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Synonyms in "Core"-Dictionary

by Marcel Springer.

Some synonyms are necessary for good style and to feel comfortable. But for a small and limited vocabulary synonyms are luxury and have to be reduced to a minimum. Especially annoying is the phenomenon of “different roots for similar concepts”. Below some synonyms and other problems to think over are listed. Please help and find more!

Some of the synonyms give no new idea but result only from having two source languages (Greek and Latin). Tricky is to harmonize their compounds.

Sometimes there are differences, but the meanings in the dictionary do not make that clear enough.

* agri, kampo	
* aku, spina 
* algo, dolo 
* ambula, gresi 
* animali, zoa 
* anti, kontra, opositi 
* aparatu, makina, mekani 
* apo, minus
* asocia, socia 
* bali, mite
* bio, vita, vive 
* blu, ciano (blu-rubi --> ciano-rubi)
* buta, tende 
* centi, hekto (hekto - 100, centi - 1/100)
* derma, peli
* dice, loqi 
* dina, dinami 
* dina-me, moti-me 
* dista --> tele 
* divide, separa 
* doci, doktrina 
* dulo, servi 
* dura, permane 
* elementa, simpli 
* eqipa - equip, but "nece-fa 1	equipment" 
* etiko, more, habitu
* exercise, praxi 
* fago, sito, vora 
* fami - hungry, famina - hunger 
* femina, gina 
* feru-via, raila, trena 
* fisu, skizo 
* flexi, but genuflekti - kneel/knien. Also reflekti.
* fono, foni (in compounds), soni 
* forma, morfo (in amorfo) 
* foto, lampa, lumi 
* fusili, stoko 
* geli, glacia 
* gira, tortu 
* glisa, lubri 
* glosa, lingua 
* gono, rektangula 
* gravi, severi 
* hesi, viski 
* imagi, kroma, pikto 
* impakti, pulsa 
* inkontra, ko, unio (the difference is explained in the book "18 Steps to 	Fluency", p. 34:	enkontra - meet by chance; unio - meet by appointment) 
* iti, ki, viagia 
* kafe also "care" 
* kako, mali 
* kapsa, paketa, teka 
* ki, loka, moti 
* klari, palidi 
* klasi, ordina 
* kopula, nexi 
* kron, tem
	(the difference is explained in "Plu Glosa Nota", No. 71:
	kron - time, instant; tem - time, period)
* lase, lice, permito
* lega, nomi, teori 
* litora, plage 
* medio, meso 
* minus, mei, meio, but attention mei and ma
* membra, mero-pe, membra-status 
* migma, mixa 
* multi, poli 
* nasa, odoro, rino 
* nega, refusa 
* neo, nova 
* nima, nomina 
* no-soni, silento 
* nume, numera 
* organismo, regula, sistema 
* pardo, penite 
* partikula, mero 
* pipa, tubi 
* pistio - faithful, but fide 1	faith 
* porta - carry; "harbor, harbour, haven, port"--> portu 
* posi, probabili 
* proprie, habe, proprio-ra --> proprie-ra 
* profito, sucede 
* ge-promulga-ra, publika 
* rapidi, tako 
* ridi, stupidi 
* sexu, maybe more international: sex 
* solu, tera 
* space, volumi (one 2-, one 3-dimensions) 
* stato, status
* tira, trakto 
* voci, voka 

Definition Translations

Perhaps the language users will not feel comfortable with some of the definition translations of the book “Central Glosa”. Perhaps some of them should be replaced by Glosa 6000 words. E.g.:

ge-face	artificial; produce 
	artificia	artificial 
	produce	produce 
ge-face ex	consist 
	konsiste	consist

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Synonyms in "Core"-Dictionary - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.