dura; sklero" removed "sklero" ("dura" is better for "hard
	(lasting)", "sklero" better for "hard (not soft)", see duro). 
"duro	sklero" item added. 

"e {=y}	e; plus; sin" removed "sin" (could be mixed up with
"ebrio	ebria; narko" removed "ebria" (not G1k). 
"eje	axi; fulkru" removed "fulkru" (not G1k). 
"elegir	elekti; opti" removed "opti" (not G1k). 
"elevado	alti; hipso" removed "hipso" (not G1k). 
"ellas	plu fe" changed to "ellas	mu". 
"emblema	insignia" changed to "insigni". 
"embuste	falsi; fraudu" removed "fraudu" (not G1k).	
"encima	su; supra; epi" removed "su" (could be mixed up with
"enlazar	kopula; koitu" changed "koitu" to "koitus". 
"enrojecerse	rubesce" removed item (not G1k). 
"enseñanza	didakti; sko" removed "didakti" (not G1k). 
"entender	komprende; logi" removed "komprende" (not G1k). 
"enterrar	intera" changed to "in-tera". 
"enviar	mite; jekti; bali" removed "jekti" (not G1k). 
"envidia	invidi; kako zelo" changed to "... invidio; kako-zelo". 
"envidiar	invidi; kako zelo" changed to "... invidio; kako-zelo". 
"erizado	seta; kaeta" removed "kaeta" (not G1k). 
"errar	vaga; plano" changed to "errar {vagar}" (errar=err,wander),
	removed "plano", added new item "errar {error}	ero". 
"escombros	rudi; detritu" changed "rudi" to "rude", removed "detritu"
	(not G1k). 
"esconder	cela; kripto" removed "cela" (not G1k), changed "kripto" to
"escudo	aspi; skuta" removed "aspi" (not G1k). 
"escultura	skulpe; glipto" changed "skulpe" to "skulptu", removed
	"glipto" (not G1k). 
"espacio	space; koro" changed "space" to "spaci", removed "koro" (not
"espalda	dorsa; noto" removed "noto" (not G1k). 
"esparcir	sperge; spora" removed "sperge" (not G1k). 
"espiral	spirali; helika" removed "spirali" (not G1k). 
"espuma	spuma; afro" removed "afro" (not G1k). 
"estaca	stilo; pali" removed "stilo" (estaca,pali=stake; stilo=pen). 
"estar {de pie}	sta; es; stasi" made to two items: 
	"estar {de pie}	sta" and "estar	es".	"stasi" removed (not G1k). 
"estirar	tensi" changed to "tensio". 
"estómago	gastri; stomako" changed to "gastro", removed
	"stomako" (not G1k). 
"estrecho	angusti; steno" removed "angusti" (not G1k). 
"estrella	stela; astro" removed "stela" (avoid homonym
"estúpido	stupidi; moroni" removed "moroni" (not G1k). 
"experto	arti; tekno" changed "experto" to "experto {adjetivo}". 
"experto {sustantivo}	arti-pe" item added. 
"exterior	extra; ekto" removed "ekto" (not G1k). 
"extraño	aliena; xeno" removed "aliena" (not G1k). 

"fango	limi; ili; telma" changed "limi" to "limo", removed "ili" and
	"telma" (not G1k). 
"faz	facia; prosopo" removed "prosopo" (not G1k). 
"fibra	fi; mito; nema" removed "mito" and "nema" (not G1k). 
"fin	fina; sto; telo" changed "fina" to "fini", removed "telo" (not
"final	ultima; eskato" removed "eskato" (not G1k). 
"finalidad	fina; telo" made to two items: 
	"finalidad {fin}	fini" (telo not G1k) and 
	"finalidad {propósito}	buta; tende"
"fluir	flu; reo" removed "reo" (not G1k). 
"flujo	flu; reo" removed "reo" (not G1k). 
"fondo	funda; bento" removed "bento" (not G1k). 
"fortuna	fortuna; tiko" removed "tiko" (not G1k). 
"frasco	ampula; botilia" removed "ampula" (not G1k). 
"fricción	frika; tribo" removed "tribo" (not G1k). 
"fricciónar	frika; tribo" corrected to "friccionar", removed
	"tribo" (not G1k).	
"frío	frigi; krio" removed "krio" (not G1k). 
"fuera (de)	extra; ekto" removed "ekto" (not G1k). 
"fuerza	force; dina" removed "force" (not G1k). 
"fumar	fumi; kapno" removed "kapno" (not G1k). 
"furioso	rabi; mania" removed "mania" (not G1k). 

"gas	gasi; vapo; atmo" removed "vapo" (not gas but vapor) and "atmo"
	(not G1k). 
"glacial	glacia; kristali" removed "kristali". 
"glándula	glandi; adeno" removed "adeno" (not G1k). 
"gobernar	governa; krati" removed "governa" (not G1k). 
"golfo	gulfa" changed "gulfa" to "golfo". 
"golpe	kolpa; tipo" removed "kolpa" (not G1k). 
"golpear	kolpa; tipo" removed "kolpa" (not G1k). 
"goma {caucho}	goma; latici" changed "goma" to "gumi". 
"gordo	obesi; grosu" removed "grosu" (not G1k). 
"gota	guta; stila" removed "stila" (not G1k). 
"gotear	guta; stila" removed "stila" (not G1k). 
"gracias	gratia; eukaristi" removed "eukaristi" (not G1k). 
"gracioso	faceti; komika" removed "faceti" (not G1k). 
"gráfica	carta; mapa" corrected "gráfica" to
"grande {tamaño}	magni; mega" removed "magni" (not G1k).	
"grueso	grosu; obesi" removed "grosu" (not G1k). 
"gualdo	lutea; xanto" removed "lutea" (not G1k). 
"guirnalda	korona; stefano" removed "stefano" (not G1k). 
"gusano	vermi; helminti" removed "helminti" (vermi is prefereable,
	helminti should be helminto). 

"hábil	arti; tekno" added meaning "abili[(-)]". 
"habitar	habita; eko" removed "habita" (not G1k). 
"hallar	trova; detekti" removed "trova" (not G1k). 
"hallarse	stasi; statika" changed to "hallarse	sta; es" (stasi and
	statika not G1k). 
"hebra	fi; nema; mito" removed "nema" and "mito" (not G1k). 
"helado	glacia; kristali" removed "kristali". 
"helar	gelo; krio" removed "krio" (not G1k). 
"hermana	sib" changed to "sibi[(fe-)]". 
"hermano	sib" changed to "sibi[(an-)]". 
"hielo	glacia; kristali" removed "kristali". 
"higo	fikus; siko" removed "siko" (not G1k). 
"hija	fe-filia" changed to "fe-fili". 
"hilo	fi; nema; mito" removed "nema" and "mito" (not G1k). 
"hincharse	tumo; brio; kio" removed "kio" (not G1k). 
"hocico	rostri; rinko" removed "rinko" (not G1k), changed "rostri" to
"homogéneo	regulari; uniformi" changed to "uniforma". 
"hongo	fungi; miko" changed to "fungu", removed "miko" (not G1k). 
"honor	honori" changed to "honor	honora". 
"honradez	honori" changed "honori" to "honora". 
"horario	horo-tabula" changed to "horo-tabla". 
"horizonte	horizona" changed "horizona" to "horizo". 
"hoyo	fosa" changed to "fosi". 
"hoyuelo	foseta" removed item (not G1k). 
"hueco	fora; kavita; koelo" removed "koelo" (not G1k). 
"huella	tracia; vestigia" changed to "trace". 
"huerto	horti; kepo" removed "kepo" (not G1k). 
"hueso	os; osteo" removed "os" (avoid homonym os=bone/mouth,face). 
"humedad	humidi; higro" removed "higro" (not G1k). 
"humo	fumi; kapno" removed "kapno" (not G1k). 
"humor	humori" changed Glosa word to "humoro". 

"ible[-]	abili" changed to "abili[(-)]". 
"inclusive	klu; klei" removed "klei" (not G1k). 
"inculto	krude" changed Glosa word to "krudi". 
"indicar	indika; deikto" removed "deikto" (not G1k). 
"individuo	individua; idio" changed to "individuo	individu; idio". 
"infinito	infiniti" removed item (not G1k). 
"inhibir	impedi; inhibiti" removed "inhibiti" (not G1k). 
"instantáneo	instanta" removed item (not G1k). 
"instituto	kolegia" changed to "kolegi". 
"instrucción	sko; didakti" removed "didakti" (not G1k). 
"ir	ki; move" removed "move". 
"ir bien	kongru; gru" removed "kongru". 

"jofaina	kratera; pelvi" removed "pelvi" (not G1k). 
"joven	juveni" changed "juveni" to "juve". 
"jugar	sporta; ludo" changed "ludo" to "ludi". 
"jugoso	suku; kima" removed "kima" (not G1k). 
"juntura	artikula; artri" removed "artikula" ("artikula" meaning
"juramiento	juri" corrected to "juramento", changed "juri" to
"jurar	juri" changed "juri" to "jura". 
"justificar	justifi" removed item (not G1k). 

"labio	labia; keilo" removed "keilo" (not G1k). 
"labor	laboro; ergo" changed "laboro" to "labori". 
"lado	latu; pleura" removed "pleura" (not G1k). 
"lámpara	splendi; lampa" removed "splendi" (splendi=splendor,
"lanzar	jekti; bali" removed "jekti" (not G1k). 
"largo	longi; doliko" removed "doliko" (not G1k). 
"lateral	latu; pleura" removed "pleura" (not G1k). 
"lazo	nodi; tilo" removed "tilo" (not G1k). 
"leche	lakti; galakti" removed "galakti" (not G1k). 
"lento	lento; bradi" removed "bradi" (not G1k). 
"lesión	lesio; vulne" removed "lesio" (not G1k). 
"levadura	fermenta; zimo" changed to "zima". 
"ley	legi; nomi" removed "legi" (not G1k). 
"leyes	legi; nomi" removed "legi" (not G1k). 
"librar	libe; eleutero" removed "eleutero" (not G1k). 
"libro	libra; bibli" removed "libra" (not G1k, should be "libri"). 
"ligar	liga; desmo" removed "desmo" (not G1k). 
"limpio	puri; katari" removed "katari" (not G1k). 
"limo	muku" changed to "muci". 
"lino	linum" changed "linum" to "linu". 
"líquido	aqa; liqi; hidro" removed "aqa" and "hidro" (=water,
"liso	glabro; liso" removed Glosa word "liso" (glabro prefered, avoid
	homonym liso G - crazy, mad). 
"llevar	fero; porta" removed "porta" to avoid homonym
"llover	pluvi; hieto" removed "hieto" (not G1k). 
"lluvia	pluvi; hieto" removed "hieto" (not G1k). 
"loar	laudi; admira; latri" changed "laudi" to "lauda", removed
	"admira" (not G1k). 
"loco	rabi; mania" removed "mania" (not G1k). 
"lodo	limi; ili" removed "ili" (not G1k). 
"luchar	lukta; maki" removed "maki" (not G1k). 
"lugar seguro	refugi; asila" changed "asila" to "asilu", removed
	"refugi" (not G1k). 
"luna	luna; selene" removed "selene" (not G1k). 
"lunar	luna; selene" removed "selene" (not G1k). 

"macizo	gravi; masi; bario" changed "bario" to "bari". 
"madre	matri; metro" removed "metro" (not G1k, "matri" prefered). 
"malla	reti; diktio" removed "diktio" (not G1k). 
"mañana	mana; eo" removed "eo" (eo=dawn,
"mancha	makula; stigma" removed "stigma" (not G1k). 
"mandíbula	mandibula; gnata" removed "gnata". 
"manejar	opera" changed "opera" to "operatio". 
"mano	manu; keiro" removed "keiro" (not G1k). 
"manto	palia; toga" removed "palia" (not G1k). 
"mar	mari; pelago" removed "pelago" (not G1k). 
"maravillarse	mira; tauma" removed "tauma" (not G1k). 
"marcha [(poner) en ]	ingrana; sti" removed "ingrana" (not G1k). 
"más allá de	ultra; preter" removed "preter" (not
"mama	mama; masto" removed "masto" (not G1k). 
"materia	materi; hilo" changed to "materia	materia". 
"material	materi; hilo" changed to "material	materia". 
"matriz	utero; histeri" changed to "uteri", removed "histeri" (not
"melindroso	fastidio" removed item (not G1k). 
"menor	minu; mei" removed "minu" (not G1k). 
"menos	minu; mei" removed "minu" (not G1k). 
"mensaje	mesage" exchanged "mesage" (not G1k) with "info". 
"mensual	mensi; meno" removed "mensi" (not G1k). 
"mental	cerebra; enkefa" removed "enkefa" (not G1k). 
"mente	cerebra; enkefa" removed "enkefa" (not G1k). 
"mercado	merkato; agora" removed "agora" (not G1k). 
"mes	mensi; meno" removed "mensi" (not G1k). 
"miembro	poda; skelo" removed "skelo" (not G1k). 
"misericordia	kompasio; simpati" removed "kompasio" (not G1k). 
"mitad	semi; hemi" removed "hemi" (not G1k). 
"mojar	humidi; higro" removed "higro" (not G1k). 
"momento	momento; kron" changed Glosa word to "momenta". 
"moneda	moneta; numi" removed "numi" (not G1k). 
"mono	simia; piteka" removed "piteka" (not G1k). 
"monótono	monotono" removed item (not G1k). 
"montaña	monti; buna; oro" changed "buna" to "buno", removed
	"oro" (not G1k). 
"monte	monti; buna; oro" changed "buna" to "buno", removed "oro" (not
"montón	kumu; mole" removed "mole" (not G1k). 
"morder	morda; dakno" removed "dakno" (not G1k). 
"morir	mori; tanasi" changed to "morir	morta; lose bio" (mori and
	tanasi not G1k). 
"mostrar	monstra; deikto" removed "deikto". 
"muchedumbre	oklo; pleto" removed item ("oklo" and "pleto" not G1k). 
"mucho	magni; mega" removed "magni" (not G1k). 
"muerte	morta; nekro" removed nekro (not G1k). 
"muerto	morta; nekro" removed nekro (not G1k). 
"músculo	muskula; mio" removed "mio" (avoid homonym
"musgo	tumo; brio; kio" changed to "musgo	muski" ("kio" is obviously
	an error in the list, should have been "brio".	"brio" removed to
	avoid homonym moss/swell.	"tumo" is certainly an error.). 
"muslo	koxa; iskio" removed "iskio" (not G1k). 
"mutuamente	recipro; alelo" removed "recipro" (not G1k). 
"muy señor mío	karo sinior" changed to "karo senior"
	(Latin and Spanish prefered over Italian). 
"muy señora mía	karo siniora" changed to "karo seniora" 
	(Latin and Spanish prefered over Italian). 
"muy señorita mía	karo siniorita" item removed
"nacimento	nati; toko" corrected to "nacimiento", removed "toko" (not
"nación	natio; etno" removed "etno" (not G1k). 
"naciónalidad	natio; etno" corrected to "nacionalidad",
	removed "etno" (not G1k). 
"nalgas	glutea; piga" changed "piga" to "pigi", removed "glutea" (not
"narices	nari" removed item (not G1k). 
"naturaleza	natura; fizio" removed "fizio" (not G1k). 
"navidad	Kristo nati" changed to "Kristo-nati". 
"navidades	Kristo nati" changed to "Kristo-nati". 
"negociar	negotia" changed to "negoti". 
"negocios	negotia" changed to "negoti". 
"negro	nigro; atro; melano" removed "nigro" (not G1k). 
"neutral	neutro" changed to "neutra". 
"neutro	neutro" changed to "neutra". 
"nevar	nivi; kiono" removed "kiono" (not G1k). 
"nido	nido; kalia" changed Glosa word to "nidi", removed "kalia" (not
"niebla	nebula" changed to "nebu". 
"nieve	nivi; kiono" removed "kiono" (not G1k). 
"niña o niño	infanti; paedi" removed "paedi" (not
"noche	noktu; nikto" removed "nikto" (not G1k, avoid homonym
"notar	notice" changed "notice" to "nota". 
"novela	novela" removed item (not G1k). 
"nube	nubi; nefo" removed "nubi" (not G1k). 
"nudo	nodi; tilo" removed "tilo" (not G1k). 
"nuez	nuki; kario" removed "kario" (not G1k). 
"número	numera; aritme" removed "aritme" (not G1k). 

"obeso	obesi; grosu" removed "grosu" (not G1k). 
"observar	notice" changed to "nota". 
"obtenerse	deriva" removed item (not G1k). 
"obvio	klari; fanero" removed "fanero" (not G1k). 
"occidental	uesta; ocide" changed to "occidental	uest". 
"ocultar	cela; kripto" changed "kripto" to "kripti", removed "cela"
	(not G1k). 
"ocupar	habita; eko" removed "habita" (not G1k). 
"obrar	opera" changed to "operatio". 
"oeste	ueste; ocide" changed to "oeste	uest". 
"oficial	oficiali; arko" changed "arko" to "arki" and "oficiali" to
"oficina	ofici; buro" changed Glosa word to "ofice". 
"ojo	oku; opo" removed "opo" (not G1k). 
"ola	unda; kima" removed "kima" (not G1k). 
"óleo	olea; elaeo" removed "elaeo" (not G1k). 
"onda	unda; kima" removed "kima" (not G1k). 
"oprimir	opresi; persekuti" removed "persekuti" (not G1k). 
"optar	elekti; opti" removed "opti" (not G1k). 
"oquedad	kavita; koelo" removed "koelo" (not G1k). 
"oveja	ovis; amnio" removed "amnio" (not G1k). 
"actitud	atitudi; orientati" removed "orientati" (not G1k). 
"oro	auro; kriso" removed "auro" (not G1k). 
"oscuro	obskuri; no-foto" removed "obskuri" (not G1k). 

"pájaro	avi; orni" removed "orni" (not G1k). 
"palabra	verba; lexi" removed "lexi" (not G1k). 
"palanca	vekti" removed item (not G1k). 
"pan	pani; arto" removed "arto" (not G1k). 
"panoramica	vista; panorama" corrected to "panorámica". 
"papel	papira" item added. 
"parecer	sembla; feno" removed "sembla" (not G1k). 
"pared	parieta" changed to "pared	mura". 
"parte trasera	dorsa; noto" removed "noto" (not G1k). 
"pastel	plaka" item added (pastel=cake). 
"patio	korta; atrio" changed "atrio" to "atri". 
"pedir prestado	tem habe" changed to "tem-habe". 
"pegar	hesi; kolo" removed "kolo" (not G1k). 
"pegarse	hesi; kolo" removed "kolo" (not G1k). 
"peinar	pektina; ktena" removed "ktena" ("pektina" prefered). 
"peine	pektina; ktena" removed "ktena" ("pektina" prefered). 
"pelear	milita; maki" removed "maki" (not G1k). 
"pelo	kapila; triko" removed "triko" (not G1k). 
"peor	ma-mali" changed to "ma mali". 
"pera/pero {fruta}	pirus" removed "/pero" (could not find in my
"perder	lose; perdi" removed "perdi" (not G1k). 
"perseguir	persekuti" exchanged "persekuti" (not G1k) with "casa". 
"perspectiva	vista; prospekti" removed "prospekti" (not G1k). 
"perro	kanis; kini" changed "kanis" to "kani", removed "kini" (not
"pesado	gravi; bario" changed "bario" to "bari". 
"pesar	ponde" changed to "pesar {peso}". 
"pescado	piski; ikti" removed "ikti" (not G1k). 
"pez [(el) ]	piski; ikti" removed "ikti" (not G1k). 
"pico {=boca}	rostri; rinko" removed "rinko" (not G1k), changed
	"rostri" to "rostra". 
"pie	pedi; funda; bento" removed "bento" (not G1k). 
"pierna	poda; skelo" removed "skelo" (not G1k). 
"pincel	brosa; penicili" removed "penicili" (not G1k). 
"pivote	fulkru" exchanged "fulkru" (not G1k) with "artri". 
"placer	place; indulge" remoed "indulge" (not G1k). 
"placer [dar ]	place; indulge" removed "indulge" (not G1k). 
"plaza	forum; agora" removed "agora" (not G1k). 
"poner en marcha	ingrana; sti" removed "ingrana" (not G1k). 
"porcino	porka; sui" changed "porka" to "porku". 
"prisa	celera; rapidi; tako" removed "celera" (not G1k). 
"pradera	prate; agri" changed to "pradero". 
"presenciar {testigo}	testi" item added. 
"prestar	tem dona" changed to "tem-dona". 
"primavera	blasto-tem; verna" removed "verna" (not G1k). 
"probar {gustar}	gusta; geusi" removed "geusi" (not G1k). 
"problema	misteri; inigma" changed "inigma" to "enigma", added Glosa
	word "problema". 
"profundo	profunda; bati" changed "bati" to "bato". 
"propiedad	property" corrected to "propiedad	proprie". 
"proteger	protekti; alexi" removed "protekti" (not G1k). 
"protestar	protesta" item added. 
"psíquico	psikiko" removed item (not G1k). 
"publicar	publika; anunci" changed "anunci" to "nunci". 
"pueblo {=ciudad}	urba; polis" removed "polis" (not G1k).	
"puente	ponti; gefira" removed "gefira" (not G1k). 
"puerco	porka; sui" changed "porka" to "porku". 
"puerta	janu; tira" removed "tira" (not G1k, avoiding homonym
	tira=door/drag), added meaning "porta". 
"puno	pugna" corrected to "puño". 
"puntapies	kalci" exchanged "kalci" (not G1k, avoid homonym
	kalci=kick/lime) with "pedi".	
"puntapies [dar ]	kalci" exchanged "kalci" (not G1k, avoid homonym
	kalci=kick/lime) with "pedi". 
"punto	punkto" changed "punkto" to "punkta". 
"puro	puri; katari" removed "katari" (not G1k). 

"quemar	incende" removed item (not G1k). 
"queso	kasea; tiro" removed "tiro" (not G1k, avoiding homonym
"quitar	nuli sto; apo" corrected to "nuli; sto; apo". 

"rabo	kauda; ura" removed "ura" (not G1k). 
"rascar	razo; skabi" removed "skabi" (not G1k). 
"raspar	razo; skabi" removed "skabi" (not G1k). 
"ratas	muri" removed item (muri is mouse, not rat.	There is no rat
	in G1k, Mega Glosa is ratus). 
"ratones	muri" changed to "ratón	Mus" (the rat is a different
	animal: "rata	ratus" not added because it is not G1k). 
"razonar	rationa; logika" removed "rationa" (not G1k). 
"recado	mesage" exchanged "mesage" (not G1k) with "info". 
"recíprocamente	recipro alelo" should obviously have been
	"recipro; alelo", removed "recipro" (not G1k). 
"recordar	memo; mnemo" removed "mnemo" (not G1k, harder to speak than
"red	reti; diktio" removed "diktio" (not G1k). 
"redondo	rondo; strongilo" removed "strongilo" (not G1k). 
"reducir	minu; meio; meiosi" added Glosa word "reduce", removed
	"meio" and "minu" (not G1k). 
"reír	ridi; kakina" removed "kakina" (not G1k). 
"relámpago	fulgu" changed to "fulge" (cf. Latin
"relativo	relative" changed to "relativo	relativi". 
"respirar	respira" changed to "spira". 
"responder	responde" exchanged "responde" (not G1k) with "reakti". 
"reverencia	revere; venera" removed "venera" (not G1k). 
"ría	estua; gulfa" removed "estua" (not G1k), changed "gulfa"
	to "golfo". 
"rígido	rigidi" changed "rigidi" to "rigi". 
"río	fluvi; potami" removed "potami" (not G1k). 
"risa	ridi; kakina" removed "kakina" (not G1k). 
"roca	saxi; petro" removed "saxi" (not G1k). 
"rojo	rubi; eritro" removed "eritro" (not G1k). 
"rollo	skeda; papira" changed to "rollo	rola" ("skeda" is not G1k.
	"papira" is paper, perhaps roll of paper.	Nevertheless, "rola" is
	the best choice for "rollo"). 
"rosa {color}	rodo" exchanged "rodo" (not G1k) with "rosa". 
"rostro	facia; prosopo" removed "prosopo" (not G1k). 
"rucio	cinera; polio" removed "polio" (polio=grey). 
"rueda	rota; ciklo; troko" removed "troko" (not G1k). 

"saber	sapie; ski; logi" removed "sapie" (not G1k). 
"sabor	sapidi; flavoro" removed "sapidi" (not G1k). 
"saco	saka; aska" removed "aska" (not G1k). 
"sacudir	perkusi; seiso" removed "perkusi" (not G1k). 
"sadístico	sadi; krueli" changed to "sádico". 
"saeta	sagita; gloki" removed "gloki" (not G1k). 
"sal	sali; hali" removed "hali" (not G1k). 
"salvado	gluma; palea" removed "palea" (not G1k). 
"salvaje	ferali; agrio" removed "ferali" (not G1k). 
"sangre	sanguina; hemo" changed to "hema", removed "sanguina" (not
"santo	sakro; hagio" changed to "santo	sankti". 
"seco	sika; xero" removed "xero" (not G1k). 
"segundo	sekunda; deutero" removed "deutero" (not G1k). 
"seguro	asila; refugi; sekuri; imuni" changed "asila" to "asilu". 
"seguro [lugar ]	refugi; asila" changed "asila" to "asilu", removed
	"refugi" (not G1k). 
"semi-	semi; hemi" removed "hemi" (not G1k). 
"senalar	separa; lisi; indika; deiko" corrected "senalar" to
	"señalar", removed "lisi" and "separa" (lisi=isolate,
	separa=separate, señalar=point out, see aislar and separar)
	and "deiko" (not G1k). 
"sencillo	elementa; haplo" removed "haplo" (not G1k). 
"señor	sinior" changed Glosa word to "senior" (Latin and
	Spanish prefered over Italian). 
"señora	siniora" changed Glosa word to "seniora" (Latin and
	Spanish prefered over Italian).	
"señorita	siniorita" item removed (old-fashioned). 
"sentir	senti; este" changed "senti" to "sensi". 
"separar	lisi" item added. 
"serio	gravi; serio" removed "serio" (not G1k). 
"sesos	cerebra; enkefa" removed "enkefa" (not G1k). 
"seto	septa; fragmo" changed to "fragma", removed "septa" (not G1k). 
"siempre	semper; pan kron" removed "semper" (not G1k), change "pan
	kron" to "panto-tem" (semper is not G1k). 
"siglo	cent anua" changed to "hekto anua". 
"simio	simia; piteka" removed "piteka" (not G1k). 
"simple	elementa; haplo" removed "haplo" (not G1k). 
"sitio {=cabida}	space; koro" changed "space" to "spaci", removed
	"koro" (not G1k).	
"sobrar	resta; mane" removed "mane" (not G1k). 
"sobre {=encima}	epi; su; supra" removed "su" (could be mixed up with
"sobresaliente	perfekti; teleo" removed "teleo" (not G1k). 
"sol	sola; helio" changed to "heli". 
"soplar	fla; fisa" removed "fisa" (not G1k). 
"sortija	anula; zona; zo[-]" removed "anula" (not G1k). 
"suave	glabro; liso" removed "liso" (glabro prefered, avoid homonym
	with liso G - crazy, mad). 
"sud	sud; austro" changed "austro" to "austra". 
"suelo	suelo; pedo" changed to "suelo	baso" (pedi is synonym with
	pedo and homonym with pedi=foot; "suelo" not G1k). 
"suelo [(en el) ]	baso; kamae" changed to "kame".	
"suerte [(buena) ]	fortuna; tiko" made to two items: 
	"suerte	fortuna" ("tiko" not G1k) and 
	"suerte [buena ]	boni-fortuna".	
"surco	kanali; sulko" removed "sulko" (not G1k). 
"superficie	sufacia" changed to "su-facia". 
"sur	sud; austro" changed "austro" to "austra". 
"sustancia	materi; hilo" changed to "sustancia	materia". 

"tambor	tipani" corrected to "timpani". 
"tapia	septa; fragma" removed "septa" (not G1k). 
"tarea	kargo; entreprise" removed "entreprise" (not G1k). 
"tejido {=textura}	textura" removed item (not G1k). 
"temer	terori; fobo" removed "terori" (not G1k). 
"temor	terori; fobo" removed "terori" (not G1k). 
"tensión	tensi; tono" changed Glosa word to "tensio", removed
	"tono" (not G1k). 
"terrible	teribilo; deino" removed "teribilo" (not G1k). 
"testigo	testi" changed Glosa word to "testi-pe". 
"tierra	suela; pedi; edafo" changed to "tierra	baso" (pedi is
	synonym with pedo and homonym with pedi=foot; suela and edafo not G1k). 
"tieso	rigidi" changed to "rigi". 
"timbre	kampani; kodono" changed to "timbre {campana}	tini-ru"
	(tini-ru is prefereable over kampani, kodono is not G1k). 
"tira {de papel}	papira; skeda" removed "skeda" (not G1k). 
"todos	omni; pan; panto" removed "pan" (long form "panto"
"toro	toro; bu" changed to "toro	an-bovi". 
"trabajo	laboro; ergo" changed "laboro" to "labori". 
"traducir	traduce; translati" removed "traduce" (not G1k). 
"tranquilidad	qieti; reposa" removed "reposa" (not G1k). 
"trasero	dorsa; noto" removed "noto" (not G1k). 
"traslúcido	luci; diafano" removed "diafano" (not G1k). 
"tratar {=negociar}	negotia" changed to "negoti".	
"trocar	kambio" item added. 
"tronar	fulmina; bronto" removed "fulmina" (not G1k). 
"trueno	fulmina; bronto" removed "fulmina" (not G1k). 
"túnel	tunela" changed Glosa word to "tuneli". 

"último	ultima; eskato" removed "eskato" (not G1k). 
"uña	ungu; oniko" removed "oniko" (not G1k). 
"uña	ungua; oniko" changed "ungua" to "ungu". 
"unión	nexi; liga" changed to "nexu". 
"unir	nexi; liga" changed to "nexu". 
"útero	uteru; histeri" changed to "uteri", removed "histeri"
	(not G1k). 
"útil	utili; funktio" changed "utili" to "uti". 
"útil [(ser) ]	servi; ministra" removed "ministra" (not G1k). 

"vaca	fe-bovi; fe-bu" removed "fe-bu" (not G1k). 
"vacilar	dubita; hesita" changed "dubita" to "dubi". 
"vacío	kavita; koelo" removed "koelo" (not G1k). 
"vagar	vaga" item added. 
"vaina	vagina; kolea" removed "kolea" (not G1k). 
"valle	vali; napo" removed "napo" (not G1k). 
"vano	vani; aroga" made to two items: 
	"vanidoso	aroga" (vanidoso = vain) and 
	"vano	vani" (vano = useless).	
"vapor	vapo; atmo" removed "atmo" (not G1k). 
"vara	baci; rabdi" removed "rabdi" (not G1k). 
"variación	varia" changed Glosa word to "vari". 
"vasija	pelvi; kratera" exchanged "pelvi" with "vasa" ("pelvi" not
"Vd	tu" corrected to "Vd.". 
"Vd [a ]	tu" corrected to "Vd.". 
"Vd [de ]	tu" corrected to "Vd.".	
"Vds	vi" corrected to "Vds".	
"Vds [a ]	vi" corrected to "Vds.".	
"Vds [de ]	vi" corrected to "Vds". 
"vejez	gero" removed item (not G1k). 
"vejiga	kisti; fisa" removed "fisa" (not G1k). 
"vender	vendo; pole" removed "pole" (not G1k, avoiding homonym
"veneno	venomo; toxo" corrected to "toxi", removed "venomo" (not
"ventaja	auxi; katalizi" changed "katalizi" to "katalisi". 
"verano	estiva" added Glosa word "termo-tem". 
"verde	verdi; kloro" removed "verdi" (not G1k). 
"vértice	angula; gono" removed "angula" (not G1k). 
"viejo	antiqi; paleo" removed "antiqi" (not G1k). 
"viento	venti; anemo" removed "anemo" (not G1k). 
"violar	viole; agresi" removed "agresi" (not G1k). 
"violeta	iodeo; violeta" removed item (iodeo and violeta both not
"visible	visabili; vista" removed "visabili" (not G1k). 
"vista	vista; prospekti" removed "prospekti" (not G1k). 
"vital	vit; bio" removed "vit" (not G1k). 
"viviente	vivi" removed item (not G1k). 
"vivir	habita; eko" changed to "vivir {habitar}", removed "habita"
	(not G1k). 
"vivir {vida}	vive" item added. 
"vivo	vivi" removed item (not G1k). 
"vueltas [dar ]	torna; tropi; rota; volve; gira" removed "volve" (not

"y	e; plus; sin" removed "sin" (could be mixed up with

"zaguán	korta; atrio" changed "atrio" to "atri", removed
	"korta" (zaguán is hallway, entrance; korta is court). 

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Corrections/Changes to "Español — Glosa 1000" - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.