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1000 most frequent Glosa words (original, uncorrected)
from “Central Glosa” (Ashby, Clark), pp. 24—56.
p. 24:
Glosa 1000
Now you come to the most important part, the heart, Central GLOSA 1000.
Each page is divided into three columns. The middle column lists the Latin and Greek roots of Glosa in bold capitals and in alphabetical order.
A Glosa word followed by a G. means it is of Greek origin. All the other un-G-d words come from Latin. In Column 1 is an international word which contains the Glosa root showing how you have been using, hearing and reading Latin and Greek (GLOSA) for years without perhaps knowing it. Column 3 gives the meaning of the Glosa word.
The reader will surely immediately recognize many of the Glosa words without consulting the first column. But in many cases the Glosa root might strike you as strange at first sight, especially since it is spelt phonetically. In this case a glance into column 1 will familiarize the Glosa root.
For example you might wonder how ALELI means each-other. You turn to column 1 and see parallel broken up into its elements PARA, beside and ALELI each-other, so the familiar word parallel simply means beside-each-other.
In this way you have acquired at least 4 bits of knowledge. You’ve discovered 1, Its real meaning … beside-each-other. 2 The G shows it is a Greek root and 3 you have learnt 2 Glosa words, without having to strain your memory.
To make things even easier the clue words in column 1 have been separated into their constituent bits by one or 2 hyphens.
So we think after you have browsed a little through this Glosa-English section you will agree that as we always say; GLOSA IS THE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE YOU DIDNT KNOW YOU KNEW.
p. 25: International Word — Glosa Word — Meaning of Glosa Word
abdomen ABDOMINA abdomen
ad-dres A(D) at, to
ab-sent AB away
-able ABILI able to be
accid-ent ACIDE happen, event
— NON-ACIDE non-existence, unreal
— MAL-ACIDE accident, fail, mis-hap
adapta-tion ADAPTA adapt
Aphro-dite AFRO G foam (she was born in sea-foam)
aero-plane AERO G air
agenda AGENDA program, agenda
aggresi-on AGRESI attack
agri-cult-ure AGRI field
— KULTI care for, tend
— AGRIO wild
acantha AKANTA G thorn
acidi-ty AKIDI acid
accord AKORDA agree, according to
Acro-polis AKRO G top, summit, climax
— POLITA G city
acti-vity AKTI act, do, behave
activi-ty AKTIVI busy
— NON-AKTIVI inert
— AKTIVI PRO enthusiastic
acoustic AKUSTI G hear, listen
acu-te AKU nail, needle
— AKUTO sharp
— NON-AKUTO blunt
Alex-ander ALEXI G defend
— ANDRO G man
amorpho-us AMORFO G lump, clod
par-allel PARA G beside
— ALELI G each-other
neur-alg-ia ALGO G pain, suffering
alien ALIENA strange, foreign
— NON-ALIENA familiar
al-ternative ALO or, al-ternative
alti-tude ALTI high, tall
ambi-dextro-us AMBI both / all sides
— DEXTRO right hand
— AMBIENTA environment
ami-able AMI friend, -ly, kind
amo-ur AMO love, like
amyla-ceous AMILA G starch
com-plex PLEXI intertwine
— AMPLEXI embrace
p. 26:
amus-e AMUSA amuse
An-drew AN he, him, his
— ANDRO G man, husband
ana-bol-ism ANA G up-wards
— BALI G throw
Anas ANAS duck
anemo-meter ANEMO G wind
— MEGA A. storm
antenna ANTENA feeler, antenna
anti- ANTI against
annua-l ANUA year
aper-ture APERI open
api-ary APIS bee
apo-calypti-c APO remove, un-
— KALIPTI cover
aqua-tic AQA water
ara-ble ARA plough, arable
arca-de ARCA arch
area AREA area, region
arena ARENA sand
Argenti-na ARGENTI silver (rivers)
arc ARKA arc
archi-tect ARKI G chief, official
— TEKTO G build
— NON-ARKI unofficial
arm-y ARMA weapon, arm
arroga-nt AROGA arrogant
aroma AROMA odor, smell
arti-st ARTI art
articula-ted ARTIKULA joint
arthri-tis ARTRI G joint
asylu-m ASILU G safe place
asini-ne ASINI ass, donkey
associa-te ASOCIA partner
astro-nomy ASTRO G star
— NOMI G theory
attend, wait ATENDE wait, delay
— NON-A prompt
attitude ATITUDE mood
atri-um ATRIO G hall, court
atro-cious ATRO black
audi-ence AUDI hear, listen
aurora AURORA dawn
bore-alis BOREO G north
auto-bio-graphy AUTO G own, self
— BIO G life
— GRAFO G write
Austra-lia AUSTRA G south
auxi-liary AUXI help
avant-age AVANTI forward
p. 27:
avari-cious AVARI greedy
avi-ary AVI bird
axi-s AXI axis, axle
baby BABI baby
baci-llus BACI rod, staff
balcony BALKONI balcony
bank BANKA bank
baptize BAPTI G dip
baro-meter BARO G press
— METRI G measure
basi-s BASI G grounds, reason
bathy-sphere BATO G deep
— NO-BATO shallow
im-bibe BIBE drink
bible BIBLI G book
billet, ticket BILETA ticket
bio-logy BIO G life
— LOGI G understand
blad-e BLADA knife, dagger
blast-ula BLASTO G bud
bombasti-c BOMBASTI boast
bol-us BOLU G ball
bomb BOMBA bomb, shell
— STA BOMBA a mine
bon-us BONI good
bore-al BOREO G north, -ern
boutique BOTEKA shop
bottle BOTILIA bottle
bovi-ne BOVI ox
— FE-/ AN-BOVI cow, bull
— BABI-BOVI calf
em-brace BRAKI G arm
ab-brevi-ate BREVI short
bryo-logy; em-bryo BRIO G moss, swell
— abound, teem
Bronto-saurus BRONTO G thunder, explode
— SAURU G lizard
brush BROSA brush
brun-ette BRUNO brown
bucca-l BUKA cheek
bulbo-us BULBO bulb
boil, bub-le BULI boil, bubble
buro, office BURO office
bursa-ry BURSA purse
butt, aim, purpose BUTA aim, purpose
button BUTONA button
bu-tter BU-TIRI G ox-cheese = butter
p. 28:
— NB. Glosa C pronounced as Eng. CH
— **
chart CARTA map, chart
domi-cile DOMI-CARTA house-plan
chas-e CASA chase, hunt
cede CEDE yield
celebra-te CELEBRA celebrate
ac-celera-te CELERA quick, speed
re-cepti-on CEPTI receive
search, circling CERKA seek, search
cereals CEREALI cereals
a certain … U CERTA … a certain …
ceru-men CERU wax
cervica-l CERVIKA neck
cis-Alpine CI here
this = the here U-CI the-here = this
plu-ral PLU-CI these
cyano-sis CIANO blue
cycle CIKLO cycle, wheel
super-cili-ous CILIA eyelash
— SUPRACILIA eyebrow
circulati-on CIRKULATI traffic
civi-c CIVI citizen
civil CIVILI civil, polite
civiliza-tion CIVILIZA civilize
city CIVITA city
— -CO (Italian) the just-said
Ptero-dactyl PTERO G. wing
— DAKTILI G finger
di-dacti-c DAKTI teach
de DE about
debi-t DEBI ought to
— PA DEBI should have
— FU DEBI shall have to
— DEFEKTI defect, fault
defecti-ve NO-DEFEKTI all right, perfect
defi-ant DEFI challenge defy
Deino-saur DEINO G terrible
— SAURU G lizard
deco-rous DEKO seemly, dec-ent
delicat-e DELIKATE delicate
demo-crat DEMO G people
— KRATI G govern, rule
demonstra-te DEMONSTRA prove, demonstrate
Rhodo- RODO G rose, pink
dendro-n DENDRO G tree
p. 29:
derma-titis DERMA G skin
desert DESERTA desert
describe DESKRIBE describe
detecti-ve DETEKTI find
dextro-us DEXTRO right-hand
di-ary DI day
dia-meter DIA G through
— METRI G measure
diaboli-cal DIABOLI G devil, diabolical
dial DIALI dial
dic-ta-te DICE say, tell, speak
— DIKTA dictate
diffusi-on DIFUSI broadcast
digi-t DIGI finger
diluti-on DILUTI dilute
dyna-mo DINA G force, compel
— PER DINA G by force
— DINAMO G power
diplo-id DIPLO G double
directi-on DIREKTI direct-ion
disci-ple DISCI G learn
dissipa-te DISIPA waste
disko DISKO disk, plate
disputa-tion DISPUTA quarrel
dista-nt DISTA distant, far
distribu-te DISTRIBU distribute
divi-nation DIVI bet
divi-na-tion DIVI-NA bet, guess
divide DIVIDE divide, share
— BI-DIVIDE even
doci-le DOCI teach
domi-cile DOMI, -DO house, building
— PATO-DO hospital
domina-te DOMINA dominate
dona-te DONA give
dorsa-l DORSA back, dorsal
drama DRAMA act
— DRAMA-FE actress
hippo- HIPO G horse
drome DROMO G run, race
du-ration DU -ing
— PA DU RIDI was laughing
— FU DU RIDI will be laughing
dura-tion DURA continue, still
dubi-table DUBI doubt
con-duc-t DUCE lead, priority
— NO-DUCE secondary
dur-ing DURANTO while, during
dulo-sis DULO G slave
p. 30:
e-t cetera E and
educa-tion EDUKA educate
efficie-nt EFICIE efficient
egotisti-c EGOTISTI G selfish
eco- EKO G dwell, -ing
nomy NOMI G theory, laws
elasti-c ELASTI G spring
electi-on ELEKTI electi-on
elektro-nic ELEKTRO electricity
elementa-ry ELEMENTA elementary
emotio-n EMOTIO emotion
energy ENERGI G energy
enigma-tic ENIGMA G puzzle
encounter ENKONTRA meet
dys-enter-y ENTERO G intestine
Eo-lithi-c EO G dawn
— LITO stone
epi-taph EPI G on
— TAFO G tomb
equal EQA is + noun
equilibrium EQILIBRI balance
equ-estrian EQUS horse
en-erg-y ERGO G work
erythro-cyte E-RIT-RO G red
— red
-cyte KITO G cell
erro-r ERO mistake
i.e. - id es ID ES it is
espionage ESPIO spy
an-esthe-tic AN G not, un-
— ESTE G feel, conscious
etio-logy ETIO G blame
— NON-ETIO innocent
— AUTO-ETIO shame, guilt
ethn-ic ETNO G race, nation
— ETIMO G true, truth
eu- EU G good, -ness
-thanasia TANASI G death
medi-eva-l MEDI middle
— EVA age, period
evide-nt EVIDE obvious
in-evita-ble EVITA avoid
evolve EVOLVE evolve
ex- EX out from
-it ITI go
iti-nera-ry ITI-NERA travel
examine EXAMINA examine
excessi-ve EXCESI excessive, too
expecta-tion EXPEKTA expect
experimenta-l EXPERIMENTA experiment
explode EXPLODE explode
extra-ct EXTRA outside
p. 31:
fa-sci-cle -FA a set, bundle
faba-ceous FABA bean
fabric FABRIKA structure
fac-tory FACE make
facia-l FACIA face
facili-ty FACILI easy
— NO-FACILI difficult
factua-l FAKTU fact
falli-ble FALI fail
falsi-fy FALSI wrong
family FAMILI family
famo-us FAMO famo-us
— NO-FAMO insignificant
— EU-FAMO glorious
fantasy FANTASI G imagine
farina-ceous FARINA flour, dust
fascina-te FASCINA fascinate
fatig-ue FATIGA tire, -d
— NO-FATIGA fresh
favo-r FAVO favor
fe-minine FE she
faeces FECI excrement
feli-ne FELI cat
fenestra-tion FENESTRA window
fenn-el FENU hay
feral FERALI feral, wild
— NO-FERALI domesticated
fermenta-tion FERMENTA ferment
trans-fer TRANS across
— FERO carry
fertili-ty FERTILI fertile
ferr-ous FERU iron
fest-ive FESTI festival
fi-lament -FI thread, wire
fili-al FILI offspring
fe-minine FE-FILI daughter
Filic-es FILICI fern
philo-sophy FILO G love
— SOFI G wise
fini-sh FINI finish, end, finally
fisca-l FISKA tax
— MINUS F. tax-free
— EXTRA-F. customs
— IN-FISKA excise
— PE-FISKA income tax
— U FISKA-PE tax-collector
fissu-re FISU crack
fix FIXA fix tight, firm
flagella-te FLAGELA whip
in-fla-te FLA blow
flacci-d FLACI floppy
p. 32:
flavor FLAVORO flavor
fkexi-ble FLEXI bend
flocc-ulate FLOKA flake
flori-st FLORI flower
flu-ent FLU flow
fluid FLUIDI fluid
fluvia-l FLUVIA river
phob-ia FOBO G fear
focu-s FOKU focus, centre
folia-ge FOLIA leaf
tele-phone TELE far, distant
— FONO G sound
per-fora-te FORA hole
form FORMA form, shape
formic acid FORMIKA ant
forti-fy FORTI; FO- intense
fortuna-te FORTUNA chance
— BONI-F. fortunate
— MALI-F. un-fortunate
— FO-F. probable
fossi-l FOSI dig
photo- FOTO G
graphy GRAFI G light
— -draw
— NO-FOTO dark, -ness
— MESO-FOTO dim, twilight
dia-phragm DIA G across
— FRAGMA G barrier, hedge
fract-ure FRAKTI break
— NO-GE-FRAKTI un-broken
frater-nity FRATRI brother
frequent FREQE often
fria-ble FRIA crumble
frigi-d FRIGI cold
fric-tion FRIKA rub, wipe
fructi-vorous FRUKTI fruit
frustra-te FRUSTRA disappoint
fu-ture FU shall; fu-ture
fugi-tive FUGI flee
fumi-gate FUMI fumes, smoke
funda-ment-al FUNDA bottom
fungus FUNGU fungus
functio-n FUNKTIO function, useful
bi-furka-tion FURKA fork
furna-ce FURNA oven, bake
con-fuse FUSI pour
fusio-n FUSIO fusion
p. 33:
Gaia, geo-logy GAIA G Gaia
yell GAL-INA chicken
bi-gamy GAME G marry
— U GAME-PE a spouse
— NO-GE-GAME un-married
gas GASI gas
gastro- GASTRO G stomach
nomy NOMI G theory
gazette GAZETA periodical
gem GEMA bud, gem
hydro- HIDRO G water
gen GENE G get, receive
— PA GENE got
— GE- got-
geli-d, gl-acier GELI freeze
geneti-c GENETI G inherit
general GENERALI general
genu-flect GENU knee
geo- GEO G earth
graphy GRAFI G write
gyra-te GIRA G rotate, whirl
glabro-us GLABRO smooth
glacia-l GLACIA ice
gland GLANDI acorn gland
glen-oid GLENA socket
gliss-ando (mus.) GLISA slip, slide
glossa-ry GLOSA G tongue, language
gluco-se GLUKO G sweet, nice
— NO-GLUKO un-pleasant
glume GLUMA chaff, husk
glutto-n GLUTO swallow
tri- TRI G three
gono- GONO G angle, corner
metry METRI G measure
tele-graph TELE G far, distant
— BRAKI-GONO elbow
— PODA-GENO knee
— IN GE-GONO dove-tailed
gradu-ally GRADU pace, step
geo-graphy GRAFO write
tele-gram GRAMA G letter
— GRAM-AMI G pen-friend
grammatica-l GRAMATIKA G grammar
grand GRANDI grand, noble
grati-tude GRATIA thanks
gratis GRATIS without payment
con-gratula-te GRATULA congratulate
gravi-ty GRAVI heavy, serious, especially
— NO-GRAVI un-important
gravita-te GRAVITA gravity
p. 34:
gravit-y GRAVITA gravity
grega-rious GREGA party, a society
— GREGA-VOLU sociable
— ANTI-GREGA opposition party
pro- PRO forward towards
gress GRESI walk
guard GUARDIA guard
gutt-er GUTA a drop
have HABE have, possess
habitu-al HABITU habit
hagio-latry HAGIO G sacred
— HAGIO-PE saint
— LATRI worship
hedo-nist HEDO G pleasure
helico-pter HELIKA G helix
— PTERO G wing
helio-trope HELI, TROPI G sun, turn
— HELI-RADIA sun-shine, -rays
hemo-rrhage HEMA G blood
— RAGI G burst forth
hapa-titis HEPA G liver
ad-hesi-ve HESI stick, -y
hetero-dox HETERO-DOXO G different-opinion
hia-tus HIAO G yawn
hydro- HIDRO G water
gen GEN gen-erator
hier-archy HIERI-ARKI G priests-govern
hyper- HIPER G over, above
hypo-dermi-c HIPO G below
hyster-ec-tomy HISTERA G womb
— EK G out
— TOMI G cut
histo-logy HISTO G tissue, weave
histori-cal HISTORI G history, story
hol-istic medicine HOLO G whole, complete, -ly
homi-cide HOMI a person
— CIDE kill
homo-gen-eous HOMO G same
Hordea (Bot.) HORDEA barley
horizo-ntal HORIZO G lie, horizontal
hormo-ne HORMO G urge, stir up
horo-logist HORO G hour, time
horti-culture HORTI garden, park
hospi-tality HOSPI guest
hospita-lity HOSPITA entertain
humidi-ty HUMIDI moist, damp
p. 35:
psych-iatry IATRI G doctor, heal
i. e. = id es-t ID ES it is
idea IDEA G idea, thought
idio-m IDIO G unique, private
igni-te IGNI fire
ignora-nt IGNORA not know
ichn-eumon IKNO G track, footprint
icono-clast IKONO G image, idol
— KLASTI G smash
ichthy-ology IKTI G fish
imagina-tion IMAGINA imagine
imbrica-te IMBRI shower of rain
— IMBRICA overlap
imita-te IMITA imitate
impact IMPAKTI stroke, blow
impedi-ment IMPEDI impede, hinder
imperio-us IMPERIO command, rule
importa-nt IMPORT be important
immuni-ty IMUNI safe, immune
in IN in
to-in AD-IN in-to
indica-te INDIKA point to, hint
industri-al INDUSTRI industry
inertia INERTI inertia
infanti-le INFANTI child
infinity INFINITI infinit-e, -y
infla-te INFLA inflate, swell
influ-ence INFLU influence
info-rmation INFO information
infra-red INFRA below, under
include INKLUDE include
insect INSEKTI insect
insignia INSIGNIA flags, badges etc
instrument INSTRUMENTA instrument, tool
insula-r INSULA island
insura-nce INSURA insura-nce
inter-val INTER between, among
interpreta-tion INTERPRETA interpret
intestina-l INTESTINA intestine, gut
p. 36:
intra-uteri-ne INTRA inside
— UTERI womb
invest INVESTI invest
in-volve INVOLVE wrap in
jot, iotai IOTA jot
irid-escent IRIDI G rainbow
iso-sceles ISO identical, equal
re-itera-te ITERA again
itinera-ry ITINERA travel
yes JA yes
ad-jace-nt JACE lie
janu-ary JANU door
pro-ject PRO forward
— JETI throw
jov-ial JOVIA jolly
ad-judica-te JUDIKA judge, decide
con-juga-l JUGA join
ab-jur-e JURA swear
justi-ce JUSTI just, -ice
ju-ve-nile JUVE young
— JU-FE girl
— JU-AN boy
be-ca-use KA as, for = be-ca-use
de-cade-nt KADE fall
caco-phony KAKO very bad, evil
calli-graphy KALI beautiful
calyx KALICI cup, calyx
calcula-te KALKULA pebble, calculate
chamae-leon KAME on ground
— LEONI lion
cambio KAMBIO exchange
camera KAMERA, -KA room
campan-ula KAMPANI bell
canali-ze KANALI canal, ditch, groove
cancel KANCELA cancel
cancer KANKERI crab, cancer
cani-ne KANI dog
cant-ata KANTA sing
capilla-ry KAPILA hair
capital KAPITALA capital
chapter KAPITULA chapter
caps-ule KAPSA parcel
capti-vate KAPTI catch
carbo-n KARBO coal
in-carcera-te KARCERA prison
cardia-c KARDIA G heart
cardina-l KARDINA hinge
cargo KARGO load
p. 37:
carni-vor-ous KARNI flesh, meat
— VORA eat
car-ess KARO X! Dear X!
carpe-t KARPE pluck, harvest
— KARPO G fruit
carp-us KARPUS wrist
card KARTA card
carton KARTONA cardboard
case-in KASEA cheese
in the case of KASO in the case of
cata-strophi-c KATA G downwards
— STROFI G turn
catena KATENA chain
cauda-l KAUDA tail
cauli-flower KAULI stalk
causa-tion KAUSA because of
caverno-us KAVERNO cave
cavit-y KAVITA cavity, hollow
— POLI KAVITA spongy, porous
cepha-lic KEFA G head
cerami-c KERAMI G clay, pottery
kerati-n KERATI G horn
ki-nema KI G go
kilo-gram KILO G thousand
kine-tic KINE G move
leuco-cyte LEUKO G white
— KITO G cell
cysti-c KISTI G cyst, bladder
clari-fy KLARI explain, clarify
classi-fy KLASI class, -ify
clavi-chord KLAVI key, to lock
— KLAVI-ME a lock
clepto-maniac KLEPTO G thieve, rob
cli-nic, re-cli-ne KLI G bed
in-clina-tion KLINA slope
clima-te KLIMA G weather
chloro-phyll KLORO G green
— FILA G leaf
— KLORO-LO oasis
in-clu-ding KLU even
in-clude KLUDE shut, close
codi-fy KODI code
cogita-te KOGITA think hard
— MEGA thoughtful
cognat-e KOGNATI relative
cockle KOKLEA snail
melan-choly MELANO G black
— KOLE G bile
co-incide KO-INCIDE co-incide
colea KOLEA sheath
collegi-ate KOLEGI college
collecti-on KOLEKTI collect
p. 38:
chole-ri-c KOLERI anger
colony KOLONI colony
columbi-ne KOLUMBI dove, pigeon
column KOLUMNI column
combina-tion KOMBINA combine
command KOMANDA command
comedy KOMEDI G comedy
commence KOMENCE begin
commerci-al KOMERCI trade, commerce
comet KOMETA G long hair
comfort KOMFORTA comfort
comica-l KOMIKA G comic-al
committee KOMITI committee
— KOMO? How?
company KOMPANI company
compari-son KOMPARI compare
compensa-te KOMPENSA compensate
competi-tion KOMPETI compete
ac-compli-sh KOMPLI accomplish
complica-tion KOMPLIKA complicate
composi-tion KOMPOSI compose
communi-ty KOMUNI sharing
communica-te KOMUNIKA communicate
concessi-on KONCESI lease
counsel KONSILI advise
conditio-n KONDITIO condition
confessi-on KONFESI confess
— GE-KONFESI admittedly
conformi-ty KONFORMI conform
confusi-on KONFUSI confuse
con-gru-ent GRU fit, adapt
concho-logy KONKO shell
conifero-us KONIFERO Conifer
confisca-te KONFISKA confiscate
conflu-ence KONFLU conflu-ence
confusi-on KONFUSI mix
concavi-ty KONKAVI concave
consist KONSISTE stand firm
consci-ous KONSKI conscious
consola-tion KONSOLA console
consume KONSUME consume
contextu-al KONTEXTU context
continenta-l KONTINENTA continent
ac-count KONTO account
contra-dic-t KONTRA opposite
control KONTROLA control
convexi-ty KONVEXI convex
Cope-pod KOPA oar, row
copula-te KOPULA to mate
p. 39:
coryna KORINA G club, bat
coryza KORIZA cold in head
cosmo-naut KOSMO G world, universe
— NAUTI G sailor
cosmeti-c KOSMETI-C cosmetic
costa-l, coast KOSTA rib, side, coast
cotton KOTONA cotton
cush-ion KOXA hip, thigh
crania-l KRANIA G skull, cranium
crater KRATERA G basin
pluto-crat PLUTO G rich
— KRATI G govern
credi-ble KREDI believe
credit KREDITO credit, lend
cresce-ndo KRESCE grow
crest KRESTA crest
creta-ceous KRETA chalk
dis-cri-minate KRI to separate
cribri-form KRIBRI sieve
crypti-c KRIPTI G hide
chrys- KRISO G golden
anth-emum ANTO G flower
crisi-s KRISI G crisis
crysta-l KRISTA G frost
crystalli-ne KRISTALI G ice
critici-ze KRITICI G criticize
— AUTO-KRITICI conscience
— NO-KRITICI undiscriminating
poly-chrome POLI G many
— KROMA G colors
syn- SIN G with, together
chron-ize KRON G instant
pre- PRE-KRON early
po-st PO-KRON late
cruci-fix KRUCI cross
cubi-c KUBI cube
cook KUKO cook
cucumber KUKURBI cucumber
coulter, cutlery KULTELA knife
culti-vate KULTI care for, tend
— GE-KULTI culti-vated
re-cumbe-nt KUMBE lie down
ac-cumu-late KUMU heap
cune-iform KUNE wedge
cupra KUPRA copper, Cu
cura-tor KURA care, concern, wary
— AUTO-KURA self-interested
— NO-KURA careless, indifferent
— PRE-KURA pre-caution
curv-ature KURVA curve
— EX-KURVA convex
— IN-KURVA concave
p. 40:
ce livre-la (Fr.) LA there
— U-LA the-there = that
labia-l LABIA lip
labor LABORI labor, work
lacrimo-se LAKRIMA tear (weeping)
lactii-c acid LAKTI milk
lake LAKU lake
echo-lali-a LALI G chatter
lamina-ted LAMINA slice, plate
lamp LAMPA G lamp
lan-olin LANA wool
land LANDA land
de-lapida-ted LAPIDA stone
re-lapse LAPSE slip, slide
larva LARVA larva
laisser faire! LASE let
latex LATICI rubber, latex
ido-latry LATRI G worship
lat-eral LATU side
laud LAUDA praise, esteem
— NO-LAUDA disapproval
— MEGA LAUDA admire, eulogy
— FALSI LAUDA flattery
— U L. GRAFO testimonial
lava-tory LAVA wash
re-lax LAXA loose
lega-l LEGA law
— NO-LEGA illegal
— ANTI-LEGA crime, criminal
— U LEGA PROMISE legal contract
— U LEGA-DO a law court
legumi-nous LEGUMI peas, beans
lect-ure LEKTO read
lenti-cular LENTI lens
lento (music) LENTO slow
Lepido-ptera LEPIDO G scale
— PTERO G wing
lepton (atom) LEPTO G slender
leuk-em-ia LEUKO G white
— (H)EMO G blood
e-leva-tor LEVA lift, raise
al-levia-te LEVIA light (weight)
laevo-rotatory LAEVO left-hand
liabili-ty LIABILI responsible
libe-rate LIBE free
— NO-LIBE dependent
— LIBE-TEM leisure
— U LIBE-DI a holiday
p. 41:
equi-libr-ium LIBRA a balance, scales
— LIBELA level
— DELIBERA weigh in mind
liberal LIBERALI generous
— NO-LIBERALI mean-minded
libido LIBIDO desire, lust
liga-ture LIGA tie, bind
ligni-n LIGNI wood
lick LIKO G lick
pre-limina-ry PRE before
— LIMINA threshold
limit LIMITA limit, bound, rather
s-lim-e LIMO G mud
— LIMAX snail
lim-no-logy LIMNO G marsh, lake
line LINE line, stripe
lin-en LINUM flax
lingu-ist LINGUA tongue, language
rele-linqui-sh LINQI leave behind
lipo-id LIPO G fat (chem.)
liqui-d LIQI liquid
ana-lysi-s LISI G to separate
litora-l LITORA shore
litera-l LITERA letter (abc)
paleo-lith-ic PALEO G old
— LITO G stone
lo-ca-l LOKA place, put
bio-logy BIO G life
— LOGI G understand
logica-l LOGIKA G to reason
longi-tude LONGI long, length
lose LOSE lose
lubrica-te LUBRIKA to oil
luci-d LUCI clear, transparent
re-lucta-nt LUKTA struggle
lumi-nous LUMI light
luna-r LUNA moon
ma-teria-l -MA ma-terial, stuff
ma-jority MA more
magica-l MAGIKA G magic
magneti-c MAGNETI G magnet-ism
machine MAKINA G machine
im-macula-te MAKULA spot, stain
mallea-ble MALEA hammer
mali-cious MALI bad
mamma-l MAMA female breast
p. 42:
morn-ing MANA morning
7 morn-ing SETI-MANA 7 morning, week
mandible, jaw MANDIBULA jaw
manu-fac-ture MANU hand
Margar-et MARGARI pearl
mari-ne MARI sea
margina MARGINA edge, curb
marsu-pial MARSU G pocket
mass-ive MASI mass
massage MASAGE massage
mathema-tics MATEMA G learn-ing, lesson
material MA-TERIA matter
matri-arch MATRI mother
— ARCHI G authority, rule
matin-s MATINA morning
matur-e MATURA ripe, mature
maxi-mum MAXI most, -est
-me-chani-c -ME, MEKANI G machine, device
meander MEANDRO G wander
media MEDIA media (info)
medica-l MEDIKA medical
medio-cre MEDIO average
mediu-m MEDIU medium (spirit)
mega-lith MEGA G big
— LITO G stone
di-mi-nish MEI G less
melan-choly MELANO G black
— KOLE G bile, -chole
melli-flu-ous MELI G FLU honey
melody MELO-DI G song
a-melorate MELIORA improve
memo-ry MEMO remember
meno-pause MENO G month
— PAUSA G pause, stop
me-asure MENSA counter
menta-l MENTA mind
sub-merge MERGE dive
merit-orious MERITO deserve
merc-antile MERKA buy
poly-mer POLI G many
— MERO G bit, piece
mercury MERKURI messenger
meso-potamia MESO G middle, between
— POTAMI G river
meta-boli-sm META after, change
metalli-c METALI G metal
metri-c METRI G measure
mi MI I, me, my
— U-MI mine
p. 43:
mica MIKA crumb, chip
micro-scope MIKRO-SKOPE tiny-observe, look at
military MILITA war, battle, strife
— IN-MILITA revolt, mutiny
— VIA MILITA street brawl
mine MINA mine (coal etc)
mini-mum MINI least
minus MINUS without, lack
minut-e MINUTA minute
mira-cle MIRA wonder, amazement
— … NO-MIRA ordinary
myria-d MIRIA myriad
mis- MIS- mis-, wrongly
missile MISILI missile
mis- MISO G hate, hostile
anthrop-ist ANTROPO G (wo)mankind
— FO-MISO loathe
mysteri-ous MISTERI G mystery
mix MIXA mix
mobili-ty MOBILI & -MO furniture
mode MODE way, fashion
model MODELA model
molecula-r MOLEKULA molecule
moll-usc MOLI soft
moneta-ry MONETA coin
monito-r MONITO warn, advise
de-monstra-te MONSTRA show
Monte Carlo MONTI mountain
morda-nt MORDA bite
morali-ze MORALI moral
mor-al, more-s MORE custom, habit
morta-l MORTA death
moti-on MOTI move, put
motiva-te MOTIVA motivate
mu-ltitude MU they, them, their
muc-us MUCI slime, mucus
multipli-cation MULTIPLI multiply
mura-l MURA wall
musica-l MUSIKA G music
moss MUSKI moss
muscula-r MUSKULA muscle
muta-tion MUTA change
mutua-l MUTUA reciprocal
na-m (Rus,) NA we, us, our
narco-tic NARKO G drunk
nasa-l NASA nose
nati-ve NATI birth
p. 44:
natio-n NATIO natio-n
nature NATURA Nature
nauti-cal NAUTI sea-man
navy NAVI ship, boat
ne-gative NE not
nebu-la NEBU mist, fog
nece-ssary NECE must, have to
— PA/ FU NECE had to/ will have to
nepho-logy NEFO cloud
nega-tive NEGA behave negatively
negoti-ate NEGOTI do business
necto-n NEKTO G swim
neo-lith-ic NEO G LITO new - stone
nephro-logy NEFRO kidney
nervo-us NERVO nerve
poly-nesia POLY-NESIA many- islands
neutra-l NEUTRA neutral
nexu-s NEXU nexus, tie, net-work
nei-ther … n-or NI … NI neither … nor
nicti-tate NIKTI G wink
nidi-fic-ation NIDI nest
— FIK = FACE make
de-nigra-te NIGRA black
nymph NIMFA G nature goddess
Neva-da NIVI snow
No! NO! No!
no- NO- forms opposites
nod-e NODI knot
noctu-rnal NOKTU night
in-noc-ent NOKU harm, damage
— NO-NOKU harmless
eco-nomy EKO G dwell
— NOMI theory
nomina-te NOMINA name
norma-l NORMA normal, standard
— NO-NORMA unorthodox
not-e NOTA note
nov-el NOVA news item
now NU now
nudi-ty NUDI bare, naked
nuc-leus NUKI nut
nuclea-r NUKLEA nucleus
nulli-fy NULI nulli, -fy, cancel
numera-l NUMERA count
pro-nuncia-tion NUNCI announce
nupti-als NUPTI marriage ceremony
nuta-tion NUTA nod
p. 45:
obe-y OBE obey
obesi-ty OBESI fat, obese
occide-nt OCIDE west-ern
odio-us ODI hate
odoro-us ODORO smell, odor
offer OFERE offer
— NON-OFERE withhold
occasio-nal OKASIO opportunity
ocu-list OKU eye
petr-ole-um PETRO, OLE G rock, oil
olfac-tory OLFACE smell
olig-archy OLIGO, ARKI G few, rule
— ARKI G rule
opini-on OPINI opine
oppressi-on OPRESI oppress
ordina-l ORDINA to grade, rank
organi-c ORGANI G organ
organism ORGANIMSO G organism
ori-gin ORI G to rise
orienta-l ORIENTA G east
origi-n ORIGI G origin
orna-te ORNA decorate
ortho-dox ORTO, DOXO G upright, opinion
or-al OS mouth, face
oscilla-te OSCILA oscillate
in-oscula-te OSKU(LA) kiss
osteo-pathy OSTEO, PATOL G bone, sick
ostrac-ize OSTRAKA G shell
otio-se OTIO idle
oti-tis OTI G ear
ova-l OVA egg
ovi-ne OVI(S) sheep
oxy-gen OXI sharp
oxydi-ze OXIDI G oxydize, rust
pa-st PA past, did, -ed
paci-fy PACI peace
pa-y PAGA pay (paci-fies)
pagina-tion PAGINA page
pachy-derm PAKI- DERMA G thick, fat- skin
paleo-lith-ic PALEO-LITO G old, stone
pali-sade PALI post, stake
palpa-te PALPA examine by touch
paluda-l PALUDA marsh
pan-orama PAN(TO) all, every
— PANTO-PE every-body
— PANTO-RA every-thing
Papilio- PAPILIO butterfly
p. 46:
paper PAPIRA paper
para-site PARA-SITO beside-food
para-lysi-s PARA-LISI G at side-loosen
pardo-n PARDO forgive
pare-nta-l PARE give birth
— PARENTA parent
pass PASA pass
participa-te PARTICIPA participate
pastor PASTORA shepherd
sym-pathy SIM, PATO with, suffer
patri-arch PATRI, ARKI G father, rules
pecca-dillo PEKA sin
pe-rsona-l PE-RSONA; -PE person
ped-estrian PEDI foot
pectina-te PEKTINA comb
pelica-n PELEKI G axe
pende-nt PENDE hang
pen-insula PENE, INSULA almost, island
penis PENIS tail, brush, penis
penicilli-n PENCILA pencil
— PENICILI a brush-fungus
penite-nt PENITE sorry
dys/eu-pepsi-a PEPSI G digest
per PER by means of
perfekti-on PERFEKTI perfect
peri-scope PERI-SKOPE G around-look, search
im-pet-us PETI G rush
petitio-n PETITIO try to get
petro-oleum PETRO, OLE G rock, oil
piezo-electric PIEZO G press
calli-pyga-l KALI-PIGA G beautiful buttocks
— KALI-PIGA G beautiful buttocks
pica-dor PIKA prick, pierce
picr-ic acid PIKRO G bitter
picto-rial PIKTO picture
pinna-te PINA feather
pyrami-d PIRAMI G pyramid
pyr-us PIRUS G pear
pyro-technic PIRO G fire
pisci-ne PISKI fish
pla-teau PLA shelf
please PLACE please
plac-enta PLAKA cake, slab
p. 47:
plac-enta PLAKA cake, slab
plankto-n PLANKTO G float
plan-e PLANO flat
planta PLANTA plant
plasti-c PLASTI G shape, mould
plati-tude PLATI flat, wide
ple-nty PLE full, fill
pleio-cene PLEIO G more (number)
pleisto-cene PLEISTO G most (number)
solar plexu-s PLEXU interweaving, net
com-plica-ted PLIKA fold
plu-ral PLU more than one
— PLU-CI these = the-here
— PLU-LA those = the-there
— PLURA several
plum-e PLUMA feather
plumb-er PLUMBA lead
plus PLUS additional
pluto-crat PLUTO-KRATI G rich-govern
pluvio-meter PLUVI rain
— METRI G measure
pneumo-nia PNEUMO G breathe
pneumon-ia PNEUMATI G lungs
pre-po-st-erous PRE-PO before-after
tri-pod PODA G leg, limb
poe-sy, poe-try POEIA G create
— POESI G poetry
pola-r POLA pole (geog.)
mono-pol-y POLE G sell
polemi-c POLEMI G war, dispute
poly-techni-c POLI-TEKNO G many-skills
polic-e POLICA G police
polio POLIO G grey
metro-polita-n METRO G mother
— POLITA G city
politica-l POLITIKA G politics
pome-grana-te POME-GRANA apple-seed
ponde-rous PONDE weigh
pont-oon PONTI bridge
porno-graphy PORNO-GRAFO.G prostitute-write
— GRAFO G write
porta-l PORTA door
possi-bly POSI perhaps, might
posta-l POSTA post, mail
postula-te POSTULA suppose
hippo-potamus HIPO-POTAMO G horse-river
— POTAMO G river
poste-rior POSTE behind
pote-nt POTE able, can
pove-rty POVE poor
p. 48:
post-prandi-al PRANDI dinner
praxi-s PRAXI practise
pre-vious PRE before
preca-rious PREKA pray
preci-ous PRECI price
premi-um PREMI prize
precise PRECISE precise
prepara-tion PREPARA prepare
pressu-re PRESU press
privileg-e PRIVILEGI a right, privilege
pro PRO in favor of
proba-ble PROBA prove
produce PRODUCE produce
profund-ity PROFUNDA deep
program PROGRAMA program
proli-fic PROLI offspring
promise PROMISE promise
propaga-te PROPAGA propagate
propos-e PROPOSI propose
proprie-tor PROPRIE to own
prosa-ic PROSA prose
protesta-tion PROTESTA protest, grumble
proto-type PROTO..G first
ap-proxi-mate PROXI near
pruri-ent PRURI itch
psal-m PSALO G pluck (music)
psepho-logy PSEFO G pebble = vote
pseudo-nym PSEUDO G false
psycho-logy PSIKO G mind
helico-pter HELIKO G helix
— PTERO G wing
publica-tion PUBLIKA publish
im-pude-nt PUDE shame, disgust
pueri-le PUERI child
pugna-cious PUGNA fight
pulmona-ry PULMO lung
puls-e PULSA pulse
pulve-rize PULVE dust, powder
pulv-ina PULV-INA pillow
punge-nt PUNGE sting
puni-sh PUNI punish
punctu-ation PUNKTU dot
puri-fy PURI pure, clean
pusi-ll-animous PUSI little
— ANIMA mind, soul
com-pute-r PUTA think
— PUTA-ME com-put-er
p. 49:
qua QA in character of
quadra-ngle QADRA square, frame
qualit-y QALITA quality
quantit-y QANTITA quantity
quant-ity QANTO? How much/ many?
que-stion QE? begins Yes/No qst.
qu-estion QESTIO question, inquisitive
words …, QI …, who (Rel. prn)
— QO? What …?
— QO-KA? Why = What-ca-use
— QO-TE? Why = What-aim
— QOD what = that which
ReAl RA thing
rabi-es RABI mad
radi-cal RADI root
radia-te RADIA radiate
radio RADIO radio
rami-fy RAMI branch
rapidi-ty RAPIDI rapid
rap-e RAPI seize
razor RAZO scrape
ratio RATIO rate, ratio
react REAKTI react
reali REALI real
research RECERKA research
recess RECESI recess
reflecti-on REFLEKTI reflect
regi-me REGI ruler
recti-linear REKTI straight
registra-tion REGISTRA record
relati-on RELATI relation
relativi-ty RELATIVI relative
religio-n RELIGIO religion
ad-rena-l RENA kidney
rentier RENTIERA rentier
dia-rrhea REO G flow, current
repara-tion REPARA repair, cure
report REPORTA report
represent REPRESENTA represent
repti-le REPTI creep, crawl
residu-e RESIDU remainn
resista-nce RESISTA resist, strong
repect RESPEKTO respect
respira-tion RESPIRA breathe
repond RESPONDE answer
rest RESTA stay behind
reti-na RETI net-work
p. 50:
retro-spec-t RETRO-SPEKU backwards-look
rigidi-ty RIGI rigi-d
ridi-cule RIDI laugh
rhino-cero-s RINO-KERO G nose-horn
risk RISKO danger
ritu-al RITU rite, ceremony
rivu-let RIVU stream
rhizo-me RIZO G root
inter-roga-te ROGA ask
rode-nt RODE gnaw
rhodo- RODO rose
dendro-n DENDRO G tree
roll ROLA roll
romance ROMANCE romance
romanti-c ROMANTI romantic
ros-e ROSA pink, rose
rostru-m ROSTRU beak
rota-te ROTA wheel
2-rota-te BI-ROTA bi-cycle
round RONDO round
inst-ru-ment RU instRUment, tool
ruby RUBI red
rude-ral RUDE rubbish
cor-ruga-ted RUGA rough
ruptu-re RUPTU break
rura-l RURA country (not town)
sadi-st SADI cruel
sadisti-c SADISTI hunter
sagitta SAGITA arrow
sack SAKA sack
sacr-ed SAKRA sacred
sali-ne SALI salt
salmo-n SALMO salmon
in-sult SALTA jump
saluta-tion SALUTA saluta
salva-tion SALVA save
sani-tation SANI healthy
Homo sapi-ens SAPI wise
sapo-naceous SAPO soap
sapro-phyte SAPRO-FITO G rot-plant
sati-sfy SATI enough
se-lf SE se-lf
sed SED but
sed-entary SEDI sit
seis-mo-logy SEISO G shake
sec-tion SEKA cut
secretary SEKRETARI secretary
p. 51:
sema-phore SEMA G gesture, sign
— FERO carry
— OKU-SEMA wink
— TIPO-SEMA punctuation mark
seman-tics SEMANI G mean
sensi-tive SENSI sense
sensitivi SENSITIVI sensitive
sensua-l SENSUA sensual
con-seque-nce SEQE follow, result
seri-es SERI list, series
servi-ce SERVI serve
severe-ty SEVERI strict, severe
sexu SEXU sex
si SI if
— SIO would (-if)
sibila-te SIBILA whistle
de-sicca-ted SIKA dry
signifi-cant SIGNIFI mean
Penn-sylva-nia SILVA wood, forest
simia SIMIA monkey, ape
sym-pathy SIMPATI G sympathy
sympto-n SIMPTO G clue, sympton
simula-te SIMULA simulate
sistema-tic SISTEMA tidy, systematic
para-sit-e PARA G beside
— SITO G food
e-scala-tor SKALA ladder, stairs
scap-ula SKAPA shoulder
de-scen-d SKANA scan
skeleto-n SKELETO G framework
schema-tic SKEMA G plan
a-scend SKENDE climb
scene SKENI G stage (theatre)
scepti-c SKEPTI G doubt
sci-ence SKI know
— SKIENCE science
schizo-phreni-a SKIZO G split
— FRENI G mind
sclero-sis SKLERO G hard
scho-ol SKO G instruct
tele-scope SKOPE G observe
— NO-SKOPE G un-observant
scoto-phobia SKOTO G darkness
de-scribe SKRIBE write
scruti-nize SKRUTI examine closely
scute, scutt-le SKUTA shield, screen
social SOCIALI social
p. 52:
societ-y SOCIETA society
philo-sophy SOFI G wis-e, -dom
— NO-SOFI foolish, unwise
sola-r SOLA sun
solemni-ty SOLEMNI solemn
solidi-ty SOLIDI solid
solo SOLO alone
solve SOLVE solve
psycho-soma-tic SOMA G body
in-somni-a SOMNI sleep
sound, sonde SONDA probe, examine
super-soni-c SONI sound
soror-ity SORORA sister
space SPACE space
spasm SPASMO G jerk
spat-ula SPATA spade
spatula SPATULA spoon
pro-spe-r SPE hope
speci-es SPECI a kind, sort, for example
specula-te SPEKULA mirror
spend SPENDE spend
sperma SPERMA G seed
re-spira-tion SPIRA breathe
spora-dic SPORA G scatter
sport SPORTA sport
spirit SPIRITU spirit
sponta-neous SPONTA free, unbidden
sta-nd STA stand
stabili-ty STABILI stable
stagna-nt STAGNA pond
state STATO state
station STATIO to park
statue STATUA statue
status STATUS status
Stego-sauru-s STEGO G roof
— SAURU G lizard
steno-graphy STENO G narrow
— GRAFO G write
sti-mula STIMULA G excite
— STI G switch on
sto-p STO switch off
stoma-ch STOMA mouth
store STORA store
strata STRATA street
strategy STRATEGI G cunning
strepto-coccus STREPTO G twist
study STUDE study
p. 53:
stupe-fy STUPE astound
stupidi-ty STUPIDI stupid
sub-mari-ne SUB-MARI under sea
sudden SUBITO sudden
succeed SUCEDE succeed
sudo-rific SUDO sweat
su-ture SUE sew
suck SUGO suck
swi-ne SUI swi-ne, pig
succu-lent SUKU juice, succu-lent
sum SUMA sum
summari-ze SUMARI summari-ze
as-sume SUME take
supr-eme SUPRA over, upstairs
sur-e SURA sure
surface SU-FACIA sur-face
in-surge-nt SURGE rise
ta-ntamount TA so very
tab-le TABA board
tabl-e TABLA table
tabula-te TABULA table (times etc)
taci-t TACI be silent
tange-nt TANGE touch
tant-amount TANTO so much/ many
tape-stry TAPE G carpet, rug
tarsu-s TARSU ankle
taxo-nomy TAXO G classify
in-te-nd TE in order to
tea TEA tea
in-tegu-ment TEGU cover
disco-theque DISKO G disk
— TEKA G box
techno-logy TEKNO G skill, clever
archi-tect ARKI G chief
— TEKTO G build
them-e TEMA G theme, topic
tem-porary TEM time, while
— TEM DONA lend
— TEM GENE borrow
tempest TEMPESTU storm
tena-cious TENA hold, keep
in-tend TENDE aim, purpose
tensio-n TENSIO stretch, tension
tenta-tive TENTA try
theory TEORI G theory
Medi MEDI middle
terra-nean TERA Earth, soil
p. 54:
thermo-meter TERMO G heat, warm
testi-fy TESTI witness
type TIPO G type, print
tympan-um TIMPANI G drum
tocca-ta TOKA touch
tolera-nt TOLERA patient
topo-graphy TOPO G spot, place
toxi-c TOXI G poison
tracto-r TRAKTO pull
trans-fer TRANS across
trauma TRAUMA G shock
train TRENA train
tribuna-l TRIBUNA law court
trist-e TRISTI sad
troppo (music) TRO too, excessive
heli-o-trop-e HELI-TROPI G sun-turn
triticu-m TRITIKU wheat
thou, tu (Fr) du TU you
tub-e TUBI tube, pipe
tumo-r TUMO G swell, -ing
tunnel TUNELI tunnel
dis-turba-nce TURBA disturb
— NO-TURBA calm (of sea)
— GE TURBA agitated
— MEGA TURBA upheaval
— GEO TURBA earth-quake
un-ite U(N) a, the, any
ultima-te ULTIMA last
ultra-violet ULTRA beyond
ulula-te ULULA howl, wail
umbra-ge UMBRA shade, shadow
undu-late UNDU wave
ungu-lates UNGU nail, hoof, claw
uni-te UNI unite
unio-n UNIO meet
unita UNITA unit
uniformi UNIFORMI regular
universa-l UNIVERSA universa
universit-y UNIVERSITA university
a-pe-rson UNO-PE some-body
a-thing UNO-RA some-thing
ur- UR original
Urani-um URANI sky, heaven
urba-n URBA town
urina-te URINA urina-te
uteri-ne UTERI womb
uti-lize UTI use
p. 55:
vaga-bond VAGA wander
vagina VAGINA sheath, vagina
vagon VAGONA car, vehicle
vacu-um VAKU empty
vale-tudinary VALE farewell
vali VALI valley
valu-e VALU value
— VALUTA money
valv-e VALVA valve, tap
vani-ty VANI vain, worthless
vapo-r VAPO vapor, steam
rota-te VAPO-ROTA steam-turbine
va-se VASA, -VA container
vegeta-ble VEGETA vegetable
vecto-r VEKTO carry
veil VELA veil
veil VELI sail
vendo-r VENDO sell
circum-ven-t CIRKU around
— VENI come
venti-late VENTI wind
veri-ty VERI true, correct
verba-l VERBA word
vermi-celli VERMI worm
re-vers-al VERSI go back, return
in-vert VERTE upside down, inside out
wasp VESPA wasp
vesper-s VESPERA evening
vest VESTI, -VE garment
veto VETO forbid
via VIA way, road
voyage VIAGIA travel, voyage
vice-president etc VICE instead of, replace
pro- PRO forward
vide VIDE see
vigi-lant VIGI awake
p. 56:
vici-nity, -wick VIKI village, -wick
victo-ry VIKTO victory
vine, wine VINI wine
victim VIKTIMI victim
viole-nt VIOLE attack
visit VISITA visit
vista VISTA view, visible
viti-cult-ure VITI vine
vitri-ne VITRI glass
vita-l VITA life
voca-l VOKA voice
voci-ferate VOCI shout
volu-ntary VOLU want
volumi-nous VOLUMI volume
herbi-vor-ous HERBI grass, herbs
— VORA eat
vulne-rable VULNE wound
vulga-r VULGA common
vulpine VULPI fox
xantho-phyll XANTO G yellow
xeno-phile XENO G strange, foreign
— FILO G love
xylo-phone XILO G wood
ze-ro ZERO zero
— -ZE -ty in 20, 30 etc
zealo-us ZELO G enthusiastic
zygo-te ZIGO G join
en-zym-e ZIMA G yeast
zon-e ZONA, -ZO a ring
zoo-logy ZOA G animal
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